-Tim DURHAM CORD 11 w VOLUME 90. fffw. BICKETT 'SPEAKS Oemocrals Hear Able Presentation of their Principals. ARRESTED FRS FRAUD. GLOWIG TRIBUTE TO KITCBIX Candidate fur Attorney General Has a Geod Crov;d and ncascsllis Bearers.-Kcch Cneerlng. Hon. T. W Bickett, candidate on j, i icniocratie ticket for attor ney Kfiieral, spoke to a large crowd of Democrats at the court boui lust night ' ana new . nis crowd until he had finished his speech. The following account of the f i e ca is nom mo worn inr lit raid: jlr !! kett was Introduced by So- Bator J'f-a Fuller, who said be is .. m.v, ..f treat ability, a speaker - . . of fin- i Kiucnoe ana a wyor or pvat !.'.rnliie." Tbe little maa rrom t.nbu:.' barely above Ave feet four. c " "' scratch, and said. "I have tn -..!..I'h.'Ubj my cainjign thut f,r -i f titreme west, barring a fcC f ... sic in nee room iwrornB. I bavf -;..k.-n nineteen time In the n,;rf..r mntiei comprlsinj' .. tbe ttmli wn Carolina district, and It ti my liberate Judgment that . V. Ksf h n will receive In tbe No- r-n-t-r . !Ttlon every aemocratic tot- !:- ancestors ever had a drop of ilin- "d'.ic tlood la their veins. (Gnat i! r v ; h tbe Wnplrrj of th'e tnes- u.-,. aK, I rum ino iteti. i,h : ' sound a warning, U - th- .sst Is up and doing, the ) rtmw to tbe east with a (? -.tjrity for the man Main wnrked so hard than tbe him. : office wa one that bad : that 1 could prom's. It ' ikw alonx to have soma nib?. My office hat no , . 1 rtinnot wuJ out a pace of t in.r eva a tHint a notary lawyer I 4 nrr 'MS. '. ir.r v. . I .boa " f , sons' h "! I. V. '-4 i-,-, ' t! .. ' I b U tay duty that If a tbould hapten to allow to Ik coavlcud and bans il In my power to Iwp -d. U-wuAlr. Irt 1 t that if anybody la Iwr- ktixl and .':it enocd t be I will ak tbe supreme ami biuwxd eaiy. (Iusa- rm I am barrtn of lint a bal a that ta for nut qutre ao badly off in t'i rcrmlllcaa iarty U .m. fur aiicb an ofSe aa I nt nmch that I ran d incrmfm the tiiarity of i- tarty In Amrica. Hut that behind tbe bal'ot n a man. it xpr 1 thiak an.1 mhat hl Therefore tbe enrrle of : the grxaf ' l gfl to a : hen there 1 a tranpe Mi tnm tonal, a drift nlsnlara and tln lr abort 1 am remliitld that wf nw or oovtl with to the voter. I'fcit If "I the flrt article of the f Nih Ctirollna. c-om-n ai the mi of rljtht Ininctlon tt recur oftfn il. And today I find . in tbe fix of liftl John d l,r the teacher whrr1 tii-'tMlld new mwKkTS tbst "1 bo tnatantly replied "v o!d litch., The f t"lay ta made of the 'hf fathers. n UculnK tb!a iuton "olina'a treat commoner, ho In the evening of bin '"tnmcy I Immortal,' 11 ' bixhaaya ami by-waya and with flaming sword all the Pharaohs of cmd I'ifti rlRbta to alt and sne to none (Great ap- '' r-pl are bcarkenlna "'. ' Deep la 'be cltlc where need and want ;''tle, down be.e where white frenilcd flusn " m Wall afreet with the . fi awi V -"mi m ' yar tbe world's gteat ffm the qtiarrtoa of fe H ,b Kon twice reject- 1..,;, "'" Wl nilllKMI Int , .. ." " au, m "w w.. . Ul" n't'Hl aaies." (Great tlw "i" bore disiread la fine ones retractorr and 1 I ""rTw wnjen nai at .' 'nitn tbe shors and t ... Ml" ,er' "And now that 'ints tbe breakers and " in boys, tbe water la 'Art it; "l "n third pa;e.) W. R. Knker Under Bond of 51,000 lor Appearance. , . Mr. VV. R. . Kuker, an erst while prominent "society and business man of Durham, who Was president of the Durham lorn Works company, and who now lives' in South Carolino, is under bond to appear before Justice of tho Peace J. E. Owens on Octob er 19th, the charge being one of fraud and false pretense. - The arrest of Mr. Kuker, who was here attending-the superior court in a matter in which he was interested, came Wednesday afternoon. He has retained as hii counsel Messrs. Winston aed Bryant and Messrs. Manning and Foushee. The prosecution has Messrs Guterie and Guthrie. The charge against Kuker is that he sole to Mr. H. N. Snow 91 shares af the capital stock of the Durham Iron Works company for which he received $3,500 in cash and CO shares of stock in the Durham Book and Stationery company. It is charged in the warrant that the defendant stat ed there were no outstanding obligations other than;$5,100 and these notes named. Afterwards, so it is now claimed, there have appeared a number of obligations. The prosecutmgiwitness claims that it 13 a bad case and the de fense claims that it id a matter of persecution and to further claims before the civil courts. Cataracts lor Building UL Raleigh, Oct. 7.The Bickett Hospital Commission to-alght announced very important action. It awards contracts to J. D. Grandy, of Charlotte, for th.ee buildings at Raleigh for nale epileptics, three for female epileptics, and three for insane males. Each group will ac commodate one hundred ard each group will cost $11,813. It also awards Grandy the contract for a targe single building for a colony of insane women of the convalescent type to cost $21,920. Thus four hundred additional patient." are provided for and be- siiis this a male annex, ac cmir.odating one hundaed will bo ready in ten day. All white epileptics in the State will be brouzht here and placed in the Uo colonies. Tre commission awarded J. F, Ange, of Goklsboro, a contract for two buildings for epileptics r.nd two for consumptives at the Eastern Hospital at Goldsboro, thus providing for one hundred additional patient?. Total cost of building ?23,C50. All build inirs at Raleigh and Goldsboro will be of brick and will be com pleted in six months from date. The commission is allowed to spend only $123,000 annually and has expended the money as rapidly as available. The com mission has purchased furniture for the new male annex at Rat eisrh and for the nurses' home at the Western Hospital at .Morgan ton. The commission further de cides to provide two buildings for consumptives at the Morganton Hospital, one for males, and one for females, with room for atl white insane consumptives in th j State and a committee will award the contract. Consumptives now in the hospital here will be transferred to Morganton, The total cost of buildings contracted for to-day, with furniture and equipment is $125,000. Hon. T. W. Bickett and Solid- tor Jonei Fuller went out to Wil ton. Granville county, today and addressed the voters of that section. SEMI-WEEKLY. DURHAM, N. a; OCTOBER 9, 1908. THE ML Ziltf ASSOCIATION. Thirty-Eighth Annual Session Held at Burlington This Week. The annual session of theMt. Zion Baptist Association, embrac ing churches of that denomina tion in Durham, Orange, Ala mance and Chatham counties, was held in Burlington this week, beginning Tuesday, and closing Thursday morning. , Forty-three churches Were rep resented by delegates and the reports froni them were of an encouraging nature. There are about 7.000 members of the churches of thi3 association and the annual meetings are always well attended. It was strictly a business meet ing and the needs and condition of the Baptist cause in associa tion. State, Home and foreign fields were discussed in detail and pledges taken from the rep resentatives of the churches. The annual sermon was preach ed by Rev. J. M. Arnette, pastor of the North Durham BaDtist church. Rev. W. C. Barrett pas tor of the Second Baptist church, of this city, was elected modera tor. The other officers remained the same as heretofore, which was as follows: Clerk C. L. Haywood, of Dur ham. Auditor-R. T. Howerton, of Durham. Treasurer-Zeb. P. Council, of Durham. The next session of the asso ciation will convene with Mars Hill Baptist church Tuesday after tho first Sunday in October, M Deal!) of Mrs. Socio. Mrs. M. A. Booth, who has been seriously ill several days. died Wednesday afternoon at ten minutes past 2 o'clock. Mrs. Booth was a native of Ox ford but had moved there from Jame3 City, Va., where she was born and married. She came here not Ion? thereafter. She was a Miss Richardson and was known well in her community She was C5 years old, the relict of the late Mr. R. W. Booth, who was a brother of Dr. Sam Booth. She leaves two sisters, Mrs. Prittctt and Mrs. Smith, the lat ter named of Richmond. There are four children. The funeral services were held from the home on Watts street and the body was shipped to Ox ford to rest by her husband. Death cf Ers. Lloyd. Mrs. Nancy Lloyd, the relict of the late W. H. Lloyd, died yesterday morning at her home in Orange county. Mrs. Lloyd was seventy years old and leaves a family of eight children, two of them live here, Mrs. C. S. Sugg and Mrs. S. W. Bynum, Besides the. children, are three brothers. She belonged to Orange Grove Baptist church from that place will be conducted today at 1 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Hacket. She was good woman, liked by everybody in the community. Hon. Walter Murphy will be in Durham next week and speak for the Democratic cause. Mr. Murphy is the man that has challenged Col. Walter R, Henry to joint debate and is a strong speaker. A large crowd will doubtless go out and hear a good Democratic speech. IN ORANGE COUNTY. The Observer Contains Interesting . " Items This Week. We are glad to learn that our friend, Mr. Jack Smith, a Con federate veteran, who has been quiteJH at his home at Efland. is reported as being on the road to recovery. ) Every Democrat in good stand ing in Orange county 13 a delegate to the Senatorial Convention which will be held at Hillsboro, October 12th, at 12 o'clock m., to nomi nate two candidates for the State Senate. Some good speaker may be on hand to address the Con vention. , The Hillsboro Democratic Club has been organized with over one hundred members. Mr. Charles H. Robertson, Superintendent of the Eno Cotton Mills.is the Presi dent, and Mr. E. Marvin Lock hart, Secretary-Treasurer. The Club will meet twice a week. The Orange County Sunday School Convention will meet in Hhe Methodist Church at Hills boro on Saturday, Oct. 17, at 10 a. m. Let every Sunday School in the County elect four delegates to this Convention. Mr. . N. B. Broughton and other prominent speakers are expected to attend. All come and bring your lunches. COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION. The County Board of Education met in regular session Monday. Present, Cape J. P. Lockhart. Chairman; Rev. John C. Hocutt, County Superintendent of Schools and ex-officio Secretary of the Board and Messrs. Pickafd and Forrest. The session was taken up withminor school matters and in making a quarterly settlement with County Treasurer Parish on account of the school fund. Superintendent Hocutt having closed up his work, he turned the o.Tice over to Mr. T. Wingate Andrews, who was elected some time ago to fill the vacancy caus ed by the resignation of Mr. Hocutt, who retires on account of ill health. The oath of office was administered to Superintend ent Andrews by Mr. Charles Strayhorn, Clerk of the Superior Court, and the new Superintend ent entered at once upon the dis charge of his duties. He will make Hillsboro his home in the near future. I bin a Iillitadi if tin in Carirel TheL. & M. PAINT covers defects in prcvioua painting, and wear for 10 to lj years, because the L. A M, Is pure Ha tred oil binder-pure oside of fine-pure white lead, and you help to make the naint bv mixing three Quarts of tinneed oil with each gallon of paint. It done in a minutes. Makes eoxt only fi.ioprr gallon. Hackney Bros., L. & M. Taint Agent. . Enlarging BGSpltal. The Lincoln Hospital is being enlarged. The board of directors of tins colored institution are having ten rooms built to the main hospital. Eight of these rooms will be for private patients and two will be general wards. The hospital needs a heating plant but as this work is to cost $2,000 there will be no money left for the other work. Big breaks of tobacco were here today and so far as we have been able to learn, the farmers that sold the weed were well nleased with the prices thev re ceived. NUMBER 44. FOR SALE! White and Brown Leghorn Lggs $i.uu lor 15. White and Partridge Wyan- dott Eggs $1.50 for 15. Orders booked for future delivery. "Y" POULTRY FARM, Eaat Durham, N. C. B. O. Brigsnt, Prop. w w in ill Hi W CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK . OF DURHAM, N. C. ORGANIZED MAY ist 1905. Capital 5100 1 Surplus and Undivided Profits 7; 8 Stockholders Liability 10 jo Depositors Protection Z '28 B. N. Duke, Pres. Officers, i J. S. Manning, V. B Mason, Cashier es. Directorst J. B. Duke, President American Tobacco Company. Y. E. Smith, Supt. Durham Cotton Mfg. Company. C. L. Haywood, of Haywood & Boone, Druggists. J. H. Southgate, of Southgate & Sen, Insurance. R. H. Rigsbee, Capitalist. Q. E. Rawls, Merchant. B. N. Duke, Director American Tobacco Co., and Capitalist. J. S. Manning, Attorney-at-Law. N. M. Johnson, Physician and Surgeon. J. B. Warren, Capitalist and Fanner. J. B. Mason, Cashier Citizens National Bank. DEPOSITORY OF THE PEOPLE, THE COUNTY OF DURHAM, THE CITY OF DURHAM AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA It will pay to deposit your uninvested money in this Bank, where it will be safe from fire and robbery, and earning you 4 per cent interest, if left for 4 monthsterm; it will be protected by fire proof and burglary proof safes and vaults; managed by prc der:t and conservative business men; and handled by courteous sn qualified bonded officers, always glad to wait on you. We invite new accounts, large" and small, of lndiyW-e Farmers, Merchants and'Firms, that have not already Jonv open an account with us. er m m m m m m $ m m m e m m m m m m m m m m m m m 0 m m m m m m m m m m m m m e m m m m w 7! ffnflTTITT TH fT 1 TTT1 HRnfitrirTi 2 J!l! ft?? ?TTr TwfveeeTetftr i t in 1 Uflfllt" t We Have Figured It Out By depositing $1.00 per week in 5 j ta:s you save S2G0.OO By our 4 per cent method, we add 6i.i By adopting this plan you save S324.64 BETTER STILL! By depositing $10.00 per month 1 years ycu save S4S0.''O By our 4 per cent method, we a 1 j 1S3.40 By adding interest to principal we ht-lp you save $663.40 I Open All Day on Saturdays Home Savings Bank DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA SAFEl S0URDI1 CONSERVATIVE I ! I 4eww4aeet 14 t U REDUCTION SALES tecs Administrator's Notice. I lavinr this btv ou.tiffrd a, m inf iltrator of tbe entats of the !( t.ni Nichols late of Durham County, this is to notify all person indebted to him to come foward and make immediate pay. ment. and all oernon holding riin. againrt bis estate will present them to l. A U.ll.Mi.HI MM f .... . . . .lie MiiMri riur. vn in LIUTV IDC lUf a day of September, tono, or this notce will be plead In bar of their recovery. nit ftcpiemucr, loin, 190s. J. L WrtKKRSOit, AminUtrator ofLuico Nichols, Deceased. HELENA, N. C. We are going to commence on the Sth of this month to offer all our Dry Goods and Shoes at Greatly Reduced Prices for Cash We are overstocked on these goods and we are going to reduce our stock, and wj will save you money on these good$. All cotton goods are now going up some, but that don't make any differ ence, we are going to sell at lower prices. Don't wait, come and supply your wants. This July 6th, 1908. jjReade Bros. Co.H

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