ft, 'H-rfc. JLL DURHAM "RECORDER. SEMI-WEEiCLY. rjjE SO. DURHAM, N. C, NOVEMBER 20, u8 NUMBER 56. EAS VIUL CASE DECIDED 3rii5 Sixty i2?ys lo File Exceptions. ai AND illliATE SATTEfi ;llfiIl!,iatt5i:ol3n!;JIiRSleai!f Persia, Sxs 71srocg! Eg- ess Hanils AxiC3 Clill- j r P.eade.refweointhe instead will case oi OVERCOME BY GAS. Sirs. Mb SSasca Facad In Precarious CosU'wi Vw?.y Efcnlng. Mrs. John !.Ia3on, wife of the local munagcrvof the Standard (XI company in this city, earop near losing her life Tuesday evening in a peculiar manner. The following' interview of Mr. Mason, published in the Daily Sun, vf Wednesday, givea a fair account of what was the cause arid the result: "He said thnt he reached home about 45 o'clock, a little earlier -than uual, and found the honv Wicked. Tiic-re was a gas lam; burning in the sitting room. No one answered his rin at the uoor and h thought Mm. Mason had probably ran out to see pome of the neighbors wnile waiting u r hhi. He wait ed and fch did r. it return. Two or throe time. h; luoked into the window uvd i.ot i":ein;: her wait ed for herrtun:. "i'iuaily, Mr. Mason, he ni df a cJo; in jH tion and saw ht?r in a ch-tir J sy by the stove as if a-stecp. He trie.i Dawaktn hfv -J 3 J :n oe ran up THE Y. H. C. A RECEPTION, i nmnnmiuu. Largs Numbor ol People Inspect the Building Last Night. -i -uty. rerutered his de i -de the report to the i: !;: .ic-3'o VVadfteaday. i ;i.rett tt ' thet matter t0 rr-M. When Mr. C. oari, who nved an es- Jj.m.OOO or more, rrade ;y:t were-riineteenbeiie-; ,!o recoitfd.$3,Q00each xo be cx$eu. These Xjt va-nt tO't.ir various- it... - . . I 1 Xtlk- iavuri5 -anu mere .... it: oumethir.g in excess , i Be&o' hoe Henry ' Both blest families , 'or the (krg.; dona- duty GtViphcung S1 n.t.l ru..ivv. t- tr.t iv.uu oi Mr. 'V 1 Lougee, . i'.k3 . ro nu v..rjon ;ro;i'r.v.. no 1 Mr and Mv L sag it? e.ow riv;., with him. T.-vy s4- ?4ci. !:. through t ie v:idV H:ui ' - v.a. then de ciJ -u to ferak iuii the home. i'niS wa,-$ duite a4 i . cj condilkr. wui such tr.ul a j.'i sician was i i. .iediatei'y caliKl. She was un-co.'.-cious. Tiie jta$ la-np in tU rn was hjruimr, und this coulu not .mve ber. the c.' use. The d-r Lading into the dining rm wa oj"R, thus giving two ro .mi a vt.1 44aaon. I. is stranir t r of families bearing f tri c i3 ..im a -wve snou.o .. cnry J. the re-1 h;r. been .ac;i as t- cause ui Mti usdertoekthe lijr-iiion!''". ;il, 50 lh tw0 f. -y '" -icr. ui : . , .. . ir.iv;ai , . :'o;n aii'r. 4.airg , cr.e iiti3. Th-r ... sy Jack aiti two . i had clair.i- ip'M s Ft Kt of clLlho te a vbat tlx: letters i h numcl the Ittttrs a i.iii.Kiliiig thort whu rr.agh iienry S. ;'ute r.irrowing dw!i 32GAMZATI0N TAKES PLACE mm. Cariisia People Turn Cu! to Inject Km I 11 L A. BuHdinq And Irg Wei! Pleased With tiie Arr&ipnients. It is efrt imated that more than 1,5(MS Durham people visited the new Y. M. C. A. last night, which was the first opening of the building to the general pub lic. By the hour appointed for the reception of jruests committees that hd been appointed for the purpose were on hand to show the visitors ascend the building calling attention to many .things iRIiss Piper and Mr. Umstead: Kiss freeland and Mr. Carpenter; Miss Carpenter and Mr. Kigsuee. Three marriage ceremonies in one day wasjthe record in Dur ham last Wednesday ar.d each of ths couples will make their home in Durham: PIPER-UMSTEAD. Mis3 Alice Piper daughter of Mrs. Annie Piper, was united in marriage to Mr. R. T. Umstead at the home of the brides mother on North Manguun street, Wed nesday afternoon at 430 o'clock, Eev. G. T. Adams, pastor of Trinity Mothodis; church, offi ciating. The young couple have many friencs in the city, but they de cided to have a qiiet marriage at wVich only a few special friends were incited, and this was the case. Mss Alice Hundley pre sided at the organ and the sim ple wedding was over. After that might otherwise be -over looked and tc explain anything j ws hadbeen said the young that visitors might naturally be ; C0UPle repaired t) the Southern expected to Lxan about. depot where they boarded tne These committees were i -' Lr r brlda! ? norti' buted about th? Luild:ng in such M,S3 TeT 13 welL kncn? in ,o.n ri,f tt.AMi and has many friends, while shown thro: i.i other word, ach cornmei r ei)s ethtfcore' rf nfU,m' had charge of certain points toj .cf Vxhl presentS, ey row and vb.z thi, was .d5KMJ j waived atwfti tneir ppoulanty. tK '. v"?:tor w.i3 turned over to mother, during which time they v?rtf served refreshments, con- visitnrs were i ...- , t tii'i goom is a prominent young Uu':. iiian .inut iiuniueis ins b.&Un2 of ftaadtviches and coSee. On every hand -expressions of jjieosant surprise tt the arrange irterit of the building and the interior furnishings. The Secretary had planned to F2.i:SL..4D-CAP.PENTEI ;:t tha ho-.ne oi? Chief of Police -J. F. FiveiiU j "'-idncsday morn ing t $:J) o'- K, his daughter, Mici : Ae. vvas given in mar riage1 w. .'";- B. F. Carpenter, of the Seaboard Air Line rail way. Rev G. T. Adams perform ed the cermony in the presence Mr tit Or Mr Mi Mi Ml Ml Mi Ml Ml Ml Mi Ml W Ml Ml Mi Ml Mi m Mi Mi Mi Ml Mi Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Mi Mi Mi Ml Mi Mi Ml Mi CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK OF DURHAM, N. C. ORGANIZED MAY ist 1905. $100,000.(7- 73,455.28 Stockholfems Liability 100,000.00 DepoEifeais Protection 273,455.28 'Capita?. Surplus slid Undivided Profits Officerst iB. SUDL'KE, Pres. S. Manning, Vice-Pres. J. B Mason, Cashier. Directors J.'C. Dt'KE, Pn.idcr,t America". Tobawo Curnj.any. Y. E. Smith, Sujt. Dorfcsm Cotton ?.'. Company. C. L. Haywood, of Haywood & Bw.we, Dnijrtrists. -'J. H. Sowthgate. of Su:iixgate & Sci. Insurarce. R. II. Ri;:-BEfi, Capitalist. Q. E. Rawi.s, Merchant. R. N. rUKE. Director American Tobacco Co., ar Capitalist. J; S. Manning, Atto:i:ey-at-Law. N. M. Johnson, Physiciar p.nd Surgeon. J. B. Waiuen, Capitalist and Farmer. J. B. MON, Casfcier Citizens National Bank. DEPOSITORY OF THE PEOPLE, TTIfE COUNTY OF DURHAM, THE CITY OF DURHAM 'AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 'ft w'll pay todeposit your uninvested money in this Bank, 'wfc-Te it will be safe from fire and robbery, and earning you 4 pc r ea.t interest, If left for 4 months term; it will oe protected by fire proof and burglary proof .safes and vaults; nanaged by pro del t aiid conservative bxs5nw m-n; and bandied by courteous an qx; lifiod oonde J officers, always glad to wait on you. We invite new accounts, large and small, of Individuals, Fstmers, Merchants andFirms, that have not already done so, to of 1 en tccount with u. m f m m m m m f i m m m m m m m m m ! Ill liS III! iiavt another meeting fjr to- j0f a few relatives and friends in night wr organization would ; the parlor. be perfected, but on account of j Jar h t he bride and the groom , .. if. ....... ...,. v.- 1. 11 t;. rtn ? ins Y!s;ioi .ur. Liauus ii. e i-.;-ii', .;nm.n nere me uriuu i iS.ily uf four. Three ' 1 . dr-n wre irova.'d j t; j.juviiions of the will, j t' Li -dt'T li l not demy of Music, the organization !. the grocn having made head- . acca J;: ;.;-!.... but her ti .r. 1.H'ii, C 1 t I wa a bacbelvfrwholisth-.nw u t ;i ..-i nrr u.v ...... th. o1'n''bani is.a u v.w by of tbee chiMrrn ! tl' itove aui overcome by najsui af Henry .?. ci -iJ an uid whs ut. ,. A aia of this Win- ct.u-s .4 re Kiw what r il. i.rv J irk. !;ainei At . ,-i V . Mason - i .... t 4 urU;Y4 :ut. '..nil, having .iO ':i.v'. i'uai! U-.'l K lU.i of tht- .mu n C jre.'tioiviE me kiia jj i in that as many as intend joining wut ive their itilicati.n in o? f;r that time. At the .organ ization ni;rtir.i" Monday v.ixh: oi .itcj wiil if tiected and mem- crc wnne running on ca-d from here to lien- ARPEN1 P. RIGSBEE. !' Henry P.igsbee and Mii-s liuu-- CarpenUr, both of Oak Gn township, -.vere united in 'mirriace at the bride's liome. vV Have Figured it Out i P.v depos. tin,- -i.i'; per week in .. y:.ars you save... ? By our 4 pi r c-:nt iiivthJ. w. add Rv ado t:n. a;i vu save. iTTER 3TIL.L! Ry H X -' i i Ry I'liiii.; i:.ii' tst t-;r ;X -lit j v ni. r.-.b i :'or !i!. yuj save. ; :':(. .).'. '..-o ":i '."f i.e'p you .-ave ...S260.C0 ... 64.64 ...$324.64 ... 183.40 ffv3.40 a itfukf'r (j ivtrr.vr ll. H. GiMi ; ' c. nic bet-- i.ut . in hidiivs , . . t m :t'-r tJis iatrior. in tljf eVJr Hvury J. .!i ami jfi.d.d f.r. , i 4.f iho i -t.u r Il. nrv : but Zi v:t id. ari l Ciii! Ect! la a JuiaaMj; Hiilg, tli" Ju""t J.'ut. j .if !.... fi-.tl Mr.' U... .. I ',.!,.! If til I lu!l'V .,!r' : !HHII. lb' ". !!'.' at .! tfcat they wct.-! j.'. M.yU on? -!" Orange CMtin-j-'emr of .'.!'.. at ::!' o-..H' nine-tenth shar. ! ; , vcuah- -.ssfiit ar-u !.. bt't-t wid i.-v a i;--:-;: .rjt tn -jtiv. J i , , lf iwW Ea;st Durham, Wednesaay , ; . i , : , , ; -,.,ri!i!i',r .- i J o dock, Jusucv of ; ;h- marring Morton oRic.ated the gm.');n . ,iv-' i-1- af.t years ana in .!' tt..- I.rsM. inn 10 v:.r. raelivJ b. VWdnedavi wa ou-rr..; rsuiH.ay t. , ... ; I in j .... ... - " - - . . . i.n.'V Opt- Bay on Saturdays DURHAM, NC3TH CAROLINA ! SAFE! SOUND : I C0KSERVATIVE!!! : ! ,4 5WH ''44fAv.tAm4't ; ti'.vnsn!;' ' ,-. VV.t it. Ha ider;. Tiir.i gnve both sides' r -f:: vr ? :r" "an. ovn-; -ro.v.i which i : i g Xt .it U - ! I. j i. ti f a! -eta '. . Mm. vn s 'i'Hi a v uf ti in whict ccial 5 a". ;?. it:', iv.. J-3 a . i. ir! h . ,,t A i 1. I ..i j . S v, la ) A i-nti f .'i .. ' 'J . ii .u i.f It i . Tn ,i v.i.,'t th l' ifi ' rvusoti fir kup.ki. in among bis frit mis. murder. The yuiing 'ut 22, wa fireman al " n: sla.id failing to show writ Wednesday morning H was found by the where ha fell when at- Hyhiti fatal heart weak- .-i M'rsu I- UfldtMbt . . !' .f :. . I . - Li.v. I ..'.i.1 ' , V ... I. .: v.. , J v.;,.. J v ;. - '..U'lt I. .ij a't! is T.:; Ki.v. Is I i. I.ius. Jj:raiB.'.c. . '.i' ii.-iH Lt't'ti her . vera .,.. j.'cl ien to xv.t in i'n fcr ti.o . a e of i:isiui,H!i'.v 5-2 r 1; i'l be animJ iv. 'Vi -iter. i 1 r t.i'. ;.; k lSi'" l '.') . . ;'.! !) ui .ca i-M' Tt : , i he exim.'. " d wit'i I.." . . this year. 1 , s."' ,.1 ' , i!i'...- f V. '. I' ?i lil' i't'i ..';; : lis ',. .!;:. a I'l lia Cast. l" d In this Issue of 'y-IIorton Company, who '"'es for the winter. Later: News from the bedjdJe of Mf. Lloyd late yesterday even ing (Wid.) wts alanning. His condition was critical. He ral lied during the night and this morninif (Thurs.) his condition is repcrtt'd some better. Friends are exceedingly anxious about his cot. ,fM:n yet.-Chapel Hill News. 1 ,vfi , l' I - ..-IHV Mlii! 'I'- ' I I --..til- lll.l.it I I il'OUn. O.I al.Jiii' .CS I'l qU.iil'i I .. i, nt i- .nnv. inn . v i . . .i. . il -r! .. I. & M. and iialL . 1'. iv . . .... ' ..- '. . . . i". i ... ' . Ci.U.UUii ur.t. . - . .. I,. HCi-ii ..tt nil ftiii-i isu iim r.i .:; '... '-.. ,.!. ' , ''';!! I i .. !. r ...i;;.. n lnl ii.tiiittfti.lv !".. i u.e c.int o-ilv fi.io jHl JiHlIOII Iih- III 2 minute.' HacWm-y Hr., t,. & M. Taim AKent. ' , . i ' I .Jz.dlilOls'tlt,.. .',H'!it'i W, i i tu tuuif alarm oi ts i ui I Street, St. Lou. il . bvery ti izen owes it to hims-tlf, to his fellows and to Prof. IL'cks to pos sess the "Hicks" forecasts. The series of meetings that have been in progress at the Second Baptist church closed Wednesday night. Quite a num ber of persons professed faith and also a large number were added to the membership of the Fnlvcriltt for The Recorder. : church as a result of the meeting FOB SALE! White and Brown Leghorn Eggs $1.00 for 15. White and Partridge Wyan dott Eggs $1.50 for 15. Orders booked for future delivery. "Y" POULTRY FARM, Cjis Durham , X . C. B. C. Brigg, ftwp. N w M M v . ; , . i. f -r.rsi. ru. on the 6th of this Uh t t.slVi- nil Mir I ry Goods and .hoo .-. ;:-e.t;y u td Pues for Cash V.'c av nvnitecked on these goods and we are gcin to reduce : ur stock, and we will save you money on these goods. All cotton goods are now going up some, but that don't make any differ ence, we are going to sell at lower prices. D ?n't wait, come and supply your wants. This July 6th, 1908. M M M M M Reade Bros. Co.n KBHEBEECEC33E5ISII3EC3arj