Women Who It Is astonishing how great a change a few years of married life often make In the appearance and disposition of many women.. The freshness, the charm, the brilliance vanish like the bloom from a flower which is rudely bandied. The matron is only a dim thadow, a faint echo of the charming maiden. Few young women appreciate the shock of the system through the change which comes with marriage and motherhood. Many neglect to deal with the unpleasant pelvic drains and weak- nesses which too often come with mar riage and motherhood, not understand ine that this secret drain is robbing the cheek of Its freshness and the form of its fairness As surely as the general health suffers when there is derangement of the health of the delicate womanly organs, so surely when these organs are established in health the face and form at once witness to the fact in renewed comeliness. More than a million women have found health and happiness in the use of Dr. Pierce'l Favorite Prescription. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. Ingredients on label contains no alcohol or harmful habit-forming drugs. It Is made wholly, of those native, American, medicinal root most highly recommended by leading raed ical authorities of all the several schools of practice for the cure of woman's peculiar ailments. For nnrsing mothers, or for those broken-down in health by too frequent bearing of children, also lor the expect ant mothers, to prepare the system for the coming of baby and make its ad vent easy and almost painless, there is no medicine quite 10 good as "Favorite Prescription." It can do no barm in v condition of IK tvttem. It is most potent invigorating tonic and strenithenine nervine, nicely adapted to woman'a delicate system by a phy sician of large eiperien in the treat vent of woman's peculiar ailments. Bad Symptoms. The woman who sas periodical headaches, backache, sees imaginary dark spots or specks floating or dancing before her eyes, has gnawing distress or heavy full feeling in stomach, faint spells, drawing-down feeling in lower abdominal or pelvic region, easily startled or excited, frregular.or painful periods, with or without pelvic catarrh, Ii uffering from weaknesses and de rangement that should have early at tention. , Not all of above symptoms are likely to be present in any case at one time. Neglected or badly treated and such cases often run into maladies which de mand the surgeon's knife if they do not remit fatally. w9JBKdieine eitant hs weh a ton and norirr"' rrO'tTol tu.ft7 f cur.-s in sue ci'li lr. rwrte e ravrjie rreaenp- lin. uieJicine lias such a strong frHunomal indorsement of each of its several ingredients worth more than any number of ordinary non-profes sional testimonials. The very beet in gredients known to medical science for the cure of woman'a peculiar ailments enter into its compoaiuon. No alcohol. FiLCT CAN'T BE RUBBED OUT TAYLOR . PHIPPS Co. Cor. rrriti nl Jlansnra Sts, Darbara. X. C, titttlllitfltMtM ttSl J . Ik LIGHT H EAT m I IV e Sell Everything Elect ileal m 2 DurhamTraction Co. I . ........ . . . m . I tmm n I n M PHONE 271. ROOM 10, WRIGHT BLOG. ......... . .................atiiiiiiiiisis Wear Well. harmful, or habit-forming drug Is to be found in the list of its ingredients print ed on each bottle-wrapper and attested under oath as complete and correct. - In anv condition of the female svstem r.Jrierce'e f avorite rrese rirtmn run doonlv'good never harm. IU Whole eiieci is to strengthen, invigorate and regumie tne wnoie female svstem and especially the pelvic organs. When these are deranged in function or affect- ea Dy aiscase, the stomach and other organ of digestion become sympatheti cally deranged, the nerves are weak ened, and a long list of bad, unpleasant symptoms follow. Too much must not ue expected of the Favorite Prescrip tion." It will not perform miracles; will not cure tumors no medicine will. It will often prevent them, if taken in time, and thus the operating table and the surgeon's knife may be avoided. Doctor's All Agrot. The most emi nent writers on Materia iledica, whose works are consulted as authorities by physicians of all the different schools of pi mice, extol, in trie most positive terms, the curative virtues of each and every -ingredient entering into Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. In fact it is the only medioine, put up for sale through druggists for the cure of all diseases of the mucons surfaces, as nasal catarrh, throat, laryngeal, and bronchial affections attended by linger ing, or hang-on-coughs that has any such prvfasional endorsement worth more than any amount of lay or non professional testimonials. Do not expect too much from the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. It will not work miracles. It will not cure consumption in its ad vanced stages. No medicine will. Nor is the "Discovery" so good for a sudden attack of acute couch, but lor the lingering, obstinate, hangj-on-cou nir-on-eotieha. i rr accompanying catarrhal, tnroat, larVn- ceil and firunrliial .ItertHin. 11 !H "a I IIS, DiosrerfiAcious'Vfcinedy'.. in cues ac- companies wilb wasting of flesh, night- 1 T I. sweats, weak stomacn ana pooroigestion with faulty assimilation, and which, if neglected or badly treated are apt to lead to consumption, the Discovery" bss proven wonderfully successful in effecting cures. The formula Is printed on every wrapper of "Golden Medical Discovery," attested as to correctness under oath, and yoo can't afford to accept any substitute of amino composition for this non-urret remedy no matter what selfish Interests may prompt the dealer to urge such upon you. in tact it is an insult to your intelligence for him to do so. You know what yoo want and it is his place to supply that want. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the nMl "Little Liver Pills" first put up tv on VT. nerce over so years ago. Much imitated, but never equaled. They cleanse, invigorate and regulate stomach, liver and bowels, eurinc bil iousness and constipation. Little sugar- coated granules easy to take as candy. Dr. Pierce may be consulted by letter free of charge. Address vr. K. v. Pierre, Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute. Buffalo. N. T. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser (1000 pages) is sent fret on receipt of 21 one rent stamps for paper-covered, or 31 stamps for clotb-bound copy. Address Dr. Pierce as above. Here are some; Taint is the only trrcrvtive known for lwnl.linjc; h Vtter the paint the longer it UcU. The DeVoe pant are rich in colr. durable anl don't peel oft. It yon are painting your house or barn ue DeVoe paint, au 3 two sections Is m 1 5 FOR POWER i DELIVERED BEFORE TOE CITT SCHOOLS Dr. MIms On "National Traits of American Literature." (From The Trinity Chronicle.) A good sized audience gathered iti the auditorium of the city high school last evening to hear the lecture of Dr. Edwin Minis on "Some of the National Traits of American Literature." This lec ture was the opening of a series of lectures that will be given each Friday evening in the school au aitonum. riiese lectures are given by members of the faculty of Trinity College under the aus pices of the city schools, and will continue till the end of the year, The lectures are free to all who win avail themselves ot the op portunity to hear them. i ne next lecture wm De given next Friday evening by Dr. W. P. Few, his subject being: "The Formative and Consoling Power or Great Poetry." Other lectures arranged are: "A Greek Wo man," by Prof. A H. Meritt on November 2$; "Luther Burbank an1 Plan Ri-fonrr ' ir TV T T v..u6l v., i. .. Volfe, on December 6. This lec ture Will be illustrated. Dr. VV. I. Cranio rd will speak on Decem ber 13, his subject being: "Living in Two Worlds." The last, lec- i ture of the series will be "Two Representatives of Modern Ger man Ideals," and wiil be delivered by Prof. W. H. VVannamaker on December 20. From this programme it will be seen that the series of lectures I will be not only highly enjoyable but also very instructive. Judg ing from the attendance last night, which was the opening night and had not been well advertised, the people of the city will not fail to attend these lectures. Prof. V. D. Carmichael intro duced Dr. Mims, who spoke for about an hour. - Dr. Mims was at his best on one of his most inter esting themes last night and the audience was impressed very much by his words. Following will be found a brief synopsis of his lec tnre: "It is easy to miss tne reai meaning of the national spirit, said Dr. Mims after a few prelim inary remarks. "My effort to night will be to portray the gen uine national spirit, its history, its noust and its destiny. Love of country is one ot the ennoblin tluncs oi tins me. latre arc- many forces in this country w hie are making toward sectionalism This country was born out of civil war in England. The Puri ! tan revolution drove Puritans ant Cavaliers alike out of England The Puritans settled iti New England and the Cavalier in the southern section of this country. Thus we see that the two sections sprung from peoples of different social sunaing anu customs Other things have accentuated this I fundamental difference. First the very diHercnL Again trie distance between the two settlements and I the development of slavery in the l sM-.th and the anti-alaverv senti ment in the north put a wide guli between the two sections. "And no what are the forces in the country that are making toward nationalism?" asked the J speaker. "The material progress of the country, the telegraph and railroads have drawn us together. The whole trend of commerce ha:, tended to make us a nation. Then the wars of the nation have drawn the sections together. Washington was the first to sound the note of nationalism. I wish every boy would be taught the farewell words of his inaugu ral address. Then the judicial decisions of John Marshall, al though not literature strictly speaking, did much to formulate the national spirit Thesougsof the nation, "America' and "Star Spangled Banner," have also beer. gicmiaiu 111 me ucvciuuiiieui ui the spirit of nationalism." At this point the speaker gave a descrip tion of the debate between Web ster and Ilayne. "Logically and historically Hayne was right, but Webster saw the future of this country and his soul responded to the vision of nations. This na tional idea wa the theme and the inspiration of all Webster's elo quence, and his speeches fostered the national spirit. He was in deed a kiug among men. "The poetry of Lowell was an other expression Cf the national Ti, A-Ur,n f tUa. . . . , a spun in wjwcii s 111c uucu shown. OUOtatlons from the Bice- .' . uw uaucis uciiiu given iu i-iav-t I ..I iL IT C. . I uic giuwui. t,c 4vu iiuu. Commemoration Ode Ot Lowell to show the culmination of this growth Hesookeofthesoeeches grovvui. lie spoke 01 luespeeciicb of Lincoln and their national Spirit and the effect of these crW "But the man who represents the Northere point of view most to mv mud said Dr. Minis, "is tr-i. ttrt.: Aiun..u t,l,u8' ' , , !! vvai. vviuuua... aui.US mvv were many things to his life and poetry that were rough and un- ..U U UA i Ui 1 r. nessfa mother." How Whit- ham served both union and con- federates as a nurse in me no pitals was shown. Whitman's poem, ''Captain, O, My Captain," was read to illustrate the p-reat I anrl ti-nrler heart of the? man and also the loss which Whitman felt the nation had sustained. Tbe eloquence cf L. Q. Lamar and the concluding words of his eulogy on Charles Sumner, "My country men, kndw one another and you will love one another," were cited, showing the national spirit The work of Henry Grady and Sidney . . - a . . Uimer Was spoken Ot in tne COn- CiUSlon. Morning Herald, NOV- .mtv, tfirli Birds' Lightning Rods. "The hummlug bird, no le than man, protects his habitation with lightning rod," said an ornithologist "Oh. you nature faklrr "It Is the truth. The humming bird nests In warm climate, where devas tating thunderstorms abound, and very rrudently he covers the outside of his little borne with cobweb. -suit. Ton Know, is a noneonaocior of elwtrtcity, nnd since cobweo is ruk the bnmmlm? bird's nest Is lightning proof. Isn't he a clever little begjrar to put np hi" own lightning rod like that? Cincinnati Enquirer. The Wsst Indian Tick. fa Addition to tbe tuuotiultucs Infest ing certnln purts of the West Indian islands, there is a still more disagree able pent which attack the unwary foretoier. This is the tick. Uny in sect The tk-k hides In the grass and attach iUk'lf to tbe clothes of per- sous who waft out of the 1enten roads. lie tnirrows In the Ofh nnd mnk a very painful ihL which swells and Itches en-etli:i:.ly. Ilnndmls of ticks have lu found on on person, and 'n soius wif the bites have Nen so sver tluit a Ion illness hns resulted. New Yor1 Herald. A Ouese L'tr4. An extraordinary reptil nblt Is de scribed In a louk by K- I- Wtmars of the Xevr Tork Zojkgital park. A large UoxUiiu burned iiaird. excited by an attempt to measure It emitted a rssp tag sound ntul cifH'lled a Jet of blood, which struck a waU four feet away and formed a trail of 103 large spots along the flour. Tbe blood came from the eyelid, momentarily tuurb swollen. Shooting tlod from tbe eye has been long attributed to this creature, but It seems so rare that naturalists bare doubted Its resllty. Geerge IV.'s Wit Mrs. Byrne In her "Social Hours With Celebrities" tells this anecdote of fJeorge IV.'s wit: MI remember one of Iter. Sir. Wagner's stories concern ed noun nobleman who bad enjoyed an unenviable separation for aslnlnlty. It bad been suggested to the king to confer on falm an order of tbe Thistle, wliMi bud bmitue vacant Hllve tbe Tbfrtle to r exclaimed the king. Why, hc'dtit II r- "Now that yoo'v come In for a Ilttla none?, said Zimmerman, -I nop you'll pay me what jrou owe me." "Let's see," said rtorroughs. "Your name's Zimmerman, Isn't It? Port?, old manbot I'm paying off all mj creditors In alphabetical order." -ITtlladslphla Iress. flclentlfle Investigations show that the green color hi rarniesas and other lullaa cbeeses Is due to the fact that tbe acid milk Is allowed to stand In copper Vessels, twenty samples of green Parmesan cheese showing for each two pounds of cheese from A to ZA grams of copper. Tnebecretot BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION Now Revealed What beauty is more desirable than en exquisite complexion and elegant jewels. An onnortunitv for everv woman toobvaiiihoth.fora limited time only. " I The directions and recipe for oh- recipe taininga fautlcss complexion is the secret long guarded by the master minds of the ORIENTALS and GREEKS. This we obtained after years of work and at great exrnse. It is tbe method used by the fariest and most beautiful women of Europe. Hundreds of American woman who 1 1 now use it have expressed their delieht ,nj .atiafartinn , . " ",""'"u and gilnple tQ follQW an(j t w. Mve yQU the expense of creams, cosmetics, bleach and forever give you a beautiful com- 1 1 z 1 r i 1? ? 1 . i.'jwpapwi bad b,aclheadS( ctc n alone is onh to vou manv times the crice we Usk you to send for the genuine diamond ring of latest design I We Sisll vAii ffna ritior a ntiQ mntl profit above manufacturin cost The price is less than one half what others charge. The recipe is free with every It is a genuine rose cut diamond ring 0f sparkling brilliancy absolutely guaran- teed, very dainty, shaped like a Belcher with Tiffany setting of i2Kt. gold shell, at your local jeweler it would cost con siderable more than f 2.00' We mail you this beautiful complex ion recipe tree wnen your order is re ceived for ling and J2.00 in money order, stamps or bills. Get your order in be- fore our supply is exhausted. This offer is made for a limited lime only as means of advertising and in troducing our goods. Send to-day before this opportunity is forgotten. T. 0. MOSELEY 3a East 83rd Street, New York City FBEEl T mon iit;nn . . tiamfi linrl tl lino- nnr novelties, we gave uijj premium! send your name to-day for I vul S.W WM.M VI . . . m .l 1M 1 1 n H1UJ . t k L J v. work. Write to-day. Address C. T. JlOMiLhl rremium department 23r1 5treet- ew York Ly 1 Southern Railway IK EFFECT ACCCST 6, I905. This condensed schedule is published ms lniormaiion, anu is lumeci 10 cnar.gr . . - . : & .1 11. wiuioui nuuee 10 mc puoiic; Trains leave Durham. N. C. 3:30 a. m. No. it 1 westbound daily foi Greensloro and local noints. connect: ji: t Greensboro witn Florida Exprct foi Charlotte, Columbia, Savannah and lack sonville, also with the Washington am. Southwestern Limited, solid Puilmar. train, for Atlanta, Birmingham, .Mem phis, Montgomery, Mobile, and point soum. . mm 3:40 a.m., .o. 112, eastDoun.:, ca.. for Goldsbori and local stations, connect ing st Goldsboro with Allan dc Coa- Line for W ilminuton. Tarlioro and Nor folk, and with Atlantic & North Caro'ip Railway for Ktnston and New 1km. 7:00 a. m.. No. 162. mixed. Tues lav Thuradays and Satur.Uy fyr Keysvuit ami local stations. o-.aos. m., No, 10S, eastliound, for tkddjitioro and local stations, con secting at Scln.a for Wilson, Ro.-k) Aiiiuni. .onuiK ni eastern ortn .u:o Una points. 0:40 a. ni., No. h6. dailv for Osfori CliaeCity, Keyvil!ennd Richmond and local pomtt. Ilantlies through cojirt netween Raleigh, Durham and Rich mond. 10:00 s. m No. ior. westbound, dailv. for r.reennlKiro and local stations, con necting at i.reenstKiro ith U. S. Fat Mail for Washington and New York and point North: close connection with train for Charlotte and Iocs! station. al tor w inMon-bAicni. 3:25 n. m., ao. 139, eaMhound, iiailv. for (toUMlmro anl hical points. 4:30 p. m., No. 135, westbound, dailv. lor Oreenslioro na local stations, con necting at Greensboro with train No. 2s for Charlotte, Columbia. Savannah and Jacksonville. Pnllman sleeper and tint cimi nay coaca w sn&tngton to Jacksun- vi. le without change. Abo connects nth train No. 35. l S. Tast Mail, for Atlanta and all points South snd South west 4.-45 p. m., No. 174, mixed, daily ex cept Sunday, for Keysvillt snd local stations. 6 3p. m., No. tiS, daily for Ralc'gb aa local points. Jouk B. Gsah am. Agent, Durham, N. C. .4 Taaet M" CoevsjtoMTS 4 Afivnos owidint a ( nd 'rrttnrt Met) rnm tmr crn,itm fro Utht u tvt tr HIM ttmtrf ( muiii pilnti, I nu Wim tarmxrli Miina A to. rw. r'M natit, K.t c h , M Uo Scientific Jlincrican. r; f.-wr ..'i,L oMkrall Sx4mi. Ikwl vmnm. Utrst. Wabiwtir t. FREE 1 SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. The Exposition Line to Norfolk I HaiMOn KOaOS. NOT OK. VfL ra sm. m m w mm ' ' APRIL 26 TO NOV. 30 Special Low Rates from Durham Round trip season tickets, J8 25 lo-tlay tickets, 6 no " coach excur tickets, 4 00 Coach excu:sion rate soldMondav.Tnea- day and 1-nday thereafter, limited s . . . f ' sevea days and endorsed "Not Good in Sleep- ing, I'ullman and I'arlor Cars." Other tickets until close of exposition. For rates from other points apply to your neartrst Seaboard agent, or repre sentatives named below. Unexcelled Passeng-er Service via SEABOARD I LINE IR Leaves Durham at 12 a. ni. Arrive at Portsmouth at 7:30 p. m. tor information and literature aldress C. H. GATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent. Raleigh, N. C R. L. MONTGOMERY, Agent, Durham. N. C. (Schedule in Effect Oct 14, 1907.) DUBHAM DIVISION. Ex Sun Daily Ex Sun DaUr P.m a.m. a.m. p..s 5:30 7:00 Lv Durham Ar 11 35 93 7:17 8:29 Lv Koxuoro Ar 9:40 x S:io 9:03 Lv Denniston Ar 9:01 7-7 8:40 9:26 Lv S'th Boston Ar 8:34 7:05 V57 9:39 Lv Houston Ar 8:18 649 12:05 12:15 Ar Lynchburg Lv 5:15 4:i VESTBOCND LEAVE LYNCBBCHG DAILY. 2:30 p. m. The St. Louis Expree Pullman sleepers to Columbus, lincia rati. St. Louis add Chicago, also for Radford. Bristol. Kncxville, ChatU- nooza ana intumeaiate points, ruiimaa I Sleeper Roanoke to Knoxville and Mem- I . . 7:oo m.-For Roanoke, Rocky 1 puis, Mount, Winston Salem, Radford, BrafvL I i.u.uv.., hvivviii .. .-. 1 5:30 p. m. DaiJv for Roanoke, far- 32llorcar BAST BOUND -IE AYE t.VNCHBCRG. 3:45 p. m. Daily for Farmville. Rkb mond, Petersburg and Norfolk TulV man Sleepers, Cafe cars. 2:20 a. m. - For Petersburg, Rich mond aud Norfolk. I'ullman sleeper tc Norfolk. Also Pullman sleeper between tvnehburg and Richmond. 8:50 a.m. Dnily for Farmvine.'Petctv nurg, Richmond Ptrlor car. Winston Salem Division.- Leave jlo moke 5:15 p. m . except Sunday, Wirstou Salcui and intermediate stations nd 9 2a a. in. daily fort amestaio:- and Charlotte, N. C. North Carolina Divisions. Lrve Pt laski 6:10 a. :n. luiiiy, except f r.sday. for Betty Baker and 8:35 a. m. daily, ?ept Sunday, for Galax and Fries. Clinch Valley Division. -Lesve K'.ea leld 8:30 daily, a:2 p. m. for Ncr:a.. M. V. BRAGG, Trav. Pa. Ajt W. It. BEVILL G.P. A., Roanoke, Va.,Gea OlHce, Roai;oke,Va. IMGAZINS KAOAZISK and ;:c.rt .Scut CL'ooitatoi 'v'' aU Ike Fat Wot. v CAMERA CRAFT devoted csck noodi to Ac ar. lube irprodudioa oi Uie beit X.OO wsctof amateiasodproieaiiuaal y pltoiosraphera, r.OAD 07 A THOUSAND W03DE2S a tnok of 75 p(e. coatining 120 colored pbotognph M $0.7S piciweiqus spots is CaUoraia sad Oetam. Toul . . . $3.25 All for . . . . $1.50 Addraai aS ardors Is SUNSET UAGAZIITB Flood BuHJut SasFl TBE CHARLOTTE OBSERVE! Ttie Largest an J Ecst Newspaper In Kcrtli Carolina. tVEBT OAT I TKE YEAR, JS.CO A TEAX THE OBSERVER conitef from lft o 12 pages dailv and 20 to 32 pncet Sunday. It hanlcs more news matter Ixwal. Stte. National nnd Foreign thsa my other North Csrolins newspaper. THE SLNDAT CBSERVEC Ssnnexcetled ss a news medium tttu k Uo filled with excellent matter of miscellaneous nature. THE JEMMEEKIT OSSEEYLI issued Tueatlays and FrSdays, st fl per year, is the largest paper for tne money in this section It consistsof froas 5 to 10 pages and prinu all the news of tne ween Local, Mate. Jialioual Foreign. Address THE OBSERVER Charlotte, N C. CO.

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