--.. .. .'Still if f THH1IG .,1MTB (VOLUME 91 DURHAM; N. C. . TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1911 NUMBER 9S JBSCRII VOTE TODAY FDX St SHOT TO lib. minup J. I. Cissy's Wjr ftcsJ la Kttis fear Exit!; , ii Ills Te Clothes and The of Wq. maa Xearby Tell the fllory and .srs. Was. Tearbr, Her Hashaad, L. J. Xerrls and Colored Hark Privet an Held, reading lavrxttgatlnft. Italetgh. Aug. It. Tho lifeless body of J. a lilssat, dressed ouly la uuder clothing, was found about midiilghl Sal ur Jay. beyond i be Soldier's bonus rati of Raleigh, tbe fatal wound bo ! by, the hit collar bune.'the bullet having ranged dowa toward tb bean and severed a vital artery. Nearby were the bub's top clothe and ths garmenta of a woman. Mra. William R, Yearby was ar retted Bauday morning aa tba woman in ibt case and confess tbat she and lltMxt and L J. Norrkt. a prowmun formerly of Illcbinund. were driving la a bark; tbat bavlng no companion for Norrts. bs left them and she and hlwt drove to th wooda one and a half mile ratit of the city where 111, actt'a body waa found. She aaya come man she could not rerognls ruabed upon tbein and Bred at lilaattt wbila b waa on bia knee begging for ni'-rry. Khe ran to tba hick and drove heme.. She aa) she bad told ltlaaclt and Xorris tbat her husband, wbo It a salesman in tbe Globe clothing tor lwr waa at home drunk. The woman, hnr baaltatxl, and L. J. Xorrta, aad tba aegro barkniaa, Hay wood Penny, are bring held awaiting dev.loj.8M.at. Yearby. the feoKband of the woman, liate that be hoow. nothing of tba shooting. Mra. Yearby la a amall brunette, who wears m mas of catra hair. 8h waa formerly Miss Ada Pmd and mar ried Krl Austin a number of year g. when aba waa Bftccn year old, la fact, and they bad two children be fore they separated. Auatln died over Xiar ago and Ave months ago abt married Yearby. She Insist that tb mau wbo did the sbooWtig waa neitk. r Norrla nor her husband. HLe d arrlN blm aa a aiout man with a black at or black ahirt ! flu sett, the wurdrrl man. w a! Hatha of Nash county, and for a longi while ran a near ber i.ir h..r.. . il Ita fepulattoa bfaino ao bad lhal the aldertmn efuard to renew bit Hfvnae. Kor a.ral montha be bat b".n rnnnlnr rt of .,ting frmt hat baa been under the aurvellaue 4 tba potlra. Chief of I'olice gifll aya. too. that Mra. Yearby. baa been ui-ted for aotue time of being a bad woman. . 0 HHlKTlin AMRODT trtlrle In the Ha BonMiag rarm Life rbe Nlaadrrtd. Thera baa been eormldernlile mia Interpretation of the- purport of tbe article which appeared In the Sun wtie iiBI(, agt In ftrd to the farm life rclim.1. beaded. "8ay it Will frwt Tk Much." The ) purfw nf the aril. waa to h (bat opiewltlun lo ne farm-lif aehool waa not well founded. There a.u of rourae no Idea "f caatlng refletiinn on any one op to the reboot and atiove all waa there no Intention of mating refl.-c-"n on the farm -r who convema !" waa quoted or the place of bunt ea mentioned. Ilk h lainU Im a lntery. niatnanh. N. !., Aug. t. Hooka were opened liera today for tbe reg iMrallon of troitetvo aettleta on ' fr"l lnda of tbe Vori lierihold loolan. reservation, which the gov fniiirnt baa lwldd to throw oi-n t aetmi aettWa. Tbe reservation, whUh la cnly 20 Bl, frm the reat Northwi railway, contain ..nno rrea, wall watered by a "umber of rivera. Tha drawing, to rtermlne the order tt precedence mong thrma reglntered In aelecllng ne moat deairnl.le trarta will lake P'ra la a few weeka. Free Voting Certificate Tlila la a separate and dMInct oti .rm the ".Nomlmtllng ""P"". ad any f otetnt (,r Nominator may collect as many as P-MwIhU. ami toia them. thix ci.iniFic.m: i:titi.fj4 ;r Mr Mr, or Ml , Saute of Candidate to I voted for ' '..... ............. ..Ktate.... TO TEX (10) HtF.K VOTKtt utm Voting Certificate must Ix In the Ifcconler office not ' limn Friday It m, Angus! II, 1911. TUB fimtlAM lUXxmDEIt CtmKHT MANAGEMENT. 1 FIB SCHOOL HSS piOC fVKI It Ceil tl EsSsaa Tfcls Eves!: Tba next event la Uie farm-life school campaign la a maa meeting and rally to be held at Bahama tbia evening. Colonel licnnebau Camerou, Caiitain K. J". t'arrUh and Profcaaor C. W. Maaaey, will uiako.addretwea to the votera f Ilahama aud vicinity thla evenlug beginiiing at 7 o'clock. KntbualaaUc mwtiitga were held at RoiiR'.motit and Hrastown Saturday evening. At Bougc'mont Colonel Cam eron, Profeoaor Maitpy, Colonel John 8. Cunningham and Mr. W. T. Itoat, the veraatile newiaHr man, made addressca in favor of the actiool. At Drugtown, f'oatmaater J. A. Cilia, iudge R. . gykea. Captain E. J. Par ruth aud Mr. W. T. Mangum ainike. Tb meeting at ItoiiKetuout waa held at Carver a atore and waa well at tended. Much euthuDluant waa mani fested and tbe utimeut aipeara to be overwbeltutiigly In favor of the acbooL At Hragtown, it ia declared that there will out be five Votea caat agalital tbo aebool. Thoae who are cvnduodng tbe cam Italgn ar firmly of the opinion tut tbe country dlatrlctaof tba county will be carried by a large majority. When tbe catabliahment of the aebool waa Orat proposed thero Waa etpresited cuualderatle objection, but aince the prooaitkn baa b"ea preaeuted la tbo proper light tae greater part of thia objction haa diiappcared. Aa aoon aa the campaign In tbe country dlatricta la ejided, tbe city preclneu will be vUited by tbe apeak era and a vlgoroua campaign waa con ducted. The ampalgn will end next Saturday evening with a maaa meet ing la the court boae. Ity iha time It la confidently expected that there wll! be large majority of the votera fatorlng tie jscbool nglattrwl for tbe election. ' - M If I. H. IDMMI.HHIOVKK fK WUCA. TIO TRIPLE Mlsslox. Raleigh. Aug. 14. rolled Rlatea Ccmmlaaiontr of Education P. P. C'axtoQ waa In Raleigh Sunday on a triple mlaalon of conferring wlih flaw Superintendent of Public In at ruction J. Y- Joyner aa to atepa aecetnary to provide the I'ulted fitatea departmeut of education with educational ataflstlca from the atate that will t! nioro thoroughly up-tv date; to look Into tho rural farm ecboola tbat are llng conducted with remarkable aucceaa by Prof. Z. V. Judd aa auperintendent of the Wake public tu hixila and to arrange for aotue eixeial experiments by j Kuperlntendent F. ML Harper, of tbe lialeigh city achools. County Kuper Intetident Judd la being considered by Commlsolnner Claston as ap pointee to poaitlon of supervisor of rural ahoul development through the government department of edu cation m.iitm:hm; ix v, vohk Admiral Togo hpemls lluny I lay In IIm Mctniptdia. New Yrk, Aug. I. Admiral Toko. Row on a vlalt to tba t'nlted flutes aa the guest of the American government, h.td another extremely busy day today. Imrttig the, fore noon be rettved a number of more or Icaa official visila from distin guished military, naval and civic! representative. At luncheon he waa the guist of honor of tbe Japan Hoelety and the Peace Society of N'cw York, on which occasion several Informal addressee Were delivered. In tbe aftemofiu the admiral, ac companied l,y Captain Potts, chief of the naval Intellinenee bureau of the t'nlted Ftatea navy department, went on an extended eight-eccjng tour of the city, returning In time for a dinner arranged In bla honor at the Knickerbockers Hotel. "Procrastination Is the thief of time" iKin't let it steal that $425 Cote Piano away from you. Read how TO win It NEGRO IS VIGTir.1 OFHOO'SICEO Kxrlerer cl a Policeman Coned M h Death w mmm cnoi:o Aa Sluny Women Aa Men in MoT Wlilch Wreaked Hieedr Vengeaitce on .Negro IlrNperado Work Powe in Orderly Planner .Negro At tempted Huiride M'Iicb CtareL Coateavllle. Pa., Aug. 14. Zacha riab Walker, a negro dcerado, waa carried on a cot from the boapital here last night and burned to a cris; by a mob of men, women and boy on a fire which tbey Ignited about a balf mile from town. The negro, who bad killed Edgar Kice.'a police man of tha Worth Iron mills, Satur day night, was first dragged to tbe acene of the shooting begging pit eoualy for mercy. He bad been ar rested by a posue late yesterday af ternoon after a aearcb which had atlrred tbe countrytide. When tbe poae finally located blm, be was found biding in a cherry tree and with the last bullet In hia revolver abot himself in the mouth, falling from tbe tree. lie waa removed to tbe hospital tnd placed under police uard. A few minute after o clock a crowd numbering almost cue thou sand persona appeared at tbe boa pital. Tbe leader were unable to gain admission, but quickly smashed the window frames and crawled through the corridor. A ploiceman who bad been placed en duty to watch Walker, waa the only person in the building . besidw tha nuraea and patients. The leader of tbe mob paced bla bauds over the polceman'a eye while others, wbo had entered tbe building set about to take their man from the hospital When Walker waa taken to tbe hospital, be waa strapped down In order to pre vent hla escape. The, mob seeing, thia gathered up the bed and placing It on tbe shoulders of four men, started for the country. They left the town by way of the Towervllle road, and when balf a mile from the hnepltal, stopped at a farm 'bouse. Here tbey entered field and quickly gathering up a pile of dry grae and weeds, placed the bed containing their victim upon It The negro waa begging piteously to be released, but hia pleadlnga fell upon deaf rare. A match was placed to the pile or graaa and tbe flames shot up quickly, entirely enshroud ing the screaming victim. That not a vest Ik of J tie murderer be left the I mob tore down tbe fence along tbe road and piled the rails upon the burning negro After waiting for balf gn hour, tbe mob dispersed as quietly aa It had come. A curious feature of the burning waa tb fact that there were almost as many women In the crowd aa men. taring the march from the hospital to tbe acene of tbe burning of the negro, distance of leaa than three-quarters of a mile, not a po liceman waa encountered by the de termined mob. Kven the man on duty In tbe hospital made no effort to atop tbe fifteen or more leaders who had gained admittance to tbe institution. The only masks worn by the mem bers of the mob, were handkerchiefs drawn loosely over their faces. That the burning or the negro was designed and carried out by cool headed men there ran tie no doubt H waa not the work of men whose nerves bad been wrought up to the dancer ttolnt br nver-liulitlennc tmi rather that of n body of determined men who. were ready to take any kind of chance to avenge the death of m rnftlieffalili. ettlnr.lt .hn U.h i ' - I ., , . imi, VWH (shot down In cold blood. Cnatcsvlllo Is w tows of about ten thousand persona, and la located on the main line of the Pennsylvania railroad about 30 miles west of Philadelphia. tendon Mas lUdlum Institute. London, Aug. 14. The new Radium Institute, In the establish ment of which King Udward VII took aa active Interest during the latter years of his life, was formerly opened today for tbe treatment of patients. It la to be conducted on the Hues of the Radium Institute In Paris, and both curative and re search work will be carried on. Fncampment 1. O, o. F, Raleigh, Aug. It. Tuesday there will open In this city the Grand IC11 rampmeiit of tbe Independent Order of Odd Fellowa for North Carolina. Postmaster Willis O. Rrlggs, IV C. P., will deliver the address of wel enm and the response will be by Grand Patriarch W. C. Allen, of Waj'Dcsvlllo. PMflti III REPUBLICAN POT ONE POLICEMAN inillnP;0B0IL U UUU UIUdl mswonlo xzfiflT vbKk vbgk vbgk vb Ilapldly Drawing to a Close Work Xow for l.ie Hunty Piano ami Gold - Wntrh -e ll Kunus of . - 100,000 Free Votes this Week .; Hustle. C . ' f ' " 'i " V It is on Jn earnest. What? iThe Recorder popularity contest, and the prize winners can soon be "spotted." You, who have been waiting for some one to come, up and offer you a subscription take heed, and go out and offer then) the paper. Tell them what pleasure It will afford you to have that $425,00 Cote piano adorn your home, and tbey won't refuse you. Tbe liberal hearted people of Durham county are al ready waiting for the young ladies to call on them tor subscriptions, and they will gladly assist you to win that Kl..m piano. Now, get out and go after them. Only seven more days in which to work for the buggy, aad tbe first $100.00 in subscriptions wins tbe buggy. . Tuesday, August. 11 tb. the buggy will be giveq away, so you be here first with a $1V0.09 in inscriptions auu nue sway in lue puggy. uon I wait till Tuesday. If you do tbe other girl will be ebiad of you. ' Now, in order that all may enter the race for itie piano, we are going to make this unusual exceptional bonus offer: For every $30.0 turned in the office In subscriptions between now and Auguse 20th, we will give one- hundred thousand free vote (one hundred thousand free voles. Think how, far that wM) ui. ytu toward winning the grand prise, and think how proud you would feci to win the grand prlae. Remember the ord of the poet, who aald: "Count that c!ay lost. Whose- low. sesending See's no subset ipt ion gained; No bonus vton." It's aa tm-j as life itself for If subscription on do not get, tbat some other r.irl does is a double loss to you. Tho opportunity Is yours, will you grasp it? Tbe full standing of .all contest ants wilt be. i.ublii-hed In Friday's Issue of the Uecordcr. and be sure that your uanv Is at the top, giving you an excellent chance at the buggy. IF SO fOrL!C.ITIm SET I HL WILL KII'OYEB Word was received here this morn ing to the effect that Mr. Job P. Wyatl of Raleigh, who .r tempted suicide Friday, was resting Well and that be bad a good chance to recover. H h.ia been cinulated that Mr. Wyatt waa insane nd bud been for ome time, but there I no foundation whatever for that r-'port. Mr. Wyatt ha been for some time lu a nervous condition from over work. His friend and rcliuivs think this to be the canae of the attempted ulcldc. Mr. Wyatt Is no In good spirit and doc not rem -mber what hap pened. ' Tbe last thing be remember doing is going Into the bath room and shutting the door. When ho regain rd consciousness he waa lying In a IkI of blood. Ill first thought waa tbat some one bad attempted to ttiur- u I."'m The physician announced today that his condition ia more favorable than It was Saturd.iy and Sunday, and that if no complications sot in there la a good chance for lil recovery. Mr. Wyatt baa many friend ia thia city ho hope blm a speedy return to health. Kclleclloas ef a Bachelor, Most of a man's monny soeit gels to be somebody else. It's a sort of compliment to be bated unlcaa you are doing the bating. Bom people seem to think they get married only to have a free license to quarrel. A girl can make any old bunch of correspondence love letters by tying It up with pink ribbon. You know that the bank clerk that balance your accounts lan't wrong, but you suspect him Just the same New York Press. 1 Teacher Well, Johnny, did jrou find out what "omen tsT , JohnnyYea, ma'am. I asked pa pa and he said "omen" was something that caused men lot of trouble If It had a "w" before It. Chicago News, Considerable Discussion ol Radi cal Potties al Raleigh AFTER DUNCAN'S SCALP 1 ' t Fight Between iKincau ami Aiitl- Duncan Forces Over Filling of Vacancies in He venue Department Watched With Interest Faction Lining I'p Over (liHirnmnsliip. Ralelgn, Aug. 14. North Caro lina republican politics Is coming in for considerable discussion just now hereabouts, the increased Interest being partially due to the fact that there are a couple or ao very desir able positions vacant in tbe office of tbe collector of Internal revenue here and Duncan and anti-Duncan forces are eagerly watcblug the political plavs that Involve these placea and also tbe manipulation of republican stale politics In general, 'toe most important vacancy tnj tne collectors omce is mat 01, cashier made vacant by tbe death of William IS. Duncan, who was the father of National Committeeman E. C. Duncan. Collector Wheeler Mar tin is the closest sort of a personal aud political friend of National Com mitteeman Duncan, and was made collector at the instance of Mr. Dun can. Therefore, just as far as the civil service rules will permit with the most strained construction. It ia naturally surmised tbat supporters of the Duncan interesta will be given these place In the revenue department"-, .... However, it is pointed out that one or more of those on tbe eligible list to whom under the civil service rules these places would go are-tnied down bricks, ilatca and chimney very bad standing with National Committeeman Duncan, being re garded aa Morebead and state or ganisation men. One of these espe cially in line Is Frederick N. Galtla. wbo bad a clerkship in the depart ment and is charged' to have been unfairly cut off some months ago when tbe revenue force was being reduced by order of the department at Washington. The charge fa being made now that the vacancies In the revenue offire here now are being left open purposely to avoid having to give a place to Gattls and some others v. ho are objectionable to Na tional Committeeman Duncan. Swinging off on politics of a wider scope it Is being talked here that the national committeeman la laying plans to have Collector Wheeler Martin stand for the state chair manship against Chairman Motley Morehcad and then, In tbla way gain ing the defeat of Morehcad, get s friendly western man in as active state chairman. It la charged that he proposes to use Collector Martin purely aa a "dummy" In his scheme to defeat bis arch enemy. Chairman Morehcad. On the other hand it is asserted that the most determined sort of a movement I under way to see to It that the delegation to the next national republican convention la antl-Dunran so that Chairman Morehcad or some leader acceptable to his element of the party will be made national committeeman, tt Is being charged against National Com mitteeman Duncan tbat be has used the political power of this position to coerce postmaster and other office holder all over tbe state In "shelling out" good big slice of their salaries for purpose that were solely for the benefit of some per sons! friend and had no bearing on oientangy park today with William the malntalnanre of the republican U Urytn lw .ttM, of bom,r .nd organisation and ita work In Ibis pH,K.lpg, .H,,kl.r. Governor liar atatc. The part that the national , mwn atH.nid , mention to at committeeman has played snd the ..j the ;ht.rUlg. The ntti,n f(,r way he has played it In the mutter of effort to have a republican atate organ Mi the atate la also bobbing up aa a club with which tbe political enemies of the national committee man would seek to dethrone him. It la declared hereabouts tbat the fit lit la now to have no let up and the "political scalp" of the present na tional committeeman 1 the prise to ward which Chairman Motley More head and his associate In the state organisation are concentrating their political efforts in a most determined manner. Pharmacists Meet In ItoMon. Host on, Aug. 14. Pharmacists from all over the t'nlted State and Canada are gathering In Host on for the annual convention of the Ameri can Pharmaceutical Association, which will hold forth during the greater part of the week. In con nection with the convention there will he meetings of the national as sociation of board of pharmacy and the American Convention of unarm- ceutlcal faculties, - KILLED III RIOT Serious Fight ol Strikers and Officers al Liverpool Liverpool, Aug. H. Serious riot ing growing out of the' strike which la In progress here occurred yester day afternoon. One policeman waa killed by being struck on the head with a brick and many persons were Injured. ( An altercation between a police man and strikers during a transport workers' demonstration at, St George's hall, started the trouble, which culminated In a general melee. When, after this disorder had been put down and the strikers scattered, they gathered again in the Isling ton quarter and resumed their at tacks on tbe officer with serious results. One hundred thousand men were gathered in groupa about St George's ball listening to speeches by labor agitator and tbe scenes of violence following tbe attack upon tbe policeman necessitated the call ing out of political reserves. When tbey arrived one party of 15 men waa surrounded and disarmed, the rioters attacking them with their own batons. In this fight, the com- jmanding officer of the police waa dangerously wounded. s0 great waa the disorder that So tbe riot act waa read and troops were called out to assist the police. The mob fought desperately with sticks and stones. Gradually, how ever, by the combined efforts of the troops and the police, the crowds which were surrounding seven speak ers' plstforms erected on the plateau fronting tbe hall, were cleared away, Many policemen and rioters were injured in the hand-to-hand fighting Driven from the center of tbe city. the crowd sullenly repaired to the Islington quarter, one of the rough ewtr.ia -IJrp(L liters tbe police were battled in tbe narrow streets for tbe desperate rioters barricaded J themselves in the bouses and volley- pots from the roofs upon their beads. CHEAT SUi FEAT ACtXIMPMSIIKD IJY A 10-YEAR. OI.ll ItOSTOX GIKii. New York, Aug. 14. Rose Pito- nof, the 16-year-old swimmer of Rostco, succeeded yesterday In her attempt to swim (rom East S6th street, Manhattan, to Coney Inland. Last year she had to abandon a sim ilar effort because of adverse tides, but yesterday, although forced at times to awim so far out of her course that she la estimated to have covered some 21 mile In making the distance of 18 miles, she finish ed strong, actually sprinting as she neared tbe goal. Miss Pitonof was in the water eitfht hours and seven minutes. She tock no stimulant nor food of any kind on the long trip. Most of the way ahe used the breast stroke but for two stretches she resorted to the speedier overhand. The young woman' feat of yester day ha I not before been accomplish ed. Several swimmers have made the trip from the battery to Coney Island, but none from a point so far up the East river. HAUMOX At OHM P.ltYAX Decline Invitation to Attend Gath ering Itci aue Mcbrakft Was There. Courahus, O., Aug. H. The Jef ferson Club, the Insurgent demo cratic organisation of Franklin rmititv. held tfa annual mttln at bis declination, according to his friends, was hia desire not to mce fare to face In bis own atate rapitol tbe Nebraska leader, who ha openly declared war upon blm a a presi dential candidate. 1 1 SIS ' " Get your friends interested. Make them your strong supporters. Nomination Coupon Dt Itll.tM ItECOItHEK UTE8T DFPAKTMEXT 1)1 IHIAM. X. C. I WISH TO .XOMIX.ITE Ai4 C AMHtltTE IX VOIR CONTEST NAME .'. v ADimiM m .. .. .. ,. ., ., This Coupon Entitle the Nominee to 1,000 Votes. FOUR DF1 ID THIRTY INJURED In Wreck on New York-Chicago 18-Honr Train ; FIHST TESTOFSTEEL CARS Experts Say if Old-Fashloned Wosd ConHlracted Cars Had Composed the Train tbe Carnage Weald Hare Itcen Frightful Jiamber ef Wound rd are EspeC-d to Die ef Injuriei Fort Wayne, Iud., Aug. 14 Four persons were killed and three injured when tbe Pennsylvanlt elgbteea-hour train en route from Chicago to New York, jumped tbe track on the west ern outskirts of this city at 1:30 o'clock yesterday evening, while go-, ing at the rate of fifty miles an hour. In leaving the rails the two engines pulling the passenger train sldeswlp ed a freight engine and the three piled up in a mass of bent and twisted iron. The dead: William E. Arrick, Fort Wayne, Ind. buried under wreckage. ; " ! Peter Malone, Fort Wayne, engineer on flyer. W. Creigh, Fort Wayne, fireman on flyer. Unknown passenger at St Louis hospital. The police department, fire depart ment and every ambulance in tbe city were called to the scene of the acci dent and the injurd were soon taken to hospitals. The main track snd the track on which the freight train was located were torn up for a distance of 200 yards. The two engines of the flyer were torn from their trucks and thrown down the embankment, while the engine of the freight reared up over the trucks of the flyer's engines. Tbe injured were seated In the diner and smoker when the accident occur red. The wreckage has not been cleared snd the list of dead may be more than the number reported. The thirty or more Injured are now la the hospitals and it is believed that at least four or Ave will die. C C. Chattel!, Chicago, was In the dining car when the accident occurr ed. He escaped with only slight In juries to his head and face. "The train was running at s ter rific rate of speed," he declared. "Tbe first Intimation I had anything was wrong, was when all the passengers in the dining car were thrown bead- . long, the entire length of tbe csr. The next thing I realised men were fight ing like beasts to get out of the car and the steam escaping from the kit- chin was choking us. Another man and I fell to the flwr and crawled along lu tbe semi darkness and among the screaming women to s widow, through which we made our escape," Passengers la the seven rear cars escaped with only cuts and bruises. whereas It is declared by railroad men. ir tbe cars bad been of old-fashioned wood construction tha carnage would have been frightfuL Tbe all-steel cars of the flyer were put to the first actual teet they have ever undergone and proved to be all that has been claimed for them by their designers. Only the first two cars of the heavy nine car train were smashed. I'l.ilier to titRiiect A ask a, Seattle, Aug. 14. Secretary of the Interior Fisher has booked pas sage on a boat sailing tomorrow for Alaska. The purpose of the trip la to familiarize himself with the actual conditiona In tho northern territory. Special attention will be given to an Inspection of the tanda about Con t roller Day snd those along the tiering and Copper rivers. Mr. king Goes tilth 5rw Firm. Mr. W, M. King has resigned his po sition with the II. F. Crowder suto mobile company to accept s position with the Mangum and Morrks Com pany as managing mechanic. Are you In the Recorder Contest? tr not. enter and win that $435.00 Piano.