TTIE DURHAM RECORDER. rv, 3B,ffis The Knock-out Blow !-.' . i-jtjths -nxx TOWNSHIP. P FLAVQHIrlG t t"i S'Jv'' ..'.' v i. 1 V " ' -v district.) Apoort'onnient fr MiRi. sc.hfol iW.COr Arnortion meru (Gndi chool) $1&C0.00 Fnvc-'tvil!t R '1 arhcni Nc 2 By C. L. POINEER. Copyright. 1909. by American Frew Awh ' elation. Dr. 'Prettyman was a apeclallst In brain diseases and visiting surgeon tit hospital. At one of these visits the , regular house sureeon waa , temporarily ab- -S.. trv rt m t -. .00 (tV'Mi Sell ols.) ' iT I. I XT -rairici acr..y f:rioi wo. a . amt n prttv . ... .ittius in the Sclari 'S P'T niOiitK $75 00; ap-j medlcal offlce, waiting for him. when prlionmer.t $350 0C. , nurae entered and' told him that a Lowe's llruve school No. 2 1 tiatleut who waa considered almost iS.J.iry per month $40.00: appor- cured and bnd been given the post of It. rm.'ui. .'-07 60. , cook was acting strangely. Would the Barbee'a school No. 3 Build- doctor go down and see him? The doc- ir.g burned (no apportionment.) New Hope school No. 1 Sal ary pqr month 535. CO; apportion ment 5150.00.' Fowler's school No. 5-Salary per month 535.00; apportionment Gfrscivl N. 3-,-Knhry per month $40 00; apportionment raoooo. EIti Grove school No. 4 Sal ary per month $45 00; apportion ment $215.00. . U hroti iclio ! No." 5 -Salary rr .-n.-mti; 35 00: BDD.'itionment. 1145.00. $165 00. Term required by' Board of West Turharn school (special Education 4 months, tax) -Apportionment $2000.00. PATTERSON TOWNSHIP. Reservoir school No. 7-Salary (Colored Schools.) per raonta iu.w; apportionment. Union sclvxil No. 1-Salary iuow. . per month 520.00; apportionment iZn nx fuyw' Markham's Chapel No. 2-Sal - Whlti Cro.s Road No. 3-Sal- fth Mi -.u em nn. nnrtiAn. I mem joo.w. - . Lf?.SKS" rVp ' Earbte's Chapel No. 3-Sakry iXichoil No. 9. (ial - 20-: apportionment Glenn's school 10. (special tax) Apportionment $350.00. Terra required by Board of Education 4 1-2 months. DURHAM TOWNSHIP. (Colored Schools.) East Durham school No. 1 Apportionment $250.00. A FIRE IN "GREENLAND. Nantan and Hi Man Used Oilcloth to Start a Blaaa. All the material that go into the making of oilcloth are highly in- flammable, but it is seldom that it is used a fuel. In crossing the great Braatown school No. 2-Salary P of Greenland torn. .years go .u on no nn. nnnHmn. Hansen auu ms men uou mui rVtlV ,t in p(.tting mter for any pur- ment $87.50. f WM f tnd . BiwKstownscnooixNo.o i,pec- . . . t the ice and iai tax) -Apponionmeni uo.w. Kue, Dot to bad from Reservoir School No. 4-baIary th- cOUntn. and their supdIt of per month $20.00; apportionment tpiritl for urnin ran low. What tor went to the kitchen and the nurso to a patient who especially required his atteullon. Dr. Pretty man found the cook alone in the kitchen. Indeed, be had driven ! every' one else out. lie was a large. iun nlur und It did not need the "jctor'a pnu-tloed eye to nee the light f Infinity in bis eye. lie v.aa atand- inc over a lurze boiler which waa nilinl with f teaming soup. DtH-tor." wild the lunatic, ,-come here and t:i -: this soup. I fear It la not flavored rlpbt." The doctor hesitated a moment, won- rlu If he li.tJ not better call asslst-m-e. rfn'ii roncluded to humor the pa- . . . . i t.i-iit. Hi went tv tue range, in T. nicn wiitt a very bt fire. The cook hidled out sou.e sonp. and the doctor astid It. Miming ItU tongue. "It's ull rijjht." lie iuld. ltut. dmtor. I don't think there's meat fuoiicli in It. Its too thin. I shou'd Imv more stork for It. but I haven't. The steward Is stingy with bb supplied lie gives roe nothing, lit- m i" .hi. .... hM n-. The American Cotton Manu- - --I. . . . ....... nuttirm ail the money they Eive blm tacturers Association win be neia T I a . . a m . a . a for provisions iu bis pocket. I wisb l in cnariotte, may 17m ana ietn. bad bim bere. I'd chop him Into bits.' 00. LEBANON TOWNSHIP. (White Schools.) Holt'i school No. 1-Salary per month $35.00; apportionment 070.00. South Lebanon school No 2 -Salary per month $35.00; appor tionment $16300. Factory school -balary per ctcr of their outCttin? was found needles had to be abandoned or put to some other uxe than that for which it had been taken. The treme eold rendered waterproofing umIcc ex-ept for the heat it nught tunnlv Althntijrh the snowsnoes were 100 valuable to le aacrificed, it was de sirable (lint the rede loads should be redutxd if Hible. Oilcloth cov- mon'h $30 00; apportionment for iMn Lrouirlit for the sleep- teacher $130.00; apportionment in la i,llt ti)Ce WCre found to be 1 far buildintr 100.04 Term required by Board of Education 4 months. LEBANON TOWNSHIP. (ColoredJBchools) Sylvan School No. 1 Salary per month $20.00; apportionment $55.00. South Lowell school No. Z Salary per month $20.00; appor ment $00.00. MANGUM TOWNSHIP. (White Schools.) South Lowell school No. 1- Salary per month $30.00; appor ment $100.00. Rouflremont school No. 2 Sal arles per month $110.00; appor ment S3G3.00. Manu'n school No. 3-Sal juries p! month $110.00; appor tlonment $455.00. Tillcys school No. 4 Salary per mont'a $35.00; apportionment $154.00. Bahama school No. 5 (special UJt) Apportionment $15o 00. Term reai'red by Boarl ol Eiuca;io.i 4 (fionh MANGUM TOWNSHIP. , ' (Colo.x-d Schools.) Rouzemont schools No. 1 Sa! ry per monlh $20 00; apportion ft iL unnei-e?irv. ana accoraingij mej were condemned. Everybody felt. however, that simply to leave them would be mo4 unsatisfactory, and some one suggested that oilcloth would make a good fire on wlucn to cook the supper. Tue idea was at once earned into effect, with the further improve ment that the fire was lighted inside the tent, and an empty biscuit tin was resfed into the service as a cooking pot. The oilcloth blazed up splendidly, hut roost pleasures have their attendant pains, ana in iew minutes a horrible black smoke filled the tent and almost blinded the occupants, mt of whom took refuge in the sleeping bags, wun their heads well covered. Some one. however, had to stay and look after the tea making, but long before enough snow was melted the tin began to leak, ana a more watertight vevel had to be found. Evcntuallr the ted was made and dipoed of. although at the same time it a agreed that oilcloth was a moft unsuitable fuel for u?e in snail tent. The neit morning the f!r? was made abide, with perfect If MtiffartOTV rouIU. and enougi 1 1 il:.. snow wa tneitea mr a reai uurt quenching drink all rouna, which was a treat not enjoyed -very ojy. A more personal effect of the oi cloth fire rat a thick coating of soo the contents Into the caldron, atlriing Il with lbe ladle. Then be turned agalo to the d octor and seized blm by the arm. "Hold on a bit." said tb doctor. Tlere's something else." He took a tnl from bis mm marked "Choral.' "Taste" tie said, banding It to the cook. The cook took a swallow Tine. Imi'l ItV ,jtkrd the doctor. breathing sign or purtiai reuei. The cook tnrucd. brew the liottle Into the sonp. lUcii. ngala arizing the doctor, lifted Mm. dexplle bis elTorts. 00 to a table used for cutting Then the maniac looked almut.for bla cleaver, which be bad laid alde wblle flavoring the soon. The doctor, white as chalk, watched blin, dreading that be mkht retain conscloustiess long eoougti to make one chop. The clcavi was wltbln reach, but the cook did not see la. tie put bis band to bU bead. reele1 aod sank to the floor. The doctoe got down from the table. went out of the kitchen, tonrhed an alarm bell nnd went bark to the In r.trt..i tTS .m..irtliininnt I . . j. sensible cok. 10 a momeiu several IT ' " " ' 1 firar i UUlIian HBl OIU VUU ... ., ....... fl-i... i... .1,. .. 1 tii-iitiiint tf ii'jt ... and when the rook came to biiiiMr m The blow which knocked out Corbett was" a revelation to the prize fighters. From the earliest days of the ring the knock-out blow was aimed for the jaw, the temple or the jugular vein. Stomach punches were thrown in to worry and wearv the fiehter, but if a scientific man had told one of the old fighters that the most vulnerable spot was the region of tire stomach, he'd have lai laughed at him for an ignoramus. Dr. Pierce is bringing home to the pub- Erize ring as well as in it. We protect our heads, throats, feet and lungs, I II Jr ut to the stomach we are utterly indifferent, until disease finds the solar 31' piexus and knocks us out Make your stomach sound and strong by the use of Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and you protect yourself v' in your most vulnerable spot, "Golden Medical Discovery" cures weak stomach, indigestion, or dyspepsia, torpid liver, . bad, thin and Impure blood and other diseases of the organs of digestion and nutrition. The "Golden Medical Discovery" has a specific curative effect upon all mucous surfaces and hence cures catarrh, no matter where located or what stage it may have reached. In Nasal Catarrh it is well to cleanse the passages with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy fluid while usir.f the "Discovery" as a constitutional remedy. Why the "Golden Medical Discovery'7 cures catarrhal diseases, as of the stomach, bowels, bladder and other pelvic organs v. ;il be plain to you if you will read a booklet of extracts from the writings of eminent medical authorities, endorsing its ingredients and explaining their curative prop erties. It is mailed free on request. Address Dr. R. V, Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. .This booklet gives all the ingredients entering into Dr. Pierce's medicines from which it will be seen that they contain not a drop of alcohol pure, triple-refined glycerine being used instead. Il S IOUilbll uau uiicn uaiiLlcruua iu cauciiuicui wiiu new ui uui antdiiuy ttsttu mtu- GotSrtf icines sometimes urged upon the afflicted as "just as' good or better than "GoCWf4' Medical Discovery." The dishonest dealer sometimes insists that he knows what the :j aon t ana it is aeciaeaiy tor your interest tnat you v. Drohered substitute is made or. but von should know what you are taking into your stomach and system expecting it to act as a curative. To him its only a difference of profit. Therefore, insist oh having Dr. Fierce's Uolden Medical Discovery. If not promptly supplied trade eisewnere. Send 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only on a free copy of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, cloth-bound. Address Dr. Pierce as above. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and strengthen Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Seizing a cleaver, be brandished it over the doctor's bead, then went on excitedly: "There's got to be more stock for this soup, and where Is It to come from I buve It. You'll do. doctor. You'll d i first rate. Your bones are small, but there s marrow la. them. aud your tteu kcfo-aty. not fat" lie made a step toward the doctor. It might lie exie-ted that the dapper phvxli-hin would shriek for belp. Be knew only too wed that this would ex cite lbe putlrut aud Jiefoce assistance could arrive the big cook would be ihi'Hiiinz bim up iuto sonp stock. He kept bl eye fixed steadily on lbe pa Kent. Ito yon want your soup to retain Its':" be aked. "Certalaly I do." "And don't want It to taste of asa fetklar -Of conrx not" "And nitragurlc.' "Xo." The dm tor went through with a list of uiedk-lue. keeplug bis eye n the door, boning l hut s4iiueone might hap pen In. Hut be was dliwpim'ited. Those whoKr l.i-e was In the klicbeo purtMwIy kept out. aud others bud no occanion to go there. At hist the doc tor was mnntralned to conclude, -Well. If yu don't want your soup to taste of these drugs I'd better get rid of my pocket medicine case which contains them all He spent as much time as be dared fumbling for hi case, the el grow ing luiatleiit the while, then took It out. opened It extracted one or two corks, amelicd of lbe bottles and pat one of them under the cook's ooae. It contained ether. Hut the doctor knew very well that be coiildu't put the luna tic axleep with ether tinlcs be could bold H over bis mouth and nowe. lie boped to quiet blm and to gab) time. Southern Railway SCHEDULE N. B. These figures are published as fulonziadon mud are not guaranteed. :joi, m. No. in eastbound daily (or Raleigh, Selma, and Golds boro, con necting with A. C. L. train going north at Selma, at Go!dsboro witu A. C. L. train for W ilmmgton, also with Norfolk and Southern train for New Bern, More head City, and Beaufort, this train hand lea Pullman sleeping car from Greens boro to Raleigh. u:t? a. tn. No. 144 easttiound for Raleigh. Selma and Goldsboro, connect ing at Selma with A. C L. trains north and sooth, and at Goldsboro with A. C. L. tram for vS tlmington, also Norfolk and Southern train for New Bern, More bead City and Beaufort. S:a5 p.m. No 21 eastbound for Selma, Raleigh, and Goldsboro, connects at Selma with A. C. L. train south for Favetteville. and at Goldsloro. with A. C. L. train north for Rocky Mount. vio a. m. No. ill westbound for Greensboro connects with main line trains both north and sontb also for Asheville and Knoxville, Pullman sleep ing car Dandled on this train between Raleigh and Greensboro, car cpen at Raleigh for occupancy at 9:00 p. m. 0:50 a. m. No. as westbound uirougn train from Goldsooro-Durham to Ashe- i-ille bandies Southern Railway parlor car Coldsboro to Asheville, connects at UreentoTO with main line trains north and south nOS o. m. No. no westbound for Greensboro bandies through Pullman Sleeping car from Raleigh-Durham, to Atlanta connects at Greensboro with main line trains for the north and south also for Asheville, Knoxville, and Mem phis. - o vj , m No. 116 northbound foi Oxford, Henderson, Jeffress, Keysville, and Richmond, connecting lor Wan inston. Baltimore and New York. 6:00 a. tn. No 262 northbound mixed The cook thought It would Improrel,,, Keysville. and me soup ana wun a wnu musn rninu 1 R,chmon,j. 4:41 P. tn. No. 274 flatly except Min rine, and tnt $55.00. VlamnLin aehool No. 2-Salarvl over the faces of the company. Th r-- - - -.1 .. . . , . ia imnr.rn szuihj: annoriionmetit 1 continued to oecoraic mem iur ni " ' U.n,a A, wimhinff bcinff out 0 v vvi - i? r w VA Vt 1 tha ouestion. for water was far too W . 'V,BIW VHWl t' I "I ' - . . . ! m. 3-Arjoort onment 5o7.50. scarce to oe ufcu io uus v. ... i " - r ' - i tm fa i i t I .... a : Dahatna school No. 4 (special fen " " ..Je":iuA. k -.1 rjtM i wouiu nave uecn uuwiw i mvyij iaJlr;ioimtiiw.w. . , . - - . OAK GROVE TOWNSHIP. Zl" ul Zk .ni (Whit Schools.) 0ff nnijcr (t,e combined glart of lctn;a fcnooi ro. i oai-i the sun and now.--i)naon ramuy anct pr montn tj.w; appor Herald. tioimji., $2Gr.70, wait scnoui r.o. -caianett Tha Limit it day for Oxford, Jeffress, Keysvi Richmond. CRANCK IX PCLLMA.t CAR SFRVICS Effective with find car leaving Greens boro and Beaufort on Inue 1st. the ttes- ent GrecnHlioro and Raleigh, sleeping rar line wilt be extended to become a Greemdwro-Morebead City-Beaufort line, ar.d will be handled between Greensboro and Gold.xloro on trains No. Ill and Its as at present. For further information can on any Southern Railway ticket agent or ad dress. H. Y. Cary, Gen. Pass. Agent, Washington, I. C. R. H. Dc Butts, Trae. Pass. Agent. Ral eit'r.N. C. P.vv. Woodward Union Ticket Aent Durham. N.C 5 Your Photograph 0 . charge that cove for driving him ic uwxi scnooi .nx o tspeciai around to the hotel? lit) A,jporfionrm n: y325.00. Second Cabman I charged bim 'term required by Board oil two shillings ind mnepenco halt- I'jc tti n 4 months. OAK GROVE TOWNSHIP. "Colored Schcola.) Ro.:V Knoll sch.-ol No. 1- U!ary I t month fJO.OO; appor 1' 7.00. Pcckf fille school, No. 2 (spec ial Uxj-Apportionifient ?G7.50. penny. First CbmaoTwohiHingsand ninepenre halfpenny? That's' a queer figure. -Why didn't you make it an even three hob? . Second ("almn Becatic two shillin.'js an.l lt'nepence halfpenny ra ali'hc Intd! lndon Telegraph. was In a atraltjocket In an tti;f room. When the dinner was nerved ,nf" d.iv n the asylum every one com- i l.iltifd f be remarkable flavor of rthe soup. Fortniimely.lbe drnga with which It had been flavortVI were flllit1el that no cue waa Injured by them. If lurned out that the cook who f nlsbrd prepnrlng the dinner In j the exi lietiietit bad not been Informed of the additions made to tbe Soup from Dr. rrtttyrosa'B medicine ease. If you don't beKeve that MOORE'S MODERN METHODS will save money in your office Let us send on approval (or a free trial any Loose Leaf Binders, a Cabinet and Record Sheets on any of these forms: Cwk Inl-Xfcl Oaur H.M U4nt ItaaU. S.11.4 lAff Crtn CM t4w . r. ln.r .(. Tollowi r CoSMtfM. Br amtil B.M Fnl CUlMa IIS- ?a.wmt t r- mt 9Mlf lS X. tuty T m SbM. il-t l ... L0..1 0"n CUak r n ln Fu't homi SkMM ad rnvkMa Ami, a.lru. X'iImi tmrnm CmUImm Ultn OwubMi IrtMHi SmI I.W. mrtm SuumIu4 Mm SMek mm Hul If tJiey prove our claimspay us; if not they cost you nothing. ZEB. P. COUNCIL St. Phone 671 Durham, N. C May look very well, but if it does not have a diHtinctivencss that ou are proud of there is some thing lacking. Tbe work we turn out bears the stamp of ol workmanship, aud when we make vonr photos you tAe ptt-aMire in showing tbvm to your menus. We ate proud of the photos w , have made and will g'adty show thi n to you if yon w.ll call. the Holladay Studio Opp.lhcPostoffia, Durham. R.C The feathers of birds are simply ! modlGed hairs. Scales of fishes over lie ona another, tile fashion, like birds' feathers, aud for the same purpose namely, to shed the water. If a fish's ! scales were act with their edges t.v ward bis uose. his proCTeMt throurn bis tiiitlve element would be inipcfli-a. O ear ri. -t C Tf ooa a avariy viuu Seed Potatoes are being planted in Increasing quantities each year by the largest and roost successful market-growers. This variety makes uniform ly large sized potatoes, of excellent shipping, market and table quali ties, and is proving to be one of the most profitable and reliable of earlr-cropping potatoes. We are headquarters for the best Malae-Krown Sfifid Second Crop :WA. . Al( Northera-grown rOtatOGS Wood's 30th Annual Seed 600k gives full descriptions and information, with the highest tea iful trro1 as to the superiority of Wood's Heed Potatoes. Writ for prices and Wood's Seed Hook, which will be mailed free on request T. V. WOOD & SCHS, r) Seedsmen, Richmond, va. , ( soft's .1 f- a Is Different Kow Hubby stays home evenings ana listens to the VICTOR So do the boys. Assl the oth r bovs come around. That suits Sia. Come and see them I have the best Records you ever did hear. At Five Pointa. H A. GASKINS, 312 West Main Street