Wat TRAOCMAMC i 77. Jr aamMNT mm. mwf, inin 4 M. tuino u. the new house that you you've moved Into needs some new things don1 1 you find? Your home is where you all, stay most of the time and should not your home be the loveliest of all places? . We have many things to make homes lovely why not let it he your home? Our Furniture is moving too, because we sell it so cheap. Come to see us. Yours truly, THE ROYALL & BORDEN CO. Main Street, Opposite Citizen's National BanK. XCbc IRecorber Job ffice r Hi li Vi it i Hi Hi i id Hi. Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi ii Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi -Everything in the Printing Line ' Executed Promptly and Neatly Letter Heads, Cards, Pos ters, Envelopes, Bill Heads, Statements, Wedding Invi tations, Etc. We have a number of satisfied customers and would like to add to that list. Call to see our work Secure'our prices before you give an order for anything in our line. THE RECORDER. Durham, N. C. II) ') m id (0 j.i) fi) id (I) id id i.l) in n) f.i) id H) id ') as? "I tnut eUUermtmk to tou or tyt mad!' room. The girl ran recklessly to tic window. Tom!" "Miss Ilardlngr "Will you swear to me that you aw Innocent '" But Tom was gone. Sbe beard Urn treading viciously on the dark veran da. A moment later Daintree found ber deeply engrossed before the cbart Sbe wanted to know what tbe Rul? meant, lie told her In a tender wbls per. -What a enutiful Idea!" "Well. It wan't mine." "Wboe was !t" "My 'fervent': he made ber, end b moved her ou each day. You would have hh Id he was tbe lucky fellow bllUMrlf!" UNIVERSITY op North Carolina. 1789-1907, :D He! of the State's Kducational System. DEPARTMENTS! College I-'iiginerring Graduate U Medicine ItHtimacy Cameras end KodaRs add srrmas roa rrstsssieaal asuNm fMtafrvMr ffi Carrj i Fill Itai if KODAKS ni SUPPLIES We Da Ik Qalclast. Cheapest aad lattrrintlajaa DmUpla! IkJrWrile for Booklet and price. We can nave you both time and money Tbe Durtam Photo Snpplj Co. Oipetlta P. 0. DU1BAH. W.C 80 V EARS' EXPERIENCE Mhrary contains 45.000 volume. New water work, electric light, central heat- inn system. New dotmilorir., gymus-1 iniiii V. M C. A. building, library. 72 Students. 74 In Faculty. The Tall term begins Sept. 9, 1907. Addresa Frances P. Venable, PBKSIDKNT. Chapel Hill, -IN'orth Carolina.! nttt M ATI CKaiana I'alwu UUwl lSmh Mann t Twv' nMl motif, Hhm Scientific Jlraerican. lmn ft trM-n J?'"T'i .IllJii CHAPTER XXIX. "tTIR breeze bad freshened; thera were white wisps In tbe blue above and tiny crests upon tbe blue below. It was early morn ing, and Tout, having waited ftdnilra bly overnight, was .setting tbe break fast table when bis master came In plowing from the morning dip. As rule they bathed together: this excep tion was their first Tbey bad not f token since the previous evening, but here was Lmlutree In a glow for more causes than salt water and fresh air. and a glance told tbe other that be was forgiven. Well, Thomas, will yon listen to me another timet Neither lady has the allghtest Idea who you ore." "I am thankful to bear you say so, said Tom. laying the knives. Lady Starkie never set eyes on you itefore. I reel certain tuat jnss Harding dnen t know you from Adam Don't you tbink it was rather vain of you to Imagine that she wouldr "I was afraid of It. sir. aald Tom "that was all." "And very natural, too. said his master kindly. "I onite enter Into your embarrassment and only fear aid more than t meant In the heat of the moment last night. Ton must for give me. Thomas. I was unpleasant for you. I admit, but yon won't mind another day of It. will youT One more day will end It-for tbe present" The swarthy countenance waa more radiant than ever. Tom waa non plused. "Only one more day?" Tor the prewnt." repeated Pain tree. "The ladles return to Sydney this afternoon. They go to the Pul tener. Khali I tell yoo wby-shall I tell yon why?" And now one man was on fire, hut the other felt a chill run down him as he nodded his head, n could not apeak. "IVcause It'a to be at once!" fried tlalntree. heslde himself with Joy, "Roean a sieclal license la to be had bt paying fr It. so why on earth should we wait for banns? My boy, we nball married by tbe end of the week Only think of It! I can't tie He ve It myself. It'a weeks sooner than I dared to hope. Rut women are all alike. Tbe very best of 'em. Thomas. will take you by surprise If they ran. What do you think? I'd tell this to no other living man. When I met her on hoard no day waa too distant, and be fore we said good night It couldn't he too soon!" Tbe fine yea glistened; the deep Tolce shook. There waa no doubt about this man a lore, nut Tom was thinking of his darker side, and It had never seemed so dark before, for never before had he allowed himself to dwell npon It without shame. Now this waa t duty. The point of view waa change!. and the regrettable In Tom'a benefac tor tiecame the Intolerab'e In Claire' husband. Could she be happy with so dangerous a combination of the, spoilt child and the unscrupulous tyrant? Would aba be, safe? Tom sweated with the thought. It waa horribly en tangled with that of bis debt to Dain tree. Yet for all that waa la hla heart the fitting and conventional speech passed hla Hp, and he found himself shaking tbe other by the hand. "Congratulate me?" cried Dalntrea. "I ahould think you did! Ton have only to see her to know how happy he will make me. 8h la a sweet true, unselfish girl. Rh hat tieauty and goodness and strong common sense. Khe can appreciate and admire and understand. Fh U the poets Ideal. I havt loen longing for her all mv life. And then her manner! She will le a leader of aoclety when I come to my own. Xea, Thomas, yon may well congratulate me. Hhe is g.- lug to nmke me the very hap:lint o men. I can ; her now-rrlona or ti e wita, pn"'.ivn:i:r.K of nil the nits, griitbus queen :f rn ideal salon when the ex ile returau t hlj own." And doubtless lie could bIro see him- self-as Tcin could sen him swelling with happiness and pride and Katisfae tion. ller Imjmtiiess he appeared to take for granted. U might bo unfair to say tliaf !m uever thought cf It at all. bur be very seldom spoke of It even to Claire. Tom was in aud out at breakfast He contrived to he out as much as possible J Her face tortured hlin. He saw niarUrf like bruises ber.eat'u t'.:e lustrous eyes thut never looked bis way. He noted the nervous effort of her conversation while he was present. ISut after breakfast, when he must have met her face to face on the veran da, she turned her back upou him n a manner not only pointed, but barbed. Aud for uwhile his compassion desert ed ului altogether. Claire was indeed not herself. Her indisposition became more aud mow transparent, aud when she ultimately cou Ceased to n perfectly sleepless night Daiutree put it down to her great hap piness and was the first to Insist that she should "run away and rest" till luncheon. Lady Starkie, on the othet band, made herself extremely comfort able, qui'e doting ou the harbor aud Rose buy. while she declared that she had seldom felt better In her life. Nev ertheless when her host began reading her bis poems a f aintuess overcame the lady before he had got very far. It was quite inexplicable and most disap pointing, but she feared that both Claire at;d herself were still smTering from be effects of the atrocious table on board that horrible ship. So LaJy Starkle followed Claire upstairs, with the poems, which she took care tc leave there when she came down again It was 11 little hard on Daintree. but he was now much too tappy to be readily depressed or vexed. His ram pant spirits sought relief In activity, tnd be galloped off to Sydney to securf rooms r.t the Tulteuey hotel. Tom was meantime behind tbe scenes. So was reggy o linen, and already those keen Irish eyes had seen more lhau he thought, for boneless .ov had fitted them with strong lenses. ven as bis triumphant suit bad blind ed her muster to every passion but his own. The girl bad long divined that some other woman stood between her self and Tom. and there were more reasons than might appear for her in stantly pouncing upou Miss Harding as the one. reggy was sure that Tom and Dain tree must have known each other In England, or why were tbey more like brothers than master aud man? Tom would not tell her. and the Fawcetts could not. So Teggy set them down as two old friends, and what if tbe friends hud loved tbe same woman? Tbe Idea occurred to her when sbe saw Tom manipulating the cork ship and so zealously preparing for the bride. It was then an idea only. It became a suspicion on the evening of the bride's arrival, ai.d Claire was not the only young woman who lay awake all that night. Tbe other bad been transported for a comparatively venial ofleuse and bad come through the thick of ber ordeal a better woman than most. She Is not put forward as an average sjieclmen of her sex aud klud lu that colony and at that time. Tbe Irishwomen were almost Invariably tbe best of a de plorable hit. and IVgcy was certainly not the worst of tbe Irishwomen. But there waa evil In ber,. and pasxlon was to bring It out. as It bad already brought out tbe good. A callous mau she could lur with and wait for so long as he was callous and cold to all But to sec and bear him sighing for another woman aud that other womau there on the sjwt was to lash a pa tlent and single hearted devotion Into tumults of jealotixy and bitter rage. Tbe thing galled her while It was still a suspicion. It maddened her wheu sbe knew It for a fact Aud that was when. In the same half miu ute, sbe met Claire on tbe stairs In teara and saw Tom tu his pantry with his head clasped tight between hla hands. Peggy stole away without word, and there was mischief lu every noiseless step sue took. Her first thought was to tell Da In tree. It she dismissed on confederation aud tried making friends with tbe la dies' maid In order to acquire lnforma tlon. This young woman, however, could only talk of the fourth officer alxmrd tbe Rosamund, and It took Teg gy half an hour to discover that she had never even seen Miss Harding be foie the voyage. o she knew notb Ing. aud half the morning was gone. but IVcgy was all tne more determined to learu everything before tbe visitors left Tbe master's departure on horse back at last Inspired tbe way. Tom la the pantry waa still listening to the clattering hoofs when Teggy opened the door. "Oh. 'lorn, the tnasther would like ye to rlane out tbe boat for 'm when ye lean find the time." "Did he say so, Tcggyr ''Mure, ha tonld me not to tell ye. wld all the extra work ye've got but he only wished It could be done." "Then I'll set to work this minute." "Ad yt won't ba tellin 'm I tould yr "No. I'll take all the credit If yon tike." said Tom tn a voice and with face which ha took no pains to disci pllne for reggy s benefit Roth sup ported her theory and hardened her In her plot. And as he reached tbt boat shed aha was knocking at Miss Hard tog's door. "Askln yer pardon, miss. I think know what wsuld be better for you than lyln' down up here." "What la thatr "Lyln In a hammock by the ?. "It sounds pleasant Thank yon very much, but I think I II stay where "Sure, ye'd find one In tho boat shed, on It's all the good the' air would do ye!" "You nro very kind." said Claire wearily. "But who would put the hammock up?" "Mastber's gone to Sydney," said reggy reflectively, "an' he won't have me meddliu' wid such things. Wait till I tell ye. miss. Go this minute, an' you'll find Thomas In the boat shed d'aniii' the bout. He'll have t up In a twinkle." "Well. I'll see." Claire had colored. "Will I tell 'm. miss?" "No. I'll see. I think I would rath er be where 1 am." reggy withdrew. In three minutes she heard the young Indy coming down stairs. In two more she was herself outside the shed, crouching between timber and shrubs and sand and sky. to be coktinckd.J The Secret of A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION Now Revealed R gives voman some of her most 1 1 miserable and vretched hours. , ! Along with the backache, gener ally come headache, waist pain, falling feelings, irritability, nerv ousness and the blues, Have you these periodical troubles? If so, you may know, that they are due to disease of some of Rthe most Important organs of your body, organs that should get help or, in time, through II weakness, will wreck your! J I health and life. Help them to Jj health with WOMAN'S RELIEF Says Mrs. Blanche E. Stephanou, of 1228 S. 42nd Ave., Chicago, I sin tered miserably for five (S) years with a constant pain In my back and right side and although my husband employed several of the best doctors In this great dry, not one could give me relief. At last I took Wine of Cardul, which relieved my pain, pre vented an operation and restored me to health." It is a wonderful cura tive medicine for all womens' ills. Try it. E26 At an Druggists ?L0O ! What beauty is more desirable than pr. ! exquisite complexion and elegant jewels . All opportunity i'or every woman ! toobliiin liotli, for a limited time only, j The directions and recipe for ob I taininga fautles.s complexion is the secret long guarded by the master minds of the i ORIENTALS and GRKF.KS. This we obtained after years of work aud at' great expense. It is the method used by the fariest and most j beautiful women of Europe. I Hundreds of American woman who j now use it have expressed their delight j and satisfaction. ! This secret is wisi'y understood , and simple to follow and it will save you I the expense of creams, cosmet'es, bleach- es and forever nivt you a beautiful com plexion and free your skin from pimples,, bad cc lor, b'ackheaiU, etc. It alone is worth to you many times tbe prirc we ask you to send for the genuine diamond ring of latest design. Wi- sell you this ring as one small profit above manufacturing cost. The price is less than one half what others charge. The recipe is free with everj ring. It is a genuine rose cut diamond ring of sparkling brilliancy iibsoluttly guaran teed, very dainty, shaped like a Ikirfier with Tiffany settit g of gold sheti, at your local jeweler it would cast con siderable more than $2.00- We mail you this beautiful complex ion recipe free when your order is re ceived for ing and 2 U'J in money order, stamps or bills. Get your order in be fore our supply is exhausted. This offer is made for a limited' time only as a means of advertising iiud in troducing our goods. Send to-day before this opportunity is forgotten. T. C. MOSELEY ! 32 East 23rd Street. New York City FREE' To woman for collecting names and selling our novelties, we give Iis premium send your name to-day Ua our new plan of Mjr profits with little work. Write to-day. Address C. T. MOSKLMV Premium department j2 E. 23rd Street, New York City Do You Like Honest, Square Dealing ? Dr. Pierce's world-famed medicines are put out under the belief that publicity is the best possible guaranty of merit, and that the most intel ligent people generally want to know what they take into their stom achs, whether it be as food, drink or medicine. Although it was a bold step to take, and quite out of the usual practice of makers of proprie tary medicines, vet Dr. Pierce, some time ago, decided to publish rro:.d- cast and on all his bottle-wrappers all the ingredients entering ia'.o the composition, or make-up, of his celebrated family medicines. A square deal is therefore assured every one using his medicines, for one knows exactly what lie or she is paying for when purchasing them, since every ingredient is published in plain English o:: the bottle-wrappers and tht correctness of the same attested under solemn oath. These several ingredi ents are selected from among the very best known to medical science for the cure of the various diseases for which these medicines are recommended. The most eminent and leading med-iaenerally employed and yet ao namral. ical teachers and writers of ail the ; in the long run several schools of practice hare endorsed each of the ingredients entering into Ir. Pierce 'i medicines in the strongest pos aibtrtermi. The makersof Dr. Pierce'a medicines believehat intelligent people do tiih to opYi their mouths like a lotVf lyoang birHj and gulp down whatcVerVjsji use ftwto them, either in the way oPtCW; rdOt or medicine, without knowing eNiihing of the nrortertiet and harmOsA character of the agents employed. They heliev thftj hetllth if "fi-H 1 h""tnP to h T.rinieiud7wih. andtbnt r77; t fitly TJrTT u-hhtu art .tyfj'MT.HT t most invalids wnea its use is long continued, even in rmaC doses, cost Dr. Pierce several years cd careful study and labor, with the aid of killed pharmacists ami chemtFt te assist him. Naturally, he docs n t care to give away bis scientiric and exact Erocees for preparing these medicinea, ut he does want to deal in tlo most open manner with all his patrons and Eutients, aud under this frank, ojten and nncst wav of dealing, they may know exactly what they are taking when using his medicines. What Do They Cure? This qnea tion is often aked concerning Dr Pieree's two lending medicines, "Uoldee Medical Piscovery" and "'Favorit Pre script ion." The answer is that "Golden Medics! Discovery" is a niott potent arhfstiva lerce'a raediciiieVare maUe Oy from the roots of plant found growing in torn aupuii 01 our Ainvrn-nu foreeu. Tber are ao compounded that thtv cannot it harm in any e-f, trrn ' tr blood-purifier, and tonic or invienr- to tht moat delicate romanvr child. Py I atr and act especially favorably hi a open publicity Dr. Pierce has taken his ' curative and healing way upon all tha medicinea out of the list of secret nos- mucous lining surfaces as of the nasal trams, of doubtful merit, and made j passages, throat, bronchial tubes, stem them KENKDIM or Kxowx costro-! tch, bowels and bladder, curing a larg mo. Tber are therefore, in a class per cent, of catarrhal cases whether tire all by themselves, being absolutely aud ' disease affect tbe nnsnl passages, Ura In everv tensa non-mcrrt. throat, larvnx, bronchia, stomach (as By this bold step Dr. Pierce haa shown catarrhal dyspepsia), bowels (asmncoue that hia formulas are of such etcellenee diarrhea), bladder, nteru or other that he la not afraid to subject thetn to pelvic organs. Even in the chrome sr the fullest scrutiny. " ulcerative stages of these affections, si There is a badae of htmtt on every ( is often sncceseful in effecting cures, bottle of Dr. Pieree'a medicinea in tho The "Favorite Prescription "is advised full list of iu Ingredients duly attested for the cure of one class of diseaxes only M correct under solemn oath. those peculiar weaknesses, deranga- Ko other medicinea put up for general itnenUi and irregularities incident U use through druggist can make claim women. It is a powerful yet gen to anv such distinction, and none other tty acting invigorating tonic and than Dr. Pierce medicinea have any : strengthening remne. forweaa.worn aucb prorVwMMwI endorsement of their ont, over-worked women no matter lnertiient. Such mvtemonal endorse- what has caused the break-down. Fa- ment should hare far more weiicht with the afflicted than any amount of lay, or non-professional, endorsement, or testi monials. Of coarse, the exact proportion of each ingredient used In Dr. Pierce's medicinea as well as the working formula or manner of preparing the same, and the specially devised apparatus and ap pliance employed in their manufacture, are withheld Irom publicity that Dr. Pierce'i proprietary nghta may tie full nrotected from snch unorincipli'd imi- r . ..... . . ti 1 inigni oe pirancany incimeu. The preparation of these medicines : stamps for cloth-bound copy without tha dm of a drop of alcohol, so 1 as above. vorito Prescription will b found nw effective in building up the strength, regulating the womanly fnnctions, rnb dmngpain and bringing about a healthy, vigorous condition of the whole sylcin. Women suffering from diseases of long standing, are invited to consult Doctor Pierce bv letter, frrt. All correspond ence is 'held as strictly private ami sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. X. Y. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser (1008 pages) is sent frm on receipt of X 1 one cent stamps for paper-covered, or 31 Auareaa t

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