You May Travel - A Long Way And not Find so Good an Assort ment or Such Favorable Prices as we are now offering on Stoves, Plows, Cultivators, Harrows, Forks, Shovels, Hoes, Axes, Barbed Wire, Poultry Wire, and all kinds Fence Wire. Our stock of Roofing, Belting, Paints, Lime, Cement, and Nails is complete and our prices the lowest to be found. Pollard Bros. i Hardware WINCHESTER. Guns, Cartridges and Shotgun Shells are easily distinguished from other makes, which equal them neither in quality nor reputation by the big rttt am Mi. i u. . mt. 0. which appears on every package of Winchester goods. The big red W is to guns and ammunition what the word "Sterling" is to silverware the world over. Therefore, for your own protection always Look for the Big Red W" Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery The Great Restorative Nonalcoholic Tonic of the day, made entirely of native medicinal roots and without a drop of alcohol in it3 composition. There are no secrets all its ingre dients being printed on the bottle wrappers. The "Golden Medical Discovery" jy return call on receipt of 50 not only builds up the strength of tlie feeble, debilitated, languid, nervous and easily fatigued, wheth er young or aged, but it enriches and purifies the blood, thus making the improvement lasting. It corrects and overcomes indi jtestion, dyspepsia, biliousness, tor pid liver, chronic diarrhea and kindred deranenieMs of the t,tom ach, liver and bowth. Bronchial, throat and laryn:;e al affections, attends! with hoarseness, persistent cmh. and all manner of catarrhal affections are cured ly the 'Gokkn Medical Discovery." In Chronic Nasal Catarrh, it Is trell to cleans the nasal passages out freely with Dr. Safe's Catarrh Remedy fluid while taking the "Golden Medical Discovery" as a constitutional treatment. Old ob stinate casts of catarrh yield to this thorough count of treatment. Through enriching and purifying the blood, the "Discovery" cures fctofulous affections, also blotches, pimples, eruptions, and other ugly affections of the akin. Old, open, f biintng sores, or ulcers, are healed ly taking tne "'-. ien Meuicai vis- coverv" itiUf an applying Dr. i'kree's X'Aur.Vv.g Salve as t rrA i- The Salve can U 1- w ujiAU, or will be ae&t cents in starves. Address Doctor Pierce as below for it. Is short "Golden Medical Dis covery " regulates, purifies and in vigorates the uhoU system and thus cures a very 1 irge range of diseases, The reason Why it cures such a varied list of diseases is made clear in a little booklet of extracts from the leading medical authorities. compiled by l)r. R. V. Pierce, of Luualo, N. v., and which he will k jleasel to send post-paid and entirtly jret to any who send him their names and addresses. Yen can't efferi fa accept a sub ititute of unknown composition fcr this non-8cret MCMClNJt Of KNOWN COMPOSITION. tt. Vtv' PW'tnt PelVta eere oon- Mipation. Constipation in the uuw of many dieaes. Cure ttiecatise and yoa euro the disease. Vne "relief u 1 B'ntte latative. and two i mild eathar tie. l)ru?z m-JI them, and oothine w "Jot a n'cul," Tey aw u ortpwu Utile Lir fills firt tut on br old bt. VtMtM over 40 years ago. Mncn imitatH, tot never equaled. They are tiny sugar elated granules eaay to u m candy. Ir. '' JfMkal Adviser (IM) pis,! - U wftt ftrr 1 H rerti,l I ZI ttW r-t.t rtarww 1 in cover cH of mailing) f-.r rfcvi-f'J, or 31 atamr f.,r r(rtli N.ui.l cot y. Addreas lit. lien il SHSCHDOL Lesson VIII. First Quarter, For Feb. 23, 1903. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Taxt of tha Laston, Jehu v, 1-11. KUmory Vartoa, 8, 9 Goldan Taxt, Matt, viii, 17 Commentary Prsparad by Rv. O. M. Stoarna. CopjrtM. HOT, by Amtricaa Pita Aaociittoa.) The Lord bad appointed feasts for Israel In which they might draw near to Ilim and in which He might special ly weal Himself to them and Mesa tbein. A full record of these li found in Lev. zzlii. These feasts had be come feasts of the Jews rather than feasts of the Lord (John il, 13: . 1: 1. 4; ril, 2), in which they relied upon their outward devotion to Him rather than on His undeserved mercy: benct Ills saying. "Go ye and learn what that meaneth. I will have mercy and not sacrifice" (Matt ix, 13: ail. 7). Hs came to bestow the mercy of God, not to demand sacrifices from them as if they Uiust pay Him for all He did for them. We are all as helpless In the matter of salvation or of service as was the sick and dying toy in last week's lesson to obtain health or his father to give it to him. Here In this esson Is another Illustration. There is a pool whose waters at certain sea sous are troubles by an angei and be come possessed of healing properties which are exhausted by the tirst dis eased one who steps in. About this pool lay a great multitude of impotent lolk waiting for the moving of the wa ter. They are a constantly disappoint ed crowd, for only one of the multi tude can be healed. The next must all wait for the next scramble, and only the least helpless stands any chance whatever, and a wholly impotent per son had no chance at all of obtaining health from that pool. The condition of the impotent represents the condl tlon of all by nature, without strength, ungodly, sinners, enemies (Itotu. v, G-10. but what la represented by the pool, by which aonie one with a slight ailment was healed. Is not quite so clear, for there la only one way of aai ration, and He is a Saviour for sin ners. not for nxnteous peopie wuo think they can do for themselves. Je sus came to these porches by that pool one day and saw there a truly Impo tent man whose trouble bad already lasted him thirty-eight years. Notic ing bow matters stood. He said to him. "Wilt thou be made wholer Tne man's reply. "Sir. 1 have no man to put me Into the pool.- shows his help lessness. All be could think or was the pool and a man to put nlia in. The pool be could see. but the man to put oka in be bad not yet seen, and when there might be a possibility of bis be ing bealed by that pool who could tell? Yet in bis be!pl?tness be continued cntil this day. when a seemingly ordl nary man asked blin this question and then added. "Rise, take op thy be.I and walk" (verse 8. a wholly impos fible thing for blni to do. and yet be did it. for Immediately be was well and strong and took op bis bed and walked. A thirty-fight year trouble gone in a moment: Compare the tnir aele wrought upon the man who was over forty year old by the eame Jesus risen and ascended through reter and John (Act ill. 2. 8; lv. 22). Splendid brr-llngs! Why not more of them? But what about all the feet of the multitude that d.iy? frUmietlmea He healed all. Note His own remarks about only one widow ami only one leper out of the n:ntiy In the days or L.iJ:ib and Eil.ha (Luke lv, 25-27i. and to wo are dumb while yet we trust ni:n fully and rejoice to sing. "As for Cod. Ills way Is Tfect" if, xvlii The Ji'ws nccuxed the bealed man of breaking the KaWmtU. He f-!l luck ilj-iii tUe c'Miiuiutid oi iue woe n him. I"it be knew not and the-frf nxiid not tell who He until be met Him In the temple and kpnrd another tiMiwaiie from film Tln-:i be r.iiiV It known that Ji hai j'ull blin After l bit the Jews dll perseruttt Jeui and sought to kill IILa M-rmiMf. as they said. He bad oroueu the Sabbnth and also made Himself eul Willi od ty calling tioj ins Father. luM-ud of rejoicing in tne great deliverance granted to the im- lotent man and giving need to t& words of bis deliverer they have oniy heart for their own affairs, their law. their KaM-nth. thlr authority, and ft h'rt-vcr dors not submit to tbeui mast be broken to piece. Contrast Clod's treatment of the One In their ttildxt whom they kbew not The father loveth the Kon. bath com mitted all Judgment unto the Son. showetb Him all things that Himself doMi' (venw-s if, 22i. They were pro Ufrlux to honor a Cod of their owa hwKiitlon, not the Hod who brought theio out of ilirypt Into the land of irouV,-e. for He wa In their midst. but they were so b:fiided by their pride j end seir rutsHeousn- not s-e IIIiii Vtttrint Ills humility aud emptlnem wish thi ir pride: "I can of n.lne own self do iiothlng. I seek not mine own Will" vr 3'M. fef how He looks onward to the resurrection of Just and unjust at the beginning and end of the eornlng hour iverees 2. 2t, the pres ent age being the liosir when tho who are aVad In sin may hear Ills vol.- and I'.ve (vermes 2.. 2ty He call wait and tm ialent with the foiIi!"h ones who li-iow Him not, for the king dotn Is Ills and nil In neaveti and earth, and li d-ie time It shall seen T ad Hint bath made Him f,.nt and bf't H" Hie VmMUt of f.ivlij tti-f. mill tioU ar not ie' mm'; tint II. l:S. b.. A MAN'S HANDS. 8emoCallinga That Leave Their Trada- marka Imprassad Thereon. If vour eveaicht is keen enough it is possible to tell by looking' at a person's hands what sort of employ ment that individual follows, ac cording to scientific men. It is a commonly accepted fact that the face reveals character, but erv few persons have ever paid any attention to the hands as disclosers of a man's habits. Yet it seems we can get just as much information out of the latter as the former if we know how to go about it. The continual repetition of the same kind of manual work, siws Dr. Alfred Gradenwitz in the Scientific ,nicrican. results in a permanent alteration of the skin and muscles as well as a transformation of the bones (atrophy or thickening of the parts), displacement of the joints. etc., for in repeating a given manipulation over and over again the palm and the balls ot tne thumb and little finger are called upon continually to perform the 6ame action, leading to a perma nent strain on and wear and tear of certain parts of the hand. The greatest alterations are shown in the hands of laborers who do heavy manual work. They have coarse and clumsy hands, with short, thick and callous finders, the balls of the thumb and little fincer being especially developed and tho skin being horny and covered with fissures. Take the left hand of a smith. By continually manipulating the tongs with this hand the balls of the fingers and and thumbs are very markedly developed, and the finger tips are broadened. The hand of the average shoe maker has a strikingly broad and flat thumb, while the tips of the Sneers are likewise broad and flattened. In the hand of the typesetter who works at the case it is to be noticed that the thumb and forefinger of the right hand are tapering in the upper parts, while the left hand thumb, which presses upon the tvrve in the stick, is flattened. " The tailor can easily be picked out by the condition of the forefin ger on his right hand, while the pianist will be found to have taper mg fingers and thumbs, which are flattened upon the part which touch the keys. Tlie New Year ..... We can make this your most successful and Prosperous year? Our Pure Drugs, Fresh Seeds, Good Prices and Perfect Service Warrant Same TjCome to see us. C. E KING & SONS Three Registered Druggists. 224 West Main Street, - Phone 1Q6 P3- ;!;: PIANOS and ORGANS For 1908 See The Cable Co. Have one placed your home on trial for 30 days by sending us a postal card.... IQ8 Church St., Durham, N. C. i M. T. LANGLEY, M'g'r. tttttts eiiiiizz2Ziizxriizzi2iirx:iirzri2zzi2izi2iiirimri2B H M H M M M DON'T TAKE CHANCES Tomorrow may be too late. Have you a re cent and satisfactory picture of husband, wife and child? The moflenl eanipinent of tbe Johnson Studio combiberi with skill an! tate that das come to lie recognued as a distinguishing feature of iu work, commends it to all who desire the best sarviccand reasonable prices. Sittings maie any day. Visitors always welcome. MISS KATIE L. JOHNSON 103J East Main Street. Durham, N. C. izzzzzz2tzixrzzizzzxzzzzzzzrizirztJzzzirzxirzTztzzia Getting Evan. On one occasion visitors to a mer-ry-po-round on a Tacant lot in the outskirts of Philadelphia were very much touched by the melancholy demeanor of a long, lean, lank indi vidual who despite the fact that he was apparently suffering greatly persisted in ridin? repeatedly. At last some one said to him sympa thetically : "You appear to be in great dis tress" "Yes," replied the man on the merry-go-round. "ThU continual riding around and around makes me seaiok." "Well, then, why don't yo. quit riding?" aked the inquisitive qucs tinner. "I can't help it," replied the poor man. "The man who runs tins merry-jro-round owe me morey, and the only way I ran collect it is by taking it ul in ride." Mtitot. On cecourst of it connection with heathen riW and hend the mit!e toe v.os early I from the churches. t'Servn.eri have m for mer time wi n kno:i to forbid iU ! ue amon tlie Ohri.itm-ii decora tions, regarding it a too tainted with supofttitioni to fitly ornament the house of find, and from ue as an architectural deeoration it hat been riifortU!-ly excluded. Perhajn the onlv known instance of iu u-e is in ttristol cathedral, where sprays of mistletoe, with leaves and ber ries, fill the pandreU of one of the remarkable tombs.- Ixmdon Mail. jjjd 4BS SbCbv 4SS Sav Hfl BB' Slav Slrr Sa Sfc' Tha Wary tditor. The musician Ha visibly annoy ed, "fcut, hanp it all," he said. "I told your reporter three or four times over that the violin I u,cd waj a genuine St rndi venue, and here in his report this morning there's not a word, not a word." With a scornful lanirh the editor replied: "That is as it should lie, sir. When Mr. Stradivarius ccts under a line vou come around and let me know." Southwestern ers Hook. Mr ill id ( ii ii l il ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii i) il il il ii l ii il ii) ii il A Pan Point. The pen would hot write. "Shall I get you another, sir?" the secretary ni-kcd. "Xo," said the millionaire. "I'll how you something valuable now." And he held the; pen over the larrp n moment, then dipped it in cold wat"r, and hi it wrote a , well , tvheti r.-vv. "That treiiin iit rejiivenstcii old t)en without fa I." .iid tin- m l. iionairc "On t tiiln'r , himI il wiil save Vo I mouey," Exchange. IRecorber 5ob ffice Everlhing in the Printing Line Executed Promptly and Neatly Letter Heads, Cards, Pos ters, Envelopes, Bill Heads, Statements, Wedding Invi tations, Etc. We have a number of satisfied customers and would like to add to that list. Call to see our work Secure our prices k'fore you give an order for anything in our line. THE RECORDER, Durham, N. C. (1) '.) (0 '0 I) 'It (l I) (l (It ' (I! l '! ' 'H '! 3 SS 33 3 -s ---s -j: Liquid Smoke! In Dottles ould you have thought it? Well, wc have it, when you kill hogs don t forget it, it's the new wav at cur. mg meat. j YEARBY SELLS IT. I Everything New am Fresh in Druw.

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