The DURHAM RECORDER Semi-Weekly. EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. By ZEB. P. COUNCIL. ESTABLISHED 1820. Entered as second class matter Augus 1903, at the postofflce at Durham, N C . under the act of Congress of Marc! S 1S79. Subscription Rates: O .e year fi-oc S c months 50 cents T iree months 25 cent; Rates for advertising made known or a ,.licatiou. DURHAM. N. C, Aug. 18, 190S The republican convention met and elected delegates with out having a row, which means that election time is approaching and they are lining up to meet the Democrats. It sounds rather funny to hear people talk about openingthe cam paign in Durham, when it is re membered that we have had al most a continual campaign for the entire year. It may be an easy matter for some young lawyer to beat a busi ness man for the legislature, but the conversation of many peopk will belie their actions. Just watch the vote and see. Northern papers raise a racket about it when the South lynches a negro for any crime, and when they take a notion to punish a negro they get out after the whole race and give the South a chance to go after them. THINGS ABOUT TOWN. What a Reporter See$.--Com-merits on People and: Their Domqs. BY R. H. COWAN Like the homeing pigeon, who pauses in the mid air to get his bearings ere it wings its flight, this writer halts to uncorrode his pen, while putting on the gar ments of the old "treadmill" of the fourth estate. The new annex to the Corcoran Hotel is rapidly approaching com pletion. This annex will about double the capacity of thi3 popu lar hostlery, and will add to its appearance and that of the street. The tobacco season is about to begin in Durham, and the farm ers will find spacious warehouses and ready buyers. The "Talks on Europe" by Rev. S. S. Bost, of St. Phillips' church have been especially in teresting, and particularly so since so many citizens of Durham have made the trip this summer The question of candidates for the legislature will soon be sett led, but it will come with bad graces from one who claims no party himself to question the right of his neighbor to run. the The amount to be spent in the National campaign sounds large and all the talk recently indulged in this state about it being im possible for a poor man to secure a state office sounds small when the National xptr-ses of a cam paign are com pared . Some of thorn that are supposed to be :n the race speak of "my candidacy" as if they expected people were interest in what the The circus and then the Demo cratic primaries all in one week should furnish enough for all to attend at one time. The Republican convention meets in Charlotte next week and while, from what some writers say there will be no amount of racket over who shall be the nominee, the meeting will be interesting for many reasons. Tee event will be watched with interest. Of course the talk that the Republicans will carry the election is out of reason, but if what people that get around a good deal say is true, there is little reason but to beleive that the Republican vote will reduce former Democratic majorities, and in many close counties may secure a represena tive to the legislature. Dr. Bowling Has Resigned. Owing to fact that he has mov ed out of the city limits Dr. J. E. Bowling has resigned as city ald erman and his resignation will be acted upon at the next regular meeting of the board. Many matters of a routine nature were considered by the aldermen at their meeting lat night, but nothing of general in terest was done. Quite a number of old veterans left to-day for Winston-Salem to attend the State reunion. I met a little boy in Pera: He was melting like lard in sun. I asked him if he was hot, he said he was not. cut that s what they say in Pera. Our vitrified brick sidewalks are a perennial joy. We revel i n them. But a few places where trees or protruding root3 inter fere, spaces are left that become muddy in wet weather, and ex posed to roots make rough walk in?. If the trees could not be cut and the brick laid, why not j fill in crushed rock and sand, and thus complete an otherwise good ! walkway. A case in point may ; bo found at the corner of Main re-u'.ts will be. S-me of them may pet enough votes to have it t and Queen streets said that they "aUu ran"' but itj w;h be be cause tnere was r.oi chance of much c voters. .oice- with the! What a fine place for a firs LEGISLATURE SITUATION. The laboring men can't afford to stij port Mr Smith for the legislature because his interest is directly opposed to the laboring man, and with the rich man. You can't blame any man for working for his own interest. The interest of the mill owner wants long hours and short pay, low priced cotton and tobacco anil high prised manufactured article. Nearly all the mil s in Durham are owned by one concern and can you doubt that that concern is running Mr. Smith. He is a banker and capitalist, as well as mill siijvrinteniknt. As such what in terest can be had in concern with the f.irnitr am! laborer, none wholeness. Every interest he represents is opposed l outs. Human nature is weak and selfish. A man who is rich enough toW a director in Mr I'ukc'sbank, however good he may l-e can't heip legislating in the in terest of the rich and aaiu-t the jr, for the classes am I not for tiie tnases. There is one thing I don't l;kc. Mr Smith did not announce lit ca:nl:d.icy as ear! v as he night to hive do:ie ;; he ! wanted to run. Why wait o ion-.;' Wa he t fraii his itio:i would !V..t;dit I and the working jjIi- fi:.d out what j wa- trying to ! done. 'Vhy hould I petitions be carrinl around the fact--'tie ! bv the boes. and the h.r.-U asked to Bad Symptoms The woman who has periodical hefcd aches, backache, sm imaginary dark trots orspecka floating or dancing before her ayes, ha.wnawlng distress or heavy full feeling intomach, faint spells, drag-tfng-downfaellng In lower abdominal or pelvic reaftn, easily startled or excited. IrreguUrr or palnf al periods, with or with out irivic caiorm, is miienng derangements that snouia ..iinn Nni ll of above likely to be present In any v Kai trufttjwt liut SUeh Mi. in, fnftl!wli0 whlrh da- surgeon's knile If they do not isjneh a Ion ,urL.ia, 8c weak have e sytnptoi case ai Negl cases man r4 iXitillv. NO medicine extsri mourn; tion. iso nieu 1 ci ne. nas mhr a airman DroloSloai l'-hWsi'iuni p f-aon M li fPfynyi' .T Favorite professional lliliUaTIlU III 01 f avtlJ pypral lngr.iint.t-wnrlh mnrf tlm ua tnio(i ,.,f i.r,im,r nnn-t.rnl wsinna. iim Is. The verv best ins ret know n to medical science for the cure of Li a-SUlS woman's peculiar ailments enter Into Its comiMisltlon. No alcohol, harmful, or habit-forming drug Is to be found in the list of its Ingredients printed on each bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. In any condition of the female system, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription can do only good never harm. Its whole effect Is to strengthen, invigorate and regulate the whole female system and especially the pelvic organs. When these are de ranged In function or afiVcted by disease, the stomach ami other organs of digestion Uvome sympathetically deranged, the nerves are weakened, and a long list of lad, unpleasant symptoms follow. Too much must not be expected of this "Fa vorite Prescription." It wiil not perform miracles; will not cure tumors no med icine will. It trlI often prnmit them, if taken in time, and thus the operating table and the surgeon's knife may be avoided. Women suffering from diseases of long standing, are Invited to consult Doctor Pierce by letter, fre. All correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredly confident I Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser (1000 pag) Is S"nt free on receipt of 81 one-cent sumps for paper-covered, or 31 stamps lor iioin-uouna copy. Address as above. Register of Deeds. Subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held in Durham county on August the 22d, I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for re-nomination as register of deeds. The people Know my record. I promise for the future the same prompt and efficient service as in tne past. Respectfully, M. G. MARtvHAM. The superior curt of North Carolina k.-t an able judjre in the death of Hon. Frei Moore in Asheville last Saturday. He wa? ne of the fairest on the North Carolina bench and his successor could do no better than follow in his example by meting out justice to all and tempering the same with mercy. In the death of Dr. Julian A. Smith Durham loses a physician that, while he had fault3, wa or.e that was fully interested in his profession and one that wa always studying the causes and efTects of diseases. Dr. Smith was a close student and the parts of the human body never failed to interest him. hotel is presented in the: s-.n them for Mr. smiti; There has been right much discussion about how the vote in the last Democratic primary stood for the representative to legislatnre, and thre 13 a diver sity of opinion a? ho v the vote stood. For the information of those that may be interested tht following is the official vote at that time: Manning 1.005, Moore. leaving Mr. Manning a majority rf 11; I. It h indeed sad to chronicle the death of four in one family in so short a iw as has been in the family of Mr. U. J. Chandler, of Person, and the fact that others of same family are near death s d'r, and we are sure that the living have the sympathy of all that know of their distress. Hut amid ill tl h it is gratifying V know that the community in hich thi afllietei family lived, the people left t.o -u re unturno I j help the unfortunate oness. class two lots just opposite the new Y. M. C. A. building on the corner of Main and Roxboro streets? Near enough to the depot, in the center of the city, and yet retir ing enough, too. What does Mr. Geer say to this public need? South Mangum street is fast recovering from the paralysis that held it for so many years. Buildings are being occupied, im provements made, and this cent ral thoroughfare is fast taking on the life and pash that is so characteristic of Durham. Why not replace Ihe old cobblestones with macadam? The rural town of Charlotte goes wild over its miniature sky scraper, but if its demizens want to see a real substantial structure that is a thing of beauty, let them come and behold our just completed Y. M. C. A. building. Ti th well-traveled man and the practiced eye, it presents a trimness and symmetry rarely seen in public buildings, and the contractors are making its inter ior appointments in perfect har mony with exterior attractive ness. When Durham thinks the mat ter over, she will remove that unsightly jail and inadequate court-house to some more appro priate spot. The traveling put lie, as well as its people, will say amen. .!. it .he sntTi t of mean!" He is ri:n;ii:i in ; a few wealthy '" fch"'.:.-! - Neither the farmer nr U ' m..:i cm Jiffonl to v 't! fur tlr.s fci::i if tii.tii; it i fcain-t our mlert-'t anl ts!!;earc har'l enough I notice the ; .w .v that Mr. Moore h a j'ir "tinn h.1 the lawyer, don't want him and thi- th- very rea n I fitil (oilix to vote lor him 1 have known him several year He it .1 hard working and honett man and will make a fi rercrnt:ittve. ile is the lft man nntned, the ting i against him liut the jieople will ! for h:tn We want no mill oiicr to !eiUte v'.m.'. . A MM.I. J.r.R!.R. For House of Representatives. I desire to announce that I have decided to run for the lower house of the next leg is'ature, as the representa tive of Durham county, sub ject to the will of the "people in the primary to be held on the 22 of this month. I will appreciate the supixrt of all Democrats. Y. E. SMITH. I Main Street Pharmacy Co. ' Opposite the Court House. A FRESH SUPPLY OF BUISTS' PRIZE MEDAL TURNIP SEEn Annual and Red Top Clover at a Price that is Right Patent Medicine, Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, Cigars, Tobacco, and Soda Water. OPEN ALL NIGHT TAX NOTICE All who have not paid their State and County Tax for the year of 1 907 will please call at my of fice and settle for the County and Schools are badly in need of money. Very Respectfully, F. HARWARD. Sheriff. JOHN Who will say that the park is not a God-send such torrid weath;r a this! Sorely Mr. Wright di I the ritfht llhx when he built it, an I for all time it will be a monument to him. Bile Poison has a very tai effect on your sy-, tern. It diorJ-r your st ima.h tnd Ji,;rstlve apparatui, tsinuyuur bkxl tni cause cm!;faikm, iUi II lis frful UK. a. - uMfonl's FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomi nation of sheriff of Durham county, subject to the action of the democratic primary. Respectfully asking your supirt. V. D. TURttENTINE. FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomina tion as County Treasurer, subject to the action of the uemocratic rnmary 10 ue held on August 22. If nom inated for the office and elected, I promise to give to the people of the county the very best service. ResjK:ctfully, L S. CHRISTIAN. Black-Draught I a tUnd tmfc, liver rfuUttf, and Lkjd purifier. It get fli (A the pMvrfi ciuvd by over-supply of tile, rtJ ijuickiy cures t:liAi heaaache, JIzidtns, loss of appetite, nausea, Indies tion. constipation, aaUria, chills and fever, Jaundlca, nervousness, Irritability, aaelanchotia, and aB sickness du to disordered Ever. It Is not a cathartic, but a gentle, herbal, Over medicine, whi J eases without Irritating. Prka 23c tt all DniIsta. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Durham county, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. If nominated and elected will serve you in the future as I have in the past. Respccfully, JOHN F. HARWARD. FOR TREASURER. I hereby ask the voters of Durham for the nomination for Treasurer on the 22d of August. I promise to serve you to the best of my ability. Thanking you for what you have done in the past, I ask this favor at your hands. S. ROWLING. SALESMEN WANTKtiin after our interest in Durham and aajacenc counties, salary or CommiRion. Addret TIIE HARVEY OIL CO., Cleveveland, 0 A GOOD PLOW A Good Cutaway Harrow The -Best Corn Planter Made, Buckeye Ridine Cultivator, Spike Tooth Har rows, Three and Four Hoe Cul tivators, Cotton Planters. Bv usinir these tools vou enn cultivate more land, do the work better, with less labor and make better crops. TAYLOR & PHIPPS CO Mangum and Parrish Streets, - - Durham, N. C. I AMERICAN FRUIT PRESERVING POWDER AND LIQUID. PURE AND HEALTHFUL AT : Yearby's Drug' Store : ta4t $ t Trinity College Trinity Park School ; lour lt f.irtniet lolfaiHr, '.fii'liiBle, l.nnimiriiiv nii-l ,w, Lartfp UUtitty Unhntt. Well Mftnmit in nil ,c ji.'rtmcnt if Snriir. t,yumn mnm furnmlu-.l h)i U -l t.j.ri,. tu. I-ii verv tii.(rrste. Ail fr mtmht .tii.lrni,. VtmtiK Men WiiliiiiK To li w Should lnventiKs(f The StitrMr AtvatitMKr tf. f rel hy the fK-fiart ttient if I,aw At Trinity i.IIftfe. For Ca!K"e mu furtlitr Infot. D.W.NEWSOM,Rcjr.strar, M kllAM. S. C. A FirM-CIaii Pttfttu.ty ' Crrtifii ntr f C,rnlimtin .;' e-lff I'.nirnmel"'i! rWnitlM rti CIIrK Si knot i tkf Simlh. faculty of lew oflirrr wl t' " 1 tt, taiiijnnif wrnl vfi- " t l.i'.rirv ronlaininxforiti tl ': -voliimea. Well eiiiipI iitin. f fti;h lanliirl ' ' ' rn .f iii.lrurliiifll I ' tirnt tectum ly i-Mttiinrnl i t !; tureta. i;tiene frwlt."v i jo imnkrafr. Ten )r .( .lr""' J JifKIfAM N. C nienai aurrcM. a l or cul.iif an.I Mln-r muw t..n a.'lreM it. m. north, iinin'' ;

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