t.' TIIE dekham recq;-dcv vvtJAii, i;., a Thursday, septembeu 15, mo!- 5 ".DE chose; jaE2s;tclve!y OF MEIECTE List of Registrars and Judges Select ed for the'Varlous County Pre. . 'rlnt'ta at a Meeting Held in the Courthouse In This City Monday. At a meeting of the. board of elec tions ot the county of Durham held at the courthouse In. Durham, N. C, at 12 o'clock m., on Monday, Sep tember 6th, 1910, all the members of the board, to-wit: 8, C. Brawley, R. P. Ueade and John W. Carpenter, being present, the following proceed ings were had: , On motion of Mr. Reads. 8. C Brawley was reelected as cahlrman of said board, and on motion of Mr. Carpenter, R. P. ReSde was reelected as secretary. .' The following were appointed" reg istrar and judges of elections at the varloua precincts of the county: " Maagum Townalilp. Rougemont H. L. Carver, rgi trar. , Judges Frani Critcber, J. J. Lawson. . Mangum's Store- W.1 M. Bacon, registrar. Judges Tenny Mangum and Vic tor U instead. Bahama A. W. ' Tilley, registrar. Judges Frank Ball and , Coran Tilley, . - ugTllle W. D. Turrentlne, regis trar. Judges N. H. Fleming and Claude Lashlcy. Iebanon Townalilp. Cox's Store J. D. Andrews, regis trar. ; Judges George Ftintotn rod John Lipscomb. . Couch's Store J. A. Henderson, registrar Judges J. O. Umstead and R. D. Rusaell. , Oak Grove Township. Barbee'i Stcre 0. C Stalling, registrar. Judges J. Wj Rogers and R. II. Husketb. ! Suitt's Store K, P. Nichols, regis trar. . ' . 1 Judges C. F.' Ross and W, Hodges. - Patterson Township. Pkkett'a 'Mill U. D. (Markhnm, reclstrar. Judges R. H. Blackwood and Jo tlah Atkins, Jr. " Horner's Store W. O. Harward, registrar. , . Judges E. II. Masscy and T., A. Parrlsh. ' - ' . Cedar Fiw k Tonhlp. Nelson O. M. Green, registrar. Judges B. R. Urven and L. A Pag. Dwrhaas Townalilp. West Durham, Northslde F. 8. Thomas, registrar. Judges U. Ed Cole and T. Pose... West Durham. Bouthslde W. Kneed, registrar. Judges L. J. Andrews and J Sultt. - 11 B. Brsgtown II. II. Belvln, regis trar. - Judget J. Ed Rogers and J. R. llorton. East Durham K. O. Ward, regis trar. Judges 0. D. Hayes and O. K. Proctor. Ferrell'a Store John Jt Proctor, registrar. Judges B. A. Peel and W. T. Pol- Will Speak in, Gome it bid; Mmt .!. miiiiiiiiiiiii'tmn mitiiiMiiiim"MMii;iiiiiiiimrmT Among the, Edison list of records for September will be v' found all the latest creations in Music and Comedy. I carry Edison Machine and records at all times and can .'; upply your wants. We will be pleased to .put your name ' ' on our mailing list and send you the list of new records ; each month if you will send your name and address. , iiiimmmtiiiitmmtwmmtmmmmtm8w H. A .GAS KINS 812 W. Main .St., Near Five lard.- - V Court House-r-G. 0. Farthing, reg istrar. ;.,-, . Judges J. 0. Bagwell and W. H. Proctor. Parrish Warehouse R. T. Hower ton. Sr., registrar. Judges J, M. FUntom and J. P. Wood . v Eakes' Store j; J. Pritchard, reg istrar. ' : . . f Judges P. J. O'Brien and Hubert O'Brrant. Five Points R. C. Cox, registrar. Judges A. H, Merrltt and J. R. P&tton. Hunt's Store-r-A. O. Elliott, regis trar. Judges Aubrey Underwood and IT. J. Winston. . - . Brady's Store John B. Walker, Jr., registrar. . Juges J. W. Hamilton and C. W. Massey, There boing no further business the meeting adjourned. - . 8. C. BRAWLEY, Chairman. ' ; . R. P. READE, Secretary. Dwicer cl Trouble WilhPMsnaNccrocs Washington, Sept. 13. The" criti cal conditions In Panama about which the state ; department ' has maintained an attitude of the utmost secrecy, culminated todsy In the recall of R. O. Marsh, secretary of the American legation In Panama, who baa been acting as charge, and the announcement tnat Thomas Daw son, minuter to Panama, rill pro ceed from Washington toe -arrow to take bp his duties on the scene. It Is believed here there Is Imminent danger of trouble between the Ameri- cans and the negroes. Tfce Police end Fire Ccndssioners R!eet I The police and fire commissioners met In regular session lsat nigbr and transacted the routine buslnesa of tho month. No very Important business was taken up, the biggest Items being the bearing of the regu lar reports from the departments under the eertrot of the board snd allowing the bill. heuioarii AxxorxcKs a xkw PKPAUTt RK IX KACtRSlOYR Jor the first time In Its Nstosf the Seaboard Air Line railway will rut. n excursion trim this rectl-tn t Jacksonville and I"aMift, Fla. A scale of rates has hen arranged that will make trip to these Florida cities in Inexpensive one and the Seaboard management hope to attract a goodly numbtr from bar! am and vicinity for the occasion. See date and rates in a uispiay advertisement on an other page. GO Out arid Hear Points ; Durham, N. C kaVAAAAAAAAsiAAA Two New Volinj ; Districts Created Two new voting distriefs were created last night at a meeting of the board ot elections, which met as was announced In the offices of Chairman S. C. Brawley. '.' One of these precincts will be on the Ferrell road. Just beyond the negro cemetery, at Fcs-sythe's store. rhls precinct will poll about 60 or 75 votes. The other will be at Lake- wood park, t.'je necessity for which has ben caused by the rapid growth of that Important suburb of the city since the last regulations were made. About 100, votes will be polled in 4hls precinct, the voting place to be at Moss' store. " The addition of these two new voting places will greatly conven ience the voters living nearby, who heretofore havo been compelioti to go quite a distance to cast their ballot Interesting Cases ' b Supreme Court Raleigh, Sept. 13. The Supreme court devotes this week to appeals from the third district, of which there are 1C, two of these being state cases, and of general Interest, both coming from New Bern. In one case a member of the board of city com mlmloners was Indicted, cbargd vith being a stockholder in a company with which the commissioners made a contract for supplies on behalf of the city. In the other coae the city commissioner was Indicted as being an employe of the company with which the contract was roado. The attorney general takes the view that the man who was a ittockholder of the company violated In spirit th i statute which lorblds ofTclals fro making contracts with firms In which they are Interested. In the case of tho employe the attrrnrv general takes the view that his being merely an employe did not make him nltcr- ested to such an extent as to be In violation of the statute. XRH. WATklNS IX CHARGE OF OLD II01'kIX!i HOt'SE. Mrs. E. A. Watkins will Uke charge of the old Hopkins house next Wed nesday afternoon and will serve her first meal In this holstery at supper time Wednesday. The popular board ing house proprietress will take a number of boarders with her from her present establishment on Dillard street and has a number of other .ap plications. The house has been newly papered and painted and since the departure of the former proprietor has been completely renovated and refurnish ed. The Hopkins house will greatly Increase the accommodations that Mrs. Watkins will be able to give both the permanent and transit boarders. v.-c - the ACADEMY day, Sept 209 7 M I I.ST0 MEIDEIIT GRKKXBBORO A NO CHARLOTTE PARTY I'PSKT NE.H SPEXCER. 'Spencer; Sept 13. Four persons kwere slightly hurt and one- seriously injured in automobile accident near Kanapolis, Cabarrus county, fifteen miles, south, of here yesterday after noon. ,' V ' V ' The Injured are J. A. Kluttz, drug gist' of Greensboro, badly hurt in head, tongue ; cut , and otherwise bruised; J. W. Ferguson, of Greens boro, slightly bruised; C. G. Fergu son, of Charlotte, slight bruises; Mrs. C, G. Ferguson, of Charlotte, shock ed and bruised. The party were In an automobile en route from Charlotte to Greens boro and when- rounding a sharp curve at 35 miles per hour, the brake failed to work, one tire -exploded and the machine turned turtle. With Miss Rankin seated by bis side, the machine was ; being run by Mr. Kluttz, both Wen pinned feat under the body of the maehino, while the other members of the party sustain ed only severe flesh wounds." . Czarina Alarmed for! Safety ol loved Ones Badnaubeim. Germany,- Sept 13. All the medical treatment In the world can't do the czarina any perma nent good, what she needs is 'peace of mind. She Is suffering from a morbid unconquerable fear for tho lives of her husband and children, especially for the life of the heir apparent" SIIOC K OF SHOT MAT BE MEAXS OF HESrOItl.VG KEAS0. Fayettevllle, Sept 13.--Geo. Par ker, white, attempted suicide at mid night Sunday night 1 Linden a railway station several miles north of Fay ettevllle. He has recently showed signs of insanity and his physicians bad a watch placed over him. Sunday night while the watchers were In an adjoining room to Parker' and bis wife. Parker shot- blmte!f with a breech loader by placing the barrel under his chlu and pulling the trigger with his toe. He was brought to the hospital here by Dr. Melvin Physicians say the wound Is not apt to be fatal and that In case of recovery, the shock may be the means of restor ing bis reason. ANOTHER DURHAM YHTIX OF BREADED PELLAGRA. Pellagra claimed' another victim yesterday afternoon In the person of Mrs. J. M. Matthews, who died at her home on Railroad street She was Just twenty-five years old and bad been III for many months. Her case was one of the most violent that the physicians have seen in many months. The medical men could render little aid to the stricken woman as the dis ease bad gotten too great a bold be fore they took the case In band. ' Mrs. Matthews was buried this morning, the funeral services being conducted from the home at 11:30 by Rev.W. C. Barrett pastor of the Sec- loud Baptist church. . INCREASED ATTEXDAXPE AT C0SC0KD PUBLIC SCHOOL. Concord, Sept ' 13. The public srfiools opened yesterday with more than a thousand school children in at tendance. Prof. Webb and his able corps of assistants bad made every preparation for the openirg and the work of assigning the children to the various grades was transacted with quickness and dispatch. The total attendance at the two schools Is 1072 and the prospects for a most successful school year are very gratifying . At the negro school there were present 231, perhaps the largest at the opening since the schools were established. HiiiL . B. A YGOOC DEATH OF ELDER WDDDARD WILL KX0KN PRIMITIVE BAPTIST PREACHER PASSES AWAY. Advice reached Durham from Wilson last night telling of the death of Elder William Woodard on Sunday., Elder Woodard has preached In the Primi tive Baptist church of this city sev eral times and was well known in Durham. The elder was In his eigh tieth year and was universally esteem ed as a preacher and a citizen. Elder Woodard bad been ill about two Weeks with a bronchial affection which developed Into acute pneumonia fin ally ending In death. Yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock In the Wilson Primitive Baptist church, the pastor. Elder P. D. Gold, officiating, after which the body was gently laid 4 to rest In Maplewood cemetery where sweetly sleeps, bis first wife who was Miss Delphia Roun tree (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wi'ey Rountree) who preceded him to "The Great Beyond" eighteen years ago, and his daughter, Mrs. Varlna Aycock, and two of her children. Did Arkansas Go Willi Maine? Well Rather Little Rock, Ark., Sept 13. Returns from yesterday's election show major ities in favor ot the initiative and referendum amendment ' and 'the usual large pluralities for the demo cratic ticket Returns, however, are meager and both the supporters and opponents of the ameudmeut claim to have won. The returns so far Indi cate that a light vote was cast . EXCURSION FROM RALEIGH TO (iUKENSHOUO FOR WHAT An excursion from Raleigh to Grensboro passed through the city station this morning. It carried five cars, four colored and one white The hangers on at the station who worry Captain Renn day in and day ouf thought that the excursionists were n bunch from Raleigh, who tame up to see the show and inci dentaily take a look at a city,- but they were disappointed when the train pulled out to Greensboro, which is also a dry town legally. RALEIGH'H GROWTH HAS BEEN PHENOMENAL SAYS REPORT Raleigh, Sept 13. The annual meeting of tho Raleigh chamber of commerce will be held tonight and the reports of the president and the secretary will shew that Raleigh has passed all records In growth during the past twelve months. In building and street improvements. The work of laying asphalt on the streets be gan yesterday and Is to be finished by the 10 ot October, so the contrac tors say. CHAXGE IX SOUTHERX'S FAST TRAIX SCHEDULES. Asheville, 8ept 13. It is rumored In railroad circles here that the South ern Railway will change the route of Its Memphis-New York fast train, now running by Bristol. Lynchburg and the Norfolk and Western Railroad, torun via Asoeviue ana Salisbury striking the Southern's main line at the latter place. This will give this section another fast through train to the east and be of great advantage to through travel. ABBESTED OX CHARGE OF KILLING HIS BII0THER. Wilkesbarre, Pa., Sept 13. George Walker, Is under arrest here today In connection with the killing last night of bis brother, John, aged 30, who was shot through the heart while keeping a death watch over the body qf his daughter. The shooting Is said to have occur red as a result of a quarrel In the Walker family. of MUSIC in This City Ladies Are Invited iniiiiiiinmiiniiitiiiiiHiiiinii'imiiir Ml ( a! Sneed, Markham Taylor Co. Durham, : Our bargain Once a year we place upon our bargain counter special values in SUITS and many -people have secured real .bargains by coming Into getoue - of these suits. This year we have marked these. 8uiU at ' $5.50 $7.50 $10.00 - ; (0ne.Thlrd Their Actual Cost) ;';..' which means they will sell fast and If, you want to avail your self of the opportunity, you must do' so at once. These Suits are not all carried-over stock, but some of them are Oils season's goods and for real service are Just what you have been needing. We could tell you much more about these suits, but you can i learn more if you will come, and see them. Don't fall to avail pourselt of this opportunity to save money. W0 A. kte CdDo Permanently Located ! We are now permanently located In Klrby's old S and 10 Cent Stor and have the largest and bent se lected stock of sll grades of foot wear we have ever carried. , When you need Shoes come to fie us. t I Perry-llorlon Shoe ft). ONE PRICK K1IOEKH SEE iosYoor You may be as "touchy" in re gard to the looks, make and fit of your suit as you please and still you can be fully satisfied here. We had particular folks iii mind when we bad our suits made. ' Note the hang of the coat, the perfect fitting collar and lapels,, tho handsome shoulders, the grace of' the trousers, the designing, cut ting and tailoring were all done by the most high class experts. The patterns And collorlng of the fab rics are entirely new. Men's Salts and overcoats at $10, ' ' $13.00 and up. Our furnishing goods and bat de partment has not been neglected ; you will find ail the ney styles in hats and Toggery and the price is low. '-. N. C. 1 fen 9 r 117 WIST MUX STREET. Mi Minsk My- Durham Ore hestra,