mJBHAtf RECORDER, DIJRIJAII, ,N. C. FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1911. I ,' . if i K:ir cl Xitzziti Wl Ccach Fo rei;sers Arrt; Fer PeHce IVcsii tan Abandomea! , of All Coroner Ford Bcclcs Active (ml Essdrci Force la Ueilco . Artrian Claims Investigation of Deaths WILL PROTECT IIOHGIIITII THREE MORE DIE CITY DUILDI16S OF KJSURREGTOS FROM POISONING - - . - , e, ' KILLED III FIGHT .' El Paso. Tex., Mar 11. Secure In thefr ' control of Juarei the . Insur gents are today clearing up the wreckage In the town and preparing to defend themselves against the at tack by the federals' relief force un der Colonel Rabage. ' The defenses which were badly battered by the en gagements preceding tbe capture of the town are being prepared to stand another attack. . ; It Is Impossible to secure n ac curate estimate of tbe dead - and , wounded as the result of the fight ing at Juarez, but the insurgents to day expressed tbe opinion that about 60 federals and 15 Insurgents ' were killed, ,jr.rt federals and 100 rebels were' wounded. , General Madero to- . day Issued a proclamation to federal .prisoners offering to takeithem Into the Insurgent army If any desired to Join. It Is reported that a number took advantage of the offer. It is believed that as soon as Juorei has been partly rehabilitated tbe Insur , gents will march south with the In tention of attacking Mexico City, thus forcing Dial to terms. Dr.Tyree Accepts Call aw - - .a m 1 iO Ulua rcmi tncrCO According to a statement Just Is- sued Dr. W. C Tyree, of Oxford, who I " eometim ago received a call from I the First Uaptlst enure a of High I ' Point, has accepted. Tbe -Biblical Recorder in announcing the fact I .states: , , ', We consider the First Baptist , church, of High Point, exceedingly fortunate In securing Dr. W. C. Tyree . as their pastor, i As bis great pastor-1 ' ate la, Durham and Kalelah bear witness, and, as all North Carolina ttaptlsts know. Dr. Tyree la one of the wisest, soundest, most popular, " and most 'effective of pastors In all . the land. Since closing bis pastorate In Raleigh, be has been kept ' busy quite every Sunday in supply work and revival meetings. There will be general rejoicing among our brother hood tnat be la to remain la North . Carolina and unnumbered benedic tions will rest upon him In his new field. RcscrvaOcns Made FCr CS3 ElkS Meet . Mr. W. Q. nrambam haa Just com pleted arrancementa for reservation at Allantie City hotels for the North Carolina Klks who will attend the meeting of the Grand lodge at that city in July: It Is expected that at least 49 derlgatea from tbe differ ent lodges ot the state will attend the meeting. About 75 ot tbe mem bera of the Durham lodge will at tend and several ; sixtclal Pullman ear will be reeerted for tbe Dur ham delegation which will leave here on Jabr th. TWO lulled in WreCK xaln VI reuit " Leadvllle, Qo.. May li. After making a thorough search of tbe wreckage ot tbe Rio Grande passen ger train, which was derailed near ftedrltffe last night, tbe wrecking crew baa reported that two persons. Mrs. Catherine J. Martin, of Albany N. Y.. and an unidentified child were killed and between Z3 and 33 pas sengers were Injured Apprehension Fell In Conation cl Pope '' null iiiW 4 Rome.', May It.-It was learned to- dar that tha three sisters ot the Poim are virtually acting aa his mirae d-irlng hia enfeebM condi tion, "it Is irllably reported that be Inii tflnplsya arter'al degeneration and Is rapldlv losing the powers of relatanta Tbe Pope's general con ditlrn ,1a such aa to exeitt appre hension' General SttiUe of Tobacco Workers Tmi,a Via - llif II. Five in0U - and tobacco workers walked out to- day and a general atrtke la tnreat - ened In the cigar making trade as h. rtt of tha artlod of Judge Wall In tbe federal court upholding ih. vautirt aaainat three mea chart ed with Intimidating the non-union worktmea. . llovae) of Jonea, Jones painted his house last year. It Inoka dull. dead, no life in It ' Smith painted bla bouse 10'yeara ago. , . . it looks clean, nice, and don't need repainting, because he used I M. Paint, and added three quarta of Oil to each gallon. Tbe Oil gave life and preaedved It tleaides adding the uu reourea its cost 40 cents a gauon ima other paint Thlriy-flve years use In N. A. 8. A. .1 Longman alanines. Manufaclur- rs. The U M. Pure Palnta. Var- l.nea and Paints for every purpose, Wrs, ninhf for sale by W. A. MaUry. Tli" e'roet. . Willie What's the most nus animal H the circus, papsT Pa- The calliope, my son. Wo man's Home Companion. 4 mat. A. sew Dress for Mother's QU-L Girl's Dress With Ikxly and , Sleeve Combined and With Tucker .That May Be Omit ml. ... Peasant effects' are charming for girla as well as for women and the style here shown will lend itself ad mirably to any of thoa season's popu lar materials. White dimity was used in this instance, with bands of embroidery for decoration. The por tion of the tuckeroutlined by the Kan1 la? at a tt nlt aI lawn vbvKIIa t Vi a n mm va ,M-a-a7. in w uv nuiiv auc sleevea and covered portion of the tucker were of plain lawn. Tbe gathered skirt may be made with or without the tucka. The waist has seams at the shoulders and under- arm. The pattern la cut in four sixes: t, 8, 10 and it yeire.. It re- quires 3 yards of 29 inch material for the 8 year alze, with 6-S yard for the tucker. I A pattern of this llluMtratlon malK led to any address on receipt of 10c in saver or stamps. Kamev. Street i, Town But 81m;.. No. Fill out tbe above blank, en- 4 closing ten eents In stamps or 4 coin, and mail to the Beauty Pat- 4 4 trn rnmunr llfil SNiTtin atnwt Brooklyn. N. Dept D. ISSISIHII POSTMASTERS HTATK OIMMXIZATIO.X FORMKD i.v gri:e.hr(iu mkdviday. Greensboro, May 11. Many of the assistant postmasters of the state met here Wednesday and formed an organization similar to the assocla- llnu ofNorth Carolina, nnatmaattira. Recently the, assistants have been I placed on the civil service basis by the arovernment. North Carolina haa taken a lead In this organisation. and a state convention will be called to be held in Greensboro, July 4. At the first meeting Wednesday Mr. W. B. Bradford, of Charlotte, cas elected president, Mr. John T. of Durham, was named aa ser if tary and treasurer, Mr. 8. A. Hod- ,,)n of Greensboro, first vice-presi dent; Mr. T. C. Council, of Raleigh, M-ud vlce-prelsdent Tbe executive committee la com posed Of Messrs. W. G. Elliott, ot Wilmington; W. O. Ellis, of Wash lntnn, and James Wagner, of Ashe- Ivllle. Explosion In Mine Claims Five Victims Brrenton, Pa., May 11. Five workmen are dead following an e plosion and fire In tbe boas vein of the Boston colliery at Clarksvllle to day. STATU MISHION tMHICTV. i:llti ASM AL Kl-:SHI)S Raleigh, May 11. ine nnai ll"nB Ol toe iiunia nnwivu North Carolina waa held today. The lieaiure, oi tne miun wsa the addreaa at night by Rev. U . Massey, editor of the Raleigh Christian Advocate. Csllly ef Maanlasghler. I Concord, May , 1 1. Walter , wall. colored, waa found guilty Tuesday flornnnn nf liian1mihtr. lie WBS CDBrtr4- W1B the killing of John Gar- reU. colored. Judge Biggs sentenced Wall to three years In tbe peni tentiary. Durham Highs Play Today. Thl afternoon on the East Dur Ji.mnnit iha ttntboro and Dur- otnj ngB ,rhool teams will play tbe nnd Bame of this season. A lively cont(t la expected Unlkwl at Old Wert. l wmitiln't let a . doctor cut my , 0.?' r"'"', h aatd H. D. Kly, lllsntam. Ithough horrible ulcer bad been the plague of my lofe for tour year. Instead I used Bucaien s Arnlra Salve, and my foot waa soon 4 is rarnrblenmnletely cured." Ilesle Burns. Rolls. Pores. Mrutites, wwroi, pimples Corns. Surent Pile ctire'lSc at R. Blacknall and Son. Mexico City. May 11. RepresentaH tlves of ail the countries who are rV wnt-A in the dinlomatle corps are today conferring as to tbe best method no nearer today than, before the cap to devise means for safeguarding tbe ture 0f 'juare,' was declared here lives and property of foreigners, ine . outcome will likely be to make an offer that the Mexican government ar- range for tbe services ot 6,000 Mexi- . cans to act in conjunction with mem- , bers of the' foreign colony as a re- eerve police force, so as to prevent murder and rapine In the city.. This foreign guard is to be absolutely neutral, and the-work must be con- Uned to the protection of public build-1 lngs and foreign quarters from any assaults of bandits. . The feeling hare over the fall of Juares Is divided. .Some of the lead ing" Mexicans helieve that President Diaz's resignation will prevent a pro tracted war, while others, who are in the majority, aay Dias can not now relinquish bis office but must fight to the bitter end. Reports today snow that the lighting is general in many parts of the republic. v ...... a.i.nl in Hllonrii. I . .. TWO MinneapoiS ooys were rm'- ly ordered by Judge C. L. Smith in mnnlMn.l mnr tint in IMak tO PflCb 1 oth.r for a vear. The boya were un-l .k.rcril with dlanrdorlTlM the iudia that he had received cem- plaints about their conduct. i After listening to the omcera i story Judge Smith sentenced the boys IO sixty oaj in uie wuuuw, Huv I put them on the most rigid terms of probation ever laid down in Henne-Ith, pin county. Judge smitn torn me bova that they must not speaa to one another during the term. of proha- tion: that they must stay at bememMter 0f Knoxvllle, baa been se nlgbts; keep away from pool rooms and aalobns and attend high school. The Nw yora supreme coun jus- tlce who Issued an Injunction ras-l training a framer from speaking to, hia wift for thirty days pending a hearing on the wlfe'a application for alimony and counsel fee In her suit for separation, doubteless proceeded on a different theory. He may have had In mind tbe lover's philosophy that absence makes the heart -grow fonder. Tbe defendant, accompanied br hia counsel, visited tbe domicile of bis wife and daughter several times 1 wblia tne injunction waa in ioro.i and ate tneala with them, but the rule of alienee waa strictly observed. Case and Comment. , I The lt Of Dying lUM-e. Normally the-Tehuelcnca. aa tne Patagonlan Indiana are called, are a peaceable and kindly people, yet they ar iuiiui.:. vi.u.v w. i 1 t-1 .. Af 1 prejuaices.,very revengeiui. auu oncn wun gooa reason .uapuiiuu. of atrangera. Tney are noi w oeio trineo wun ana wnen unae tne m- nuence Ol urin are oruimi u geroua Tney anow love tor ineir cmi- dren and wives, and kindness to their old people. Jbey are divided Into 1 numerous vines or groups, eacn nav- mg iia uiei or tne burden or government rests out lightly. Tbe cacjque of the trtrbe, to whom tbia village belonged, was then at another camp. They believe in a ..A II .!.., .h h. I ZZ..,".. "a ." 1 ", I propitiate, and have many stories. myths and - superstitions connected with tbe sun. moon and stars, while the sloying of horses and the drink- lug of blood form a conspicuous part of tbeir auperstltloua, birth, marriage and death ceremonies, many efl which are repulsive. When Magellan first passed through the strait there were perhaps no than 10.000 Pantagonlans roaming from the Rio Negro to the atralt, white today, driven back from the littoral to the high pampas and tbe foothills of the Andes altogether they would probably not total over 500. Charles W. Furlong, In Har per's. ' . Rings Tree. Tbe statement made by Democrat) Leader Underwood In the bouse dur ing tbe debate on tbe Canadian reci procity treaty last week haa the right ring to It. When taunted by republi cans with Insincerity, regarding the f tl.l Kill ha M i challenge the statement that we are going to paaa the fre- list bill later i,h ,h. ...i.tinn jh.f it wilt not become a law. ' Tbe free list bill fwlll become a law, or the republican president that vetoea It will never be heard from again. That, we believe. Is about the senll- menj of the Amerloai people; and.lCroker. "but I would rather live In white from present Indications It seems atilte crobab'e that the free list will meet Ha fate at tbe hands of a republican senate, the responsibility for Its defeat can easily be placed where it rightfully belongs. By the passage of this bill In tbe house tbe democratic party will have proven to the nation lie Incerlty In performing the service demanded of It and It will bave demonstrated Its right to control both houaes as well at tbe executive omcei and If we mistake not that will be the verdict of the people In 1911. I Salem Tlmea-Regiater. tli lng Hits 1'jwlern Shore We wonder If the cltltena ot Balls bury are going to have a clean-up day here tb'e spring? Tbe time Is now at hand for a gnegal clean-up of alt lota, alleys, streets.and the gar bags wason should be brought out lagaln. Wicomico News. , wasmngum., .-ww.ur Hon $ot ; the .Mexican insurgents .as belligerents by tbe United States Is ,,-,. who j,ave been searching the record, 0t the International law nrecedents. - JThe principal reason t recoMi,ina the belligerents Mexico , is that by so doing tile United Statee ,, would, abandon all Lajmg ror reparation for damages d hy the American citizens ,hrouK , the revolution. Also the ra4,nrniin would be construed declaration ot the moral support of the revolution by the United States. POLITICS O POLITICIANS . The nrimary campaign for the Ken. tncky governorship Is now on in full "' .nhiicena and ZTC " . ,hel. rt-. Of tne iweniy-iwoinew wuuen now aitting in the United Btates . .1,-1. nwn sena. " " w" senator vvuiwiu f. Bible Class in one oi uie riciiu- ItprHti' churches in the national capital. ., . i The first republican club formed to boost President Tait lor , renomin tion baa Just been launched In New jerse. . - A aneclal election is to be held in .--ond district of Pennsylvania tnlB m0nth to choose a auccessor to .h. 1... rnn.rimin JopI rook. w v. Monday, a former post )e.ted to gueCeed ex-Congressman H.la reuubllcan national commit- tcemtn toT Tennessee. jonn W. Watson. bo has a record mora han fifteen years' service In tbe Florida legislature, baa an nounced bia candidacy for the demo cratic nomination, for governor. Jerrr South, ot Arkaisaa.. who baa succeeded William J. Browning, of New Jersey as chief clerk of tbe national house of . representatives, bad bad an Interesting and checker- Ld rrwr One of the most exciting rhDters of bla early carrer in tbe southwest had to do with the famous marder tn. Weeks family In Mis ,urt. A few daya after the five had been alaia Mr. South waa on his arav tn a nnlltlral con wntion In Lit I... Rn.k Stnnnin, . a rrnaarnaria ,,. hi. -,...inn wmM .,. ..ptM, .-a hia con. ... th . d t0 . u- ' . ... Die on that tber were Tar or Drotn the two bankeri wno were of tne wholesale murders. Mr - n. - hnrrowA a ahotaun and f4pture(l the two men single handed . lj TnA nnlaM tha town ... tw.v , .,,. Rnrk -...i, hl ,n(. aMwa .hm ovar to the autboritles. Uter the two bankers were retoni4 to Missouri, tried and convicted of the murders. For tbe first time In years all but a few of the chairmanships of tbe important committees of tbe house of tiiicul.iii aid J.UW Will w southern democrats. United States Senators Martin and Swanson and Representatlvea Carter Glass and William Jones, wno are after tbe eenatorahipe In Virginia, will have to pay about $3,00 each to enter the democratic primary. . Under tbe Crumpacker reappo' tlonmect b'M there will he 7 sddltlonal delegate to the national ronTCTUO lner "ere 08 delegates to the republican national convention, and 100 to tbe democratic national convention. It la expected that more than 1000 democratic leaders of the Dakota. Montana, Iowa, Idaho, Oregon, Min nesota and Washington will attend the big democratic conference of the northwest, which has been called lo assemble in St. Paul early next monty. . Senator Gronna ,of North Dakota la one of tbe self-made members of the upper branch of congress. Equip ped with only a common school edu cation he served hia apprenticeship " " "'ry kkow ueu.rt H oun "Pf "Uny to acquire u loe uuoerioiwi ironuer ana I emerged aa a prominent banker and merchant' ' lagralllsde ef Aa Eg Boss." "I love America," aaft Richard Ireland on one pound a week ban In I America on Bv pounds." t ngrateful Mr. Croker! "Where did yon get It" If not In our loving, lavish midst? You, On" of the anointed rulers of Our democracy, prefer to live I under a monarchy! You allowed us to pay you five pourds a week as boss of Tammany hall for years and years. and then you run your one ponnd-a- week racing stable In distant climes land do not even give ua a cbanre to bet on your Derby winners! And yet ungrateful.- aa your views may seem, we could slmost Bud It In our bearta to wla that Mr. Murphy shared them. New York' World. ' He Might Shine. A prominent rttlsen ot Kansas City I retimes to run (or mayor because he - j "never goes out at night." Why not I make bint a atreet lamp? Dei 'journal., i. - .'. 4 Detroit Philadelphia, May 11. Coroner Ford today began active campaign to have more stringent laws enacted affecting the sale of poisonous drugs following the deaths ot John Shin'n, Earl Burr and Ida Arbuckle from beer containing cyanide ot potassium poisoning. This makes a total of ten deaths within two months from cyan ide potassium. Emily Shlnns wife ot tbe dead man, and Michael McGinley who boarded with them, who were also nearly dead from tbe same poison, have recovered, and are held pending an Investigation. Tbe police allege that Shinn -poisoned bis wife and guests while under tbe Influence of liquor and because of despondency ot his inability to retain a position . ; SAFE. , Tls night; all tbe sirens are silent, All the vultures, asleep; And tbe horns of the tempest are stirring Under the deep; Tls sight; all tbe snow burdened mountains ' Dream of the sea. And down in the wadl tbe river Is calling to me. . , Tls night; all the caves ot the spirit Shake with desire. And the Orient heaven's essaying Its lancea of fire; They hear in tbe stillness that covers The land andJJe sea, Tbe river in the heart of tbe waldl, , , Calling to me. Tls night, but a night of great yoy ance, -A night of unrest Tbe night of tbe birth of the spirit Of the east and the west; And the caves and the mountains are dancing . . On the foam of the sea. For the river Inundant la calling, Calling to me. Ameen Rihanl, In the American Bad KgK 1 "He alvays was a bad egg, but no body teemed to notice it while ire was rich." "Yes, he was all right until he was broke."-rSacred Heart Review. The Werld's Progress. . At any rate, it la congress and not I'ncle Joe Cannon that meets in spe cial session every day. Pittsburg Sun. Marts Much Trouble. If all people knew that neglect of constltpatlon would result in aevere indigestion, yellow jaundice or viru lent liver trouble they would soon take Dr. Klng'a New Life Pills, and end It. It's the only safe way. Best for bllliousness, headache, dyspepsia. chills and debility. 2c at R. Black nail and Son. S.tl.K-SMAX WANTED to look after our interest in Durham and adja cent counties. Sslary or Commis sion. Address Tbe Harvey Oil Co., Cleveland. O. 2S-I CONFEDERATE BECM05, Little Beck, Ark. May 13, 1G, V and IS. Go by way of tbe "North Carolina Old Soldiers' Route." Tbe following camps have selected the Durham and Southern and Seaboard Air Line Weldon. Warrenton, Littleton. Lou la burg, Henderson, Oxford, Durham, Wilmington, Luraberton,' Hamlet, Charlotte. On the return trip veterans can lay over In Memphis 9 hours tn the daytime and In Birmingham 12 hours in the daytime. 8- Succeed when everything else fans, la nervous proetrauoa and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, aa thousands have testified, FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE h Is the heat medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. South hmzk Th Panama Canal Idea was old when Uncle 8am waa In short trousers. He did not start the great work. But where others burled fortunes he Is digging dirt He gets the credit for digging the biggest ditch the world haa ever seen. The com fort shoe idea didn't originate with us. But like Uncle Sam and his ditch, we get the credit for carrying It out You'll know what that comfort la If you wear a pair of our Flei Sole, Vlcl Kid or Pat Vlcl BELLAOY'S orrosm post ornct lil S-Tw0r ' - lit pip " tc fil Your ' ' ifi m smW'lk Enjoyment' z j J Here'g mmigi jffi. ? a beverage that fairly snaps with dell-X fayjl ' '3 cioui goodness and refreshing whole V MiM 1'' ' pi ,omeeSS 'r Wm lip has more to it than mere wetness and Jf flitf &mu) sweetness it's vigorous, full of life. lyM II ifi sf You'll enjoy it from the first sip to If j P 1 f1 t'1C St rP afterwards. ,1 rg 111 Pill Delicious Refreshing. - jiif: ill K Thfrttuenclung rV Utt I fli w THE COCA-COLA CO.-' " ifj IPl ; , Atlanta, C.. ' il l llSl Send for TAX. 100 V i flfi our interest- Whenever , SJJ i i fM I . booklet," r. . f you ttt an i I I HI "The Truth.- "T ; ,-Arro-i. think LI V About Coca-Cola" of Coca-Cola fW R. T. HOWERTOX SOS Funeral Directors and Embalmers Office and Show Room S18 Mangum, Street. Phone 197 ' Night or Day Service For Sale 100 Bushels Improved Whippoorwill Peas J. Sid Perry Next Door. Sun ,Office. Women! If weak, you need Cardui, the woman's tonic. Cardui is made from 'gentle herbs, acts in a natural manner, and has no bad results, as some of the strong drugs sometimes used. As a med icine a tonic for weak, tired, worn-out women, Cardui has been a popular U success for over 50 years. E 57 The Woman's Tonic Mrs. LuU Walden, of Oramlin, S. C followed this advice. Read her let ter: "I'was so weak, when 1 first began to take Cardui, that it tired me to walk fust a little. Now, I can do all the general housework, for a family of 9." Try Cardui for your troubles. It may be the very remedy you need. n nMT?h U m - Why . Don't rott opea a checking account, tad par your bills br check r . ; Arc prepared to give rod th best ot service, and can help yj; : . You ' wbea th enllee tor preaentt tha bill rou paid laat tnonth and , tailed to gtv rou credit tor. Ton have been ' and mislaid tha receipt If rou bad paid br check rou would have him "dead sure," tor the cancelled check or our recordd would bear you out. ,.. '.' .at The Citizens National Bank OP DURHAM. X. C .Tl B. K. DUKE, rmideat. B. fTLLEIt," VIce-rmMeas. J. tl. MA. SOX, Cashier. mmmmmmMnmuHSn, INiaaHataaw!iMWN I't'wS, ,,' 't "wt I I 1911 MMHACS 1911 H I L L ' S. , Southern Almanacs trfreaay.' Price by tuil' l cent . - a,,,Mwaiaaaaaa.a.aaipMaMa..aaMaawaaaaaa Hill Directory Co. 623 Mntoal BIdg. BkhmSBd, Ya. Protect;,.. The Health of Yourself -z , and Family Pope'a Herb la prepared to provide m dependable household remedy. e upon the principle of purity or nioea Insuring freedom from disease. It la a medicine for maladies such as, Rehu- . matlsm. Liver Complaints. Constipa tion. Fever and Ague. Female Disor ders, Indigestion, Lumbago, Kidney ' Derangements. Catarrh. Sick and Ner vous Headaches, loss ot Appetite and , aU ailments arising- from Inactivity of tbe Liver and Kidneys. - It la purely Herbs, Barks and Roots Compound. It is put up la chocolate coated Tablets pleasing and easy te take, (or can be dissolved in water. Mrs. J. C. Heads, of HyattavUla, ltd. saya: "' 1 "For years I have Buffered with ;. Backache. Headaches, Neuralals ana Kervouaneas and extreme KaUyue. I tried many remedies without relief. Four months aao a, grateful friend In duced me to write to Tope Medicine Co, Washington, D. C, for a boa of Pope's Herb Compound Tablets, the very Urst does of two tablets aae ma relief. I used not quite a 11.00 box and i am entirely cured ot tne pain in my. t ba-k and have no more heartache." , , i Dr. J. V. Hennesey, a prominent Phv- slciaa and Burgeon ot Albany. N. Y, la t part says: 1 j -As a blood purifier. Liver, Kidney 'and ilystera regulator I prescribe Pope Medicine Co.'s, of WashinRton, D. C Herb Compound, as I have done for the Kst 10 years, and I bave found It to a rreat remedy, which seldom It ever falls. There are thousands of let- . ters from Users of Pope's Herbs, that . . I have been benefitted and cured by Its proper use. Pope's Herb Compound Tablets are put up too In a boa, "els. month' treatment." and will be Sent noatnaid on recelnt of 11.00. Each boa Tinted guarantee blndim ua to refund tne purenase price 11 ine remedy falls to benefit, aUo full dl- . .rertlons. ..... ' Guaranteed by the Tope Medicine Co.. Inc., under the Pure Food and Drug Act. June SO, 10, No. im Fa tenia te oaeals la trrrltery, address POPE MECIQNE CO, INC Pae Bmilaras, Washisartwa. D. fl. Careless ? i f. X. aa4 a a -.