i , 1 ! 'I You May Travel . .---A Long Way 5 And not Find so .Good an Assort ment or Such Favorable Prices : as we are now offering on Stoves, Plows, Cultivators, Harrows, Forks, Shovels, Hoe?, Axes, Barbed Wire, Poultry Wire, and all kinds Fence Wire. - Oar stock of Roofing, Belting, Paints, Lime, Cement, and Nails is complete and our prices the lowest to be found. Pollard Bros. Hardware OXF ORDS, THE SOUTH IS GOING DRY. Lay the jest about "the julep in the camphor balls at last Por the miracle has happeued and the olden days are past ; , Thatwhich makes Milwaukee thirsty doesn't foam in Tennesse; Aud the lid in old Missouri is as tight-locked as can be Oh, the comic paper Cplpnel and his cronies well may sigh, For the mint is waving gaily, but the South is going dry. By the stillside on the hillside in Kentucky all is still, For the only damp refreshment must be dipped up from the rill; No'th Ca'lina's stately rnler gives his soda glass a shove,: And discusses local option with the South Ca'lina Gov. It is useless at the Fountain to be winkful of the eye, For the cocktail glass is dusty and the South is going'dry. It is water, water, everywhere, and not a drop to drink, We no longer hear the music of the mellow crystal clink, When the Colonel and the Major and the Gen'l and the Jedge . I Meet to have a little nip to give their appetites an edge, I For the eggnogg now is uoggless and the rye has gone awry, And the punch bowl holds carnations, and the South is going dry. All the nightcaps now have tassels and are worn upon the head. Not the nightcaps that were taken when no one went to bed, And the breeze above the.bluegrass is as solemn as is death. For it bears no pungeut clove-tang on its odoriGc breath. And each man ran walk a chalk line when the stars are in the sky; ! For the fizz glass now is fizzless and the South is going dry. Lay the jest about the jnlep neath the chestnut tree at last, For there's but one kind of moonshine 'and the olden days are past; Now the water wagon rumblrsihrongh the Southland on its trip. And it helps no one to drop olT to pick up the driver's whip, For the mint-bud makes a pature and the corkscjcw haugeth high; All is still along the hillside, and the South is going dry. THE time to change your foot wear has arrived and the place to get the newest in styles is Pritch-arri-Horton Co. For ladies, Tans, Patent and Vici Kid in umps. Sailor Ties and Otf ford styles at prices from $1.50 to $3.50. For gents, Tans, ' atent and Vici Kid Oxfords at $2.00 to $6.00. ' Pritcharcl, One Price Cashi Shoers. ONE WEEIi'S WHOLE-HEARTED WORK HI WILL TELL FOR ALL HE German Millett The great mid-summer f orage crpp. . Makes a large yielding and most nutritious - hay croD. , Quick :growing and easily ' cured. Also Pearl .Millett,' ' Teosnite, ; ghumSeed. 83Come to see us. : Cane or Sor- SONS C E KING & Three Registered Druggists. , 224 West Main Street, - Phone 1Q6 The Cable Line of Pianos All Manufactured by The Cable Co. ' Mason & Hamlin. - Conover. - ' Cable. Kingsbury. -.Wellington. - DeKoven. The celebrated Muon & Hamlin Ctaurck, Chapel, and f i Parlor Organ. The highest and niiddJe giacle pianos de livered anywhere on approval. For easy tertua and best -u prices, 'tee t , - . . " The Cable Co. 108 Church St.. Durham, N. C. . ' :.' . :. .. M IlSl-s .! 1!1!!!!SS5SS5 bury crowd to run their natter' for the is wet & goes to the saloon to get them and he wouldn't .The : dry. and If h is dry he goes to get and Observer is standing up for the! wet If he has a headache he goes to men and women of the state. ' And , the saloon to. get it cured and if he soma of these days we are going to; has none, he goes there to get one." build a monument to those papers that And thus did she pay with words are not-killing their fellow man, a and convulse her bearers. It is lmpos- monument that points to the skies jsible to follow her in them, all for and whose inscription is written . In she said so many One things that letters of god." This sentiment was reached the great hearts of men. Her cheered heartily as was the reference! defense of women " in politics could to the News and Observer.- And. then, not have been beaten. Tread In the She touched P the papers that carry : constitution that aft men are created liQuor ads. "You can't keep; them 'free and equal and in the bible that fsom printing them." she declared. God created men and women in His "No. you can't .but you cankeep l hem. Image. A Jlttle lower than angels from coming Into your home, thoaepa- they were created and they .came to pers that are controlled by the whisker earth as pure as when tbey left the II .. people. I had almost as soon nave a plastic -nana or Got. Ton say yon H T O I "ake ,n mr house n4 theTe Is hardly have a right to drink? Xo yon havest w I , WW I I sr W J 8 .jeceilt newspaper that will. carry No man has the right to debauch and these advertisementsin their columns." IdeUee the fmafeof His crestor. (Cries -. . ' " lAf no that's aa I Had Garf beee will- tvuvi.r ' . . v . I - - Mrs. Curtis said that a though Kan- ing for yon to no this He, would have saa Is so often called bleeding Kansas, created yon lnr the other fellow's Iro- the sUte of: crime.' cyclones and age." (Applaaee.)j rreenbuKs. as people think, hss never- And she turned the point beautifully thcless more money per capita, than Ion the men. "Suppose," she said. any other except old Maine..' (Ap-1 "the women would start a saloon and Dlaase.) And the reason old ame is insisted upon going tnere ana annx first Is because she Had proamnion ma to arunkenness.) suppose uey thirty years before Kansas did. (An- went home, beat their husbands, kick plause.) Bleeding Kansas has more ed their chl'dren under the beds and MMrn in th achoo's than any oth- act as men have done towards na er except old Maine and it's because Why there would be mors grass wM Maine was thirty years ahead or ner lowers la the country soon thsa yon in Drobibitlon. There are fewer In could And pastures for (Applause.) ialls than any other except Maine and Vou would resort to bullets, not bJ- v .... . .. in thiHT-flTe f thai state's ialls. there lots, not to elections but to drna- Wc arc tr.ss morning enuring upwuiuc v. ut "Nf. . B(tMMr. (ADDlause.l Vaf.hnlt. and yon would go at It not next -........t.ui .-..iiinJpj in the litstory of our State. ther talked about leasing the penitcn- Tuesday, but now. And every man r- o- . . . . .t-. I. i. Todav victory is oars, and tbe enemy know it, and yet far tury oK.ama --- --- TZlJrZ'Zr'T. from quitting their activities, these next seven days will find tnem MBilD9 renting it to Illinois, curs- from Texas to do it Oh. my brother. Li the fiercest and bitterest warfare of all the campaign thus far. ed by saloons and crime snd whose why hav yon done It? Have we They know that we nave won ana yet tney nope now m one r .' .u. f Ano auso.) Ido you think we can stand everything? terrible cyclonic campaign, acting in the open where it will do, t Mid that the saloon brings an- w have burned the bridges behind ns ,, . ,f. J.n i. t,t rom-ntlv wherever monev will ankf. " CTim u onn,,ttftl d we shall fight UI1 ws die. We jvcretly where that plan is best, corruptly wnerever money wui you g0 to flnd criminal? never will give up nor rest until every count, by misrepresentation and lying w ner ever iney can unposc IfJ the nfod, not the Sunday school, saloon Is banished and there Is peace rw n the iVnotant bv lair means or by foul, as may best suit their Wbn mnmer is none, you a w m mu wauuiui wumry npon the ignoiant dv ia.r raw.s ur u, , , BOt th() fhorfh Wf( when most remarkaVe scene drowned the purposes, and with a belated energy and ferocity m which they hope tbal rrie.t was murdered last speaker's words the cheers lasting for . . " i r j i a. m A a. a .t-.-. ...a av. si s to smite Ottr people unawares, tnevare going to worit in uespera-i-ar tn oraer weni ionn i " a m-nwm mm wv imrc . 1 . i u....nAi. theanarchlsts for one had slals ferent times. t:ou to reduce our majority io a pviui. u- & &lhlm. I tot so mad at the -rjut th. men say thst we ought not to us in the future. authorities that I dM not know what! to be here, that the home is woman's Temperance men of North Carolina, they must not succeed!- Z T. 1 appeal to you to match your vigor against tlicir vigor, your , lh0 aeportatlon of anarch- said 'woman should keep silent and acrainst their zeal, your resourcefulness against their resource- Ists when they are harboring more ask her husband. Wouldnt some of gea aamsi wc ' . . 7..t t.. anarchy In the saloons in one town us lesrn a lot? (UughterjThere Is no fulness, and let us see to u uiai noi u..c w v- v. - . mni 0 the , i0ch thn). M woman's or man's .-.Am i iKi lAkt week of the stni2irle. la vear. Destroy the satoons and yoo sphere. They are hemlspheresand both A -.t,t. Viiv ill moral fnrre4 of N'orth Carolina Danish more anarcnuiw m piace ns-inia ana sr wvwm u m VcUiCHU) u iiwuj -" " , v . ,h ..n rtonnrt In I ..t-.fm t tmti vmi Hi.t Ihpr ml worked in th campaign, with rare zeal and Heroism inaeea dui lWMj,y.four years. (Widchewa.i want ton vaudeville performance fti I Kh tofik ud the Douuiar tnuiuen nlM a woman is on in sistte ann IlCXt WCe WIU W - - Ahr.h.m .I l ir. t . Hrl fclrlr III. i . . .' c.i aaI nt Mnrirtnnr iiffcjsncit iin. I Uiiat. a ut;iua svi-vh . t w s. -e s--- - "-i . . .... . i unmin wiujhv wuiua v vim i iiaLuvs vuw i vi s ioua' ? wavering action in beliall ol our proniouion cause. aitalnst prohlblUon. ut all the mean "I have rocked the cradle, devoted One week whole-neartea, unreicnung. eiuri on uic pan vi c tnlIIB- Bne indignantly shouted, "the My, proudly. I watched my three lit- TVimKMar-ce advocates now will settle this question lor all lime wtlp0Mt u to lie on a dad man. lte boys tbroutrh ihelr thlldhood and , . . - rr . 1 . . ! U mm ., I ..tj ai A umiliiJ mhn lial trlnft I tH m iif nnll1 vnu i inp ui.f.; inniiieTcnce auu iiiuii'ftsucs? imiiu ukiu mtuu "-"-" -- - - eiZ21X52IZ2XIXIX2IXXZXZZXtZXJXZZXXZX121XX2ISI2irX2 a DON'T TAKE CHANCES a Tomorrow may be too late. Haveyouare- , m cervt and satisfactory picture of husband, , m wife and child: . , T t. g g The nwleni equipment of the JoIiiimhi Siudio combibed with skill EJ m and taste that has come to be recognized as a distinRuishing feature of iU H M work , commends it to all who desire the best service ana reasonable prices, g Sittings made any day. Visitors always welcome. MISS KATIE L. JOHNSON $ 103, East Main Street. Durham, N. C. M Hj Liquid Smoke In Bottles. Would ydthave thought it? Well, we have it, when you kill' hogs don't forget it, it's the hew "way of cur ingmeat , I YEARBY SELLS IT. i Everything New and Fresh in Drugs. To the Temperance Forces in North Carolina: Guns, Cartridges tnd Shotgun Shells art easily distinguished from other make, whkh equal them neither in quality nor reputation, by the big VWhti MUM 4 M . t. Mint which appears on every package of Winchester goods. The big red W is to guns and ammunition what the word "Sterling" is to silrerware the world oyer. Therefore, for your own protection always s Look for the Big Red W" jistttftttststftsfssstssttststsittfiftstftcfSftttitr couie u.irc mnre of acitation Seven days' cffjrt on our j art now may be worth teven years' ffrrt liM-cafter. And hit I have said in this appeal applies no less to mmc man than to another. Because they have not been j$o prominent in this campaign as in some others, some whiskey advocates have even had the temerity to slander the gxd women of the State and the minis ters of the jjospel bv saying that their heaits are not in thi work as we have claimed. May the vigor and terrible earnestness of theif work these next seven days answer that slasder. Let every woman vrt fiertelf to the utmost Tttt one mote week's work it U for this that I appeal, and Ia7aaft whole-hearted work now will make it unnecesiary for in annual to VOU apaiu Ttme-mber. the eves of the nation are on North Carol iaa. The .-kUlcMf aellcrs all over the country are willing to flood the State with money and with workers in the hope of so reducing our ma ioritv as to check the triumphant temperance wave in the country generally ana keep ine wnisKcy isuc nvc iu wui Seven days' earnest work now will forever defeat their purpose. We must have it and every friend of temperance must do his daty. JOHN A. OATES, Chairman Anti-Saloon League. safe ontr yon men set lopl If t were coins; to tell an n trsp for them to catch them, and motli truth." And she raid both Jefferson Ur as I am, I lore mr boys and 1 and Lincoln had swken words for Urn jrolnt to fo'low them. but she ttnersnc and troihesld that thai never finished for the second prolong- Intrusion of the sa'oon Into American ed cbeerlnR broke out and shouts were oofltlcs wouli be followed br disaster beard all over town. and ru!n. "It me af, you can't bel One of her most striking thlnirs was! decent miublk-an and vols for 11-1 this: "I bav no patience with that could b a csrbet bMKer. "And you dogma that woman must stay at home could be a xarbet bawrj "Anl you while her dtlldren are Ml to the can't be a Jelreraonlan democrat and mercy of these dens of lce. There rote fof It Ton can't be anything never would tiava been a woman on but a boozxraLN she laughingly the platform tf th men had protected remarked, Uhem In their homes. (Orest cheers.) A "Aad what If they had written and heathen woman pleaded for the Savior spoken for the salooo? Did that make and If a heathen woman eou'd do that It lixbt liaven't times channel com why haven't i a ngnt to beg ror my pletely since their time? Tims was children r That brought uproarious when every duett who cams to se applauM. yo put a :ch on you and bled yod.l She ekwed by an appeal to North Ther may bleed you yet but they Carolina manhood. Bbe nattered us don't u the leech," It went In a and did It delicately, Intelligently. She laugh. found oat what w want to be and ao 8t was funny when telling how the aised ns of being It "I have heard drinking man goes to town and "sets that you ars jn-eat fighters. On the 'em ep." The old fellow's "wife mayhcth f Jit to to the polls and ssvs sot be sble to set the table, but he yonr homes 7" wanu to set 'em up," sh said. "If Hart jwt heard a hotter shot? FOR LIGHT HEAT ash POWER! We Sell Everything Elect fical j DurhamTraction Co. ! , PHONE 271. ROOM 10. WRIGHT BLDO lliStsSiSffaSISaii4fassasslti4fitf

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