14 M. t it 14 4 ; i u 1 The Events of - the World In Paragraphs. i ' " AVIATION ACHIEVEMENTS. , A finmmary of Affair at Home and !l Abroad Mlscellaneoui Happen lug t Explosion Storm and f Shipwreck Qamee aud Rum. " JAXUAKT. , I ClfTord Pinch ot,' chief forester, re f moved by President Taft. ' 1 S SIUHUAnT. IS. Herbert Gladstone, whose father, W. IX Gladstone, "the great rammonw," I twloe declined a seat In the House of i lords, elevated, to the peerage. '-. ' ' ' "" AUBCil. .' 1' ... II Ex-President Roosevelt reached Khar turn on his return from Africa. 11 Premier Aaqultb's resolutions llmltlni the veto power of the bouse of lords carried In the house of common by majority of Id , & The British house of lards passed the notorious Liberal budget bill. SKAT. 4 King Oeorge V. proclaimed ; throat hoot the British empire, U. South A fries n un ion proclaimed at . Ifetorta. . 11 Ei-Tresldent Theodore Hooae ' velt welcomed In Kew Tore; on his return from his ' African and Euro pean trip. The "railroad" Mil. creatine a court of commerce and amending the In George V. terstate commerce act of HOT, became a law. Con cress adjourned, Una. l'orflrto Llas re-elected president f Mexico. rmtetsxa. - Emperor William of Germany and Prancla Joseph of Austria met at Vi enna. oc-rosea. - Republican uprising In Lisbon. King Manuel of portueal dethroned. The army and nary skied with the revolu tlerikils. who proclaimed a republic El-tJovemnr Charles E Hifithe too the eeth of ofnc as Justice of the ; laited 8ts.es supreme court at Wash lngten. - , XX Crows Prhve Chowf Msha VsJIra- Ch. who visited this country to 1X0, preclalmed king of Slam. omiri. I, Insults to the American flag In the tlty of Keatco. American ctUsens at tacked. 4 1 emrrmtle landslide In several etatee In state elections and a Demorrette j khouae of reprssentsttvee In conarea ! rVvturned. alaasachuaetta. Connecticut. ! ' New York and New Jersey started ; . ttrmocratto governors to succeed Re ' publican governors, snd Ohio re-elect- ed a I-esnorrstle governor. Ml' iTesMent Taft sailed from Charleston en the cruiser Tennessee on an official visit to the republic of rename and the canal none. 11 lYesident Taft addressed the Pana mans at a stste banquet and dsrtared that there would be no annexation of the repubUe of Panama to the I'nlted State. &. ITesldent Taft reached Fort Monroe on his return trip from Panama. Revolutionary uprisings snd some light Ins In several cities of M-iko It. The Br Ulh parliament dissolved by royal prw tarnation. ' " ' tScansca. 1 Gen. rorfliio Pisa Inaugurated presi dent of Mexico fur the elithih tiros. 4 The last session of Ihs (1st congresa , opened. 4 lTn.l.tnt Tuft's mesas recommend- sd that the Tenants renal be fortified, ' a ship subotdy, limited parcels poet - t aad a halt In legttlailon on eorpors f tiona. ' H AeavN-late Justice fdrtrd rvnirlass Whits of the Cntted State supreme , court appointed chief Juatlra. Jodxe i . Willis Van Itrvanter of Wyoming and i " Ja1w J. It. ijimar of Ocorgte notnl nated ereoctate Justices. 7 NATURE'S MOODS. lAwcasr. M. The river R'lne exceeded hlgn water snerk In I'aria, emUngortng the city and paralysing traffic. S. Mising of the wsiere of the Seine m I"nii- i'MrM hy the ranatlon of rain; snnsre miles Inundated; loss sell , ntated over Mlu.OW.oe, . -, rCBHl'ARf. U Eruption of eob-eno rosea. Costa Klcs, destroyed K Uvea A. Over M deaths In anowstUee la the mountains at norther Idaha. Maarn. . I Abnnt lot deaths from snowsltdea la the mnuntalns of Wsilnglo. i. Snowelide In Ro(rs pase Iteitlih Co lurabla. caoeed the loss of upward ot ' C llveo. . Aran. It Violent snowstorm, wind and f reefing temperature caused destruction at bud- , ding fruits In the cent rel lake region, extending south 10 Tennessee. - r. 4 Earthquake In Costs Piles; pro vinos of Certato nearly d-etrofed; estimated oe ef life over I W). ' - II Earthquake shocks In Ostlfornln. la. Earthquake shocks at los Angelee and ' vicinity. It The eerth paaeed through the tell ef llailey's evihdi at 10.17 p. m , New ' Tork time. Violent earthquake shuck at Salt Lake - lopft ' Clovdmirst wiped out severs! vfflaeee In eastern ' Hungary ind destroysd Shout ao lives. tiestrurtive earthquake In soiilhem Italy; upward ef l' deaths. Cloudburst In the Ahr vslley, Frussla, deetmyed 150 lives. Wlndelorm esueed death of 11 people In New Tork city. , , JI-LT. g) firrsotie killed snd hundreds Injured fey a toenails nenr Milan, Italy, . ' at'ot-er. flood In Tnkre deetrnyed over irrg feonees) and shops and over 1. 00 live. ' Keeping Terlal!in1r st It flvei that dlitlnctlon, ttyl ind lndlvfdttal liy Ira culm for all our work. Th 14 "A fierce Morm swept over Europe, causing a Heavy loss of. life on the English coast and on the Baltic- ,- - 11 A hurricane caused widespread devas tation in Cuba, :. -t . 14 -A West 'India hurricane struck tilt coasts of Florida and South Carolina, 0. Ischla, an Island In the Mediterranean, and Naples swept by a hurricane; 10 .". dead in Ischla. ' ' DECEMBBK, ' 1 Heavy storm of rain and snow la th northern and eastern states. : JANUARY. 4 Charles W. Morse, convicted New Yrk ; banker, began a IB year sentence In the United States penitentiary at At "' lanta. : B, The organlzsd volunteer militia of the , United States became a permanent ad , Junct of the regular army establish " rnent by ths operation of the Dick law, 11 John R. Walsh, 'Convicted Chicago ' banker, began serving his I year tern In the federal prison at Leavenworth, 1 Kan. , 17. Indictment of the New Tork World In the Panama libel ease quashed In the , I'nlted States circuit court In New York. . - . i- r rcnnuAay. 4 Edward Payson Weston started from Loe Angeles, CaL, on bis walk to New '' York, 4 The Connecticut "hatters' boycott" case decided In favor of the plaintiff, " with an award of damages against the " Individuals who Instituted theSboyeott amounting lo M. Strike of the street car men began la Philadelphia. tL Rioting In Philadelphia due to the car men's strike resulted In the death' of five people; 100 Injured. O. The Nlcarsguan revolutionist defeat ed at Tasma, losing Wt in alL- : atAncH. . : , .( I General walkout In Philadelphia to aid the striking street car men. 4 Nicholas Tschalkovsky, Russian revo lutionist, acquitted on charge of crim inal activity. State wide striks declared In Pennsyl vania In sympathy with the Philadel phia car men a atrlke. 15. Xorge Cannon, coustn 'of Lerny Can. son. American, who waa executed by Zelays. hanged for conspiracy at CO rlnto. Nicaragua, by order of President Malrta, XI State wide sympathy , strike to aid the Philadelphia car men declared off by the Pennsylvania labor unions. arnit. 14 Col. Duncan B. Cooper, ens of the con- VtrtM murderers of Benstor E. W. . Carmaek. pardoned by Gov. Patterson of Tennessee. 14 Knttves attacked foreigners and burn ed missions at Changsha, Hunan prov ince, tnina. 14 Philadelphia ear strike ended with soma advantages to ths strikers. 14 Dedication of Hall of American Re- -, publico at Washington, . MAT. 1 Edward Parson Weeton arrived at city ball. New York, having made the ttoo mile trip from Loe Angelas to 71 walking dart. K. Dr. H. C. Hyde declared guilty ef the murder or Col. Be ope and sentenced to lire Imprisonment B. Nlearaguaa government force re pulsed In an attack upon Estrada's revolutionists at liluefleld. rex a. 1. Capt Scott's aatarctlo expedition stfl ed from London. tn.v. 4 Nnmerous Hots In which many people were killed followed the new of the rtng event at Keao. 4 RW and lynching In Newark. O. M. Estrada's revolutionists defeated the Nlearaguaa forces at Acoypa. acocsr. 4 Mayor Wnitam i. Caynor shot oa buard the oceai liner Kaiser WD belm der Oroasa by James J. Oalla gher, a dlarhsrged city employee. 14 Estrada' rvot tlonlats defeated the Madrls force In front of Ma. naciiav ;34 Managua, capital m it-wrnaua( we cupled by the vic torious revolution ists under Estra da. Madrla. tbe Mayor Gaynor. president. Brd. i rrrCMsan. 1 J. L Hulchlnson. former ctrcus part' ner with fiarnum st Bailey, died at Shelter Inland. N. Y. 0. Gen. Charles R prevton, noted blind political adrr, died In Prevldenoa, H, I. . errosta. H The White Star line steemehip Olynt pw, ths lancMt in the wotld. wa launched at pelfsst. H Ir. Ilawley II. Otttpen found gntlty of the murder ef hie wife. Belle El more. In the Old Bailey criminal court. London. nownaia. 4 The Coeur d" AN-ne reservation opened up to general settlement. 14 Prince Victor Napoleon Bonaparte, pretender to the throne of France marrhd Prtnceaa Clementine of Ilea. glum at MoncalM-rl. Italy. Count Tolstoy, who disappeared front bis home enyslerloualy In October, dis covered In a railway station In an en feebled condition. B. Dr. Hawlry Harvey Ctippen htnaed In tondon for the murder of his wife. " Belle Elmore M. The crews ef two Praslllan warship mutinied In the herbor of km Janeiro and opened Bra on the city. V. The meant flcent new Pennsrlvanla railroad station at Thirty-second street and Seventh ave nue. New York, formally opened for Irafflo west and south, llexlcsn ti top de feated HO rsvota Uonlets In battle at Chihuahua. .The government shed for the dis solution of the su- gar Iniet as " ' oprpfiratlon In re straint of trade". to. Mark Twain me. tnorlal ceremonies took place In wr. seals hall. New : York, Msrk Twain. 1 prxeasaa. 1 Statoe of Oen. rre.lerlrk Wlthetm von , Steuben, noted flauro tit Washing ton army during ths Revolutionary t War. unveiled In Washington. 14 Mutiny of Bredllan marine at Rio do Janeiro rea.ilted In a battle, causing S" e molt lee OfTlrlal fli'ires of th ltth census pub rhed. Population, exrlualve of Alas. , ks, H.nt Including ail possessions. 101.los.iXJ0: gln since I urn. Is, 14 Andrew CernegM gave lu.0.ie U U cause of pea, Aviation meet al Lo Angtlea, Read "Aa I Haw U or "The Bor rower la Tbe Bcrvint of Tbe Lender. 10d per copy at th Main Street Pnar MISCELUN 1 i ev er x VTA aw"".;:.-.-.-.-1 11 Steamer Csarlna wrecked on Cooe bay Oregon coast; 80 drowned. rSBHUAKT. Th United States naval tug Nina lost on the voyage from Hampton Road to Boston with crew of Si on board. The French liner -Generaf Chanzy wrecked In a gale near the Island of Minorca; 1C9 persons perished. tt live lost on the Pacific Navigation company's steamer1 Lima, stranded la th tralt of Magellan. ; - , I sailor killed by explosion on th United States cruiser Charleston dur ing; praqtic In Philippine water. . , j r I , -hat;; ,r . i 18 death by the linking of the steamer Frank H. Goodyear near Port aux Bar qulaa. Lake Huron. ' The French submarine Ptuvtoee rami med by a ferryboat and sunk with all her crew of 17 to Dover strait , '' OCTOBEK. 14 British steamship Wally wrecked off ;' the Brazilian coast; m passengers and sailor droamed. O, The Haitian gunboat La Llberte wa wrecked by an explosion off Port aua Palx and sank with 70 . persons. In cluding 10 generate, decevbc. Q. Cerman steamer Palermo wrecked on the Spanish coast, carrying down M persona, , . .... JaWOAKY. ' 4 tjton Delagranga, pioneer aeroplan exnerlmenter. killed by the fall of a Ttlr4n mnnnnlnni at Ttnrdiuinx ITTanreL Uubert Latham, French aviator, beat the records for height of heavier than air machines by ascending nearly 4601 feet at Mourmelon, France. 14 Aviation meet opened at Lo Angeles, CaL : " - , . Amru.r;, : '. . f; . V. Louis Paulban, ; French aviator, won the Dally Mall iM.om prize by flying from 1ondon to Manchester, England, IHS miles, In St minutes actual time, t MAT. ' ' 23. Glenn IT. Cortls ' flew from Albany to New York, fol lowing the course of the Hudson rlv er, winning the New York World' prise of 410.000. imm. 14 Walter 8. Brook Ins established new worlds altitude record by ascend ing 4.1 Jeet In a Wright aeroplane " at Indianapolis. Glenn H. Curtis. 14 C. K. Hamilton dmva a Curtlss bl plana from New York to Philadelphia and return, winning r.v.vn pnza; uma. New York to Philadelphia. 8 miles, I hour tt minutes; Philadelphia to New Vnrlr 1 kor SS Wltnntea. 17. Walter . Brooklna made new world' altitude record by ascending tjm leet at tnfllan&nolls. n r-ount snoeltna dlrurtbla Deutschland sailed miles from rrieancBsnaven i rnaaiiarT earrvtna u eassenasrs. ti. Zeppelin' airship Deutschland mad an excursion trip, carrying n pasaen . gera., , , .. ... . WIT, " 4 Clifford B. Harmon broke ths Amerf- can. amateur lor.g flight reoord (hi own) b remaining In the air I boar Zl4 minute at Mineoia. 4 Second tnternatkmal avtatloa meet opened at Rhelme. Franca Aviator W arhter killed by the fall of ble ma- chine 4 Walter R. Breoklns flew 481 feet op ba the air at Atlantic City. U Cspt C. S. Rolls, English aviator. kilii-d at Bournemouth In a w ngbt bi plane. ACOtrtT. 14 Radley, an Ensliab aviator, broke th worlds speed flight record by flying a mile In 7 J4 seconda 14 C. r. Wlllard carried three passenger on a quarter mil biplane trip at Gar den City, beating the worlds record en the nomnsr of passengers. B. Glenn It Curt lee made an over water record by flying to miles over Lake Erie In 1 hour It minutes, aa average of ell miles aa hour. KPTESKCa. 17. 13 balloon started from Indianapolis In aa American championship race. Balloon America II. landed nenr War- ronton. Vs., after a fllaht of hours. 14 Weymann. aa American, and Georre Chat-es. a Iwruvuin. attempted to fly over the Alpe. Chaves succeeded, but eras mortally hurt la landing. a. Walter S. Brooktns broke the eroea country distance record by flying from Chteam to Springfield, 1M miles. Win ning 110,000 prize, , . 1 ocToass, ' ' 4 Aviator Wynmalen made a world's record for hetkht by ascending t.U4 feet at Mmirmeion, France. 14 Welmans balloon America started on Its oversea flicht at Atlantic Ctty. IT. 19 bnll'ins. retreaentlng four nati-na tafted from St luls m th Interna t tonal race for the Bennett cup and lift) In prises. The, dlrtu Me balloon Clemenl-Tteyard, rernlng 7 people, sailed from Paris to Tendon In hmtr. 14 Wrllman abandoned hi airship M nllrs off llatteraa after sailing about ' K miles In 7 hours; fsrtheat eastern jenint teach! wa 1M mile northeast ef Nantucket 14 Jtalloon Amerk It., Post and Itawtey aeronaut, landed In the province of Quebec. I U miles from St Louis, win nmg the Bennett cup for distance. fl The International aviation meet open ed at Belmont park. New Turk. ft. Ralph Johnstone broke the Amerlrsn aeroplane record for flight by ascend ing T.VJ feet at Belmont park, beating " I. Armstrong Drexel's record of I.I'O. fl. Ralph Johnstone ascended .0K feet la an sernplane at Belmont park. (The world" record waa 414.) 14 Claude Grahame-Whlte won the speed rc at telmont park; time for U I " miles, 1 minutes 14 second. 14 J. B. Mnlaant won the race from Bel mont park to the statue of Liberty and return, covering M mile In tt minutes M M seconds. tL Ralph Johnston eacended 4714 feet at Itelmont perk. eetablUhlng a world record for altitnde. . wovtnsta.' " 14 Eneen P. Ely In th Curt I as blptan Hudson Filer flew from the deva of the 1'nlled Stalea croiser Birmlnr. am, In Hampton ItoHs, to Wllloughby beach, 7 mile dlsnt 14 Ralph Johnstone, the aviator, killed by the fall of hi blplsn at Denver: aged to B. J. Armstrong Dreial aseended lT fewt in a monoplane al Philadelphia, breaking th world record, - PBcasjaaa. 4 lgneug, French aviator. Boa red to eel f"t at Pan. making a new world record for aimed If you srwd s took, butler, or or other aerraot, or wish to sen or buy anything, un s Sua Want Ad, Uier bring retulti, M. Capt, ' ISellahger, French rnV avii , ... broke, ute wp.ua epeea record oy Ing an average of over 86 miles an In a lOOmlle fllghf from VUicenn GAMES AND RACES !'""' ; "gAMOAIlt. Fred Same won th three eushlol billiard championship of the worl from Alfredo De Oro, the Cuban cham plon, to New York; final oor 1M '117. " ' ' ' raBBViar. Jt Ad Wolgast de- , tested Battling Nelson for ths lightweight cham plonshlp at Rich mond, CaL. In 40 rounds, -atAKCTi, ' Thure Johansen, B wed, set a world's Marathon record by running '18 mile SG5 yards In 1 hours M min utes (6V seconds. Barney Oldfleld Irish-American autolst, broke th world's auto rec . Ad Wolgast ord for a mile by driving car over the course In 17.11 seconds at Daytona Beach, Fla. Torn Hueiton won t cushion billiard title from Fred Eames at Denver. L Barney Oldfleld won the 20 mile auto event at Daytona Beach, Fla., cover ing tbe course In 19 minutes. L Cambridge defeated Oxford In the an nual eight oared rowing race at Put ney, England.'. s . f i. MAT.- . tt Fltzherbert won tbe Brooklyn ban al- -, cap at Gravesend. : . .. , vm. ' - L Lemberg won the Entilrtl Derby. " J5. Cornell won the varsity eight four oared race and freshman' sight at Poughkespsle. 44 Nuaga, owned by lime. Cheremeteff, won th French Grand Prix, beating - W. K. Vanderbilt' Relnhart by aj ' - neck. Ml Harvard won the varsity race over Yale at New London. , , ; 1 - , TOLT. ' --' 4 Jack Johnson defeated Jeffrie In IS rounds at Reno for the world' heavy . weight ehamptonshlp. . . . . , 1 . Auocrr. 14 Uhlan est a new trotting record by go ing a mile In 18 at Cleveland. M, Harvester lowered the world's record for stallions by trotting a mile In 1:14 at the Empire City track, Yonker. 8. William A. Lamed, national lawn ten nis champion, defended his title at Newport, defeating Thomas C Bundy of California. ' H, Novelty won th Futurity and $3,160 at Saratoga, with Baihti second. - immiciK 17. Paul Sorg broke the four-ln-band rec ord by driving a mile In t:j at White Plains, N. Y. 3. Harvester lowered the trotting record . for,stallkn to 1:01 at Columbus. - OCTOBF.k. L Th Vsnderbfit cup uto race for 1310 wss won by Harry F. Grant; time t - hours U minutes t second 14 The Army football team beat Yale, to 4 at West Point ' & The Philadelphia Athletic beat the Chicago National for ,tb world baseball championship, 1 to 4 at Chi cago. "ovulate. 5 14 Harvard beat Dartmouth, II to 4 In a football gam at Cambridge. Yale defeated Princeton, I to 4 at Princeton.--.... . Michigan and Pennsylvania played a tie ' game at Franklin field; score 00. Minnesota defeated Wisconsin by score of a to at Minneapolis. Cornell beat Chicago In football at Itha ca by score of IS to t. 14 Yale and Harvard football match re sulted in a tM. score gam at New Haves, t, -i Michigan eaptutcd the western football champlonahln from Minnesota by a cor of t ft t on Ferry fleUL Ann Arbor, i ' tt. The Navy defeated the Army, t to 4 at football on Franklin Held, Philadel phia. Deceases. 4 George Moore made a new world' reo ord run of IS at t cushion carom btl llsrds m New York. 14 Root and Moran. the Irish American team, won the t day bicycle race In New Tork; score 4M mile I lap. C 8 killed by dynamite explosion In Aihokan tunnel at Cold Sprint?, N. it killed and Injured la th wreck a paasencr tram on the Canadian Pa cific at the crossing of Spanish river, Ontsrio. U. Tt miner killed by explosion In the Colorado Fuel and Iron company' mine at Prlmero. Colo. reMtCAkT. 4 tt miner killed by n explosion In th Browder mm near Drskssboro. Ky. 14 1! killed and S Injured In a head-on eolllrlon near V-eon. Oa., on the Geor gia Southern and Florida railroad. ' naacit ' ' ' 4 IS miner klllr l by explosion In th gold dtgtlngs on Douglas taland, Alas ka. - SL 41 death In a wreck of Rock taland railroad trains at Green Mountain, la. MAT. i 4 Explosion In a coal mine at Palo, Ala., entombed ISO miners. tt 1 boilers of the Amerlcsn Tin Plate company at Cnnlon, O., exploded, kill ing 4) men end Injuring upward of M 14 Dynamite explosion In the guard bar racke at Plnar del Rio. Cuba, destroy , ed over lu live. !. I 14 It people klllcl snd netrly Vi Injured In a railway collision near Versailles, . Franca, ' Jt'LT, a I 4 Cincinnati section of th Twentieth Century tJmltnf wrecked In colllton at MM'lletown, O ; 11 killed and many Injured. " MYtiag. B. CotlhaVm oa H e Wabash Trsrtlon line I near Klngalsnl, Ind., caused the death , I of tt passenger. ! ' f KCTOSKS. 4 t olllslon ot el-otrie cars at Sptingflald, i 11U caused f'S death of ti persons, chiefly pseseraers. . 4 fa miners wf trapped by an explo-j ion In th Colorado Fuel and Iron ' eompany' mix at Bisrkvill. Colo. . ! 'p.rvnaaa. " ' ; 4 Explosion ha mm No. I of th Victor American Fuel company, Colorado, on " tombed to miner. . t-rcrsnt. 4 Exploslntr In th Cans 4 entllertrs mines at Ce levue, Altrerta. burled tt miner. ' t 14 Explosion In a power heus at Grand Certral etnli m. New York, caused ex tenslvs datnece In th vicinity aad th leas of men) live. miAMtti AND Pnr.HMI Qutrk work. Trlrcg right. t'Blnn Pre-a-' log Club, opitoalio court bouse. , Clva ut 4 tilaL Thong 50. 9-1 mo For a short time we ibscribers of the paper, is finished in weathered oak; ornate brass dial ilum; splendid cathedral gong; runs eight days with one winding; stands inches high and thirteen inches wide; full guaranteed and it is of . such ility as makes it worthy to enter, any home. Clock is absoWy new in design, extremely artistic, and exceedingly orna mental as wem useful. It is fitted with a high grade "Welch", movement; strikes the hou' nd half hour on a beautiful cathedral gong bell. This clock is not on sale biCalcrs at stores on account of the exclusive contract made by the publisher the Durham Sun with the manufacturers. The clock is'ccptionally well made and finished; the movement is the best of its kind onlc market, and it is absolutely reliable. the Y. I of ; . - ... : We will dliver this Clock, to any nev or old subscriber upii a small payment to help defray express chargt and delivery. Our solicitor will calln you in a few days; if you miss him drop in the office the next time you auP town and let us show you this splendid clock. Every home in Durham sh.id naVc one of these docks. There is only a limited number of them; igcWy. rHiE Durham's Best Al verlising Medium Over, 5000 Bort Fide Circulation will offer a Handsome Oak and to those desiring to become subscribers. The Oil m fi e-"V III) t rav 'w a,. to Mission Clock to the figures, hands and pen- This handsome Mission i9 Iff