'DURHAM,' RECORDER, DURHAM, N. C., FIttDAY, .JULY 14,1911. PAGE THREE -,,-.::.. - ' r (WW - . " '. -f ff V ' ", . .. - , ,.K : IN f3E 1 THE QUESTION. ' , "Hw much do you loVenie, daddy V i Asked myba'by yesterday; , Now ,whatf, when a baby asks him 4 Such things can a daddy say? 1 jsnurtgled. her right up to me ' 'Aid loved her to beat the band, ' But could not thuk what to (ell her' ' '- lii words she could understand. - Jlosvmuch do I love my babyt i t asked of myself. Just bo, 3 Aud I snuggled her closer to me J-j , ,Atd we watched the daylight go),! And the sky In the west turn scarlet Aa I pondered tho answer there, Audi her anna 'round my neck grew ' ' tighter -. ': - Tlt baby with yellow hair. And ere I know she was sleeping, And breathing eo soft aud low-r - Haw much do I love my babyt How much do I? All I know Is that 1 love her so dearly, ' , . So all of the time and well. That never a spoken language Could ever begin to tell. . Houston Post r LILY.HAHD. Remove the shells from as many haifi boiled eggs as there are people to' be- served, and, beginning at the small end of each egg, cut the whites lengthwise In five sections. Cut al most to the base, tafing care to leave tbo, yolks whole. Turn back the petals thus formed so as to make each egg simulate an open lily. Roughen the surfaceof the yolk with Ji fork, llsi LbPae Imitation lilies. not too nuar (fctaher, on small, crisp lettuce leaves ; spread on Shallow flati dish of eiMi glass. Serve with mayonnaise and bread and butter. 4b 8 Sfe . 1SE or JEtULRT. . people else too little .thought to the approprjat wearing of Jewelry, more , particularly with shirtwaists or glng- ham dresses. A liUle study will con vince anyone that', with a shirtwaist only absolutely necessary, Jewelyry Is fitting, belt pin or buckle, and scarf pin or bir pin. depending upon the neckwear. Silver Jewelry being loss elaborate, Is usually more In keeping with morning drt-tH.-e and shirtwaists than Is gold, except when browns or Una are worn. Necklace and brace lets, diamond brooches, etc, are at terly Impossible with shirtwaists. - They are on a- par with a diamond at ud In a mao's neglige shirt I X ITALIA til'MMER DIUNK. Most refreshing In hid, weather Is tW Italian t drfcrtrs JPfatrt.: ft slf- Irozesy niixtora wfctcb will pour, pin la not quite liquid. , Any summer teveiage made from" fruit juice or ny kind of 'punch may, fee turned freetlng only until a inowy eonsls- , tency Is reached. The frosted aides of the frcexer toward the middle of tho liquid should b scrsped several time during the f reeling process Claret grsnlU Js juad by adding one bottle of. claret to a pint of orange ade, and sherry grsnlti by adding ' bottle of sbtrry to one quart of rkb lemonade. ' . , HISTS I OR HI XT IlOt'ftEKEEPEU.H Banana, pulped and seasoned with l. mon. Is a tasty filling for a brown bread sandwich. .For the luncheon or the S o'clock tea they will be' found delicious. If half a bottle of olivet has been ' used arid you abb to keep the rest. add a pinch of salt to the brine, pour 1 a tesspoonful of olive oil into the liquid and replace the cork. 1 - liemslltrhed tablecloths and nap ' kins can ;h nicely mended when the hemstitch brraks by fagoting the edges together with a strong thread. This will wear sk long as the article A driklnu sandwich paste Is made from shredded lettuce, chopped plmo- las, and ,a sprinkling of pnrmesan ' cheese. Mix with mayonnaise and rread oil buttered, ellces of brown bresd. When using a bottM ef glue the topper may be prevented from stick ing by rubbing a fresh one with a lit tie lard or .grease of some kind aud using that In place of the old, aticly one. ,'. . fc Cround glass globn, ahethrr plain or figured a 111 be brighter and whiter, If, after bltig whfd In emtp aud water they sre rinsed and then allow ' td in drsln Instsed of being wiped. Save sll the lemon hulls, drop them Into the fusel in which you boil your ' tea loat Is and It will hltca Vkem , " ftdrfully, and there will "he a clean frtwhness shonr thrnj that is desirable. ' :8u the skirt binder on the betn of your skirt before you press It I'res- alng the goods flattens It, and It b ' onmew difficult to fell the brsld on , tbln fsbrlo without atlkhlag tbragh It i , . Put a good alsed lump of sslt Into a ea of vinegar and put intrhe? vessel (hat Is discolored and let It aland for half a day. Wash Well with warm water and aosp snd , s-dlinenl will coins oil eanf. - 'An eftny way to nund torn lace Is 19 place a pr-ce of pr under' Ibe place to he aWed and then to atltrh on the maebine nntil this bole is filled fse fink thread and pick Ottt the paper afterward. . Fortland, Ore., July 13. With number nf noted racquet welldcrs among the partuipanls, the aunm rlitmplomihtn tournsment of the .Nona I'eelft International " Lawa , "fbnnls Aik lotion wss opened today ') .the. cmirts of the Irvlngtyi club ,if Ini tity. The play will continue x:ii its end oi tbe week. 21; TOE: THE RECORDER PITTEflllS 91)10. A Popular lIMe-Dale XodeL Ladles' Overblease. with llody and ' Sleeve In One, Tito model is made with body and sleeve combined, a feeturo that prom ises' to bold Its popularity for some time to come. It may be word with auy guiitipe or tucker and Is simple aud readily made and sdjusted. Kut lace chiffon, silk, cashmse or lis gerie fabrics are all Suitable for its development. The riattern Is cut In 6 sizes; 33, 34 36, 33, 40 and 43 inches bust measure snd requires 1 3-S yards of 36-lucb materiel for the 36-inch size. A pattern of this Illustration mall ed to any 'address on receipt of 100, In Silver or stamps. Nam Street . Town . t Elze State . KO. Fill out (he efbov blank, eu- closing teq .cent is a tamps or f.4nm!i mall t the Baty PstO tern Company, 1188 Fulton street, Ilrooklyn, S. Y, I)ept D. ' HO III TIB i!JE ( IIAItKKI) ItK.MAIXS OF MA .WD W1IU FOrXIl AFTKIt IIIIK. Prlneetpn, Jaly 12. The people of Princeton were startled yesterday morping to learn that Mr. Arthur I'ercovsl, a young fsrmer living near Princeton, and bis wife bsd been burned to death ln their house dur ing the night. The farm hand who hsd been working for blni the dsy before left them at the supiier table early In the night, this being the last tlmo" they were seen allvm Near neighbors, upon arising soon discovered that the bouse waa miss ing and upon Hive Igatfon found that the charred remains of this un fortunate couple -r the only thine left to tell the tale. Mr.. Perceval married a daughter of Mr. R. W. Kdmundson last De eembcr and they were living alone. Being a popular young couple there was no reason for foul play, and It Is supposed that tho fir occurred from a defective flue. " They Had n naming. Two young employe of a flritist In Philadelphia who are supposed to be vsglously employed In the rear of the estaliliehment while the bona looks after things iu the front, were recent ly aurtled by the appearance of the "old man" whit they were engrossed in a game of cheek era. The proprietor wa Justly Indignant "How is Itr he demanded, "that I hardly ever find you fellow at work ahen I come out here?" "I know," volunteered one of. the youths. "It's on account of thiw rub ber heels yott Insist on wesring." Harper's SaRailne. t - . - Uaclng IW-kIim In VliiHlte. . . . Winnipeg, Msn., Jely 1 3. What promise to be to most noisltle race meeting, ever Jatld la- Winnltteg was inaugurated today Jn connection with tn Canadian Industrial Exhl bn Ion" how being held here. The meeting wll continue seven days, during which time sine stske evetifs for trotters andi pacers' l be de rided together "with three running race. The Itose, sl I he Oeers, 'During the trial of his wife's suit for a epaMtlon Kdward Victor Gam bler testified that, although he had visited Paris, France, six times, he did not feel that he hsd don Pari. "No," remarked Congressman Mar tin W. Lll(leton, counsel for Gambler, "we seldom do Psrls. It Is Paris that does na.'Vjefr Tor Son., .f f TH ,fifv 4va Rive i hngr-y lo the fTVst cbnirstanl turning In 1 100. CO In siihuertptions to the paper between bow and August 12, . sv.iii'fwa foio ' y t .. ' - . . ' MAKES GMT BIG HIT 0425 Cote Piano Buggy Giveir Whole County Interested ' i Started in sThis -'; - ft, J Sotiietlmeago- the Recordar; prom isel readers tlmt k would iimUUte a great surprise.. for them well, thin great surprise la the faraons Piauo and voting canU-st now on. The con test Is only a few days old but It has already created a atyle of comment that 4a very pleasing to the manage ment of the paper.- The first issue an nouncing the contest had hardly been out of press until everybody' In the streota were talking very enthusiasti cally about the grand prizes offered, a,nd before night contestants were al ready nominated and bad secured the necessary working material and were out after subscriptions. . ?! The! special prise ; offered for '-the week ending July 17, at noon, arc a great Incentive to the worker, KILLED A MAfl Gulers Arrested Wfcen. Tbey Cane Back ia State on Visit Greensboro, July 11. After havir.g (fcaed Identification snd arrest for six years by going under the assumed name of Davis in West Virginia, Eli sha and David Gunter were recognized and arrested here yesterday on the harg of killing Wijliam Frazior in Chatham county In the year 1905. The two men are about 23 and 25 years of age, and the younger, David, has been married for a few months. His wife was with him at the time of the arrest. She was overcome when she learned that her husbanl'a real name was Gunter snd that he was cwargwt with a Capital crime." Fraster iu shot down tit bis front yard one night and fell at the feet of his Wife, who accused the two defend sum aud another brother, still young er, of the crime. A true bill waa found against them and they beard of it and fled the ststc, going to West Virginia, where they assumed other name and lived until the youngest of the three died, and the second in age had mar ried.. The crime was commit bed' near Cumnock, on the Cape Fear t Yadkin Valley railroad. . To newspaper men here the men Bald tbey were the parties wanted, but averred they are not guilty of the crime. They came back because they thought after aix year sll would be forgotten and no attempt would be md to prosecute the esse; Tbey were In the hotel Clegg eating break fast when recognized. Officer were called in and the two men were ar rested a Iw minutes Ister at the de pot a they were about to board a train. Governor Wilson to Kentucky Lawyers ' Lexington, Ky.. July 13. Recom mending proposed reforma of legal procedure, condemning what ho char acterized "new lawyer," and advo cating the placing of Jhe profession on a higher moral basts. Gov. Wood row Wilson, Of New Jersey, last nlglTt delivered his address on "The Law yer la Politic" before the members or the Kentucky Par Association al their tenth annnal convention. Governor Within wa Introduced by Oovernor Wilson, of Kentucky, snd wa cheered repeatedly through out bla talk. He severely criticised methods pursued under present day procedure in the use of Involved language In legal Instrument. Elizabeth Kmatl, and the Ocean H'd, In the harbor, broke loose and dam aged several other vessel. The- fnlted Plate lighthouse steamer Carolina was run Into and consUlersbly damaged the rallniast, etc. The ehormer Tr so wood wss so it a in a ged and wss leaklna so that she had to be' beached.' lioth the loose sebilnners were badly damaged. The corn crop, throughout ;tbl -section was damaged to a great extent by the wind. ftrnslor Owen's Mother led. Guthrie, Ok la.. July 13 Mrs. Narclssa Owen, 80 years old, mother of t'nlted Plates Senator Itobert L. Owen, died beer yesterday as a re sult of a fall several weeks ago. She was a Cherokee fndlsn by blood and had achieved fame a an author and artist. Senator Owen I a native of Lynchburg, V , having been born tber February 3, 1151. ' A' Indiana assessor bad trouble getting people to lt dog for taxes, ftlot a das Tt be keU. ' "No." ws th answer. f "Well, I'tl'Vess ou one fciirwar not my fault you halnt got any plnn-1 fy of daf." Susses Mafailaa, SIX YEARS (SO ktWVMSNsaaasfcXArf r -iMrae- siniiiiiiiiii '- First Prize as Special Prize Send in Your Name and Get Exciting Race ' ... ,. .... ill I, Miss Kate Johnson has offered V niake half a dozen cabinet oize photos of the contestant turnUig In tho first lij.vu in sunscriptmns, and the cos test management will plv0 a beauti- ful mission clock, retail price 17.50 to the contestant, securing the second $25.00 In subscription. If you want one of these excellent prizes Just en ter this popular contest and work for yiem be the first one to send In $25.00 aud claim the pictures. To the Subscribers. , We wish to 411 the attention of every citizen resiuing In or near Dur ham county that each subscriber will be given a beautiful picture or every fifty cents, pald,on the Recorder and if you help some contestant by sub scribing to Ihe Recorder you' will also help yourself. I To Lartje Corporation to Detri nest tt Smaller Ones Washington.; " July 13. Railroads give, or are" forced to give, rebate to big corporations aud to the detri ment of small concerns, was the declaration Frank C. Lowry, of New.Yrkwneral sakisman for the Federal Sugar Refining Company, be fore the "sugaf trust" investigating committee yesterday. In explanation of . hi charge, M. Lowry declared that his comiasy did not receive an allowance tot r llchterage ' in New Tork harbor a the "sugar trust' does. frill T;."?cW!r7 a PhllsddliBifa shipping agent, testified that while uniform rate are' 'In operation, big concerns with "inside Information shout Intended changes in rates, or which received sdvantaRos In the shape of drainage, pot smaller deal era under a natidioap. ; ' Rates are so complicated," he de clared, "that a big concern like the American Sugar Itefinlng Company must employ a rate expert at $25,000 a year to 'work out' rates or sll of its director would go to Jail for vio lating the Interstate commerce laws." Representative Fordncy, of. Michl gan, expressed an opinion (hat any wide awake man would know about proKscd changes in rates. . "Yes." added Representative flak er, of California, "the same kind. of wide awake fellows have been cheat Ing the public fur 20 or 23 year." ii i PENS TABLET UNVEILED IV , Climci! WHKHK WILLIAM PKXX WAS HAITISKH. f a London, July 13. In the church of Anbollowa Burking, In which Win Penn waa baptised on October S3 144, a bronxe tablet In memory of tho founder Of Pennsylvania, pre sented to the (harch by the Penn sylvania Society of New York clt was today unveiled with appropriate ceremonies. The . unveiling cere monies took, place before a distin guished assemblage of Englishmen snd Americans. Dr. Rubinson, vicar of the church, presided and Ambass ador WblU'law Rcld delivered the principal sddTs. , The tablet was designed by a firm of New York architects. The ex pense: attendant upon casting and erecting the tablet in the churrh was borne largely by former Senator W. A. Clark, of Montana, : who Is vice prestdentlvl Ibe Pennsylvania Soci ety. The chunh of A..uollows Itsrk- Ing In the tin ly bjilliHrtg still extant In London wblih'ls deflnately asso ciated with the birth or Wm. IVnn AITO V V.ST OV1.B I MIIANKMt XT XKAH lli:M)KI!SOII.I,K. AshsvHIe, July 13. At an early hour this morning ahllo threo miles from HendcrsKiivllle, n automobile containing several persons aent over an embankment and the following are known to be killed and seriously Injured ; ; The dead: v Mis Lena ftowman, Sumter, 8. C. Robert Belt i. Trehton, S. C. Seriously Injured: Miss Mable Bowman, sister of Miss Lena, Sumter, S., C. Extent of In juries not ascertained. i t . Miss lns Bowman and Robert Hettls, who were killed, were to Have been married within the next Je day. ! eiav SlES Legislature Ratifies Proposed Amendment td CoBstitaetioo' ' ' . T- Vvt-' &S ;'.:''A.. ' j Albany, iuly i3.-i-NeW York state's approval' of a federal Income tax was given yesterday afternoon when the acBoinbiy' aflfpted" hy;'a v'ofe'idf. ai'JM 43 tne resolution !;)raUfylngf! the JptOt posed amendment to the t'nlted States constitution. Several weekis ago the senate approved . the i measure- Only one democrat, broke away from the party pledge to tfupport the resolution, and trine republicans voted, "aye" des pite tne protests or tneir leaders. Republican opponents declared that New York grate would suffer at the hands of the wostcm aud southern status, which had "put their beads to gether" to indirectly do to manufact uring and business states - what tbey could not do directly, 'A tax on Incomes from whatever source derived," rcpubltcad Leader Merrltt Bald, "will act in a manner det rimental to the securities of this state The western states need money for improvement and they propose to reach for It where It 1s. I don't like to see New York' delivered, bound. hand and foo't, to a sister state." .-'...v.. ; '! DF PASSED AWAY AT HER PARENTS HOME OX KOXBORO STKEET The many friends of Miss Goldlo Riggs will be grieved to hear of her; death, which occurred at the home "of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Riggs on Roxboro street at 6 o'clock this morning. - . Miss Riggs had been seriously fll for some days with typhoid pneumonia She was a true Christian, a consistent member of the North Durham Baptist church, aud possessed those lovable characteristics that made her a favor ite among a largo circle of friends. The members of her family and her friends while sorrowing are not as those without hope for they know that their loss Is their loved one's gain. : She is survived by her father and mother, a sister, Mrs. G. O. Mayner, and a brother, Hilmond Riggs. The funeral services will be held A the home Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock conducted by her pastor. Rev. J. M. Arnette. Tbe-pU beRrers-will tie Lee Klrkland, Monroe Bray, Jim Pleas ants, Hubert. Harward, Norman Hor ton, Thomas Copley. The floral bear ers will be Misses Eva Benette, Lula Waller, Blanche Ellington, Essie Bul lock, Ollle Dillebay, Vera Scott' and Viola Cates., the members of her Sun day school class. The Interment will take place at Markham's grave yard. TSTfl DURHAM MEN ATTEXDIXU AX. Xl'AL ttlXVEXTIOX. The annual convention of the Re tail Druggist Association ot North Carolina began yesterday at More- head City and will bold daily, ses sions for the next five days. Ad dresses and papers by some ot the big drug men" of, the country are slated and a varied program has been arranged for the entertainment of the delegate at the popular resort Among those who left from Durham to attend the convention today, were Presidents Germain Bernard, ot the local association, Secretary P. W. Vaughan,- Mr. Verne Ilea, Mr. II. R Uoodall and Mr. W. M. Yearby. Among the addresses to be made will be one by Mr, Max T. Payne, of Greensboro, president of the North Carolina Retail Druggists Associa tion, -and others by Mr. J. II. Deal, of Sclo, Ohio, ahd Mr. Julius P. Item Ington, of Philadelphia. , SEVERE STORM ON COAST ELIZABETH CITY VIslTEII BY , TERRIFIC DISTURBANCE. Elizabeth City, July 13. This city and section was visited by tone of the most terrific storms ever known here yesterday afternoon. VnI!e no re port of damage to vessels out in the sound has -reached here, 'water men are expecting to hear ot costly dam age aud perhaps some fstalitle. The wind blew at a terrific pace and tree and telegraph pole throughout the city went down. A large smokestack at the plant of the Dare Lumbet Company waa blown down Bifit other damage done amounting to perhaps $y0P,. Two schooners, the Mary 'lOOK BIKOKl" YOI LEAP The cake she made looked fltio enough To Justify her pride, Hut when we came to eat the stuff We pretty nearly died! She said she could not comprehend What trouble there could he, She'd followed cjosely to the end . The cook book recipe. It certainly evpicd-strange the cake flhould turn out suftt a tiies, t'n lens she made some sad mistake Despite h-r csrefulness. . -. The bonk proved such the (rath to be Myond the slightest doubt, . For from the simple recipe s, . : Six page wcr torn outl V ft A union of garbage workers was re cently formed in Sacramento, Cal. The city of Milwaukee,, Wis., has adopted , the thumb-print system In paying off its employes. The International convention of the theatrical stage employes was held at Niagara Falls this wek. Twenty-four states have laws re- qulrlng guards on dangerous machine ry, "and ample ventilation In factories. The ; Boston Domestics' f Protective Union has decided to establish free beds for sick members at two Boston hospitals. ' ' ' In one month the free employment bureau conducted by the city of Port land, Ore, obtained positions for 2,164 men , and women, . ; , I'. . A business agents' union is being organized by certain business agents ot unions affiliated with the San Fran cisco labor council. : No less than seven boards of con ciliation and Investigation were In ses slon recently In Canada under the In dust rial disputes Investigation act. Lord Penrhyn gave a holiday to his 4,000 Welsh quarryracn corona tion day and on investiture day, to gether with an additional 5 per cent to their wages. Under a ruling made by Stephen V. Carey, assistant attorney general of the state of Washington, telephone operators come under the ' provisions of the new eight-hour law. A. B. Garrestown, president of the order ot railway conductors, now will receive a salary of $10,000 a year,' the highest paid to the bead of any labor organization in the world. Ten Old time Chicago telegraphers were recently retired by the Wcatern Union Telegraph Company on pen slon aggregating GO per cent of their salaries. Elmer Stevous, of those re tired, bad been in the service in Chi cago since 18C8. Andrew Furnseth, president of the international seamen's union of Amer ica, has submitted a plan to President Gompers of the American' Federation ot Labor to organise the migratory workers of America, of whom it is es timated there are 3,000.000. . At a recent meeting In New York city delegates from the seamens' long shoremen's harbor boatmen's, marine cooks, etewards, ; waiters, porters'. shipping teamster's snd dockbuilders' unions completed the organization of the greater New York waterfront fed eration. A congress of the Danish federation ot trades and labor union was held In Copenhagen. In spite of the de pression of trade In the last two years the federation has Increased its mem bership, the total number being 101, 563, as against 90,651 st the end of the year 1908. , Machinist all over the country are working to obtain the eight hour day for alt machinist employed In the territory extending west troro 8 line starting from St Louis, Mo., thence running north tbiough central Illi nois into Canada and including the Pacific coast. BAIX BADLY NEEDED TO CHECK FOREST FIRES. . . Detroit, July 13. With hardly more than half a dosen houses left standing tn the villages of An Sable and Oscoda, with the city of Alliens fighting a disastrous fire all day, and with forest fires raging along the line of the Detroit and Mackinac railroad, from Au liable to Cheboygan, and at other points In the northern part of the lower peninsula, heavy rain h needed to prevent a possible heavy loss of life. Yesterday's fires at Alpena and Os coda originated tn the slab yards that were dry as tinder from the long drought. Al Cheboygan, a mountain of sawdust caught fire, and the flames threatened to spread through the city. The smaller towns of Met, and Tower, along the Detroit and Macki nac railroad, were reported to he, burning yesterday, and Lcwistnn H: Montmcrcney county, and Alger ami Turner, In Arenac county, were said to be seriously threatened by forest fire. I'M I.K OF MR. A.. PKOPI.EH !: t is kali: u;u, s . A telephone message was received this morning by Mr. A. 1). People telling of the death or his uncle, Cap tain C. W. Heaver, of Raleigh. Mr. Heaver wa "0 year old and was a Confederate aoldier. having jcrcd four year in the Confederate army. His death occurred Tuesday afternoon at S o'clock at hi borne on East Hsrgett trect Paralysis and old age wa the cause of hi death. He Is unlvcd by a widow and two sons, Messrs C. I Beavers and Captain n. R. Beavers, and two daughters. Meedaroea Lillian Hollas, of Columbia. X. C and Katie MeClamrock, of Ral eigh. The funeral service will be con ducted Thursday afternoon from his home. The pall bearer will be made up from the Confederate soldier. The Interment will take place In Oakwood cemetery, . . . r ' Put tm your bnt and eo to sec Mrs Morrl st the Recorder office and let her ststf you out right In the great piano and Voting contest. .. ' . Inj Usee Forf Motor I tout. ;Nw York, July 13. All arrange ments nave been concluded for tho nower boat rafo which Is tolio ster-ti- ed tomorrow afternoon ffim .rinrttr Ington;' Long VIstand, with Marpti!- hcad, Mass., trs the objoeiive'polrlt. The race will cover, a distance of 240 atlcal miles... The crfiitsi fcift h confined to boats, not !c:-;in$Q' thirty teet over ail, anp.notr, cweeifipj;, lit the greatest length, forty feet ' on deck. Only boats built and used for cruls.ng, are eligible, . . Scalloped Tomo Butter a pudding dish; season one quart of tomatoes, salt hnd pepper to taste, sugar U -desire, prinkjij four, baking dish with jjattiired jcj-uilhlis;, bake until crumbs ari brown: Haw tomatoes sliced may be used In lay ers, alternating with the crumbs and seasoning. " . .' " ' '" HOW FAR ARE YOU GOING? Will you spend $2,00 or' $3.00 or $4.00 far a pair or bur shoes? We cah sell you footwear of any grade, at any price all qualities to .suit all purses. Wo prefer to sell the better grades because they make better sat isfied customers. , And pleased cus tomers arc our most valuable asset. Our second Anniversary Sale no on aud you will find we, have marie the deepest cut on the cleanest now Shoe of any housa in the city. A.' BELLAMY'S Nfor 10(5 'Cortnran. ppv Post OftleA "I Am Well" writes Mrs. L. R. Barker, of Bud, Ky., "and can do all my housework. For years I suffered with such pains, I could scarcely stand on my feet. After threeUifferent doctors had failed to help me, I gave Cardui a trial . Now, I feel LI like a new woman," ; E58 r Tho Woman's Tonic A woman's health de pends so much upon her delicate organs, that the least trouble there affects her whole system. It is the little things that count, in a woman's life and health. If you suffer from any of the aches and pains, due to womanly weakness, take Cardui at once, and avoid more seri ous "troubles. ' We "urge you to try ft Begin today. S.L..SM X WAXTED to look after our Interest In Durham and alji cent counties. Salary or Commis sion. Address The ilatvcy Oil to,, Cleveland. 4 ' 23-S ' K, T. IIOWKItroX A SOX Fnncral Dlr.-cturs and Embnlmere ' OUiie and Sbtv Room 316 MaoguM Street. . Phone 1T Nlgrt ir Day Svm M llsatHJK TO Tin: Dt itiiAM i;ixti;ii;it ami 4 t.'ET THE ,XEt WHILE ITIHXEWS VISITS YOU 104 TIMES FOR OM,Y ai.M ii iii 1911 HLMH4CS 1911 H I LL ' S Svnthirs Atmanars are ready. ' I'rlre by mall 7 era I ill Directory Co. t Xnlaal Bids;. Rirksfead, Vft, III LLTHS COUCH ANocuncTKci.ur:s3 ja'JDiSi'O'JEuY tl'W T.K5UW.f $ i: -1 nil My mm .1

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