utes ,to dry off the crust. Serve with sweetened cream- or hard sauce. rrt 11 i THE HOCSK OK THK YEARS. Life's room, in cblldhoom, seems a i boundless place, i . Full of strange; corners and atjven- -; turousyiJace;t t, .. v.- . Youth find It wider yet, home of dreams. , .. .' With shining casements lit by rain bow gleams; While viper years bring firelight on the hearth, . Content and welcome, love and work and mirth, . Until the walls draw nearer and more near, , And age beholds them, suddenly and clear. ,,- How small the rooms! Alas, how each recalls Some memory that breathes within the walls Here Joy atood smiling, garlanded with flowers, ' The mirror's depths glimpse with a shadowy host , The fir "burns low and quivers on the floor Yet, as sn unseen hand sets wide the door. Lot Through Its arch as to the rblM, appears The beckoning vision of Immortal years. Liverpool Mercury. 4 $ A IIOI'SKPLAXT 1TKM. Houacplants of any kind that seem to need more life snd energy will thrive by submitting It to t count of ammonia water application, that is, the soil. .Ammonia when diluted In the proportions that one makes it to wash windows la a fer tiliser. Soapy water is quite as good and a combination of soapy water and ammonia Is still better. Give the poor bouscplsnts a drink that la also food to them when you are about to throw Into the drain a ma terial which they actually require to appear at tbetr best. ' , THK FK.UIM.VK IMilT.VI'R The modem wife has been advised very largely to Interest herself in her. hushsnd's business, snd In his Interest outuld the home. If she wishes to retain his affection. Tbls Is all very well but bo body advises the husband to Interest himself In his wife's home. Why not? Per haps because It la generally taken for granted that the home belongs to both. But if this be true of the home, wby Is It not equslly true of the business which makes that home possible? Just because the husbsnd's band develops the one and the wife's the other ,s a mere detail ef admin istration and should In no way af fect the Joint ownership la both. BtTHIMi CAP, la the wstcr one need not be 4 fright If the summer model for bathing cap be copied. Tbey are the pretty Jittle boudoir types followed la rubberised silk or satin and there Is variety In the snodels that are sold The round shape with a pleated rulBe and a pert bow at on side ts very becouilsg. It can b of silk, msde to' be worn over a rubber rip. Then there is the butch cap, with turaed-back flspa, and rosertea at each aide over the eara. The full crown and the folded brim that gin a flat effect around the face are easily us-d for bathing caps. Some caps are of atraw with puffed crowns of aatln and trimmings of huge satin f lowers. Oh, there sre charming little offer lug that complete the costume for the atrull os the beach or the dip In the ocean, I.CT HUlY TRY. fond mothers and fathers who walk the Doer nights with crying ba bies will be greatly -relieved to know that while they may hav doubts about It. crying Is "good" for the lit tle cherubs. The Hospital," a medical Journal la authority for the statement. Here's what It says: "In children great change takes plao during crying In the. manner In which the respiration la rattled on. Expirations sre prolonged sometimes for ss tnuh a half a minute, and are Interrupted by short respirv lions. During eiplratifin the glottis Is contracted so tbst Intrsnulmonsry pressure rises considerably, and there can be but little doubt that It la the equardliitrlbiitIon.tif this In. creased air pressure throughout the whale chest, lesding (0 dilation te portions of the lungs, that hsve be- com more or fc-as eollapeed, thai la te explanation ef the great benefit which often results from crying. In re of infantile bronchitis, and of the large discharge of bronchial mu cus which so often follows. - . jmr.fimnr.nif Rslojgh. Aug. I. There was much Interest hre In the marriage In I evening of Dr. C. O. Abeniathy. a prominent young practicing physician of thta city, and Ml Mary Carter Kay the ceremony being at the home ot the bride's parents, Mr. snd Mrs. J no. K. Ray, Ret. T. W. O Kelly, pastor, of the first Raptlsl church, performing the ceresamy In tn pres'sce of a large company of -rlsf(v and friend. The, apecJal decoration for the Ray home were In eaqulaite taste, the halts and double parlors being adorned with palms, bamboo, fern and smllat, Mis Ruth lUy was nuld of honor and the bride wsa given sway by her brother, Mr. Hurton Ilajr. Ir. Aberuaiay waa attended by his br-Mher. lir. Eric A. Aliernathy, of Chapel Hill, ss best man. Or, and Mr. Abernathy are now on a bridal lour In wmtern Carolina. nrTt llH .wTAIMM K. Thursday afternoon Dr. William fl. CrntcbBeld returned to Ibis city THE RECORDER PATTERNS 0O2H. 1 Simple femfertahle Model tilrl's One' Flee Bog Plaited Dress, With Sailor Collar er Dutch . a Seek Kdge. , Red and white dotted percale was uacd for this model, with trimming of red percale. The design has the peasant sleeve, cut In ono with the dress. The fulness la confined at the waist under a belt The pattern Is cat In 4 slaes: . 8, 8, snd 10 years. It requires S yarda of 27-inch material for the 10 year else. A pattern ot thi illuatratlon mail ed to any address on receipt of 10c. In silver or stain i. " Name , j Street ...,, 1 4 Town , 6tat. .. BIm... tfo.......... Pill out the above blank, en- closing te cent Is sumps or coin, aud mail to the Beauty Pat- tera Company. 12 S3 Fulto street, Brooklyn, N. Y, Dept. D. bringing borne with him a bride, formerly Miss Ids Belle etslnbarg. They were married Thursday morn ing at Weldon, from which' place tbey came to Durham, giving their friends her a most pleasing sur prise. The ceremony took plac at the home of Mra. Crutrhfleld'a par ents. Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Stalnback."' There were a few special friends of the couple who were on to the racket and were at the station to great the couple as they stepiwd from the train. Tbey had planned to take a honeymoon, but the demand made on Dr. Cruthrteld by bis patient is so great that the trip had to be postponed. Dr. Crutch field will be In the city for some time, supplying for Dr. A. R. Tucker, who Is In Greensboro, st the bedside of his brother. Dr. . W. Tucker, who Is 111 with typhoid fever. There Is murh regret In the city that the ksppy couple will be In the city for only a few weeks, after hkb thy will move to Greensbotvn where Dr. Crtit. hfleld will locate for the practice of Osteopathy. Mrs. Crutrhfleld la a graduate of the Southern Female College, of Petersburg. later she studied musle In the music school of New Vork. and la especially gifted, and la one of the most popular young ladlea of Weldon. Dr. Crutrhfleld U a Durham man and has spent most of his life In this city. He Is grsduste of the Americsn College of Osteopathy, of Klrksvllle, Missouri. He passed the state boards of Mississippi and North Carolina. He la especially gifted Id his work snd bss practiced in this city for some time. . Trouen Banana Whip, Peel half a dozen bananas and run, inrougn a sieve; but inio ineui one half of a cupful of orange and one haif of a cupful of powdered Sugar. Soak one-quarter of a boxful of gela tine la one-quarter of'a cupful of cold water, set over the tea-kattle until melted and strain it over' the fruit mixture. When It beglua to stiffen stir in carefully one pint of thick cream which baa been whipped to a stiff froth, and turn Into a wetted mold. See that the cover fit very tightly; It Is well to lay two thicknesses of wax paper over the top ot the mold before putting on the cover; or when covered the edge may be bound with a trip of muslin which has been dipped Into melted butter. Bury in a mixture of finely cracked Ice and rock salt two parts of the former to one of the latter and stand away for, two hours, Bg that time the outer portion of the mixture will be we'l frozen while the center Is still soft. If desired thor oughly frozen It must stand for four hour. '-' ' ' :: , . . ... '. PLAYS AXD PLAYKRS. 44r dd v4Mtv44 itmris. 4444 . fera Oysters. Take ymtng sweet corn; cut from the eoh Into a dish. To one pint of corn sdd one well-besfen egg, a email tesctipful of flour, one-half gill of sweet cream, oue-bslf teaspoonful of sslt; mis Well. Pry like oynlrrs, by dropping Into hot butt, r by spoonful shout the site of an oyster. fried .Washroom. Soak one pound of muchrooms In sslt water two hours. .Drain one-half hour. After they have been drained the-email one are t be U ft wbote the Urg r variety cat in half. Heat up two eggs, place mushrooms Into the beaten rgjss. -. Ksplerry Koly Psly. Mil together one pint of sifted flour, one-halt of a tnnsneoikful of salt, one teaMH)iiful of augnr and one tea spoonful of baking powder and rub lu two tna'powifuls of butter". Mix with sufflrkut sweet milk to make a soft dough, tura out on floured board. work with the hinds for a moment. then roll out In s sheet one-half of an Inch thick. Spread thickly with black or red raspberries, sprinkle with a spoonful or two of suaar snd roll tip like Jelly roll, pinching the ends to keep U ihe Jniee. Lay on a greased pie plate and steam for half sn hour, Ibeii plac lu hut ovi-u for tea lulu Anua Held has arranged to start from Paris next week. Her. tour will begin in September. John Drew will open with "The Single Man" at the Empire theatre. In New York, on Labor Day. Under the title of "The Mysterious Jimmy" s French version of "Alias Jimmy Valentine" Is arousing curi osity in Paris. Gu9 Hill announces that he will send out a real "old timers" minstrel show next season, containing a nura ber of the performers of the old days Jan Kelton, leading womau of the American , Stock Company at Spokane. Wash., has played 211 parts since the company waa organ ized six years ago. Margaret Dale and Elsie Leslie will support George Arliss in his forthcoming production of Louis X. Parker's 'Disraeli" at Wallack's theatre, New York, la September. Leo . Ditrichsteln, who plays the Important role of Gabor Arany in David Belasco'a production of "The Concert" Is said to be a finished mu slrlsn as well s finished sctor. Ome Caldara has been selected by the Author's Producing Company to succeed (ieorge Naa'a In the role of Wilbur Emerson. In "the Gam biers" which Is annouueed to open in Boston In October. Paul Wllstach drama "Thais.' is to be produced by Sir Herbert Beer- bohm Tr.se st Hi Msjesty's theatre. In London, with Tyrone Power and Constance Collier in the leading roles of the plsy. May Vokea will have the principal part 1st "The Quaker Girl." which is to be produced in Atlantic City In October. Others in the csst will be Percival KnlKht, F. Pope Stamper and Arthur Klein. Nora Hayes snd Jack Norworth'a comedy for next season Is ssld to be a humorous illustration of life in a tabloid flat bed under the floor. Ice box in the bookcase, snd ' cooking stove in, the escritoire. London Mitchell is tbe author of new comedy In which Mrs. Fiske will appear in October, lie has been In France for several weeks, giving bis play Its final touches, but will return to New York in a few weeks. Harrison Gray Fiske has gone to London to complete srrsngements for the production next season at one of tbe New York theatres of Ed wsrd KnoblsuOTs Arabian Nlghta play. "Kismet" now running at the Garrirk theatre, London. Gaby Deslys. who I credited with having caused the downfall of the young king of Portugsl, Is to ap pear In New York under the man aaement of the Schuberta after the close of the Russlsn ballet's engage ment at the winter garden. Early In the fall E. J. Dodson will begin bis tour la "Gaunt let 'a Pride" a new comedy from the pen of Hart ley Manners. He will be under the msnsgement of Cohen snd liarria. who, short time after, will urodu.e James Montgomery two latest wome. "Heady Money" and "Jimmy Jr." T Slop lltrevtaghs. Simple cases of hlccouahs sre of- ten relieved br such meun suc king Ice or taking salt and vinegar says the New York Medjcal Journal. ruiiing tbe tongue forward and hold Ing It for some time I sn effective procedure. Sometimes obstinate hi. cwugh I relieved when tbe patient la strong by having him bang with th arm extended and grasping come beam or pole, so that his feet do not touch the floor. With all the abdo minlal muscles tense, have him hold his breath as long a possible. Sneez ing I very effective In certain case, since It la the exact opposite to hic sougb. being, a sudden expiratory act. Stella I learned at Sunday school thst It Is more blessed to give than revive. . Hobby Well, suppo: you try It by giving me your randy. Out of All ItesMin. "That new family next door hoe. rowed our ax again tbla morning," nis who tow Jones. "Well. shy did von lend it t them?" be romplslne.1. "How could I help lit" Won might have elv, n them Kino or an excuse." Mra. Jones waxed sarcastic. "Ye." h snsmied. "I mlt-hl h.t.. told them that yon were going to use it or some other crsiy, Impos sible thing." Youngsfown Tele-gram. "There sre inlrrohe In klui.i,l the sclenfUt." "I don't care." replu-d the summer resort bean. "A microbe csn't be a witness In breseh of nrmiilan " 'Washington 8!af. . i "Hie lome itSH ,;i .! est., til- i .Elepii IcataiM TO) Given Away to wwMm & lir! ill fq ; . - v. U i ' ft- t : r-K Tt Doctor. Nothing Like Them ! " i .r - 1 3 Tor T.11" st noiue. Be Sure to Get One One of these Elegant Pictures, reproduced from world famous Art Treasures In the Corcoran Gallery at Washington, in the Art Museum at New York and in the Louvre at Paris by celebrated masters, given on every 50c cash subscription paid in at the Sun or Recorder Office, whether by a new sub scriber or an old one. Upon payment of fifty cents you get one of these Dcautiful Works oi Art, the originals costing, some of them, hundreds of thousands of dollars. Take your choice of these: "Readings from Homer," Alva Tameda; "Narrow Es cape,' Harrington Iiird; "Christ at 12, Hoff man; "Forum" at Rome; "Castle St Angelo" at Rome; "The Glcaners,' J. E. Millet; ".Madonna of the Streets,". Roberto Ferru.i; "Old Mill," Jacob Van Ruysdael; "The Doc Mr," Luke Fildcs; "IJoyhood of Handel," M. I. Dicksee. There arc a limited number of each of these Beautiful Pictures. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED ! Mail orders willrcceive prompt attention when money, accompanied by 10 cents for postage, is sent in with the order. You arc not limited to one picture. Every fifty cents paid in by a new or an old subscriber entitles them to one of these Pictures. Five dollars will give you ttn of these beautiful works of art, nnd in aldition you will receive the "Sun" daily for 20 months nearly 2 years, or the Recorder twice a week for 5 years. Make your home lieautiful by securing an entire set of these pictures. Take a Lok I Pictures May be seen il Ihc Follow In fj Named Places Edgemont Drug Co., Interior Decorating Co., or at the Sun Office Sec TEtkbdm? o r a I ,11 : r

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