V . TV ( O .y; ; sty iv rifc 1 . vol. xxv.v; ivo. 23 JVfl4 f TJ! JLm. lf-- 10 n tub ntoruiKTefv" TCR1X TJ IMlart fwr pLI , fa adraai-a. fio w'ifri4iua uki fur k- (ana on jrrar. BtiWriUr trill I rontitv M4 tlrt M, nd l eoaiiJtrei! fiht (or Mywd M ia'leSaita ptrio4.'aJitm witti La wcoitWa' to witmlraw Mr uwi . AiVrtnrwnU, tAtvriril at City real (jur, fur tnt, and ttrvuty vacali (r - rty tulxvaent ioarn'uj!. ' - AUI irr4 t0imunir ulion tiidrrwd ;o tt t Jii'T. 01 txtMtwtt c.'BnrHf d Willi lk etMJiHit, bum t port pa M, or tbry rill Hlw atairt ta. the cmv.r.. . tfiM t M liavw " rtil I i44Siitj'i;tt I........ -ri . i Bflw wfi in tin -jm'Mf. XUii n lIlAI Hill! "T? W wn. I'trj vtra A i . a irr mvv?. i lifts. n Wtn t W fi7 r'4k; ' 'lt a -V r. i'f jr. taamlj ari fir rwi g;l -- r- tt t tan H k at svr" . i . m bjr i jwltn, ft" irra iTtrif. Martie,ihe in enfnl:ill; pniysrd, at he U term -wJ -tiialii li woJiiic4 aiKtcaranee st t lit Tbeutre .fcM jsMf li: lH Imu wma-ol erj aujoienwsljtxi--I etnled. Tbo OTca at well-con-"trurteil an4 occupied a pnce di-e-tly iathe centre of the tae, t. Th9 proeesa tf heating it, which jar a gemnl flow to the MhA hotiMV" ws'mj eowplcted, Hartinei rsade bU appearance, tabled in a lare rroo'h n great coat, troujeri and a loose cap, LJtthlf h ',ir'ai-imRayoffnjr -car, Muietioics Wlow litseret, but ncrcr bid in; any trthef pert of the lae: " T!i" hrantf the Tcnrhy Vaf ireBheit'i thermontrter, hiving wri isccrtninctl to be 250 dejfr.eei '(nkmf fiHrthJtfttr ttwaWifia; Vrsit r,)" t E malrl'l"a rfly l-t' iimclfuito the fcrr bin ea it , utul fcatel h'un-lf un a Kto4 not far fioiAthceutre.iemnined thw uenrlv five minut-, ainuin!' hun- m If by ainjb and holdinf on hU l:cal a ti t i fr.ikM, madrt from hti?. nn I w ImU wer pretty well b.ik r ! d uri:! the period mentioned. - O n 1 a le oven the upper coat of the SptiniarJ wo blackened pe iirrally', endrrumUeJft the luch to cin jera. UijHde, nt tW time, rat r iamincd by Dr. 1 Kin; and 1 in bate t-it'n to si, lie :t!iJ mt tee st ehaM4 but - per ;i ri red iwtfVlvv-i-SUS4f Umtelf i iw-tKir -trt-nr nbmtt W the ad.ht ,ooa fuM aj neu . . A ins tM w saiml to ) decree, . i i: fearlenl ni hefbrt', frequently rail l uiirrbiicu, oc ' inf out that he fi'cmtf.irtable f.n.t plcaed with JU fit nation. lie - remitinc! m tho oteiitUs time tao or iUf4 .laintrtci lonitt than be-. "tkeif wine; but an oimiet wbiea w n fiyinc; in a vf sselon hU-hcnd, v by oacciJ;ut pearly destroy ; v- KDENTON, IV. 1 II appearance, cnajui a lear in the OTeu, wus.fcirailut. to tliat previously BtatLn !u about twen ty iiunutcn, no additional fuel har in been ul, lie rt'tnrieI into it, ami it mouth for a minute or two Hat ttopptd. On removing the woo len door, by a combination of ehemiralf, which, wlicn unseen, he bad Lime!f iiited, h'. w hole fig ure appeared reI hot an effV-ct astouudin; and imnresnrcdy tcrri Ue to U hold; th rwtifin d etciuh oceasioneJ by it, if -' turned into a trmll ht.iblc, itis flU, ivoiJl hkvv l siifTottited a liotW. "ZA t hfCrlosa 1 . of h ii'Yfiiftl hak in; he piunjjed hiin e!finto a reservoir of oli water, inkinr for ahort"tiw?'taBPntb it surface ; and nubsetj icutly drip pin like a cifrmaiJ, Itt rose from the fl iid witbo'tt' niw!3;!fe, and, with a smile pltiyin inlit featur es, made hi final bow to the t-;c-tatort.- In th abote evriioiiion, on, decidedlr f here tra no r trie k. rtlaTopTF hoTe that hetweea the liouom and the crowa of the oven the pacc i tcr en or ,itht ;fertf Bad' M" teat ot rrnds,tbe temperature of the up pnr and lower rt of it mtut be ve ft di'-situitar; but ruou'rh of bent mnt remsift any ber;e within it to deatnuy lift uulesi nHuIarly juard cd and fv art reudercd secure. VrisUjn. Cazttitt Ftb. 12. A Waito Venn Im . . -Wc fee! Kinic rrhjctanfe telling, fr.veu tf oaf pi of monal readcrf, what we once met w !b; but it w an tliu tration of the cvdi oftijht lacing, and wo war .'therefore feature. At a Ijirst anj?oja?w h ttrntal ilia iM r-imny ihertly before the ladie li ft tb rtiom! a loud report Ukt thvt of a p':tof, tudddxrt!cl 't'.je wholft eoiapac?; court tatun lt cneo drrpprd isre ensue J Iewn4crniiivn t-stcd evinr rountcn- ruife, erd the nctt w!.irirred to eneh wthv'r nil round the kble, U'hu reuU thit he."!--At lauth thedp eri;n bhjbe bf a yoiMij lady filed the eyei cf;Verj one jp ou l.cr. It a not, hew e ver, Jill many wecka afterward that the explanation rf thii i;ular ihcv nfntrtu:i Cainut ft hl il, not from the younlaJy beru lf, but from "authority," that one of the flat itl of lier atara sit in ted over the region ef tholtomar!it liad sud denly mapped and thus given. rUc to the mysterious esp!oicu. r f , ihJical Catfttc n VuUaUt AtciJott. The alarm whirhwwie ecleiatiet and f thcrs m.inir.t at the idea 7 citiiouc c- mtiif ip-Un, and the difiicuhy.they biff, err av they have, iu ccin w haf luthcrf rail thJtrsticcTV i.ri tv cf f'ut ii a liieasurc, may tie tlluftmted ht the folJon in circura atanee. : ilic-MMO ncr uoucn Uolansoh, tho haptisttninister at Camhrise wna in the hibit of di nnwinjf the prineiplei of dissent fiom the Church of England with aome of the heada of liousei at the Vnirerity. One day, when the ennver4lion wa warm ami fllr R 'was. trivial these ccntlcmen u'itkliU reasons fur difxetuY he rn1d ret no other answer thaa, MWernn't sc h.M Oil tliia Mr, i I?, took his tencil,xanhvrote-cin flipofpnrtheCJrcekw n i 1 -siiT Piir villi I ((. I - al J0t..iei a4irl.tliAlf"rVai ra,V wnf tho liBB. 1 .A n Vikdkk irillll lifts I 1 Ml. , -r ularct itS of .word, and .aid, ff a " a.Una ce t nowf'i o," wns the nn . . - awer. no reaswu, ivj-mw-R. u obvious." V; J;. '. ; ;v ' . ;i . . p..A An? even ..ml -..am ft mltikA Air Um'a.nr.' a iiiaii w aj observed bor WM,. iii the d.f of tho loek proreedin wcro wnfrhed, but not IntcrruptcJ, as there wt Cothins C. TUESDAY- JIIOItNrNG, JUNE 0, 1829; to rafrjr off, ff he designed to break open the place. Uiit LU icUations were of a friendly nature. Iuttii; a tobacco pipe through the hole, ho Cllcd the bow! of the pipe with tobacco? lighted it for" the accoiuo d.xtionof a friend inside, who soon commenced puffin, and the man walked off. Do Ste&Uni seems to be the fashion of the day to consider jilog an i umbrella as the common J propyl iv cf mankind in genera !. la rcUcrenci to U.e propi ;: hLicd majiy iudividual bjv ef nppirpri- aling to ibeif own ue, ot eery stray animal that happen to 'fill in their tray, the fullomns hnes - were - w rit- ten and engra ed opon ihe . brai nec!Jiec of a favoura'e dog.. mi at inyt I; ni ci;u, I Bet m bam ttica, & rB- Walter. r Somebodv' aked Dsrrn Roths- child io tikif vemtoe'.- No 1" Mid 1 don't thitikUUliKjeootWnttJttoo." "OV" ad the Bsrou ffit nd, "X tt'onder at yoar iayln aoiTf inuilon were better tlah venin, hy doe veniion com to niach more?" Vv?' replied the Itarea, will tell yotl y-rto woryLaa-pccpi alvay&b pre kr vat: ish tlxr to st ih therp.' ;';;- V;";' V , The jwbfejCjlKra are tbia 4aj land - in from inr boiird the Ann U.I. Co, a very Jare and ppiniiid as (or iimntiif UHY tiOODS, which : Xhey wilt sell I'M. . ., l 7-1 Uic Cloth, Irfch iOf Unen in w hole U Demi pieces, lirowo 1c Licaihed bbeetinji it Shir .L: .Mz!:Z ;::.:.i:; JC-ii 4-4kVl IkdTkki,- 4 4 Ota:.ge and Ulue Furniture 'Checks, Do? do. Apron Do. ,.... Crecinu tripet it Union Mixture, for i to j $r-s,r.. 3-1 4-4 tifi-l Super Fcch t Ts- luh Oincbama, t , . A Icrge aiAortocnt fjJ:k)Bab!e Cali- . cocs -X -T--- 4- Jackonct Mcdiatr, Mull and Book 5fu!las7 Thread and Cotton Camhrkk?, ; Super White and Fanej Cravat, Ladies and GcnUemens Su;er Cot- : ton hose, -, -: 'i . " Thread, , Silk and Angtd do. ; Loup Lau and lliread Cambric lupdkercbieJV ; Sarvinrtts and Sattin Levaniinc,; i Clue, Ulack k Faaey Col'd Gro de .....K r.Tzr s Silk Velvet and F.115. Floranline, Nankin aiul Canton Crje, i f ? Black Silk Cauibkts and Cord Sat- Painted and watered Belts, 1 f i He'd and plain SvWss tr.ulin, 1 Thread and Bobbiuct Lace, ' J Indies II. S. Govcs and mitts, f Cotepaly !i various otlirr articles that Cannot Le enumerated. " . K.H.I: J. G. SMITH. Edentoa !day 11th tf 10. llloro Ncv Goods. Jks$ receiral from New York, per ScVrAnx U. l Cor. Atf-, , - lotting Article, viz: A Trry handsome assortment of UL' Fancy Ginghams, - JJaUiste, Baihr,' iVmftnnrrvVjK A'ffncri'lision Ladles llorfs skinGloves assorted. Black Gros tle Naulea, Siik, , - Suprfin? ta( Sugar, Ink in bot tles, Camplurc. ':.-' ALSO, family' flour for Cask cmftf. - WM. P. BENIVETT. Mny;12th.l:-x' PAM rlil.ti r vaiuiv ma -HtNDIULW PLANKS, JS'catfy executed at this Ojficc. Vroin XcW'York, p r Schooner Ann ; V JJ. F. Cox. ThUANGE and .Mourning plaid . and checked Gin? hams,. Su perfine Itnl'iau and Canton Crapes, ULick Italian Cravat,-Fancy Cali cces.arniture, tafilta and lore Ii!v Ions, Ladies blach figured IllJs., Drown french Uatlste, lllack Plush, Gent, colored Ilorscskin Gloves, blk. Cambrics, super Bed Tiefc, super soft finished Irish Linen', blue black pro dc NaptMarLingf Canvass, Oob b'metfc Fomin.L-tnea-'CaTn brirsj black Nankeen Crape, K'iick Dom bazetts. Nankeens in abort Tieces, Black belt HibhonXWIuie silk braid, JfUperCne ingrain Cnltoa Hose, hell side Corohj Superfine Bath Post. London Pins, Plaid Cambric Gin hams 3-4 Brow n Cottons, Oma burgs, Ladies and Mioses straw Boo nels, No. 5f-Wdiq Iloet, 41arge Brass bushed stock Locks, fine Butt pocket KnjveSf Knivrt and fiuayr Files. Sppfl and -Tacks, urast : l bia.uie, tneep sneers, Sciew Aage-Soke Shverro cricn Ilainmers, Crwker- Asrt ed, llrhkh Oil, Indellible luk. Cray ons, L.c. v . . -' ' - '' JJt.F.rABICAULT, 3far, ltmn?23. ' tC 2a; S tatc of North-Carolina; " ; Chorea Cvutitjj " fSapwW Court cf Law. Spring tetm John Cox, ct als, "i ;i ' 5 T vs. Attachment. Benjamin Delano. V :; V , John Cox and i'rancia Toms, having sued out ao original attach mect asainst the e state of Benja min Delano, returnable to the. se cond Monday after the fourth Mon day in Mart h 182D, and tho Presi rfeut an ! Director of the State Bank of North Carolioa, having been summoned as garnishees, and it apiearii) to the ctifaetion cf the toutV thai Uoniiiniui Uclano isjnota resident of this Stater so tKatnmeriTmaryr process f Jaw cannot be r-crved on him;- It is then fore ordered by the Court that publication be made in the Eden ton Gazette for six weeks,; for the said Benjamin Delano, to appear before the Jude cf ocr said Court to be held for Uie Coutty of Cho wan at the Court House in Eden .ton, on the -eco:u! Blonday aflcr the fourth Monday iu September ne.t, and then if there to replevy, tlead, answer or demur to said ct- taehmcnt, orjttdmei:t final will be taken almost luro, and hia,ct.ccts in the Iianda of tho President and Directors of the 5tate Bank of North Carolina will be condemn ed to satisfy the same.5 Tct JAMIlb U ILLS, LTk. EdentQn.May lith Cw 19. XOIlFOLKt Va. JVarcJiouse vn JVootltMe't IVltarf, recently occupied by Jlkmu J, V . ; 1l Southa!e, Tenders his services to Country 3Icrchanttt Lumber Gaiers and Dcaurt, and Farmers, ia the sale of Lumber and Produce, and in the purchaso of Gcxxis, of ever des cription, for which his commissions wilt, in ail case bc very. modcrat1 Borough, together with a thorough knowledge of the Country business, will, ho hoK.s, be fouud advanta geous to thoso w ho may employ his agency.' Befor to Messrs. 1 Jiobert Fo,4't r Z J'FJsVIJcaeori. May 20th. v.: "-II ,"VrsliT.:-ai' ... j - r r-.-r.-f a -r .. I enilinff Oft to erHhvrso' loe im'in-'i----"" r- 111.1 . BllLllALllllft UL'Ill'f l ll.illlll i . . - . SorfAii. . k. , v'ii'tf si. ' WHOLE-No.; 1178 V ;j?lM.feyardi;;''. WILL be paiI for the nppr h ens iou of negro man! ! ' MlugllCS r (late the property ofBff. WillmQ CoiUcId Jcc'U) if taken without thn, , State, or Fifty "Dollars with all reasonable expenses if within, and delivered to me or confined in jail sothatlgi t him. Iferanaway onbr about the 23rd ; tilt, without the tlightct provoeaticn whatever. SaidlelW iaahoutiaiof 23 yrs'c- ac.uarK complex1on,alfout 0 feet - hih, tolerably fclim built, &, -as a scar on one side of his head, which k entirely bald, ecaiioned !.y .a burn w hen quite younf j he may however comb lis hair in such a manner as to prevent its bein't.lx served, ami probably fill as U i quite corispicuoi:s when hu hat i oWhcn jxikeni loT he has a qMK,k. ,It-u pxobA l4-le-s-in"th e 7 neighborhood of Eiizalcth City, - where he once remained for 5 c r d months ia a similar easeMaa- leri ofvesseljnTaTlTo arts forbid harbouring, or carrying hiia off at their peril. ; ; " i JAMES corriELD. ' ' Cbostan Ca. JuncrSd; - rf 21 "7 025 Reward. THE ?boe reward will be pari to any person or pemsns b will apprehend andc.dtJicr, to. ine my Negro Man TOM, and NVpro Woman SOPHIA, or Fifteen Bol. tars for Tom and Ten Dollars frr Sophia if taken seperaUdv; 1 ho took themsclve off on.Tuesday the 12th iit- Tom ia about tnentf lire yean of age five' ttet 8 or lb inches bih; dark complexion, quit stoat and w III weigh 1 fiO" or 1 SO pounds. lie had on, "a fur Hat It black cassimcre pantaloons both con fciderably ' wort), r SophiaT i ihou t " 20 years old 5 feet 4 or five Inches burn, tl.ey are both ksiown in the nciclborhocd and alo In the Toa-n " of Edenton, vthere it is probable they have bent their course. The above reward, as stated, will bo p; id for their delivery ta me at my farni12AuTisbovFefttottt-rtear Mr. James t-!UieIdfidfrv. Mas ters of Vessels and all others are forbid harbou Ina: or conveying them oIT.as the law will be'ricidly inforccd against any . alio may offend. ' JOHN PAINE. April, 10th 5vr. 20.1 OlORcvvnrd TtTtnTII all reasonable exnen V V es, will bo paid for" nppre- bending and delirerin to tnc, rnir Aegro onian SILVIA, knowa an Lutinsilvia;aii idlsso well know n in the Town of Edcnton cihl it vicinity, (where she ia no loubt htrkin;,) that a particular tliserii- tion is deemed unnecessary. All persona aro forbid, harbouring or . carrying her off, a3, tho law will le rigidly enforced against any that may .offend. - ,"'; " - MYLES BADIIAM. : 5th Mar, 1S23. ' s tf.13. Notice. hope that those of mr friend. 4tvih In nsiirn. THO. J, CHARLTON;' April 21st 180. tf 16 . Hclniih. v;.Tli ftilwer.ibcr..offe,rs-fpr salc:.on 'modej;atf T?rfni, about"'7::"v':"":',:;'' ISTBKlTr tf. April jtU . . ;lir liflTft lirm in !. 1. .!.! i .u (reasons which I can. but do not A.

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