r w DURHAM RECORDER EVERY THURSDAY ? 8 ZEB. Pi COUNCIL. " - BSTAHLtSHRD 1820. Subscription Rates: One year. ...... ... . Jloc S x months... ........ .......50 cents Tftreu months ..........25 cents. Rate for advertising made known on ,jpl'catkn. ; DURIIAMi N. C, Jan. 6, 1910. If they k??p on reprieving that frliow condemned to the electric chair in the penitentiary, he will i have jusf grounds for a suit for mental anguish." To hear men talk most public jobs are not worth having be C8ustf they pay so little, but it is noticaWe that there are few oc c: f-ions w her, such a job is to be given that there' are not many candidates i.i the line. THEr.Eis little use in ying that there is not friction in the recorder's court between some city eidis, but when you begin .-locking for a man for that, posi tion that will please every bdy you have a great big job ahead of you. : About the only thing special to be brought agairst city At torney Everett is that he retired instead of standing for re-elc tion. Had he stood for re-dec toil we might have been spared the scramble for the place that ensued when it was anounced that he was to retire. The result of the meeting of the city aldermen last Monday night is interesting, when it is learned that the job of city at torney pays $1,000 per year. A lawyer that takes the jab an J appears every day in the liecor der's c urt. if they have many case?, will earn all that he gets, that is if the charges for suc-i services are to be considered like charges when they appear in cthircasas. EACH month we part company with many of our old subscribers, aniiti in many caocs clciply' because they neglect to renew their sub.scriptb'is. We kno.v many of t'lem and are rure if the paper wa3 continued we would get the money, but we have no way of knowing what they war.t about it unless they renew. When we go over our list we do not look fur the name of certain people rut look at this date, and if the time i3 out the paper u stopped. This is not a hardship. but merely keeping op with the 1st in a way that hai proven . . ! .,.,., nart 1 1 ur lubscribers. IT. Simmons hiss. Mr. T. Koy Simmonr, manager of the local branch of the Stieff Kan Cimpany, is happy over bis sales of pianos before the: holidays. The company have a branch at Norfolk, Va., and Vir ginia and North Carolina are un der the direction of this branch. The management of the Norfolk iranch otTered a prize for the Ixal branch that would make the most cash sales from Sept 4th t Dec. SI, 1W, and Mr. Sim mons was the winner. This is tie hccond time Mr. Simmons ha3 wr-n a prize fir the most cash sal's for his firm, the other t.me U'ing in 1907, and he justly f eU g'tod over his effort. IU says one of the reasons he has an trnsy lime winning is the f tct that the instrument he handles i' better than others, and the rep'j'alion of the Stieff has aided him in his efforts, but real ly, it takes pufch to sell pianos. and I'.r. bitnmons poesesees a sufficient amount to be a w inner. Mattie Cotton was united in marriage to Jerry Taylor in tht office of Register of Deeds Mart- lam New Year's Day. They en jjythe distinction of being the ( first couple to secure license and Marry in this county this year. SHORT. LOCAL ITEMS Mr. D. B. Ashlin has been ch6seri as director", of the Y. M. C A". 'gymnasium and has en tered upon bis duties. v f V ; The Negroes of Durham fit tingly observed Emancipation Day; at Vyhite Rock Baptist church Saturday. , The address of the occasion was delivered by 0. C. Spaulding. and a collection was taken for Lincoln Hospital. Miss Lilian Goley wa3 united in marriage to Mr. D. VV. Fry by Justice D. C. Gunter Monday night, at his home on South street.. -Both the young people reside in East Durham and chose this method of surprising their friends. ' - .. Miss Cora L.' Anderson was united in marriage to Mr. Joseph L. Conrad at the home of the bride in Burlington yesterday af ternoon. Both these young peo ple are well known and will have the-best wishes of their many frienda in this happy event. Roy, 11-year-old son of Mrs. Jennie VVatkins, suffered an ac cident last Friday by having a collision with another fellow on a bicycle. The result was a broken leg for Roy. The wound was attended and at last accounts he was resting well. Ex-Chief of. Police J.' A. VVoodall left Durham Tuesday for Macon, Ga., where he has accepted a position as detective for the Southern Railway. Mr. VVoodall has many friends in Durham that will regret-that he is to l-ave Durham and take hit family away with him. On Friday night, January the 14th, members of the Y. M. C. A. have arranged for a debate, the query being, "Resolved, That Bachelors Should Be Tax ed." The affirmative will be up held by Messrs.W. J. Brogden and Charles Scarlette, while Mr. V..Tt Cost and Rev. ,Thos. L. Trott will uphold the negative. Much interest is manifested upon the part of members and others interested in the Y. M. C. A, . Mr. Follard Elected. The county commissioners were in session this week looking af ter routine natters. Among other things the elec tion of a superintendent of the road force was gone into, the re sult being the election of Mr. J. 51. Pollard, who will succeed Mr. Thompson, who has had charge of this work in the past. State Lbor Commissioner M L. Shipman reports that there 307 cotton and and woolen mills and 3 slit mills in operation in w ie. increase 01 ten over IUC UIC IUU VCdl. I I1UUJUCI 01 new mills erected lat ye;ir will be put in operation this year. Federal Court, .which conven ed at Raleigh, Tuesday, had 275 cases on docket at the beginning of tbo term. It's Different New Hulby stavs horre evenings ana listens to the VICTOR So do the boys. And Neith er boy come around. That auiU bin. Corp and e them I have the beU KeoHa yott ever did hear. At Fivt Point. H. A. CASKINS, 312 West Main Street. (Si THE DURHAM Carter; Fisher, B. B. Fisher and G. II. Fisher, three brothers, are in jail at Jacksonville, Onslow county, charged with defrauding the banks,at Richlands nd Jack sonville for $450 on bogus bills of lading lor cOiton, alleged to have been shipped from Verona, in the Fame county. 1 The temperature at a number of places .in the State showed that. Thursday of last week was the coldtst day on . record since" February 1905, and the coldest December. 'day since 1 90 1. At Ashville the -thermometer was dowxt to 2 degrees above, zero, and at other places average about 10 above. 1 Governor Kitch in has honored a requisition from the Governor of South Carolina for Alfred Ramsey, wanted in that State for breaking into a freight car. He was arrested at Dallas. The Governor has also honored a re quisition from the Governor of Tennessee for J. C. I'arrott. wlvo escaped while serving a sentence for felonious assault, and was arested at Ashtvilie..' The Charlotte Chronicle is in formed that Mr. S.'R Hatcher, of Lilesi:ie, Anson county, is a champion h g rawer, his best hog last year weighing 8:8 pounds. The interesting pait ot tne story is that Mr. Hatci e says that one of the secrets of his success as a hoe raiser is the use of a good raw hide buggy whip. He kcdU the hogs well and then to mae them take enough exercises to keep tl e:r blcol circnlating well he applus the whip. Seed Potatoes are being planted in inereuinff quantiUea each year by the largest and most successful mrket erow era. Xbis rariety makes uniform ly lartre sized poutos of ezeeilent shipping1, market and table quali ties, and is proYta; to be one of the most profitable and reliable of early-eroppuig potatoes. We are headquarters for the best Northern-grown POlatCfiS Wood's 30th Annual Sd Book gives fail descriptions and information, with the highest tes timonials from successful rrowers ss to the superiority of Mood's Seed Potatoes. Write for prices snd Wood's Seed Kook, which will be mailed free on request. T. V. Y7QGD & SOnS, ) Seedsmen, Richmond, Vs. Your Photograph Mar look very well, but if it doe not bave diatinctirenew that yon are proud of there it tome thing lacking. The work we turn oat bean the clamp of good workmanship, nd when we make your photo you take pleasure in showing tnetn to your friend. We ate proud of the photo wt haVe made and will RlailJr show them to you if you will call. he HoIIaday Studio Opp. the Postoffkc Durham. R. C Certificate of Dissolution STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, I)epartment of State. To all to whom thru present may come Jlreetinv; WHEREAS, It appear lo my Mti factwtu, by duly authenticated record of the proceeding for tbt voluntary diaao- lilt urn thereof i.y the unammou consent of all the atockboMera, depmitrl in my offi -e, that the iil'RHAM AUTO CO., a corporatmn of tbi bUte, whoae prind pal office k aitnated on Red Croa Street in the City of Durham, County of Our bam, St e of North Carolina. T. I LAM UK being the agent therein and tn charge thereof, upon whom rocnv may re arrven, nwa rompuoi with tne re qtiirementa of Chapter il Keviaal of 9tjj. entitled 'Corpirtion, prelimi nary to the iaauing of thia Certificate of DtaaolulH n: NOW.THERKIORE. I. J. JsRYAN ORIMKA, SecrtUry of Stateof the SUte f ?orth Carolina, o henby certify that the aaid Corporation did, on the 2nd lay of fHrcember ioy, file In my office a duly eiecutrvl and atteated content In rntinx to the diaaolution of aaid cor. poration, executed ly ail Ihe atock hold er tltereof, which aaid conarnt and the record of the proceeding afircaaid are now on file in my aaid cilice a provided Y TESTIMONY WHI-kHOF. ! have Hereto et my hand an I affixed myof ncial aeal, at kaleih. thi 2nd day of rreml.er, A. !., Iv9. (Knel J. UK VAN CRIMES, , becretary of Matt. RK.lf, Mate of Nortt Carolina, Department of tttate. RECORDER. For Ills Saiio !My husband begged me to take Cardui," writes Mat tie L. Bishop, of Waverly, Va., "and for his sake I a greedtotryit Before I had taken 1 bottle, I felt better. "Before taking Cardul J suffered miserably every month and had to go to bed until it wore off, but nowj am all right" JHMlU The Woman's Tonic You know Cardui will help you, because it has helped .others who ''were in the same fix as -you. It is not only a medi cine for sick women, but a tonic for weak women. , Being made from mild, gentle, vegetable ingredi ents, it is perfectly harm less and has no bad after-effects.' Cardui can be relied upon to help you. Try It today. - At all druggists. i m diseases izi clc:d s::es c:3 Tetterin la a aniranal cur for nrf dwsBM which Kiltfcts thm tkin or has iu outlet throocli tho chin. 'A'hmtevrr thio wiodcrlul amtmnl tcbcImo it euna. It rtlwrao pun inclaiitty mnd iforts pormafwnt etma in eorooic emim of ran Undine, such M itchin pile, trttar. taaa. aeah. Wrfta far tcatinooiaBV Aak fur Tettariaw at joor droairiatj. or teo4 6iM to Tb ShuplrlM 0a6annnaa, Cm. inanta orr. and au ami-aaaa tn akin ana RJsHowerton&Soa Old Reliable Modern Funeral Directors and ....Embalmers...' Office and Show Rooms: 316MangumSt. Day snd night crvicr. Fuone 197 Ample facilities (or any rmeiyrncjr in our line. ' What Shall I Give? Come and see my BICYCLES Do not let this Christmas go by without getting a Bi- cj cle. I have the goods. H. A. GAS KII1S, 312 Wft Main Street, Jfear Five Point, Durham, X. C. bcbedule in Effect June Jo, 1909.) DDBHAU Dl VISIOI. CaBaabailr ' CaSaaUda p.m a.m. a.m. o..m 5:30 7:oo Lv Durham Ar 11:15 9:15 li:jo 11:55 Ar Lynchburg L 5:15 4:1s von mi iiou a t.ynrniiurg wun tram Kant and Weat hound. la are thinking of takings trip YOU want quotation, cbcapeat fare, reliable and correct informatiai, a to routea, train acbedulea, the mott comfortable and quickeat way. Write and the Infor mation i vrxira fnr the atbincr. m 1 S iui. 01 onr cotnpicie Aiap j oi'ler. M. V. BRAGG, Trav. Taaa. Art. W. B. BRVILL. G.r. A., Roanoke. Va.. Gen. Office. Rnanoke.Va THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained bv the S(al fr Ilia U'mkm of North Carolina. Four regular Conm-a leading to Degree, special Courteffcr r..w.. l.h.. .! t . . . t ' i. rn wcmti irini nejnenirier IS. I'M,. Tboe deairilia Inentf-e .lumM apply a early a powible, l of caUlogoe ana mne iniorniaiion audreaa J. I FOUST, Pre. GrecDiboro, N.C. & . Mi 11 Plan J lad .9, Culti rows, tivatc By usin more h; less labo; tay: Manum anc JSC,' lo he ? rish U Streets. JiSZX5ZlXXXX- . S5X2II t 8 A li t i. aval ' 0 'What would t M ;r ttu g ; THE I M Come and lrt It are prepared to give y S The 3 ftirCnt ont this print free if you order. N Cnl c "VJ t brirl ixit&i vm se :d If voii reaD a 1 'rvest i sow, you first secu: UheM pared to supply yc. warJ supply oU iieia ai. 1 ui in any Quantity yoa-isay best ana freshest Seels ccl XMIBY'S NOMINATION . AXrJ GOOD FC : r3 i o:. ;i t 1 a" 1 . U Each contestan v'C 1 3 fJI I .Nominate;.-. of I Nrae e Perioc WEEKLY VOTIh! Goodui "Jvu forIvott' nnnnnnrn tinr'M HtiUKUCK rurciiiifl CONTEST. UM ' ' T4 Ui. Mot Ik, l vote lor. Sign Your Nm VV COR. MAIN AND MAKf, DUllf AM. mc3 Z V9 V9 to 1 a " C3 r- 3 C3 DR. HESS STCX A GOODPLOl'J A Good Cutaway Harrow The Best Corn Buckeve Rid in o- a-, 85pike Tooth Har- .. :ee and Four Hoe Cul- Cotl ton Planters. ; ,. ;se Ubols you can cnlrivnto work better, with ke better crops. PHIPPC CO Durham, N. C. : XXSXMUU IXX2XZXZ XXZS4 X-ZZ-XN IV YOU. CAN GIVE. I a good povtu-i s ourselt? " WE MAKE . 8 Victar lhat oa min Pronl of We m 'ur money can buy. - H I..JOHIJGOIJ I :orrrnnhfr 1. ,:,u I.:.. 1 you one VTTWVTTT ffffffff T I ME you must sow, and if you st seeas. we nave pre- at a a witn a iuii ana iresh irden Seeds rant If you want the eto Kr PRUG STORE : JAN. 6. Y-FIVE VOTES Ration in irity Contest. hly 1 nomination ballot Ji Ballot C ALLOT 1910 i A- . I rt ..- 1 p STS. KjhK ( .Carolina. V9 f : Jf 51 v J OOD.

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