.1, N. C, TUESDAY, '.AUGUST h 1911 PAGE Til REE GO C n AIL W'O RJL.1B U IS THK HOSPITAL. 1 It to a white and tidy place. The bed are all lu rows, And Jut,bow .many beds there are i Not even mother knows. ; And all too time a kind, white nurse Among -thuw cornea and goes. In every bed a little child . Is ill the aame as L . ' '. Bometlme they're welt enough to . laugh v -.v. '. . ... Sometimes they only cry. It's strange that we can't all bo, well. I often wonder why! Right next ma la a Uttlc girl; Her eyed are Just as blue ' As if a tiny bit of sky :,... Wure really shilling through. .' And when the white nurse brliiK my -' ' lunch She bring' Susanna's, too. At night-time, when the kind, white " BUW ' Has smoothed, my tumbled bed all , " otralght. And turned quite low the yellow light. And salJ. "Qood-nlght, it's getting late!? I lie and tea those white, white b.Mis, And every single tall, white poet I watch tnem with wide-open eyes. I guess I am afraid almost, And then I turn about in bed, , , And stare out bravely to the dark, And way above the tallest church I ae tlny.'twlnkly spark. Wha 1 wm well I thought a star Vu Ilka a diamond in the air, But now 1 like to tell myself Cod set tt for a lantern there, Tou can not tunes bow bright It ' gleams,' " And though f know It lives so far I want to cry, I love it a That tiny, twinkling, friendly atar. ' - -Edith Naomi H11L i;- ' MUH. ItO.MTZ EXTFHTAIXH ' Oxford, July tt. -Friday morning from t to 12 o'clock. Mrs. 1). A Conlti entertained at a delghtful porch tarty In honor of her dsugh ter-ta-lfcw. Mrs. Dudley BobIU. of Chicago. 111. Tbe comfortable cool, veranda was , tho very place to spend a pleasant morning, being set with table for bridge. Mr. W. Edward Cannady making the highest scor wss pre sented witb a pretty olive spoon, Mrs. Bonltt, tho bonoree, a lovely piece of cut glass. The consolation. beautiful band made handkerchief was warded to Mrs. P. II. Montgom cry. Delicious refreshments consist lug of !-c and rske was served Those enjoying the morning with Mrs. Houiti were: Mead a me Dudley Donlta, bonoree, W. Edward Cannady. N. II. Csnnady, K. II. Crenshaw, I'. H. Montgomery, T. L. Booth, A. II. Powell. L. W Stark. J. A. Mica, A. A. Chspman W. D. Bryan, J. W. Canady. I. W Valgum, MUs Mary B. Williams. PAIGHTKH )P RRVOI.VTIOX IMMIKU.-T Raleigh, July H. The North Car ollna society laghters of the Revo lution. Ills Mary Hilllard Hlnton, regent, has Just Issued the July aum ber of the Booklet, the splendid his torical publication gotten out usr terly la the Inter of North Carol! ea history. It is from the proceed of tho Booklet thst the society ass been enabled to place the handsome brons tablet In the rotunda of the atate bouse la memory of the ladle of the K4nton tea party, and tablet marking the old historic town of bloomsbury thst anti daU-d ital alga. Tbe contents of the July Book let Include among notable features "North Carolina I'nlnn Men In ll.' T Major W. A. Graham; "Home Karl rhytlrlana of Albemarle." by Klib ard IMIIard M. D.; "Som ' Ballard of North Carolina," by Profeaaor Jobs A. Loma; A painting of "The Iiaptlsm of Vlrglnls Isre." and account of tbe unvelllog of the tab lt to mark the site of hloonisbury The Booklet Is edited by Mlas llln Ion, rege it of the society. - .. Er,u;i:iE!T AjMUsrm Isvluilont were received here Thursday announcing the marriage of Mr. Claud Clark to Mlae Eleanor Fowden, of Wintmton. The Invlta Hon resd as follow: Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Fowden Invite you to b present at tbe marriage of their daughter. Mlas Kleanor Loula. to Mr. Claud llal.r Clark, Tuesday evening,' August the 'eighth, nluetcn hundred and . eleven, neves-thirty o'clock. Church of the Advent, Wll liamsion. North Carolina. Mr. Clark graduated from the Dur ham High Brhoot In lu7 and sc Cfpted a poeKlon wl'h C. E. King snd Sons. druggUis. He worked for this Brtn for a number of years and many were the compliments passed on his pleasant emlle and courteous manner. Later he accepted a noaliloa with ft Matknall and Bon. working at this place several months. Last winter Mr. Clsrk went to Greensboro, Where be look th regular druggists' emirae, after which, be psofd the sute board examination. He then sctej.ied a po altlun with a drug Arm In William, sion, and since going there he has been one of the most populsr drug gists In Wllltamston. The announce went of his approaching marriage wss a complete surprise to his friends in ,th city, and only a few of his rcla Uvea kuw oflt, . HE RECOREER PATTEHriS 8000. A Simple inwtive (. ijiriifi ueuaunt waist, with or without sailor collar tiiraming. To make a drety aiBt, 4iuiiK.y and easily la very, gratifying to th woman who does her own sewing and the selection of a simple up to iat nattern and a material decora' tlve In itself makes the tasK a ugni one Indeed. Bordered crepo la white and pink was used for tbe model here ahown which lends Itself equally well to all drew fabrics of thi smison. EmbroMerea canst. or eyelet embroidered tlnen, cotton voile, cballie. madrae or , ginguam may be used. The pattern is cut In six sixes: 32. 81. S6, so ana 2 inches bust measure, . it rcqutres I 1-4 yards of 44 Inch material for the ii loco alxe. A pattern of this Illustration mail ed to any address on receipt of 10c in silver or stamps. , - Nam . Street . Towa Stat . ...a........ " Size.......... 0 . . Fill out tb sbove blank, en- closing tea cents la a tamps or coin, sod mail to the Beanty Pat- tern Company, 1188 Fulton sUeet, Brooklyn. N. Y, Dept. D. ore FASHION SOTEH. Long handle are characteristic of tbe beweat auiftbades. , The togue of stxlpea la very pro nounced la bathing costume and the numerous acceaaorita. Stripe are ad- vaatageouely employed for sailor col lar. coffs, border bands and aa Cnieb to the waist line. borne of tbe latest Jabot are pleat ed and gathered over a pleated rib bo In some bright color, suck aa cerise, emerald or bright blue. One piece f rooks of blue serge are amaxlngly popular, trimmed with col lars of heavy ecru lace. Lingerie collar of all description are much sought after on bathing suit. They are circular, V-shaped snd square or the sailor style. Both she-r and medium weight batlati and linen a." employed. Round rollara of finest bat late ar. exquisitely finished with a liny ruffle of talenci'-nne. , "Who Arm Vow With Tonight. Willlsm and Vsa Alstyne, very Mipular and protlfic team of song writers, never fall to bave one or mote big successes on tbo sng mar ket, and ft present they have a nov elty In the song line, a typical New Vork white wsv song whin is very popular in all the restaurants where "swelldom dines after the theatre The title of the eotig, "Who Are Vou With TonlghtT' seems to be tbe pop ulsr saiutstion s( the guests arrive and greet those they kne w. It la the old story told In a new way, and while tbe song baa no moral to speak of, many a poor, delui,n man and woman fc been broujlit to reflect by the abrupt manner of tbe Jocular questioner who seeks the In formal I- tlon lpn the stage tbe song has also proven a surcess, especially where the sinter has been able to pick out some strange' lit the u dlenee, who wu having a good time In New York." On one occasion vaudeville alngcr had selected what in bis opinion was an "raav mark Hut to bis mortification and to the delight of the audience the man got ob and nourished a tegal paper, got toe lady with blm to at and up also snd Introduced blmsel ar.d her a Mr. and Mrs Hiram Thompson, of Olean, Pa Just mst-ied aid having a good time. He seemrd delighted st the fllnoom fit lire of the singer, and ss the orchestra plsved tbo chorus. he himself led the whole audience In Inglng Who are you with tonight, tonight? Oh! who are you with tonight? Who la tho dreamy peach end creamy llo.i of sweet d'iigbt? Is It your litiM aimer. Mister? An sser me. honor bright Will yon tell your wife In the morn li. Wbtf you were with toQlgb.lt ' The Klon College Bulletin. We call .attention of our readers to the vacation numbcrof the Elqn College Bulletin, which can be bad lree upon request directed to Presi dent ,W. A. Harper, Eloti College, N. C.,' mentioning' this paper. The Bul letin, bound in maroon and stamped on the cover eheeta with old gold, tbe college colors, contains 32 pages of matter of vital importance to young people, intending to go off to col lege, Some of the-topic discussed are: Reasons for Education, What In Education, How best to Get It, The Life and Spirit of Elon College, ment ot tno uouege, A Buccienti Statement of Expense nnd Terms' and Admission. We cr-n attention! of our reader also to tbe advertise mnt of Elon colfege which appears In this paper. . - , '" They're, - II Uooil Amciican Names. To write the history of thi coun try in song ha always been the aim of Billy Jerome, and the - satirical manner in which ho sometimes bring certain events to the notice of his great following baa brought fav orable comment from some of tbe greatest men of the day. On the im pulse of the moment he. in connec tion with bis musical associate, Jean tlutred to the public a song entitled, Schwartz, has written and intro duced to the public a song entitled, "They're all Good American Names" Tbe satire lieain tbe fact that nei ther Washington, Lincoln, Grant, McKlnley, nor any of our heroes are mentioned. The first verse brings in the name of all the Irish athletes. the second verse includes all the baseball player with Celtic names, and the third verse, really the hit of the ong -refers to that great race, which, during the past thirty years has made such wonderful stride in tery branch of business. In fine art and in all the professions. This verse appeal to everybody tbat ha ever been to New York and noticed the changes In the 'business section of old broadway. When the song was first sung In New York it actually received such an amount of applause that one of the best vaude ville show fairly came to a stand still.' ; ;- ; - ' - , Maggie Cline. the Celtic wonder is making the hit of her life with this song, and It Is worth going mile to hear her sltrg it. In ord?r to give an idea of tbe satire of the song we quote tbe last verse and chorus: I love to stroll along Broadway and gare at every aim. The Ysnkee-doodle notion store is run by RoneDstein. You'll find a good old Yankee name on every business bouse. There's Rosenbelmw, Jacobs, Wic- n-r, Glmble, Pax and Strauss. Chorfts - . , Abraham and Stine, Oppenhelm and Kline. . Rosecbcrgcr and Levinxky. Harris, Cohen and Rosinsky; Itammersteln and Guest; Stern and Rosenquet. Simon, liyman, Wyman, men of brains; Levi, Wllsky. Berg and Falk. are the men wbo rule New York They're all good American names. Why Ham Kelraaed the Irfaer. Hamilton Webster (called "Ham" for short) had Just been elected sheriff of a county in one of the western states. He bad received strict ordrr to keep no prisoner in solitary con finement. One evening he found hint' elf In poselon of but two prison era, one of whom oacap'd! during the night. The next morning Hsm opened the cell of the one remaining, a man ar reated for horse stealing, and pro ceeded to kick him out. remarking "Git out of here, you pleface! You stayed In to get me in trouble ovrr that derned solitary confinement regu lation, didn't yo? Succe. ritll Ken ice la ew York. An attache of the New York water works department has been VlsiUug friends In Cleveland. One ot these friends said to him: "I understand you have civil service in your department?" - "Ye." the New Yorker replied, "we have civil service and li' perfectly good civil service too. It' fixed now they cau't dhicharge you uuless they want to!" Cleveland Plain Dealer. Centerted 11 Im liraf. Miss Jeie Lii'b. teacher In a Balti more Sunday rVhoot, has married Joe Lee, Chine laundryman. after con verting him, according to an ex change. A cautious woman Is Miss Lieb. Moat women wait until after they are married to convert or reform the wayward. Charleston New and Courier. Harrt Lock. "Your father mleht have Ix-on a ric h man, but fur one thing. "What was that mother?" "He w:ia obliged to attend an ex tra session ofcongreas Instead of spending the summer on a lecture platform. -Detroit Pre Pre. 1oik Hrfur Yo lp Agltatel Old Gen Quick! Mr daughter I overboard! Save her and she shall be your wife! Blase Person Wslt till a wave rolla her over and I can see her face! Putk. llatMl Off At the art museum the elan "Hand. off" was conspicuously d clayed be fore the ststue of Venus de Mllo. A small child looked from the slan to the nut lite. "Anybody could see that.' said dryly. (he "Jatm-s R. Keene. at a calibration In Cedarhursl," sld a New York broker, "once gave, in a doxc n words, the Wall street definition of a lamb. ' A lamb.' ftatd Mr. Kerne. 'U nno who Invest first and Investigates after ari,"-cincliiuail Luqulrcr. "Tie Idtiie Emm 99 i J. i QJJ w ID A (0) f - 'L i i ... v Gwei Away t i I ; 1 1 . ! ' . t i s ' v TfTirmTTO iliVllllllli f in m l it fe MSter E)ifli4tt. ) . ' : r, ,;i I !. I) "Tlie Doctor." Nothing Like Them! '- sxm : I w 1 i . sjV.,... at ..-o - I I It . . "Forcn" at Home, ' ' ' i ' Be Sure to Get One '.Macltun wl lao Mrceta. One of these Elegant Pictures, reproduced from world famous Art Treasures In the Corcoran Gallery at Washington, in the Art Museum at New York and in the Louvre at Paris by celebrated masters, given on every 50c cash subscription paid in at the Sun or Recorder Office, whether by a new sub scriber or an old one. Upon payment of fifty cents you get one "of these Beautiful Works of Art, the originals costing, some of them, hundreds of thousands of dollars. Take your choice of these: "Readings from II omer,M Alva Tamcda; "Narrow Es cape," Harrington Bird; "Christ at 1 2," Hoff man; "Forum" at Rome, "Gfstlc St. Angelo" at Rome; "The Gleaners," J. E. Millet; "Madonna of the Streets Roberto. Fcrruzi; "Old Mill," Jacob Van Ruysdael; "The Doc tor," Luke Fildcs; "Boyhood of Handel," M. I. Dickscc. There arc a limited number of each of these Beautiful Pictures. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED J Mail orders wiU'rcccive prompt attention when money, accompanied by 10 cents for postage, is sent in with the order. You are not limited to one picture. Every fifty cents paid in by a new or . an old subscriber entitles them to one of these Pictures. , Five dollars will give you tin of these leautiful works of art, ind in a Jdition you will receive the "Sun" daily for 20 , months nearly 2 years, or the Recorder twice a week for 5 years. . ; Make your home lieautiful by securing an entire set of these pictures. Taite si iirjolki I Pictures May be seen at the Following Named Places Edgemont Drug Co., Interior Decorating Co., or at the Sun Office See TEnemni 2 1