4 xr-ivjm: DUREA3i,REC(PR, DtJBHAM, N. C. TUESDAY JANUARY 10, 19U THE DURHAM THJS NATIONAL RELIGIOUS TRAJXIXa SCHOOL Tbe negro of the south is sowing Published semi-weekly, every Tues- hit own problem. By this we mean day and Friday, by the Durham Sun ttoM wkQ hav, t prjde of cUlzenBblp rumisums vuiuiiauy, Office, 109 Manguni Street. Phone No. CoO. Gri C. SIBLEY, Editor and Manager. Subscription Rates. One Year, (in advance) . . .. . .$ .60 Sis Months (in advance) .. .. .35 Three Months (in advance) .. .2; Advertising rates Application. It about them, and wish to be benefac tors to their race, and raise a stand ard of correct, useful living, that will be a standard for the shiftless ones, and a shining example of encourage ment to tbe lower strata in their race. , The Durham negroes have risen far above most communities in their high standard of morality and I have. been 1 ?V"n !w thrift. Ther have extenalva- busi-i""" want, tacts and t&suau nawe nesses here that are a wonder to the them made known onfiininitiaUML. Thev are unliftfne en handle the situation.--why "l '? say so, and let some othal&n 0 men that have been able i Past cope with the situation. ( people of Durham do out want Oh hey want practical demonstrate that the men they pay is able to 4 oil 'the requirements. Why have ulih of fleer at all it he is not M! is known that new casere being added to the list daily, i ret It is announced from beadqua.' that the situation la improving.' people 'UliD OF-' LOkG LEAF PI Entered at Durham, N. C, postoffice as second class mail matter HURRTGRAPHS. All the tooks may quit; but Cook never, Speaking of circulation, the Durham Daily Sun has tbe goods. "': A good many lawyers alter cases rather than circumstances. deavors for the colored man, and are salutary In their influence and re sults. , Booker Washington, in planning and operating a great school for tbe mechanical education of the negro, has wrought well, and his work is of national fame. There is in Dur ham a negro, Dr. James E. Shepard, who has gone a step farther and! higher, and evolved a great system for the uplift of his race---the re ligious training of tbe religious teachers and religious workers of the negro race, nd by this religious cul- Tou didn't expect the oyster trust I ture awaken the sluggish dormant to say anything about its business, did energies of the individual and turn you? ' I them into channels of usefulness and service. A religious training will No; Senator Lorioier is not going tend the care of the educational to resigu. He b too rrCu trouble and industrial side of life. This is getting there. I the fundamental idea of the National Religious Training school, an instita Some bave fallen off the water wag- tion, beautifully located near the city on. and they say they always did like! of Durham, and where its property to walk anyway. IT WAS AV The other day, in Cgo, United States deputy marsha'eized 6,200 cans of tomato paste nountlng to 124,000 pounds, the8te being used in hotels and taurants for tomato soup. The rshals found the paste in a box In which it bad been shipped P town in Neir Jersey. The i of the mar shals followed the fS of a libel in district court charg that tbe paste was putrid, decord and con tained filthy matte Pure food ex perts who samplers paste sfter it left the Jersey ory chsrged that it contained billion bac teria of unhealtf nature to. the cubic centimeterThey say tbe paBte is made o leavings after tbe pulp has b squeeted dry in the manufacture 'catsup, the 'dry pulp being mas' 'Qto powdered form and canne Now na then the true inwardnegf table delicacy comes to ligbt.'hlnk of half a bll now total, over $40,000. This school Hoh utAnltttMtettti t0 ,'CubIc is rising as a lasting memorial to Everybody is getting the ain iou fever. Any number of oeoplc are daily flying Into a rage. the thought and labors of Dr. James ! i centimeter offlto paste! What a risk in tomoup in Chicago! Poppy gowns are the latest. are srolatlinelesa. The old Hubbard under a new name. E. Shepard, who is one of the fore most men o fhis race in toe south today. They I This school, as its name indicates. mother I is national in ita field; Ujinterde- nominational In character; thorough in intellectual processes, evangelical There are two classes of people who j in doctrine; reverent in spirit; peda- nevar complain of cold weather. Wo-gogical in methods and practical in men with new furs and boys with, ice I aim. It is unique in Its idea and skates. I particularly practical in operation. ' I There are already four large, A writer, speaking of a certain base-1 handsome buildings "erected on the ball player, says bis greatest weak- J grounds, and the school is in succesa nese is low balls. This is better Uan ful operation wiu 133 students. The "highballs.' I summer school, the ' past summer, was largely attended, and was visited uver uis enure una mere are peo- k th. mi Kctitint!ewi . pie calling for a square deal; while Ldueatorm in ln, CBlte4 8utM, hite iO-t there are equally as oiauy wautiiig.aiu weM M coiored. square meal. The needa of the institution now AX IMPlALt LYNCHING.. If the Dur police bad two des peradoes cofed in a house from which they -'d not escape, it is hardly prob- that they would call for the he the United States srmy, or t the state militia, in addition te department, in capturing i nai aucn a per formance occurred in London, tbe i tragic end which was the burning of tbe hfn quarries alive in the have hapd here is almost incon course of1riou spectators, could sight of lce- army and a vast con ceivableBr tb London fire bri ttle crl with copious streams of wat' mystery. That could Ik... u dnna nrnbalilr In Huv 1 ns Ann t. .. ii . f -. - A, .t r r ' A mmv tn rWk . Ih. irrnwth nf I - . ... .. 7 . Of l""" . --1 extension wor; ii.vvu wr wneri . your bUIs Is to pay them with check. ; 000 for equipment; tS3.000 for This makes apparent the beauty of lDe erecUon of , mlCMX missionary the Durham banks. The year 1911 should be the great est business year tbat Durham has ever known. It will be if all hands will pull together and work for it A New Jersey justice has declared umbrellas public property. What do I waken new Kal ,nd interest In bis you think of that? Well wager a uncom penny inai e ass iwcu usuig - Glenn wU, g0 oa 4 tw0 some one else's all tbe time, 't building. All that baa been done has been by generous donatlona here and elsewhere, and these present needs will be supplied when the char itable people learn what this Durham cegro and his associates are doing. Dr. Shepard will soon go out on a mission in behalf of this school to lackitln the greatest battle the emplfas seen since tbe capture of Gen4 Con je was a 1 0-Inch siege gun action and Winston Churchill flda wnite Horse, instead of Dulg about afoot, on tbe scene of tn utilities. From tbe American poiof view, this London horror wl first class Imperial lynching. i tit . ' 'RICE OF Hl'MAV BK1XCS. . Harvard professor says $10 ld be an excessive price for the rage body, but other economists weeks' tour north, making speeches and tellinit of the work. For oneP ,u BI' Pr,t The dispatchea tell us that the fall- wk begmning Jsnuary 2th. Judge8"1 'rom.$:00 to $6,000. e of tbe Carnegie Trust company J Jettr c pntchard will to r NeAn m l ademle. England for the same Duroose. Thes PT1 D0 ... . t. .uf MHlr.!n what an averse bihtJ are aignincani raws, ana snow aw the southern white man-espeeial ortn- ' Birmingnam 5e- Sorth Carolinians-have faith in rald. A supposedly average woy Skyscrspers in Cblcago can go so sheptrr, workf ,nd are willing tr become Beethoven or a Lin- WHERK; SP1XDLKS HIM AXD EVERY PROSPECT PLEASES. Oranvllle has pulled out of the list of pauper couuties that is paying into the state treasury mors than she receives. ; . Two assignments were made. In Louisburg recently. J. M. Joyner, a grocer, and the Alston company, gen eral merchandise. Raleigh has decided to inforce her anti-spitting ordinance. It was put in effect today, but has been on tbe book .for a long time. C E. Bradley, a jeweler of Ureen ville, has made an assignment. W S. Atkins Is made assignee. Assets about $3,800; with liabilities about ti.ooo: Rockingham county, Saturday held primaries to discuss road Im IJevemjent, and elect delegates to a mass meeting to be held on the 14 th They favor a $300,000 bond issue. B. O. Stone, a prominent merchant of Wilmington, has scqulred the In terest of W. J. Moore in the Terry more hotel at Wrightsville Beach, the consideration being In tbe neigh borhood of $45,000. At a meeting of the board of trus tees of the city schools of Ooldsboro, Saturday afternoon, the board sus- ended school for ten days on ac bunt of an epidemic of measles, to gether with the whooping cough. wenaters weeiuy says the var- minta have not found out that Reids- vllle Is a city, - A weasel was seen hear the municipal: building, a abort time ago a ''possum was caught near a drug store, t sme in to learn city incus, do doubt . , ' A Darky Dialogue. In a southern town one morning a colored man called upon a neighbor. II was ' met at the door by his friend's wife, and the dialogue ran something like this: 'Kinder cold dls mawnln'." "Kinder. - Think mebbe It's gwine to rain. "Mebbe It is. la Dan in?" "Shore; he's In." "Kin I see him?" '.'No, sirree!' . "But I wants to see him bad." "I'a sorry, but you can't see him. Dan's dead." "Go 'way. You's Jokln'!" "No. I ain't jokln', ' He's dead all right" , fHe die sudden?" , "He die very sudden." ,"Yo shore. 'bout dat?" "Just as shore as I kin be." At this point the caller hesitated a moment.' said then "added: He say anything 'bout a bucket o" whitewash befo he died?" Uupin- cott's. Swupg Hjit Lantern. A lawyer tells a atory of an wcl- dent at railway i "- at nighv,"U bica a farmer's cart waa struck and demolished and the farmer injured. I was counsel for the railway." aays tbe lawyer, "and I won tbe ease for tbe defense nisiuly on account of tbe testimony of an old colored man, who was ataUoned, at tbe crossing When asked if he bad swung bis lan tern as a Varnstig the old man swore positively! I. "I surely 4 id." f "After t bad won the i ease I called on tbe old negro," says the lawyer. and complimented hint upon bis tes timony. He said: "Thankee, Mirse Jawn, I got along all right; but I was awfully scared, 'cause I was "frsid dat lawyer man was coin' ter ask me wss my lantern 1,1 De oil done got spilled by accident " Tit-flits. ore didn't cause a ripple on Wall street The Wall street fellows were off sbrsring tbe lambs. A DIM; B ACL TO IHKHA! nigs ana no mgaer. jsc wniuumi end nJm m nelplng ngnd, im ti-d at 200 feet. It is a saa cow- i ,, ... v. ,.y. .j v j fliw mi mil J 1 u iuc ww. iu, mtoury upon a wwcagoan England, wi. join bands with ran buUd do Bignr tnsn two nun- Sh(ipir(1 ,B bil great work? lied f-H. we tremble tor bis luture. see'. A C4llge prof-s$or says the besd of tbe modem woman is stuffed with tuo many things. No doubt about that Professor. They art wearing all kinds of hair, and stuffed rolls and pud, and tby do not know here It iuUti- from, eltber. coin, and there is to way of meas uring and appraising its worth while it is small. The average bsby becomes, bow ever, as a rule the average man, and it is the average man that makes the I world go round. Leadership Is vsl- The pretidfat baa aaooumed that Im k ill not take tbe Initiative in bring ing logHbef in holy accord tbe bel ligerent wings of tbe republksa party known as tbe etand-pattm snd the iiiturgfots. He says that h will sd drM hituiwlr to tbe businoss of the country snd 1 sny p-ce program to the contrndlftg parties. ".'. In Ksosss tttfy have fsd a man litlnc )th tis brain g'in. That's ni'tblng. A Georgia editor sunouuc4 i be other day that a g'iod farmer bad I'iight bim s ok lot vf backbone and bruins tbe first be had enjoyd in uUt time, . J. MUtn Johns'on, of tbe Green ville R'fl"Cjr force, bus de-Wed tslent fur istntng anttnsls. ft is latest start is to train an old gander lo a- saw, jump lhj-Mih a hop, and fol-' o9 bim round. This is tm the flrst liti.e a iistiier umu baa (mkkM sd tld goue m tik ks. It is a dlfgrsce to Durbsiu U' i U(.M unless tbe led are intelligent nearby towna take quarantine-. tnd. nifu9 ot discipline. The su ures to prevent the spread of d' j jfnlin u a doubtful investment, ... ' .... . . . .t AmM sirs i ease wnitn me city neaim wni' " : j wuile the average man , fills the unable to handle, aud It is a ':rm hu.n, t,t th. orid. v knows wbst an average baby is worth to an iiiisginary Investor or to anyone else except a Harvard pro? feseor who deals Id academic figures. A iH.iu will M bis tit ulk l.i.u t rtMib. and yet fiirtoiis slid bis wife im iMfihg g fuk as tuiith. tana to the town tbat. us necesw " are not taken at once to P out small pox. If the officers AuM their duty as they should ouM not be necessary to pass 1"'"' requiring eompulsory j w. hl K,.;rT HIGI JVV4.. th rnnitltUMi of the ltr0B M - ' .fc.,..K iis month. With tbe exception of tbe desth The in f the rations ln-,of Senator Klkins, of West Virginia stead of visiting every ' W Importance rifv ad uaklna- a ,,4 Inspection i trrd la Washington within is only to be expected Inemcient ; the psst two weeks Tbe destb of and lacanable men a.kandlfng the; Mr. Klkin. makes it trials tbat situation rnssnl'srydi(l"' thefe m two drooCrl,e 'tors bn sllowed to exis this tity, and j'rom bis state. Senator Scott, of exist now and'fet tffort Is being West Virginia, will be succeeded by made to bsve tbe m" removed, and democrat, and tbe tegtelaturs being i.u .ii. them, how ran 1 democratic, will elect a sen tor of WIH tUM MflH. Will ' j ' the officers ever i0 rltf Dur-.tb" VW to succeed Kensior Klklas I 'ri. 1.. ............ .... . u . i...... . it., t.tme eisease. tu i "' "w vi mw iisssing the resoion' H "'teO ! wesltbiest of abst bss bn tailed that roiupuUriry1rill"'m ba" be (the "Amerfc-an House of .Million- enforced as a U rv',It tbe safe n-s. mis o-atn is generally ex guarding vf tb1M,fn ibr ' i'T ' P'"d In tbe pre wss (anted by What a fsrc ta 'be people this t. j over work, at the Iste c orgresslona When uw ii first resort need lu! session, but anyone at all familiar ls fulli-at iij'ur? 'B V''r the j with tbe fa ts, will but be slow to repiusbllitj'xn the people of evety attribute bis ille to biglf If vis, nertinn it iBnr ',f si'"'"''"" tbst lln no rffni,t fcsd a powerful cntis;! a few weii''" falM to overroine? tuti'iti, but no ioiititiitinn ran fur' Xo M. Iflb Ofliier if you tan nd'ever iiiiiisml a fHrpetual lisnqiet Too Kmart tr a lawyer. B. Da via Noxon was one of tbe ablest lawyers In Central New York. A yoang man entered bis office as a student and was given Blackatone to study. At the end of a month be asked Mr. Noxon what be should read next. "Do you understand Disc kstone?" "Yes," waa bis answer. "Read Kent," was the order. In another month he announced that be bad finished Kent and "Wbat next?" '" ."llsve you resd List kt one and Kent?" Yes "Ixi you undtrslsod tbeiu?' "Yes." "Well, said Mr. Noxon,"yoa had better go at some other business; you SOME HQUSEHOLO HINTS LITTLE Sl'GGESTIO.XS THAT WILL HKLP THE HOrSEWIFE. - . .... . Bolt vluegar In the fish kettle or pan to Uesiroy the fish odor. New clothespins Bhould be boiled before being used and should fre quently be washed. Porcelain liued tubs ' and sinks cau be cleaned by rubblug with a flannel wet with kerosene. Decorated china plates should be put -away with round .pieces of cauton flannel between them! Rubbing spirits of camphor oir the lips morning, and evening will give relief from cold sores. . Hot chocolates, unsweetened wafers and crystalised prunes from a dainty course tor luncheon or supper. Comforts should be dried In a good stiff' breeze bo that they may be as light and fluffy as when new. " To enrich the coloring It Is advisa ble sometimes to brown the flour be fore making a spice or fruit cake. It Is a good plan to have individual markings for bath towels. The Initials may be ehmbroldered in chain stitch. Always line a cake pan with medium weight yellow paper. Grease the pa per, not tbe pan, except the edges, jfc When roasting meat add lust a feF drops of vinefear to make the meat more tender. It Is becoming more and more the fashion to serve salada with 'game. These should be tossed in a French vinaigrette dressing of oil and vine- gar, seasoued with salt and freshly! ground black pepper. - j l,n,RH War. . V. .... 1 .1 1.. . t. . A I with a sponge, dampened In warm water and dried immediately with a soft cloth. Obstinate spots can quick ly be removed by rubbjug with a woolen cloth dipped In sweet oil. MM: FASHION FADS LITTLE IILLH AM) TOU UtSTHAT 1 ' FLEA.SE THE LADIES. Beaded Marquisette is a novelty. 'Many of the children's hats are! edged with fur.. Puffs are gradually giving way to clusters of curls. Smocklug on children's dresses is very fashionable. ! , Fur bands are In high favor for ! cloth winter suits. . The semi-prinress dress continues I to be fashionable. ' I A white flower used this winter on black bats hi the edelweiss. v Surplice effects axe very conspicu ous among the smart wsists. Black ribbon and jet trimming serve to set off tbe besuty of ermine. Party slippers are decorated with rosettes, buckles, bows and butter flies. ... ... . Orliutal embroideries displsr mo tifs emphasized by beads of gold or ailver. Plaited effect are always attractive In dresses tor girls. Inasmuch as they afford the long straight line that are so becoming. - . Mourning veils tor draping on tbe hat and In tbe back are very wide mesh net and finished with a wide d one or two narrow bandings or ribbon. Almost every hat one sees nows- days has a touch of fur somewhere shout It, Fur velvet and tapestry Is an exremely fashionable combibatlon. Widows atiil wear the double veils. but more often veils are single and seldom measure over a yard by three quarters, and quite frequently th-y are smaller.. ' t Evening wraps are very lovely made of beaded ue or net laid over lustrous satins. They often have a deep hem of the ssMn and a large collar as well. are too smart to be a lawyer.' eago Inter Ocean. .'hi- Meat Woman's Mailt, She must I Keep sn erect carriage Keep trim and neat. Be dainty in her table manners. Keep ber elbows off the table. Appear dtsnllkd, ".. .4 Keep away fnito extliement. .('oittjol her temper. Wear cool appesrtng rotors. Buy no ovr-ornnatenfal besdgesr. Not henitate to laugn. Eat paring!. ' Wear long eotseta ' ' Buy ho-s uf stout loaiber, dull pre ferred. Comb her hair sllgti'ly loose at Ides. , Alwve all, not wabble.-Milwauke hvening Wiwonsln. ' Games ami Climate. The very nsme of tobsreo reminds one of thesa. the cbesa player being the tobacconist friend and patron. Tbe age la becoming too strenuous for tbe large labor of "kings and queens," and too little feudal to enter Into lower destinies of tbe pawn." Yet the game waa one of the old wonders of Britain. Do you not remember the rheaa board of Gwendolen, whereon the'uiagle pieces moved of their own anrord? Tbla board, could It be discovered, would be popular in a tired age. For chess is a game tbat is passing. Old Omar loved it, Becket found if useful, and I do not need to turn up a work of reference to be able to mate that Marbiavelli was Its devotee. But In thyt dsys of chess the Men of a quieter time used their leisure for; wit-sbarp- enlng. The keynote of tbe modern gambler Is gambling. 1 do not mean by this mere playing for money. But all modern games aim mt results. Whist wwa too slow, therefore bridge was invented. Bridge provides op portunities for sensational rfevelop- menta, for doubling points, end de claring "no trumps." A man plays for money or not, according to bis means or bis principles. Hut tbe ns ture of all these games Is to work up to a climax rather than to train one in etrsfffty. From tT.tP't. Weekly. Handy Is Have Aresad tbe Hesse, A feme, A quarter, Tbe snow hovel. Presents left over from lst yei, A wife whi Is in most of tbe day, A husband who isn't out every even Itig. A whole reeks wsges when tbe mouth's rent la due. A few i hilil en in k ep yourself from i nil, km tirti tiiurh about ymirnlf l:oi Hi i jilt.' iMfl't blr our family ' skeleton Keep it, In tbe closet where It be longs. . . My it e. Notke Is beriby given that appll rltion will be made to tbe general as sembly of North Carolina at the ses sion 111! for a charter for a railroad! front Durham through th counties of Durham, irson, Orstige and Cas well to Danville, Virginia. This January I. 1st, J L. MOKKIIKAD, w. is. crTimu:, Attorneys. MY TKl'.MILE BED. ! As 1 ruunuaged through the aUlo . Listening to the falling rain, , y " As it puttered on the shiugles And against the window-pane Peeping over chests and boxes, , Which with dust were thickly spread, j Saw I in the farthest corner What was ouce roy, trundle bed. , v i f. So I drew It from tbe recess, s Where it bad remained so long; Hearing all tbe while the music ' Of my mother's voice in soug. t: : As she sang in sweetest ascents, , What I since have often heard: ; "Hush, my dear, lio still and slumber, Holy angels guard thy bed." a, I .1 -" -" Mj g U Aa 1 listened, recollections Which I thought bad been forgot . . , Came with all the gush of memory Rushing, thronging to the spot. And I wandered back to childhood, To the merry days of yore. When I knelt beside my mother, i' By this bed upou the floor. . Then it was with bands so gently Placed upon my Infant head Tbat she taught my lips to utter ,' t Carefully the words she said. t Never cau they be forgotten, , " Doep are they tn memory riven: "Hallowed be Thy name, Oh, Father! Father.. Thou who are lu Heaven." -. ' Thia she taught me, then she told me Of Its Import great and deep. After which I learned to utter "Now I lay me down to sleep." And it was with bauds uplifted Aud in accents sofe aud mild, Tbat my mother asked our Father, "Father, do thou bless my child." Years have passed and that dear mother , Long has moldered 'ueath the sod; tin i i iruhi ner saintea spirit Revels In the home of God. But that scene at summer twilight ' Never lias from memory fled, Aud it comes in all Its freshness, :f When I see my trundle bed. The First National Bank ' ' Dl KHAJf, C. JL'LIAN a CARR. President. W. i. HOLLOWAY, Chler The Citizens National Bank OF DIRHAll. N. C. Resources over $1,300,000.00 B. f. DCKK. rreeideni, T. B. FTU LR, Vlea.rr. i. B. MASOX, Caabier. Tie. Durham's Dest Advertising Medium Over 5,000 Bona Fide Ovulation Prize Offers from Leading Manufacturer Hook on patents. "Hints to inventors." "Invention nee Jcd.H "Why some inventors.fail." ScnJ rough skcuh or model for fAfch of Patent Office record. Our Mr. Greeley was formerly. Acting Commissioner of Patent an4 s such ha4 full charrc of the U.&.Patnt Office. 4 t"x V. PATVMT Arrnnvrve W' '"'"'Ml J 1 sYASIlINGTON. jj, C. :5

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