1 DURHAM RECORDEIt, DURHAM, N. 0. ' TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1911 e 1 NEWS BOILED DOWN Important Happenings oi; Ihe World as She Spins 'Round MYSTKRY SURROIXDS "TEMPTED KIDXAl'PIXO. KISS'S DAUGHTERS PATlOX BEAUTIFUL GIFT. Because in outride 'firl brouf lit In as chief operator, "hello girls' 1 the Cumberland office at . Prthcelou, Ind., talked out on a strike. D..Mit Tuft is said to be soiiml- inc certain senators to ascertain the merman chances for an amendment or u.e Isting ' arbitration treaty with Great 'Richmond, Va.. Jan. 9. The po lice are baffled by the mystery sur rounding a well-dressed : stranger, who last Friday night attempted to kidnap Abraham Browrt, the 8-year-old son of Joseph Brown and was only prevented from doing so by the cleverness f the boy, who effected his escape from the stranger after having been In his grasp for several hours. ' It was a few minutes after 7 o'clock that night when Samuel Zlnv who Is employed c in Brown's shop, looked up from Ms sewing machine and found a stranger make mrs. rnrr nr rminnr 13, fire. ifTri iis-g-- Mcrdianl Charged With Firing AlrKl f"?. ; tradcmaak His Store Is Rclnascd Jtt tDV ft Q T v r"." REGISTERED. I irxt-inf. at him Tha errantrer aakpd . . t. .nin jn rrnm 01 a -iu Jit. orou nmo - wrecked the place and tumbled the who was playing in the basement nd his family from tneir iwu me sirus iiuiucu.aic.- to mane menus win iuw vuhu vj owner ano In Chinatown, New if he would do sometning, wnicn, Zimmerman who knows but little Sud- sV cersons' are thought to have giving him a coin, telling him there ..... x. 'a . that destroyed a would be lots of nice things for him iwr iu' u - - - lodging house 1 . ma enrines has iust English, did not understand. wn awarded the Baldwin Locomotive denly the stranger grabbed the boy Work, by the Harriman railroad sys- in his arms and dashed out the door The contract price is between with him. The a'.arm was .give and ;V?n,L ti ooo.ooo. the police began a search for the lad ... ' t . ' cnnri. dauehter of and his captor. 1 h,. ined a con- Three hours later the boy himself ...,. n nia lpadine- tiart in "The goarescrow," Percy Lackeye's new PlJLn air tank on a Pittsburg street car exploded, hurled a pedestrian through the glass front of a store and broke every window In the building. No one on the car was injured. Support of the Longworth tariff commission bill by the National Tariff Commission association has been as sured by President John Cobb, of fne ergaiitsattoa. ' Dispatches from Rome to the effect that the death ot Senator Elklns would revive the famous marriage negotiation between his daughter. Miss Kathejlne. and the Duke of Am bruttl have been received. Three m-a broke Into the Chicago Jail, took out two gins prisoner ana 1 f pXTEST BETrTEEX UBTU CAKO. swucn tower on flung open the front'' door of his home and rushed, into the arms of bis half-crazed mother. He then told the story ot how the stranger had taken him to several saloons and finally to a toyshop, where he bought him several toys. While here he called a messenger boy and sect to a certain address for money. Before the messenger returned, the boy. who by this time was thorough ly alarmed, suddenly dashed away from his captor and outstripped him down the street, making his way home. ' locked lb era in a the Northw estern railroad from which they were rescued by a sheria s posse. The men have not been captured. Accusing his wife of untruthfulness when she retarded home late'at night and told her husband she had been to the theatre with ber sister, Henry Beckman, of Pheladelphia, shot and seriously tajured her and then com mitted suicide. Policeman Chesmore, of Duluth, Mich- who boarded a street car in an attempt to arrest two bandits who were holding sp the passengers, was shot and killed. The robbers escap ed. ; -" Statistics made public In Chicago how that losses by fire ia the United States and Canada in 1910 amounted t f I34.70,O, or .. over I30.WO.OO more than the losses in 1909. Decem ber losses were exceptionally heavy, srtreraUna- tUXtt.UtO. Captain Robert El Peary covered 55 mile in 15 hours in his recent waiK iaa teat prescribed by the avy de- pirtment, according to official reports hist made public This is conataereo a remarkable record by friends of the discoverer of the north pole. Three rrsDhorhone records made fcy Ralph W. Dixie, an Indian ranch- nan, and containing genuine songs have been received by First Assist ant Commissioner Abbott, of the b reau of I&diaa affairs. They are con sidered very valuable. - 'St -mid an emergency arise in the Philip trices the.. United States would ' live to depend upon native troops . for the defense of the islands, and the rUipiao would be found a loyal soldier, according to the annual re tort of Brixkdier General John J. IVrsticg. , Fee's brt Klerk. There is la the best of Poe'a brief tal a constructive skill, a command of dirn. and a gift ot decoration rare in a&y literature, and almost on- known in English, which is ever un duly negligent of form. And so one se4 wonder that Poe's short stories wandered swtfUy out ot our language iato French ar.d Italian and Spanish into Germaa and' Scandinavian and Bohemian, it to strange tongues where bo otter American author, except Ft.ln.ore Cooper, had ever before pen etrated. His weird psychologic studies have Influenced later writers as un like as Maupassant and Richepln, Frames. O'Brien. Robert Louis fcttmiton and R-idrsrd Kipling. His taint of a mysry solved at last by cWrrstios i.d education have been imitated by Dumas and Sard b Onboriaii aud Boigobey. by Wilkle Collins and Conao Doyle. A&d Shr- )ok Itolmee. the only ficnUou char- art r to wia icternaUonal recogaltton Id tb flial years of the 6inetntb cvtittry. is the retncartatlon of a Cg tire first projected by Poe.Century Mkgktitie. .LISA EEPRESESTATITES. . Washington, Jan. 9. Conferences among individual . democratic mem bers are smoothing out some of the differences preliminary to the demo cratic caucus of the house on Jan uary 19th. It was announced today that the selection of the committee by the next ways and means commit tee Is now assured, there being little opposition left to that procedure. Representative FiUgerald, ot New Tork. Is among the democrats hold ing out for the vasting of such select ion in the speaker, as at present, but the endowment of that power with the incoming ways and means com mittee, who are to be chosen at the coming caucus, will be entirely in ac cord with tbe views ot Representative Champ Clark, of Missouri, probably the next chairman of the ways and means committee, Representative Henry, of Texas, conslcuously men tioned in connection with the chair manship of the committee on rules, and other democratic leaders. The contests between Representa tives Kitchin and Pou, of North Caro lina, for a position on tbe ways and means committee, has been apparent ly settled in favor of Mr. Kitchin. Mr. Pou is understood to have agreed net to stand for election on the commit tee. leaving Mr. Kitchin an undis puted field from his section. Arkansas Governor Gives Stale Thril Little Rock. Ark.. Jan. 9. Since the publication Saturday of a letter addressed to Secretary Meyer, of tbe Lavy department, by Cor. George W Do&aghey, charging "gross discour tesy," in regard to the arrangements for launching the battleship Ar kansas, there has been a wave of dis cussion and criticism reaching into the remotest parts of the state. Ar kansas plainly wants to appoint her own sponsors and representatives for the ceremonies. "You arrogate to yourself author ity that neither law nor custom In vested you with, the governor s let ter said, "by proceeding to order such ceremonies as might fill your conception ot Arkansas pride and duty on this occasion. In doing this you were tot only guilty of gross dis courtesy to the representatives of a sovereign state, but subject yourself to a criticism that cannot be ade quately expressed In an offictal com munication from the representative of a state to aa officer of tb federal government The King's Daughters held a very interesting meeting of the uuinam chapter at the residence ot the Presi dent, Mrs. J. R.' Patton, on Morris street, Saturday afternoon. The sub ject of greatest importance on this occasion was he, discussion of the completion of the Old Ladies Home, which is now about ready to be turn ed over by the contractors to the Daughters, the installation of the fur nace being the only remaining thing to do before the ladtes will I take charge, This is a great wont xor them and they cannot receive too much praise for their , untiring efforts in making such a beautiful home for the poor unfortunate old ' ladles ot our city. Mrs. Patton announced to the mem bers that this meeting was held on her birthday. But the Daughters were aware of that fact, for they had. un known to Mrs. Patton, prepared a surprise for her, and forthwith brought forth and presented to her a most beautiful and costly Jardiniere, It was a loving token ot affection and xpressed the high esteem In which the energetic and faithful president is held by her co-workers. The occa sion was one of interest and delight ful pleasure. The members, after the business session, partook of refreshments. A most delightful salad course was served, consisting of chicken salad, sandwiches, coffee and kindred deli cacies. : .' COMMERCIAL CLUB MEETS GRASYILLE 0KGAXIZATI0S ELEC TED OFFICERS SATURDAY SIGHT. Oxford, Jan. 9. The Granville Com mercial club held its regular annual meeting Saturday night in the club rooms. Dr. E. T. White president of the club, made a brief review of what had been accomplished for the past Arthur Grenburg, who was arrest ed Saturday, December 81, charged with firing his 3, 5 and 10 cent store on East Main street, was last Fri day ..released after one ot the hard eat fought cases in the history of the Durham recorder's court. It became evident Wednesday that evidence offered by the state was not sufficient to hold a man on he charge ot set ting fire to hU store. After all the evidence had been produced and at torneys W? both sides had made their arguments, Recorder R. H. Sykes vlnited tbe scene of the fire and after due deliberation released Mr. Green- burg. . . Tbe case has been one ot the most sensational In the history of Durham, and the fact that Mr. Greenburg is exonerated from all blame for the fire has created a strong sentiment in his favor. t " '" f OLD ENGLISH BOXERS. (I Hired to Prevent Trouble at Georgs V.s Ceronatien. Boxing was Introduced into England in the earlier port of the eighteenth century, its first practitioner being John Broughton, who kept a booth toe exhibitions iu Tottenham Court road,1 London, and rules were drawn up Aug. 10. 1743. Tbe vogue was due to the decline of sword combat exhibi tions In the reign of George L Brougn ton hlmnelf was the first who stood in tbe position of champion, a distinction wbk-h he held for eighteen years, but eventually he was knocked out by a batcher nanx-d Slack. Brongbtoa was a great pet of tbe Duke of Cumber land, who took tbe pugilist with him to Berlin, when be declared himself ready to take on the entire regiment The Origin of Roystcr Fertilizers. Mr. Royster believed that success awaited the Manufacturer of Fertilizers who would place quality above other considerations. This was Mr. Royster's idea Twenty-seven years ago and this is his idea to-day: the result has been that it requires Eight Factories to supply thedemand for Royster Fertilizers. i F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY. '. FACTORIES AND BALES OFFICES. iiAnm ui Tiiinin h. r. ROLUMBIA. a. C. SeAKT ANBUHQ. S. C. MACON, CA. COLUMIUa. QA. MONTGOMERY. ALA. SALTIMOM.MD. XOTICK Of SUMMONS. NORTH CAKUUAA. I .fit 11 4, VI t tl V 1XKHAM CorXTW. ' , ..(Superior court , Junuary Term, 1811. Hasty McAUama, . John nley MpAdama. To Jol.n Vi-y .VluAdamc You will tak. noiire that acttun entitled sa alxive Wiiit b-iun anmt you in tri Supfrlor court of Imruain county, I ember t't. If 10. by tasuinir summons, which summon! returned by tn Sheriff ot Innliam county endorsed. "After lue dilmenre the defendant U not to be found In Durham county," "alt to be In i'.lchmoml, Va.,' and thereafter order wan uuly made by aid court uirectinK tnai xaiu sum rear through the Instrumentality of the club. This report was very grati- 0f grenadier guards there If be wejmn 'rtrham tying to the members, and fully dem-1 only allowed a breakfast between each Kconier. a r,ewf.er published oustrated the value of concerted act- Ion on the part of the buslnet of the community. J. A. Xiles, secretary and treasurer of the club made his report which showed the finances of the club to be in a healthy condition. This be ing the regular time for electing new officers, the following were elected: President, Dr. X.1L Ferrebee, first vice-president. General B. S. Royster, second vice-president, Z. W. Lyon, secretary and treasurer, Mr. F. M. Pin- nix. Four members of the board of governors having completed their term, were succeeded by the follow ing: J. P. Stedman. C D. Ray, Dr. T. L. Booth, and A. H. Powell. The club his beea in existence for little over a year, but during this short time, it baa sot only brought to pass many things of benefit to the town, but has been of great service in moulding sentiment in favor of co operation for the public good. There are about 60 members representing the best business Interests of the town. two battles." I The English fighter Tom Crlbb once secured a very remarkable engage ment. Just before tbe coronation of George IV. certain sympathizers with Queen Caroline bragged that on tbe day of the ceremonial they would make matter -warm In tbe neighbor hood of Westminster abbey, and this reached the enrs of the earl marshal. That hlgb. functle!ry sought an In terview with the pugilist "Gentleman Jackson,' 'wbojtanght Lord Byron to box. .. ... Jackson sot together some two dosen bruisers. Besides Crlbb, the band In cluded John Gully. In turn fighting man, racing man. colliery proprietor and member cf parliament. They were attired as klnx's pagea and gathered a boot tbe abbey doors. There was no trooblev-Cblcnge New. .. ae- klv in the City ot Durham, uulrina- you to ai-iar in the riuperlor court of Durham county to be held on the th Monday berore tno nrt Mommy In 1 .Th net, to wit: Beglnulng Januury 23. 111 and answer or demur to the complaint or .inv.n or reuri J rayed for will lie granted. The ol ect of this action i to obtain a di vorce from you, thereof take due no tice and (ail not. This the juth day of recemher, 1S10. C. B. i KICKS'. Clerk of turlor Court. B. 8. SKlNNKIt, Atty. l-e-w easoiiii e Seeds New crop annual and Red Clovers. Rye , Orchard and Blue Grans, Vetch and all kinds of Fluid Seeds. Turnip So ds. Cab bage and Cullarda, Onion Seta. Everything in Drugs, Medicines and Seeds and at right prices. Make our drug store your drug store Haywood & Boone Tbe the aud Lei Live Drug and Seed Store. I'hoae'Xe. Three. 1 1 M 1 11 1 1 iM-- W I Is 1 1 M M f-tttMt4t It REINDEER IN UPLAND. They Furnish the People With Shelter, Clothing end Feed. Some people have said that the rein deer of the northern regions la to the Tbe Opium Smuggler. Notwithstanding the fact that leg- r. adv nrimina-U f . countries what ... . ine none, cow sau iiikii iusn aaic uu urn, u "u., I m ,, , ,v .M. ,nA acted during the last decade, and WW"T .T .Tl, greater circumspection than formerly T probably they are right What .hoe. nnu-rlhlne nnlitm tta nnara.l wouw too lni'iauucr urn tions and derivatives, the amount of Prt favoriU? Dow could be cnlum feirluslre of smokier ooium. without his pair of reindeer hlch la now denied entrv into this I narnesnea to mi iH-mi , countrvt consumed in the Inited Tue rein.ieer nas large discs- ooois. Sutes per hesd has been doubled within tbe last 40 years. And in, re gard to smoking opium. It is still smuggled Into Uncle Barn's domains by Chinese and Americans living behind which are false or secondary hoofs: the result is thst wheo running tber make a clsttcrtnx sound, which may be beard a good cutaoce awsy. Tbe reindeer has mnch endurance and along boundaries between British Co-j takes a long journey without seeming Caardiaa f Old branary. Hugh V. Markiy. familiarly known as the 'old sexton", through his long association with the Granary burying ground. Is dead at his borne In Char leston. He was familiar with the lives In tonr-ectton wi'b fbe old belief PTvMlj all the celebrities who that the gypsi.-. .ere cannibals, and l" tb ?14 'J1 ,rd 1h nexiitioa In H2 ot 11 Hungarian cherished the privilege of es- . ..i. , , i .... i- r-.,n-i cortltig visitors through the cemetery. ,.. th. .Td The stories of Samuel James. Ban.- -cere" to have mea0t by etymology M Coldwril. Crip, -Hurtarlan " It is true that oth-rs 'aVk -' "c""1.of irate It to Orcus, the Latin word for lumbia and Washington and Idaho, and between Mexico and Arizona and California Do you remember what Bret Harte said of the Chinaman? That for wsys that are dark Aid for tricks that are vain. The heathen Chinee Is peculiar Well, it is more than probable that the famous story-teller when he wrote those words bad the opium smuggler in mind, for It la in this particular form of knavery that the Chinaman excels, lie baa brought tbe devastating drug across the bor der Inside tbe cushions on the seat of a ramnhackle vegetable wagon, in side Bible carefully hollowed out. Inside mattress upon which an ap parently dying Chinaman lay groan leg, and Inside fire crackers. Bee Lick, a wealthy old. Chinaman, who operated oa tbe Pacific coast for over I - m.n hM bwn married 49 years, onre brought 50 pounds of ,e... na -ondera why It Is dlf- Opium conceaiea in copper ooxee iuio ertnt trom ,b,t be thought It San Diego, inside tbe carcass or W0UMbe 200-pound hammerhead shark tnai, an accomplice told a custom house - Inspector, was anxiously awaited by SOTICK OF fJKCUKAHK, OF CAN- the Chinese la , San Diego aa a table delicacy. be infernal regions of h Ir king; but is H porfslul that there has Wn a fusion of the two? That would offer a rloee psralM to the tea of "Tar tar." The terrlfyirig tovad-rs of fcn- rot were properly "Tartars," but the first "I crept in by eawx-U'irtu with "Tariarus," the Latin bell.-lymdon Chronicle. A brsluleae wan may )u a wife, but wlieu It comes to supporuiig fctr tall, tCst'a asother story. Criirp-is Attucks, the Boston maasatre, tutored in tbe Granary by order of the town of Boston, were the seaVlxis be loved to fll about, as well as tbe story of Christopher Any t't, the first victim of t revolution ary war, who was also buried there He bad an interesting tale to Ml of tbe author of the Mo'hr Ge rhymes and brif sketches to untold shout Iv-Klnghsm, Dummer, Hatirork, Adams, Bfitd'ln, t uabltig, Bulllran, Kustln, Hutnr.er, Peter Fanul! and others buried lu tbe grounds. Boston Trtnscrlpt tired, tbongb It ia only about four and a half feet in bright and Dot very strong. Its born are long and slender. with branched, rounded antlers, but they are not much used In combat, like those of some other deer. The Inrgret reindeer are found where tbe weather is coldest, and their color to lighter. CsiwIIy It It brown and white, bat la tbe ca of old animals the ha!r Is sometimes qnlte white. From tbe akin of the reindeer tbe Lap landers get not only their clothes, but also bedding at.d tests: the mlik Is drank and msde Into cheese and the Beta Is also gw-4 to eat, the tongue and banncbes being psrtlculsrly liked. Pemfhtcas, an Important ankle of food, is made by pouring fat over tbe pounded meat and mixing tbem well together, St Lou. Globe-Democrat. rare rroJtrbs aid Phrases. Tomorrow to frtb woods aud past ures new Milton. Oh. the galant fisher's life! It is the beat of any; Tla full of pleasure, void of strife, And 'tis loved by many. Izaak Walton. To a close shorn sheep God wind by measure. -Herbert TIL STOCK. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT, OF STATE la compllsnce with Section 1144 of the Revlsal of 190S, notice Is hereby given that the paid-in capital stock of Tbe North Carolina Betw mer Company, of Durham, X. C, bar. been decreased from $100,250.00 to I2,u2.a0, by t-rtlflcate of amend metit filed in the office of the flecre glvesltary of Mate of tbe State of North Carolina on tbe 4tn say or January Attempt the end. and nevrr stand U . Ill I, whlH said original cer- Anhi- tiiKafe or amenri.nhi is now on nie f((hln's so hard but search will find 1 In tnf offlre. jtout. Herrlck. I in lewimony v. nereoi, i usve oerif nnio set my band and a mien my nm A woman'a Enters are all tbunibn clal sial. wben she attempts to get money out Dnne In ofTUe t Ralclph, tL:s 4th of her purse for the purpooe of pay- dsv of January, A. H. 111 log another woman's car fare- Cbt- (HEAL) J. BR VAN GUIMij, fsgoNel. lMf-23 SOUTHERN EAILWAY Schedule. N. B. These flgurea are puc:the4 aa I IctormiUlon and are pot iruaranteed. t in aT m.: No. 111. eaattvuBd. dally for fUlelirh, Selma and tioldsboro, con necting with A. C. I. trains KOlni north at Helma; at O-ldsboro with A. O. 1. train tor wilminaton; awe wita Norfolit Soutl.ern train for Nw Bern, Moreheud City and baufort. This train handles Pullman HI, Din Cars from Urecnsboro to iialetah. 11. it a. m.: No. If, eamoouna tor RaleiKh. tie 1 ma and Coldsboro. connect- in at feilma with A. L. trains north and south, and st Vldsoro with A. C. l trains i-r niiminstwn; sieo win Norfolk Houthera train for Kew Bern. Ud reread City end Hsaufort. t it p. m.: ro. iz. eastoouno. lor Raleltrh, Selma and Qoldaboro, oon nectlna at Keltna with A. C L. train south for l'ayettevllle. and at Cmlos boro with A. C. U trains aorta for Buck Mount. I It av tn,: K& ill. westoouno rot Oreenaboro, connectln with nam lint trains both north and south, also for Aaheyelle and Knoxeitie. r-ultinaa bleeplna Car handled on this train be tween jialeiKh and (IreenstKtro. Car open at IUleia-b (or accunancjr at p. m. I .se a. m o. si wiirauua innrati train front vJoldsooro-t'urham to Ashe rllle. Handles Southern lonlwsy t.ar lor car, Gfldnboro to Asheyllle. Con. nects at Ureensboro with mala tins trains north and south. .0l d. m.: no. lit. westnaunn for Greensboro. Handles through pullmin Sleeper from ;ul((h-l'ornm te At lanta, connects at ornmwim wnn main line trains for th north and south, also for AahevHle, aCaosvllle and klen-.i.hla. t La r. en.: So. lit arrtyee riurham. daily except Kunday from liichm-ind. Keysvuie. jsaaes au local intermediate toi. ( a. n.: no. lie Leaves Durham. dally esc.pt r in1T for Keysvitle. Kicbmond. ktaass all local Intermedi ate stops. II p in. mi. if ArriTes uurnam. dally, from Kevsvllle, and iMives It for lialetvh. Make alt local Interme tiate stops. Tekea up connoctiwn at Keyevllle from No. 7, which !, itl' hmond a. a.; arrives KeyaviUe I ti a. m. !: B. m.: no. in. daily, arrives Durham from ltleich, and leevee at 1 'Jl p. 1. for KeysvCle. Makes all local Intermediate stot . IwllTers ironeeetion at Keysvllle In No. It w t.l. b has been caned to leave Keysvill t 17 p. m : arrive Richmond. tOi. KVtiedule of trains between Oxford and Henders'in. N. adjusted to make connection wltlt tbe foregoing train at Oxf-ird. Lsx-al trains Nns. if and 3(1 hetween Richmond end )-eiy. and tivn. Ill and lie betwe'n keysvllie and Dur ham dlaoninu4, ant asenKrs will not be handled thereafi.r on fretarkl trains Mos. (I and I between Man chester and Kyelll. nor on mixed trams N"s. '!, lf.1. t't. and 171 be tween Keysvllie snd Lurham. KflTertive sane dale, ctol,er t. If IS. Ihe foiowln other chances oa Jtlcb mnnd lylslon were alo niade: No. S. leave Iaovllle s.li a. m.. Keys vllie 11:41 a. rn., and arrive ftlchmond i o p. m. Will make all o-al atop Iwnvllle to Kevavllle; else stop at Me t.errln and tlurkevlile and further atop at polnte east ot Keysviile to discharge paesenrers from polnta west thereof No. li lave Imnvllle I 01 . m, Keysviil 117 p. tn. and arrive HU.lt mond I ot p. m. Kor further Information call oa aa; Rout hern Hallway ticket agent, or a dress: H. r. CART, W. If. rArtVELt Uen. i'asa. A tent, Trav. Pass, As-enf V"shlnKt,n, I'. C. Kalels-h, N. C r. W. WOOD WA fin. I'nloe Tlijiet Aft qrham, M. 1 PERKINSON'S MILLINERY IS EXCLUSIVE IN STYLE IJut vc do not add anything to the price of hats for cxclusivcness. ' "Pojnilar Prices" here mean exactly what they jmriort to mean. , We '11 'not attempt any detailed description of the new things. Couldn't d it. They arc too varied in dc- n;gn and style. I'uy early, in so dtdiij; you get letter selection everything. . MRS. L. PEEKINS0N & CO. The Woman's Store. I I cj..ixnoNn s art lH!YOU DEAR? u I When you were engaged 1 B j is i "miTiiIm) Just Receiv ed by Ex press a Big Shipment. Come Early Ht4Ht1MMrMi HI44HW w ; Still Jobbing Zeb P. Council t Job Prlnkr 4 4 i 4 H4444 1HHI 14 WHW W Al Flvt I'olnt. Durham, N. C Blacknall's I Drug Store "We Save You Money " FIELD SEED, CRIMSON CLOVER THE KINO OP SOIL IMPROVERS. RED TOP CLOVER, RYE, VETCH AND ALL GRASS SEED, HYACINTHS, NARCISSUS aND FLOWERING BULBS. C. E. KING & SONS 1H W. Main St 'Plume 1M eeaauaowmtaaia:iut taiauaminwmtttaamHttiw fcrttary tf Eute. ..I'JU-'i