Mi RECORDER. iu; Mum XL ii VOLUME 91. DURHAM, N. C; JUNE 9, 1910. NUMBER 56. Ti!E IMHAE EOSES BACK Could Kol C&!M Ttinptalloa lo Visit Is Aaln. TALKS ABOUT S.IMUKI" CONDITIONS Looks Ab'.i! !o find V.hal lias Be come cl All lbs Midatcs. -Sees toy S'yl.ls cn the Streets. The old man dropped in on us this week and by the time lie entered the deor began telling about why he came back when he expected to remain away for the summer. "I just could not stay away all the summer, for there were many things I wanted to out about. I wanted to eee what was doing at the park and what the "people on the fctreets were doing and what the sanitary con ditions wre right in the heart of the town. 4 "The first place I visited when I arrived was the stables of the warehouses tnd what I found would not do to mention juit nere, uui i win say mat l am surprised that the health board does not go around them and see conditions that exist. "I also had a desire to find out what had become of the many candidates that wanted office some years ago, and began in quiring around. I found that few people had time to considei politics and many were of tht opinion that a3 we had to have caampafgn, it was best that it rest as long as possible and those seeking !lice would lose time tc find out things about the fellow running against them., "While going down the street I saw several women that car ried an abundance of some thing on their heads and begar to inquire what it meant. 01 course I did not inquire of tht women ft r fear of arreet, but from a man tha seemed to know 1 1 arned that it was very stylist to have an abundance of hah tixed up tn tne ncau in man shapes and that all the womer that did not have the requires amount went to the store ant bought a supply. In same cases you couH rarely tell the dif ference, while in other cases th color of the natural hair and that of the artificial was so striking d (Tcrent that if I had not been afraid I would have laughed. 0 le striking thing occurred. 1 saw one lady come along in the wind without any hat, but with an abundace of hair and another that was wearing an abundance of hat and but little hair. "When I arrived last Thurs day I could not for some time account for the crowds that were omingand goinj in such a hurry. Upon inquiry I was not surprised to learn that the graded school exorsises would tike place that night. Durham people certainly take an inter est in their school and the pupils have every encouragement that they might need to learn their lessons and become educated. tlrlt)d;iy Tarty. Mr. W. T. Greerr, on last Sat urday celebrated his 50th birth day by having his brother and all his inters to dine with him at his home on Yates avenue. The party consisted of Miss Mary Green, Mrs. V. Ii. Hern don, and Mrs. Lucy Morton, and his only brother, Mr. J. T. Green. At 7:30 supper was ser ved on the old family tabic. It was n family reunion and after the supper they ail enjoyed an hour talking of their younger days. FORTY IN SENIOR CLASS Graduating Address by -Rev. Howard RcndEtialer, cl Winston-Salem. I JThe commencement exercises of the Durham High School be gan Thursday night at the Epis copal church with the annual ser mon by Rev. Harris Mallinkfodt, of Charlotte. The eraduatintr class, forty strong assembled with a large audience to hear the powerful sermon of the Char lotte minister. Unlike most such sermons it was short and to the point and was more forceful on that account. Taking his text from Proverbs 30:24 and 25, the speaker spoke of the little things in life and the great things that come from them. Friday night was commence. ment proper. The large audi torium of the Academy of Music was overflown with the crowds who assembled to hear the clos ing exercises of the school. The Literary address was delivered by Rev. Howard Rondtbaler, president of Salemn Academy, at Winston-Salem. An educator himself, the speaker chose for his subject an educational one titleing it "Kindled Imagina tion." An enjoyable departure for high school exercises was the singing by over a hundred stu dents led by Mr. W. H. Overton. A speaker from the graduating class, E. M. Chappel, read an es say on "The Great White Pla gue." The large numbe of prizes awarded were presented by Mr. P. W. Vaughan, Presi- entof th Merchants' Associa tion. Mayor W. J. Grisword awarded diplomas to the class in a short and well phrased speech. Superintendent of the city jchools, W. D. Carmichael, pre rented the honors of the year, consisting of Certificates of Dis unction, and Honorable Mention of the students who had not been ib&ent during the year. An un- sual targe number from all five schools received these lienors. The anuat Alumni Association reception wa? held Saturday night in the High school building This social feature of the com mencement though only a few fears old, has become one of the most enjoyable occasions and i Attended by a large number of Alumni. Refreshments were served and officers for the com- ing year were elected, Many enjoyed the hospitality of the school and association. The class day exercises took place Tuesday night at Green wood the camp of Mr. E. J. Green, near Eno river. These exercises consisted of class his tory, class prophecy, poem, and the jester's essay. Following these exercises, a picnic spread was made by the g'rls of the class and the appe tites of all sharpened by the long ride, received an ample satisfac tion. With the conclusion of the picnic, the twenty seventh com mencement of the Durham City High Schools was at an end. Items Irom RouQRmont Farmers are all smiles now on account of the rain which fol lowed such a long cool and dry spell. Tobacco has taken a start to ta grow. Hopes are good for a large crop of fruit this year. The peach trees in this section are loaded down with fruit. Strawberries are going and dewberries have filled their place. A Fkiend The famous Wright brothers, well known for their wonderful exploits with the flying machine, were in Durham for a short time Tuesday. They were merely passing through the city and stopped for a few minutes. THE ENDURANCE RUN. Over One Hundred Autooioblsts Visit . Durham. The Eighteen automobilles. making the Virginia-Carolina endurance run from Richmond, i Va., reached" Durham today. A terarun to ChaDel Hill andi back, the party was entertained i by the Merchants Association at Lakewood park. On their first arrival, the men were taken to the JSlk's club room and the ladies, of which there are 18, carried to the Cor coran hotel where refreshments were served. A run was then made to Chapel . Hill, On their return an immense barbecue and was waiting and dinner was served. A large number of the members of the Merchants' Asosociation many townspeople were present. ' ' "MIIIMii...,l..,iM Tbe Special Want Column. The manaegment of the; Dur ham Recorder, realizing the need of buyers and-sellers having some means of placing their wants be fore the public, has established a Special Want Co'umn for that purpose exclusively. In this column from week to week will appear notices of things forsale, and things wanted to be bought, as well as notices of help wanted, customers desired, and positions to be filled. To the merchants, this will offer an opertunity to place directly before the people his merchandise, to the reader a complete list of special bargains, and opportunities for purchase. In addition to this, the regular paid-up subscribers will be al lowed to advertise things which they desire to buy orlsell without paying one cent for the adver tisement Th.'s means that if you have something to sell or wish to buy a certain article, you may put it before the public in this colum absolutely free. lYour advertising will thus reach hun dreds of people, some of whom will doubtless want just the thing you have to sell, or will nave the article you wish to buy. In sending in your notice, state in as few posssble words your wants, and the ad will ap pear in the next issue of the Reorder. All notices must reach our office on or before Tuesday night in order to appear in that week's issue. If reach ing us later than Tuesday night the ad may appear in the next week's paper. Reade-Soulnerland Kuptuals. At the home of the bride's father, Mr. J. R. Recde, who lives in the northern part of the county, Mr. Lafayette Souther hnd, of Wilmington, and Miss May Reede were united in mar riage. - The bride is well known throughout this and surrounding counties and is popular with all who know her. The ceremony was preformed at an early hour that the couple might catch the train for Lynch burg, from where they will go on their bridal trip to Washington, Philadelphia, and other northern cities. They will then go to Wilmington, the groom' home town, where they will reside in the future. The wedding was attended by many friends and relative.--, a large aumber of Durham people b?ing present. The Second Baptist Sunday school will run their annual ex cursion to Wilmington on June 11. A special car Is arranged for the ladies and the regular fare of $2.25 wilt be charged, The train will leave the Union station at 6:15 a. m. sharp and East Durham at 6 25. Aldermen Meet. The board of aldermen met Monday night and transacted several items of business outside the routine work. ' An ordinance was fpassed ithat all coverings over the sidewalks within the fire limits should be supported by chains to an adjoing building as well as by columns under neath. Another order . was passed that no candy or lemonade stand should be place on Main street within ten feet of inside of sidewalk. Mr. John F; Wiley and Dr. C. A. Woodward were elected to serve three years as members of the board of health. The question of grading streets brought up quite a discussion be tween Aldermen Hill and Mason. The ' board finally decided not to undertake any new street work until all that now under construction be completed. . The various reports show that of the 130 cases before the Re corder's court, 108 were con vkteA, 11 dismissed, 1 bound over to the Superior court, 5 con tinued," and 5 appealed to the higher court. The total amount collected by the court for the month was $1,041.79. Mrs. Helen Chappell died from typhoid fever Saturday night at her home on Pettigeew street, She is survived by her husband and four children. The funeral was conducted from her home and the burial took place in the family burying ground in Wrake county. ESTABLISHED!': T iiti vi ii:.l ... . Tone.' There's a Piano for Every Purse Don't get the impres sion that we have no in strument at "popular price," and that it' lie-c-sary to look elsewhere liccause your mcaus are limited. We have the greatest range for choice, and re minlicr vo'i buy from fin-t bands, rnd terms are nmle to nuit jour convenience. Look about all you v. ih, then come here well in formed; the more you know, the U tter we like QMI. Siief flan! Co. J T-Fey Slmment, Manager, 1 No. 2u5 East Main Street, posite Court House. Op- i Official Piano Jamestown Exposition. For Insurance See J. L. ATKINS Agent The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. Milwaukee, Wis. Office Over Pridgen & Jones DR J, T M'CRACKEN DENTIST Trust Buildup, Durham, N. C. FOB SALE! White and Brown Leghorn Eggs si.w tor 15. White and Partridge Wyan dott Eggs $1.50 for 15. Orders booked fol future delivery. "Yh POULTRY PA11M, East Durhtm.N.C. S.G.BrigRa.fProp tfFCtftt(ttCttfftf t(f ttttCCttttf (titeffc UJ5NS NATIONAL BANK i - OF DURHAM, N. C. J "ORGANIZED MAY ist 1905. Capital ....?100,000.00 i Surplus and Undivided Profits..... .......... ... 73,455.28 Stockholders Liability . 10o!oo0.00 Depositors Protection......... .... .............. 273,455.28 . ' Officers J fc'B. N Duke, Pres. J. S. Manning, Vice-Pres. J. B. JVIason, Cashier. J Directorsi J J. B. Duke, President American Tobacco Company. t Y. E. Smith, Supt Durham Cotton Mfg. Company. C. L. Haywood, of Haywood & Boone Druggists. J. H. Southgate, of Southgate & Son, Insurance. 5 R. H. Ricsbee, Capitajist. 2 9- Rawls, Merchant B. N. Duke, J Director American Tobacco Co., and Capitalist. i J. S. Manning, Attorney-at-Law. N.M.Johnson, Physician and Surgeon. J J. B. Wakren, Capitalist and Farmer. J. B. Mason, Cashier Citizens National Bank. J DEPOSITORY OF THE PEOPLE, J THE COUNTY OF DURHAM, THE CITV OF DURHAM J? AND THE. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA J It will pay to deposit your uninvested money in this Bank, where it will be safe from fire and robbery, and earning you 4 pei ? cent interest, if left for 4 months term; it will be protected by $ fire proof and burglary proof safes and vaults; managed by pro- dent and conservative business men; and handled by courteous an 5 qualified bonded officers, always glad to wait on you. JJJ We invite new accounts, large and small, of Individuals, m Farmers, Merchants and Firms, that have not already done so, to m open an account with us. -"" .-. ' S ft Jii JJ TIME : If you reap a harvest, you must sow, and if you sow, you first secure the best seeds. We have pre- pared to supply your wants with a full and fresh 1 suddIv of v . Field and Garden Seeds in any ouantity you may want. If you want best and freshest Seeds come to lYEARBY'S I THF, PFOPTCTS DPTm QTHPtt a a ' MvanaatvaAM OUR BUSINESS Is to supply your wants, and to that end we have a number of competent men em ployed to find out what your wants and needs are. We have made a study of the needs of our customers and the number of ieople that are pleased with our goods and iriccs testifies to how well we study the jusiness. t ? ? ? V ? X YOUR BUSINESS A V V t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Demands that you purchase whore you can do the best for yourself, and that you make no mistake, we want to tell you that you can do no better than visit us and see wnat you can do with a little money here. We have saved a number of our customers money by selling them what they need in the home and on the farm, and would like to add you to that list, wo carry at all times a full line of General Merchandise, Brick Lime, Cement,, Guano and All Kinds Farming Tools Agents for Barbour EuoQics and Wagons, South Boston, Va. Coffins and Caskets Come and See Us K cades bvos. .HELENA, N. C. . the t X SINGER AND WHEELER and Wilson Sewing Ma chines Prices Reasonable I Terms to Suit Offices Durham and Roxboro V ? T V v y y y y y y y y. y y y ? 9 y y v Go. X !