. ' ; . "" . .. . . . ., ,' ": .; . .. . RE60RDEK SEMI -WE EK Ly. VOLUME 88. DURHAM, -N. C, JANUARY 10, 1908. NUMBER 72g NEWS FROM OUR REGULAR , CORRESPONDENTS Items of Interest from Various Places as Viewed and Told by Those on the FIeId.-PersonaIs. , - - Dorian, louti I. . Will Shambly who accidental IJrshot a hole through his hand withashot gun, is about well again, - . ' The consolidated school, about which there has been so much of a wrangle in this section, oper. ed Monday, Jan. 6th. A. W. CateOnd family have moved to West Durham. '" ' John Micol recently went to Oxford and Goldsboro where he assisted in making music for Germans. Ed Couch, who has' been. con fined to his bed for six months with white swelling, does not im prove any. ' " , W. R. Shambly s mule became frightened at a load 'ot, pork he was ' drawing and J ran ; away, throwing Mr." Shambly out Into a barbed wire fence and - crippling him badly. . . ST J. Hester, who has been low " with a complication of disease, is convalescent. Miss Mollie Bowling, of Red Mountain, ' was a visitor here Christmas. . - Ed Morris and family have moved into the house vacated b A. W. Cates. Sol Hester has imoved to the Taylor place, so we have new neighbors ..Tney.tre both industrious younr fturoer and we welcome them to thi section. Robert-Bennett,; while on s visit to relatives in Chatham county was taken with a severt spell of pneumonia and is unabU to return home. Drew Card and wife, have moved to Edgemont. . Messrs.- Barber, and , Hornei have moved their saw mill from below Durham to' the plantation of W. T. Neal near here. Gus Neal is cenfined to his bed with a severe attack of inflara matory rheumatism. B. F. H. " It has been quite a long tinr since I have written anything fot : the Recorder, so I will try and send in a few notes this week from our wide awake little vil lage. The Christmas holidays cam and passed of! very quietly ant nicely. Most of the time we had ideal weather for visiting, whicl was taken advantage of by man. people in this section. Mrs. Fannie Hawkins, who ha been confined to her room foi several months with sickness, i . improving and I hope it will not . be long before she is entirely well again. ( v Sam Coleman, of Cumberland, Md., is visiting relatives and friends in this community, and expects to return to his home in about ten days. ' AIexWilkerson,of Greensboro, spent the holidays with hit daughter, Mrs. W.T. Hawkins. Several young couples were married in this community be fore and during the holidays. . little .Vivian Hawkins, who was terribly burned some time ago is Improving. . As wea are beginning a' new year lets" turn Lover a new leaf . and start right. Cast your mind back for a moment and rehearse . the past year and see if you can not find something left undone that should have been done some little kind ' words you left un spoken that would have gladden ed somebody's heart, some little wu-k that you faund to dj that would have not only helped some one else, but would have made you happy. Again; consider for a moment how fast we are flee ing by the. mile posts of time but yesterday we were . small children V playing around our mother's knees; today " we are grown up, and soon will be num bered with the older people. Let us try to live in such a way that all around us will love and re spect us, and not only' that, but because it is l right to ; so live. Wishing alt a happy and pros- perous new year, filled with all all the blessings that God in his mercy can bestow I upon us, I hope to let' you hear from me again soon... A. P. D. . . new Fna tonus.. , . v Everything is very quiet around our little village only the wind and we can hear and feel At , too. ' Xmas is gone with all its glory and only one' accident ' that was the sad keath , of young Carver Ritfsbee, ' accidentally shooting himself while out hunting. We resret rverv much that Charlie Wheeler has moved his family to Granville county tc make their future home. . , Miss Belle Markham '. returned front, Rogers Storey Sunday, to re-open, her school for the -year.. Idtss Lucy.Kogers and brother Howard, are spending sometime at Creedmoor. Miss Eva Hall spent Xmas with friends at Nelson, she'wat accompanied' home by Mist O'Briant. B. C. Waller, of Chatham,' re cently i visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. L. Waller. Miss Malissa Markham, spent Xmas with friends at Holland and Willow Springs.' She was accompanied home by Miss Sor rell and others who joined her at Durham. Mrs. Hawkins Addison Is stil. very ill many will regret to learn. Mba 4Ela Holloway recentl spent sometime with relatives at Knap of Reeds. Miss Blanche Holloway,, ol Durham recently visited her fath er, Steven Holloway. , Mrs. Addie Gooch Is spending a few days with relatives at Stem. J. J. Cheek and daughter Mis Mary Paul Fogleman and sister, Miss Emma, and Miss Flora Rog ers and others were the welcome guests at Mrs. JE. A. Markham Sunday. v A. M. Carpenter and S. M. Suitt spent Saturday in Durham. J.D. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hall of High Point spent the holidays with relatives in out village. Miss Maude Hall returned to High Point with them and will be gone sometime. J. F. Glenn is still confined to his room with a complication of diseases. ' Wishing all a prosperous year. "GC." Itrrltt Ills, loati t, Mrs. Land's Marshall started to get of! of the wagon and fell and hurt her arm. She don't know whether her'arm is broken or knocked out of place as she cannot use it any yet. . . Little Vernon Martin has been very sick, having fits, but he is improving rapidly. Dave King has returned .home and intendi to stay in this am tnuMiy tliu year. . ' J. H. . Lynn has been very feeble during the last week but he is improving some. . v' -: Misses Eva and Otho Ross, of Durham county,' spent Sunday with the family of W. G. Mar- shall.'- . . ;' Miss Bessie Oakley, of Lyons, is visiting her parents in this community this week. , Will Cozart recently went to a place and tied his horse near to a wagon shelter and at bed time when he went to get his horse he found him under the shelter in a wazon bed. Guess the horse got tired of standing as it was bedtime. School Bo y. " tongemsBt, Ro, I. Mr. J. A. McBroora is very sick with cold. Mrs. Sarah Gray is also on the sick list. Their friends wish for them a speedy recovery. Miss Blanche Laws returned to her home Sunday, after a week's stay at Breezj. She was accompanied by Miss Eulalia Horner of Burlington, who is spending a few days with her. Little Lizzie Cothran is much improved, i I am glad to know. W. G. Hall attended the meet ing of the County Board of Edu cation Monday. R. W. Laws gave the young people a candy stew - Monday night All had a nice time and of course "got sweet..".. Mrs. Walter Cothran is visit ing her brother, W. A. Tilley. , A young lady asked a young man not long since if he would not let her have his white horse to drive r ''courting' this year. He replied "no," ftr he didn't want to . marry. - Don't believe that, girls," he was joking. : M.T.L. Tib Bojj Irrestei Arkes Thompson and Albert Crabtree, two white boys, aged 16 and 17, were sent to jail dur ing the, holidays by Joseph A. Harris, J. P., for breaking intc N. W. Brown's West End Gto cery Co's store and robbing the money drawer , of forty or fif t dollars and stealing fa lot ol pocket knives. The boys had nearly all of the stolen money when they were arrested at Gra ham by Chief of Police Moon. Orange County Observer. 'Albert Crabtree is known to the officers of this city, having been in trouble here more thar one occasion. Was Oalj Fooling. On December 28th Register of Deeds Markham issued marriage license for the Miss Mamie Cate and Tillett Ragan. Nothing more was heard of the papers until one day this week when William E. Mangunr ap plied for the necessary papers .to tie himself up and the register saw that he had already issued the license. When explanations were asked for it was stated that thelintended bride was only fool ing the first time, but this time she was in dead earnest. The papers were issued and reports say that the wedding took place Wednesday of this week.. The county commissioners are In session this week looking af ter matters of interest to the country. The only matter out of the routine business was the re-election of T. J. Thompson as superintendent of the road work of the county. , t Miss Mary Ladd died at her home In East Durham Tuesday morning after a brief illness with pneumonia. The funeral service was held at 2 o'clock Wednesday! afternoon. I THE GRINDING OF THE COUITS. Number o! Cases Disposed !oI Life and Dealt) Issue. The work of the superior court progresses with ; precision and many cases that have been ' re ceiving the attention of the solici tor and the court Many" prison ers that have been wondering what would be theoutcomevhen they faced the jury now know what they will have to do Some have been let off ' light, while others have been made to feel the heavy hand of the law. Be low will be found a list of cases disposed of since our last issue: ; In the- superior court Tuesday, Lonnie Bailey pleaded i guity to assault with deadly weapon and with intent to put his wife to the bow-wows and Judge Webb gave him two years Bailey made no defense but en tered his plea through counsel. He shot on December 24 his wife while "she was attempting to leave Durham on one of the out going trains and for several days it appeared that she must die. She has recovered but her story of the shooting was not told. It is remembered, however, and Bailey shot her merely because she insisted upon going to Km ston against his will. r Wednesday was another record small things and Solicitor Brooks and Judge Webb are clearing the docket as rapidly as they can reach the cases. . The day ended with the .trial of Charles Davis,, charged -with the larceny of a mule. - ":l R. L. Faucette and Harry Khan; affray with deadly weap on. Khan called and failed. Judgment suspended upon pay ment of costs by Faucette. ' Bud Mitchell, larceny. Not guilty. Walter Kimball, retailing. Not guilty. - 'Jasper Stewart and Howard Dorrity, affray with deadly weapon. Both guilty and 'judg ment suspended upon payment of costs. - Dock Foard, retailing. Guilty, no sentence. Will Coles, larceny. Guilty, no sentence. Willie Layton, larceny. Guilty, but judgmeut suspended. Ella Moss, carrying concealed weapons. Guilty. Four months in the workhouse. Julius Hase, Retailing, N: sentence. Fred Carlton and George Dur ham, larceny. Guilty and sen tence of 13 months each on the county roads. Henry Johnson, gambling. Pleads guilty and pays $5 and costs. t The jury Wednesday morning returned a verdict against Charles Davis who was indicted for receiving property known p have been stolen. This was the case in which a black mule fig ured. The heavenly triplets, Fred Haskins, June Burton and Wiley Trice, tried for gambling, were convicted in sections. Haskins es caping and the other defendants receiving punishment Burton was given three months on the roads and Tries paid $10 and costs. John Dorrity for carrying con cealed weapons waived bill 'and pleaded guilty to carrying con cealed weapons in one lease and to assault with deadly weapon in the other. Judgment was sus pended in the first case and he was fined $10 and costs in the second, Lcroy Charleston pleaded guil ty to larceny and took four (Continued on second poge.) s ' I jDEPOSIT YOUR MONEY WITH CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK OF DURHAM. " ft ' Officers and B. N. Duke, Pres. J. S. Manning, Vice-Pres. . J. B. Mason, Cashier. J. B. Duke, President American Tobacco Company. , Y. E. Smith, Supt. Durham Cotton Mfg. Company. C. L. Haywood, of Haywood & King, Druggists. J. H. SOUTHGATK, of Southgate & Son, Insurance. , R. H. Rigsbee, , Capitalist. Q. E. Rawls, Merchant. B. N. Duke, !Director American Tobacco Co., and Capitalist. J. S. Manning, 1 Attornev-at-Law. N. M. Johnson, Physician ana Surgeon. J. B. Mason, Cashier Citizens National Bank. DEPOSITORY OF THE PEOPLE, THE COUNTY OF DURHAM, THE CITY OF DURHAM AND THE UNITED TATES OF AMERICA This Bank Opened tor Businesr .y I, 1905 Is Young, but Grr Statement et lank at Close of Br 4 Jaa. 26, t907i BeHoiirccs. Loans and Invest ments. l&MR.&Uf)'; IT. S. Rnmta. lKO.nOn.no V - Premiums U. S. t9 Bonds, , .5,659. Banking House, 13,0O0.0u Cash and due from Banks, 1 1 293,129.84 Redemption Fund, 7,200.00 $1,055,941.48 WE SEND these Reports to our Depositors and Stockholders on date called for by the Comptroller in order that they may be - S informed of our condition. . - m WITH the strongest financial backing of any Bank in this State $ ann unsurpassed methods in every department, we invite new accounts, large or small, of MERCHANTS, FARMERS, INDI- VIDUALS, FIRMS or CORPORATIONS that have not already 5 done so, to open an account with us. , J ABSOLUTE PROTECTION. Bonded Officers, Burglar and Fire Insurance, Fireproof Vault and Safe. To Depositors we offer Safety , Deposit Boxes in our Fireproof Safe Free, where you can Deposit your Valuable Papers. J Hi HOME SAVINGS BANK DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA We Pay 4, per cent Coumpound I Interest on all Savings Accounts - x Come in and rtart an account tlay. Small deposit will be thankfully $ received and large ones in proportion. 4 OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAYS GEORGE W. WATTS, President. JOHN SPRUNT HILL. Vice-President. VV. W. WH1TTED, Cashier. T. B. PEI RCE, Jr., Assistant Cashier. H I ilDLfClNA, IS. U H Have the best and largest stock of General Mer- H chandise on hand that was ever earned in a coun H try store. Our stock consists of all kinds of goods I Guano to Fine Dress Goods H H Come to see us, we have plenty clerks to wait H on you nicely, and we have the Goods and - M U We Aro Going to S oil Tlicm M Thanking you for your past patronage H and asking continuance of same, we "ore p Yours to serve, I Reade Bros. Co. Directors Liabilities. .tal, $100,000.00 :60,000.00 ' iiiitliia Undivided profits, 14.272.25 Circulation, , 100,000.00 Deports, 781,657.23 Dividends unpaid, 15.00 $1,055,944.48 Ml w tt

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