I ........ I I -I You May Travel . L --- A Long Way And not Find so Good an Assort ment or Such Favorable Prices as we are now offering on ''".. Stoves, Plows, Cultivators,"Harrows, Forks, Shovels, Hoes, Axes, Barbed Wire, Poultry Wire, and all kinds Fence Wire. j ; Our stock of Roofing, Belting, Paints, Lime, Cement, and Nails is complete and our prices the lowest to be found. Pollard Bros. OXFORDS, THE time to change your foot wear has arrived and the place to get the newest in styles is Pritch-ard-Horton Co. For ladies, Tans, Patent and Vici Kid in umps. Sailor Ties and Ox ford styles at prices from $1.50 to $3.50. For gents, Tans, latent and Vici Kid Oxfords at S2.00 to $6.00. P rite hard, Horton Co., One Price Cash Shoers. . SECOND HAND ORGANS If yon want an Organ see me before purchasing and save v.ion y I have a few cconi-hand organs which must'be dis posed f. They have been but-slight! y used and are ; siill in u :c order. Now going at a ret Lagat u. Call and see them L. D. ROGERS; FURNITURE r in Chuicii Street, - - - DURHAM, N. C 1 Repairing Done Promptly and Well iS H t e lighten your iabor ana increase your sports oy m making your old implements go as new. We repair U m all kind light machinery. Special attention to m h M g Guns, Pistols, Bicycles, Gasoline Engines, Scales, jj g Graphophones, Locks, Etc, Etc m h RVTTHEWS BROTHERS, - - .114 ChurcrtfStrcet g g Phone 516. Durham, N. C. q f:222X2XXX222X2222Z222222XXXXXZ22X222Z222222ZZ222Z2lJ ANNOUNCEMENT! - LOOK! THE MAIN STREET PHARMACY CO., Incorporated June 17, 1907, successors to E. R. Thomas Drug Store, will do business at the same old stand, opposite the Court House. Call and see U3 and we will treat you right. MAIN STREET PHARMACY COMPANY, m K. K. THOMAS. V. S. THOMAS, B. A. BKTTS, President. V President. Sec., Tf ,. Gen. M 'n't. I i WE NORTH CAROLINA STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE laiifilati If tbt Stat fir thi tiiutits if tit Woaei K hrthartUoa four regular count leading to Decreet, Special Courses offered in Teacher Training. Music. Manual An and lMnetie Science end in the Co?nnercil Deiwrlntent. I'ret tuition to tbwemhosKree to teach in tbt school, of North a Carolina i Board, laundry, tuition and nil oilsef tspenw, Including ut of test-hooks, f 170.00 a year, l-of free tuition student, oo a year, Tbo-e dVsirinu to enter nhould ap;$y 4 early poifle. The ea peril v of the dormitories i limit!. J fall heion liegitw Nrjitemoer M. 1901. X For catalogue and other luforintion address I J. I. FOUST; President, - . Greensboro, N. C. 1) I Gems In Terse i) ' M . ' INTELLECT. . . f-j-ttlEnE Ilea I 'r A talisman in Intellect which yields I Celestial mualo when', tb maiter X band Touchea It cunningly, and when the form , ' ' ' v. . Witches the sense no mora and human love ... . , . Palters In tta Idolatry this spell -Will hold Its strength unbroken and to en Stealing anew the affect lone. ' . Unknown. OH, EVER'THINQ'8 A-GOIN'. WHEN ever'thlng'a a-gotn' like she's got a-goin. now The maple sap a-drlppln'. and the buds on ever bough A-sort o' reachln' tip'ards all a-trlmblln". ever" one, . Like 'bout a million brownie flats e-shak- ln at the sun. . , The children want their ahoes off 'fore their breakfast, and the spring la here ao good and plenty that the old : hen haa 10 atng' r t When thlnga Is goln thia a-way, wy. tnat a the sign, you know.- That ever'thlng'a a-gorn' Uke we like to aee her go! , ,.. , Oh, ever'thlng'a a-goin' Uka we Uke to aee ner go: ;, Old winter's up and dusted, with his dratted frost and anow. The Ice Is out o' the crick ag'ln, the freese la out the ground. And you'll see facts thawin. too, ef you'll Jea look around The bluebird landln' home ag'ln, and (lad to git the chance. 'Cauae here' where he belongs at: that's a aettled circumstance. And him and Mr. Robin now a cbunln' fer the show. Ch. ever'thlng'a a-gotn' like we like to see - her got - The aun ain't Jea' p"tendln" now the ba'ra Is In the breeae The trees '0 aoon be green aa grasa, and grass aa green aa tree. The bods la all Jcs eechln. and the dog wood down the run , 13 bound to bust out taughln' fore an other week U done. The bees Is wakln. gapy-ltke. and fum- blta for their busa. A-thlnkln, ever wakefuler, of other days that wua ; - When all the land was orchard blooma and clover, don't you know. Oh, ever'thlng's -goln' like we tike to aee ber go: James WMteomb Kley. CREDULITY. TT7HEX to a man a woman la In matrimony mated. A dosen men or more declare She abould for them have waited. BUT If she had on them relied And for their offers tarried -The chances are she never would In all her life been married. - TET ahe believes these fakirs who A- Made no attempt to get her And telle her husband that she could Have married ao much better. AND he believes It'a true that She many men rejected. Because It fiattere him to think He was the one selected. Henry Waldorf Francis. THE BLUEBIRD. IKXOW the song that the bluebird is alnglng Out In the apple tree where he la winging. urava uiue lenow; mi wws may na dreary- Nothing cares he while his heart la se cheery. Hark! How the mualo teapa out from h!a throat! Hark! Waa there ever ao merry a noieT lOeten awhile, and you 11 hear what he's aaylng Vp In the apple tree, swinging and sway ing: "Dear little blossom down under the nowr Tou must be weary of winter. 1 know. Itark while I alne you a nvtsnce (if cheer. Summer la coming and springtime Is here' "Little white snowdrop. 1 pray ya arise. Crtght yellow crocus, come, open your eras gweet Utile violet a hid from the cold. Put on your mantle of purple and gold. Daffodils, daffodils! Bay, do you hear? Summer la coming and aprtngitme la here!" -Emily Huntington Miller. JOY. I NEVER knew the Joy of getting home, I never knew how faat a heart could beat. I never tasted J"y Till the day my little b.y Came running up te meet me on the street I NEVER knew the pleasure of a smile, 1 never knew the music of a vole Till I heard my baby greet me On the day he ran to meet me I a way that made my weary heart re joice. I NEVER knew a wleom half eo fni Till I heard hi "IieU. daddy!" dowa the xreet. And. though weary aa could be, When he scampered up to me There waa comfort In th patter of hi feet. T NEVER knew the charm of laughing A eve. I never knew how happy I could be. I never knew tb cheer That makes worry disappear Till th day my baby first ran up to m. -uetroft rree I Tea. MY AIN WIFE. ItCACSA gl my aln wife For ony wife I aee; 1 wadna gl e my aln wife for nny wife I see; A bonnier yet t'v nevet aeea, A better ranna be I wadna gl my mm wl ' for ony wif 1 eel Oh, eouthle la my Ingle cheek. An' cheerte I my Jean; I never a her angry look Nor hear her word en an, he's gud wl a' the heebara round Aa' ay gud wl' m 1 wadna gl my ln wif for ony wif 1 aee! An, oh, her look o klndtie, Thy melt my heart outright. When e'er th baby at her breaet She hang wr fond delight; She look Intlll It trnnnl fee Aa' eyo look to me t wadna gf my ln wif For any wif I aee! -Aleiandef Lalng. DELICIOUS SUMMER SALADS. How to Mak Attractive Dishes With Vegetables and Fruits. iinw to iirtiurt a uretty summer in lad la thus told by Caroline .French Benton lu the June Delluetttor; select some green jieppers and open them at the top and take out the seeds. uaKe each one stand on a lettuce leaf, cut ting a tiny bit off the bottoms If neces sary, i Then Drenare some sniaii coo.eu green string beans, the smaller the bet ter, by mixing them with French aresst Inc. Fill the DenDers with these and on top of. each one put a little bull of cream cheese. The combination is quite unusual In flavor aud very Rood. Fruit salads are the daintiest and most refreshing of all we bare In summer, and they are almost' 00 trouble to make. Several kinds of fruit should not 1 put together as a usual thing. however, ror that is apt to make a messy dish. One or two kluds mixed. or oue alone, Is quite enough. ' Then, too. It should be remembered that mayonnaise rarely : combines with fruits. There Is one exception at least for pineapple is particularly good with It but with most other fruits French dressing should be used, and tbl should have little vinegar In It Lemon uice Is much better. Strawberry salad Is made by arrang ing for each person six or more very larze. On berries la a cap shaped let- tuce leaf. The art laid on a plutter. and French dressing Is put on last Uke all salads, to b good this must be cold. . - Cherry salad la made with either California cherries or the Inrire ox hearts, and both red and white ones are used, or the two art prettily mixed. The cherries are stoned without break ing them, and In place of each pit a bit f nut Is preyed In. r a small hazel nut Is put In entire. They are laid on lettuce, and French dreastng la itnured over. This Is rather an elaborate dish when finished, but simple enough to make if one has time and hi willing to take the trouble to put It together. rft&M -D Aft I NO." rnilE roee that with th fondest ear w A tend May gran a Irish who briers hut ease dtetrea. A ad those w whom w most ef lev a end Ore sorrow In return for vr ear. Ueorge Lansing Raymond. German Millett r 5 The great mid-summer forage crop. Makes " a large yielding and , most nutritious hay crop. .Quick growing and easily cured , ' Also Pearl " Millett, Teosnite, Cane or Son ghum Seed. tXCome to see us. . CE KING & SONS Three Registered Druggists. 224 West Main Street, - Phone 106 SS5;!i:!2wC22::i;!;s The Cable Line of Pianos All Manufactured by The Cable Co. Mason & Hamlin. - Conover. - Cable. Kingsbury. - Wellington. - DeKoven. The celebrated Mason & Hamlin Church. Cbapel and Parlor Organ. The highest and middie pad pianos de livered anywhere on approval. - For easy terms and best . prices, see The Cable Co. I08 Church St., Durham. N. C. in I How t Rid Fumitur of Moths. A sort of trade secret among uphol sterers. It h said. Is this recipe for rid ding furniture of moths, says the Kan- Has City Star. A set of furnltnre that seemed to be alive, with larvae and from which hundreds of these pests had been picked and brushed was set hi a room by Itself. Three gallons of benzine were purchased. Using a small watering pot with a fine rone sprin kler, the whole upholstery was satu rated through and through with the benzine. Rexult. every tnotb. I-jts and pst was killed. The benzine dried out In a few hours, and Its entire odor iUappeared In three or four days. Not tbt slightest harm happened to the tar nish or wood or fabrics or balr stuff ing. Tb ear?ets were also well sprin kled all around the skies of the room with equally good effect. For furs. flannets-lndeetl. all woolen article containing moth benzine Is most val uable. Put them In a box. sprinkle with benzine, rloee the box tightly, and In day or two the pesta will be exter minated, and the benzine will an evap orate on opening. In untr.g benzine great care should he taken that no (Ire Is near by. a the stuff In fluid or vapor form I very Inflammable. g TRY OUR STUDIO I For a good Photo of the children we olten succeed I where others have failed and its all in the amount 1 of time and patience given to each sitting. Bring the little here today and sit for your own picture as well. WE PLEASE OVR CUSTOMERS. MISS KATIE L, JOHNSON 103J East Main Street. Durham, N. C. i X M H H H a H ! SALT BRICK (MEDICATED) t v Gfra Most Convenient Stock Rem edy Tonic and mood. Purifier Known. Get it at Hew to Improve a Narrow Halt. To Improve the aptearance of a very narrow hall place large mirror on Itoth sides. Tbls gives a very good ef fect A large mirror, one the length of the wall, tf placed opposite the land ing of a half curved staircase will add wonderfully to the appearance of the narrow hall and make a wide one more handsome. Avoid striped paper In the narrow balL t'se a plain paper and also plain carpets without figures or a geometrical design In very small bro ken lines. Terra cotta Is a good hail color; also a good grade of otlvt green can be used. A cream paper, toned to oak. Is handsome In a new bouse. though a color scheme Is usually need ed- A light paper Is preferable In narrow, unllgbted halt. Green papet fades very easily and red aoon loses Itn original color. Yearby's Drug' Store WINCHESTER How I Keep Whit Silk Whit. There la nothing more dbitreasing to the owner of a whit silk or satin gown than to set It yellowing wblie it I still wearable. The women who do not cut their wedding draws up I the next winter, but keep them with reverent sentiment to the end of their Uvea, art always oa th lookout for something to prevent them turning a deep tawny yellow. The best pre ventive of this Is to park the gowo away In muslin sheets that have been rinsed through deep blue water until a deep Indigo. Ordinary blue muslin can tie fubatltoted If preferred. Stuff all th folds with blue Instead of white thsue paper, and keep In a bo with a close fitting lid. that I also wrapped with heavy paper to keep out the dust 0 Guns, Cartridges and Shotgun Shells are easily distinguished from other makes, which equal them neither in qualitynor reputation, by the big . vMc mum m. . a. r. e. which appears on every package of Winchester goods. The big red W is to guns and ammunition what the word "Sterling" is to silverware the world over. Therefore, for your own protection always "Look for the Big Red W" 4sttffsttsfftfffffftttctfftfistfgfftfftfffstirj. k 0 a USE Haw t Frethsn th Ale In a Room. La vender sain art useful for frenh- nlng tbt air of tht living room where moklng Is occasionally ln.luli-d In. Select a large mouthed twttle-t stick candy Jar which will hold a quart Is Just tb? tblng-snd In this place one pint of pure (not household! ammonia. add two ounce of oil of lavender and then fill the bottle with carbonated am monia blocks. When Using, slmke the bottle, remove tht stopper and leave for half an hour. The odor Is peculiar ly Invigorating and not at all overpow ering If not too close a sniff of the Jar M taken. Hew t Tighten tawing Msehln, Belt. A lien you art revtmir lit a armr Imr ry and the rnnrftln U bcfoniee loo li hot slop i remote it Pi irt-Ji-r u, tighten It. Wnjply put a drop of ma ehlne nil on t. turn !Im wli-vl n few n i'tu'ln an I pricpj n lUHom-o t-e.'t FOR m LIGHT ! HEAT POWER! We Sell Everything Elcchiccil DurhamTraction Co. PHONE 271. ROOM 10, WRIGHT DLDO,

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