THE DURHAAt'RB GOROER VOLUME 91. DURHAM, N. C., MAY 20, 1909 NUMBER 2. u sssesss' --" -r: vssaw I III . IV i ma . a r jav SDK BAG leuis JosGpli Vance Copyright, 1008, by ttvt Bobba-Merrill Co. LyiiopHis of Proceeding Chapter CHAPTER 1 in ixuaon ramp voune American painter, learnt that the San Francisco disaster hat cost liitn nis tortune anu occiue 10 return home to the strkktn city. Hi elderly Englisn inena, ttremwit:, vibiw nun, and be meets ueorge . vaicnuar, an American whom be believe to be an ad entiner. II Beiore leaving nis noiei the boat train Kirswooti awe at u In the UininK room ne sees ClenUr receive a bote of warning from a fashionably areaaea woman, ne a then atked by the American, who admit without giving reason tht he fears ar rest, to escort hi young and beautiful laugDier nome. ftuivKuu, Itla impossible, Mr. Kirk wood. I must ask yon to bo generous and bo- llcve nis." "Very well For tot aak of the ar- foment I da believe yon, lit. Calen dar." Swiftly, etammertng In his baste: "I can't let Dorothy accompany me to the door." declared Calendar. "She I-I throw myself npoo your mercy!" "What a gain V "The truth the truth U. t you will have it. that I am to danger of arreat the moment I Wart here. If my daugh ter is with me abe will bare to endure the shame and humiliation" "Then wby place her In inch a post- tVrar Ktrkwood demanded sharply. Calendar- eye burned. Incandescent with resentment Offended, be offered to rise and go, but changed bis mind and sat tight In bops. "1 beg of yon. air "One moojcnt, Mr. Calendar." Abruptly Kirk wood's weathercock bomor shifted, amusement yielding to Intrigued interest. After all, why not oblige the fellow What did anything matter now What barm could rislt Mm If he yielded to tbla corpulent ad- Tenturer's insistence 1 Resides, then was the girl to be considered. Ktrkwood considered ber forthwith. in tim process thereof bis ere sonant bet, perturbed. Their glances clashed Foe looked away hastily, crimson to her temples, Jnttantly the con Clot between curl oslty and caution. Inclination and dis trust, was at-an end. With sudden compliance the young man rose. "I shall be moat happy to be of aerr to to ycr daughter. Mr. Calendar," he Mid, placing the emphasis with be coming gratify. And then, the fat ad venturer lending the way. Kirk wood strode acrosa the room, wondering mewhat at himself. If the whole truth la to be disclosed. CHAPTER TTL LL but purring with eatlsfae- f tkw and relief. Calendar bait i V "porothy, my dear, permit tie to In trod tire an old friend, Mr Kirk wood. Kirk wood, this la my tioshter." "Miss Calendar." acknowledged Kirk !. The girl bowed, ber ryes steady upon Lis own. "Mr. KIrkwood la very Vlwi." abe aald gravely. That's right V Calendar eiclalmed tlandlr. "He's promised to see yon k 'tiie. Now, both of yu will pardon my running away, I know." "Yes," assented KIrkwood agroeably. The elder man turned and hurried l"ward the main entrance, KIrkwood took tbe chair be bad ra rated. To bis disgust, be found bln f temporarily dumb. No flicker of thought Illuminated the darknesa of II confusion. How was be to open diverting conversation with a young t.vr - i t mm V i .... : 1 a m. mws?TQ' ft ,WmM woman whom be bad met tinder aus pices so extraordinary 1 Any attempt to gloze the situation, be felt, would be futile. And somehow be did not care to render himself ridiculous In ber eyes, little aa be knew ber. Inanely dumb, be aat watching her, smiling fatuously, until It was borne In on btm that be was atarlng like a boor and grinning like an Idiot Con vinced, be blushed for himself, some thing which served to make him more tongue tied than ever. As for his involuntary protegee, she exhibited aucb tweet composure that he caught himself wondering if she really appreciated , the seriousness of ber parent's predicament if, for that matter, It true nature were known to ber at alL Calendar, be believed, waa capable of prevarication, polite and Impolite. Had be lied to hie daughter or to KIrkwood? To both possibly, to the former alone not Improbably That tbe adventurer bad told him the desperate truth KIrkwood waa quite convinced, but be now began to be lieve that the girt bad been pat off with some fictitious explanation. Her tranquillity and self control were re markable otherwise, She seemed very young to fiosses those qualities In aucb eminent degree. She was looking wearily past him. her gaze probing some - un guessed abyss of thought KIrkwood felt him self privileged to stare .'n wonder, net naive aloofneaa of polio gripped bU Imagination powerfully tbe more to perhapa since It aeemed eloquent of ber Invention to remain enigmatic bat by no means more powerfully than the unaided appeal of ber loveliness. Presently the girt herself relieved tbe tens loo of tbe situation, fairly star tling the young man by going straight to the heart of things. Without pref aoa or warning, lifting ber gate to hi. "My name la really Dorothy Cal endar." abe observed. And then, not ing his atonhUiMentToti would be privileged to doubt under the Circum stances." she added, "Please let us be frank." "Since It Is to be confidences" (this she questioned with an all bat Imper ceptible lifting of the eyebrows). "1 don't mind telling you my own name U really Philip KIrkwood." "And you are an old friend of my fathefar lie opened hia lips, bat only to close them without speaking. The girl moved her abonlders with a shiver ol disdain. "1 knew It wasn't so." "Ton know It would be bard for a young man like myself to be a very old friend." be countered tamely. How long, then, have yon known each otberr "Most I answer!" -rtease." ' . "Between three and four boars.1' "I thought as much." - Sbe stared pat him. troubled. Abruptly she said. "Pleane smoke." "Shalt IT If yon wish It, of course"- Fhe repeated, "llease." "We were to wait ten mf notes or so," she continued. lie produced bis cigarette case. "If you care to smoke It will seem an excne." He lighted hit cigarette. "And then you may talk to me," ahe concluded calmly. "I would gladly If I could guess what would Interest you." "Yourclf. Tell me about yourself." she commanded. "It would bore you." be responded tritely, confnwd. "No. You lntere me tery much." be made the statement quietly, con tempt un of coquetry. "Very well, then, I am Thlllp Kirk wool, an Anterleaa." "Nothing moreF , "Little worth retailing." I'm sorry." "WbrT be demanded, piqued. Ducau-e you have merely Indicated that you are a wealthy American. "Why wealthy r "If Dot you would bnve some aim In life, a calling or profession." "And you think I have noner "Utile you consider It your Toca tion to 1 a wealthy American." "I don't Ilesklea. I'm not wealthy. la point of fact I"- ne pulled up short on the verge of declaring him self a pan per. "I am a painter." Her errs lightened with Interest "Anartlatr "I hope so. ! don't paint signs or bouses." be remarked. Amnsrd. aba laughed softly. "I ta petted It" h declared. Notreallrr It waa your way of looking at taints that made mo itnesa It the painter's way. 1 bata often noticed It." "Aa If menially blending colora all the tlmef 'Yrs; that and-tcduf flawa.? "I have discovered node," be told ber brazenly. But again ber secret cares were claiming ber thoughts, and tbe .gay, Inconsequential banter died upon her scarlet Hps aa a second time ber glance ranged away, sounding mysterious depths of anxiety. Provoked, be would have continued the chatter. "I have confessed," he persisted. "You know everything of material Interest about me. And your selfr "I am merely Dorothy Calendar," she answered. "Nothing more?" fie laughed. "That la all. If you please, for the present" "I am to content myself with tbe promise of tbe future?" "The future," she told him seriously, "Is tomorrow, and tomorrow" Sbe moved restlessly In her chair, eye and Upa pathetic In. their distress "Please, we will go now, if you are ready." "I am quite ready. Miss Calendar." . lie rose, A waiter brought the girl' cloak and put it In Klrkwood'a hands lie held It until, smoothing the wrists of her long white gloves, sbe stood up, then placed tbe garment upon bet white young shoulders, troubled by the Indefinable sense of Intimacy im parted by the privilege. She permitted blm thla personal service, ne felt that abe trusted him; that out of ber gran tude bad grown a simple and almost childish faith In bis generosity and eonslderateness. As she turned to go ber eyes thanked blm with an unfathomable glance lie was again conscious of that esoteric disturbance la bis temples. Puzzled, hazily analysing tbe sensation, be fol lowed ber to tbe lobby. A page brought blm bis topcoat hat and stick. Tipping tbe child from sheer force of habit, be desired a gl rantlc porter, impressively ornate u. hotel livenr. to call a hansom. To gether they passed out Into the night be and the girt. Beneath a permanent awning of steel and glass abe waited patiently, slen der, erect heedless of tbe attention ahe attracted from wayfarer. A cab drew In at tbe block. Tbe porter clapped an arc of wlckerwork over its wheel to protect tbe girl's skirts. Ehe ascended to the seat KIrkwood. dropping alxpence In the porter palm, prepared to follow, But a band fell upon hia arm. peremptory, Inexorable, He faced about frowning, to confront a alight hatchet faced man. somewhat under medium height dressed In a sack suit and wearing a derby well forward over bis eyes. that were hard and bright "Mr. Calendar?" aald the man tense ly. "I presume I needn't name my business. I'm from tbe Yard" "My name la not Calendar." The detective smiled wearily. "Don'i be a fool. Calendar." be began. But tbe porter'a band fell upon his aboul der. and the giant bent low to bring his mouth close to tbe others ear KIrkwood heard Indistinctly his owi name, followed by Calendar's, and the words: "Never fear. I'll point blm out" "But the woman?" argued the de tective, unconvinced, atarlng Into the cab. "Am I not at liberty to have a lady dine with me In a public restaurant?" Interposed KIrkwood without ralainp his voice. The bard eyes looked blm up and down without favor. Then: "Beg par don, sir. I see my tnUtake." eaUl tbe detective brusquely. "I am glad yoa do," returned Kirk wood rrlmlj. "I fancy It will bear Investigation." He mount.! the stop. "Imperial the ater." be told the driver, giving tbe first address that occurred to him. could bo changed. For the momenl the main buiue was to get tbe girl out of tbe range of the detective's Interest lie slipped into his place a the ban som wheeled Into the turgid tide ol westbound traffic go Calendar bad escaped, after all Moreover, be bad told the truth to KIrkwood. By bis aide the girl moved uneasily "Who waa that man?" abe inquired. KIrkwood sought ber eyea and found them wholly Ingenuous. It aeemed that Calendar bad not taken her Into bis confidence, after alt She waf therefore la no way Implicated In her fnthefa affairs. Inexplicably tbe young tnan'a heart felt lighter. mistake. Tbe fellow took me for soma on be ktWw," ha told ber care teasly. The assurance satisfied ber. She rested quietly, wrapped op In personal concerns, suddenly KIrkwood was re cnlled to a aense of duty by a glimpse of Ilrde Park Corner. He turned to the girl. "I didn't know where you Wished to Bo." She seemed to realize bis meaning with surprise, aa one whose thoughts have strayed afar recalled to an Im perative world. "Oh. did 1 forget? Tell blm, please. to drive to No. 9 Frognall street Bloomsbury." - Constraint hung like a curtain be tween the two. a alien 'ucb tbe young man forbore to L,. lad ing more delight than be hau . dared) confess to io. contemplai. the pure girlish profile bo close to bibs. She seemed quite unaware of him. lost 10 thought large eyes sober, lips serious that were fashioned for laugh ter, round little chin firm with some occult resolution. It was not bard to fancy ber nerves keyed to a high pitch of courage and determination nor easy to guess for what reason. Watching always, keenly sensitive to the beauty of each salient line betrayed by tbe flying . lights, Klrkwood'a own con sciousness lost itself In a profitless. even a perilous, labyrinth of c ijecture. Tbe cab stopped. Both occupants came to tbelr senses with a little start Tbe girl leaned out over the apron. recognized the house sbe sought In one swift glance, testified to the recogni tion with a bushed exclamation and began to arrange her skirts. KIrk wood, unheeding ber faint hearted pro tests, jumped out interposing his cane between her skirts and tbe wheel. Si multaneously he received a vivid men tal photograph of tbe locality. Frognall street proved to be one of those byways a short block In length which, hemmed In on all aides by a meaner purlieu, have (even In Blooms bury) escaped tbe sordid commercial eye of tbe keeperof furnished lodg ings, retaining Jealously something of tbe old time dignity and reserve that were their pride in tbe days before so ciety swarmed upon Mayfalr and Bel- gravla. Its bouses loomed tall, with many windows, mostly Ughtless, materially aggravating that air of Isolate, cold dignity which distinguishes tbe Eng llsh man's castle. Here and there stood one lesa bedraggled than it neighbors. though all, without exception, spoke assertively of respectability down at the heel, but fighting tenaciously for existence. Some, vanguards of that Imminent day when the boarding house should reign supreme, wore with shamefaced air placarda of estate agents advertising their susceptibility to aale or lease la the company of the tatter was No. 8. The American noted the circum stance subconsciously at a momenl when Miss Calendar's band, small aa a Child's, warm and compact in its white glove, lay In bis own. And then sbe waa on the sidewalk, her face, up turned to bis, vivacloua with excite ment "You have been so kind." sbe told him warmly, "that one hardly knows how to thank you. Mr. KIrkwood." "I have done nothing nothing at all," he mumbled, disturbed by a sud den unreasoning alarm for her. Sbe passed quickly to the shelter of the pillared portico. lie followed clumsily. On the doorstep abe turned offering ber band. lie took and re tained It "Good night" ahe aald. "I'm to understand that I'm dls missed, then?" be stammered ruefully. Sbe evaded hia eyes. "I thank you I have no further need" "You are quite sure? Wont you be lieve me at your servicer She laughed uneasily. "I'm all right now." "I can no nothing more surer "Notblne. But you von make nt almost sorry I can't Impose still fur tber upon your good nature." "Please don't hesitate." "Aren't you very persistent Mr KIrkwood?" Iler fingers moved In his Burning with tbe reproof, be released U) Ml CITIZENS NATIONAL BANE OF DURHAM, N. C. ORGANIZED MAY ist 1905. -Oood ntght," th4 sold. them and turned to her ao woebegone a countenance that she repented of her severity. "Don't worry about me, Please. I am truly safe now. Some day I hope to be able to tbank you adequately. Good night (Continued on econ-I page.) Capital ... $100,000.00 9' w w 'us and Undivided Profits. I J T !.l Mfi itors Protection... 73,455.28 100,000.00 273,455.28 OfYlcerss B. N. Duke, Pres. J. B. Mason, Cashier. J. S. Manning, Vice-Pres. Directors! J. B. Duke, President American Tobacco Company. Y. E. Smith, Supt. Durham Cotton Mfg. Company. C. L. Haywood, of Haywood & Boone, Druggists. J. H. Southgate, of Southgate & Son, Insurance. R. H. RlGSBEE, Capitalist Q. E. Rawls, Merchant. B. N. Duke, . JUirector American Tobacco Co., and Capitalist. m m m m s , I m m m m m m m m m m m J. S. Manning. N. M. Johnson, J. B. Warren, J. B. Mason, Attrney-at-Law. Physician and Surgeon. Capitalist and Farmer. Cashier Citizens National Bank. DEPOSITORY OF THE PEOPLE, THE COUNTY OF DURHAM, THE CITY OF DURHAM AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA It will pay to deposit your uninvested money in this Bank, where it will be safe from fire and robbery, and earning you 4 pei cent interest, if left for 4 months term; it will be protected by fire proof and burglary proof safes and vaults '."managed by pro dent and conservative business men; and handled by courteous an qualified bonded officers, always glad to wait on you. We invite new accounts, large and small, of Individuals, Farmers, Merchants and Firms, that have not already done so, to open an account with us. . m m m m $ m m m m m 1SSSSSSSSJSSSSSSSSSJSSSSSSSSJSSSSSSSSSSSS9SSSSS. 1AAAAAAAAAAAA l Ihe MODERN FARMER The modern farmer is progressve. He adopts the new machinery and the mod ern implements, and uses modern meth ods. And he succeeds. The modern farmer knows too that the right place to keep his money is not at home where it is likely to be lost or stolen, but here in the : : e I : 1 Home Savings Bank Where it is Absolutely Safe and Draws 4 per cent Compound Interest I : : ; Open All Day on Saturdays gs, AjA. u- Jm a a 'A i x a j:a. & m mtY H 7 lcade bvqs. Go. HELENA, N. C. H H We are now in our New Store. We have a H j house 100 by 80 feet. Ye think we are .in posi- H tion to serve you better tnan ever before. We are P trying to keep a complete stockjof m General Merchandise H Come and let us show you through our stock. and see if you don't like our prices and goods. j Respectfully, , llieade Bros. CoJ - V - J .u ;1 5 . it i4 i.M IV JV VJ h 1

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