NUMBER 77. YOLUME.88. DURHAM. N. C., JANUARY 28, 1908. 3ts - o i. r. EHS FROM OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENTS bs of Interest from .Various Places as Viewed and Told ( by Those on the field. Personals. from itabcrMi. . C. II. Tapp recently gave the young people of the community a sociable which was greatly en joyed. -i Last Wednesday Ernest Reams carried a load f the weed to ttoxboro and only expected $75 for his load, and when it was . a Now the young man is getting along as well as could be expected. Roper. ' Durham, louti 5. William Crabtree who lives near Mt. Hermon church, has the grippe. . v Messrs. Sid Perry and Green Ferrell were out here hunting last Tuesday. hsold it brought $86. more li than he expected wnen n 0ur mail carrier. Mr. S. L. home. MVooda. ia verv sick tfith the A .kill re of iu n-xrn' UP. S. Rotrers has Iburnt two -bant beds, which is another evi- -..-?4ence that Mr. Rogers takes the tad in everything pertaining to cirly seeding in the community. ssxxs, A man peaking recently oi e Durham tobacco, market said at "If a farmer carried his to- ecoto Durham and was not Satisfied with the present prices, inefarroerasoff in his upper Story." jnctfc H Ernest ICeams, is expecting w risit friends down on the waters ON ftl Grassy creek soon, and it may ; U that he ia thinking to kill two birds with one stone while on this trip. V ' Mrs. W. A. Barton has the TVV' i we have heard of in this K .w year. ' f 1 W. A Barton has produced a iVnodern device for ordering to- (txtcco, which is very con.enient f(and will order dry tobacco in : something like an hour, (l I Miss Bessie Moore, daughter fjof the late John Moore, died of 'Consumption on the 21 at the 'Ihoraeof her grandfather, Dock (ICawson, and was laid to, rest in the family burying ground on ( Ae 22d. She is no more a com aniorf'of time.but of an end ; l-ts eternity and will ever enjoy the. happiness and pleasure ( that a heavenly eternity affords. Joe Gentry and wife, of Surl, "lientlast Saturday night with t Mr. and Mrs. Jasper L. Yarborb, Hurdles Mill. .1 fiJftbnnift Tateg. I am triad to iww . - lay, is slowly recovering from & cent sickness, during which time he was in the hands of one I if our best physicians. Dr. I. J. w - grippe. Mr. Mincey is carrying in his stead. S. J. Hester, who has been sick for sometime with a com- Dlicatiori of diseases ' and who who was rapidly improving has suffered a relapse and is extreme- ly low. A fine boy was born to Mr. and Mrs, Sol Hester Friday. Eddie Caush, who has been confined to his bed for a long time with white swelling, is re ported as being worse and he is not expected to recover. Mrs. Jones, mother of Orin Jones, who lives in the Pleasant Green neighborhood, was badly burned one day last week by falling in the fire. Her daughter-in-law, who is sick in bed ana had not Deen able to get up for weeks jumped from the bed and pulled her from the, fire, but not before she was badly burned. A quarterly meeting was in session Saturday and Sunday at McMannen's Chapel. B. F. II. 5T finished . and we hope to, get hrough some time soon. 1 W. G. Marshell gave the young people a cotton picking one night recently. Those who were there seemed to enjoy themselves well. Isaac Evans happened to a bad accident recently. He was cut- ing on a tree and the ax glanced and cut the boy's foot very bad. Otis Rigsbee was fooling ,with a knife and fell and stuck the blade of the knife about one inch deep through the. eye lid above the eye ball. Their is lots of sickness in this community at present, put few cases or pneumonia, nope tnose who are sick will soon be restored again. Recently a strange looking dog came " tnrougn tnis community and all the dogs he came in con tact with had a fight with them, and the dog bit two children so I understand. People pronounced it a mad dog. Union Meeting is to be held at Union Grove church Friday night Saturday and Sunday night in succession before the fifth Sun day in March. All have invitation to attend. Rev. J. S. Thompson filled his regular appointment above Dur ham at the church known as Kxnzs chanel near Orange fac tory last Saturday and Sunday. E. E. Oakley and family are v 'li (I! IV'lcman. hi reported that J. T. Cates f cloning out his, stock of dry 'isr, '.funded C. T. Pool, of Neptune, at Rded court in Durham last Teek, being summoned there as :JI witness in the case of John "Msgs. (i, (IV (IS' (l $nm k.iv that thpv would nre- rul for a while last Thursday it emed that they would get their sire gratified, but a howling north wind took the place of he snow, and I prefer wind to low, provided it does not last if. oolong. 2 ft. iThetwritcr took Winner with d M. Denny last Sunday and a . a a a mm a - jpund two oi his children con- acd to their bedi by sickness he with grip and the other with Jfteumonia. However the doc lt seemed .to Ithink that the JHildrcn would soon be well jiain. which will be good, news U their many mends that are iixious about them. j 'Old people say that they never Z iard of so much sickness as there is now, and most of it is titi enI 'rtflftiinirtnii Recently Dr. A. C. Bowles, of Tirzah and Dr. Talmage Long n I ! " r n I . ' ihoxooro, aasisicu ur, uranam, Durr.m, in ooratin opon T. UlUia, laoU I The spring-like weather seems to be gone and winter has taken its place. Friday was the coldest day we have had this winter. a ... Ihere is out little sickness in the community at present The little ten years old son of Mr. and Mrs. A C. Ray, who accidently shot himself with shot gun some aime ago, never recovered but died last week. The many friends of the family in the community sympathize with them in their loss. W. D. Peed is still very feeble and does not seem to regain his strength very fast. Mrs. James Shepherd and sisters. Misses Martha and Mollie U real, of Llberon, are visiting their mother, Mrs. A. Ferguson. Mrs. Sallie Ferguson and son Calvin, visited the family of A C. Nichols recently. Mr. and Mrs. A D. Ross visit ed the family of J. L. King las Sunday. Robert Johnson, who has been making hi homo in Cary for some time will reside with the writer for a while. II. M. O'Neal is preparing to build to his dwelling, which wil add to the appearance of the place. J. E. Ferrell had a chopping one evening this week and chopp ed up a lot of wood. a V a J. &. rerguson has ,had some cotton pickings recently and has picked near 800 pounds of cotton Nice to have good neighbors. J. II. Sykes' horses ran away with him one .day this week which bruised him up consider ably and broke one finger. An automobile was the cause of the runaway. . J. E. F. HorrUvlilt, Ioute2. . Since cotton went to twelve and a half cents per pound those who were not through picking got a hustle on themselves and went Jo ricking cotton r.frain, but a tree ' CIVIL ACTIONS DRAG ALONG. Cases oa t&e Docket Glvea a Hearing la Ihe Coorls. The civil term of Durham su perior court continues to drag. along and the cases claiming the attention of the court are being heard by those that care to be present. As most of the larger damage suits were settled the first of last" week interest in the term waned and the attendance was Inot large. The following cases have ; been given airing since our last issue; Interest in the Holt daxiage suit against : the Blackwell To bacco Company for a judgment of $2,000 occupied the Friday af ternoon and Satarday morning sitting. The plaintiff who list a portion of.his three fingers on the right hand, was represented by Messrs. Giles & Sikes and the defendant by Messrs. Winston & Bryant. The jury de&ated but a short time and rendered a ver dict against the plaintiff. '' There was a suit for divorce in the afternoon. Mrs. William D. Adcock against her, husband. The defendant was not present to resist the action. The prayer for divorce wrj made, on the grounds of abandonment and for scriptural reasons. The jury answered all issues in favor of vioitino- wm T.vnna Ha vreeHc . plaintiff. . "o " - i , , . . - J. juage weuo is neia unuer ae- liberation the matter of Gilbert J. C., King, of Durham, has recently been visiting home folks. The writer is ready for mak- mi ing photographs now. inose that arexpcctingine to do their work may come any bright sun ny day. J. F. F. 11 1 i i i - . From theCbapel EillKews. Master Willie Brown, son of Mrs. Julia Brown, died suddenly at Schley school house. Little River township, last Wednesday week. The boy was subject to heart trouble and exerted him self too much in a game of ball. Two young rmen were carried to Rex hospital, Raleigh, Mon day to undergo operations for appendecitis. They are, Mr. Andrew Neville, son of V. D. Neville, and a student, Mr. WhiUing. ,We trust that both will be able to return and be themselves again soon. Prob J. Edward Latta, of the University faculty, who has been granted a leave of absence for six months, will leave about the 1st of February for the North, where he will spend his time do- a a . a ing advanced worn in his spec ialty at various institutions. Professor Sherman, who will fill Professor Latta's place, is a grad uate of the Massachusetts School of Technology. He has arrived on the Hill, accompanied by his wife. The la grippe has several of our citizens fastened in its clutches. Rev. John C. Hocutt, our most efficient County Supt. Schools, has been quite ill for several days, but we are glad to know that he is on the mend. Dr. Wm. Lynch has been absent from his dental office for several days on account of "grippeness." We are pleased to know that he is getting some better. Major Pain Tl Thna Witonn and Villi. VOIUf V A HVtJI IT lldVll MUVI Mr. J. B. Palmer, are al?o on the grippe sick list. We wish them all a speedy recovery. FOB SALE! White and Brown Leghorn Eggs $1.00 for 15. s White and Partridge Wyan- dott Eggs $1.50 for 15. Orders booked fut future deliver'. "Y' POULTRY FAKM, it tin Ik k at j DEPOSIT YOUR MONEY Wl'TH CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK v OF DURHAM. Officers and Directors! B. N. Duke, Pres. J. S. Manning, Vice-Pres. J. B. Mason, Cashier. J. B. Duke, President American Tobacco Company. Y. E. Smith, Sept. Durham Cotton Mfg. Company. C L. Haywood, of Haywood & King, Druggists. J. H. Southgate. of Southgate & Son, Insurance. R. H. Rigsbee, Capitalist. Q. E. Rawls, Merchant. B. N. Puke, Director American Tobacco Co., and Capitalist. J. S. Manning, Attorney-at:Law. N. M. Johnson, Physician and Surgeon. J. B. Mason, ' Cashier Citizens National Bank. DEPOSITORY OF THE PEOPLE, THE COUNTY OF DURHAM, THE QITY OF DURHAM AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA This1 Bank Opened tor Business May i, 1905 Is Young, but Growing Statemut ef Bank at Close el Business Jan. 26, B07i Resources.' Loans and Invest- ments, $so,954.U5 Liabilities. U. S. Bonds. Premiums U. S. Bonds, Banking House, Cash and due from Banks, Redemption Fund, 150,000.00 5,659.69 13,000.00 293.129.M 7,200.00 Capital, Surplus, Undivided profits', Circulation, Deposits, Dividends unpaid, $100,000.00 . J6O,C00.00 14,272.25 100,000.00 781,657.23 15.00 $1,055,944.43 $1,055,944.48 WE SEND these Reports to our Depositors and Stockholders on date called for by the Comptroller in order that they may be informed of our condition. WITH the strongest financial backing of any Bank in this Slate ann unsurpassed methods in every department, we invite new accounts, large or smalL of MERCHANTS, FARMERS, INDI VIDUALS, FIRMS or CORPORATIONS that have not already done so, to open an account with us. it?e'& ABSOLUTE PROTECTION. Bonded Officers, Burglar and Fire Insurance, Fireproof Vault and Safe. To Depositors we offer Safety Deposit Boxes in our Fireproof Safe Free, where you can Deposit your Valuable Papers. m m ; i I m 9 i m m : m m m m m m m m . m 9 m m m m m m I m m m m m m and Kuker against the Howard Automatic Packing Machine company. '. This is an action for division of the profit from the sale of a cigarette ? stamping ... machine. Four Durham eentlemen were interested in it. Messrs. Gilbert. Kuker, Howard and Lyon enter ing into a contract to an agree ment to push the invention of Mr. Howard for a patent. Un der the terms of the contract, Iessrs. Gilbert and Kuker' were to furnish $300 to forward the patent and on the day the contract was drawn they paid $300. They declare at other times they paid $250. The only point in controversey was wheth er the machine could have been constructed or not. The plaintiff says they went as far as they could with the machine, but couldn't proceed further on ac count of interference from Wash ington. Thsy were unable to build the machine until it was approved. Mr. Howard did not know how to build it because ev ery time the department mada new suggestions and these were adopted, there were others standing in the way of the de vice. Finally it was sold for $6,000 and Messrs. Gilbert and Kuker, claiming by the contract, 40 per cent, of the profits, sued for $2,400. Court Suddenly Adisuros. Owing to the fact that for sev eral days Judge Webb has been indisposed, superior court ad journed Monday, after disposing of several cases that had been compromised. ' Most of the cases set for the term had been disposed of. In the case of W. R. Kuker and A. P. Gilbert vs. the Howard Auto matic Packing Co., mentioned above, non-suit was ordered and the plaintiff's gave notice of ap peal. J. F., Glenn against the Sea board Air Line for $1,200 on ac count of fire destroying wood near the railroad was comprom ised. In the settlement Mr. Glenn gets $450. Justice of the Peace Motion, East Durham, hid three :,ki in U c tio..JV - Y WORKS IN . tiOM E SAVINGS BANK DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA We Pay 4 per cent Coumpound Interest on all Savings Accounts Come in and start an account today. Small deposits will be thankfully received and large ones in proportion. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAYS W " .... 11 I GEORGE W. WATTS, President. T JUHM SrKUNT HILL, Vice-President. I W. W. WHITTED, Cashier. 1 . 1. PEIRCE, Jr., Assistant Cashier. 1 of 6 N Guano tol Fine Dress Goods H Have the best and largest stock of General Mer- f S.n t t 1 iv .i . k ra cnanaise on nana inac was ever carried in a coun- w n it H fvtrvt H Corns to see us, we have plenty clerks to wait jpj on you nicely, and we have the Goods and El y Wo Are Going to Soil Them Thanking you for your past patronage and asking continuance of same, we are Yours to serve, eade Bros. Co.$ M R ! ! lst liin.,i.M,:.. c.

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