THE DURHAM RECORDER, r Via- Wireless Noveli ted by Thompson Buch anan From tbe Successful Flay ef the Same Name 0 By VVlnchcll Smith, Frederic Thompson And Paul Armstrong C.-ynjM. I95S, by Frederic Thompeea Alt Rifhta Reeervee' vs Bradley stepped In between tbt two ager prornptiyT tart apart snl'Mly. Summer Un.-hrJ ausrily. Tlit bis utii u with tbe sbrtwil eves standing Usltfe tbc table, bis f:u-o as unemotional aa tboush arvHil from stone. -What d- y n wnutY" asked the aval 4'iH-'r vh;;nl;.'. Siv name i IiraOley." said the man. "THti-d Si w n't wliv. I'vt br- ii'tit a t use tu j'i'U from Wash-tr-t'ii. I(,"iit . i !!." v;ir- ui ttiiiiti'd at Washington. B-tili-uuin t ntiwer some t)Uet)OU8 kt 111 mini ( imtuiry." With :ii uii'iii Hilary exclamation of Ifiir am) - ni ;itiiy. Frances stood eitistr ii lift M lie was staring it the m ri'l 'iu mail, astounded. . niurt ! i:-i'nry : (i ir nui exploded three :u " were killed out- rssbi niiil tisrif iii.ttitiied. Oue will be S4Uk1.nI if he lives chapter xui. nos'i voc kk i love rovT nrnvii dead: three mangled: one ( bliud"- II Slowly. In dazed, mechan ical fashion. Soinmera repeat ed the awful suuimarv of his failure. France f.v wan borror stricken, too. but with quirk, impulsive gesture of awe ae) faith she put ber band on but arts. -1 fcm't vour fault." she said. "I know It Isn't T'-ur fault" Hi hand caught hers with a quick gripe thank frthe renewed courage tar avtriDiitbr ami faitb brought him- -TiVn'r ymi leave n now?" be said. rr -ri! see you and tell yon what be ban t mj " 1in fa-''" " cirl bowed and hur a:iv ! !miel to wait there ...... ,....r -ou!d se her , . ... . .. .i .-.! ?:.inmier turwd V t'rii.V TK x- -cnliT man had been H';-cf tii fare esprefn hi ;. -nil pru tsklnj In mf r- ! I siwlvsiitis 'l ' ' tri'iM'r-l i i:firtrM't of tills i-ii-'iier. fi'l partly men. v "I've beec most anxious to see you, Mr. rinckney." the itecret service agent began. ." IMnckney looked at him. surprised. Who are youy be asked. ' "United Statea secret service man detailed on the Stammers 'gun case." came the quick reply. Plnckney suppressed an involuntary atari "Oh. I see." he said. "I'm down right sorry. Most unfortunate affair. Indeed. But what can I do?" Bradley aiulled pleasantly. Why. answer a few questions. If you will." he xuggexted. The general manager could not keep down all expression of annoyance, but be kuew If would never do to com pletely antagonize the secret service man on the nine, so he forced an apol ogy for a w.nlle. "Of course, with pleasure. But I'm rather pushed for time. We sail al most ltumtl!iitely." "lu that -ae. I'll begin at once." Then how does Marsh know hlmr demanded the government agent stern IT. It wan Dure blHlf. but I'lnckuey bad no idea of that, aud he took the bait. hook. Biokei and all. "Marsh:" be exclaimed blankly "YhV Marau doesn't know blm For tbe first time rtraaiey permuiea himself a sneering smile. "1 can ouly go by wTiat Marsh aaya. be declared. "Do you mean to tell me. Mr. Ilnckney, that Marsh, tbe draughtsman of tbe Durant steel works, doe not know tbe Inventor of tbe Rbinestroui goor Plnckney's face was brick red wltb sneer now. but tnsme tnere was a quiver of apprehension that Marsh bad talked. If so, all was up. Anyway this questioning must atop, "I'm not going to talk to you fur ther, air" be declared angrily. "Your manner is distasteful to me. Again there came that mocking, sa tlrlcal apology. It. m 4no tarlnM'aha ninnwl. I ' "What' n-ninffT UOD I I IUU1, ... J"" i - bA "Poihb with mi on tha vaeht." Kn rnur nerves. Send sense. - ' " - " m i -" r w I. . . Sommera abook bU bead. Tbe touch of the key baa Drougui I'm aorrv! I ean't do that." him thoroUirhlT to himself. HIS nerve .The jglrt atood looking at him. hurt tightened and bis bead grow cool as be and uncertain, she nud not expected drove his message fiercely out mm we thut rehnlT She coll id not uuderataml etorm. Amiiii Rradlev ael.ufd the Kltuatkju. Me naused. listening eagerly, a nu "Mbta Durant. Mr. Komtuera irues to a'irain tbe receiver began to click.' al- Waablngtou to endeavor to sinew why most as wildly, as Insanely, as nerore. be should not to court martlaled for neglect of duty tbe night hla gun was forged. It's most Important that be get there as soon as possible, and no ablp sails from this port for a week. IMuekne atepped forward augrily. Mr. Bradley, your explanatlvu la moat uncalled for." he exclulmed. "Ob. I'm so sorry. But. Mr. imck n ,1a .h. ..nt I ney. you don't mind admitting that tbe " I . . . m - I.. . ... m a man in cuarReui i'tkhik iuc ouu"'i gun was drunk?" Plnckney hesitated. "I do admit that." he aald. "but be did bU work proerly. I was there mvself to watch blm. Mr. So aimer was there too." -Why :is V-fii-" n-Sifl f ! .t.-fi'.J- Hfi. y-a -i !' rA rrrft I r-1 k.P It from yn h r.-. " r-niil the ;iw it all ban- . . - '.' .' at t?e oiiijrt or mi ii :rv I Lj-ti- l tin itw -ne sme hr t l'',iM fft-tir-'-il Your gun stood ISe t- at 'Uv rrn'1"!r grimnd It's mt f,r.!r.l-iii ivt it wa killed In the -Bjfririu Iriltl " A ia'f wept over Sommers. FJe saw rrrry'Wns now It was all Mais !! nnli"'tid why a drunken X..frun 1 si i-fr In ebsr.e of the k.b fie krx-w hy riwknoy bad been e snllciiii He nllzi why. finally. ft hl't'w't h:!t tiwn asauHed In tbe (jM-rat -ffrt to keep blm from hrl t;t tranefer of tbe gun to Ite enit-rtn. Upih rinally he nnlTetwd why Frances M rfins- Mere- that olgbt She must bate SMt"ted. aed she had come t save blm The tbongM of the dastard U. trVk etiM-n-il blm "It ns kltlwl In the tempering bath! I swear M wasr Hotnmers exclaimed lerrelr "I'lwkney waa In tbe mom (feat Bleb t tbe Duraot works. He' k-r-h-r at this hotel I'll settle wilfc bimr ne had takeo a step when the seem service man csnght blm by tbe srra. "Cairr. lad. esarr be cautioned. -Don't low your bead! I've made In etwrlgafloos to Pittsburg, and I'm ro ts? to question air. Plnckney myself. Witt de tperate effort noaer ue r undisturlwd Mr Intrant ha kindly consented that I Ktii!d make a thorough !-- vestl.'ntiiiu at the works In IMttsara Then I ret" fie Is auxlous t do all In bis h er to help me find uuu whom the blame rests." The geuentl uianaier drew blmaelf Bp. Blaine." he said sternly. "Yes. Illume." was the pointed reply Again I'lnckuey made a move for dclav. lie wanted to get to Pittsburg as ijuk-kly as be could to see Marh and cover ui nil tract before be au- nwi-ml any qiiestiutia. "Cau't ou defer all iptestlons until the Investigation In Pittsburg?" be suggested "I'm lu a great hurry, and In Pittsburg I will have all facts be fore me and can answer fully.' But Bradley waa a man not to be denied. I should prefer asking m or two now." be said and without waiting tor response put bis Brut query bluntly. "What is your belief, Mr. IMnckney as to the cause or tnia unionuoaie action?" My belief?" said the general man ager blankly. -Yes. Do you tblok tbe gun was klljed in tbe tempering bath at your arsenal?" Plnckney'a face Bushed. "I do not" be retorted angrily. "I think tbe iron waa constructed on theory, and the theory waa unsound. Summer, standing by. made a quick. atigrv movement, out a snarp hmjk from Brad lev restrained blm. Tbe sw-ret M-rvicv man waa apparently rerv much Interested and thoroughly wi!!in2 t mi eft IMwkney's Ulea. In fact, rcreeina wltb pe"P' was part if Bradley's stock in trade, and. in Ijct. lu W aliinj3n It waa generally admitted that this particular star c the crpt wfi li-e lum-au could agree with m"'ie -.ple and get more In formation without offeniie than any iu.ui in the service. Now. apireotiy. je wa pliicktiey's friend, "l:u-verv iiitereMllsg." be said ;.'w. wdiitdo oti think of theHblne- strom gun. Mr. Pitictney? Ilnckney hooked at hi iUestloner sbarpl. but the lace Del. .re una showed oniv bland agreement acd cusuai Interest. . fuustder the Bblnestrom gun the tiet l'uu that bas heeo Invented." said lie general manager firmly. Tie ta-e -l the government agent cotitinued to show bland Interest only. Viid bjve you loiitroi'.ed the patents of the l:bintrotu guu The Imrant steei works control them." corrected tue general manager, ud you bave a large government order tor the Ithineatrom gun now that tiie Soi.imer gun is out of the way?" persisted tbe unruffled ques tioner. Pim kney bad been loelng more and more of bis self control aa each sir- l eenlnz borne thrust struck blm I tiu't le what that queatiou ln Dlb-s. sir." be exclaimed augrily Bradley DitUe a alight conventional Dud. "I'm sorry." be said InditTereotly. Tbe conspirator bad begun to real ize he was fencing a strong, shrewd antagonist aud It wou4 not do to lose bis temper, "o be hastened to expiaiu. -We bad tbe Bblnestrom order be fore the Momiuers gnu wss forged.' -Who la KblnestrumT commatHled Bradley, wltb a sudden sternuesa that a- ,-t service agent luslaNilV II,-.. y I turtie i n Soii.'iM'fs "Were yott li the inrnace nstu. Lieu tenant SomiMi-rs. at tue time tne gun went into Hie ImihJ" Y'es. sir." admitted the naval offl' eer. "I was. Did It go In at the right tempera turer" It was So turners1 time to hesitate. "11 don't know." be admitted. "I didn't see It " You were to tbe furnace room.' exclaimed the secret srvlce man. "and you did not see your own gun go into tbe tempering batb? There waa a quarrel wltb the for. man." aald Sommers Desitaitnuiv "What were you quarreling almtttr asked Bradley. It waa tbe one question that Soot mers could not answer. Bow cmi bring Frances Into It? Bradley w waiting Impatleotly for his reply. I can't explain the cause of that narreL" fluallv declared tbe naval 1ST IT ItittHutinmf" llrttilny tixiiiMf i fumi Ouly tbe skilled operator could make tint "C-O-D. "A distress signal!" he gaspea. " u s come, Airalu tbe Mongolian's wireless oper- erator seized bis key and drove out hla answer luto tbe night As he waited be seized the teie- Tben Francea began to see. Her I nhoue eonnected direct with the can- bead came tip. ana oer eyea ngntea. On the 4-ontrury. Mr. Bradley. I m very much obliged to you for your ex planation." she declared haughtily. Would It not be possible for you ana Lieutenant Sommers to return with us?" -It would he tbe greatest favor. Miss Durant." be said earnestly. "I bad al ready requested it. but Mr. Plnckney objects." The girl turned on Plnckney haugh tily, When Mr. Plnckney realizes that be Irveasa Is my father's yacht and that this gun was forged In my father's works and that It la my desire that Lieutenant Sommers and Mr. Bradley sail with us at on-e I am sure he will have uo objections to offer, liebuked. Pluckuey bowed with III grace. Since Miss Duraut wishes It I am only too happy to have you come wltb u. of course." he said to Uradley The secret service man bowed in turu. Then we'll go. of course, wlfh thauks." he said simply, "if you will excuse me I'll get ready. Lleuteotfht Sommers and I will be at tbe dock wltbln an hour." When Bradley and Plnckney both had gone Francea came over to where her lover was standing. That was wrong." she said, gently reproving. "You should bave trusted me mure. We must bave. no more misunderstandings: From now on what affects yoo affects me. You and I are oue. bat don't you see"-she paused a moment, loosing np ai turn, ner heart In ber cyes-but don't you see I love you?' Waftfa Tiie sr. ofScer crml-. ami Ho kney permitted himself Ms iirt enill" of satisfaction. After a. I. there was a chance of ibis young fool, through insane chiv alry. Tudtlhig himself to overlook CI1AITEK XIV. , the rtaiia or tbk sea. steamer Moogollau was hing. tossing, pounding along ruiiy as liest she could tl.n.iiL-h tbe night. For ten hours abe bad fought ber way up the toast lu the face of tbe worst storm of the sea sou. Now. off Ilatteraa. the danger spot l:i tbe route from Porto ltl to New Y'rk. the sturdy little lluer scarcely wctirt-U aide u make any progress. Hi bad Is-n forced miles off ber ,-UP aud closer In towsrd the dan gerous reef than ber captain liked. .Not that the liner herself was lu any grave danger. f' the old Mongolian sod ber exi-crlciM-ed captain bad faced tis n.any Atlantic storms for even a bin one to alarm them. The batches had a t been Kitleued dowu. the pas ei ders were below, aud tbe stanch steamer. trtpied as uim b as MMtble, j.h.vily ri.itii to each attack of tbe wave, drove on with all the power of ber engines under tbe starm. I p lu tbe little wireless rom. tbe highest point on the ship. Ilarling. the young iieratr. clung to bis tsrtb and wondered what was going to happen It was bis second trip to sea and bl f rt Ids storm, so n wonder the young ots-rator felt tbe tbrlil of the atrug iei. vi ....,...... I,M tamr r.. ttim Bradley was tllll.-.klng at Sommera with Involuntary surprise when Plixk hey made bis nest move, "Mr. Bradley. I want you to under- stand that I'm very sorry for Mr. Soto- mers shout bis whole affair. If I can Le of any service to him or to you I aball be only too glad." The secret service man was not one to be wblmslcsl or cblvslrous when be bad started out to-accomplish soy thing. Promptly be took Piockney at , bis word. "That's very good of you. sir. aoa outcome. F.very officer snd man connected wltb tbe liner was on pf. waiting anxiously for whatever might bap(sn They had little fears for the atsnrb Mongolian. I nf there were many ship less sturdy In fb wsters. and oa u b a night, with tbe vessel nut of ber course, there was no telling what might occur. Tbe captain's Isst In struction bad been to look out for wrecks. Most of tbe vessels of any size Id seining Vtod Sommers regained hi. " 'V'l S wtrol OaVmlDd began to work by surpria. Plnckney bad Dot antkl .f00.?!.," "ZZLXr n. saw Pated that qutioo. For a uomeut anls loglcslly. shrewdly, ue ssw what be bsd to do snd bow he must eta this friendly officer. "May 1 ask when yoo were In Pltts tsarg did you question a man named Marsh r -Xew meat tbe draughtsman? No" mjumi ttraUer. "Do you think be knew earthing of It?" bom cj era book bis head In puzzled faahlo. "Be easy bsre known something. He ewgbt to- Le was there." "tsi you ever see a Mr. Bbioestron about there" asked Bradley next Boomers stiU looked puzxied. Tte; I dldo't see him. but I beard a sytwt sYmI a kin. Mann was greatly U the gun nbinestrota saa taefced keenly at too naval be hesitated, repeating blankly after tbe government ageut: -Who la be?" Bradley's insnner had changed ab ruptly from bland curiosity to stern determlnstioa to know, -Yes." be sakl sharply, "who Is Iihlnestromi Where does be come from? Where Is be Dow? Whom Old yoo deal with?" Plnckney uesitatcd. "Wby, I bave do Idea who but friends are. -Does Mr. Duraot know?" asked tbe detective. KtUJ Plnckney fenced. -1-1 couldn't say. really. Better uk Mr. Dorant--I did." retorted Bradley shortly. PI ac kney saw It waa time to end I this cross questioning If be was to get yoo can be of tbe greatest service to h. u,et f Irmtilre mt UTeehlnrton. i sure SI once o snpq vol i.rosucwn I. i. -ii .a M...K im .r appeals ror neiu. i.iuie muia or .nm In mum jbub lallff eff l4iat f hm fnn. II,m alih mm. HM'm Amlmv aa iwaaihui. , - No steamer sails from tola port to New , a " ;7 Vivh tim narlw a mmmk I Bur roum WT, II aoiMiniiei imrr Km thM mm that mailt this froo. ssr.T. mr nuiaiooiie nir iiiiiih' t.t. mm. at emir arorka. and ' " """P ' T ' wr" " talu'a stateroom. t'antaln. bave Just received a ai' tress Hlgimir be shouted. "Have Bent them our Ksltlon in course, out toe fool seeme.1 to bave lost bis nerve. Have not been able, to get anything from blm yet.' Tbe answer of the captain came back cool and sharp. "Make him tell where he Is and who he Is at once.- I'll lie with yon.' The receiver bad la'gnn to click again wildly, and Ilarling. gTippiuc tne table to keep himself steady., listened with disgust for the send'ng now wn that of a man absolutely Insane .rom fear. "Help! u!p: For t.od a aake help tiar was ail the receiver cucaea. A i last It stoiMKsl a moment, and the Mougoliatt ownttor uiauaged to rt:t In. Send name and jswitlon." be pound ed tlercely. "Seud position. Ke'p nerve. Send jiosltioii." lie stopptsl, grasping the table and waiting anxiously. "M o-n g o-l-l a-n!" tbe receiver click ed wildly. Tbe fool." gasped Uarllng. Tbe dirty coward! Sending that way at sucb a timer Ue seized the key and drove oct nen-ely bis command: "Seud position. For reply tbe receiver clicked back In tbe same rattled way: Yacht trveaaa breaking upon reef. For tiod'a sake belp us: Will pay aoy reward If you will save ua at once: Help ua quick, for Uod'a sake!" Tbe rage of tbe operator bad risen. the thought of lives resting oa tbe work of the coward waa awful. Tbe fouir be gasped. "If he's breaking up. wby is be wssting time that way?" Aod tbeo bis own message volleyed out into tbe night: "What reef? 8eod position Quirk" la panicky clicks tbe answer came ck. It was tbe same Idiotic raving ot a fear crazed uiau. I'll reward you. 1 am C U. Pluck- uey aud rtcn. Have thirty on board. Will reward handsomely."- Again llartiug drove out tbe abort ileuutud for the sitioo of the wreck M yacht. Tbeu. as be walled tut re- y. lie seized tne captalu'S telephone a rtiiiid time. "It's i lie tad t irveasa. captain. She virt goiug to I here a a .lightetie.! lisit al the key -P. II. Um kney. Can't even get bis p.itMi. t in doing my tst. sir. but Pltx kocy'i I Hi nerve completely. It they bi i utau l tu aey we migoi gei some- .iiig. Hi- Siting Up tbe Nine to listen it 'i-.h-I auii depair to Pim-I.nei s ravings driven out through tbe slortu. I'liere was uo cbauce for llarlbig to end. ibe man at the irveasa key sept pounding, with no eoe to bis 'iiessagea. As tbe MougoUan otH-nti-r (vnittsl for a break to cut in tts cap- taiu. driven by the force f the wIimJ. fairly burst into tbe little wireless risim. Well." be snapped, "what Is It now? Have you gt the isitioti of tbe Ir- v essay Ilarling abook bis bead In disgust. "I can hardly make out what be ays, captain. Ills sending Is awful. He's a good oiwrator. tis, I tiellele, oly he's lost bis berve completely But aa Oearly as I ran make out"-be listened a moment anxiously "It's little better now. He ssys Irveasa bound for New York from Porto ftlco. struck reef two hours iso. Doo'l know where." Yes, yes. I understand." broke la tbe captain Impatiently. "But rao't he give us soy Idea of his course? tan I The U gauge aWU Vs repeater is a gun of perfect proportions, and baa one-third iesi parts than any other repeater. It handles quickly, works smoothly and hoots close and hard. The JELmfim solid top prevents powder and gases blowing back ; tbt side ejection of shells allows instant repeat shots t the cloaed-in breecbbolt keeps out alt rain, snow and sleet, snd tbe dirt, leaves, twigs and sand that clog up other repeaters. All IX-cance JJTm&l repeater beee double ezueetore thai poll aoy ebell, end the automata recoil heneltr eefety lock aiekee thesa Use safest bf oecD-lo4iae gune lutll therefore, whether you wish It or Dot you have a direct Interest In tbe esse. Perhaps I'm going to ssk you some thing unusual, but It will be a great fa vor If you will allow Mr. Sommers snd myself to sail with you oa tbe Irveasa." Plnckney and Hommera both stared For hours the pitching of the ship timed Irregularly to the roaring drivel of the storm, had held tbe wireless I man fast at his post. It was now past midnight and with little chance of I any abatement before dawn. Hsrling's nerves were on edsre aa hel clung to his berth, wide eyed, alert. at tbe secret service inao In amax- i w,,,n' ""IT"1" 1 lb f,,n""t :!,'"k. -Oh. Harsh latere-ted la that m , lt'?BUi gawr iw " 1 ' .kl . , ale Amtmr.mmhm Idea, tmr bo ssid simiocaotiy. t- ':":r"":;j ,m7. tUt surtUof ffasi wf t. . .7T- V- .' Wagg. A BO VBiy lUUIfi w wmm tmy end It at once. -I haveo't time t Ulk to yott fur- JkSausj flhsta i came so fjsaieaira. Uo begaa to suspect jost mm etttoj be bsd bees, bat before be Ssmid say another word Plnckney csme east ertrky from the hotel. J be gea Seat ssaaiger stopped, surprised St oM of tbe eavil lieutenant "Caae '' mrn ytMi, Momutersy be ssid etd 9iieej bowed with equaJ coldoesi ( meoL Tbe cool sudacity of the pro posal look tbetfl both off their feet boomers was tbe Drat to recover. "Bradley: Nor be exclaimed Impet uously. llnckney bowed coldly. "Pin sorry, sir." be said, -but yod are asking too coach. TbstTI bo lio (Kjoslble." lie turned sway Jost as Frances, tired of the wsiUog. re-eotered tbe courtyard. "An. Frances, yoo are resdyr be asked. Without replying the girl straight to Hommera. "What are you going to do aowr she asked directly. "I bave tee a ordered to report St Washington st once to face the court ther." bo sa& Bradley made a restraining gesture. , of Inquiry." retorned the nfficer. Just a m"eQt mora, Mr. Plotkoey. ' The girl smiled. There were both Das Bhlaeetroa ever bees at your sadness snd Joy la It sadness for bis works r i aofortunste si last Ion. Joy that the that might be tbe forerunner to tell of disaster and death. Half a dngen limes bis strained nerves bsd brought him struggling from his berth to receive sucb a messare. oly to And bis Imag lnation bsd been playing tricks with bis fesr. Suddenly there came from the In trumeot clicks so sharp, so distinct and yet so hurried tbat tbe young fel low spraog from the berth and stum bled to the table, aure now that at last something wss coming, Again the Instrument clicked wildly. came To tD Ara cf trained operator H brought a chill, for be knew it was tbe sending of some one wild with ; fesr. Anxiously, Impatiently, be lis tened. At first be could tnske out nothing. , -Tbey rt crsxyr he eiclsimed ts l tw(levf out Into Uut nt jhl o mtmtyt or CAcer. blmaelf. "Wbsrs the matter wltb them? They're crsxyr Tho wild rattle of tbe receiver slop- dsda reef Is the only charted reef within 300 miles of our present post tloo. Could yoo send 200 tulles to- I blghty I Uarllng abook bis bead. ; "1 doo't think wo coold. sir. And 200 miles for a yacht wravrt I Imnos "No, sir," retarasd the general ma a- j badj chance still to be together. ( Pd. aod Ilsrllni seized bis oft a hey. Iro aa toariaviD.) reuce re peatere In three die llnct model, aienjr Sradee aod et ylee.fulljr deecftbcS la our 6 pae cteioe free tor I stamps postage. 7Ze 277ta-f'n JTrvarms Ca, 42 Wilki Street. ' D:w HVEN. COtlN. ree Scholarships. ABSOLUTELY FREE One unlimited scholarship cood for either of our com plete courses, to the first one rom each town in North Carolina entering with us on, or before, September 10, 90U, provided they bring ONE pay student to enter with us at the same time, Railroad fare paid Posi- ions guaranteed. KEEICAX SH0BTHAO I BLSI.VES5 COLLEGE. DurHam, N. s f 1 " ' Tr!SfTOl if I n MSiautnmmf-r. . n. m. . routTar r:cf-v.-r Mia met ea, . pu ti KtR HAI.R BY TAVIjOR PHIPrS CO., Imrl am. N. C SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Effective Sept 13ih. 1908. and subject to change without notice. Train will leave Durham u follows: No. 23S.40.35 A- M. connect ing at Henderson with No. 38 which will arrive at Portsmouth Norfolk at 6:40 P. M.. resuming counection at Weldon with A. C. L. for Eastern Carolina points and at Portsmouth-Norfolk with Steamship lines for Washington, Baltimore, Cape Charles, New York and Boston. This will also connect at Henderson with No. G6 Mr Richmond, Washington and New York. No. 241 will arrive in Durham at 4:30 P. M. No. 221 will arrive in Durham at 10:05 A.M. No. 222 will leave Durham st 6.00 P. M. The Durham & Southern tram No. 41 leaving Durham at 3,11 P. M. and arriving at Apex l 425 P. M. connects with board No. 41 and 43 for Char lotte, Wilmington, Atlanta. Bir mingham. Memphis and point West and Columbia, Savannah. Jacksonville, and all Florida points. , For Time-tables, rates and arf Information desired apply v W. Woodward, Union Ticket Agent, or R. L Montgomery Agent, "Phone No. ll.orwriM t' C M 0ATTI , Tnve!iii Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. &