IUSM if ?V Hear AND THE By Earle Hooker Eaton MjPYHNWV.lMS.mrBABLa BOOKM BATCH Oiste wanted chickens Thanksgvin' day to eat, V1 Brother said a gander was mighty hard to beat, Ma he wanted turkey, an' pa he wanted duck, Nen I went out huntin' an' had the bestest luck. Heard a norful growhV; but, say, I didn't care. I de aimed my rifle an' shot this grea' big bear! "2IARD A NOEFUL GEOWUN'; BUT, SAY, I DIDN'T CASE. CJISTEit want tne gizzard, the neck er anything; W Brother wanti a drumttick, an mother H take a wing; ainer ii uxt Xht wishbone, with des a slice of breast, At aa I'm quite hungry I think 111 eat the rest Don't I wish that Boserelt, the president, wai my pa; Nea I'd shoot some elfunU 'way down in Africkah! Jimmv's Thanl'sgivi- iof " ,'1,,-"s, wen. wm By OLIVE DARTER. j H vty OruMiiu-. Intd tt-riiiin ; j mul.v uri iu .Vw Vrk. "I kn I it in mi ariKi; Hrbai I am U!ii!njf agtillm; ?i fir t, lull v- . llnifi fni.i( IU..UH 1 li.-r f.Kist!i ', thins ttit.I iti;, out ttt lirr fjth -r n -v. 1 nri Mi1 w Nvr:,-;.. si Hp. !! 7IBMT " m! ... j nlH , 1,,1,1 ,i,.r : I Mi lM.llii)f iroii! tain. iiifr''v If llixl tfii rul Iini ntiK li f V I l4'l 1,11 ktl.lW." lii'r liFull 111., t.a.li .1 liar.l . ..I ,.ff . ' ' W 11.11 If "Ill D"U to llu.iii Sin. Ihi.I tM.l mil '"Uft,i ihnt i;irf, t tut it riMMivh t t,w fln,j r,..H WIich thv - in," imif iiiii;i nf'f'illlll i" I 1 1 H.t t.rmi., hrU-iif huvr " tlin-c i1it Krl li.nl n-nii-! i ''trit.it i,.fi f . i.i. i.- tin .1 i.i..t,i. '"j hsi.l .1! ..... . . .. .. ... ni!nli II vitv iiril'Ul". tmi !irilrnlrt' it iliklll(f hi( llli'l ' ill-. elnr ctrl kltrliPH tvlth Its eal oil xtovi ami wckhi: clos't for li;!n ur raiiirr i;i:nle no i-ntuux'tit on ilio pitiful iiiaki-xlilfti. I.nt In- aixl (kirp roml iN-twi-i-ii tin- It hi. T!n'y knt-n I "'"' m n MiM-'liiii; wroi'if, TIhti' wan a f.'ivMi .rH'7.1m-fm In the ,tuT. j 'itH-ntf ti.nl toveil Jliinn.v sIimh s!it wan ; a ln!iy. jih, ht 1.- !V Tlt inksjriv ! Ins i!nw iifnr lh.it hp rould M.ui.l th,. . at rain no ImiffiT. I In i ho iniMiitliup the four plrl lr : t'i tn-nt. Mi-nk. !in (tit ti'iotoprnji'ior' pnlli-rv wtre flnillt;j; It vitj- h.ir.l fi win f.iuii Ti rent. ttmuh ilhiilml nm.iiK four. wa h-.h whn tiothins '' 'oinlm: In. They .-..u!,! ?. ,t nf. rM a to, ami tea ami dry l.road rri thflr t. Finally oiu plrl af Imwii on thr rtcM.r a-: l liran to will wa rol.l an.l hiH".Trr nnl ml nl'lt' Slii f n B"lntr li'ini". "ntnl j roi'M fi to rras"' j Till Tn!v.t tu. Cf.prr.ll ronf ItlU'Pt 1... . ' inn jimmy n:ni vm rroH fp-itir T' k. ntni frn u-oiildn't civ m. Tliw ; of tho four clrH wrofo t fhlr i.-.r,iit ami In n nwk had said oxNihy to .Ihti tuy. who fmivl tlu inptlon of ront a!o:io. Site throw hrrrif on the rot , and rrhil nil nlctit with hiincor. isJ and the litiowliili;i' flint nhf w.n Ivn! fit. frittii talftit to einltia ntrn n fa rrr. and who trna no iitilta. Hut I w.niMn't ran-.- ah ao'i'r! 'If It iTf nut a mvir Thankchi;!r , At homo thero'II Ik- tnrLi-y atvl and i ike and Jollloa and -1 Just ran'l t.it:d itr Hut ah novor once thoncht of trrlt ItiB home for hotp. Tho nest iiiornltvi . flio lay iiiK'otmrloiH In hor lomjy ttnr, ' tonkhiff n fovor. wlillo hor ariovlt'K fa thor and inotiicr wto it iiiss nronnd ! hontr footod innkltiff ri'paratlona for i tflf rotllltl foB!t. Jimmy lay two nlehN and a day l!l i and alono. whon a lady who hud nti i oll'iio In flio Hiiino liulldlns had a fool J liu' that aoniothlnx was wrong up ' Ktalra ami wont up to find flit nr do aorfod hlld. Tho doctor an lit aho honl, g to a lioilt:i mid that ho would on! I f"r hor Tln-ro waa n Imrrlod atop ot tho atalr. nnd In a mlniito (iooro t ii Iila knoa lioiihlo tin oof, "Hi. Jiniiny. Ilttlo Jimmy! kftn joiiiol?iiii waa wrotijr. nnd I'vo oimiu t.il yon homo If you'll ko." "WHI I? Oh. t.'oorao. I ll I o m tbank fnl! I'm it falluro. ;iirp I'm a f.ti! tiro!" "I don't think ao. fan aho trar.'l ilo tor? I'll (tot a rirrhiffo. sho'll lo liomo Jnfit ;, timo for Tli.tk?lvl!ia." 'It will lio (hat for mo." anld .tlmmy wonkly. whllo two toara Imih'iI from l'r oyra, nnd Mrr tJooro So ibiiulit put h armo nroiiud hor and pro?od hi liM ki?a oiIht itiivo"lntr lip- torard to of tlio doott.r mid tho lady. ' ' o. :? V'j-tn:,s"lvliiiJ, 9 PEAL Medicines like those of Dr. R. V. Pierce of Buffalo, warrant their makers in printing their every ingre dient, which they do, upon their, outside wrappers, verifying the correctness of the same under oath. . open publicity places these medicines in a class all by themselves. Furthermore, it warrants physicians in prescribing them largely as they do in their worst cases. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Is a most potent alterative or blood-purlfler, and tonic or Invlgorator and acts especially favorably In a curative way upon alt the mucous lining surfaces, as of the nasal passages, throat, bronch ial tubes, stomach and bowels, curing a large per cent, ot catarrhal cases whether the disease af fects the nasal passages, the throat, larynx, bronchia, stomach (as catarrhal dyspepsia), liver, bowels (as mucous diarrhea), or other organs. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is advised for the cure of one class of diseases only those peculiar weaknesses, derangements and irregularities pecul tar to women. It is a powerful yet gently acting invigorating tonic and nervine. For weak, worn-out, over-worksd women no matter what' has caused the break-down, "Favorite Prescription" will be found most effective In building up the strength, regulating the womanly functions, subduing pain and bringing about a healthy, vigorous condition of the whole system. A book of particulars wraps each bottle giving the formulae of both medicines and quoting what scores of eminent med ical authors, whose works are consulted by physicians of all the schools of practice as guides in prescribing, say of each ingredient entering into these medicines. Both medicines are non-alcoholic, non-secret, and contain no harmful habit-forming drugs, being composed of glyceric extracts ot the roots of native, American, medicinal, forest plants. They are both sold by dealers in medicine. You can t attord to accept as a substitute for one of these medicines of known composition, any secret nostrum. Don't do it. Tha Cat'a Pint. Martha ImJ tormented Dinah, her kind old cat, for more than a half hour without an interval of peace, when she gave Dinah's tail such an unmerciful pull that the poor old cat decided that forbear ance had ceased to be a virtue, so flie resorted to her claws for the first time in her life when with the child. Dinah pive Martha's little fat hand such a scratch that the blood fairlv trickled, and she. with tears and blood streaming, went to Dinah with all the wrath in hor voice she could r-nrnniar.d and said, ''flive me tho-e pins o-:t of vour hand this minute, miss !" Delineator. Tha Ship's Pump. A British lord of tho admiralty, w!ioe kno".r1ed'i .f t -I' t: a! detail was limited, was taking his tlr t trip in a rather leaky ve-sol when be observe- tho men work in t!.c p. imps. "Dear mo." be said, "I did not know vo-i b:d a we'! on board, captain. l'.:t I'm really !ad yon bave. for I detest sta water." Harper' Weekly. Mrs. Hildey (si,bi:iar don't care what you e.iy. Harry tfoosn't luvo uie n.i uiucb as h. did. Hor Motut-r lluw rldlculou: Why. only thla uiurniu 1 hoard hliii toll you you wore the dear cf.l jtfrl on oartli. Mrs. Uridey Tlut'a ju-st U. lie usi-d to cull uie "the dear ot lrI fen over livod." Oxide ef Zlnc-Wbat Is It? 1 Its the woarinu aualitv of the I. M. i PAINT while white load is the el.it:c quality of I.. & M PAINT. Wears fullv j 15 voars on outside of a house raedy for nr ahoitt fi.j.i per (raHn. 1 U.ickncy Bros.. I..& M. I'aint Aooiits. i Willie's Triumph. Papa was v.Umt to apply the strap. "Father," said Willie Jinnly. "unless tliat Instrument has been properly ster ilized I desire to protest." This gavo the old man pause. "Moreover." continued Willie, "the germ that inijt'it he released by the vio lent impact of leather upon a poroup I teitlle fabric but lately exnosed to tho'w-ell pleased. Visit mir Mote and see dust of the streets would be apt to nl' w,1;l we are "reri"i! anl Winter feet you deleterious! v." Millinery. hV1; Ml'fi-m a nnv,less MRS. JUNIUS H. SMITH, hand Willie sloped. Kansas C'itv In i ' dependent. NICE DISPLAY OF Fail and Winter Millinery We are now showing our line cf Fall ami Winter Millinery in the latest styles aini shapes of Hiits and trimmings. In style mid ijiiiiliiy we c-n suit anv one. whiie tV.e tiriie is such t'.iat all are I?AWVF,ia. REVOLVING. U . r HEAVY yPt DE KALB.ILL. STRONC. UBABLE. CHEAP WRITE ro PRICES fENCE Ca KANSAS CITY. MO. O Do voa have a tt cf the N fsf.,. ..... M.it. c.. fer from headache, back ache low waist-pains, creep- in; sensations, nervousness, irritafcility, frregularfty, or xnv d'tsordzt of vour natural function? Such symptoms snow inai you suixcx irura one of the diseases peculiar to women. Don't procristi- U cate. Take WINE OF WOiWS RELIEF Administrator's Notice j Having this day -iiialifit d as admini- itrnto of the t nte of the late T. II I'tiol. late of Ihirhan Canntv. this 'is to i notify all persons iti.l.Vted to him to conic forward and make immediate pav-! meiit. and all jn-rsons ho!!iiij claims aainsthis tataU-wiU present them to the undersinned on or before the .th lay of Notemtier. looo. r this notioc will be plead in bar of their recovery. ! Th:s NovemtK-r th. toS. W. W. Harris Administrator Route i. of koiietnont, X. C. J. II. Pm!., Iieeeasd. Mrs. Sarah G. Butts, of White Plains, Va- writes i "Cardui is certainly a pana cea for suffering women I was sunk in despair. Death v i is no worse than the cams I ' suffered periodically. Noth ing relieved me, until I took CarduL Now the pains have gone, and I am stron I eer than in J5 vears." Trr it for your troubles. 127 East Main Stieet, Durham, X .C. MRS. OCTA D.ITHOMAS, Manager. Your Photograph 1 May look very well, but if it does ( not have a distinctiveness that 1 you are proud of there is some- ! thing lacking. ' The work we turn out bears the ! stamp of pood workmanship, j and when we make your photos ! you take pleasure 111 showing I them to your friends. I We arc prcud of the photos we j have made and will gladly show j them to you if you will call. N Holladay Studio i Opp. the Postof fice. Durham, N. C SEABOARD g --?i,l ft Union Lock Poultry Fence Squ.r. do, i..h Th. mt Mrvicn!. f.Qc. o. tt. urk for pfiltr, y.rd., vrelir mntt gtrd.nl. ftnd .1 bo imtn coil th. mui. Writ for cuiot of fao- lo, t-r !! titirnnM. pwioi rraci co.. txdb. m, . imu city. EOR SALE BY TAYLOR PHIPPS CO-, Durham, N.C. THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER The Largest and Ccst Newspaper in North Carolina. At all Drug Stores j AIR LINE RAILWAY. ! Effective Sept. 13th, 1908. and ' subject to change without notice. EVERT DAY IX THE YEAR, $8.00 A YEAR Trains will leave Durham as; follows 1 THE OBSERVER consists of from 10 V. ooa in or A t to IaKes daily and 20 to 32 pages , .0. 23S.-10.3o A. M. Connect- i Sunday. It handles more news matter jing at Henderson With No. 38i Local. St .te, National and Foreign-than which will arrive at Portsmouth-! an' otller t,rt" Carolina newspaper. Norfolk at 5:40 P. M., resuming! thf rvniv riRcrcvrD 'counection at Weldon with A. C. IHt Uym ,L. for Eastern Carolina points ' !? UBfl,e'1 If " me,liBB an,i ; and at Portsmouth-Norfolk ilh tUnt ,nalter of ; Steamship lines for ashmgton, i Baltimore, Cape Charles. New THE SEMI-WEEKLY OBSERVER i York and Boston. This will also issued Tuesd.iv and Friday, at fi.oo I connect at Henderson with No. rtr af. largest paper for the !G) for Richmond, Washington 1 y'V'V" stc,,io" ,trt'nsi!Msuffrom and Vflw Ynrk ; 5 to 10 pages and prints all the news of v m mi n t ! lhe -Local. State. Xatkmal and ! No. 241 will arrive m Durham i Foreign. I at 4:30 P. M. I Address No. 221 will arrive in Durham iTu p nncrDuro r Store. at 10:05 A. M. THE OBSERVER CO. No. 222 will leave Durham at Charlotte N c. ! 0.00 P. M. ! i The Durham & Southern train) XoCaru; ' 10 the .p"u 'No. 41 leaving Durham at 3,15 ,,Mri"'m C.nty , court. ' P. M. and arriving at Anex at i ,-i'ie smith. ) .1 o- p f .Aniiiu.il t.ifK Cm.1 vs. . Order of Publication. Shoes and et the Best at the Lofest ; board No.' 41 and 43 for Char-1 "'"r S:";?,' 1 , j lOUe, W limingion, Atlanta, Idr- smith in this action, that Henrv M. Smith i minirnim Mmthtii onH ru-onta .1... .1. 1..... .1 :.. . ..I ill j ' .--i.ii.v hum viiiii' 1 me u ivii'iaiii uiiii-in, is it 01 in in- louilil A book cover will be given free With : West and Columbia, Savannah, ! '" County, and can not after 1 Jacksonville, and all Florida ; V" "e um " "M tulnt4 xt (wikt hp;H-nng that said Henrv ! t. u.. ... . , M. Snnli ha. Committed Forni:.ittoh ror Time-tables, rates and any am! Adu:rv. I information desired apply to F. i tt is therefore ordered, that mniee of W. Woodward, Union Ticket : t',i" 4t,v" ! i'"'-. once a -rk for n'iiriTMii uie I Mirn.llll KeeoMer. SHOES OF MERIT Are always on hand at this We are building our business by car rying such Shoes that give the wear er the most service. Bring your families here for vour Possible Cost. each pair sold. PERRY-HORTON CO. One Price Cash Shocrs. 118 W. Main Street, Durham. X. C. 4jiftiiittifiiftiftitttfttitifi Zhc Ifoclp in tbc ifanttl I That never tires, I That never complains, Z That is ever ready to serve and save is J ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT. J Relieves The Mistress, J Pleases The Master, ; SEE ; DURHAM TRACTION CO. : Phone 271. 220 West .Main Street. Agent, or R. L. Montgomery Agent, "Phone No. 11, or write to.- : C. H. Gattis, Traveling Passenger Agent, I Raleigh, N. C. j lkUj. 60 YEARS i nw ilfif a pkrtrli ana rtwrintton mar anl 'Hlf WMvrtnin onf opinion frM mIih an iiopiiiinn in nrnmj pntm'i-. naimtittli.. itc,i.iiioiu. Had H IDI on I'.imu iii irw. rmm mtmtrj nr P Turin. Ml,lt. I tmi. M Off 1 1 (i.liit li raiMit. Hurl tlir..ii,h Munn A to. reel, twl,wWk, i' himl ', la lb 'I Sciciililic Jlmcr lean. kim.tf tUirt-1 mrrVf. f mt rt. it if n n-iiiii iili l..tirnl. Trrni. l a nf ni .tnlia.lL IMJ byail irli V.U. , i.w V i'S, V.'im!. !t,l a, B, v. Ill a.io i newpater published in I nirham County . .setting forth the title of the action, the j tuirpo-e of the ame. together with a brief recital of the fut jec' matter of the same, and repitring the )efedint to ap peal at the tie! term of the Suirnnr j Court of hurham County, to I held on (the fourteenth Monday after the first j Monday in September. lw. it : Kit:g th- 7th day of December io. "t the Court House in said county, j and answer or demur to the comptiini of j thetd,iititi(T. or the relief therein demand .) ed w il's be r illted i This itid 'lay of Ntnemler. tw. I C. B. C.RKEN f Clerk Superior Court. : W A S" T I ' I s i-i ;as M a i. 1 m ; r eq u j f ta the seniiv of a man in I'urh itti U look after etpttitii sulwripttotts and tose cure new 'msiiu-a by means of special methols utms'iiitlv 'effect no: piwittoti ji rm.rietit; prrf. r i'tu- with experience, lint w hi!i! cors;der i" app' icatit with e.od :i.it::r.i! ;ttiititic..ti'-tta. al iry j; ; per div. ttith cnttimintt ot ttoti. Ad dtes. rvi!1' rf rre. P. '. Peacock. Room t . .-, s M a:.- !'.'.'... v J

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