DURIIAM KECORDKR. DURHAM, N. C. FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1911. li - s . I THE 1H HECHE Published semi-weekly, every Tues day and Friday, by the Durham Sun Publishing Company. Woe, 109 Mangum Street Phone, No. 87. GIT C. SIBLEY, Editor and Manager. Subscription Bates, Oue Yiear (in advance) Six Months (in advance).... Three Month (in advance). ....$1.00 .. .60 .... .35 Advertising rates Application. made known on Kntered t Durham, N. C, post office aa second-class mail matter. ., Avoid what makes in your pocket a void. i ." 1 The Mormons their 'n. also took sugar. In The next president tariff bills. will not veto The presidential campaign of1911 is now on at Washington. Let's all hope that Lenoir will be able to stand the strain. In a tew more days the public will forget that Castro is lost. Mr. Funk does not appear to like having a private bodyguard. Wonder if the citizens of Lenoir are protected tj hot air insurance. At this distance it looks like Lincoln Ceachy was flirting with death. inanrp Clark also issues an ulti matum in the matter of the tariff. 4 A newspaper that does not make enemies should either be waked up or buried. It appears that party lines are be coming somewhat tangled in France also. Tit class of ball put up by the city league teams is well woria patronizing- As Uncle Sam has a surplus in the treasury the democrats can go on with tariff revision. S"lf-help is all right provided one does not help himself to what does not belong to him. Those people who do not believe that advertising pays must have tried the billboard -lnd. If that storm could have been made permanent there might be some chance of eong-ess adjourning. No; Klnston is not supposed to furnish all the inmates for the school for the feeble-minded. prophet Smith is very candid in stating that it was only Havemeyer's dollars the Mormons wanted. Those who attend the city league ball games can not help wondering why more people do not attend. In the tight of the Day portrait and other investigation exposures that treasury surplus is truly unexpected. When Ty Cobb goes Into vaudeville be may find that making a bit and bitting the ball are two different things. That committee of doctors is evi dently of the large majority who can run a newspaper better than the editor. If Hines did not "put Lorimer over" he had as well clan credit for It, be cause the public will not believe othera-ine. When S'lleld-s and "like news" U printed on yellow sheets there will be a strong rival of the sporting page In tbe fi Id. Tb4t farm-life school committee has It In Its power to make agricultural history f-r Durham county, and it will do It. It kt said that ladie''ht will be smaller next season. The smaller the better for those who have to sit be hind them. And another thing, If the news of suicide and such were prln'ed on separate sheets those "susceptible" plle would be sure to grab tbst part vt the paper first. The French cabinet resigned be ta ue it failed to get a vote of con Bdenre, but we suppose It will do bo good to bring this to the attention of Lorimer. ftefore fating that be would not re urs to Meiic tind"r any consider ation DUt rouet hav read of Mr Krysn's determination sot to run ff Ut presidency any more. TO LIST PKKSOX.VL PnOPKKTV. , As the question of listing property for taxation Is nB that Is engaging the public thought at the present time, this beinK the year for general Ire-assessment of all kinds of prop erty it may bo well to fall the at tention of the public, and especially the attention ot the 'public 'author ities, to the provision of Section 5232 of the HevisaL After ompow cring the board of commissioners to placr upon the tax books any land that iuay have escaped taxation, that section provides: ' "In all cases where any personal property, choses in action, or any property except land, liable to taxa tion shall have been omitted or shall bo omitted in rny future year on thej tax list by the owner, or person re Quired by law to list the same, the board of commissioners shall enter the same on. the duplicate of the next succeeding year, and shall ndd ic? the taxes of the current year the simple taxes of last preceding yesr, not exceeding five years, with twn ty-five per centum added thereto, in which said property as aforesaid shall so have escaped taxation and tne said board of commissioners shall value and assess the personal property aforesaid for those years, and are empowered to examine wit nesses and to call for papers to -le- termine the value and to ascertain the persons liable for the tax upon iu personal property. All pro visions of this section shall extend and apply to all cities, towns and like municipal corporations having tfc power under their charter to tc the property aforesaid, and the oow era. ana uuues oerein imposed upon the board of commissioners of t'le i-uumy snau re exerc'sea ana per formed by ths board of commission ers, or the board of aldermen, as the case may be, of the city or town or other municipal corporation." bo inai m aaiuon to tne pro vision ot the Isw, that a person who falls to -list his personal property shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction punished by fine or imprisonment or both in the discretion of the court, tbe impris onment not to exceed two years, tbe law provides taat he shall be liable for the tax tor the years in which the said personal property has escaped taxation, not exceeding five .years. and an additional penalty of twentv- flve per cent A be added thereto. It must be apparent to every per son that the failure to list property subject to taxation by our law affects not only tbe poor but affect the rich also. If the mast of large prop erty fails to list bis property for Uxation, then the property of thov ho list is thereby contributing a burden that it ought not to be justly called upon to contribute, and lue larger tbe tax levied by the taxing authorities, the greater this burden. What equity, or what justice Is tb?r in requiring Mr. A to list sll of alt property to psy'for Mr. B who fails to list his property? It is, It occur to us, to ths Interest of every irop- erty owner and of 'every person to see thst all property Is placed upon the Ux books snd contributes It proper part to tbe necessary burden of government hkttkj: ii inking laws. While it Is admitted by many bankers thst North Csrolins has - cedent banking laws, yet tbe recent closing of 2mt nine institutions If this stste has called for more stringent regulation. Tbe additional bank legislation that Is heeded In tbe state wat clearly expressed in the paper read at the recent bankers convention by Mr. George Mont castle, and siitteo by State Bark Examiner Dou,;hton. It is a fact that oar laws conform to a great decree with those of the federal banks, and that tbe Integrit y of our leading bankers Is beyoiJ question, yet st times, hcre we least expect, some banker goes tong and the blow hits tbe deposi tors bard, wb'cfc also has a tendency for many to lose faith In otir mone tary Institutions This could be largely avoided by the vigilance of the bank dire. tors, which Mr. Doi-h-ton expresses ss follows: "Blurt I have tecome connected with the 'in payment wbfr1) has la charge tfc examination snd supervision ot bsnks, I hsvt made a special r-.rt to get in touch wljti tbe director snd get thetn in touch with tho'r bsnks. Our :sws should limit ti number of directors, outlue and de- One some of I heir duties, end req lire thst those duties be discharged. I have bad lo '.lose nine banks si every one of tnese failures, lth pMMibly one exception, could have been prevented by a reasonable amount of vlg:lsnee on tbe part ot tbe board of directors." Mr. Doughton further stales thM f,00 bsnks are dangerous to s ty community, ss the msjorlty of th jstock ia tbt small institutions are F .41 LIKE as a rule held by one man. In (mint ing out the -i-eat danger he adi's: "Without ' question ths greatpU danger which threatens solvent banking In tbt slate today lies In the large lines of credit which small banks are extending and in this con nection by s rail banks my meimlng is not confined to those of five o tn or even fifteen thousand dolHirs capnai.. uur law wisely patte-ns after the national banking act far enough to say that banks with over 1100,000 capital may not lend more man 10 per cent of the cap'tal and surplus to an? one Individual firm or corporation, but it' places on other institutions no limitations whats ever. To be sure, this is left to tbe discretion an.! direction of the cor poration commission, but it ought tn be regulated by statute, and no bank ought to be permitted to promote and virtually finance outside con cerns. It is a 'Hscrlminat'on against the bank of large capital, the justice of which I am unable to see." XO CONSTITUTIONAL COX VEX. TIOX XKCKSSARY. The masterly and thought produc ing address of Judge J. S. Manning which appears in full elsewhere in these columns will repay careful perusal. Judge Manning takes the ground that the calling of the much talked about Constitutional convention to revise the constitution of North Oar olina is entirely unnecessary at this time. His conservative and Judicial presentation of the situation that now confronts tbe people of the state Hill have a steadying effect on the public sentiment that just now seems bent upon a rampage of destruction of the fundamental principles of our government, this sentiment finding expression ia the advocacy of the initiative, tt$ referendum, the recall and . similar Innovations. Jm'gc Manning takes the ground that it is not necessary to change the organic law of the country every time aome slight reform Is desired. Along this line. Judge Manning emphasizes the fact that "in respect to those princi ples which are fundamental to tbe preservation of the liberties of a people and the perpetuation of the right of tbe people to direct and con trol their own government, no mis take was mad by our fathers, and no change has been made nor will ever be made In them by our people. Passing generations and passing -en-turles but fix snd illuminate tbe truth of these principles snd make them Immortal. The people of ths arate heretofore1 have been led to cat! a constitutional con vention only when some vital end fundamental principle of government stirring and t-xciting the whole peo ple has been presented for solution uot simply when there is presented some question cf reform of legisla tive methods, or the salary of some c;ass of stste Hikers or tbe mere adjustment of some one branch of the state government" The constitutional amendments that Have been discussed recently relate to the -eto power of the gav- ernor, the aboi-tlon of the office ot stllcltor, the Increase of tho number of supreme coiwl Judges, changes in tbe present superior court system of tbe state so ss to divide the state Into two or troie circuits of rotation, snd to reform legislative procedure or restricting the subject tn whlca the general assembly can IcgUlcte by special act I No great o.' fundamental tlnct pks of fivcrnmert Is Involved In sny of these questions; no great question that can stir tne thought snd emo tions of all of tho people, but tmiv questions of policy and eft'tency f t the administration of government. In the opinion of Judge Ma.mlng, 'if any of these rubjeeis should be in ccrporsted into to organic law ot the state, the proper method It . s ibmlt amendments to the approval of the people of the stale ass whole, etd not by calling a convention. Jirfge Mannings dlseuss'ot. of the advisability of ineorpo;stin some of tbese smendire;itg la the cri.slitution la extremely interesting. IMif'LDIKXTM tiV TIIK FOtST.US OF VOl Til. A v?ry Interesting pamphlet his Just been Issued by the Journal of the American Medical assorts) lot showing tbe convictions that hav Iwen secure 1 under the pure drug set, and the tiortrums tbst hsve Wn bsrred from 'mer-atate commerce, The Isbels flst ntlng the all curative properties snd wholesome Ingredi ents of thews preparations ,are set forth In the .mpblet over against the substances that Ice preparation actually contained ss shown by rn examlnstion cf tbe government chemists. Patent cures for almost ery known disease from hsdseh to rsncer wer examined by the gov ernment rben..r., and In hundred of esses ibert cure-alls were fun to contain dangerous and poisonous drugs that undermine the health. "For instance," says the etnct from tho Medical Journal, ''Ruber' N. Harper, .if Washington, D. C. manufactured a headache nostrum to which he gave the euphonious name 'Harper's Cu'orhedake Brane-Fmle, This was sold with that' statement that It contained no 'pqisonous lit .gradients of any kind' (was a 'harmless relief.' and that The bureau of chemistry of the department - of j agriculture analysed this 'harntlo-,3 and 'non-poiaonous' preparation and I reported that !t consisted of tho foK lowing ingredients: ' ..-. Alcohol (per ont by vdjume)' 2i.P. Acentanllid (grains pif ouncc);ii.O Csffein (per -xnt) . . . t .. Anupynn (pr tfnt) . s . .". lo 1 otasslum, sodium and bromlds also present. .-.,...,' (If L . ... luusmucu Kg tnig nostrum was shown to be neither 'harmless,' -non poisonous' nor a 'brain food,' Mr. Harper was fiund guilty Of mis branding and sentenced to pay a fine of 3700.." ! Numbers of other headache cure were found to contain practUally the same ingrcdlerts. ' - It was In the examination of nenu- ty preparations that the most inlr est centers. Of these, there are s!so a largo number that were br.rrod from inter-stato "commerce. Ihn analysis of "Mme. Yales Blu.si of Youth" is a good instance. "Blush of youth is refresh in? as concentrated dew, pure as purity it overcomes all inactivity and imper fection ot tha skin and underlying structure; spiritualizes the cxprj- sion and gives the countenance tbe glow, luster an 1 beauty of childhood and prcservjs the morning of life indefinitely." For those who, liko Ponce .de Lean, are looking for somwning of this kind, tho Investigation of the government cLemlBt may prove In teresting. According to his analysis. "Mme. Yale's Blush of Youth" con sisted of 49.3$ per cent of water, 6.30 per cent of alcohol and alniat 43.85 per cent cf glycerin, the whole colored with a coal tar dye and per fumed. From this, it Is to be in ferred, that tbe long sought for foun tain of eternal youth consists es sentially of a mixture of water snd glycerin with a dash ot alcohol. Fditoiiaf Troubles. When the editorial writer comes down to. work, peels off bis coat, comments on ibi weather to the man ia the next tell and sits down for the day's work, the line-up which confronts him may be summarized as follows: Tsriff. Lorimer. Steel Trusf. Roosevelt. Tsft. Mexico. Heat waves. Graduates. Safe-sane celebrations. These are tae general topics and from these, wlh whatever local d dltions li. ay he garnered, must be selected the editorial menu for the iingrr reader. 4 Unnumbered columns have been rltten on the subjects outlined. Who of the fourth estate has rtit pclnted out the answer to all tarf questions? W:i. hss not denounced or defended Lousier? At the hand of whst newBiatier bis the ste! trust escaped the rastlgatioi: thst u methods so r.urely Invite? And so on down the line. We get along tu beaten paths and walk on the shad side of these ho; days. The edito-lal writers msy net go on. vscstums but one must almost, conclude tfc it treir love for the Infinite variety dees. It Is the same In Medicine list and New York. 'Hey are all hsUn their troubles these days In cooking up sn editorial potpourri thst may prove palatable. ' t And It's a hard task. Ths proves It Fort Worn Record. ! ' One All iniir City Trouble. Bathhouse pert It ions ' are n.M s'und proof, and consequently sseet female trice full of dismay w-.s plainly hestd at Atlantic CUf rn Sunday sfferion. "Oh, lnr'' cried the voice, evi dently addrenlng, her girl hum In sdjolrihtk hosxr). "I have for gotten my iibwJhorrO Have you one tbst yos ran- loan me?' ' "What's the Ihatrer.r ,nerlctf s dceo bans vm-e s few ysrds aw.iy before Lsur could reply; M iri't you ret your hohbic sklrton?f Pbila dolpbla Telemt.h. A Terrible III under. . to fiertect llvrr trouble. Nefer do It. Tl e lir. Kl K', New U(t Plllo on the first sign of constlpsllon. bllloiinness or Inactive bowels snd prevent virulent indigestion. Jaiindlco or gall stones. The esulate liver s'oma'n ana imwels snd build up your health. Only tit st R. Black nail. "Johnny," aid the visitor st the door, "Is your f ether st home?" "He's trylnj to be sir," said Johnny, "but ou know, Mr. Hqulggs mams s mothers here." llsrper's weekly. "Old the bride sppesr, nervous d'trlng the eermnnyf" ' "Not a bit, ftn cool ni coJVtfd was h thst 4ile I saw her fw si her back to e that her Mo n y sf.n't unhooked frori fjfm I'renn. , ADVERTISED LETTERS . List of un palmed letters adver tised June -et.u, 1511. MeuVLhrt. ' Atwalel', 9 Cerry, Henry '. Bradshaw. G, W. ' r Carr, Willie Carrlngton, Jno. Craddock, 1. W. ' ' Chlsom.' J. W. Collibfl, J, C. Cox, Marvin Talhoun, T. E. - Bail, ltooert Dulton, B. T. Fernandy, Mr. Foster, Rev. R. E. I Gibson, Lathcm Griffin, John . Goodson, A. B. Hall, J. Av ' ; Johnson,. L. A. " JlggettS, Jacob ; King, W. E. Mcl'hcrson, William Nelson, E. Leonard . Randolph, K J. Richmond, Daniel Reade, Joel XV. Reaves, Thomas Ross. Willie T. Reeves, Ron Russell, J. A. ' Ridley, John M. Rogers, Ulysa Smith, C. H. " Splnson, Son Thompson, Dunco . Trice, Norma (2) Wllkerson, .W. T. Wells, Ma'iry Willlanis, W. N. White A Co., A. S. Wright, B. N. Women's Llt. At water, Mlrs Lizzie Abernsthy, Mis. Fannie Colllo, French. Mrs. M. T. Cash, Miss Rosa Daniel, Mrs. Frank A. Davis, Mrs. Ada Emy, Mrs ..Maggie Farrow, Mrs. Lillfe Holoway, Mits Corrins Holcman, N:-ncy (col) Harris, Mrs. L. II. Harris, Mri. Isabella Jone, Miss Alms . Jones, Mrs. Hoscoc4 , Locket, Mi; Ever Mitchell, Emily Massey, Mrs. F. J. McAdo, Mrs. Annie McClan, Mra. Masgle - Rilgy. Mrs. Llzzlo Sunrord, S'iis Maggie Stainback, VIss Belle I'pchurch, Miss Elma Whitfield. JHrs Eva Watson, MIsy Vera Woods, M i Lena Woodall, Mri. G. F. Whitaker. Miss Msry C. , .' , When eallinir for tbe above letters. please say ther are advertised and give date of list.; . . ' Awpectfull)...' J. A. GILES, T. M. Ho MjI" It HuiMfir. A prosperous looking man banded $20 gold eoln to a cigar clerk on Le Salle street and ssked for a cigar. Tbe coin ws a new one. and Rr Rising, the ce:k. bad heard a lot about counterfeiting. It flashed through his mind thst he now tcod face to face with one of them, so he threw tbe yel'ow piece down on the! counter to tet its ring. The Ciln bad tbe right liiig, but Rising was scspiclous. I guess that's Just out of the mint. Wonder If It s good?" be said, looking his customer I? the eye. It ought t be." answered the an, with convincing emphisis. "Did yon make it yourself?" ven tured Rising. "I did thst," responded the ma.i. Rising sinned to telephone f-r he police, bi the stranger handed irn a card, rhr.t read: "Frank Downer, director of the "l-ltcd 8tata min, Denver, Col." The onus let up the cigars. hicago DUpstcb. , Polntfxl I'araKraplm. I Aeroplsnee will have to be used by sir ramie dx Hers. 1 A girl is aiit'ous to make a ntme for herseif b? marriaKe. i Second love Is like seeoad child- cod s skim in '.Ik sffslr, ai bet. A dog but a dentist, even 1.' :ie decs oecsslonai'y Insert teeth. A man tan always piesse a worrrn by telling hr that she pleases hl n. Ifld ou iter s a self-made man who was dlana'jafled with the Job? tcslonsll a girl points the An ger of scorn to show o!f her rings. A MfMoae Mailer. ". Mr. Iillg;ns tAkes hlmseif very seriously," said ll.o critical young oman. "Well. replies Miss v- er.ne; "you can't blame him. To be thrown Into a cruel world with no more brslns lhat ha possesses would be a serious matter for snvbodv." Washington Star. What's the matter? Made an whiskers election bet to let your growl" "No. but I Issen't cut 'em till fall. It would ba a big disappointment to he summer Awarders not to hsve some whiskers on the place to make okes about,' Louisville Courier- Journal. "Charley, ..r - said young Mrs. Torklns. "did you say that man stole basef "Ye, that's what 1 Sld." , "Well, I'm gUd of it. There were more than our men seemed able to do nythlng with. Washington Ulsr. "Tommy, that did you do with bat penny I gave you for taking yctir medicine?" "I bought s bun with one aslf- penny, ma, snd I gave Jimmy the other one to drink the medicine for me." Tit-lilis. Because others sre worthless does not Indicate ! si yon sre worth more t'bksgi N?t.s. ' BE WISE 2 Food or all kinds will be very high and scarce this ' youvr Gorman Millet makes one of Vim best and most satisfactory of summer hay crops. June is the month to sow it, Pearl or Cat Millet, Cane, Black Peas, Fancy Largo Early Black Eye Peas, Soja Beans. , f. v ., tflKlltfl . 5iii . Auytliing you want In Seed and at Right Prices. " i, Haywood & Boone A : The Quality Drug More, t. . . Use axc Itrotliers . . ' HIGH 8T.IXD.IRI PAINT Prize Offers from Leading Manufacturers Book on patents. "Hints to inventors." Inventions rwedcdT , Tiy some inventors fail." Send rough sketch or modd fcyJ search of Patent Office records. Ourlrtr. Greeley was fonperty. Acting Commissioner of Patents, and as such had full chargejQl the U. S. Patent Office. , GREELEY &M5INTIBE Patent Attorneys WASHINGTON,.!). C. ; "Look Before You Leap" Is aa eld saying that holds good fa starting a bank areeant, Detore you place your money la a bank look for the following safeguards: Notice tbe character and ability ot the men who hits charge of the. bank; s that the officers sre experienced backers and the directors are responsible business men. The bank should have smple espltal, the larger the calul the greater the protection for the depositor. A large surplus and profit fund Is also aa ad dltional protection. Resd the bank's statements; notice whether or not they carry a good reserve In cash and demand loans; alto notice If the bank is prospering If a bank dont make money u Is not a sate bank. All the above-mentioned security is eJfad "our euf.ornert; ff safety for their funds, with Ubeallty and courtesy is what they want - The Citizens National Bank OF DIIUIAM, X. C. B. !f. DIKE, President. T-B. KU.LKK, Vlre-I'resldeaa. J. & MASOV. Cashier. ,' "Rasources over a million tnd a quarter." I 8 lew "Rock mir Ughlcs Running, Mcs! Stylish ' and Durable oa Market rafr?ntedUn2-Dblance'3p!ndlet, oiind without removal of wheels. S Patented Side Spring;. I3tronaest braced Ikxly made. QXcw style Seat Q Ever feature of high. c!au make, qrhnc'ons, Smrles, Kunabouts of tame Quality. tJOur guarantee your protection. rock mm rosJa! Card To Is Win Brino ijnu iv i on m ynct ROCK Bill BICGY COMPACT tmrk Bia ftMth rarallaa W. C. LlO Bsck U1II" Afrits, Durliam, X. C The Durham Itetorder: Durha ' '' ..--.'!. '.Li. &t u jilL year to itt it t . . .... , , , , , , , tt Posloffica. (Signed) ,, . SOW GERMAN ' MILLET . Gives Best Beulttf' Do You Want One of These Buggies Firee It You Do Then get busy, set your friends snd send us ont b ii ml red new subscribers to "The Itc order." The first jtcmon who sends ss 100 ycsrly sub scriptions at L00 each, jWHI receive one of these buggies ftp. Fill la tbe enclosed blsnk and with 11.00 send It In at one to bo placed to your credit. When loo of (net are re. received from you we will send you an order for the An fcJslBasslaaissssassl ' M , . : 41 H'l nUrW,v