:JV.W:l(r,' n t Pflt ri ifir Uli MIL ULULMIL UMai puis haioc; lexim, ceLeerjttest " ' j--- r :v?;; , ' '; ,- "T.' " t':'L'. J 'l '',1 SOCIETY r vv im v v an t i f i 1. f Tit w iki-i w mi. vi icti . . . . . i, i jj i , j i Itrt rtp Cave Cs S!sr.j la llvlsj Exptsses i !', 4 V.;,!' tf..' ion!; Roanoke Rapids, Nov. 16. Roanoke Rapids experienced last night one of the most destructive electrical storms In its blB'tory, In .the form of a vlo lent thunderbolt about 6 p. m. About 12 residences and bulldlnea struck by this flash. Including the waptist church, the front of which wg almost comr.letpiv and th building, set on fjre.ix boy oi it years of ago. Walter .Parker, JY WITH TIlOl'SAXOS IMtKSK.NT Vr , . , .. t j "The Guest Road Sewing Cii cle was VLexlngtori;' Nov. iflv Exercises 'qt home coming week 'began today, the merchants and manufacturers having charge of ,: the ceremonies. At 11 o'clock decorated .automobiles and fine turnout of' all kinds formed in line of parade i the city park. The Tbomasville and Lexington military companies and two bands were in the parade. More than 30 magnificent was in the! floats,' representing every industry in Lexington, were in line, i Nothing like it has ever beed seen in Lexing ton, the parade being more tnan a mile long, and fully 10,000 people saw it. M. V. Richards, of the South ern railway, made, a fine address at noon and the awarding of prises took place at 3 o'clock. The biggest days of the week are yet to come, educa tional day tomorrow and farmers' day Friday. ' Nine, thousand school children will be here tomorrow. Chicago, .Nov.'-HTbat to the biggest corn crop in, the history of the United Stater and not fear of adverse legislation la dim tn falllnv .'jff of big provsion houaea here tdday.l'v' ln .the exun' u Wa9 ,n tlM "Never in ihV f.t ' i. Chwch ttt the tlm ot tne Ilasn Bnt .sever in the history of business! was Instantly killed. . ' ' ! i.iere ueen sucn an influx of bogs The residence of Mr. W, C. Ed and cattle," said representatives of ward was Also set. on fire by. the the packers, V rrr- i flash, the flames in both instances be- Tbis dn tn th to' , ',n QuIcWy extinguished by tho J. 10 th re,lt Braln! Prompt and efficient action of the lire crops and, of course, prices are down, (department. "And they will be down atlll lower."! ' The residence of Mr. Reuben LaasJ ., In Chicago markets beef.' nor k nii!ter wa ! struck and one corner mutton prices nave reached a point ?f am torn UP- 8everal other rrs ' three to eiaht cent, he.nw ,., . hd hol ." ' them. ' M . "immujii fwawr ami weameruoaroiriR, a year ago. and from 20' to 50. per'the lightning entering through tele , tent, below the prices nf 1908. . ; : phone and light . wires.. . "A dozen or Turkey are four cents cheaper j mo''e P"ople who were waking on the than last year, and chickens are down! treeta at the time werd. thrown lo i tt?t enna Itu. . . ... Vv. A " aiihoi ever article or ,uo ouuu anu siunnea oy tne flash, food in Chicago has dropped except! The power station of the Roanoke! bread, which still sells aa it did when! RP'ds Power company was struck I , wheat wa ten cents higher than to-!''d one of their 100-horse power gen-i day. This, dealers say, is accounted i""ators demolished. . T for by the fart that bakers loaded up1 ' "our B'h prlcee. expecting ivtv PC4rftrc still further rise. Now that prices, J1AV rc33djjCr5 are down they are Mill clearing out! - . . . their stock, at the high figures. f PrCbntlV DCud - Iluitton Affected.' ' j ' food aiavl. it, the fu mto niarket 1 ' MMrk- Mlna" Nov- 1 Xewi t' 1 arl in.pejHi tint Culebrat cut, today dropped S L V lZ Th1'C,Ved here tuday lt ib t.Tu ' .V flct,ffiplfti?" 'bU .l!to. ..arte, U, lo; .y ot fmer Wolverine. wh.,:h ha. been J ' J u" hel1 tn TAFT WS ACTKPTS IXV1TATIOX OF PUKSI. IKXT OF THAT HEPUMJC. entertained yesterday bv Mrs. A M Gates in her rooms 6u Watts street. The afternoon was delightfully spent In the. discussion of current topics, while all were at work with some kind of fancy sewing. The meeting wa. unusually small, several of the ladies being unable to attend. ! Deli ckus'"sandwiches and tea were serv ed also a sweet .course. Those pres ent were Mrs. E. O. Cnrrin, Mrs. Geo. H. Naah, Mrs. Flowers, Mrs.,Merritt; Mr.t W. H. Wannamaker, Mrs.- Frank Brown. Mrs. W, K. Boyd. -( ., ;-!, L? . I j) MM Brook's Birthday Party. , .Mfss Annie Brockj last evening from 8:30 till 11:30 had a large .num ber of hee younger friends to help her in celebrating her 16th bit today. On arriving at the borne the guests were made, welcome by Miss Brook. dreBsed in a dainty frock of Dink lawn. who met them at the door. They were given tally cards and all found their places at the tables set in the ball sitting room and dining room, at these tables the new game of Chau tecler was Indulged In. It Is a very interesting game and being entirely new to , most of .the guests, their mistakes were not looked upon a. they would have been bad they known the but everybody laughed at the A till -. I.k iDrMrln I Ml..al .... 4r nlfi, MimuMi rkttu lur -1U rr- rU fur au.l i-lirr l 1 k Ha 4rtUrmran tt ibM ulaan. lull i, r"Jf!" r9vm SOS, r rla A. D, T. (WmIwi VaJast ea bos. Panma ic u.M p. game, but everj neAuA tmiav tn n ...Ma f m,.i.!otne'" mistakes, as they were indeed numerous. When this was over the table, in the dining room were put to- WANTED. WANTED Governess and house keeper, also stenographer and book keeper at once. Apply room 15, Wright .building. is-4t. (4 s FEDERAL SUPERVISION LOST Black ribbon watch fob with gold locket with Initials W. B. K. Liberal reward if returned to , the Sun office. . - 14-3t. WAXTED to rent two brick store., on Main street, opposite trust bijfilding. Apply to G. C. Farthing. tf. FOR BALB. FOB SALE Old paper., 10c per hundred, at Sun Office. BUSINESS ROTICK. PA1MLSTBY Madam Eldon, greatest palmist ever seen in Durham. Tells the history of your life by the science of hand reading.' The only true method. Corner Main and Corcoran streets, up stairs. decided today to go outside of Ameri can territory by accepting the invlta- . . i . u . i. . the president of Panama. This is for 'geUier makln 01e 'ong table and ine purpose or notifying the Panama!" "c bci n seaiea. president that the United State. ha.'A i"ie birthday cake was brought no tntenton of annexing bis republic. j,n tll, ,B tn ter there was a very Taft today Inspected the Culebrat cut, 4 proud looking Chantecler round him . "m i uuwm. lue Diuwinx oui oi these afforded a great deal of amuse- ward setting nrlres throiiehout Vw m,88'.n 'r three weeks, was found- Ktigland ai.d at Qnlnry markets it . e wlnn,lK w,th crt" was slated that the tower prices 2.1 at ,aBt 60 l'engera. would likely remain at their present T b,r' xhtnc tnl ome levtl over Thanksgiving and urobablf "l ,0 Wnda is the lake. throiiah the bolidava 'j nut so cannot be reached until Beef baka are down 1 cent.: lamb and veal. S vents; pork, thickens, ,! bam and bacop 2 lo a fenu, and k- I tatnet, rents. the lake freexet over and will prob ably starve to death in the meantime liaham Item. ' - Bahama. Nov. It. The Bahama Kan. iy -rlre U,wer hi!h ,Khoo, ,U lve a bo" Prl' ,l vi v ... ;lhe achool next Friday night at 7.30 of nearfv a n'nt til Z' ' ' rJc" P- We exoeet a large crowd and atuff. In K.L. t .COTmon . 1 0,, ,,m- Everybody Invited. r. ifc" " ";unu Krl O. Harris the prlre 'avnagtd Meat Drnita ra Vrk-. jhama. and guess the , "youngster Ne.ark. ,v j., Kgr, i..Th; .l ,.. ?'ra. L mi. MUVUI ,1111, VI 1UQ UIID VI be finished. RAIUtOAD OFHt tKH ELECTEB AT AMXUAL MEETISO A. V. L. Richmond, Nov. 6. At the annual meeting of stockholders of the Aabri tic Coast Line Railway, held here today, the following officer, were elec ted: i. President. T. M. Emerson ; first vice president. Alexander Hamilton: aeo lond vice-president; C 8. Gadadn, third vice-president, J. R. Keuly; counsel. Alexander Hamilton: srr. tary and assistant treasurer, H. L uoruen; general manager,' W. .V. The largest drop w., In,',,, prld,y nIgDt. Botn motn and!Ry; eKhl traffic manager, t A. f Mrk and bf, which child are doing welL Mr Harri. I. Br-,",i Pnger traffic maaafi..', W. I efk per pound. carrier on R K U. No J from B.-'T' Cr": comP,ro,," "- M. tTZ ... !hama. and cues the . "rounaster" 'I!' h J- HC". J- B. Kirby. ! W. R. Thomas. 1. Moultrie Lee l The reuort of Comntrnlter H C Prince indicated a net Income for he fear of $C993i.-4.03. an Inere.st as P..nd la ,he reta., JmTZ!1 tTOm redTcttn lnTh.frt7ir t, V m'UI ,n l,"nam mber 1 for the 'lod of ,aU "r '"an $2. renuriicm in toe price of chicken and ! . .. .. ... . liO.oon. Th 4ira.tAr. .i... price, in tbe near future. Butcher.!. ..f'VV '" .of T'Z ,T.a hM ! .... . .uuiriim. iuuieu in r.. ami m ri j ij. a - - iiva' ui i.r i hia nAi..i. S rif-V .u . p ,n Turner last Sunday.' . -Keeping the stock on a s per cent 1 ... Grace ifl ment. Refreshment, in two courses were served consisting of a salad course, a sweet , cou'ee and fruit punch. The evening was most hap pily spent by these vouna neonle who a. hearUly when telling their bos- I teas gooa mgni wisued her many happy returna aud many such nice parties. . . ,. :.. .,. . . ., , Miss Brooks was the recipient of many presents. . . ,, .... - About 30 young ladiea and gentle men were present x ., PERSONALS. Miss Carrie Bel via after a 'visit in tb,e city left this morning. Miss Pauline Hartmaa of Greens boro is the guest of Airs. & Copland. , Miss LIsxie Cooper of Fayette ville arrived In the city this morning and will spend a short while. with rela tives.' ., . . ..V, -' ' . Mr.. Tom Paine of. Richmond. Va.. arrived yeau day afternoon and af ter apendlng the night with frlenda left tbi. moroiug for Raleigh. , Josle Ferman of Boston. Mae... jrUe. a. ronaumers. a the former aay that they will sell more and therefor make more money. 'basis. Ferodell Oat Meal, same phot and ..,, . . mora of It Patterson Broa. Co. IS-tf TKIMTT LPISf OPAL IBlIifn Mis. Grace Maaon left this morn. : iog for Raleigh where ahe will be the (guest or Miaa Annie Duncan I m: .. .... .. . ' aaa apaa-a i iia n.n i.iiia.iMMiaM.MaMaawaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaajpaaaaaaw II ItP iKHCiiiis iDrn Miss Fannie Green left this morn. 4" . - i Ing for Raleigh to make a abort visit vov. is. innity Episcu-'to r.iends in the city. Always Fresh Candies Nunnally'i are not only th highest crade canJic you can buy, but the freshest. Every t box we stll has been .hipped u by fait expre u a nt. " C. E. King & Sons Haywood & Boone . Dal Church, one of tha aAtmt nt thi. icity, was destroyed by fire last night, t When the blase was discovered by ' members of the cbolr who were prac : Ik-ing in the forward part of the base ment, used aa a Sunday achool room. the whole chancel waa ablase. The Mr. T. L. Brown after a vlalf in frlenda in Charlotte returned to the city this afternoon. Mr. Sidney C. Chimoer left this morning for Raleigh where he will cpena tne day. Mrs. T. L Pollard after a so.irt vls- TCXLDO CLEASIX6 A PBESSIXG Co., 128 East Main street, opposite . Edlsonla theatre. Garment re ' paired, hat cleaned and blocked ' while you 'Walt. Shoe shining par lor for ladle and gents. Open Sun days. ; We solicit your patronage. 26-lmo. " LOST Pearl Cross Breastpin with gold mountings, between first Bap tist church and 510 Mangum, St. : Liberal reward will be paid if re turned to this office. - 14-3t LOST. HTRAVKI) OR HTftl.KY From my residence on Mangum St.! 5 a small female fox terrier, about!! eight months old. Black spot on back near tall resembling figure eight. . Mark in face slightly, like question mark. Answers to name of Flip. -Suitable reward for re turn. W. G. Brambam. 14-3t Try this establishment when you need help for the eyes. We are pre pared to make an intelligent exauii nation of the eye. Class prescribed, ground and fitted to the correction of all defect of .vision. ''"- '" ' . DR. 8. BAPPORT. OBce Over Kronnelmnrs store. , flame fanned by a high wind toon it to relatives and friend returued to j enveloped the entire structure aud tho ! her home thi morning, .effort of the firemen were directed! Mis Eula Wet or Blowing Rock 'at first to save nearby dwelling. The who ha been in the city the past J sparks wre driven ror more than than few weeks left this morning for Ral itwo block by the wind and one or lRb. two building were caught but these! Mr- Tom J. Hart of Henderson. (were easily extinguished. Later fourHPent the night In the olty. and tbla itream of water were , directed at j morning left on the early train for the church and the flame gotten on-1 Richmond. ;der control. I Mis Pattie Reed of 8talesvllle. af- t . T . . ". ter a ahort Slav in our dir. left thia J I -ru ;rM!,u''" ' ornlnr for her home. J The Graustark company that tilay-1 un vt-. ur.... ... ' sed at the Academy of Music lat .n. .. . .7. . CONDENSED STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION-' w tuSSnSJSSL SZ'SZ?! JSatlSi ? - nr TMr jlnce of the season. The company j tomorrow for Raleigh. OI' JUL , wa the original, right from a long! Mia Annie Fuller of Oxford U In . 1 run In New York eltv anil th anrf.Uk. . ... ,,HPEL1ITY BANK Of Durham, N. C - - - , -j. - - ; " i nut eiriK oi .MaueiOtllC iSlXm KAXTO ina'Lxnxration C omm nn'' " nbt p to the At tUA : wt .... .... .Gt-orge Barr; McCuttheon ill IIIVVIWL Ui ihi.miios, mwv. ium, ; - ' .-resources' Loans and Investments run in .ew yora city and the aud- ;,he city, the tue of frUn.i. ...a ,.i fiance laat night, didn't fail to recog-'.uve lt that they were ftettlnc the fceatj. Mrs. W. F. Ctley. of Apex, arrived I A1 T"1'0 1,1,M,,TW,,,,ar' ciy ihla morning and will be & ,y , v" vr'n1.f";n' 't of Mr. Kate Richardson, s Lorry, was the typical New Yorker, on Cleveland .treet. .not arram or anything in any place. I ,r, a M. Holton and ton, Alfred. " "' " un thi morning for Mocksvllle to Gt-orge Barr: McCuRhcon pictures jvl.it relative. . joiin Artaur m. nnn aa Harry An- Mrt, W. a. McAlll.ter left this gulsh. U.rry. frle,d. made a big morning for Raleigh where the will ,hlt. Baron Dougl. played by Johns be the guest of friends, til. Lewi and Gabriel. Prince of! ir. u f . .... .... SEND YOUR Lace CurJains TO MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE 196 Furniture and Fixtures Cash . . , . . r-ivl, in Vault nnl WSth PLo M.ll 11 T MUMf HUM ITIIII IMillll a a r ivni r iia m imtbdv nw i iiiiia ! t mt aaai 1. 443. Oi. lb . " .. - in iot iiaiiunore, where ahe waa A lilm'Ml0,,",,,r ,trnf .1d Mi ,h0 ""'"t of ber ,erlu. Ml- 6,UlH.WU.udlence every second hey were onne of her graod-dauahter Kihel 9 046 81 ,h' 'U"t''- miit ". 8-y.GladHtelB. " ...... r. auu Mrs. W. M. KDeltOn left JA17l.M;o'ni too nice can be aald abo.it thi morning for Danville where they I blW. I trill 11 In Iha lulnr. Total Casli Qipital Stock Surplus Undivided I'rofits, Interest Reserve Deposits . . i Ml Chrystal Benson, a Tetive, $1.81.1000.51 ilTlncea of Graustarg is McCutch LIARILITIES XAD.IX Li.no. The Palmist Supreme, will remain The attention of the Duhlic is rcsncctfullv rnltrd fnthf above'statcment. Wc will be pleased to have all iwrsons wno arc seeking a safe place to deposit their active or idle funds to call on or write us. Li N. DUKlv, President JOHN F. WILY, Cashier F I. FULLER, y-IVes. S. W. MINOR, Ass't. Cash. i eon's Ideal tirlncea. and that I ear- it . ,,-- ' a- w. i niu Miasm intf t?Vfr?(hiiir Mla Anvn Dnrinrt ' Iti ihm ttw hi m, t.- " . ' v tmra ivusrre YeMvr. maid, was all that could be Other brwuliiff i , " eji-.a vviun !fin AAA fA; BPW o" company;, wa much ; ner early departure. . Kverybody In ivu,vuu.ww,ironger man It a last year. which Uurham should not fail to see this $.100,000.00 ta w' unu,,,",' ,n fact H l- ' lifted woman, and get accurate In oi inn m-numt B-tar company, and no j formation on all the affair of life. y-tfJlU.ijone could poaalbly be disappointed Love, marriage, divorce, business. 6 000 00 n,,,nr tby have read etc. a1 truthfully told by the ohly ' w. IH.-II.FU'M-l'aiflllllITT, MM ; advertisement elsewhere In thi pa- (luilera AIhmH InnimlnR Hteamcf. New York, Nov. . Rteamer Pan Giorgio, whlrh arrived today from Naple. reiwrted the death during pasaage of two paasenger from cholera while a third was sick of the disease In the ahlp'a hospital. Vea set and all paaenger being detained at quarantine. "" ! " ltnilnn. Xn I .tlnln iha . SI 813 000 51 jn,,nrMnent nf a decreaae1 In the price ( Vs' t pf foods, a big restaurant concern of thi. liy lth a chain of restaurant all over the country today cut their 'tvice. ... Prh-e) of H.g I. Indlsnapolls, Ind., Nov. 18. The wholesale price of dremed hnga fell off I cent per pound here todsy, and another decresse la exiwcted. Beef remain the same. Pork, price have been declining for tin day. Piedmont .to Co. and . . Subscription Agency M. FROALME, M g'r. 227 West Martin Street, , Raleigh, N. C. Subscriptions taken for all Popular Magazines. Send for the Magazine Guide giving club rates of Magazines and periodicals.. for Glass that give Satisfaction Be Nobody else sell Havenner Wash ington Bread made, ia Washington. Patterson Brta. Co. . Iltfi BE. It. ROSENSTEDf, ' Optometrist Ovs Edlawnla Theatre, ' la Kaat Mala Btreel, rr Someone Has Said! ''Business ; Ckcs Where It is Invited and Stays Where.it is Well Treat ed". " It is coming our way ., and staying wftli us. 4 , , Join the Steady Crowd ! The steady growth oi this bank is significant endorsement of the sen timent: MA satisfied cus tomer is the best advertisement." Ml H FIRST NATIONAL BAN DURHAM.N.C. JULIAN. S. CARR. PREST WJ.HOU-OWAY, ' CASHIER $222 PEB YEAR We Assure You Absolute Security, Prompt Attention and Courteous ;!, Treatment The Citizens National Bank v OF DURHAM. N. C. Resources over $1,200,000.00. . B. N. DCKE. President, T. B. FULLER, VicPree. . B. MASON, Caabier. ' " " .'. Find Out About The Service rendered to depositor at this bank ask any of the hundred who have Checking accounts with u. They'll tell you It is made np of Accuracy, Promptness. Courtesy, and Security That our officer take a personal Interest in each deposi torisn't thia the kind of a bank you'd like to do business with? We cordially Invite new account, Our capital $100,000.00. . r Surplus 300.000.00. Beside our commercial department, we have an active Saving Department which pay I per cent Interest on all deposit. " ...,.. . FIDELITY BANK DURHAM, N. C Carve Thai Turkey or Possum With a new Carving Set from our new stock'of Stag Handle Sets . Trices range from $3.00 for2 piece sets up to $15.00 for 3 and 5 piece sets. All guaranteed of the best quality. v i SNIDER-UMSTEAD CO. JEWELERS :: k. PHONE 515 Leatliep Goods H hate e'n ply one ef (he largest slorl f leather aad velvet hg ever shewn la Darham, pi Ire range from (a $11.00. H Invite year InspeftloD, Jones & Frasier, In& $

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