THE DURHAM RECORDER. D i d e stive F erm ent ' Gets you right for the Summer. Tones the liver produces a healthy appetite and perfect digestion .V '50c and 11.00 Bottles C. E. RING SONS. PRESCRIPTIONS. . Phone 106. ZTL t N6rth Cdioliria News. -:Trueklno W thaWest Mr. J. B. Ives, who is meeting with Refutes to Fly. V I success In truck farming on several Aulotnr rhorloa If. Hamilton has rft. ' tnmt In oast S'ateaville. IS pudiated his contract with the Chronli- crovlne that early vegetables may be cle and! the Observer to g'vfr an ex-'Krown jn this section In time to com- hlbltion here next Saturday by abso ' p6te on the markets with the products luieiy refusing to live up to the terms j0j tne trucking sections further east of hia manager, Mr. Nat Relss, who aml 80Uth. For the past few days he spent Thursday and Friday of last nas dipping from 12 to 15 crates week here in conference with Mr. John 0t Ereen peas a day besides supplying R. Ross, business manager of the Ob server company. Charlotte Chronicle. mi Efte Has Beens j- and 15hQ Is Nows Business men are of two classes, the "'HAS BEEN'S" and the "IS SOWS." The "HA3 BEEN 'S" are the Antiques; the fellow who looks through the business telescope from the wrong end, whose vision is so limited be can't keep out of the way of the street cars nor the automobiles. . In plain vernacular, be is asleep at the switch. The "IS NOW" is the real thing, He is the fel low that "plays ball," the fellow who is alive to the main chance, who knows a good thing when be sees it, who always grasps an opportunity the moment it knocks. J nE IS A LIVE WIRE. It's the "IS NOW'S" that we are making our life's life's business to serve; the "LIVE WIRES" that are doing things. Get ht the boat. Be an "IS NOW," be a "LIVE WIRE." Bring us yonr account. We know your wants and want your business. . &ye First National Bank DURHAM, N. C. JULIAN S. CARR, President W. J. IIOLLOWAY, Cashier 2T rzn Cowles Again Named. Representative Chas. H. Cowlea was I renominated by acclamation by the congressional, convention at Wilkes- boro yesterday. There was never any doubt about his renomlnatlon; altohueh at one time A, H. Price. Esq., I of Salisbury, was urged by prominent republicans in the district to make la contest, with assurance or cordial hupportSallsbury Post. Sparta's New Court House. Alleghany county Is to have a new court bouse which will not only ne modern la every respect, but meet the requirements for years to come. Messrs. W. A. Douglass and Bon, of this city, will do the brick work and la force of hands will leave here for that purpose next Friday. The build ing will be of brick with stove trlm Imlngs and will cost, when completed, about twenty thousand dollars. The I structure will contain fire proof vaults and all modern Improvements and our mountain neighbors are to be congrat ulated. Mount Airy Leader. the local market, and within a short time he will have other vegetables on the market. Quantities of the peas are going to Ashevllle and other towns in this state. Stateavllie tanamara. Hoar and Evarts. On one of his later birthday anni versaries Senator Hoar wrote to Will iam M. Evarts and congratulated him upon h'.a length of years. In his re ply the aged lawyer said It brought I to mind an old lady in New Engiana who bad occasion to write to a freind about some matter of trifling Impor tance and when she had reached the end of the thirteenth page awakened to the fact that she bad been rather diffuse and added. "Please excuse my longevity." Negro Murderer Escapes. Washington Alexander, a negro about 22 years of age, who. wun rhnrtna nnndman. Is charged wun i.,.tovait Hmrti finrnpr. color- wt the, lumber camo or tne monoiaiortn r.nai s Lne icaauii h Lumber company at Wallace, Sunday , morning, made his escape from Depu- navtJ uiem own. . v -S M nva 4na AAiinf 1 mmedlatelr after the arrival of the It's fine when a man Or a vVlCrtZrT their business COnCCHl Can ZJXZJT JS self the greatest good by . were being brought to Wilmington Mn:ner Jfg neighbors th m. mm m a t rA niaran in inn hi. nur i BUU WHO IU s uiivv 4 -. I j gaw tomorrow. Alexander and Good- greatest gOOd. man were ilea togeiner wiiu tvii and the former managed to get the rope untied, uarner w uemru i death with a fence rail, nis race nsv- imr been battered into a pulp. Tne Norfolk Lumber company has offered a reward of $25 for the arrest ot Alex anderWilmington special to Char lotte Observer. " " She Mads Certain of It. Resort inr to three different metn- ods to kill herself wrhlle her lamiiy was asleep around her, Mrs. J. H. maaL who Uvea a litUe over a mile I from Maiden, committed suicide this morning before dey. saturating herself I with kerosene oil and setting herself Ion fire. Her husband was awakened by the I flames from her dress and ran to her rescue but too late to save her. A ra zor and an axe were lying near. She tried to first cut her throat And then to cut her bead wKh the axe. Ill health was the cause. She was 21 (years of age and two children survive her. Hickory special to Charlotte Ob- I server. THE PRICE OF SHOES Is not to be considered when it comes to a matter of Quality, Comfort and Style. THE SHOES ' That we sell have all these and you do not have to pay fancy prices for them either. We are sel ling Shoes Decause we know the Shoe business and the needs of the people thatjwant good shoes that will give satisfaction. If we had not done this we would have been out of the business long ago. Our satisfied costomers know this is true and one trial will convince others. Let us convince you. Escaped from Jail. Lawrence Crawford, a negro in cus tody for alleged larceny of hides from Mr. C. D. Gilbert, and awaiting trial I at the next term of the superior court. made bis escape from the county Jan this morning. Crawford was allowed to walk In one of the corridors. He managed to climb to the celling, tear off some o fthe metal sheets of tne wall and then escaped to the roof Crawford's escape waa discovered short time after he bad taken French leave from the county boarding bouse. Sheriff Cowan has offered a reward of $15.00 for the apprehension of the man. Crawford Is about 65 years of age and is a low, stout negro Wil mington Dispatch.' 0 th nnn NE OF OUK livit uiv TANT duties in this community is to point out to our fellow citizens the way to spend thier clothes money to best advantage. The reason we tell you to buy our all-wool, perfectly tailored clothes is not simply because we have them to sell, but because we really think they're best for you, W. A. SLATER CO Pi ill ; 1 Charged With Killing Cousin. A sensation was created today when Charles Minshaw, a well-known ciu sen of Tlllery. was arrested and taken before Justice Roberson, Ended, on the serious charge of being Implicated n the murder of his cousin, John S Mmshaw, on the night of Apr.i io. Attorney George C. Greene appeared Mr M'nahaw when h!n case was catt ed In the magistrate's court, and walv- ed examination, Minshaw giving bond in the sum of $1,000 for his appear snce at the August term of Halifax superior court. On the n'Kht of April 18 ionu Min shaw left Tlllery to a buggy with his cousin. Charles Mlnsnaw. ins lauer claims that while driving along a dark road his cousin John was shot In th back by some unknown person. Mr. Charles Minshaw today assert PRE IT.ll.! I--: V ,. il J iNOLiung inure utouug tun w given man u guua piece of Jewelry. The bride, the graduate or the child celebrating a birthday will appreciate jewelry as nothing else you can give. With this in view we keep at all times something suitable for these aoccsions. Our jewelry is the best and yon can get what you wao) at reasonable prices CASE, S6c Jeweler Opp. Court House - - - Durham, N. C. Mail orcert receive prompt attention. Repair work done nght iu short order i e : d bis innocence and calms that he MiriXXZZIXZIXXriXtXIItlXXZIZXXZXXrXXXXXXXtXZXKXXXl can prove It when the case Is called JJ . rAom A T n A Tin TTTTT T u to August. we'don special to ews snd Observer. Trust Makes Cut The Standard Oil company made Its first move yesterday to cripple tn Ind'an Refining company.' the Inde pendent company wh'cb ree.ntly es tablished a station here, with Mr. C L. Emerson, who was for years In th service of the Standard, as Its agent Mr. Emerson, who Is personally popu lar with the business men. has made heavy inroads on the S'andard's lora! trade and to offset th's loss of busi ness the trust yesUrday announced a cut or 1 cents a gallon, brlng'ng th; price of o'l to the who'eealer down to i cents. The Independent reo p'e Immediately met the cut and are awaiting the Standard's neit move. The fsvorite method of the trust In crashing opposition Is to run ih price of o'J down to a po'nt far below th" cost of production and cont'nue to sll st a loss until Its competitor tires .f the game and throws up the sponr The flaht now on will tx wstchH with Interest Salisbury Sentinel. H M e H H M M 14 rf M M M M Bring You a Piano on Thirty Days Trial With Best Piice and Terms CABLE PIANO 107 CHURCH STRI.KT COMPANY, DURHAM, N. C. MXZZXZZZXXZXXXZZZXXZXXXXXHrZXZlXXZXXZZXXXXXZXXXZI KZXZXZXX1XZXXXXXXXZZZZZZXXXXXXXZ1XXXJXXXXKSXK1XXX1 I Photographs Are Not Luxuries, a PRIDGE1T & J0ITES SH0ERS. WEST MAIN STREET, MorrUTllIe, Iwle 2. Am glad to report that 00 one of this community have been singing or tickled to death by the comet Ha! ha! guess J. E. F. has UA that old coat aside by this time what be was telling us about fitting so nicely some time ago. Miss Tessie Cates, of Chapel Hilt is visiting the family of Mr. Sam Egertoa this week. A man has passed through this section making photographs of family's and residences. We were eiad to see the gen tie showers falling so softly last week at several of oar tobacco planters liked a little being through planting. Gcoree Ferrell has had a tad attack of sore eyes. Misses Georgie, Hertteand Roxie Haves, of East Durliam, spent a while with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Lvnn Saturday afternoon fishing and later took an automo .bile trip back borne. Miss May Chandler U visiting relatives near Loutsburg. Z. P. Ferrell found a bee tree recently but has not cut it yet Sheriff Hss Close Call. Sheriff McKenzle bad a close call from death shortly sited midnight Saturday night snd that he escaped with but a few bruises Is little less than miraculous. The sheriff had a tip Saturday night that caused him to go to East Spencer with Deputies Jim Krtder and Locke McKenzte. About half past twelve Sunday morning the trio came upon a DURHAM, N. C. stopped him and stepped between the .(wheels of the left side of the buggy 1 then tha intra Addressed him bT J. E. Burgess has been on the name. Finding a quantity of whiskey sick list for several weeks and several others I could mention are very feeble. In the buggy he ordered bis deputies to arrest the maa but no sooner wss the order given than the negro lashed the horse furiously, dropped the lines Cherries and strawberries have ?d from ,,h L-T2s!!I2 been plentiful but birds have about finished them up. VV. M. Ferrell and family spent Saturday night and Sunday near kelson. The writer recently spent a while in Raleigh. W. G. Marshall sold three bails of cotton Monday. Think he u preparing for the sale which is to take place this week at the O'Neals home place. Some time ago Rev. J. Thompson found a swarm cf bees on a limb and he went to hive thetn and the swarm fell on bis head and or ail tue runnng they said he did it The wild peculiar looking lowl which I mentioned about having in a cage some time back i now walkioz around the yard as gen tie as a chicken and I have learn ed its name and it is American Coute. That is the name some one gave it at the Museum at Raleigh. J. P. F. himself from being run over Sheriff McKencle caught by the side of the buggy and was dragged by the madly nlloolng horse a distance of a bun dred yards, when be lost bis bold, fell under the vehicle, the wheels passing over bis body. Salisbury Post Charged With Robbing Postoffics George Williams, a negro youth was given a bearing more 1 nuei is tea Commissioner A. J. Lnftln this morning on the charge of robbing the Snow Hill postofflce Sunday night The evidence against the negro Is of such a nature that It is doubtful whether or not be can be convicts as be was frightened away before he accomplished the robbery. Sherlfl Warren, Postmaster Falrcloth and Mr. Ed Calloway were lying In wait for blm, when be attempted to force an entrance at the money order win dow in the postofflce. The negro wss frightened off at a noise that be beard In the room and ran awsy. but was captured by Sheriff Warren. He was bound over to the October term of the federal court at New Pern, under a two bmdred dollar bond. In default of which he was placed tn the Lenlor county Jail. Kinston Free Press, ua Thry are nrcccitirs. snd as Mrnmnent records , onrsclves and those near snd ' to u, they sre lon-lly cheriohol long ymrs after they srr iiwle. They uii((ht therefore, to W good lilicnrax. permanent print, srtuttcally um.le snd of recent tlatr. We Make O,! Likeness, Permanent Prints, Give Graceful, Kay pews, and Awurt Vou a lnt Kscellest Picture. WHY NOT ARRANGE 1'OR A SI 111X0 TODAY? Btrry 8 ss son Closes. During the past alt weeks the truckers la the berry belt of eastern North Carolina have been kept busy looking out for their berries, but last week ended the season and 8atur- day.Mr. II. T. Bauman, secretary of the Eastern Carolina Fruit and Truck Growers association, who has bad an office In this cltr since the season opened, looking out for the handling and distribution of the crop, has closed his office and he will return to Wll mington within the next few days Teh ere may be a car or two of berries this week, but It Is doubtful. Including ihe shipments made Fri day, 1.(72 cars of berries bad gone forward during the present season. gain of 27S cars over last year, when the number reached 1,314. In addi tion to the berries bandied by the Armour car line, about 40,000 crates went by ttpress. making the total number of crates In the neighborhood of 400,000. It is said that growers avuraced about 12 unon the nlatform I per crate, which would place th val tie of the crop at about isos.wo. MISS KATIE L. JOHNSON The Photograoher xzTxxixxxzzzrizxxxxriizzizxxxxrixjrxxxiMxxrxTixrxw YOU SHOULD KNOW BY THIS TIME That You Do Not Have lo Loose One Moment From Your Business In Order to Take Globe Tonic and Use Globe Oil Peonle who are ilrm-uintr rram.t hardly able to woik, snd feel tlist they can not affurd lo lxe sny time from their buines, but wm1d like to get to teeltng better and get themselves built up and gt-t bark to Hint good feeling, like they ned to, ben they would est aiHiuMiis sny tuing without any bsd auer eincis no I.IOiitinif. l-lrhini Invents Model Monoplane. In the successful construction of a model monoplane which was art In mot'on yesterday, Mr. Ilaxel Worley. the 17-year-old son of Mr. Sidney Wor. ley, 114 West Ninth street, hss dis played a remarkable mechanics' gen ius. Attracted by the amount of d s-Uhortneviof bienth or Aujj ftelinjf r euss'on at uresent enaaalna th sci-lhesiUdie-ttoiwd taste in the ...,ih nunc Atnerifsn 'n rerra to tne nsvv h". nim-ning, no ii ijin gstlon of the sir at d b, lug naturally !n V" "f, n7 u,h r I"' the bent toward mechan'eal effort, Mr. TvT t .. . ",r Vm M lo Wory set bis thoughts U, work a few days ago and planned a mod-l airship. intt to dtrertioii. ami in a ul Vi -f-1. It is about the site of a toy wsgon I will wonder why vou have !. .IZlZZ ..J r..n I m .i.nn..l.t. Km Myr..1. I lt. ....... .1 I'.. .1. . I ... ed by rubber bands. lie st his ma-1 bow many people are being cured or rhan'am In motion vcatcrilav and wn I KfesiiV liCIK li(lcl lv Its lir ami I,. agreeably surprised to his handl- "u',"v " '' Ir yourself to work gently rise from the ground and ..J. mwt)'i n'doth make a short flight. or s:x f-t above earth and went the air. coming down on Its four wheels when you realize that ;lol Trtiic Is without break or Injury, c'iiijecd of herbs, ras, barks, gums Thnaa who spen th mirfuinUin land leaves, all esrefullv u.tM.i.'.i i Of young Mr. Worley and those who 'jed ti.gllir with no niinerslorj witness d its exploitation yesterasy from the ground and f"'1 ""L " v,l" 'fT'i m'M n, " ht. It rose from five ? J b ft, other t-eo. . it,. ...rin- ik " ym ,ry on '"'ttle you will t J! a,1 . "pm ,h'I,k ' ,l'"K yourself get ft short distance In that run-down con.liUon amiln and were unbounded , In their praises o the gnlus of the young man, showing Itse'f through this wonderful ple of work. Cbsrlotte Observer. chemicnl n imiii whxtever in it.i. I -.! - i Z T v'. ' bndrrbt.nd wii7 omc win eriiiHtieiiily curs when other remedies have failed The Globe Remedy Company still have their denionatrstors at 103 Church street, (otiiwMita Cable - Piano sh mimt and they can give you the nai ti ami ldresses of some of the liest t le io yrnir city who have bees cure.V otne of iheumatiam in dillrrrnt fort catarrabin the head, bronchial tul stmisch, bowels, k hint) a, Wa-IoVr! other orKsns-al cured by the til-U nviiwoiem. w Df lleiauss tt Is S ir n ment that arts on u mucous Tune, the living that coats the intur system. It cleanies, It beala that lint' t. carries that poison mucous and slim t of your stomsrb, cures those In flanl kUIneys, cleans off the liver and ih those tracks cear and clean It acts 17 on tne ijkj.. That la why Ihe III-' Tonic cures snd so many b igbted h tt m hib nappy, , , Glol Tonic Is sold: ft sl bottle J'K) It fr $i.2.) Gl.rfe Oil a5c and eve-y thing the Glohe Remedy Compssy s.H t giiaranieed-yoai money Uckil benefitted, Vou can call st their office. lOSChuH i r2l K ,n samples of this w s derf ul medicine sny time front 8 a, . tog-io n. tn. Give It tftal Nov while Ihe demonstrators are here, sfwf tbey leave the twice wilt I $1 b-it.le. While here at half that price. PEABODY DRUGCO., Distributors. ft