Beginning' o "Sfce Black Bag'," the Story of Mystery MB a. : VOLUME 9i: 4 ; DURHAM, N. C MAY 13, 1909 NUMBER 2. BU1MM1 KECQMIBEfe i'. II II 141 . - mj w III II 111 . AMI II MAf J w ii iii u sjar By Louis Joseph Vance Copyright, 1008, by the Bobba-Merrlll Co. y Lady Romano hat many tendants. Mainly they are clad hauberk and helm, or they rry rapier at their sides and year strange oaths. Bat some ncs we encounter in the pages f a novel a genuine knight in odern broadcloth or in tweed, Via speaks the language of our yn day and may be met on yoadway or Stale street Such Philip Kirkwood, artist Inter, whose adventures in pur it of the mysterious black I and whose heroic deeds in 10 service of his beautiful lady' e are worth the staying up te o' nights to read. To dt end to the idiom of the day, Vhe Black Bag" is "the real ing"in the storyline, thrilling, htterious but not too mys- yioasand most interesting. CIlAPTEtt L IT PON a certain dreary AprB I afternoon tn tbt year of grace I I 19u6 I be apprebenaiona of W fbUln Klrkwood. Em. Mint. were enlivened by tb discovery kt be was ocupylng that singularly tresstng aoclal position wblcb may tatnmed op succinctly In a phrase oncb kff usage grown proverbial De tn London. Inevitably an ex :lst because of his youth (be bad turned twrotj-flve), be took no ut of mtilsMnt tuatteea and would ' bare reseated the urgestloa t bu ease tu aartblna- bat alto iter deplorable and forlorn. pat be waa not actually at tb end resources went for nothing. II W the distinction a quibble, mock- 'r Immaterial, Ilka tb ator of was In bia pucktt, too Insignificant tutitton when contraated wUb bia hit And bia baa of supplies, tb rlran city of bia nativity, whence. Bit v it boot a glow of pride In bta t tiesrt. ba wa wont to register f ri ljni bostelrlea, bad been srbl- - rat off from hi in by one of sreidents sardonically classified ijiurance and express corporations ta of Cod. v. to on wbo baa tired alt bia urenely In accord with tb die- f bia owo sweet will, taking no iM fur tb morrow, such a situ- naturally seems both appalling V Intolerable, at tb flrxt blush. It ' be con fumed that, to bej;ln with. pvwd drew a long and dlsconso- fee over bia tlx. pn be rerlntely shrugged It off F pnt In acarrh of man's moat 'Jul damb frlrad-to wit. bia pipe. bleb, wben found and filled, he d with a aplll twitted from tb of a cable message. ('a about time." b announced, king the paper blacken and butn trrate fir, "that I wa doing tiling to pror my title to a II r And thla wo all bia valedictory tsnUhcd competence. "Anyway, 1 Mdit better off tban those poor oter there. I really bar a !-nl to be thankful for now that "'fitlon'o drawn to It" (be ensuing few mlnntea be At It all orer. aol-erly. but with a ' heart. -standing at o window of 'i.m In th Hotel Pless. bands l trousers pockets, pipe fuming Wititv, bl sure wandering out Itlurrwl Infinitude of wet. shin- f and sooty chimney pot. ' cam a rapping at th door. rk(,(4 re moved tb fl from be- n iilii teeth long enough to aay ' In. pleasantly. y ln.h waa turned, and th door ""I Klrkwood. awlnelne on on 'Md. N-altant Hn tb threah- tlluilnuilv Bitur la the llrery ' Hew fl bc. f" 'illeman to ace yoo. air." wood nodded a en In. amlllnr row him n i.ln... t I.. ml.i k.. lb word were fairly out of "louth a man aterred Into tb Wremwlkr Klrkwood atmoat Jumping forward to ael bU band. denr.boyr replied tb latter. "'lighted to a Tou. Cot rone "t an hour aeo and cam, at anrm .... . " f miatitr toofl of ran. t ineiiae. Her, are clgara, Wb k iwwfla m moat miner ;'d lonely mortal m Jhe foot n fnnry." ThMrr mnn ore(; "1,,nf. at KirSiW(Kl. "lba tuna- atcement Vnowa ine." Jo offered x- J planatlon of bta unceremonious appear-! ance. "so I took the liberty of following on tb beela of the bell bop, dear boy. And bow are you? Why the anxloua undertone I detected In your note?" He continued to atare curiously Into Klrkwood' face. At a glance thla Mr. Breutwlck waa a man of talllah Qpure md rather slender, with a conn tenonce thin and flushed a aenaltlr pink, out of which bia ere shone, keen, alert, humorous and a trace wistful behind his glasses. His yeara were Indeterminate, with tb aspect of fifty, tb apirlt and tb rerv of thirty assorted oddly. But bis banda were old. delicate, fin and fragile, and the Hps beneath the drooping white mus tache at time trembled, almost Im perceptibly, with tb generous senti ments tbat com with mellow age. Ue held bia back straight and bia bead with aa air an air tbat waa Dot a iwanrer. but t be aign token of sea soned experience In tb world. Tb moat carping could bar found no flaw In tb quiet taste of bia attire. To Bum up. Klrkwood'a very good friend, and bis only on then In Los Jon, Mr. Brentwlck. looked and waa in Engllah gentleman. . "WbyT be persisted aa tb younger man bealtated. 1 am be re to And oat Tontcbt 1 leave for tb continent. la tb meantime" "And at midnight I sail for tb States." added Klrkwood. That la mainly why I wished to a you to aay r"odby for tb time." "Voti'r going bom" A ahadow clouded Brentwlck'a clear cyea. "To flgbt It out, aboulder to s boul der, with my brethren la adversity." Tb clood lifted. That ta the spir it T declared tb elder man. "For tba moment I did you tb tnjnatlc to bo iler that you wer running away. Bnt now I understand. Forgive me. Pardon, too, th stupidity which I must lay at the door of my advancing years. To me the thought of you aa a rarinlan fixture baa become such a commonplace, I'btllp, that tb news of tb disaster bardly stirred me. Now I remember tbat you ar a Califor nia a." "I waa born In Fan Francisco," af firmed Klrkwood. a bit Badly. "My futher and mother wer burled there.' "And your fortune?" "I Inherited my father Interest Is tb firm of Klrkwood & Vanderllp. Wben I ram over to atudy painting I left everything In Vanderllp'a banda. The burtuesa afforded m a handsome living." ."You bar beard from Mr. Vander llp r "Fifteen minutes ago." Klrkwood took a cablegram, still damp, from bia pntket and banded It to bia guest I'nfoldlng It the latter read: KtrfcwooA. na, London: Hiy where rou are. No ano4 eomttts bark. Rverrtblna gone. So Insurance. Letter follows. VANDERUF. "Wben I got the newa In Tarta," Klrkwood volunteered, "I tried th banks. They refused to honor my draft. I bad a little money In hand, enough to aee me borne, ao I cloned the studio and came across. I'm booked on the Minneapolis, sailing from Tilbury at daybreak. Th boat train leaves at 1130. I bad hoped yog might I able to din with ro and see me off."' In silence- Brctitwlrk returned tba cable roe. Then, with a thought ful lot.k. "You are sure thla Is wiser be tiiTled. It's the only thing I can see." "But your pnrtncf says" "Naturally b thinks that by thla time I ahonld have lesrned to paint well enough to supptirt myself for a few lumitba until be can get things running again. Perhaps I might." Breutwlck supported the presumption with a decided gesture. "But bav 1 a rUrlit to leav Vanderllp to fight It out a lone T For Vanderllp baa a wife and kiddle to support I" "Your genlusP "My ability, such as It la. and that only. It can wait. No; this means simply tbat 1 must come down front th clouds, plant my feet on solid earth an.l get to work." "The sentiment Is Bound," admitted Brentwlck, "th practlc of It folly, llav you alopiied to think what part a rising young portrait painter can contribute toward the rebuilding of a devastated cityT "Tb painting fan wait" reiterated Klrkwood. "1 can work like other men." "o can do yourself and your gen lu grave Injustice, and 1 fear me you 1K, dear boy. It's tn keeping with your berthage of American olmlltiney. ?iowi.lf U W'TCfl ''fin of money" ( Ml , . "ErerytlUuo yone, A'o insurance' , "sMr. Brentwlck,' Klrkwood protest ed vehemently, "I've ample for my present needs," be added. "Of course," conceded Brentwlck. with a sigh. T didn't realty hope yoa would avail yourself of our friendship. Now, there's my homo hi Aspen Vil la. Tou have seen ttr "la your absence this afternoon your estimable butler, with commendable discretion, kept me without th doors," laughed tb young man. "It's a comfortable borne. Tou would not consent to ahar It with me un- tir- "Too are more than good; but hon estly, I must sail tonight I wanted only this cbanc to ae you before I left lou'll dine with me, won't you?" "If you wonld stay In London. Phil ip, we would dine together not once, but many times. Aa It la, I myself am booked for Munich, to be gone a week. on bUKlneaa. I have many affaire need ing attention between now and the 0:10 train from Victoria. If you will be my guest at Aspen Villas" "Please r begged Klrkwood. with a little laugh of pleasure because of the other Insistence. "I only wish 1 could. Another day" "Oh, yoa will make your mllllonf' la a year and return scandalously In dependent It'a In your American blood." Frail white fingers tapped an arm of the chair aa their owner atared gravely Into the fire. "I confess 1 envy you." be observed. "Tb opportunity to make a million In a year?" chuckled Klrkwood. "No. ; I envy yoa your romance. Tou bare youth, unconquerable youth, and the world before yoa. I must ga ll rose stiffly, as though suddenly made conscious of bis age. The old eyea peered more than a trifle wist fully now Into Klrkwood'a. "You will not fall to call on me by cable, dent boy. If you necd-anytblng? I ask It aa a favor. I'm glad yoa wished to see me before going out of my life. One lcarne to value the friendship of youth, Philip. Good by, and good luck attend, you." . Abitie one more, Klrkwood returned to hla window. The disappointment he felt at lelng robtted of bis antici pated pleasure In Brent wlrk'a com pany at dinner colored bis mood un pleasantly. Hla musings merged Into vacuity. Into a dull gray mist of hope lessness comparable only to th dismal skies then lowering over London town. Brentwlck waa good, but Brentwlck was mistaken. There wa really noth ing for Klrkwood to do but to go ahead. But, one steamer trunk re mained to be packed. The boat train would leave before midnight th steamer with the morning tide. By the morrow' noon b would b apo tb blgh seas, within ten days In New Tork and among friends, and theu The problem of tbat afterward per plexed Klrkwood more than be cared to own. Brentwlck bad opened bia yea to the fact that be would b practically naeleaa In San Francisco. II could hot harbor the thought of going back only to become a charge upon Vanderllp. No: be waa resolved that thenceforward he mnst rely upon himself, carve out hla own destiny. !Pit-wonM the art that he bad nil tlvafed wltli stirh assiduity yield him a livelihood If sincerely practiced with that cti.l In view? Would the mental and physical equipment of a painter, heretofore dilettante, enable bim to become self supporting? There came a rapping at V door. The knob waa turned by a diminu tive figure In the livery of the Pless pagea. ' .... . . "Mr. Klrkwood r Klrkwood nodded. "Gentleman to see you. elr." -" Klrkwood nodded again, smiling. If eomewhutperplexed, Enoourased, the child advanced, proffering a silver card fray at the end of 'an unnaturally rigid forearm. Klrkwood took the card dubiously between thumb and forefinger and Inspected It without prejudice. . "'Georse B. Calendar." he read. "'George B. Calendar! But I know no such person. Sure there'a no mis take, young man?". The close cropped, bullet shaped British head was agitated lu vigorous negation, nnd "Card for Mr. Klrk wood!" waa mumbled In dispassionate accents appropriate to a recitation by rote. , ' , "Very well. But before you show him up ask thla Mr. Calendar If be la quite sure be wants to see Philip Klrkwood." "Yesslr.".1 ; The child marched out punctiliously closing the door. Klrkwood tamped down the tobacco In bis pipe and puffed energetically, dismissing the in terruption to bis reverie as a matter of no consequence an obvious mistake to be rectified by two words with this Mr. Calendar w hom he did not know. At the knock be had almost hoped It might b Brentwlck, returning with a changed mind about the bid to din ner. Re regretted Brentwlck sincerely. Their wa a curloua sort of friend ship, extraordinarily close In view of the m eagerness of eirber'a Information about the other, to say nothing of the disparity tetweeo their ages. Con cerning tbr elder man Klrkwood knew little mor than tbat they had met on shipboard, "coming over;" tbat Brent wick bad spent som year In Amer ica; that b was an Englishman by birth, a eoemopolltaa by habit, by pro fession a gentleman (employing thrf term In ha moat uncompromisingly British significance) and by inclina tion a collector of ."articles of , virtu and bigotry," 'la pursuit of which he made frequent excursions to the conti nent from hla residence la a quaint qutet street of Old Brompton. It bad been during hla not Infrequent but or dinarily abbreviated, sojourns In Parts tbat their steamer acquaintance bad ripened Into an affection almost filial on the one hand, almost paternal on the other. There came a rapping at tie door. The knob waa turned; the door open ed. Klrkwood, swinging on one heel, beheld, hesitant upon the threshold, a rather rotund figure of medium, height clad in an expressionless gray "lounge -'It with a brown "bowler" bat held tentatively In one hand, an umbrella weeping In the other. A voice, which waa unctnooa and lnslnuatlve, emanat ed from the figure. .. "Mr. Klrkwoodr Klrkwood nodded, with some effort recalling the name. o detached bad been bis thought sine th disappear ance of the page. "Yea. Mr. Calendar?" "Are you-ab busy. Mr. Klrkwood?" "Are yoa. Mr. Calendar?" Klrk wood'a. smile robbed the retort of any flavor of Incivility. , Encouraged, the man entered, pre mising that be would detain his boat bnt a momnt and readily surrendering bat and umbrella. Klrkwood. putting the latter aside. Invited hla caller to the chair which Brentwlck had occu pied by the fireplace. "It take the edge off the dampness." Klrkwood explained In deference to the other's look of pleased surprise at the cheerful bed of coals. "I'm afraid I could never get acclimated to life In a cold, dnmj room or a damp, cold room such as yoa BrltNhcrj prefer." "It Is grateful." Mr. Calendar agreed, spreading plump and well cared for bands to the warmth, "But yoa are mistaken. I am aa much an American as yourself." "Year Klrkwood looked the man over with more Interest, less matter of course conrtesy. He proved not unprepossessing, this nnclasslflable Mr. Calendar. He was dressed with some care, his complexion waa good, and the futlnesa of bta' girth, emphasized aa It waa by a notable lack of Inches, bespoke a nature genlaL easy going and sybaritic. Ills dark eyes, heavy lidded, were active, cu riously at time with a subdued glit ter. In a face large, round, pink, of which the other most remarkable fea tures were a mustache, close trimmed and showing streaks of gray; a chubby nose and duplicate chins. Mr. Calen dar waa, furthermore, possessed of a polished bald spot girdled with a ton sure of silvered hair circumstance which lent soma factitious distinction to a personality otherwise common place. Hla manner might be best described at uneasy, with assurance, aa though he frequently found It necessary to make up for hi unimpressive stature by assuming an unnatural habit of au thority. (Crnllnucd on iocond page.) nifttm(ftttt(tifHttKttttt(((ttfftHff i Ml S iii Ml Of I I I w . Mi k w Ml Ml Mi CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK . OF DURHAM, N. C. ORGANIZED , MAY ist 1905. '.', ' ' Capital I $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits ... .73,455.28 Stockholders Liability 100,000.00 Depositors Protection 273,455.28 B. N. Duke, Pres. Officerai J. S. Manning, Vice-Pres. J. B. Mason, Cashier. Directorsi J.' B. Duke, President American Tobacco Company. Y. E. Smith, Supt Durham Cotton Mfg. Company. C. L. Haywood, of Haywood & Boone, Druggists. . J. H. Southgate, of Southgate & Son, Insurance. R. H. Rigsbee, Capitalist Q. E. Rawls, Merchant B. N. Duke, IDirector American Tobacco Co., and Capitalist. J. S. Manning, Attorney-at-Law. N. M. Johnson, Physician and Surgeon. J. B. Warren, Capitalist and Farmer. . J. B. Mason, Cashier Citizens National Bank. DEPOSITORY OF THE PEOPLE, THE COUNTY OF DURHAM, THE CITY OF DURHAM AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA It will pay to deposit your uninvested money in this Bank, where it will be safe from fire and robbery, and earning you 4 pel cent interest if left for 4 months term; it will be protected by fire proof and burglary proof safes and vaults ;Jmanaged by pro dent and conservative business men; and handled by courteous an qualified bonded officers, always glad to wait on you. We invite new accounts, large and small, of Individuals, Farmers, Merchants and Firms, that have not already done ao, to open an account with us, - sa m m m i a a aa m m the MODERN FARMER I The modern farmer is progressve. He adopts the new machinery and the mod ern implements, and uses modern meth ods. And he succeeds. The modern farmer knows too that the right place to keep his money is not at home where it is likely to be lost or stolen, but here in the ttiome Savings Bank X Where it is Absolutely Safe and X Draws 4 per cent Compound Interest X - -. t , Z. I Open All Day on Saturdays J .eade. Bpos. Ga HELENA, N. C. !J We are no w in ovi XewJ Store. We have 'a 5 j house 100 by 80 feet. We think Jwe'are in posi- j tion to serve you batter tnan ever before. We are H M aV trying to keep a complete stockof H 0 General merchandise Come and let us show you through our stock, fl Wishing you in advance a Merry Christmas j w W 'S Reade Bros. Co H IK a. A 'a .V "Si.1 ' : "1 i i. 'A i a5-"" a ' 4 t V V, I ',

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