You May Travel A Long Way And not Find so Good an Assort ment or Such Favorable Prices as we are now offering on Stoves, Plows, Cultivators, Harrows, Forks, Shovels, Hoes, Axes, Barbed Wire, Poultry Wire, and all kinds Fence Wire. Our stock of Roofing, Belting, Paints, Lime, Cement, and Nails is complete and our prices the lowest to be found. ros. Pollard B I Hardware i ? M M M M M M SEE FOR YOURSLF Some of the pictures vc have enlarged for other people, by visiting our s'.ixlio toiay. When a lihotoprspher ha succeeiled in securing a natural expression anl attractive pose, it is always weil to have at least ONE ENLARGEMENT ma'ie for the small photos are apt to he mispla'.ed, lost or forgotten, w hile an Enlarged Photo remains an ornament U any room. Let us show vou samples of our work in this direction. MISS KATIE L. JOHNSON 103J East Main Street. Durham, N. C. M H M H M U ft AAA NEW AND SECN'D-HAND BICYCLES GUNS AND RIFLES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION REPAIRING CP MACHINERY A SPECIALTY H. A. GASS1E Im FiY3 Points, Mao, I C. Ms Lite Crushed Out. A telephone message Monday night from Mr, L. J, Rodden, in Burlington, told of the accidental killing of Mr. G. W. Denny, a carpenter working under him as foreman while putting in the forms for the city waterworks at that place. The engineering work has been done by Mr. Gilbert C White, who has spent many weeks in going over it all. The force had been hard at work all night making the form. The reservoir had been concreted and there didn't appear any danger and there certainly wasn't any to the naked eye. It was eleven o'clock when Mr. Rodden sent his men down into the hole and made ready to put in the frame. The ground moved, caved in on Mr, Denny and narrowly missed sev- eral others. The unfortunate man was buried, his bones broken and death was almost instanteous A physician was immediately summoned but it was sen that there was no chance to save the injured man. A Mr. Johnson, also working with Mr. Denny, w as hurt severely, perhaps a bone broken, but not dangerously. There was no way to prevent the accident. Nobody was to blame. Mr. Denny was 45 years old and leaves a family. He was a carpenter by trade buthad done electrical work and once lived here. He has been working un der Mr. Rodden, who is also a Durham man, ever since the con tract began. He was a good worker, a provident, frugal man and in the hour of distress to his family, leaves an insurance poli cy of $2,000. Nothing regarding funeral arrangements could be gathered over the wire last night. ! R. I. Lyon, who is in the drug ; business in Fayetteville. return ed to that place Monday after : spending a few days h'.re with , relatives. EMIUM OFFERS THE BEST PREMIUM THAT WE HAVE EVER OFFERED! We have secured a limited number of knives-three kinds-one like above cut and the others of different pat- terns-which we will offer to RECORDER subscribers as long as they last and to new subscribers also, upon the fol lowing CONDITIONS: Tbanks&lrlng Day-Orphans' Day. The good people pf North Caro lina have chosen Thanksgiving Day as a time for special offer ings to the orphans' home of our State, We have abundant cause for gratitude to God. Can we in a better way express our thanks to Him than by heartily joining in to care for and train aright homeless, orphan children? When, impelled by a spirit of gratitude, we do for these little ones, does the great Father of tie fatherless not accept it as d)ne for Him? At present the demands upon and needs of the orphans' homes of North Carolina are unusually large. The Thanksgiving offer ing will be a great factor in en abling these institutions to con tinue their beneficent work. The cause appeals to our sym- Dathies. to our reason, to our sense of justice. We hope even a larger number of our people will unite this time in the interest of this work and hat the gifts will be, in all re spects, greater than any of the offerings of former years. We believe the interest of our people in this cause is deepening and we ook for even more liberal support to our orphanages. Concord, Nov. 21. -While at- tempting to mount the hind end of a wagon yesterday afternoon on North Spring street. Master Early Watson, the 7-year-old son of .Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Watson, caught his left leg between the spokes of the wagon wheel and sustained a broken limb, both bones in the leg being broken just above the ankle. The driver heard the screams of the child and stopped the wagon in time to prevent him from being drawn in and crushed to death. The ittle fellow is resting very well this afternoon, though he is suffering intense pain at times. Highpcint, Nov. 2l.-The 2- year-old girl of Junius Heaver, emploped at the silk mill here, was burned to death last evening in a fire which destroyed the house. The unfortunate man lost his home and all furniture in addition to his child. Goldsboro.tNov. 21.- Mr. I. F. Lane, section masster of the Southern Iiailway in this city, and his wife have the deepest sympathy of all the people here in the sudden and distressing bereavement that befell them this morning in the accidental killing of their 12-year-old son, Cennie, who with a little play mate, was engaged in making a swing UDder the cotton platform near the railroad yard, almost op posite their home, when a heavy piece of timber fell from its po sition, striking him on the head, from which he died in a few mo ments. A physician was sum moned speedily, but the little fel low was beyond his aid. Negro Woman Shot. Sunday afternoon right much commotion was caused in East Durham when it became known that a negro woman had been shot. Iiuvenia Trice was shot f v., Jl:v fix Wte ".41 1 r;. : , ii sit m i 'H . ; . i Ml Attractive Patterns Never before have we been able to present for Fall and Winter such attractive patterns in Men'r Fine Clothes. New colors in end less variety to suit every one. The Best Made In the past we have given spe cial attention to the make of clothes we handle and this season is no exception. The make ot our clothes would cause them to appear stylish if the were made of cheaper goods, but when you jet the best make, the best goods, and at a price that is within the reach of all, you get the best that is going. New Ideas New ideas in clothes for men that like to dress well have not been overlooked and our store contains just what you want in that line. A visit to our store will reveal to you the style, qua'ity, fit and make-up of the clothes we are offering you. W. (A. SLATER COMPANY. West Main Street, Durham, N. C. r r The Cable Line of Pianos All Manufactured by The Cable Co. Mason & Hamlin. - Conover. - Cable. Kingsbury. - Wellington. - DeKoven. The ce!r!rated Mcwii & Hamlin Chinch. Chcl nd Parkr Urjran Th hi;ljet ni iniu!.c K'elf pant lc !ivereil kiiywLtn- mi bj jiil. 1 -or cm trim mi' lt The Cable Co. 108 Church St., Durham. N. C. GG3G ryirr7-7jP P C-T '"TSI CITE O I All Kinds of Hauling! 5 THE CITY TRANSFER PHONE. 300 Are the People to Call. Nothing toe Heavj or too Light. We Give Your Work Our Per sonal Attention. Hauling Baggage Promptly Atttemletl to. Best Satisfaction Guaranteed for Moving Furniture and Household Goods and ROBERT L. POLLARD. Proprietors. for M D HERE'S A STOKE U)U AKE ALWAYS WEL eome: Whoever you are, wherever you live, whatever your business is, we want you to under stand that we are anxious for your Drug business. In this store one man's dollar is as good as another's. We have the goods you want. We sell them right. X We treat you right. If ever you are dissatisOed you X can have your money back for the asking and don't be afraid to ask. All old subscribers paying for one year in advance will be given one of the above knives as a premium, and all new subscribers for one year will be given one also. No knife will be mailed unless four (4) cents in postage extra is sent with remittance and an amount necessary to'pay subscrip-hvithaMstoiby i'dmi. and i he made hfoeacapc. tion one year m advance. I itwMciaimi ty ami, that . . i i , m i n tvi he was cleaning an oM pistol and THESE knives are on exhibition at Taylor & Phipps that it nn,i .midontiy. Thetn Co.'s store corner Mangum and Parrish streets, and will beja given freely as long as they last, but remember that y6uiwounfl r,m which he w5!l rc til i i j. a1 x ' cv,r 80on should send your subscription at once to be sure to get one. j Although m tmnMnnt They are much better than any former premium we have!; offered and as our premium offers are very popular, theUtnfruillpsssr'far supply, which is large, will not last long. We will not be Keturssuitn his Bride, able to get more at the price we have purchased these mrf,JLL?f when the supply is gone we cannot fill orders for pre-1 hbur Va-whprc aii. 11 j? . ried November 11 Miss Elsie M. Hoard, of that place. The ceremony waa aid at the bride's home; Mrs. II. tackland'a resident" and the rn'itile way uiven a rw-ptbn there. Tiieyj yfent sometime hi viijn their! relative? anl tame ihim wil! Sivf t, wv lYEARBY'S : THE PEOPLES DRUG STORE miums. Address all communications to THE DURHAM RECORDER, Durham, n. C. c ::z:xiizx:i:zir:xir:::r:i:r::ir2Xix:ii:irrixx2xix2''' M M 2 Repairing Done Promptly and Well S We light n 'r .! rs ;md incn-.tse your poits by ni tkiiij; y.i;r old imj; iuciit as new. We repair all Wind liht machinery. Special attention to Cum, Pistols, Iticycles, Gasoline Engines, Scales, Graphnphones, Locks, Etc., Etc. MATTHEWS BROTHERS. - - 114 Church Street, jj Phone 510. Durham, N. C. s.:xxx:xzxxxx2txxxxxxxxxr::xxxxixxxxx:xxxxxxxxxT M M M M M M 4 lid H. STEINMETZ, FLORIST Hyacinths, Tulips, and all kinds of Bulbs for Fall Planting Choice Cut Flowers, Carnations, Roses, Violets, etc., for all occasions. Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns and all kinds of Pot and out-door bedding plants. Orders promptly filled. mt'k. Thv H. Stoinmotsr Florist, t North Carolina.

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