n ts PfcsPei Or Bust. . 4 8 SI 8 i4 sent tlio writer hlisliif- down tho briels. Til!'' w'!'p liiiKlc-d po v.-'ina they aw a r!ui.i!) Kit'Cu Hame linr'i la the ixl of tlit file In Hie roof lii'low, ;ml si lielch of einolitf rollc'l r,; tu the:ti :i the Imrst mid echo of itn fxplojlon. Bef :v it ivitehed tu:u fi ;. hoiiM mi other roar liein'titT It. The clo-.i 1 of pnioke was Kjilit with Came, nu I they lenjKxl lu k from the purnjtPt as if from the crater of a volcano an J throw tliewselvea on their faces ns the liitni lug gases, freed by the eoli't'ixo of the roof, tlarlnj; lMJ Oft lu the nir ui.il llckhi!" i:j the hI lo of the mnnsnrd biilldl'ij. to break every window fin: a In lis upper ten ftutlcs mi 1 ignite ev ery window t urtal:i, window r.: u:i ! "trim" la l: north wn!l, rolle v r them la r. !:;r.t that nipped their cr.r like a fro.--th.ttf and was poae. . Gorniun dune J down the dpo that wii thraslift i; about the roof mid Btajiswd hack to tlie parapet with It. The tent of heat was unendurable, nd lie could nee nothing for the luii.lce that Minded htm with tear.. He did not know that the jrilo wan nrryluc n tudid tonsrue of tire Into the hidden air tdiuft and that every wlu dow cu that shaft was already Fplt tiog flanres, H -iild Just t that the woodwork of tin' whitK.tr Ih;w hiiu was afire, ami In- al!e.l llanrahan to train the pipe on It with lii:n. They deu: cd It Ma k at once and wat tered the muoke to tut' n;i.,t!n-r li!a !! 'v. Ilv'u s'li'.Un'y V' Ureitm from their !ioe Wi-em-l an "1 squirt. It wr p!ai"i th.:t the erev.-s were tisiiij: the v.atrr oa the lower i!iirs. "We're w.i sited down li'low. I gn"i." Ilanrahan all. "We're n gool np here now." Gorman nodded. They idiut off the nor.! ai;d tt:med to ilrsi? the line t.. the t r of the talri. T!"ey v t Uite. Gorman the Mrr- lu tf; nir vntt ad :-i ..... on oath. ':'!ut ?!l!ift. li.' J ! v. f. the a.V ; f.-uj.i the intend uji sr..' cut Vk-.n .f froHi the e!evafr h:ifi lu the ttu'iT of the .!:! jiisr. 'i!:iy dro;i-d thi- I, lie and inn t. t i:. iir. n.i !.e was p vrinjj fn.;n I;, auil i!atn. was l!iinl tlie unoLe. Gomiati ran Lack for f';e hw, turned the ne k Iftiasd f t:ie helmet over Ui f.o e i;n with tV m-.H-r to ojwn the way U,t hint. f.cs'it !ow three HteH Into a blaze th::t vv:, not bt facetl. liauraLr-n pitt forward on bl bwt!Vr. Gonnan KratI tiime!f p:t:tt tlie WeiiTht. tamed to c;i!li titm ui4der fie armpit and carried lilm up. ti'm-relf ,a!f svrTK-atel. t. lay bin ii the r.of. They were gm-!vl :'ie ncr c purrlnir of ihe fla; -v njMi-.i'im iroaiicd. "V nil r'.'V:" Oortonii a.Wl him. He i- i: .' I N ... "It" act down W ' f t!ii: I" he iMKjwd. Gor'!;asi iir..!'!(:eH.M up and loo'ieo wind l.ii-. The diorway wa th. only f, .',"',: to the roof. If wralkfv lHk t UU V. the iHi-leM lio' i!iv.i, th ' i!a:r.-.i iiii.f nbut !m t!;i sheath ed d or i:i th l.!e Ket.iw. He w.mh to the fto.if railitiij that Kiirnuude 1 the eorule" on the frimi of tin hitild Itis. Tl . opiiij; o.-rliui' t!i, .wei w!-..;..wi I t it -!u drop t the !reet He lutrned to the outti wail. The in dow t ': :. Here twelve fal dowts. end th 'ie v. i no pit ro fo..tl'l 1 H Wi'tif t the tn.li of tlie rMf at-! fdiiod a-.'.;'. "T m.1 us !; tr ! : If .I'tr.j'iitii running f rot i pT t to iiar.ip..'. uw liidde;i In a tlo ' i.r whirling kh: tk.: uiv r -d ;;,HV f u; ., , , - .iw birii leiti mcr t?i, : th.if tirr; ttnti'l th . f o lt t )'.. tMiiJ Ull to find that the tan was af:uo:-t fu'l. lie took of hla rublier coat and dlppe:' It down, and It came tip dripping. Ho rublied it over his face nl licked at the moisture oa the Rtriooih tarpau'Ii.. and the touch of water sent n bunting fever flush of thirst, through him. He reached down with his helmet, drew It up half full and emptied It over his head aud down his back again and again. Then ho drank It In great gulps, sighing with natlsfaction. The relief brought back his energies. The tan'; ladder to-k his eye. and it occurred to him that if ho could pet It he n.lg'it bo able to reach a lower window with ft. He took hold It In hi;! huge hands, drew a long I r -ri 'i n'i'1 stralnel to wrench It from III l ")!i K(;e,;pts. tlgh'cnpig on It slow ly unf I! the blood druniilie l In his cars, lie befit the upright of it. but the pock et held It Btill. When he paused fo brenf'i hi? . remembered Hauraban uru Bhoute.1 to him for aid. lis got no answer, and he descend: the loot to find him lying ou his fai-e l:i th worst of the heat that blew f -oni the nir shaft He dragged hi;; tuck from it and emptied a helmet full Cf writer o:i his face. llauiiiiian rolled his head from side to t I '.e, muttering to himself. - T.-.-ttcr y-'t up to the tank an' take a lip. I want you to help me get that laducr loose. Here, take a drink,' fc!d .or::;;ui. Ha lira ha a caught at his collar, thrust lug aside the water. "Get me down he KiU. "ou get me down. Bull. I' make it good. Tin right In with the gang. Durgau said" , Gorman threw him from hi in with curu "I can t get you down!" lie "What's the matter yelled at lilm. wlih you?" Haarahau fell back heavily and lay breathing b ird, with .;n mouth, pu.T of sm.ke blew down and choked III in with a sob. Gorman dragged hl;a across the roof to the t ciU end rat down lsMe him iituvrtain what to do. with his bac to the pr.n pet and bis r;i e to the lig! uvi!. Th ... heat swam o.er them i i ti . ;!! iiug eurretit. Haurahaii threw out his arms and lay as If stretehed on i cross, rolling his head from side to i.!e. agonized und hpwehiess. He lr;,i'i to ri lie the confession u' a Itoiiuui fatholie, beatiug his brea:- with a whispered "through my fault '-: - i !;:; taint, turotigu my uiost n t : - .v.1m1. The xinoke Irrlta' v' i.. ... .'!, Lea! prhkeil hi.u. "fan ! '.ill : ; yip f.r half a iiilnutoy 1- !.,!.: i!:: :-. .!. ;-r.:i;ei and turned to Sum. 1 ... .iij tli.uk there's any he! IV he uske-l l.i a Imrky whiter. f.o.-ru.m ln'lieil. "Aw, cut It out. ne Mil l. "lu re seared. That's all that's wr.iag with you. There v. as a cratdi of breaking win iiov iti the atr shaft. The flames ro:ire.l up. flapping like a banner la the lud. "Ile.p! Ilanrahan screi lied. "Help Hcr- Goriu.in st.K rp n the thhkenPi iuio!.) und !Hiked down oa him. "Say, se s:i; i. ir yoti got imy breath to ra.te. you'd U-tter save It fer ver Id.-.. ' Cif- ii e o i 1.1 I . nil p it 1 U i hi a trniiip. i to h 'i. T' oe w.i lin? tti, ion tf fi wi ; ' !! .iw him t.- ,. !l I fcelt: -ft !Hi J try to throw it i, . the h:m l aid the ff i!c i . i; from his liavd. I-mm'I it aloft :.a I bl. w It nw :y It th. i ..trull witii tin' smoke ii.l th : 1 I'''- ' uVo- I! '!-, ' I. , , G . . to !. n." l- !!- : oa ; i :. "ltd s- t S'i kr--. I'.'it v . ::. flo ! It !' tn; . f- . oi! I i-i i: o fU o;i t!;e ro.f tiot ir . r' fc.f -ty T pr i ll i Uve, an lo I li.-i- i". eii!n-rs. iiiii.it bi'-U to Gortii'tn. I.' - !' ..-.!. :v,:i." h.. eite.l '..!ir:i pl.v up li. r :" "i . .k li s head. f l eiin't g. t " t there w a tiofh!: s roof l ln.ni. 'i b .' i:. i v, o il i be th d io w;m ih in wor-.t in vu ui tit th" point f-in!i,..t i n 113 eiiii -iiirtil i v. .it e l -v ''i ii itt e .; i .f t; I I tot the aasl- of the ! I. !!. to f! i. even If 'II Ml. !V t'tik w, t i If. Htc w.k t!. gnntJ... ".V tvirttld liiee t, jtT tl ' t f-oot b .!.i; ; i'l - ii llii womII Irivi tl. l.i i'i I ? from t'i drift of v ,.,if v,.p , f ,.r.. i, til to p".T I '. Iffl t'te !ium . If.ntr hat stiiinid-l ei.diist h'tii. 'ISKlf." I tjh. i CK .t. " .iirt-lcaii'lgeiiton n." : .i :t i! tl'tit t hhii ti lde. ' Ve'l. who Sli d neddV he ,.p:r!e I "Too re uji h re t slay. You Mtei Itia'ie t o r r i,d:,d tj4t till shot fcr y t If.iti"i'iri threw tip Id nrrw ! ' KfCflii.el at th,. ity ,i a ,g,, dry tolce, r'iitd'io'f r.lth Ids lhfff--r mil HiappH'S? :.e n io nlfh .l tet!i. Then h pii,;,,,,! forward Into lite nn4e on n run for t!n utreet Hftrnpet phi. Ortruinn cllndel ilov.ly up tfm boo t!1er to Uf lop of the Link, Iff Ulifi ua t2Ul Hi.:rpflti LralHed & I i;i i f Hi- T't i ! p- ..v. . ill ! I. Oi III J lie I... e i,. i! t, ' ' i. . I i h r :' s g ,,r i i drop ., ! it won't 'e.ive . 'i . - ; the il to niSe :i tt'K, , ... will d iiv...;. fn.in ini ii's . ImbVr t !! t .p . f ; i. t ii." I t I i'...-, ii t;;e II o.i ! i- t' e . i,e i t'i - t.:reet . 1.,-itin ' mutt;, all., f. r c . I I' ' ! 'lie ritel wsi ! ti'id t'.y v ; ' 1.1 .i'y li.r ;iv. .v. U,. r.:i. he I liiiv i ; . i'n (., ill,. .u d fa nk fr e l I l !iiiii nt., in. Th" air i up ... I .;.)!,( li 1 1:-!:. I! ): wi: o I.ii f.i . i " ' dr f! ef It and rl-tlt li s cr. ! ' tr: It! t ; Jj i-j i iM. ' ! v h ' "b id threitcued It ur "l !!' --d; I?i:-i of fie r.f. ; bad tp i:.e:i In nngr 1 1 t.'ir j,- U i'i in: . s'.letiio und not beeniKc he bcl.mel that either of them Wo.dl l.we bi li.c Ii r. i not a lurn of I; in ;l:i ill i. ail lei tfe-ith iviii to stn ig lo Mi ImiIv for ho:i to te. lizi. the iKii'i l'ty .f dk.i:h If t'u crew below ;; l not tl d s.i! e i iciiii-i i f rencfiltiu !:im. he lto;.".l l ; oi;t the fre where he w. l lo.'t'v h, wti iitigry and bewilder"! by b s own aiger tnr.'iMse n.tiira'i ':i h id gore t 'leT?i and iitaile stieh n li.Me. IK' i-otild Hot think. Hit heat wearing on hint. He lay there waiting. And. in fact, thp men below were al ready plinoinr to reach him. For i liie C4i;i;aiii lal had hern tit lniy fighting lack th flames on the twcl.-f . floor that he did not think of the two men whom ho had left on the roof. It was not until sparks and burning woodwork began to pour down the ele vator shaft that the possibility of the situation occuired to him. Fortunate ly the building was "11 reproofed." and the progress of the flames would be slow. He cal'ed two of h!s crew to get seal ing ladder end, leaving his lieutena'it in charge of the pipes, he rnji to th soulhwesi e.d of the buildhiT to be farthest from the fire and. ooenlng a wind j w t .". looked up. II." c-ttld nee no algns of fire In anv wlnd-r.e aliore him. "T. hi!:s r.!l rig!:!." h-. fi l l th? t::e;i. "F.tit yj'.i'i! b-ive to !e j r Keep your eyi op m for tlie wiadows behind yt.a." They had a euil of life line and two ladders. The.v u ; .1 but r.ie of :!.e bit ter, going up frigoilier for greater tpecd At their first window tney saw tue wis dom of Captain Hall's Instruction.;. The room within was stifling with smoke and heat, and as soon as they opened a vent inlt the tire showed in the darkness. At the fourteenth story a light o." Camea ws already gilinuiering be hind the broken pane. The smoke poured out on them as they beat In the glass and hauled up the ladder. They went ahead, however, and while they were climbing up the wall from that window they heard the rush of a back draft below them and looked down to eee the flames in the thir teenth story cutting them o5. A cry of warning from Captain Bail was answered by a faint shout above thcia. They looked up to see Gonna;! peering down over the edg.' of ti: water tank. Captain Hail shouted to them. "Come down the rope!" They looked down to see him waving t them. They looked rp to see that Gorman had disappeiire 1. "j lai.' tne upper mail r ia l, "we can t reai h 'em." They ii 1 the end . ' their rope Jiurrio-lly aro-.md the sh-.f: of the lad!er. and ea !i 1 '. a tv !: : of it In the boo!; of his licit and diveeied. They slid down through lire and smoke, blistered and blinded, to Cap tain Hall, who caught eai-li as be came and drew hl. i lu the window. A fireman tent by the lieutenant ear e up Photttlisg. "Fire's at ii: elevator shaft T' Ti.ey turmd im.l r ;n. G )r::i:ia !i..d g..ne i'. . n ti i'ie ro " to g-t ll.i: r.!ii :!i ;:n 1 fo !i 1 him lyiar o:i IH fa e oa the I ri "The men Ye comia' up the lad ders," he said. Ilaurahau f nrang to hi fe.-t with this new hope of li'e an i followed lilm around the tank to the parapet. They lo ked down, to see the empty ladder, twenty feet I clow then, hang ing i:i the flames, v. ilh a bi.ir.ing rope dangling from the center of it into the smoke, 'ilelir' Gorman sail disgust edly. Hanrahan starl at the abandoned apparatus. "I guess." he said in a new voice. He turned back wii'j Gorman to the front of the tank again. There was n lull In the wind; tlie stnke and th flames roe up si might on two sh:es of the roof. at:d the bri. ks were bo: under their feet. H.ere was no e- cape now. "He got one rh.iu.-e lei't." Gormiin said. "We can get ia th.-tank." Hanrahan shook his h'-ad. "N'o tte. Hull." he iiiisv ,!!. T int to ca.-ii i i. I i:es." Gorman tirsod hi-u. "Weil. I i-.; i t." he s ii !. "Get a hold of thi lad 1,-r" He braeed liii .s .lf with a f ! ng.iM!t the tin covering of t'i t.' i';. bent his baek and tugi.-l to e. v i th,. lad'er from its r.iMc:iii:g. 11 ii .i'nu lu lc J lilm. They :.trai:ied and sfrug pled with all the trti: ii of oiv,. uorele. and the Lav.it i.erew i:i t'..- so cf titr:: 'ts e.:;je or' s!i.,. ly. a. if th -y h ;. b-vi su: i.i .. Dn.e li.-.::ig I.m :..! i;j t' lever d tlie lid ,!e- twistel it . . ttren. h,I it fiee. Gon.i. :i -r.:v '"' t. i- i!i rt': sie. I b ar s :mi 1 lamed .' i'i- i.p'-iK-k i'i.'Ic. 'I lie:i tiiey !.., . ": d- c.1 aloft, levered i!.. .!,',-r in; :': . tank und wild down, one o i Ii si,;.. Oi Ihe iv. igs. laio the water. Th u dr.iiik l".;'ier. Mink lo th - t h. Gorman ducked. "Vou'd I -ter tie y-rtMli en." Ih- spluttered. "We'll ! e ,l::i i.c.li h ! 'fo !e 'ihe s -i!t!ie wa. :i rtsl s-y .-.of lib Te t'e;.!. n;. t'l-v .ii!!l , fii .' t. i.i l.p-rs .. i. . , !? f ;mi l;i the e i o" th r u i.i ': l oilli.i Ih oi . lei under I'ie nr. ti. I ' 'llc y -o;t: 1 h ir Ci- r ici.' : 01 11.:. : i inn.-; e. Tlie , ii;g of seaii Tcl rrla o i th tbeia. I wl h I hi 1 son:. lir. i s n !. Hanr.-.?' ;n -i"'iel slnglrg crazy nothings p.i the voice o! Insanity. Captain Kail went over to him and called up. "Where's Ilanrahati';" He winked and pointed down Into tho tank. "!'r.i the king of v -ast!e." he sang. "I'm the kirg of t'-.c castle I'm the king what's Ilr.iiVM'.rnV I'ete. Pete. Delicate Tete! Oh. he's a spell binder." he said with a grin. "He's a spellbinder, talkin' hot air. ComiV t'p? '".:. e on up. It ain't ca bit up here a.; it was." And the.v found Hanra FCiot; '. i'or tween Two his Pete." "Oh. I Sol::' I . ': i : mn, uncon- i t alive, fti'l ti.-: l!..:!i:ig t.'S;h l:i, rongj. i c!-:h later, whe'i r (tuly at t'?e cr. P'e-tion was pi,' 'Ii:i?" (ho !.-.n:. to C e lad- 1 i:C- !l re- tin., ('epariment. lie's 'in the polk-q." .5 " raraners Cy ELLSWORTH KELLEY. v Copvriglit by S. S. MeClure Company. . ' . i"Vi' :-':'K':''K'':-'v':-4 ! I'MiAY morning: Sunday morn i;..., in June! Two old men sat under the shade of the maple trees la the front yard while the c!rch bells jan::lel u! jarred and boomed over the housetops and out across the vai ley. "'Pears to me like church bells soun" liurtie.i" when you's away o3 from 'em. two or three miles, say." volun teered the old man whh tho biilygoat !s-ar-!. !;. v.-horn the boys afieetloiiiitel; called -CiK-le Joe." "Same way with a lirass baud," o'i serv.-d I'm-ic Ciily, he of the smootii iha .!: !" .- "Yon git rp t lose an' ir si-rt o' j .4 your nerves an' lireshes your fur all the wrong way. P,ut git away :f. say 'bout half a mile of a still evenin. an I kin shet my eyes e I hear the heavenly l:o: is on their harps an' poundiu' au' ir-. a-twai: their "' !' !. . vr ; ii: ' H ' i III- !' '( o;:.e s;.e-i'.i! !i vi I'.J." uoilee.l 'g-:--. '-'i .i e;s. i; I he. r l :.eV We :.-:! eor.i".' jest fit::e th!:. .-. ' er when we e !i!Vt begi.l a chuivh Led ;;;!.! it tail, as plain rs t'iat ivminJ i:. r.r hv.rca ".- !i : . !y. ." herely! An' mei It's girtin mighty time, ni' I must lie poiiin' along. Jo: I wi'.it .! 1 as you air. to I wi.lit you'd g i to ohrcreh of it-tier. Old I'nele Joe no.lded. "I !'; pc you do. Kill. I s'pose yo i do. I'd like to. real well, bat not today I can't go toda. I'aet i. Kill. I don't want you to no an."t:i!ug agin vottr con se if nee. but I've laid off to take a u:ii louay. a nine wait; out in t::e eoutitry. As I said. I don't want you to i!o anything ag m your eo:is.-ieiiee. but I'd k;:rb-o' set my miad ou hr.vin' yuii g v.itli me.' "Mn-li oblecged. Joseph. iijf.eh el.vg.Hi; ;v,;t I fottldu't ihl'lk of it. I haven't misseJ eh nvli for nigh o:i n.onty wi .-.. An-do ;.i think it i right to i a-v.-and.-ria o'f that v.v.y on Pin-da; : Io y.n. no. y 'Itlght: Sh neks': Of eeurse It i"i Look here. Kill: I'er the s i!; of nvgy nieat. say we take a walk. We g out along the green hedgerow . We see the wild ro'es Idisimin' an' the prowl n" com. We hear the in.M-kiii" bird-, a-singiu fi' to kill. We take great, big. full breath: of eonnirv -ame a we uwl to when we weso par.i.ie: -. !)Otit J ou IV;: e:..t.V ,o,t. v.e lls.nl to see Who o.:M l.i.ike 1, . I. t Mv.-'i li:e bit'ge-t? He I'tt'.v. w.i a't it': .'.ii I beta t'iiror- is innoee'.t. an' nil th ut i' dugs I ; g i-i,. Who toiiee ':;.': t;...l. V.'h-it f-r o ! he . ...r - T-r i ntl uje to e ijey. ; e.v we e:i .. 'el.' her.. I, hi . u'.' V.' - '.( e.!i:'t. Wb.c'l l. v.,.v.. ,ji)V.-V V,)tl go to elrtireli. an' jou it th.re . ;: ;i ha- ! -eii. an' by ai by. '!: 1 o' Ii - ion the .n.n-her the fust tiiiag y...i l;e. e-i f ! i;. . :; a'r -!e hit l'r- ,. ;' v. iii-ier. an' ti ei n i,,i-.l - ..; it , ii oi the iiir. an' it iM.ii.-s you f. g.w I ; M eve-. .u then (ie fast t!i .Vivo k: o-.v ou dua'l I...... a 'de. to IXCH cured in 30 n i lutes by T Woolford s Sanitary Loti'm. Ncvf r fails. Sold by Hackney mios., Druifffi&t. ' -.-,. Four Ciut!) all Wu! I iia I'iiii;! ail rii.nl. Is cheaper than shoddy cloth or -Ih 'Id paint. The I,. & M. is Zinc Mt la! taa-it into Oxi.le of Zinc co nbi :c-1 with Wnite Lead, snd then made im . print w.th pure Linsevd Oii in . bonus ,i rl gai on gnndings mid mi ia.;-. oVar. l actual cost oii v ti.io per guliou j i Mav look Hackney 11ms. L. iV M 1 ui. at ;;r a. I K III'- " il !" t if I !l, , :!;:.t . ' me- 'am I. Ai;( Ills Southern 1 ! I ' I I u I .1 t i I'll a it .1 above ill f e.i!." I pfe.e ii.-r lis:' . V.i"'-i: t? Ain ti'i i.i. ov bo :' Ai . : o' t ;h Hi: "(If l-e t. .1.. - !";u le .lei te I f. I'd ! w.i- KOL.Ct He o: i. t lie MV l e H It :e b i hokhe: v. ;t!i beat end !'.' -fed ellia o i i'ie t r , v. !!.' va tired aed .: I lo iliilM.u: ea ei a !- of , bf. v, ii nboet In storm :;. ', h t. ;t '.. ' : ; .i a'.ove !e ! ;u.-. Ho ti i id wn tkI etvl In a i! I'r'tim uf ni;'.i He leir,l llorie in's v-iee. at a g:eit i'.i.4(.iii', ay. "Wind t hinge! MJilth." Iniybrenk found the "fireproof" inatenrd bolldlrg n sttv'.lng and blackened Miell above lis tcnlh story. Willi the (l.el ieil p itting out the !.l-t nfiolder In the gutted risoo. Thev fought their way rp i lowly from flNr to l!iMr until by noon Captain Hall and 8 fp:ad if hi". . ,.;!; looking fer t'te'r dead. rea. hed I he Hairs leadlif to ihe rwf. They found there the blaekeited lioKiiie wlik'h t'ornun had a'. itidoued lo tlie fre. They went up Ihe stairs hojlessly nnd burst mien the dis.r. to see tlonuaii himself, red eycil and dripping nnd stripped t the waet. i n the cilge of the 1: n!r. beaf- liiff wiili. LU licclf on. lit siJes and i 1 1 H 'i:,ii' I'.i.le lV.ily. h !.:!'. e-. " in. I i ! .. ;.' Jon what. P.ili: y..a t o with iae L'"' 1 ' '.' ,i .. .!;,. I. I's t ike i lier aloag. go . t ' : :, i . i me '. K "! day of e;i o . in" en- ; e an' v.'h'vi w: g t ha. : I :i I r e 10 yen. lb, I if you -ay v.e I.i. -.'; h ; 11 good j-i'ia rale old fa.?;io-:et ei Jcy -il.',. Tic . like we tied to !. . W hen we was b, an p ir ineis n-'y I'll go to laeetiu' on r. 1 ir ev ery !o'l.-'V fer s! ".vnln." t'tt.-l Tilly pause 1. Iletaied. nsil Hie i;.,;-, who heotote-' y.- kiow the rest o" th proverb. 1'iiele ,loe was ouee jiu ' the doioit' int po i i ;tf pa!! : - -I , 4 I. . ii u n! ii" . -ri .-:et i e -y ne;v !' years and juars an I jears ,-g. Willie the seeotid bell was K !' f l-.ci i v ; ; j N I a k v o, i ) ; Trains leave Durham, N. C. I :ao a. m. No. in csl!.ouiai dailv I' . Gtcensboro and j.-oiiits Seiilli uai . 1 Connects -at (ir-.tois'-oro with No. S i . rt1. fur Ilaiiville und Kichiaond. slid s(l;M with Nos. 9, 3J, ii ami 37, for Ni.i.. buty, Cliaiioite, Coiuuii.ia, .k-.nain..-iii Cliarltston, Jack son ville, Atht'iOi. nu New Orleans; 8t Salisbury lor Asl;evi.lc Ki oxvillef Chattanooga, Nashv ! i ie aed other points west. 3:07 a. 111., No. 112, easlbound, dailj for Kalcigh, Selma atuh Goldsl.oro ka. rits Pullman Sleeper Greensboro to Ral tigh. 9:13 a. m., No. 10S, eiiitbouud, daih for Raleigh, Selma iid Goldsboro; con nccts at tse.ma with A'.lanti-: koast LiiK tiorth fo- Wilson, and kocky A'omit, nl GoklbLoro for Tarboio and Norfolk; at Selma for 1 ayct'eville and I'lorcm c. 9:30 a. ui., No. 107, westbound, daiiy for Greensboro and intermediate local points; connects at Greensboro with I'. S. Fast Mail for Danville, Lynchburg. Washington and all points North and West, as also with No. 7 for Charlotte and iirermediat stations. S erheri Railway Dining Cars operated 011 triin Nos. 36 at d 30. 9:05 a. in., No. 116, no.thbouiid, dail forOxfort, Henderson leifries. Keys' ville and Richmond, where close con nectiou is made to all points notth. CU connection at jtiTrits for Norfolk aie Steam..i.,ii Lines, to Wasl ingtoii, Haiti more, New Vor and Ilosti n. 5oO p. 111., No. 136, eastlaaind. .'.aii . fur Kalcigh, Selma. t inbLsiioro and 11. tcrnitciatc stations. 3:50 p.m., No. 135. W'.-stbo'.;u l, dai'a. fvr Greensls.'o-and ai i jn.ints konaeeu at Greenslioro for Winston Sakm, alsi with Nos i'o and 29 for Sambury, Char iutte, Columbia. Charlf stiii.. Sivatiiia'o Jackwuivilie, Atlanta and New Orleans: at Salirliurv for Asheville, Knoxvidc (."haltaii. oy .. Memphis, I.onisviiie, k'10 im .-.li and. St. Lotii-. deiie-i lu-'ll bound v.i'h No. : ; f : -A iv, X, -S. 34 aud 40 tr Ljtu b..r.:. t h:-ri..t ville, WasJiiagioti, i- it::::..rc, Ne w York Richmond and Norfolk. 4:45 p. 111 . No. 274. r.orilibcutid. dailv except Sundav, for o.-vi.-r-:. iii sviiiJ, Ki hiiioi.d and ;rti n:;cd:.ite s!.'..i"-.!. No. 115, Kicbiiiond to Durliam. ..: rive 5:35 p: in. For futtli er iutortuat i(oi 1 00 ar. agent Southern Railway, m a'..lrs. II II. Spencer, Gen. '.Maui -ir. VWsh iiigtou, I). C, S. H. Hardwick. Pass. Tnf'c Man a ge . W.;shing'.i.iii D. C. W. II. Tay oe, Gt, I':.s. Agent Wa.sliiiigton, I). C. R. L. Vernon. Trav. Pass. Agent Char lotte. N. C. 1". W. Woodward I'tiion Ti. -kr 1 Auc:::. iHirham. N. C. t- We aie : 1..: x I.,, t!i. 1:1 10 .ui. : a if .11 - tiie ,.ei- b r j lift,, si.owing it us e i :,ili) :'i!. T HoDaday Opp. tlie Fostofiice Durham. N. C. Choico looses, Carnations, and other cut flowers. Shower and other boqueto for weddings. FLORAL DESIGNS. Palms, Ferns, Etc. for home culture. We also have a large collec tion cf BULBS. HYACINTHS, TU LIPS, DAFFODILS, and many others for out and iiKk'Oi" bloominc. Ev?:;.Kens, Ucse Plant,-. !:Sr,.ii;. r , Lit. H. Steinmetz, Florist, Paleigh, N. C. 60 YEARS' ..VSS&i' EXPERI6NCE Vv 1 ' IJIl!. . . i:,r !,. ;.-r, i liom -.1 : - tent f:. ... I t - ! .... - re i( '. .. Desk s Copy high i a e. ; p. : ' . 'i -, M i!crr.' Iin nm 1 1 i . . 11 f;v Khril.fr ail . ! ,!!i-!i'V. I'..itimuiilm. " l:AtiOEC3K .n I'atmua . ' t.r wiirHi tauumtii. !' i .-'i : ti C. rcelT , lu inn SEABOARL AIR LINK RAILWAY. Effective January 5. I'8. r.r subject to charge without rolio- Trains will leave Durr.nr.i a. follows: No. 238.-10.03 A. M. connect ins; at I lender.--., n with No. which will r.rrive at rortsmouth- ri:'n!i.. ; . f 1, -f . .i :n.,. 1. .iirrinl. 1 iTina. .l KOf; & Co Now York Uracil viaee, (a F et, Wa-bibkiuii, D. U Norfolk at 5:30 P counectinn at Weklon with A. (' L. for Eastern Can linn t oi:,.' and at P,rtsrr.outs;-Norf.i!?; v. it I Steamship lines f.r Wa.-hin.s.'ti . Baltimore, (are (l.:ulc. Ni v York and I'oton. This will a!.-t. v-nnneet at lIfiiif.r.-on with !'( for Kichmond, Ya?k:r.i.t--i and New York. No. 211 will arrive in Darhai: at 0 P. ivl. No. 2i?l will arrive in nt:ii,.!i at 9.20 P. M. No. 222 will ',;iv. Dtirlnm .:io P. ai. The Durfvi:-! A ?:k.-ru XvJ No. -!1 leavinir D 'rhnm :.t 1. r P. M. r.:vi ;..i:vi' ;-t A :. i.f ( P. M. -..r.r. et v.i.h S - 'ioard No. 11 and 4:5 for ( ,i--iolto. Atlanta and point. UV.t. atMl Lolumlua. S.i";'! :v-i e- RXHowerioii&Son ti i . . . 3 i Old Reliable I Modern Funeral Directors and $ ....Embalniers... Office and Show Rooms 316 M.inp-nm 5f. O - " K !a. ati't titi-bt M-niff. i1...re '.?.? V .' n.J!c f.ii i'i!:i - !i r iln i !;. ..c :: v fj sj in our "i:n:. ' II Ski? r " ? " - - f .i r j (Schcilu! ? in li::'; "Villi M t;. s: V- ?:- 1VWOX. Km 1 I I.v ! ; Ar I.v, i. ui ..' i . Wi yonville. and r.uiiJ.i For Timc-tal'I'!. i at -s inferrat!,Mi d -ir .1 a ly W. Wocuuard. l:ii:.n Ajrcnt, or P. L. :.:!, t '. il.u iU'iU iirns Ufllt for;: :!i t'i- ' "('oh.i', nil. -iin;" u .1 crept rti'-ilt'.i'y out th-.v irl't!i cit'i" i-lit IhI t'i' fivii. vr-v arofi;lIy mi.l tou ilo.vn tin in :: t.f tin hi-iJiTo'V iiloiiiT ii "tiins!!i2 r.r."" tmv.'!,il tho riv.T. ": T'i" I'.!"-. I r. i fii'.v .!'! ".Iiiii..'i" !! tin' way ,i miM It !m i. Il i'il'-Htf 111' v. 11 - "!ll, tn K:!V ; . tliltl'? l'l't iji;iti ruli liirt l',!n' .t-)!. It wni Jost M-rli n (!ty its tM-t wlii'tj my first wifo--nlnn Mnry ntiil I Wih wnlklti Imme fnun i'intltr. ilown In t!ip I'M in-''ilmrln'iHlw lien v,w tcifd t:t i(itt!!'i to nsk her If h,'i! h-ivi mi'. Tin liiown thrnxh- ww. Ajrent. to. c. ii. ; , Travt l!nu Pav-' n .l v , nd a- to i Ti '!.. : . 1 1 , . 3 9-M i ', : .'is ViU il ' if .r- l! '-K't. ' i.V. II.L r. r i::d.. ;:!,. Act: N. ('. i: Li.! NuKTII C K.i!.lN t lltltll.illl ('nliltiy I S.unly I ".iiv III lilt- SVjMi, i ::tt. r NOTIV Till lU fCHil. lilt il'.nvC II !" , r.v.i t i . WV.i t.it,.. notUT tltnt nil .ii tiott t nf.iit-l :i ,,Ki, Jiii IhtH mil'-,;;,- . I i-i i! t : V'ollft "f Illllll llll CiMTltty til I ' Villi .il- ... Inti- illror, li. -tl lu; mi il.i -iiini .. .ilnttilntitr.f tit .i:ti iii ' i!i.irfii i; iinc' . t r tlian itiii' i:vi?i,' i i f r: i. ;! ii i .i.'.ulu r wi!li li-tii .uil the (..ii,! !) t . mit wii! fiitslm tV.p :-.-t . .. .'i 1 1 njiiirri! to :i. ar .! tin-r-t ? .Siit. tt int hk. A "i i'l .-'i-tt ; ontlti" nth t,iv M.v. s ,. . Cinitt llonse of Mi'l t'.iiitiiv in liii, X. C, ("Hi! BllHHrt . f lit ituit. ti.l!-, i . i , laiiit ill iii") iuti ti. o ;iii ; f.iiiiti:.' v. " ly to Iht- court for tlie iclu-f il, tn n i , il itt i'(.iiiil iinl. . 1 i.: -. i. . ., c is. i ; vi i.v f !cts -'.i;i-ti. i v.- i . m. mm cii Kvrn i-1 i -. ti'! I Tin: ! i.i. sHi-ntuv mm Int ii 8 t . 10 j th- lie,.; I oif tv;M. A liifi '!': v .iti-I ! ri!---s. . i ' : i "-. -. r I, r Sii'-.. : - It .-. -' .' J'li-Os ui! tiif I.'fal. i!r. Ni1 the Hi! i 'nl Tlii- 7th Uhv . f M.-i

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