SHORT ;LC'CL:'TEVS Pridgen & Jones have a ne w ad in this issue to which your i.t tcntjon is c&kO. Jule J6. ' Warren, wh h:ix been tc chins: school at (Jonia, id at honfor the sumrn' r. Mr. P. B. Chtek factiiirV'd to bia home un Purktr t-tmt wilh typhoid fever. His c r.Jition is not considered sericuv Five colored peo, f.r! on the calendar of the Durham court next lei m uf LKj.di;.L,b for divorce in one day this wet k. Many of the stu.'o: t of the Southern Conservatory of Music returned home last week after the commencement exercises were over. . Mr. W. E. Hol who has made Durham his home for a number of years, has decided to move out west and will sell all his property here. . Mr. S. 0. Yates, who has been with the Main Street Pharmacy for some time, returned to Raleigh last week, where he will reside in the future. Two alarms of fire were sent last Monday night The damage did not amount to anything and the response of the fire compan ies was unnecessary. Bishop J. C. Kilgo returned to Durham this week from Ashville, where he had been attending the cenference. He was elected and ordained during the session just closed. An eclipse of the moon Mon day night attracted considerable attention, and caused many people that had been watching the comeJLto have something new to look at The remains of Lonnie Maynor, who die in Portsmouth, Va., were brought here last Friday for in terment. The funeral and burial took place Friday afternoon at Rom Sharon church. A negro by the name df An drew Rogers was arrested Wed nesday charged with embezzle ment The case against him. that be collected money for the building of the church and failed to turn same over. . ,,- The funeral of Mrs. J. B, Cates, who died Sunday at Watts hosDital. took place Monday. Mn. Gates was 43 years of age and had been an invalid for a number of years. She was sur vived by three children. Miss Nellie Powell was united in marriake to Mr. J. T. Reade Tuesday morning of this week at the home of Mrs. W. M. Speed. The young couple left immediately for ft bridal tour be fore returning to this city, where they will make their home. Miss Mildred J. Levy, daugh ter of the late Jacob Levy, was united in marriage to Mr. Sidney Jacobs, of Philadebhia. last Wed nesdav. Rabbi E. N. Caliach of ficiated. The bride and groom left at once for a wedding trip. Thev will make their home in Philadelphia. Mr. B. N. Duke, who has been in tha r it v far several weeks, is confined to his home by sickness. Sunday he was considered to be in ft serious condition, but to-day his condition Is much improved. He has typhoid fever, but his physician docs not fear the con sequences for him. The Burch-Gorman company have rented the store room on Mangura street formerly occu pled by John T. Pope, and wil use it as their trunk store. The have carried this line for some time, but having more room will enable them to carry a more complete line. . The Ltoscomb place was finally sold last Saturday. The purchaser was W. W. Mason and the nricADald was f 4.510. This is considered a good price for the place, but the place is of excep tional value owing to the fac that it Is located near the N. & W. Railway on the Rougemont Dad. which is considered me Merchants Take Action. Tlie merchants aflsficiniinn of Durham, N. C, made and passed trie following resolutions regard ing the recent election of Rev. Dr. Job u C. the bisho pric, by tlie Southern Methodist Epidural conference, recently held at Ashville, N. C. 7" : ; lUcsolved: That the merchants association of Durham, N. C, has learned that Rev. Dr. John C. Kilijo, president of Trinity College, one of our citizens, one who bus alwnvs stood for the highiat and lest standards that golomakti good citizenshiD in the bic&dest sense, has been honored by the Methodist Eois- copal conference by electing him as one of its bishops, the highest honor in the gift of the church. In thus honoring one of our citizens, one who has always stoodfor such high and broad standards, and one whose life has been given to the uplift of his fellowmen, Durham feels justly honored, and we, as busi ness men of our city desire by this resolution" to express our gratification at his election, and in this connection beg to express the hope that Bishop Kilgo will make in the future our city his home. It was ordered that a copy of hece resolutions be transmitted ta B shop Kilgo. P. W. VAUGHAN. President J. F. TAYLOR, Secretary. The strike of the' :lerks on the N & W. railway has been de c ared off and many of the em ployes have returned to their work, and the indications are that the railway won in the fig!t ur of the seven men that quit h Durham are again on their jobs and the work goes on in the office smoothly. Invitations have been received tithe wedding of Miss Louise Elizabeth Wyatt to Dr. Carl P. Norria. of this city, the wedding fa take place Wednesday, June 8ih at nine o'clock at the home of the brides parents in Raleigh Dr. N-rris has many friends in Durh-ui that will wish for him raich happiness. Will Comer Blackberry Crop. Mr. A. F. Meaalck baa returned homo from a trip to Suteerille, Wllketboro. Elkln and other placei la an automobile in company with Mr. Paul Garrett, the big wine manufact urer or Weldon. They went to tne Dlacea mentioned to Inspect the out look for the 1910 crop of blackberrk-a. While away, they made coniracta foi 000.000 nounda of blackberrlea. Mr Mettlck sara that the outlook for a aplendld crop of berrlca in thla ana adJolninc countlea fa aplendld Vhl year. The berrlea will be boiled In 301V gallon receptactea and the Juice will be aent to Norfolk In airtight cana. The berrlea will be converted Into oon Intoxicating juice almllai to (rape juice. Wlnaton Sentinel. adjv. They give you less results In beef, pork, work, or eggs, when they are not ia perfect healih. Take a little Interest In your own pocket book and doctor them up with U-Drauglit Stock and Poultry Medicine It will pay you to do this. Jt has paid thousands of other successful farmers and stock and poultry raisers. This famous remedy is not t food, but a genuine, scientific med icine prepared from medicinal herbs and roots, acting on the liver, kid neys, bowels and digestive organs. Sold by all druggists, price 23 cents, 50 cents and $1. per can. erWrttt trf tinMe km ; "Satrttt tm Stock ete Nmll'f. '' ! fre M a .t. Addrft IUrk-Dftifhl Stack MtdKlM La. QutUeoot. Tree. Facts, LOSE MONEY Vwhen you sllow any of your S itock or poultry to remain sick THE DURHAM - 1 ifl rfi "'V:ri- -iJSi H -v i;nrTnR' I'nji.t! - pf Our Cans g - 1 IlLI IM PjrPH DO -, pi M brJ k ,.tctWpijui lTf Tfcil I IHt FV-.l't'n wmnf km; ... mturnm:' i mi K twifcewia g Ahovfi is the front view School and Chautauqua for summer. - -. - WORH BEING PUSHED RAPIDLY (Continued from first page.) and Church Visitors. r . 9. The school for Post-Gradu- tes and for Special Study. The Arts and Crafts Industri al Institute aims to render fit for practical service the students taking; the full course. Classes for women: Domestic Science, Plain Sewing, Dressmaking, Millinery, Sicknursing, Steno graphy and typewriting, Book keeping, Bookbinding. For men Farming, Dairy, Market garden ing, Forestry. Horticulture, Car pentery, Blacksmithmg. - Wagon making, Bricklaying, Plastering, Cement work, Upholstery, House painting, paper banging, Mural decoration and Fresco, Printing, Restaurant keeping, Waiting, Machinery repairs etc. The site for the location of this school is on the Southern su burbs of the city, just half a mile from the corporate limits, and is ideal for the location of such an institution. The pro perty on which the buildings The above cut shows Virvl and Chautauaua for Zr, ' ...... - - ' I I F begin on this building in June. CHAS. M. STIEFF PIANO COMPANY IMPORTANT NOTICES OR FACTS Too Important to Take Chances Buying; a pin no is too serious a matter to take any chances. You invest considerable money and should have real value, so don't htirrf , but be very cart ful. The more caiefut you are the more sure are we that you will select THE STIEFF. Dirct from the manufacturers on, easy payments PECCUAE TO STIEFF P1AX0S 0LT The prices of Mir ft Pianos are fixtd by the maker, and all ens tomers are treated alike. You are never asked now niui n you will Rive for a StirtT or piano, nor are there any riddles to solve or "Certificate" to win. The very best instruments possible to make, at the one low price fiaed by the maker t the M left" Wy-aml our e.reia buai nea shows ft baa public approval. RECORDER. A , ' : . , . AUDITORIUM of the auditorium of the the Colored Race, 'which will .:';.. . will be erected i3 worth about $6,000. , . " Four buildings are now being erected. They are two domi tories, an auditorium and dining room. The total cost of all the work now being done will be about $20,000. , Around the site of the begin ning of this institution is a busy scene and it is the purpose of Dr Shepard to have the opening on July the 5th at which time Judge J. C. Pritchard, president of the board of trustees will deliver the opening address. Dr. Shepard expects next w eek to go North in the interest of this institution and will be ac companied by ex-Governor Glenn who has consented to make several addresses during the first part of the month. The result of this tour will mean much to the institution in a financial way. The Durham Dulcet quartette will go north and sing at the meetings to be held and the im pression created will aid Dr. Shepard in every way possible. AVERY BUILDING how the brick structure of the National Religious Trainin; the Colored Race will look when completed. Work wi ESTABLISHED 1842 "The Piano With Mutual Advantage Oars Yonrs ' As we make all our instruments "from start to finsh," buying all materials in large quantities from first hands, and have a perfectly equipped factory and scores of years of experience, we have the advantage of being able to put the very best Pianos on the mar ket at the lowest possiMe price. This advantage is enjoyed by you when you buy one of these auperb instruments. STIKFF or SHAW This is mutual advantage Ours Yours STIEFF PIANO CO., T. FOY SIMMONS, Manager. 205 East Main Street, Theme 232 DURHAM, X. C. Wiih Case, Tbe Jeweler, Opposite Court Boose Official Piano Jamestown Exposition 68 YEARS National Relio-ious Training be Erected in Durham this ' .V.-" , attempt to Rob the Safe. . Wednesday night an attempt was made to rob the safe of the Durham Light & Power company, and the robber was disturbed in the act, but from the work he had accomplished it made little difference a3 he would have been busy a long time before he could have done anytting the way he was getting along. He was try ing to get into the safe by saw ing off the hinges with a hack saw. Mr. Sligo, the manager, hap pened to be down the street 11 o'clock and went by the office when he found the fellow, who immediately made his escape. The company do not pretend to keep any money on hand in this safe, and the fellow evidently knew little about the situation. Mr. W. B. Irvin, who has been out west lor several years is in the city on a visit to relatives. He expects to return to his west ern home by the way of New York, where he will spend several days on business. the Sweet Tone THE STIEFF ! The piano that has won its en viable reputation through merit alone, never requiring any boost ing by schemes of any kind, ' The pi iiio you will wish you had liought, if you don't The piano that over seventy years has been the favorite in southern homes, and that ia sold direct from maker to home, on easy terms if you wish . your Fruit and Vegetables MAKE DIG LIQUET , Our FWCE BOOK telle how. Writ lor prion om rar GoldMedal Canning Outfit ramllyto factory ttt, fS.UO and up. Hint that experience and skilled labor can produce. Moot complete ma china (or the money. Bene1 for priee-Nat ee eana, labele and one euae before etaeine; yaur errter. Buy di rect and tare money. ' Agtmtt Mmt0tt , Robinson Can Co, Dept. 32, f) - Baltimore, Md. Your Photograph May look very well, but if it dcea not have a distinctiveness that you are proud of there is some thing lacking. :. The work we turn out bears the stamp of good workmanship, and when we make your photoa you take pleasure iu showing them to your friends, , . We are prcud of the photoa we have made and will gladly ahow them to you if you will call. ihe Holladay Studio Opp. the Postof lice, Durham, N. C nVKotfulkgA'estEm . (Schedule in Effect May 15, i9io) DDBHAM DIVISION. Ex Sun Daily Ex Son Daily a.m. a.m. p..m 5:30 7:00 Lt Durham Ar 11:15 9:15 n:35 "55 Ar Lynchburg Lv 5:15 4:15 Connectiou at Lynchburg with trains East and Weat bound. Is are thinking of taking a trip OU want quotations, cheapest fares, reliable and correct information, as to routes, train schedules, the most comfortable and quickest way. Write and the infor mation is yours for the asking, with one of our complete Map Folders. . M. F. BRAGG, Trav. psa. Agl. W. B.BEVILL.G.P. A., . Roanoke, Va., Gen. Office. oanoke.Va ReTeHowerton&Son Old Reliable Modern Funeral Directors and ....Embalmers... Office and Show Rooms: 316MangumSt. Day and ni'lit sen' ice. Thone 197 Ample facilities for any emergency in our line. tt from Tyler to Trill Through all the panics and two wars, STIEFF PIANOS Have been made and sold direct to the homes, growing in favor every day. This bids fair to con tinue till' Durham becomes a city of a million souls, and then still on IF NOT A STIEFF .WHAT? ' v. If yon buy a piano, it must be Mtifff, or .WHAT? Everybody admits you can't get a better than MU-fT, so why e perimcnt with a WHAT? You know the Stleff-everybody dues, so WHAT. Reason can there be for hesitating 111 PRICES LOW ftfl best road in the county.

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