f . I ' I, - "i ' : " "'jtL: .11- v ' ' i fd n rt 4 en ia m -tM '- r f ... . ... ' ' 4 - J" r ' ... t v u s - - . . illlMi?lPIiIP itPfiftnff aiif ff-lt Ifrnm .war Ions iPlaces is WIewcil mnfl aow fhia TTMtrlh the 'breath W lie; Farmers are busy planting corn and fixing tobacco land, get ting ready to plant when May makes his appearance. There U ritfht much sickness : KU community. J. F. Ulenn and man became a living souL. Man is a complex being in his unity. With reference , to .his personality, he is one; with , re ference to his substance, he is two. His body is of the eartny; sii aMa n laat San-1 his spirit is of God. His body riav his daughter Lua was-Uk- was made-created; his spirit was n ill Dr. Calvm hicks, was nut crcatcu uuw v called'in and pronounced it ap- irom the almighty; it is kin to Aendicitis.' Drs. W. N. Hicks, him-Via bis image." we speaiw oiaeatn ui uieu uc- and Joe uranara, aisu mwuSv the same and carried her to the Watts hospital where they per formed an operation Sunday night. She was getting on nice lv when last heard from. Mr and Mr a. A. -J. Hall, tt t.irnpd Sunday after spending w davs with their -daughter Mrs. Carl CeUlough at Morris- Mr. ind Mrs. W. T. HoUoway .vianfTriiirsdav in Durham. There was a prohibition lec- lira fit Redwood Sunday that W4 attended by many. I!ipa"MalUsa Markham, MirrHofinoch. Ella and Hattie Holloway and A. M. Hall at '4arAA tVi fVmmencement at Knapp of Eeeds. High Schoo 9 and 10. They spent Severs th immunity with friends, and report the company being go6d-and- having a fine trip. . By-the way guano is being " shipped and hauled around our village, some are preparing to iut in a full years work, espec ially if tobacco is to be the crop. Our mail carrier and sister Hiss Befcsie attended services at Roberson's Grove Sunday. Sani Reves, an "aged old time darkey, passed away at his home Monday after a long illness. A large crowd attended his burial. :Miss Malissa Markham has been suffering rirht much with throat trouble since Sunday. She is at borne. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Glenn, and Mr. and Mrs. Rigsbee ana child ren visited J. D. Copley's fam ily Sunday. ' Three acres of land has been purchased to erect a High School n. kt Glenn's School house. We hope to" have the school buildinir ahd a large attendance next fall. " A merry Easter to all. G. C. EIX6GT OF MLMmiAM. If : fit mtf ' 1 f pi. Mr. ThDEDSoa Souks cl Our- r- lua's Termer JherlfL At the annual memorial ter- v?rp of the Masons Rev. C. J. ThomnsonsDoke handsomefwords f r.lix D. Markham. who died within the past year, and whose term of sheriff was marked by strikingly faithful service. Mr. Thompson said: - Man is God's highest 'creation. Ha In chief and noblest or al earthly existence. The Psalmist by Inspiration penned these words WW' In man. that thou art mindful of him? and the son o; man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the anzelsand host crowned him with glory and honor. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou 'hast put all things under his feet,"' Psalms 8, 4-6. "In the beginning God said. "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." "And the Wd O'k! fnrrnHl mm of the ?"t of Dartintf this life, ltiat means that me body only dies and goes back1 to the earth, the spirit does not die cannot die, for life and Dersonality has -an unbroken continuity of existence in life here and hereafter. It would be nearer the fact in the case if we bad accustomed -ourselves' to speak, instead of death, to say the spirit has put off the bod. The body; tor a time, ceased to be as such, but the living, per sonality continues beyond the putting of! of the body in un broken life. The memorial idea carries with if belief in immortality-life be yond this visible existence. This is what invests our memorial cus toms with value. We should not want to remember that wnicn ceases tobe, but it is because our departed friends still live that we cherih andTkeep- alive "their memory. Again, the memorial idea is beautiful and comforting to us. No one wants to be forgotten. We like lo ba remembered here and the assurance that not only here, but after we have passed into the beyond our friends will not forget us, but will still cher ish and keep us fresh in the chambers of memory, brings to us now the feeling of delight and comfort. And if, in the spirit world, there is any knowledge by those who have departed of what we who remain are doing here, I am persuaded that the joy we find in doing honor to their memory is shared in no less by them selves. Hence, a memoral oc casion in honor of cur departed friends and brothers is befitting, beautiful and comforting. Tne one in whose memory we meet tonight upon whose grave we place fresn garlands, ana whose life and deeds we would keep alive among us, is the late Felix D. Markham. He was bom in Orange, . now Durham county, N. d June 20, 1315. and died July 12, 1907, In our city. With the exception of two years which he spent in the civil war, his life was passed in this community. From 1884 to his death Mr. Markham gave his life to the service of the public. During that period he was sheriff of Durham county with the ex ception of two terms, having been elected to that office ten times and served nearly nineteen years in all. The deceased was a consistant and valuable member of the First Baptist church, of Durham, and was one of its most liberal sup porters. Mr. Markham was twico mar ried and Is survived by his wid ow and six children. As a man and as a citizen our brother was acknowledged by all who knew him to be of the highest tvp nrd chifnetfr. He was inUrfrttfew wordsr-but of wise 'V'1 Danville Voles On) Ram. judgement and a safe counselor. "Danille, Va., April 15r-Follow- tie loved men and arew jnem. to mg probably tne most warmiy hinitf.miiamong..ua, had contested compaign ever held in more genuine and true inenqsi the history 01 the cityr vanvms thanihehadJ He had confidence was voted "dryV today -by a in humanity and trusted men be- majority of 45 ,voteSi put ,of a friended them, even: untd Extent tpl,votepf3tcast. sTJieififth to his own hurt. He. was .sym- and sixth w?d3,Jan.orjrapiation pathetic arwl charitable, respond- ottbecity formerly-jknown as ing cheerfully .and Uiberally.al- Neapolis, had no . vote in :tbe ways to the cry of human need, election, , having 2 beej . annexed He was considerate of other peo- wjth, the agreement that it should ple'sfeelingsi namesanJoterests. reroaia "ry." tiThe .vot polled He .harbored no ill -will, and tonday was the. largest cin . the snokeno unkind word, hot .even history . of the city., .and there of his apolitical opponents. iSo were probably .pot i,more ;?an marked wis this , spirit ,bf mag- twenty.people who were . entitled nanimlty that he in turn enjoyed tftvote.whoi;emain4ed. away from the utmost confidence and es- ttasoUs. ..-ai is: - teem of bia fellowman, ,andvnp4 ,iThe election to-day means that man, not even his opponents, eighteeAJaJoons and ttwo-brewt unoke ill of him. . A erie will cease business! on, .May Asa public officer his conduct 1st, M.which time the - the ,ai was . characterised bv faithful-1 nual liauor licenses exoire. Dan- ness, honesty 1 and kindness. The trille.jiter having been, ''wet'! duties of bis office were to him ajnceiits earliest -history , was the wellrbeing of the people com- : 4ry -m AP"U 1903, 4and atter mitted in secret, trust, ; and ;bis two years 01 local option, reign first and conscientious consider- ypted .'wet!again.ui.Septen)bf r ations were: given thereto. So 1905. . aceuratfilv did . he . handle the For months the Drohibitioniats, large funds of the county tbrQ with the ;anU-sa)cKJn j0ague; at this long period of .years, that the head, hatfe, been marshaling nnt a (foliar was ever missinor . or I htr forces, and tnev leri prac- complaint made. He .was, kind tically nothing- undone. to, carry and forbearing towards delin- out their aims.::Tbef. prohibition quents and men in. hard luck, movement was backed, by every and eomoassionate to wards, the Protestant minister4 in the. city unfortunate and criminal in his I and hundreds of the women and charee.t . children, who were much in evi . He was an honorable Mason, dehce during the campaign; The belonging to the . lodge, to the women and "children yesterday chapter, to the council and-to had a big parade tthwugh- the all tfie privilege wliich-. Masonry I fog temperance songs and wav- offers in our city. ing banners and. Iflags. .The Such a man lived with us and womon remained away from the has " departed. In his death, polls to-day, . but , the ministers Masonry and the public, as well were out in full force, as his family, have substained a For the past two weeks the great loss. "drys" have been holding al- It gives us pleasure thus as- most nightly public demonstra- sembled on this memorial occasion tions, at which addresses were toofferthis tribute to his memory. I made by many prohibition advo- of national.. .reputations. ok "S : i I tt NATIONAL BANK V "it.; ?rr.- .. . ' 1 OF DURHAM, N. C. ORGANIZED MAY ist 1905. CapIUl.... 5100,000.00 eSvrplua and Undivided Profits 73,455.28 Stockholders . liability 100,000.00 Depositors Protection .273,455.28 B.N. Duke, Pres. Offlcerst : t . ; J. S. Manning, Vice-Pres. J. 8. Mason, Cashier. Dlrectorsi J. B. Duke, President Anerican Tobacco Company. iYE. Smith, S,upt Durham Cotton Mfg. Company. 'CL, JJajwood, of Haywood, Bppne, Druggists. : J. H. Southgate, .' of Southgate & Son,. Insurance. 4 R. H. Rjgs'bee, ' 1 ' " ' ' Capitalist Q. E. Rawls, Merchant 'B "N Duke, Director American Tobacco Co., and Capitalist J.' S. Manning, Attomey-aUiw. N. M.' Johnson, ' Physician and Surgeon. . J. B. Warren, Capitalist and Farmer. . J, B. Mason, Cashier dtiiens National Bank. DEPOSITORY OF THE PEOPLE, THE COUNTY OF DURHAM, THE CITY QfK DURHAM AND THE UNITED STATES. OF AMERICA . , ..,; It will pay todeposit your urdnvested money In this Bank, where it will be safe from fire and robbery, and earning you 4 per . cent .interest if let for imonthsjterm; it will be protected by fire proof and burglary proof safes and vaulUmanaged by pro "dent nd conservative business' men; and handled by courteous an ' qualified bonded officers, always glad to wait on you. ' We invite new accounis', large" and small, of Individuals, Fanners, Merchants andFirms, thathave not already done so, to ..open an account with us. 1 I a , ' " 4 m Y IKS IN " I HOME SAVINGS BANK DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA We Pay 4 Per cent Coumpound Interest on all Savings Accounts i Come in and Urt an account today. Small deposits will be thankfully ? a. i . - received ana taigc ones m yivyui uuu OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAYS The campaign dosed last night Tr with a big rally..at which btate th now A Af thp Senator Seaborne Wright, who Pritchard-Horton Company and is given the credit for carrying read what they have to say about Borgia ary, ana wrs. nie Curtis, of Texas, spoke. William Tvl!ar dvaiI $r vp.irsl The anti-Drohibitionist have died at his home in Pleasant worked hard, and while holding firwn section last Tuesday. Dd- no Dublic meetings . have con-, ceased leaves a wife, daughter, ducted a systematic .canvas of and two sons. The funeral and the voters and presentation ox burial took Dlace Wednesday their arguments through the col- . I .1. - J-rt.. - ru I aiternoon. umns w me uauj- pbms. "cl u u. r, n xv a At . , qa1onnmPn themielvM left the mMIIMTOMMgMsVM Dr. C. A. Wooiard lectured to . . ni-u, m -53 he Y. M. C. A. of Tnnity Col- . fuU work, NfJ) O H ll nvnvr.V W WATTS PrM.r1nt- t JOHN SPRUNT HILL, Vice-President. I W. W. WHITTED, Cashier. 5 T, B. PEI RCE, Jr., Assistant Cashier. " Recent Advances in the Science of Medicine." The lecture was one of a series arranged by a committee of the faculty. favoring the licensing of the liquor traffic was on hand. One of the features of the election was the circulation of a For some time Patterson Broth- petition among the women call ers, who have been running a ing upon them in the name of fancy grocery, have been selling Southern chivalry to abolish the out their stock with the inten- saloons. Twenty-three hundred tion of leaving Durham for the names were secured to the pe- West W. H. Muse, who has tition. Kaan rvn tUa marl fnr enmt t5m. has quit that position and will Solicitor A. L. Brooks was in now take charge of the store, the city a short while to-day. , f ben liiltlUdi if Slot an Courts' the gtouuJ, ana iirbliit.'i i -"'-1 - He and others formed a stock company ana nave purcnasca me The L & M paint cover defect, to entire StOCk and fixtures and prev.uu paintings ami va tot lo to ii5 will 'conduct the store at the JJffiS & J? Same Stand. whi lead, and vou help to nuke the , paint by uiixliisr three quart of linseed On Easter Monday the i;ur- ouwnuracBpwow i. u" l1 ., ... ii a minutes. Makes cot only l.o per hamftndSouthernRailwaywillL.il,,,,. ow.rata an excursion train be- Hackney Bros. L. St M. Taint Agentsl tatoon Hnrlinm atA Dunn, and stopswfflbe made at all local p OR SALE J this city will go down to Apex m.fA nnf1 Tm.vn Thom and assist on the corner stone v i m fnr IS 525 White tjd Pridse Wyan- tobe served. At some other aott Ejrgs $1.50 for 15. places along the line picnics "l have been nrrand ritvl M "Y" POULTRY FARM, S'.C. .. . ft.. HELENA, N. C. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. We carry what you need and want. If we don't t H happen to nave it m swck we wiu gei it ior you. h N Keep your money at home. Trade with your M H home merchants. Let us build up our own com- N H munity. 1 SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY. H We will save you money on H Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, fi 1 TT Jl uaps, urocenes ana naraware, And every article carried in a first-class Gen eral Store. ill If? ad a TR5nc tf1r&

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