ftECOME BU1MAM ID VOLUME 91 dtjrham,;n. a Friday, march 3, 1911 NUMBER 54 h.Z1' DILL BR PU10STOUI 101,11 THE PASSING OF o.y, DEIIIIT I.H COOPFfi Tll UP in PASiitvSEriATE TlinOUG I KiiriSAS UG 1 0 DEMOCRATS Ttt Ad ts b t!tri:n d CtUC:t;$5i L'mrre Goes Ttrc;il3vi:?d la Start C?s!;a la the ' Civlri Prlvi Ucim - I 54 la 17 ta Secesi Reatisa SczRawer State DISGSS!0:i OS SFIITED ! Kaieign, warca z.uy a rote oil to tbe senate passed on ecc- ond reading the Hobgood bill pro-l Ivldlng for primary elections through. lt,.ru..tilf KiIIdm Waa Anls.l out th state. Oa objection It went WK Ut VU1IU JVSMUJIia, Hum luuir day, being set for special order. The bill was considerably modi nod by amendment striking out section 17 relating to tbe misdemeanor charge against a voter participating In a primary and then falling to sup port the ticket pf any political party OPEN BATTLE OF 1812 Uteri Phase of the JgltBtla The Hetraae Arts Were Considered Lat Sight sad Paused Serend Iliad. Kansas Slate Pair Will be Scene of President Taffa Enunciation of Sew Doctrine for Great Political fight That Will Ensue cxt Tear Details of Trip to be Made Laier. with which ha -lalmd to b afhiU lUlciah. March J. House spent ated. , The amended bill chanees the Waanmgton, Marcn z. le became from S to nearly 11 o'clock last night date of the primary from the first known at the white bouse today, after taeabing out, amending and finally Tuesday In September to the first -glt of Representative Anthony, paaslng on all reading, the bill by ""ZJZl ,l8 repea'8 of Kansas, that when the present Latham to prohibit the sale or hand ling of intoxicating liquors by any club or association, amendments be- J . . I I -.11 (.. ,. t .. t V I N .ng aaoiHru c '?" .Ion. the friend, of the measure put- an opportunity to open tha .would prohibit member, o club. d op bard fight, while It. orpcaisn , K. vi, r Itnunra u their neraonal lock-1 ' .. . ipaign. . nent were equally as vigorous in The all other lavs la conflict. The debate over this bill was one I of the most spirited and tbe contest! the niont Intense of any of this see- makes his western tour in September he will extend It to include a number of western cities, and may make it the 1912 cam- bavlna Honors n. their Personal lock- -"'r " I la'S r. and specifying that thi. act shall JriTJ''A The principal add, will be do- not Interfere with any oci law regu- I Mt ,w bourf tQ debaUnp llvered at the Kanaa. .Ute fair. The iaius iuo euuiru. vi . thlg blJJ Monday an(, tw0 tnd m half Uxact date will be left to the presi- " u 1 I hnnrft VMfMrilaT stVAntnt? he-farm 1 itant'a nvonlnn Th Invitation ti reaartnt ". to thi. place wa. extended by Rep- In clubs, and Ievltt. of Granville, of fered aa amendment itrlklng out tbe word, "or where member, allowed to keep Intoxicating llquo-. In locker, er la .torage device, of any kind" shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. This wa. adopted ii to 32, and on tbe final vote for tbe passage of the bill the vote wa. fi to IS. Tbe bill, a it pawed, follow.: Section I. That any corporation. club, association or person who shall, tinitUnn I v waali man ftnri for tbe bill and Senator. Bassett and Pbarr the opposition. Senator. " accepted at the time, the detail. Ung, Johnson, Bennett and Green (Ming left for future consideration. also spoke againn the bill and of the xVti to Extend Trip. .even repuoucan memoera xnroe, TodaT Mr Antoony WD0 also rep- aiaruuca, na; inure ar.u uuciauu, trmixl In ntMMltion In Ita najuiaze When the vote waa taken all aven regular where Mr. Madison 1. In repoblican merobers were In their xurgent, came to ask the president to teata and voted against It to a man. tend Ui. Kansas trip o include poring the debate argument for the other cMet o tte Sunflower Btote. mil was miue nj aenaiors Diaea, v i directly or Indirectly, keep or tatin-1 llarnei Btf5ett KluUtf CoM Md When it was explained to him what. tela by Itself or himself, or by assocl atlon with others, or who shall in any manner aid. assist or abet In keeping or maintaining a elubroora or place where intoxlca'ing liquor, are received or kept be drunk or tor birtTor or dU'ibutiou. or for dlvl or use among tbe mem bers of any club or association, by Hrown and the declared their belief chance this would be to put out some that tbe people of the state are de- li political doctrine he executive Standing a leg allied primary to cor- consented. " rct election abuste and purify poll- The details of the program for the lira .a aueh a. possible, citing In western trip, .aid Mr. Anthony, will .upport of thel;- contention tbe fact Save to be arranged later. He ou.y k. r.a n..ritiM h.v. ir..,ir tnr. kuw today tuat Itmerary womla th. m ...tin. tnihwtttake in tbe state fair, Leavenworth, -f .i,!n. ,.rf,H.. mnA inoi U'.d. perhaps, w or th"ee other im ny means whatever, .hall be gulHyl . r1r . minnan, f lh. portant place.. He aaid that he ex fcf ld"m"nfrV ,-,1 measure aimed tbe mo.t of tbelr pected that three, and perhaps four, nothing la tola act shall be construed .rm, ,n, -n..Bd . day. would be con.umed by the execu- to prohibit hospitals, drug store and ! t.m, .. . .,..L ,v. Kinltie nartr during tbe Kansas trip. di.penaarle. and asylums from keep- .. ,..,.,, ,n oh ,.... bI. It was only .oggested that the In, mtoxlca log liquor, for meda feat0 ln, democrttlc KnaU. O0. Kan... fair aould be a proper opeu imrpowc And provided frter. Ihat I Urljf theW ,f tag for ;te Mnipaiga of 1912. The vuimi u - l(mofritlf (Muml amemblv enacted al aeasion oi me umiK.ruv u- thla law tbe party would have to do tress will have met and adjourned- penance for It, and that It should not provioeo were ,. ... ds until It teu tbe endowment of The tariff vdl have again become a a democratic convention. The repub- " ' lefWUoj. Reciprocity liran speakera claimed that It pro- wrn . u"- vide the Auatrallan ballot ay.tem Taft policies wlU have been subjec ed for North Carolina voters and Sena- th? PPul" lMU- na the occasion laouia seem apiropriaie iut Tbe Hit to Eitaeralc E!a Was 4$ fa O la Senate THE FIGHT A BITTER DUE Opposition to the JlUnolsaa Fail. When Filial Tet ranie CalierJe. ipplaud While Senators Shower ConpratulMtion. , I'pnn Abused San. , . Died This Morning at 7:45 After Long Illness ONE OF QUR FIRST CITIZENS Wati a Man of Energy and Progress In HI. Younger Days Weil Known in Durham Twenty Years Ago He Was Twice Married Sixty-seven Year, of Age. aa preventing any person from kep Ing liquors on bia own premise.; and. provided further, that nothing In th! act .hail be construed as repealing or modifying any local is, regulating there matters. from and af er July 1. 1911. Tbe discussion of the bill wss aplrlted and characterised hy cross firing until the Uevln amendment was Wi tor Starbuck asserted with much ..rnestn that the general aem-1 nrieitior, of. new doctrine, or con bly cannot afford to paa tbla bill. which be argued would not meet the I tlnued faith In old one.. At any r.te the reactionary Kan.au. proposed and Pi4. and then the -l,. U-V tbe execuUve wT.1 decide to be- upjKJrtof the bill wa. very general. p--"- i 1, Z Vw m al campaign for re-election ln tiahMMnintlv. Ttatn nf wik. Otd(Si I IP run i ur mm im mtnh.r nf tha limit, voiced tbe OP-1 D wd follow. c.i.. .i... k. rfri.rMt that io In-1 Ave.: Armstrong, Daggett. Bar their atate. They promise him a warm welcome whether bia mission turns out to be political or merely neigh I that tbe former prealdent chose Osa vatomle in their state as tne place to deliver his famous new nationalism ;erch. . , vade the right of a club member to hour, B.rnes, Drown, Cobb, Cotten. Lory They, remeaiber al b pride have liquor. In his personal locXer loxe, r inner, naruner, uraunii h-im rat an invasion of per- II artsell, llirka. Hobgood. Hurdle, i in..... . 4 .nH.nf th -n-llvif). Kltrhtn. London, -Martin, of ral eAiie of prohibition. However, Washington; ' McDonald, Stgmoa oeraonallv he wa. opposed to the use Slkes. William.. f liquor, evin for medical purpose.,! Noee Anderson. Barb.m, Bawett, VVIIfi DcalCF Sllt lellevtng it naa no piar in ib i ucnr.eu, iwvis. ureen, ifmr, Vttilnntnn Pncl man system. However some men Holden, Hyatt. Jobnwo, Long, Mar- lu vWlUipiU TU9l live at their clubs, and If they want I tin. of Buncombe: Msshburn. Pbarr, to keep personal supplies there their I pnnix. Starbuck. Wagoner. Baltimore, Md, March t The .pec- riiht in do so should not be qu--l Ahuentees Caroenter. Cartwriaht. tacle wa. witnessed In the criminal Honed. . Leinmond. MrUuEhlin. Rascoe. court here yesteiday of a white man IteDrecn'atlve Kellum, of -New pair. Boydea and Relnbardt, who bad brutally beaten bl. wife. Hanover, registered bl. unqualified Bellamy and Tborne. ptoding for mercy with tear, stream- protest stalnst every phase of the! fc0ntor Hobgood Introduced hillng down his face when be heard the liend'.nc Walnlatlon as ondemotrstlc th nate tndav senate bill No. 1577 sentence of five Unties at the wuin and overMrnoina the Intention of tbe I f,roVid fr the withdrawal of ping post and Impriaonment In Jail people when they voted prohibition. I purities by life insursnce coni.oa-lliut there wa. no mercy because the mhwh hi nMink dMn'i want and be-l.i. .,i nh th fnnat of thL I ttlmony showed that Frank Me- lleved to be demoralising far beyond any harm -that could come from a regulated handling t liquor., ('idrrrd Beveaae Art,', The .en.te went Into a committee of the whole last night with Senator irmiimnf in the chair, and consid ered tbe revenue act, agreeing on the committee on Insurance. It rat thtrtv-four section.. Few chance. I were made in the measure aa It carae f reitCtl ElslrfCS 111 from 4be Bouse, im srnooi is. waa iVftt-Irl rtnllrvnn Tin CP r.laod from eiihleen Cents to twenty WOna UallOOn KaCC rents, and a nrovlsO WSS aided to the inh.ri'anr. lac auhaactlon to deter-1 New York. Xlarch I The Aero ,iir holiW.. This Is denlEned f Cauley struca Bl. wue seven or e.gm sllow compsnlea to withdraw fn.m hlmee, choking ber and tbn took .,.11 with the state commissioner from her mora than 120. It waa tbe lucond sentence of a wlfebeater to . i ..ii.i .h.,. ihi written re-ltbe post by Judge Duffy within leaee of the policy bolder 1. present I month. d. The bill waa referred to the Special Term Court - For Tram Robbers Gainesville. Ga., March 2 George Anderson, alias "Old Bill" Miner, al' leaed leader of tbe bandit, who held nn anit rnlihod I ha Rimlliern rallWST mine the rt by the relationship to club of America la elated today over fMl 0n February 18. near White tbe teetaior of the cestui que trust. the receipt of wree r rente enmr ui g . . orn.. will be arraigned he liiternailonai naiioon race, o Be anorial mm of the aunerior held In this country in O tober. . n , FrldaT. v. c, HBter and Thi. Itmirea nine competitor., i ,antnrA hnih of whom have bree from Kngland and three Amerl-1 , ,r.irintin In the can. tn ltig lh other contestanta. The boWu pmn,,,!, wll be arraigned at tbe same time, Tbe Jail in wmen Section 21. relating W Income., was adopted Ub an atnendinenl of Sen ator Pharr proMbltlng publishing In come, and prescribing a fine not ex ceeding fifty dollars for violation Section 17. relating to theaters, was! executive committee of the Aero club adonted and the hnuae amendment I will meet next Tuesday lo decide ne- cutting the taxes In half rejected. Itweett Indianapolis', Kansas City. Section !. relating to the tax onlninaha. Pan Francisco ana uncinnau the men are confined it carefully guarded day and night traveling theatrical companies play Ing nnder lent., reduced to five dollar, a day Instead of five dollar for each performance. Section 21, relating to practicing lawyers, physlcl.ns, dentists, oculists, photographers, opticians, osteopaths or any practicing art of healing pro as the starling point fof tbe race. flln htmw nf lKa In PMUburg, IMttahiiri. Pa.. March 1. Aristo cratic dnga of all varieties, nearly l.non of. them, are In the band, of Women May Smoke In Public Dining Room the New Yofk, March 2. That the Judaea at the annual bench show throwing open of Ita public dining nr the lMioiiesne Kenne club, whien roome io women wno nuani rare i wun tneir aucrnoon ie nas aaser New 7.' ..L. P lsy and will continue until smoke with their afternoon tea r voked a prolonged dlscirslon. no lend v ' f fl d K )r)n.felt Bnt ( tbe ass than half a do.er, J. 'Vn.Tve e'hlbHIona of tlon of the management of N offered and no time. Tork'. newest hotel, this number of peerhra being tnade .,,, .,, u H M)d today that more th Washington, March 2. William Lorimer retains his seat in tbe United States senate. By a rote of 46 to 40 that body yesterday defeated the 'reso lution introduced by Eenaior Bever idge declaring that tbe Junior senator from Illinois bad not legally been elected. . .1 The end to the case that for so many month, had . been before tbe senate, and which haJ provoked one of tbe moat bitter fights In that body for ye are a fight in which tbe per sonal equation served to heighten and intensify the feeling came shortly after 1:30 o'clock. Promptly at that hour the vice-president brought his gavel down sharply upon bis desk and called for a vote on the resolution. Tbe agreement entered into by the members Tuesday called for the shut ting off of all debate at that hour under the settlement of the lsaue by ro:e. ' ' '; Senator LaFollette had the Boor at the time and the rap- of the gavel forced him to an abrnpi termination of his anti-Loriiner speech. The aye. and noes were sounded, and tbe crowded floor and galleries followed the roll call with interest most in tense. Upon the conclusion -of tbe roll call and the announcement of the result applause was heard from tbe gal leriea. while on the oor Senator Lorl- mer f rieiuls tiastejwj fc4.r tbeiri eongratuletiona. . "- Tbe vo1.- ; Naya Pro-Lorlmer republicans Bradley. Brandegec, Briggs, Bulkely, Barnham. Burrows, Carter, Clarke, of Wyoming; Crane, Cullom, Curtis. De pew, Dick Dillingham. Dupont, Flint, Fiye. Ualliuger, Gamble, Guggenheim, llale. Heyburn, Kean, McCumber, Xlxon, Oliver. Penr-e, Parkin, Piles, Richardson, Scott, Sinoot, S:evenon, arren and Wetmore. Democrats Bailey, Bankhcad, Fleu-her, Foster, Johnston, Paynter, immons, Smith, of Maryland; Thorn ton, Tillman and Watson. Total nays, 46. Ayes Anti-Lorlmer republicane Beverldge. Borah, iiourne, Bristow, Brown, Hurkett. Burton, Clapp, Craw ford, Cummins, Dixor., Gronna. Joues, LaFollette, Lodge. Nelson, Page. Root. Sml b. of Michigan; Sutherland, War ner tnd Young. leniorrats Bacon. Chamberlain, Culbcrton. Clarke, of Arkansas; avi. Gore, Martin. Money, New- lands. Overman, Owen. Percy. Rayner, Shlvely. Smith, of South Carolina; Stone, Swaoson and Taylor. Total ayes. 40. Senator Lorimer dd not vote be cause of bis Interest in the case, and Senator Taliaferro wi in his seat but did not reapond to ha name. The vote of Sena or Cullom. Mr. Lorimer's colleague f'om Illinois, wa. waited with great Interest. Both Hides had claimed bin. He voted for Lorlnter. While no pairs were announce, Senator Aidrleh was placed on other questions with Senaor Terrell, both being absent on account of Unless. Senator Tallaf.-rro". silence may sig nify a pair with SomJor Frailer, who wa. abrent on accornt of tbe d'-ath of hla mother. Mr Taliaferro had been understood to le pro-Lorlmer. Tbe position of M-nator. Frailer and Terrell, who wre absent, were announced it. both uitl-Lorlmer. There I. a cetienl understanding that Senator Aid rich would have fa vored lorimer. Xoliing was stated on tbe floor regardli hi. attitude The .cene when tie vote was taken was one of the mo! Intense but sup- n esslve excitement'' Not until Sen ator Wetmore. next to the last name on the list, had votd was the 46 pra- Lorlnier to al comilole.. The result had been expecte, but everybody waited breathlessly for the announce ment. It was received vith applause from the galleries, but as usual this wag quickly suppressor by the presiding offlcor. . . ' "The resolution is lost." announced the vlee-presldenUi and Instantly the senate was In an uproar of people leaving '.be gallerrs and the floor. I wa. some minute, before the senate could resume Its proceedings. Practically all tie senator, were In their scat., and al the surplus space on the senate flotf waa occupied by member, of Ihe hne, who remained standing While thi vote proceeded. Landowners Anxious for Road to Go Through Their Land this number of spee.b.s being ' " ' fpom fmml. v-nB.i, u vd Mid today that more than f , ... w rnnehansTex - " "l th conn.ry .re Included half of the women who dine there io leave the secttcu nnchaflfd acpt I ' R ........ ldaUr imok- cltarttffcf. The city of Durham lout one of its oldest and most valued citizens today in the death of Mr. W. R. Cooper, which occurred at 7:43 this morning. Death has seldom removed a more highly esteemed citizen and one who entered into the life and activity of Durham twenty years ago. Few men live and die in this world who have not at least an enemy, but if Willisxm R. Cooper bad one we never heard of it.; He waa charitable, kind and ever in good humor, never talking about others; if be could not say a good word for a man be said nothing. His personality drew to him men of all kinds; it was a pleasure to converse with blip and listen to bia droll humor, which was all his own and harmless. Mr. Cooper was born ln Caswell county 67 years ago. He was twice married. His first marriage was to Miss Mollle James, of Caswell county, who died a short time after the mar riage. From this union one sou, Mr. Edward Cooper, was born. His sec ond marriage was to Miss Nannie Ed wards, of Virginia, and she still sur vives hii No children were born to this last marriage, which has lasted through 22 years .of happy com panionship. ; Mr. Cooper first engaged in busi aes. at Hurdle's mills, in Person county. He was engaged in milling. merchantf tfBM. faKaJufi1 tsat olace and was very successful. He came to Durham about 25 years ago. He was engaged in merchandising for some time, but af :trward. he engaged in the tobacco business. At this busi ness be was very successful and was at one time one of the most prominent business men of the city. Hi. heal h failed ln 1902, and since that time be has lived in retirement. For several years he has been an invalid unable to leave bis home. He has endured fearful and prolonged Buffering, but through it all he retained bia good deposition and kindly humor. Mr. Cooper Joined the First Baptist church about 23 years ago and has been a consistent member since that time. He wa. a good citlien, an ideal father aud husband, and a consecrated Christian man. His only surviving relative, with the exception of hi. wife and aon. 1. one .later who live, in Alamance county. The funeral arrangement, have not been completed. Tbe promoters of the Durham and Danville railroad, a charter for which la in the legislature at the present time, are receiving much en couragement from the landowner, along the proposed route of the new road and from the people of Danville. A letter was received yesterday offering to give the right of way and furnish the cross ties for, a part of the road free of charge if it should be built. The people of Danville are delighted with tbe prospect of hav ing another road. At the present time panville has no ratlroad outlet except tbe Southern, and with the building of tbe new road it is boped Underwood Asks Ways and Means Members to Heel PJIOSDAYNEXTTHEDAY SET Extra Session, or No Kxtra Session, the Democratic Members of tho House Ways and Meana Commit tee Will Proceed to Prepare Way for Tariff Revision. Washington, March 2. Extra ses sion, or no extra session,' the demo cratic members of the house way. and means committee will hold a meeting next Monday In the bouse that competitive freight rates can be I office building, and will proceed to secured. ' I consider tbe business of making u In Caswell county, the new road thft committees for the 2d cone-res will make accessible a vast territory! . . ., ,,,fc. . revision. Chairman Underwood, of the com mittee that is, be will be chairman as sooa as tbe committee la organ ized has called , the democrats to gether and means to lose no time which heretofore baa had no rail road facilities. Naturally the land owners along the route are very anxious to donate tbe right of way in order to secure the benefits that will be derived from the road. Tbe charter ha. not aa yet passed tbe legislature, but a. there ia no on-1 getting down to business. It la ex position to its passage, it will very likely be made a law before tbe legls lature adjourns. , . - Colored Man Picked Lynchburg PowtmaMer. Washington, March 2. President Taft yesterday sett to the senate the nomination of Jnfties Mcuaugnnn to be postmaster at Lynchburg, Va. Washington, March 2. U La under stood hat President Taft has sent the senate the name of J. C. Napier (colored), of Nashville, to be register of the treasury, to succeed . T. Vernon, Incumbent. President Taft has jot been nearly so liberal ln bis distribution of fed eral offices among colored men aa former P-esident Roosevelt; but in the present "ease he promised Vernon', place to Napier several months ago, and would have sent the nomination of the latter to the senate earlier but for the fact that Vernon la said to be poor financially, and It was thought best to give bim a short time to look out tor another Job. Jury Will Investigate Cumberland Tragedy today about tbe situation as respect. tariff revision. He said it wa. 1m Cumberland, Md., March 2. A I possible to say how far the demo- brief will be made, of the new evl-1 crats of the bouse would go wtb re- denee that has been adduced in thelspect to passing bill, revising differ- Twigg-EIosser case, since the mon-lent schedules. He said much would oxide theory haa been accepted, and I depend on developments, on the situ- It will be presented to the April I atlon that developed In the senate grand jury. The new witnesses arc land the like. It would be tbe policy. said to knock out the monoxide he said, to Introduce a bill for tbe theory, which many have refused to 1 revision of one schedule and follow take seriously. lit up with a bill for the revision of State's Attorney Robb says he will I another schedule. How far this pro- take charge of any new evidence pre-1 cess would go, Mr. t'nderwood said. sented to him, especially that which could not be definitely foretold at upporta the coroner's jury in rhel this time. The allegiance of Mr. I'n- Lost for Seven Years Refuses to Go florae San Francisco. March 2. Still firm in his Intention not to return to his father's home, Sidney Fiuiey. son of Joseph Flnley, former American con sul to G noa, has reappeared In this city after an absence of seven years. The missing man appeared at a local hospital to be treated for several knife wounds and was recognised by the physicians. Flnley disappeared from home seven years ago after quarrel with his father regarding the settlement of his mother s etate, ana be had nof been heard from from that lime to this. Mailt Rider Witness Flees Under Guard Paducah. Ky . March 2. Guard ed by soldiers. Milton Oliver, a.ieged victim of night riders, with bl. fatn lly, passed through Paducah on tbelr way to Metropolis. 111., where they will make their home. Since Oliver was shot and danger ously Injured last May troops hn Kiiarded him. He I. a witness In night rider rases at Hopkinsvllie, Ky next month, and state troops will escort him there. ii - Calls Upon China For Further Statemen London, March 2. The csar hat de manded a more definite statement from China than that contained Russia', recent note regarding alleged violation of te treaty of ISM, and 4 written confirmation Of Verbal prmnUe. made to Minister Korosto- vlix, according to a Rcuter Peking correspondent. lnlee. the car demand are met Russia will occupy the 111 provlnc In Chinese Turkestan. Chicago pay. her mayor $13,000 a year, which I. considerably mot than the aalary received by the gov ernor of any of the state., with th alogle exception ot New York, pected the discussion Monday will be largely preliminary and will range over a wide field, both wun respect to how to go about tariff revision and tbe selection of committees. If It In fihanlntplT apltlpd hw nmlnv For Treasury Job that there is to be an extra session, of course, toe democrats will have little time left in which to determine tbe committee membership and to get ready to report one or more tariff bills to tbe house. . Aa a matter of fact, tbe house demorcratic leaders are convinced tbe extra session la coming. They are making their plana accordingly. Sad I inl for Republican. . All the committee are to be made- up. The big committee., sucu as way. and means, are to bare 14 democratic membera and seven ' re publican members. That is, the pro portion will be two to one. This la a sad dish of crow to the republican who have for so many year, been plucking at all the nice juicy morsel. about the bouse In the way of com mittee assignment. Representative Underwood talked finding of death by cyanide poison ing. Skull Fractured By Automobile Richmond. March 2. Run down by an automobile driven by Dr. W K. Broaddua of Glen Allen, Walter Coleman, 9 year old, of 313 West Broad street, was seriously Injured Monday nlgbt at Monroe and Broad streets, and his death at the Memo rial hospital, where he waa taken al most immediately after tbe accident. is hourly expected. Tbe boy was tinconsclou when ifted from tne ground by Dr. Broad- dus, and was still unconscious when the latest report from the hospital was received. His skull I fractured at tbe base. Suing s In Harness to Gain Height for Navy tier wood and the house democratic leader generally to the system of revision schedule by schedule Is uu- wavering. Senate Not Worrying llne. Mr. Underwood would not discus tbe question of wbat the senate dene ' ocrats might do with the tariff bills sent over to It from the house. It Is the purpose of tbe house democrat to go ahead In their own way. ful filling their pledg. to the country a they Interpret them, and not bother about what may be done at the senate end of the rapitol. The republican leader have been asked by the democratic leader what they are going to do about fill ing the minority place on the com mittee. The republican have work ed out no plan. A. a matter of fact. It is a most difficult problem for the republican, divided as they are between regular and Insurgents While none of the democratic leadera assert It openly, there I ho doubt that what titer expect to do U to hurry th tariff bill along through the hotiftc rapidly sa tbe ways and means committee can act upon them. St. Paul. March 2. Frederick Mussel. 17 years old. who 1 half uul inch too short to Join the navy, la land mmrt them out for the consid- winging daily ln a harnes attached Uratlon of the bmiae. In the proven. to his head to gain the necessary! ( doing this, they expett to pa height. The rigging waa fixed up bylbftle in the hotme revising eaih one a friendly fireman. . of the schedule. The plan which After keeping at it for a week he has been generally talked of until ha added a quarter of an Inch to blsl rf r jHtcy j. t0 revise only a few of h"lght. He will be 1$ years old on tte chief achrdulea. aa woolen, cot- March fi. and after that be must add two Inches to be accepted by the navy surgeon. Kvery morning be swings until he I ore and .tiff. All laillrd le lalifernla. ' San Jose, Cal., March J San Joae today celebrated invitation day by mailing the first lot of 4,000.000 Invl tatloti which are to be sent by Call furnian to friends and acquaintance throughout the east. Inviting them to locate In this itate. The movement wa started by the Southern Pacific railway, and 1. deigned to attract permanent .ettler rather than tour ists. acb county of California Is ta end out It quota of Invitation, which are In the form of attractive card bearing view, of the different localities, ton, Iron and steel, and fiwni pro duct. But more comprehensive plan will be carried o it. Separate schedule bill will be put through and every schedule will be tackled. Thi may mean a prolonged extra eUin. The house democrat will pass the Canadian reciprocity agreement. They will paes It unattached to any other tariff proposition, if there ia an extra session. President Taft ha. been given assurance if this v tii the senate will do 1 a. hard to fore cast a to predict the courn of a Jury. It Will, doubtleaa. paa the reciprocity agreement. If It come to a Vote, but whether the agreement will be amended or whether a tariff revisln bill will be attached to It can ttt be f jritotd. l ... . t . a 1 r 1 UJVK1 IM,

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