North Carolina News. ' A B!g Cat Flth. v . Mr. Ernest Holmes, of this city, tells the Post that while fishing in Second crqek on Tuesday -of itfils week, he caught a cat fish weighing 9 pounds. Second creek U no'cd for big fish and is a favorite resort for Salisbury fishermen. The catch of Mr, Holmes on Tuesday Is the largest that has been reported so far this season. Salisbury Port. Was Determined to Die, Trains 38 and 41 had to a op near Vaughan last Thursday to keep from killing one Sam Walker, a demented white man, who had chosen to got on the track near a sharp curve. Fri day Walker tried to bang himself to a barn pole but the pole brok.t noth ing daunted him and he next Jumped in a well but failed in his efforts at suicide. Officers took him in charge, and U is thought he win be sent to the asylum. Littleton News-Reporter. Things He Saw. Mr. M. A. Blackwelder, of No. 8, had on exhibition here yesterday a legless chicken. The chick was otherwise well developed. Mr. Blackwelder says the chicken was living and doing well but that the mother promptly killed It Mr. Blackwelder reports also that he recently found two swarms of beet in on tree, one in the top and the other In the trunk at the bottom. Mr. Blackwelder went tip the tree for a squirrel, and found the bees, which he says had been there about a year. He successfully hived both swarms. Concord Tribune. Nobody Responsible. A coroner's Inquest was held this afternoon over Che remains -of the young man, Walter Page, a shoemaker of btfli city, who died in his cell last night at the police station, after be ing arrested charged with flrunkea ness. The autopsy revealild blood clot on the brain, and nobody was held responsible for the unhappy af fair. It developed that Page was giv- (1 i hypjlermlc Injection by the city physician sooa after he was brought ta, to cause vomiting, as be was ap parently in a very drunken condition. Charlotte special to News and Ob server. Destroyed Steam D'et llery In Wilkes. Revenue Officers Rooh and Me- Broom, of Aihevllle; Bandy, of Cataw ba, and Davis, of Stateiville, destroy ed a large steam d'atMery plant :n Lovelace township, Wilkes county, early yesterday morning. The plant which was an unnsually large one, an ) been la operation for some time, but the operators were not there whin the officers arrived. The 300 gallon wood ea still and other fixtures were de molished by the officers and a large quant' ty of bter and mash was poured out The officers returned to State vrle yts'wday afternooa.SUtcsvllle Landmark. To Sue CHy for $20,000. Alleging that the location of the septic tanks, which take eare of Char lotte's sewerage, have done his lands much damage, Mr. Parks Klrkpatrick t il enter suit against the city for $20,000. Mr. Klrkpatrick owns 200 acrea four miles from Charlotte and two m'J beyond the septic tanks, and It Is c'alm-J that the bottom lands have been ruined by deposits left by Sugar crk, which flows through them, and that a state of nuisance has exUted" for years. He has retained M'Mrs. T. L. Klrkpatrick and Camer on Morrison to represent h'ro. Mr. Klrkpatrick la with the Weddlngton Hardware company. Charlotte News. The Soil All Right, That the subsoil of this section, the reddest of red dirt, will produce with out fertiliser or o ter addition to It, has been demonstrated here In town where a yard was leveled up with the dirt that was left over when the sewer ditches were filled. A workman by mlsundert'snding sowed blue graM seed In the plain dirt as taken from a depth of from five to fifteen feet on der the surface, and tothe a urprlse of bis employer, a rank growth followca and today there la as pretty a stand of blue grass as can befound Indeed, H is a much better stand than another section on the same property where the grass was put la on a fer tilised sol!. Lexington rrispatch. Will Be Runnlna In Forty Days. Mr. W. P. 8nlder, of Salisbury, president of tbe Piedmont Carolina railway, returned last night from Grand Rapids, MIch where he pur chased the majority of the a ock ot the Salisbury-Spencer Street Car Co., Including the gaa and electric plant, for hla company. This Is tht com pany that -la cons ructlng tho strevt car Una la this city and Mr. T. It. Vanderford stated this moraing that this will mean a big Improvement In the line for this city. When asked as to when the care would be in operation In th's city, Mr. Vanderford aald that hi thought that It would be within thirty or forty days. That the polM for the trolley line were being prepared now, and a large force of hands would begin work Monday putting them op. that by the time this work la completed the tracks wilt have already been complet ed to the depot and that he would theft put the cars In operation, but would continue the work of complet. tag the tine over the proposed route. When asked ss 0 the report that the Southern Tower company waa be hind the deal for the Salisbury Spen cer tine, Mr. Vanderford stated that It was not and that the tine was pur. - chated solely for (ho Piedmont Caro lina Railway company Concord Trl bun. i Jail Delivery In Greene. There was a jail delivery at Snow Hill Wednesday night. A negro man In Jail for larceny secured an Iron bar,: presumably from" some one on the ouside, and with it worked a hole through the brick wall and made h's recap;, through tho aperture. Anoth er prtoncr refused to cave -when offered his liberty, and was found In it'.l by the sheriff this morning. Kins, ten Free Press. Saw the Comet and Died. Henry Johnson, an old tire rtM. Ing in the Weeksville section of this county, went out. Tuesday morning to observe the comeft After having gaz ed at It for some time, he tnrned to go back Into the house and fell dead before he reached the house. The negroes In this section are greatly wrought ud over -the Incident. many of them firmly believing that tnc signt or the comet killed the old negro, and not a one ot them can be induced to look a It for anvthln. The old negro died of heart failure. Elizabeth City Tar Heel. Charged With Embezzlement Thomas F. Miller, treasurer of the Wilson tribe Improved Order of Red Men, and at one time United Scales recruiting 'officer here, was arrested last Monday charged with making away with the funds of the order en trusted to bis keeping. He gave bond for bis appearance w the sitting of the superior court next week. He skipped out last .night, leaving his bondsmep with the bag to hold. ' In paying a death claim to a widow just previous to his arrest, he reserved from her check $19.18. He is orlg' nally from Illinois. Wilson special to News and Observer. China Grove Votes Special Tax. On fast Tuesday China Grove voted on the question of a special school tax, and we are g!al to say that the special tax M carried, though by a very narrow majority. The tax is 23 cents on tbe $100 valuation, and 75 cents on the poll. The registered vote was 172, and there were 94 votes cast for the tax, 12 more than necessary. It will be r?en that tbe battle was hard fought; as 72 people actually voted against it though not to vote at all was to ngister onese't aga'nst It We Vara that the hustling town of China Grove will soon have cement sidewalks, and we are glad to not th's evidence of iirogresa. Concord Tribune. ""Wilmington's Supply. The startling rere'ation that more than seven hundred barrels of liquor to hardly more than a dox"n -consig ncea have been received In Wilmlng. ton s' nee January 1, 1910, was made yesterday morning at the continued 'avest'gatlon b: Ing conducted before Mayor MacRae under th special sta ute of the revise! of 1905, these d!s closures having come with a submis sion rf tbe records of the Seaboard Air Line by Recelv'ng Clerk J. W. lic'nu-s end Mr. William Godwin, em ployis of the company In th's c'ty, for whom subpoenas were Issued fol'ow ing the testimony as to sales of liquor by Messrs. Reaves, Bruton and But lard on Wednesdsy. Wilmington Star Auto Missing From Car Load Received A rather curious condition confront ed Mr. Armlstead Burwell, Jr- when yesterday be discovered that a car of automobiles shipped-him, on April Z from Columbus, O., and arriving here yes&rday morning was short a Firestone-Columbus runabout The bill of lading called for three automobile, a Firestone-Columbus touring car and two runabouts. When the car waa opened In the city freight yards yoa'erday and the unloading It waa discovered that a run about was missing. Immediately Investigation wss com menced and Mr. Burwell is expecting satisfactory Information of some va riety within a few days. Charlotte Chronicle, Alamance Hospital Assured. A larpn numhnr of doctors and clti- mt raiherMl In the court house at Graham last Monday for the purpose of discussing the proposea nospitai question. The meeting was a very en thusiastic one, and we believe that the hospital Is assured. i wa dAetared in tnceirnorale under the bead of the Alamance hospital m-lih eanltaUf 1100.004. With the expectation of $50,000 being paid In. The following committee or oust- HMta'fnen and doctors WerO SDPOlnt- cd to get up charter, secure alte, and solicit funds, etc.: B. R. Seiiars ana w n Stafford. nrlIn'on: Geo. W. Long and C. A. 8cott Graham; 3. W. Mcpherson and J. A. Troiiinger, Haw nifpp- and J. A. Plckette and W. J. Oraham from the codhty at larg The next meeting win be neja ai Oraham on the first Monday la June. Burlington News. lues Alderman Hall Alleging Lbel. A civil action will be Instituted In court ehortlf br Mr. John 8. Hall against Alderman W. II. Hall, alleg ing libel, and aaklng damages mere for. The tilnlntiff. it will be recalled, r cently won a suit and got Judgmenr for $2,000 from the city for falling through an old bridge over a creek east of the elty. Ia'c the Judgment waa cut down to ii,aou. me pmn HIT alleges that this was done by the court upon the strength of an affida vit made by Alderman Hall that the pontiff had forged a cny pay rou. .t t.rnpa th. nlafntlff has taken the first ateps towards bringing tbe suit Charlotte Chronicle. r. , -etBSasaas. THE DURHAM A Horse Killed. On last Monday night, in this city, j there was a peculiar accident which iuduilcu m ime ueaxn or a norse tanaer very unusual circumstances. About 10 o'clock, Just as the crowd was leaving tbe graded school building, D. S. Hodge waa driving towards, the school building and had Just turned from Main jnfp Rockford street, when he collided with a horse driven by Ep hriam Taylor, and coming from the opposite direction. v Both drivers were veldeaHy" blind ed by the street lights, for neither turned out; and Mr. Taylor was drlv Ing rather fast, when the teams dashed Into each other. One of the shafts of the- Taylor vehicle waa driv en into the breast of the Hqdge horse, penetrating its heart and killing it in stantly. No blame can be attached to elflher party as it is Just one of those unfortunate accidents that some times occur. Tbe loss falls heavily on Mr. Hodge as the horse was a one.r-Mount Airy Leader. . 12,000 Tons of 8tone. The United States engineer's office at this point haa made announcement I that bids are desired for an enormous quantity of "rip-rap" atone. .The full ( number of tone on which quotations I Is asked in twelve thousand. Bids are , to be opened on June 14th, at which time the name of the successful bid der, will be announced. Inquiry at the engineer's office to day as to the us to which the stone will be put resulted in the informa- iL-t -1 , I 1 ., I. M ...111 1 I uuu 3uat lire lumen! wii vb uuiizeu I for the work of repairing the dams down the river. The material will be carried to "The Rocks," about twenty miles below Jhe city. The rock will be used there in certain repairs which are contemplated for the massive breakwaters. Preliminary plans for the work on the dams are now already underway. As soon aa deliveries of the stone for which the bids will be opened In June are commenced, the active work of repairing the dams will be started without delay. Wilmlng ton Dispatch . Strawberry Shipments. Information received here yesfctrday was to the effect that 1,520 refr'gera- tor cars of strawberries had been ship ped from this section to northern markets since the beginning of the season. Up to Tuesday night ship ments amounted to 1,620 cars and 25 cars mover yesterday. The refrige rator car movement Monday was 29 cars and 35 cars Tuesday. This does not Include tbe shlpmea' made by express. It Is stated that car load shipments will continue for about a week and that there will bo scatter ing shipments for a month yet Last year the last car load shipments went forward June 1. The number of re frigerator cars so far exceed the total number for last season, when the nua be was 1,316. It was estimated cbrly in the season that 1.600 refrigerator car loads of berries would be shipped from this section this season and it looks now as If the number will Just about be reached. Tbe prices con tinue from $1.50 to $1.75. The Norfolk berries have been on the market about two weeks and Delaware berries will ba ready for shipment wi:hla a week. Wilmington 8tar. A Week Among Moonshiners. Revenue officers W. W. Harklns and It T. Henry are m the city from Wilkes county, where they hsve been playing havoc with the "moonshiners" during the past week, having cut up four stills and locked up one man dur ing the week. One of Uncle Sam's old off enders. Frank Cheek, was taken in flow on Tuesday at a still In the Swan Creek neighborhood. They lodged Cheek in the pall at WIlkeboro and demolished the still. On Wednesday they found sn Incomplete outfit near Spurgeon. Thcro were fourteen fermenters and about J.00O gallons of beer. Thurs day hey captured a complete copper still with the fire under it near Pur lier. They caught a man in a run to ward the atlll. but had to release him, as there waa not sufficient evidence. of bis guilt Another complete out- fit with thirteen fermenters waa de stroyed Fridsy near Jenn'ngs. The fur nace was still hot here and there were about S.000 gallons of beer. Winston Journal. Lad Meets Horrible Death. Anthony Howard, the 13 year-old sen of Mr. and Mrs. L. . Howard, of Pink Hill township, met a most horrl ble death in a runaway Thursday aft- rnnon. while rld'nc a mule from the field to the house to get shelfur rrom the spproachlng stoYm. The lad was nina-ln tn the field a half mile from the house, when, teeing the torm ap- preaching, he hastily unhooked the mulet from the plow, tnrew irsce . chains across the mule's withers, lejy were alo foond. Alt these art! mounted and started home. The mule cks were found laying alongside of( shied and threw the boy off. The boy's tegs became entangt'd la the chain, which held him fast. This l ii ni ii, ,uit. - - - - i fright, ited the mule and he ran away, dragging th entangled boy along the woods road, which was full of roots and stumps. Thus drugged arnng young Howard's head and body were; Indian mounds tn wis section is near dashed against the ground, roots and.Tlmberland. In Quewhlffle township, Stumpt Until life Was exlinci. IllS.miS county, aim . pruimui iui skull was crushed In la several places and the bones of the uppr part of his body were broken. To add to the horror or tne situa- lion, the young mother aeelng the mule coming dragging br son, ran to render him assistance, but wss powerUna to do so and the panic stricken mule dashed by her and leap ed the fence with the boy dangling to the plow chain Kinston Free Press. RECORDER. Strawberry Shipments, Business Agent H. T. Bauman, of the East Carolina Truck and Fruit Growers' association, reports to Presi dent Wm. E. Springer, of this city, that up to, and including May 15th, the movement of strawberries through the Junction office at South Rocky Mount, had been 1,551 cars of which C84 came from the W. & M. section and 867 from the Cliadbourn section. Mr. Bauman reports that be looks for 40 or E0 more cars during the week from the W, & M. section and says mat the association's estimate of 1,' COO will about be reached by the end of the season Saturday night, Mr. Bauman thinks that without a doubt it has been a good season from every standpoint The office at Rocky Mount will be closed Saturday. Wil mington Star. Don't fail to read the statement of the Life Insurance company of VI r g'nla in this issue of The Herald, and see what it is doing in the insurance world. The growth of the company in the local fluid here is steady and along safe lines. Bad Hand Made Him Money. When Lord Curzon was at Oxford he wrote an abomfnable hand. One day he penned two letter, one of th?tr to a relative and one to a chum with whom he always discussed th?'tg of their respective relations, and c'dently put thee? letters Into the wrong envelopes. He was about to write a profound apology to h's r?!a tlve when he received the following note from him: "Can't read a word of your four page, but guess yort want some money, you young rascal." Inclosed was a Bank of England note for a good amount Exchange. Former Congressman D;ad, Hon. W. H. Bower, former congress man from this a strict died at h f home .here about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. For several years prior to his death he had suffered from the effects of paralys's, having had several strokes, the last one occurring las' Thursday. In the passing of Mr. Bower the state has lost a brilliant and unique figure. In fact as was said by one of h's friends today, he lacked lit lo of be'ng a great man. He possessed to a marked d?gree the e'enrents that go to make the orator and leader of men. Be'ng noble and handsome In personal aprarance, with an exce'.len vo'ce, a command of language and t certain Indefinable magnetism Irreslst ible to men. he c,ou!d. at one time, with the sweep ot his powers, carry the masses as few men are able to do. Another Roman has gon hence. Le nolr special to Charlotte Observer. Is Wanted for Murder. After having been "kept in soak' by police of the city, who were la frequent touch with the Chester. Pa. authorities, Charlie Gibson, a pef. legged negro was on Saturday night arres'ed by Chief of Police J. S Davis, and he will now have to r back to the Pennsylvania city te answer the charge of murder. The negro waa in the employ of the rail road company while he was being searched for by the Pennsylvania officers and it was about the tlmo that be was located, that be was hur while In the discharge of his dutlev as a flaaman and he waa taken to the Relief hospi'al at South Rocky Moun and there It was found nec essarr to amputate his teg. He ha been In the hospital under treatmen' for his injury and It was (his time that the police termed as being "In soak." He was discharged from the hospital on Saturday night and in less than tn minutes after he left the building the pol!ce were enroute to the city lockup with their man. Rocky Mount Record. Excavating Indian Mound. Hon. J. C. Bux'on arrived from Winston-Salem last night and he drove out to Davis' bridge this morn ing with Prof. Charles Peabody, the famous archaeologist, of Harvard un iversity, and editor of the American Journal of Archaeology, who Is now en gaged in excavating the big Indian mound near that point Prof. Pea body has a force of six or eight men, doing the work of excavation, and at the mound is 30 feet wide, and nearly as long, and fany feet deep, it will take several days' work to reach all part of It Yesterday a number of skulls ana bo nos were uncovered, and le. Is esti mated that fully one hundred and fif ty Indians were burled here, long be fore h advent of the white man. Be siaea some nne specimens oi sauna 'and bores. Prof. Peabody made two i Interesting finds yesterdsy, one a pipe. made out of some substance thai looks! like soap stone, and a well defined i I lomnna n. uumuer m i im the skeletons showing that they had been burled with them. It Is not unlikely that many other - . Interesting relecta, such as beads, etc., will be unearthed. Some Indians were; much given to burying such articles wrn weir ueaa, une m mo largest , i-roi. reaooay hi nim etTuuu .there. The work Is of world wide Interest, ana in resuns oi van wrmwu will be published for the benvflt of the world, and the valuable relects found here will be placed In the great museums. Our scientists arc at las paying more attention to the past his tory and habits of the Indian, the or iginal American, than hlthertofore. Fayettevllee Observer. SHORT LOCAL ITEMS Have you tried the free sam pies of Globe Tonic? You get them at 108 Church street. A large crowd gathered near the Y M. C. A. about the time the runners were expected to arrive and every one showed much interest. Mr. Charles Markham, wle has been running on the cars of tr e Durham Traction company, has been elected patrolman to fill the . vacancy on the force made by the resignation of Mr. M. C. Klapp. The board of aldermen have decided that just at present the increase in the number of police men for the city will not te made. This was brought about by the recommedation of the po-J if : t t -i "1 uce commisioners, wnicn wits made that four new men be add :d. The alderman decided to let the present number remain as it is for the present. The Recorder acknowledges receipt of invitation and program to the 18th annual commenc- mentof the State Normal and Industrustrial College. The exercises begin Friday May 20th and close Tuesday May 24th, Among the speakers is noted Dr. J. W. Lynch, of this city, who will deliver an address to the Young Women's Christian asso ciation. Littleton College. Invitations has been received to the commencement exercises of Littleton College, which is accompanied by the following program: benior class day-May 24th at 3:30 p. m. Art exhibit-May 25th 10 to 11 a. ra. annual sermon May 25th 11 a. m. by Rev. R. H. Broom, Presiding Elder Elizabeth City District. Graduating ex exercises Thursday, May 26th, 10 a.m. Literary address May 26th, 11 a. m. by President W. S. Poteat, Wake Forest. Com mencement recital Kay Gth at 8 p. m. In the Duii am Sun Marathon iastSatuiday Mr. W. D. Chrk, of Eist ur!..ra won the first prize. Clark's time was fifty minutes, twenty-one and three-fifths sec onds. Lcriens came five seconds later, fifty and twenty-six. Gat- tis running in five later still, 50 and 31 seconds. This was a clip off of six minutes from the Char lotte marathon in which Enzor captured first medal. Shooting Affray in Caswell. In the southern part of this county today at 1 p. m, Lut Shaw, a negro. shot and mortally wound od C. S. Hurst, a grocery man. from Dan vllle. Va. Mr. Hurst's condition Is extremely critical. The negro also inflicted a flesh wound In the arm of Dennle Anderson, a highly re spected colored man. The shooting, as far as I am able to learn, was with out provocation. The negro is ai large, but la being sought for by Sher Iff Fitch and a pease. YancryvUle special to Charlo te Observer. He was one of .the visiting Metho dist preachvrs who had been asked to preach in one of the local colored churches, and his fame, or ra her his father's fame, had preceded hlru. Therefore bis introduct'on to the colored congregation yesterday vat startling but sincere. "Breden," said the darkey minister, "we have with us today the son of a great preacher. I heard his father preach many years ago. He was one ob de big guns4 I will now In) reduce to you the son ob de big gun." Asheville Citizen. Fruit and Vegolablos MAKE DIG MONET Our rntt BOOH tM t.w. Writ tar KtcM m v ColdMadal Canning Outfits FnnIIHf-Vin'.tr, MM and ap. He MHtuktlfc-d Mw ran pnxiuf-, rhino fr the bmwwt. Kit? (II- nrt and aura mwjt. Robinson Can C&, lammsrs, Md, K ,...Lfl LIN. Varnish Hala Use it to renew and make rntirelv new-old worn out clmirs and old furni ture. Yon can varnish a chair in thirty minutes, and make it aa good as 'hew. Directions on each can. SJlJ by W. A. Mality, Durham. I, Our Cans I M ftuarantaaa NotloLuk r Cleanest Mads 4 I and V I h Hava Ha Eaval hi : li MCIt LOW 1 Nurse Says: "I know what Is good for young and old peo- E!e,,r writes Mrs. Clara lykslra, a trained nurse of South Bellingham, Wash., "and will say that I consider Cardui the best medicine for girls and women. It makes them feel like new persons, re lieves their pain and reg ulates womanly troubles. "Both my daughter and I received great benefit" " E51 The Woman's Tonic As a medicine for fe male trouble, no medi cine you can get has the old established reputation, that Cardui has. Fifty (50) years of suc cess Drove that it has stood the greatest of all tests the test of TIME. , As a tonic for weak wo men, Cardui is the best, be cause it is a woman's tonic Pure, gentle, safe, re liable. Try Cardui. 1Z Gauge Repeating Shotgun I if luaiiiiiiim f- The 12 gauge Z8m2e Is" repeater is a gun of perfect proportions, and baa one-third 1m parts than any other repeater. It handles quickly, works smoothly and shoots close and hard. The JTLm&jt solid top prevents powder and gases blowing back; the side ejection of shells allows instant repeat shots ; the clcwed-in breechbolt keeps out all rain, snow and sleet, and the dirt, leaves, twigs and sand that clog up other repeaters, . Alt 12-eauca 77Iarln repeater have double it r acton that pull anjr ahcll, and the automatic recoil hanerftre aafety lock make them tbe eaeat breech-loading (una built . ZZznSf It vans re peaters Id three die tinct model, many trade and style, fully desoribed In our 136 p catalof. Free for J atamp postas. 42 Willow Street NEW HAVEN. CONN. Your Photograph May look very well, but if it Joes not have a distinctiveness that you are proud of there is some thing lacking. Tbe work we turn out bears the stamp of good workmanship, and when we make vour photos you take pleasure in showing them to your friends. We ate proud of the photos we have made and will gladly show them to you if you will call. ihe Holladay Studio Opp. ilic Postoff ice, Durham, N. C (3:hc lule in Effect May 15, i9io) DVHHAM DIVISION. . Ex Sun Daily Es Sua Dally p.m a.m. t a.m. 5:30 7:00 Lv uurnam ar 11:15 9:15 n:.t$ U:55 Ar Lyucntmrg lt 5:15 4:15 Conni'itiou at Lynchburg with trains Ivat and Went bound. Is are thinking of taking a trip YOU want quotations, cheapest fares, reliable And correct information, as to routes, train schedule, the most comfortable anil quiekebt v ay. Write and the infor mation 1 yours for the aiking, with one of our complete Jlap l olelers. M. V. BRAGG, Tnv. Pass. AgU W. B.BEVILUG.P. A.. Roanoke, Va., Gen. Office. Roanoke, Va RXHowerton&Son Old Reliable Modern Funeral, Directors and ....Embalmers... Office r.nd Show Rooms: 31GMangumSt. Day ami flight service, rhone 197 Ample f.icilitica for any emergency in our line.