5 0 DURHAM RECORDER, DURHAM, N; C. FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1911. II, C. EDITORS U A Esaired or More In the Land of Charms and Hospitality . - - II ROILY ENTERTAINED . - - Xrtf Beauties ct Nature Pawn 1'poa Them Daily Meeting the llest Held in Yenrs Hickory, the ;. mmy t the Delectable Mountains of J14m Sett kin, Opens the Gate. '.! (By Col. JliB Robinson.) tV. I. Lenoir, Jun, 29. When the cdl tort, en roiKe to their State Press association, arrived at Hickory they had In their peclal car, provided !y the kindness c' the Southern rail way, about S5 -the jolliest crowd o ladies and gentlemen seen In. North Carolina in many a day.. The jour ney was one of great pleasure; rich In newspaper lore, jokes and goo J humor. Hickory telegraphed ahead lhat she wanted the editors to stop Dure a while, and ist. It was a regular Hickory club they used, for It was her citizens "dubbed together, i.nd they clubbed every editor, bis wife and daughter Into a feeling of charm ing delight, ofr the cordial hos pitality, and (be treat that awaited the association upon its arrival.! Hickory Is th gateway to the Cald well. Watauga and sister counties of the northwester section of our grand old' state, and she opened tie gate wide, In a moat gracious man-: nor. . The entire association was es-i corted to the Hotel Huffey a delight ful hostelry where light refresh- i .Bents were served In the way of buttermilk, ke cream and cake, in s dining-room as restful as it was beautiful, with 'lovely young ladies a waiters, and there they were re fresbed amid the strains of mnnie charming enough , for the musical part of a king's coronation. A beau tiful little ajeech of welcome was made by Howard Banks, of Hickory Democrat, which waa responded to b) Mr. Hammer, of Ashboro Courier. Hickory is a tr.wn that is doin thing. The enterprise shown there, in street Improvement and otherwise, is something wonderful. . The train Jr ra the "Wtst was an hour late -anl Secretary Sherrill, of the associatWit, and the authorities of the C. and N. W. railroad w.tc telegraphed to bold 1 the train to Lenoir as the western delegation w is rc-mlng and wcnld arrive on th? be lated traia on the western road. The wait waa made. When that trai l arrived, and ail aboard the editor's special, expected to see a large num ber come In, mere appeared in tie doorway Jimmi i Cain, of the Asfcs ville CUIsen, and when quitted tn where the western delegation a-.. held up two fit tigers, and said, "Her It la!" he ta. C. 1. Vlnceat. of the Charlotte Observer. The editors cams very near raiaing Cain, bat were not Abel to do so for the tner-i-B ent that bars, over them. Jlicmie Cain virtually held up the press asso ciation, and the question Is no oe Ing debated whether the joke Is So the ao(iatl33 or Cain. Lrnolr. The angels usmed Lenoir. It is a beautiful child of the mountains Nestled dose to the heart of Cald well. It apperrs as fstr as bride adorned for ber wedding. Urt-at fleecy eluoudi of purest whitenes-s, ride down from the mountain gvrge like autoinobiUs of anow, and kin Lenoir every trr-rnlng, leaving novo her boson the jeweled drops of dew to reflect tb beauty of the work shop IB whks ' clouds congeal, tn the eveUngs in the twilight great bowlders of cio'ids, like white wir.het angel of peace, sweep over fair Lrnolr and ;-;s ber to sleep, abl'r ftey help tbe s '-god to let down b curtains of nluht and pin them tbe stars. Lenntr has population of 8,254 and all of it life, activity and energy of her sisters across t) mountains, la tbe plains. There Is thrift and progress bere In a marked dt gree. Tbe Ua Is groslng, aa I shown by tbe fact that ten years ago It enly bad 1.XC. Lenoir I highly bied with a ieop!e as hospitable and aa geuerws aa tbe free air tbat fans tbe face ?f ber citizens. !i tpeerb of wel ome, Mayor J. R, Me. Call present 1 President Sbipr.ian with a gold key, about two fee In length, and titat waa to unlock th gites of Lenoir city. We have vn locked. The city Is ours. No luvr eer won or twelved the favors of his Iwloved vltb more grace and delight than every editor and vinllor bwla towarda the gMid people of the Capital of Cailwell. Tis hn wc live, nv en-l breathe In an air of genuine, ror!ia! and heartfelt b"s- pitailfy. IMxiten. Talk about J"ur scenery, but here It Is -from I p of llltirlim motir fali. about lvi d half miles f-om ttioir. , ft Is i randeur in all 'hut the word lmpiiea. This mountain why It bears mi' h name I have tot been able to krn, but tt certainly hlgh'y brigbient your mind in re gard to the Ik j ii ties and wonders tt .(are Is syrrttrlcsl In form, 1 tiwt a perfect tone, and rises 2,24 feet In niljentlc grandness sbov i.'A of Its alster r brother mountain. from tbe berratory of the pavilion 'on the top ber Is as nr.obst runted tie of tbe entire world, la every direction as far as the eye and glasses csn reach. , The other tr nun tains of No'th Carolina form a ribbon-like sky line in the dim distance Beneath the "ision the earth appears like a patchwork. juilt, the colorings of the woode'i lands, the tilled sjoil, orchards, farn.8, towns and other mountains forming the varl-colored pieces that fit in and display the wondetful handiwork of the Creator. The editors were conveyed to the top of this mountain, and the awe- inspiring beauty of the scene ;bt.t revealed Itself to them was a pano rama of gorgeous beauty, never be fore witnessed by many eyes, and will be never forgotten. The approach to tbe top of this mountain is a new enterprise in the way of a sev?i)tlne roadway, that Is a wonder It: its construction. It' is cut from IQ3 side of tbe mountain, and in several places, it may be seen as' many as three times, one about tbe other, in the space of 50 varls down, and tben it ruus at such angles that it appears to run under the one you are gotug over. The work on thU road, five and a hslf miles in length, to go a straight dis tance of threo miles, was done in t little over two months. : The Ini-et:-tive to' have it finished was that rtc editors might reach the top In com fort. The press has accomplished something great in Lenoir before It got; there. Hut that is the way Lenoir doeg things. This property Ir being developed. The gentlemen who have falta in It and are carry ing on the wor": are Mr. J. H. BeaU. cashier of the Hank of Lenoir; Mr h. C. Martin, sditor of tbe Lenon News, and M. Thomas Lenoir. It i a great work, with the finest piee of scenery to oe seen in North Caro lina. On top of Hibrlten the Lenol. board of trad gave tbe editors one of the most delightful luncUes, v.bioh was a feast ot scenery as well at viands.- , ? - Lives in Pleasant Places. The Sun lepresentatlre count; h'mself doubl." fortunate. Not only fottunate bat .. blessed. He, with Jimmle Cain, ot tbe Asheville Citi- trn, are the ff-sts of Mr. C. B. Hai- rlson, the moat prominent grocery man of Lenoir. He haa a beautiful heme and an Intensely Interest!!! family of wife rnd six lovejy daugh ters. Mrs, iL-irrlson, whose maider. name was Mios Carrie St owe, edu cated at St. Miry's, Is a lady of rr refinement and brilliancy. Every home and heart in Lenoir is open tu the editors, ana. they are-enjoying every hour of their stay with an ap preciation .that cannot be expressed in words. ' i . Tbe Durham Sua "ahinea for all' and It la shining la Lenoir with t brilliancy peculiarly its own: Philippine Cigar Export, One Interesting feature of the trade development of tbe islands t the fact brournt out that the Inade quacy of Fbi'.ifipiae wrapper to tree tbe needs of tbe cigar industry rt suited in the development of a con siderable trad a In American le&f. Tbis, however was not maintained but practically disappeared with th material shrinkage of cigai export; to (be United States, and only SJ! worth figured in the latter half or th year. Possiblr, however, there oiportunity here for development tt an export trice from the Unit States for wmper tobacco to sootv tbe feeling of American grower whe fought the free entry of Philippine cigars. The "Manila cigar. Connect! cut wrapper," may yet become a sta pie smoke! At all events, the dear export trade of the islands bsa br stimulated, as waa the Intent ot lb free entry provision, and this attuiii- latlon baa not been confined to ex pert of cigar to tbe free American market. It It shown tbat for the year, by comparison with preced'ni years substantially larger quantities were also shipped to other countrler Total exports Increased from 131,- 437,000 In 10 jo 1l4,407.&i Id lI0, of which quantity in the '.at ter year one-third found an Aaieii can market. The year's total clg.it export value m 2,7'.,61, as co'c pared with sn annual trade of about 11,000,000 under tariff retrllon Boston Advertiser. Krlence Would F.vpef Cat. The journal i.f the American mci'l cal association asserts that the a.:l enre of hygiene is preparing to ev pel the cat frjm our homes, be et use the cat hartors germs in it hs'r and Is likely to communlt diphtheria and other Infectious iu eases to human beings. it bss been said frequently-by tuose who do not like dogs tba mankind bai outgrown the dog; that he no longer is cteful that the world would be belle off if there were Do dr gs. H seems 'hat there Is now to be a crusade sgsKut the cats, which netei did anybody any barm. Professor Sembon, a Lnnton authoritr on l.y giene, say tbat tho est is danger oil to human I.f and Is u"ful only tn raleb rata snd mice. Tota fune tinn can be mub better perform'.. be says, by snakes, which may be raslly dome bated" and are more h;g!enlc than cats. Of course, ,u, eftort will h made to domesticate the rattlers, mxraslns, vipers tr.i a-jaers, but mar) of tbe non-poison ous varieties, some of which are "et ceedlngly Intelligent and even af fetlotite," will be adopted for bom tuirpoiiet. It is an historical fan that the ancient Egyptians kept tame snakes In their bouses. It will be tinrd to do away with tbe rat, but it IJI be interesting see the children with snake entln ed about them. Knskes will not take up so i,iii.h room, auii a tbei make no noltxi there will be no double at ai'. Richmond Timew- Diisjttih. tn-rt at Motne. And now fh' family goes away, Tbe enttrt bunch: While father lives from day to day Otf gratia lunch. , Tlw Itlack 'Opals. Tbe gem niMt sought after in Aus tralia la the black opal. It appears In limited quantities tn the matrix of . Ironstone and sandstone in tne Lightning ridge, district of Ne South Wales. It Is estimated lha since 1890 opals valued at over ?. 500.000 have keen found In the state of New South Wales. The state of Queensland o'.so produces many opals, the production up to the pres ent time amounting to nearly 000,000. . - Sapphires rank next among Aus tralian gents in value ot production. Tbey are found In New South Wales and in Queensland, chiefly In the lat ter state. In the gravel or creek beds. The gems show excellent fire and lus ter, but the color is darker blue than the Oriental sapphire. In Queena- and the present production amount to about 175,000 per year, the toiul output to date being about $700,009. Other precious gems found in dif ferent parts ct Australia Include emeralds, turquoises, topares, lrcoueJ lines and ooryls. Diamonds are fcund to a limited extent in Ke South Wales and in South Australia. Ir the latter flete the total produc tion up to date has been somewhat over $500,000. These diamonds found locally are used mostly for glass cutting, while South African diamonds are mostly used in the Jew elry trade. Pearls found in pearl shell tailing are usually small, bit their aggregate value is probably considerable. Ua'ly Consular and Trade Reports. , Getting Bead; te Shop. Once upon u time the professional humorists used to have a great deal of lucrative fun out of the woman who would go Into a store in search of an article she wished to buy and insist upon seeing tbe ' merchant's entire itock before concluding the purchase. When lhat joke originated it bad a foundation In truth for that was be fore the day ot intelligent adver tising. ' Nowadays the woman looks the nerchant'a stock over In the daily newspaper before she goes shopping. She doesn't waste her own time, the talesman's or the merchant's in mak ing up her mind what she wants she foea forth provided with full Infor mation about styles, qualities and prices. The newspaper advertisement narrows her choice down to a mere lueetlon of patterns, and often even bat matter Is decided In advance. If women atlll drive salesmen ,'rantic with their indecision it is only n the stores of merchants who do not idvertlse. In that case the women are iDt to blame. The fault lies with the lealer who falls to realise bow the oewepaper ' announcement, besides aelplng him to sell larger quantities if bis wares, would help him to sell hem more quickly. It eaves both time and money to make shopping con venient and expeditious by spreading jut the stock for preliminary inspec tion in the advertising columns. Philadelphia Record. ' Wsttenon oa Prurtor Knott. He bad a lertaln love of solitude ind was never accessible to strsngurs Aa a humorist he shone only amid-t the unconscioue gsyety of bis fa miliar friends. He was clever equal ly as a raconteur and a comedian.. His dialetie talents were extra-ordi nary. He, know the people among bom be bad lived, tbe countryside n Kentucky and Missouri, and could reproduce with minute and startling effect their pcullartties of action and utterance. "Why," said Joseph' Jefferson, reltting an experience, " i could actually fee the old sot blowing out tbe candle," referring to one of Knott's famtut stories, and to an-. other. "I really thought be held tee dog In bis arms Louisville Courier- Journal Dea.J'y XU-otine. Some year ago In Indiana, one of the questions In an examination wnat is nicotine?" The answer given waa: "Nicotine I so deadly poison tbat a droo on te end of a dog tail w'll kill a man." fcverybody'. "The next event," said the an nouncer at the country fair, " will be s sack race for girl. Profession als barred." "Wbat do you mean by profealor als?" Those who hive been wearing hobble skirts." Red Hen. lixluning Kill Few. Is 190C lightning killed nnlv ICS people In this whole country. One's rnanesi oi aestn ny iigntning are lews tban two In a million. Tha rhM of death from liver, kidney or stm- acn trouble is vastly greater, but anl fl Elecrlc Bitters be used, aa K,.hrf Msdoi, of West Burlington, is. proved. Four doctors eavc htm nr. sfter eight months of suffering fr.,m virulent liver trouble and yel!o-v laundi'-e. He was then eomplet.dy cured by Electric Bitter. They re the best stomach, liver, nerve and kidney remedy am blood purefler on earth. Only tne at R. Rlarknall. II Doeoit't ek, It Pulls. Job Wane maker, the New York and Phllsdebnia retail merchant, t n on occasion rsld: "If there I one thing on earth t quitter should leave alone, Jt Is sdrertlsln. To make a sitercfss orw must be prepared to stlrk to It, IlKi barnacle on a Ah'p'r bottom. Advetttiing doesn't Jerk; It pull. It brlnir very gently at first but tbe pull i steady, It Is likened to s team pulling s h-ow load. A thousand spasmodic, jerkv pulls, will not budge lhat load, while oi'-half tbe power In stesdy effol will start It hnd keep It moving' "Pa," Hid rrtddfe, "what Is so ctal Kaler "Oenerslly -sklng ." rrnlled Ps. '' a place where they weigh o y."8tray Btorles. YJUXfc'krKHNAL. O ye who laor through "the years, And bow to-all the winds that bio Ve who hava felt, the cruel jeers And biting (..raise ot friend and toe - O ye who see that what you bo Another hand will reai , full soon What matter It, the while, y . ' . knoW- .. r; :,i ; Next year will bring another June, The sad soul sobs, what time It hears The autumn wail its air of woe; And as the earliest frost, appears, -' What disillusioned tears will flow! But why? The seasons come tutd go. ' L ; vu But once more shines the harvest .k moon' Again the rise blood-red ' shall i"' " glOW ' , ,-, .... Next year shap binr another June! r ' '' '' And what tbojgh death approaching leers ' "' . -." -And makes life i seem ia passing show? v : ' 1 In spite of all his grisly fears . ine snow will pats, the grass will , grow-1 . ,-..' Ay, though you He beneath that snow. " The robins siris the same old tune, i ne same oil murmuring brooklets flow 1 Next year shall bring another June! And so the world wags to and fro, And after niMnlgbt comes the moon Ay, though creation perish oh! Next year shall bring another Jnne -Ted Roblnsoa. Ethel bit rry more end A, Ward "Ethel "arry more 'a. mother was n cnpltal comedienne, and a woman ot much wit and humor 4 quality not lacking In her -distinguished daugh ter. In aa emtagement in Ean Fran cteco she waa asked to take part to a speclsl performance. - She wired her manager to New Tork for per mission. His reply was 'No.. . Her answer to this was equally briuf. "It was 'Oh; "This was yjore laconic that Ar temus Ward's reply to the San Fran cisco manage'. Thomaa Magulre, who telegraphed Ward: "What will ou take for 40 nights in California'? "'Whiskey and water," waa tUe response." Daniel Frohman's Mem ories. A PrHt Imo His Pocket, would show tbe box of Bucklcn's Arnica Salve that E. S. Loper. a car penter, cf Marllla, N. y. always car ries" : have nsd s cut, wound, brulso. or fore It would Bot hesl',. he wriies. Greatest benler for burr., bolls, sceMachappd bands and Ii,-w. levertorea, skin-eruptions, ertemn. corns nd piles 25c at R. Blacknall. Broker Nov I don't need an otfirA boy. . Appllcsnt Wot! Als't yw or gsniting oo n iw companies dst nyd dummy directors Philadelphia Bulletin. ! , : Nolbing Lilie o 0 ' . I One of these Elegant Pictures, reproduced from world famous Art Treasures In the Corcoran Gallery at Washington, In the Art Museum at New York and in the Iouvre at Paris by celebrated masters, will be given on every 50 cents cash subscription paid in at Recorder office, whether by a new sub scriber or an old one. Upon payment of fifty cents you net one of these fJcautiful Works of Art, the originals costing, some of them, hundreds of thousands of dollars. Take your choice of these: "Headings from Homer," Alva Tumcda; "Narrow Es cape,' Harrington Bird; "Christ at 12," Hoff man; "Forum" at Home; "Castle St. Angclo" at Rome; "The Cleaners," J. E. Millett; ".Madonna of the Streets" Roberto Fcrruzi; "Old Mill," Jacob Van Ruysdacl; " The Doc tor," Luke Fildes; "Doyhood of Handel," M. f. Dickscc. A he Is secretary and treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Thad R. Manning left yesterday to attend, the press convention, at Letiolr. They will bo gone two weeks, will visit other points of Interest In Western North Carolina. , . Mr. Lewis O. Cooper received the A. B. degree fiom Washington and Lee .college nt the recent commence ment, He Is third son of Mr. and Mrs. John 1). -Cooper and a very popular younj man here. ; : 'i Col. Henry Perry has gone to Hot Spr(ngs, Ark., to visit his wife ntuli son, Mr. Leslie Pery, who have been there some time. Mr. Perry la a gifted young nan, having a yeaV ago graduated at th.e University of North Carolina and' -ecelved his license to practice law. His mother accompa nied htm thero for bis health. Tha treatment has not been ot satisfac tory as desired. , ,; t.R4tetliM of s Fluchelor. : It makes T.ost any man feel hon est not to be !n politics. When a mat can support his fami ly it is a sign that he is no genius. Tbe devl asks no salary because ho likes his work so much and it Is so easy. '..,., Suburban life la an awful good training for. the next world In case you go to tbe vrong place. - A man leaves wealth behind ulm In an automobile; to overtake it he must crawl after It on bis hands end knees. Ne Tork Press. ; Doctor: The Increasing deafness of your wife is merely an Indication or advancing years, and you can tell her that . (. - Husband: Hum! Would you miml telling her that yourself, doctor Christian Intelligencer. Goto, City Cool, Low footwear for Hot Days! - None Better for Quality None Better for Style . None Better for Comfort Prices min Reach of All BELLAMY'S 106 Corconuj'Jtrerlt "l Opposite Postoffice "The Home Beautiful" Given Away to 'A v, Them! ".nwidfiu i oi Coin is KlnU. ; A record ccm crop In the upper Mississippi vatl'jy is promised this year, and the United States will strengthen It. hold on the position of being the greatest cot n-growl.ut country In the world. The value of our crop last ear was S00' times thnt of the boasted KOld output of Alaska, 10 time that of the south Africon rand, nd wouW pay for dti niieHttnii1 of he entire, raliroad sys tem of the r.iiied States. Including terminals. OtUer corn growing cotmU tries are luaiftr-.'nrant in comparmou. Arireittitia. tho only Aarge otid In South America falls behind Indiana alone. RusslH has great possibilities but baa only raaoe a rair Beginning. Portland Otcgonlau.' . .t .. Sim Ftattersr. ' ' , , "It Is your soul I worship!' ftrlod the first, suitor, who was youthful. "There has nrver been one so pure, so white, so wonderful!" , The lady looked bored. . ; "And 1 love your mind," exclaimed the second suitor, who was middle- aged; "so rich, so brlUianf'-r-The lady irowned. "Madam," whispered the . third suitor, who war elderly, "you hare the most perfm t, the most fascinat ing ankle in the world." Tbe lady turned, smiled and tapp ed him with her fan. "Flatterer!" she murmured. The Smart Set. . "fo they leach domestic science at your college?" Inquired the visit- i or of the freshman, j "Only aewlig." replied the frcja- piss, . r "Good ideV said tbe visitor "An-1 wbat do yoti w chiefly." . . "Wild oats," replied the freshman, j llorper'a Weekly n C:i ;t J'jst zs k:i n C'jrhn ? De Sure to Get One 1 Uh Mreeu." . , . There are a limited number of each of these Beautiful Pictures. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED ! Mail orders will receive prompt attention when money, accompanied by 10 cents for IHJStagc, is sent in with the order. You arc not limited to one picture. V Every fifty cents paid in by a new or an Fivcdollars will give you tm nf th beautiful works of art, r,n? j " addition uill rexeve the Recorder twiceTweel Saved His Wife's Ufe. ; - "My wife would have been In hr grave to-day," writes O. H. Brown, of Muscadine, Ala., "It It bad not been for Dr, King's New Discovery, She w4 down In her bed, not able to get ut without help. I got; her a bottle of Dr. King's Ne Discovery, and sba soon began to mond, and wan well in short time." Infallible tor coughs and colds, its the most rella- blo remedy on earth for desperate lung .'oubK hemorrhages, lagrlppe, asthma, bay fever, croup sod whoou. lng cough 0c, 1.00. Trial bou tie free. Guaranteed by R. Black nail. f. , . v . :, A woman's Ulea of a model bur band Is one who does just as she pleases. CbU'igo News, 8AL.8MAV WANTED to look after our Interest In Durham and sdja cent counties. Salary or Commts ton. Address The Harvey Oil Co, Cleveland, O. - ll-l - It. T, HOWF.KTOM A tMMf Funeral Dlractiira and V'mliilmm Office and Shi? Room lit Mangnm .. Street , ; Phone HI . Night r pay Strrtes 444Vs " hi BSCRIBE TO " THE III IUIAM ltKtt)RDER ".'- : , . aw) - - . 4 GET - THE NEW 8 . WIULE .' ' ITIrtNEWlJ ' VISIT8 YOU 104 T1ME3 FOR 0 4V OXLV fi.00 r - s t " fl U itf "a'U It H Jf GUA0S.ftTJ ua: .r Off MONT r'r- 1911 WTJCS 1911 El ILL' G ftsaJhira AlMsnsr are rrs4y. Price by mall t teat. Hill Dircct:ry Co.- hi Xataal Rlsg. Jlivbaioad, Ya, ; ' ; ; H : "l'.r iii" rl IUiwmk.

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