TIE WiMffi 8E60RDE8 VOLUME 92 DURHAM. N. C3.? FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1911 NUMBER 31 B. N.'Duko, President. v Jobu F. Wiley, Cashier. HE FLAWY Dl RH IH, ? 'V Capital ami Surplus 1500,000.00 Total Resource $2.?W.O0C.O0 Four ter cent Interest paid la Sating Department ' Authorised to m u Adminis trator. Guardian, Trustee, Exe etUor, Etc. mmm fires lit. Pxrly si Fo.r. Killing Twi xx I tTossdte Cae Mar a Landing, N. J , Nov. 2. Eager to hat a abut at a deer which he supposed hi roni I or down an unuaea road la tha gloom of Ibt early dawn yesterday, Cbarlea Nor cross, of lona. N. J., Bred into a party of four other hunters, killing two aad eertoualy wounding a third. Tha dead are: Coarad Steelman, 28 years old, of PUaaantsvllle, N. J., and John Tout, 31, P.aantville. tojurtd: Wllilam Jarvia, Pleasants till. Norrros la la tha Atlantic county Jail her awaiting tha action of tbe coror.r. Ha ta badly broken up over hi fatal mistake. . According to Nor croaa' ata lament mass to a antic of tha peace at Miceola. ha was stand ing behind aomo aadarbrusa at tb aid of a road when ba heard a noire. Not thinking that any othrr hunter were In tha vicinity, aad believing that tha sound ram from a dw wlj,og dbwa aba road. Norrroaa saye ha raised bla gun and fired ona barrel of buehsbot In tha direction of tba not. Before h rould lower hla iia there was a abrlek and Jumping out of (ha undtrbmah he w horrified to aeo three men lying In tba road. Realising In aa Instant tha terri ble mistake ba had .made, Norrro went .-iter tha other member of hi party and tha tbrea Injured mn ara plared In tba automobile and rushed to t'leasantavlllc. On of the TlrttDta dtwl In all mlnutrn and the other lived 2S minute. Norcroaa come from a respectable family. Ha la ald to be a man of od habits, la marrld and hae two rblldrrn. Tha vlrtlma were Strang era to him. Turks Demand the . Surrender o! Tripoli Tripoli, No. t.K formal de mind for tba aurrender of Tripoli a trad today to the Italian ram wmnder by the TurVa. An Arab rt-sert forr la closing In or the city. It la understood that the jaiand as promptly refused. HrrUlIea Managers ( baa-re. Aal.gh. Nov. I. Mr. Leltoy Tbelin ? audi-14 8. M. Iturrltt aa olren lim marker f T. lUMgh tuty times and Air. t!irrt-tt haa g m to Charlotte to take rh circulation man "niiit of The Chirk ta Neva. "BUFFALO BILL" RETIRES 1 I MISTAKE DISBUD HIS MIOtT ASD Vt ILL 1PL50 RILIHE OF HI Lll L 11 MOUSO. Richmond. Nor. I. Col. , Mm. F. Cody (halt-Jo Illil, rHlrted frwn pifbllc life tt ulgTit. Ithj aar tm Wke4 og to -aloter quartera and hla Indian anil retiwa In tiie Teief In hat h tefi uf oa tlej Man'a Mml. hlla fliiffl Hill intrwla t apenJ hla renmliihig yeara hi the; Wrxnlng "g Horn, whem he fcelped make Amertran hlMory. i far aa Mith- ertilrttlmna ne wteernwl, fie taa attoi be aha from hn hat rlftar and heed rb htat ii'lUa. Imrlng eareer afalch tartn aa a pony eorw rid-f, led him 'bfotikh mora Indian IwUlea than any other llrtng 1ilta man Mid tmliided il year m a ahowman Ctlonil Cody Watne kiifia n aa one of (he ituxH $! ttireaqui 0irir of A4iHrk-au f nattier life. Tt aot.riqiiet -llniralcl Rill" he earned In b early li(l tm he toiitro4-d fitrihth HuffaVo meat In he lWra 'on the bulhllng at ti Kaiiaan I'n. ifk- ralliMad aitd ail ! a It iuutflm bo !Uc4 ,2S9 Miwo. JEW METHOD OF BUiLDINe ROADS Superinteodeol Pollard Discovers New Half rial la County ONE 110 COSI MACADAM Natural Formation of Itoad liuildinx Matrilal la Itllll n Itiiililing Dutliam County lUtun VIth Mark Kureaa4)th'r Itoatla .Will Likely He fount rm till of Hume Ufati'rinl. Superintendent Pollard, of the Durham county roada, la ferrying on an experiment In road building that promlM-8 to furnish to tha coun ty a method of aeturlug roada of the bigheat eflklency and durability t teea than one-third of tha cost of ordinary maradam. Superintendent l'ol!ard ba dl covered In aeveral parta of the coun ty beda of a gravel formation that ran ba utilized for road bulldiug juat aa it cornea from the ground without rtuahing, miking, or going lbroui;h any of tha other expeniave procetuei that make road building malarial tipenalva. Tba gravel- mixture is tery much Ilka the mix'ure prepared artificially (n building aand clay road, only tba gravel mixture ha been prepared by nature. . It conduit of a peculiar kind of eotl In which rather coarse gravel haa been thor oughly mixed by geological forces. Wben this material la placed on the road, in tha manner of placing macadam, it parka, the aoil acta a a binder for tha gravel and tha bole b-comea a mass apparently aa solid and durable aa cement. Four and one half miles of this kind of road has been built by Super intendent Pollard on the Coles mil! road la tha vicinity Of Huckleberry aprinra. Tha gravel mixture was placed oa the road Juat aa It came from the field where the formation (a to. A part of the rad ban been dawn for mora than a year and haa ben auhjeeted to the heav iest kind of traffic It la as smooth aad well rounded today aa It was tha first day It waa put down. The road resembles very closely asphalt or hlthuiithle. It la not so hard as macadam, but la much mora elastic It sheds water perfectly and remains perfectly solid tha year round. Superintendent Pollard now haa a force of hands at work on tha ex tension of the road with tha aam kind of material. Similar gravel formation have been diarovered in other parts of the county by Superin tendent Pollard. Fire inllea of the Bahama road which tha commission era Intend to have Improved In a short ttma will likely ba built of the material. Tha name materia! haa been ust-4 In building roada In V'ak court; and It haa proved to be very fallafartory In every way. ROBBERS KILLED Yooofl Lawyer Shot Down by Men Who Robtxd Ills Borne New Orleans. Nov. 2.--Rdgar II. Farrar, Jr., son of frlcar M. Farrar. fanner pmaid-nt of the American liar AfttwMlstton, was shot and killed here yesterday when bo gave rba4 to two men who ara alleged to have roble4 the Farrar home Tuesdsjr nliht. Irf-nn Canton, alias J. C. Holme, and Lnrlen Canton, broth era, aged Z3 and II, respectively, acta raptured after an enltlna chase Immediately after tha shoot ing, and are held by (he police, who state that the men confessed both to the robbery of tba Farrar home and tha killing of Farrar. yr. Farrar waa on bla way to his ofTlre In the Hlhcnia Hank bulhllng when two men at tba Intersection of Magnolia and ftrnlatnn atreeta were pointed out (o him aa tha men who broke Into tha Farrar home. Tha prlaonrra confessed to the crime and admitted that they hsd robbed Farrars home. Policemen visited the Canton home and found lb a arllrlca stolen from (he Farrar residence. F.dgar II. Farrar, Jr., waa 32 years old and had been married only five moirtha. He waa a menffoer of the law firm of which hit father Is the senior member. Morgan Home for Mnaeam. Lexington, Ky., . Nov. S. When the hlstorlo old home of Gen. Joha II. Morgan, the fantnua Confederate cavalry leader, I put np for sale al public auction here on Saturday II is probable an effort will be made by the DaiiRhfefa of tha Confederacy to scipilre the property and convert It l,iio an blatorle museum for ralRs ot Ilia Confederacy, ..mm it - PURSUER WITNESSES CALLED ma w m OR. COW CtOieCE H. li: Wild eyed and trembling, the Itcv. Clsrenoe Rkheaou beard the anuounce nient of bis indictment for murder In (ba first degree for tbe death of MUs Avis LlnnelL Tba little courtroom In Boston waa packed when (he Indict ment waa read. Tbe Indictment cou-j talned several counts, wbUb described' various ways in which the minister is alleged to have given tbe Llnnell girt tba cyanide of potassium which. It U charged, ended her life. Among the witness who hare been called thus far, r.ukcr, tbu brakeman, who aays he saw Richesoo and Avis Llnnell at tbe South Station. P-wlon, before she took tba fatal cyanide, pava tbe most dam aging testimony. Portraits of otUer. who wcrt calkd are shown above. T Gd first Band laioraatioa ol Their Needs The board of aldermen made a tour of the public tHUool of tbe city thla morning for the purpose of get ling first hand information In regard to tha accommodations that are be ing provided for tbe children and the need of mora facilities. Tbe board will take up (he matter of call ing an election for tha purpose of deciding upon tbe Issuanre of bonds for additional achool bulldinga and equipment at tha meeting Monday evening. Tbe board desired to have full knoaledM of tbe need for more fart! Hies In order to be able to art more Intelligently in regard to the matter. Tie tour of the schools was :r ado In the automobile of Alder man Lathrop Morchead, and tha board waa accompanied by Superin tendent Carinlrbael. it la very probable that the dme of the ejection will be placed In January of next year. It-waa at first thought that the election would be called for aotue time In December. but it la now thought advisable to tu'ert some date In the first part of next year. Counsel Building Rlchcson's Defense rioMim, Nov. J. John to Lee, of Lynrfchurg. Virginia, and Iillip luu- tmr. of IV anon, tx Kan work tod.tv tuiildrng he oVf'THM, of Rev. C. V. T. Kkhewm. eharfd with the murder '.if fxAmm of Miwt Avhi Llnnell. bis fonmf awectheart, wl'h whieU they will aoinxTt the vl of "not aull'y." le-glnnltig next Mwiilay,- -when the cl-rg-.nn will be arrolrned. Itlcbestin todsy rcaignrd aa pastor of Imaouel Kaptlst church at Cam bridge. Double Celebration At St Mary's School RaMgh. Nov. 1 An o-peclnlly not- aM feafnre of thv obwervwnca of All Salnta lay her waa an addreew a St. Mary CoTlrge by- Rev. Edward M. rcker, tthp coadjuror of New Hnililr. w ho la tbe guest Of pmd- d-t Ceocge W. Lay, of 8t. Mary'. The wa also Fotindcr'a day for thla jtnrfly famous wchoii for yvmng wwnen And h ptMgrsm bad to do with Oil drubh oiie-niK---All Saltfi'a and Foundm tflaya. To Abolish Charleston As a Torpedo Station Washington, Nov. I The govrn (iietjit la vreir1ng to vcVhdraw moat of the veemhv fnrni the Cbarleaton navy yard and ultimately ahtmilrm It wa a iorpedv sttIon. Rum of the boot which left Chariealon for the naval iwlew at Nvw York wili not rpturo to M $xiu, .auauiiit ALDERMEfl ViSIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS BY fcAKEfii rvtK AND fvlfci3 "'.. -" e h uOnq , I I V - S2 Jill W&r&fftiA 1 Jc-J vjC V"' sL 'sf. yy (It v"!' 4 EEV. CV.T, felCHESON "B0SSES1B H SEVERE ROAST Govenior Wilson After Atlantic City Polltldms Atlantic City, N. J, Nov. 2. Gov. Wood row Wik"u la a speech here last night flayed the "bosses" of At lantic City, saying that he would eec to it that "nothing must be omitted which will clear our politics of those who debauch them." Among other things the governor said: "Atlantic City U famous all over tbe Uniioi States and for a greater part of the world for its rharma and Its ahame. The whole continent loka with pity on Atlantic City because y u bave submitted to bosaitm). You have stood cowed and aubmlssive and let It exist." He referred to the men responsible for tha 'bossism" of the city and etatc aa "Iawle plunderer." In conclusion be said: "You h.tve men of unlmpi achahle life, of honor. etatllshed reflation; big and hon orable business men of pure private and public life crowding the street of Atlantic C It w and county, all of therm walking like driven cheep un der tb grip c' the maiiaseirient of a " little group of men from whose domination they could escajie with but the allKhtrst -Kaertion of Inde pendence. A handful of min against a pnpulntion: a body of crookr against a great, eolf-respecttng popu lation. The thing la Incredible. The truth Is a terrible whip. Only draw the whip from tinder your coat and see the dogs sink." COLO IK KOHTH Al VESI li:R( TFJll'I IUTI HE AMI THE riori.r, snv. muyeiiimj ix the Chlnagrt, Nor. 2. Illinois, Ml Wn.in, South lkwa, Iowa. Wimtmaln OMj and Iv.nnsylmnia are ahlveiing tnl.iy. with ir tomperature and anow fails general. Knew In Sew Y"rk State. . ..HufTaht, Nor. 2. The 11 rat iriiow tf tow acuson aet dtt over alt of the north ern rtart of Nw York today, 1hmH two Intliea failing. Frceflng tern peraturea prevail. Editor Crouson Buys Oxford Public Ledger Iriirllngion, No. 2. Mr. O. F. Crow son, former owner and editor of tbe Burlington Newa baa $Miivmwiel the Oxfrrrd Indger and w ill nmke bla home at Oxford In ttie future. Mr. Prwwwon old bla tiitiTeM In the New acveral waeka ago. ttporl (lalme Moo Met I in . rittsburg, Nov.- 2. Sport claimed nine victim within a few hour of tha first open day of the bunting leawu la rcttuiylvAnJa today, mm "-, t --.. Ill , CHARLES U MELSOn PEA80DY WW SBAIi H iU Distribute Semalalng Funds Daring Neil Year New York, Nov. 2. The Peabody education fund board will not be dissolved cor the remaining funds distributed for another year at least This was decided at a meeting of tbe board of trustees held Iiere. At last year'a meeting it waa intimated that the present year might be the last in the board's history, but the unanimous decision today was to wait at least another 12 months be fore disbanding. The peabody fund of $3,500)00 was donated by George Peabody to promote education in tbe south. Samuel A. Green, secretary for the board. In a statement made after the meeting, alluded to the action taken and to tbe present status or the fund. "In 1 S 97 we could have distribut ed the principal, aceordit-g to the original understanding and wishes of Mr. IVabody." he said. "We at that time decided that ft was hardly advisable. In the best Interest of the fund, to draw on the principal and so mraitHHl irom so doing. last year we donated $1,000,000 to the entablixhuicnt or the 'George Pea body College for Teacher,' at Nash ville, Tciin., thus diminishing our fund to Just l,r.io.nyo. "It la quite likely I plight say quite probable (bat wo will next rear decide to disband and then give away the whole fund. We will then distribute the money among eleven of the remaining aoitthern states. TenncwMM! has already received the lion 'a share, and I doubt if any more will be allotcd within that state." Dynamite Explosion Fatally Injures Two Jollet, III., Nov. 2. JoTtn Sieln and II. Ne!lm wtre f.itally Injured and George Wfc b..d both ff blown out In a dytmnilto cxil.i;n th.it r.wked he building hi Jo! lot and was felt In LtH-kport, La-nmit, Aurora a;id other tow na near Chicago tothiy . Bryan Throws Down , The Gauntlet to Tall Lincoln. Neb., Nor. 2. Wllilam Jennings Bryan today threw down the gauntlet to President Tart on the trust question when he Issued tn open letter railing on the president to start criminal prosecutions of trust magnate. 700,000 far t.'nnd Roada. N.irton. VaVNov. 2. At vm of I23.3-.0 ihe board of supervisors of 'ht county, yesterday aworded a eon ft act to the Roanoke HrMg Com pany ofr the conwructlim of twenty Mix -bridge In the county. This award vta nmde In connection with ilm g.KKl roads building for which 7W.vW bt lAiil. tpcut, IIOTIODI COMPLAINT FILED IH DIVORCE SUIT Mr. J. W. Burroughs Asks rep aration from Wife IS P Alleges Marital Infidelity as Ground In' for Divorce Mrs. liorroughs Will Fight to the Latt Names of Prominent People Will Re Brought Out When Caae Come to Trial. Tbe complaint In a divorce pro ceedings by Mr. John W. Borroughs, manager of the Academy of Music, against his wife, Mrs. Kate Wilson Borroughs, waa filed at the office of tbe clerk of the superior court Wed nesday evening. The complaint al leges marital infidelity aa the ground for the divorce. k Messrs. Bryant and Brogden are to represent the plaintiff In the case, and Manning and Everett are to rep resent the derendant. Tbe defend ant and the co-respondents will fight the case to the last in order to vindi- ate the defendant of tbe charges brought against her. Tbe names of a number of prominent Durham peo ple will be brought Into the case, al though the principal co-respondent is not a resident of the city. The case promises to be the most Inter esting that has been tried in the Durham superior court for some time. Mrs. Borroughs comes of a promi nent family of Bridgeport, Conn. She Is the daughter of an Episcopal rector that holda a prominent place in church circles. She is now at her New England home, to which she went from Durham last spring. Her family will fight the casa stren uously, and it is very probable that her brother, who la a prominent at torney will appear in her defense. EDI CATORS MEET IX ALABAMA A-MKKiatioa of College aad Pre paratory Schoole of the South. Tuscaloosa, Ala., Nov. 2. The seventeenth annual meeting of the Association of Colleges and Pre paratory Schools of the South opened at the University of Alabama this afternoon for a two days' session Many delegates were present, repre senting tbe foremost educational in stitutions of Virginia, North and South Carolina, West Virginia, Georgia, Florida, Alabama. Missis sippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mis souri, Arkansas and Texae. Taxi Chauffeurs on Strike. London, Nov. 2. Taxi cab chauf feur! struck for higher wages here today and 6,000 cabs are Idle, caus ing great Inconvenience. S FLEET Climax Reached In tbe Great Naval Demonstration New Y'ork, Nov. 2. America 'a greatest naval demonstration came to a climax today with the review of the majfotlc war fleet by Presi dent Taft and ofT.olal of the navy department on board the Mayflower. The Inspection of the line of war vessels, stretching for seven miles along the Hudson river wa a fitting close for the president's transconti nental Journey. President Taft was met In Jersey by Secretary of the Nary Meyer and they boarded the Mayflower together and had breakfast aboard. The president showed pride In the great armada, which Is the biggest ever reviewed by a president of the Uni ted States. The,Government Moves Against The Armours Wsshington, Nov. 2. The depart ment of Justice today made Its first move against the Armour Interests, alleged to have affected a' corner In wheat, tying up 62.000,000 bushela. or CO per cent of the entire supply. The farts of the case were laid be fore the federal grand Jury In Chicago. Total Destruction Manila Threatened Manila, Nov. 2. The city was to day threatened with total destruC' tion by a fire which caused a million dollar !. At noon It waa thought the entire city would go, but soldier saved the bitlanre fo the city after bari baitla Uu be flames, ... T TUT GEO? THE BEST there Is in banking ser viceit costs you no more. Get the best . Facilities Attention Security Get the highest charac ter in banking. We offer you this superl ative service, and on the most equitable terms. We know your wants and want your business. THE'FIIIST NATIONAL BANK Durham, X. C. Julian S. Carr, President W. J. Holloway, Cashier M CULLERS CASE IS THROWN OUT Wake Connty Healtn OUicer Wrangle Not Settled Yet Raleigh, Nov. 2. Judge R. B. Pee bles today dismissed tbe Injunartioa proceeding f Dr. J. J. I McCuHens against the Wake cou-jty commission er seeding to compel the oomrnkskm- era to recognize bis appointment sa county superintendent of health by the state board of health and Che county board of health. This turn In the case was on a motion to damHae by County attorney H. C. Bockwitb on the ground tha die prooeeding was defective la that Che individual members of tha board of commiaenoners and not the oommisaionera aa a board were named as defendant. It is poBsHil and. Indeed, probable that tie proceeding will, be rendered witb U. defect in the proceeding cured. Thai la the suit In which the county commissioners and t&e county board of health could not agree on the coun ty physician and hla pay and under ihe act of 4he last legislature the state board of health through It secretary named the county physician and his pay arbltraily, the pay being cm a 'cv taut that would make the revenue far more than the commis sioners would consent to pay. They insisted, too, thag since the new law made the county physician devote much time to school Inspection, a part of the pay should come from the school and not the general fund. This fight Has been dragging along In court and seems to be no nearer solution. Tbe drre la to g t a tost case up to the supreme court so that the right of the secretary of hte state boasd to step Into the forcacb such as 4 bis was in Wake and decree Just what the statue of the stele board aa r -la ted to the counties of the state in such matters is. Revolution Recognized 3 And Hostilities Cease Pekin. Nov. 2. The national as- aonrtily formally rwognxd the re volution toda7 and at the request of Li Yuan Heng he revolutionary lead ers suspended bOBtilitlea. liu patches fro-n Shanghai say a massacre by imperial troops is la progrvt In Hankow. English Aulhoretw Itead. London, Nov. 2. Mary Colin Campbell, the noted authoress, died here today. 81 A. T. CO. DIKE! TO l!S IfcH.D XEETI3G, BIT DECLARE 0 I)IV1DE D-C0O. J.EL MAKES STATEJIEM. New York, Nov. 2.The American Tobacco Company directors held their rngular monthly meeting here yesterday. OrdiuaH'y this would have been n day that action would aave been tnkew on the common slack divi dend, but the atatt-metit art. en out thive months ago cotivtuced Walt reH that there would be no further dividend on the common stock, and none was declared yvwterUay, Aft r the meoUng DeLancey Ntcolt, who waa the big man in constructing th trust's dtalttregrattai plan said: "Our work In connection with tbe caw Is now finished. Everything depends Bpou the decision of the circuit court. and whon that decrlm will be reach ed 1 cannot say. There at no truth lit the report that we are preparing an alternative plan ox dislty-rratkn to usw In the event of our original tjplne; turned down by the court" 1 v. t... it ah (.iirriCD, it Jsianrr, ijagraparr. i a hours work In A loom No. 13 Wants two or three aftcTmna or night. Room