-( ; . -;, ' -LA 7 " ' ' ---7;" - ..... 1 i " 4 . j ?'' " ;f7 ' , J ' ' -- r - 7 " -- - - .-- -L . . . ! 'IU : J M -gag' f. i 3 ' I' M .IILj?t,itHB.;,!t,gorjiutrtttt,,., - . .... ,TrRM 1 -J1"". p-r year, payable r I Jiue fi.itcf.Wi will be eouttnuv d oa V Its lit, :nl ba CaiIt-tJ liable for ijrmtil t an wil'&nlle p rioJ, caleJ wish U li-ni- 4 to wtUJ(r Jheir Mmu;i. i Ady-tl.-'Mi itturtei t fif(y eentt f ' r;Tif fr Ort fi L aJ Iweutr C cnti Ak fy Mi-r,iB. tiopt4 wrvei or i 4.car4-ii h.ttil. , , j v .' ! . LtU'ert io Ui ;.dtur, mint be pot pill.. ' 1 1 " " ' '' l.ji'JJijj? t-.'r-;.-'" C2L33CTI0XJS. : THE FUULOUUII In tic lutnnia of 1825, lome pri tatc Gjif i called roe 'intoihc gutfr kingiom j ami as I did not travel, otl jatnered few a?rplf f of I iith character, cmongst nuicb was TivwWridttn'S1 one morntntf ill wimJaa P UimIa kMM scfof that ijok p!ace bo'tib.- The 1 V.fut coach was itnadln at the tioor, and on the roof, in front tat tsc front r.rci, an cu wo man, wemingl jbii jnoihcr, a younj Din, ani yoanrr woman, ter or gtrrcO an; ad tie were !1 ear btti'y TJtrcirig the yoang o1t!r to Se?ccod fron Lit icat on the cnarh. A -i-yl - i.f.'..::'v , 4Cme down id ye, Tli!)"," :v J th oM .woman, cotne don ) l Tour old mother. Sore U' yoi thfy will, and Uii tbe off the bone I pive ye. Come ja,Tidy,drrmf.'' ,, prt ttf 4v of the ol lier ; and with -hcIhI hanis and wt teeth, i t A ti3lr poture on tho coach. Tliadr, come down come io xw.e ye fo! of the world :s alonj down wid yt!" The : UDofibe preicnt appeal wo Snore apatieat aod prrewptory llan the Uttaiid'-th-ftHerr;'irtRi!te .Ttfmwly and tn!v prooooaccd: Il'a honour bf otlKt and the bo dy the'spraVcf foie morel rijtd'y erect thito ercr on the roofl O, Thidr, ccme down! 'Vert V rne, joir cwn Kutbtcni! that bid ye. Come dovtn, or yc'H treak xS heart ul'nt Thady jel ; come drfa thnT The poorgirl wrun Iter hanii a the gaid it, and cast a Wk jtar.(, tht had t twilile ef .1 cl "on "the "rb'u s!cf of t&enaolJleVa : wntennH-e. There wa nsbttj ten-J !rroe in hit tone, but it conveyed j " It haahtf-honut bright Kath- m! and. a if Ui dt-ADd himself vra anotficr glance, he fixed hi ;k teadfally in fnnt, while t1e ;'i neufsl; eDtreaueii burst from all . fee in chorus, with the tamo an. '" '' " "'' " Ccno ilotrn ThaJy, lion'cy! liaily. ya fool, como down: '.adyfMttic dpiin.t.fne!5"i 1 i naDor -'awihe r ithon-, r, trcUt'r iTonor brighttny orii ;uiMec.iiH v:':iT::':-X;:' W Althorij-h the) jwrleUpwwH'. o. jtrirate, thii appear a public, tliat 1 did not beiilate ,to co down and enquire bto t.lie-'partjculara of ITms tJitreM it apiwtrea tuat ne Uabeenbomeyoit fVflaogh, to ti U hi fAroUyand having exceeded, aj hethottt, the term of hi leave, lwai!foins to rcV bit regiment, Merita undcrio tht-punishmcnt of nkcll ukcJ him when the furr. Itni"heiPirp,iI. --- m Tlife--fir'Of:fi rrmi;rhonj-' Br-ha.d ha ktoj rt of all tliaxUsck ?'yin tlicworl J n.f here .it I, cclblTuil't:nSi "TK Tirof M a rcl.! w hy , :rmj jood'tllow, you have a tUy M i tsn then the firk of Slarth will not be here' till tomorrow. It is In Year, and February bat twen- The aol Jiefwai tTtanilcr-struckr dcfii ty an ay wiJjcrs, and .fitberi too, "wouidnot EDKNTpNNrO-SATUIlDAY: MOUNINOIAUCII 6, 1830, yere oald Almanacka base cra fiif if a "tioolt71n bo dcea veif one", kfi fie itlmng iolda'sintielirtm Usi" ' . , .-. . ; A :f His first impalse w to cuf a ca per on the rocf of the coach, and thron op bis cap, with a loud Hur rth! Il't second wa to throw him self into thu crtna of life Kathleen, and the third, was to Wringl my hand off in acknowledgement 'J V.Ita; a happy mat) I ara, your Honor, for my word's saved, .and all by your Ilonora means. ' Uong VfetpouLllonor fQ.iib.5i.tm;.Ur May ya live a hng hundred and Uap-yeari every one ;'ofthem!7" 7 "DPNTBRCAK IT JOS E,. : Sail the fond mother, at he gave the darling boy the lookmg !as. Little Joy as . hit mother ca3f dlilmT EUmflitajnJuj'Jle luid toys cnoxrjh to satisfy any rensona ble .child, ore day took it into his head that ha f bcnlbeqiuie, hap ny if hcCcoMld.hi'oliftooMnr lotikiog-glass,' aaid his 'no! her. Mwhv,' child, lo ever heard rf uch a tluugr' Jos-e tU-atglu tr.j began to bo importuiiate, 4,m, ma,t want the gla?1?; tivc me Le las. loh, po!,"4faiil bis mathcr, do you think 1 am coin to' rW on the Isokmg-glasa to pHy with? "oil . would break it, and crt your. fingers with it, and then we should have to send for the doctorf shan't 1 'break it; I won't cut ay finjersr ht mo iavc it," and tbeu he laid hold of his mother jrow n to igoJ oamesl.; "After h;in drag' tred across the room a A w tunes, Jos-e began to cry; &, l.i mother patience hcinsj quite cihausted, ue took hira off, savin, 'Joe you shan't have the looking-gla, thercl now go about your bufince-a. 17bis would have been a death blow, to Joe's hones, it ha had not endured such triali before, aal come offcon qticror. ' He was net", tbt tcfore, di heartened, ,11a laid himself there fore f ilit dawn vpn the fl''or, and ban to roar as if he would raise the neighbors. . , J. Hereupon . Us . mother-wrath hb4 kindlrd; she called Joe a caugh ty boy, nJ threatened to tell his fa ther of him, aad he would take a stick to lum, ami som iitm up in the dark hole. - At this Joe pitch one note 1 igher.(as we ipiisi- ciant say,) and trilled aw ny a' most lamentable solo. IIis mo,hcr-vio ha d it earf'for oiasicbwatM.a,. larcied. She 1 fearcaVfte would barst a blood-yessel, 01 die vith rage, an! jut at this moment sifr.dry sto ries of such Sccidcnts flitted acroaa her mind with fearful reality. Jem's lunfsliellot wondetfully, and af te.revery ir"t rest, ha ( raised his voire tx srzil'icra, until he screamed terrific in the tpace ohove. What w ai to ba doncf J I alf etaty .wit h noise and" apprehension, she at tempted o pacify little Jp5-ei by of fering him tho pincushion, the sto ry book, the little tea-set but all would not do, his heart was s't up on th looking-glass, and he wout.d cry' hla eyes out if he could not hare it. At last his nClictcd mother yiclJetl. Sho took down the look ini glass and gave it to him, soy-' 1 tn(r,xf here, I declare yon , are the hfUa!l--tke it an won sri, but don't break it, Jos-e.V Now the reader may bo curious to- know what became of Jos-ennd the look poe he broke itAd cat lit finger a into the bargain; bat I wish to turn hil attention to the rnothof " ratirer than to the child. In the first place, she was faulty iiv not Trcltii1 ini to grant Joe's request in the besinning. In the second place. she was- faulty in endcavoringo ternry bun by. the doctor and the iklw waw wicked in ' tollinc ' him af tell a lie for their rbht hands, guilty of such conduct elinovt every j..w...r. lr.1.. - . . . uuj, ia utcir uucrcoursa h ni liietr children.- IVo wonder that so ma ny children grow up to lie and steal, and go to the house of corrcctba and Uie state prison, i i . Mothers, be firm. , Be jealous of the lie doctrine, that the rpd is un ncccsaiy. s Jf Soloraou'a taaxim was true once, it is true now. Our rate is not so much improved our children (little cherubs, as we call them) are not such anrelic crra- turey, -thn spirit, of, afLliihneaa' ami I insis!nrdiiintinn ia .in ihnxti iU'L ..If you would make your children pooI J children, keep tljem in 'sutijcctioo; if ycu wimi them to be honest, men and virtuous wmen, d& (4 itach then to lk if you yoiM ae the p,.a.tjon.39J.to . TIer it 4 reat d haid j ...- r. I one w bodies iu4 tb.ok it siuful of low has his own peculiar kind of fiath. Acres Li1ie a! that 'damns bad their day," but that the vijrs hare revived, and arc now as corh- monos ever. - f v'r,, Sailor's oaths arQ, like his ether vices, Poinded on a a vckleM indidlr tice it nJmseii, enf tuey prove tne saying that he i ai one's enemy but his pi?i ; fur a saiax, when lc wonli bear 'd.'r. u;cn pother uttcis the most irxterininntiftg corses on hiut- self, aad Ins fivdti:e mode of ei- prcs'iou wto ar. thematise Lb own u;o iy eye." Th Vaukie l a sneaking way h may kca thrac of wearing,wl ofhisowncnnii r, thinking to f- fond the, spirit 4f the law w bile he escaesthc hipr, brnre the.traus mutatiun of antsath, tid it i f-oficn- etl dovn to a shrlJ "tarnation.1 liut tne , st MUcr.auaaaiui; protantty ts a.on" i ne nv cr man f tbe wt ?t. ,1 hoy .arepot ati tied with iHc mostf trcmeiiJoui oaths, but mil nii their denuncia tions - w i;b lymucblei ity aud tHaintne?Sj.riliatwyotith t easily led attraf 1 what t wiuy while it isnicked. A :e nor ci tne nwrnrer cf the di- lent rax are rir roust Cor he i either ltiKj:axfd.ir pribaMe, Ite i is botn. Jbe bet manthat rCOicd a nrcJlcfcs oath, vrauld prtl adly tht ini from -tcac!. ing bischl 1 to lisp in tv saMi un hatlowcdftay; so that he cannnt conceal trm . himself that ,it , hid better buUropped than fullawrd. .it. . eOO- . !'.. r THAT A MAX IS DEAD. f ribcr to one cf the ea- , PROO . Asut tern paf r, a tew years ago , being sadly 11 ureara for tbe same, proo- - ised thfditor if bis life was spare J to a ecliin day, lie woaH, nitltoia failvdnlltarge - hit bilL-The ; day passCiltntl the bill was not paid. Tbe ritural conclusion was. that he was Jearl -nbsolatrlj . dt funct. rroce ding on this conclusion, the editof in bis next paper, placed the nnmeof the delinquent unJer his o bitnly head, with the aturtnling circumstances of the time and place. rrefr soon, after. tUs mei thelditor: not wi.h ihc pale and ' w i3 . - - ar 1 ghwly coMntenance usually xiscrib rd appariunnv but,Buh a fjice as .,rifjL adi!i&t b?.r,,A.it:..lki; spJkenwtOj ; but brwkeisitncF wiiH " Jl'hat the devil, sir, did yon mean bf publishing- my death:Why, s i the same that I mean a hen 1 dish the death of any other per- , a ' ' a a a t all, vii: to let trie world know tiiat x were dead." "Well, but 111 e s d if lam dead.'" "Not ad! then it's your own fault, for u"161d".eyo tVVur bin by such d.iy,- if yt ixailll mat inne.v jfe Slt lieve-that-yon-; wonlj Arfit Jjroar word.- O tlr-i:yfni haVogot round tne, Mr. Editor; but say no more alxjut it, here's the. inooey.r And, larkee, you waj, just contra dlctmy death next wet-k, will your" O certauilyj sir, jost to please you; though opon my word 1 cant help thinking you died at the time speci fied,1 awl that vou have merely come back to pay this Lil.', on account of your friendship (urme.1 . T fi tU ft. - - ---JXAiilAC-AJLCU W.J .r f ur mechanics m gen- ,erai so srrsia i a oooit r . v ny is it that those who can scarcely make a XBOvoournt ia 7 their respectire aits, Lut they pot in practice some of the fundanicBtal aprinciples of mccltaHcaTiQod.y - be so stabboTn ra kenjhemsifftW , ijaoract of these principle; and '. my, iBcnisetve feul ctners f .. . . . . Woold it injure lantJn the least, . if he should become an adepr ia any of tne neural sciences ? 5 Would it retider tirn the less akilful In shio glinga hovel or plaaninga rl.urch i The rincijml objection thaj has Lceo crged agnt giving roechan ics. Sit, en iaiigtl into the sci ence, and cot that has been brought forward even in the coun cil of .the State, is tlct it ir7 saiC fcnileeum cf thrmj Wow there is to term Jn the1 English Ian? guage more ah used, or more vagne ly ase4,bdH iLi sar'wKjrdg'ear'ic uanli byitis raeantTlbat non dserii biperwrhich we Bomctime? Meca tbcendcf a ear, wagging his I.a-cci4irejyifavcr, cracking hi wpp, and fcbu?mg the tcaitt-r of a toeutry tavern, heaven forbid & Icarsdng.,; Dut ifby a gentleman ii mea nt that man of a well iufWin cd and noble mind wLi mtde.rtands ljjlhis buiaess and rmindsitrT w bo Knows ins place In Society nnd keeps if ; who is aware that he has a country, and honors it ; who pays to others, and himself, that resf pert bich he ouclt,and ho docs as he woild be dwc by ibcnfcy all means give Lira Icaruiag. Trout PI iU'lt IjXI r6Pr- . - M.tt-pAri;5'. There ii hardy any thing su much needed la a family as a news paer, and. yet,;, tuithiog:,. comiara tirely spcakKig.! esteme4"oCso little value.,.. If a man undertakes to retrench his expenses,, in?teati of lopping erf what u ieally useless ami extravagant, ite Hrt thiug to be amputated - b; tbe i.ew?paper. ite wtii not arms a Lottie ot wine nor divest himself of a single un- seemly habit ; but he sir down and 4ctBfiet-1 oPtPi Certainty that4 a paper .neUherfeeflsBCjfkci' hira, and lbetcfcre it is a great tax. And then a note is despatched to the printer : "Sir, rcaccot alTard to take your paper any longer j" '.or, "Times arc hard, money is i'carce; ergo, yea may discontinue sending my paper ;' cr with , any other cicue that may ccme uppetmot. .Now we believe har- every one who will make a fiic trial, and ob serve the Influence cf , reading over bis faroilv, will find at the end of the year, tkat be is not a abiHigAiS' HM Q bblrFrTm"o"I5cct tne poorer tar caiiag. necn auusct i f gJLgMiwjSt ligence of the evf ly day jeoncefns of life; M JLimt''ttLilAM. we take it for granted, that ho has ficrused every number- with avidity than he weald have done in a series of years deprived of tho sight thereof. Ills wife will have picked op Jtnuch.Jnlo "ilrrnvvnanr es'efnt lems of Iron tnvu rrtntnv, unu no mm annre t if laitf ucttwa s iilSI ""to-' 1 1 r'situ a- a... .. " i .-..'' WHOLE ISorn i pr?: it of readingnnd nrcTegree &f Intel- ligcnce worth the pricc nf rubscrip-1" tion ten times told. Jn fact, a good, well conducted A ncivspaper in-a family, is the beat economist of tine and aptct instructor of the niimLl From th Caker. .,. v" v ..; ' V70ZTA2Z. ' "Oh, womtn's tert u litu tb ft Tlt Lnili J tropk't fiime; -ThM Woom m wrt 'mii Brhe tuv, t'orerer lovely tad Uie Moe. j A rddiaxwirr tttf VrVIStTf juMstea," X ' R-lictod from i'f home v Tfc pn,d y tiit'r minium " Tbt wwriort brow, U b'i lav. TT:e mtatir fUrrrtiice hi chorw ':' T lull Dm p .ion t f ih brw:; iter rof mil, tike ofl, dlmms The wreof ili-rh lnl; to re. " May f.-jM(lhip Lbsomj rutind h trvir.f , And wa:i rob d pete its ipr:. r j. - - - rnoPRiETY. ' Proprietyisto a worcan'oliAOi!- the great Homan eritie says action is to an orator; it is the Cr$r, the se cond, and Uie third requisite. A Io nian jnay be knowing, active, . w i ny and amusingbut witliout propriety- -the cannot be amiable. ..ilVopricty-- -Is the cjrntre In a hich all the liues of -duty and aprteableness meet. It is ' ' 10 character, what 'proportion it to figure and grace to attitude. It does not depend u any one perfecV f tion, but it is the reMilt f generaj excellence. : , .. . r Z-Jiahowa-itsf If -by a regular,-er------derly, smdeviating' courre; and ner-" er siaru from its sober or Lit into a ny ,1 spU ndid eccentricities: ; for it would be ashamed of such praise &s it s niigfct extort by any deviations from its proper path. It rrnooiicip all condemnation but what is char acteristic; and I would make it the criterion of true tn8te, righ print 1 ple, and genuine feeling in a wo man, whether , she would be les touched with all the fiattery of ro- ' " mantic and csaggeroted panegyric, than with, that beautiful picture of . correct and cleg lpi opriety w hich ; Milton' draw s cf our tirit mother, n horn he delineates.- . -. "HuwethoMaati deceacirt. w! ich c2y Lum Prm fill k.. m.mJm .. . .1 . : I Fromty Journal bf fleiKb. BEAUTY AND IIEALTH. - Females should be early taught -the important factJbat beauty can tiotj in reahty exists iriuepeT.der.S of health; and that tho one ia abso lutely unattainable by any practice inconsistent with tbe ether., Ia " vain do they hope to improve their tkin to give a "roseate hie ?a their cheeks, or to .'angmnt tc grace andyrnmctry cf their fortn?, unless thcyrsre cauuoua to creserve jlue "MOiO trame in fccauh, vigrt a,n,lacivityw.Beaaty ot .nmpISf. iot! ?.Bd to a crtaj:iLCxJcal,ibut of shape also, is nothing' core than visilde bealth a pure mirror of tho perforniance of the internal faao tions, and of; their harmony with " the external portions of the syateia; the certain effects of pure air, cheerfulness, temperance, and Ncf exercise uniatcrrnpted by any spe-"- cies of unnatural coftstraict. ; . wDrfh Bids Sunerfine FLOUH. m -innmc..ftVTT--s SGBfBusItcIs I It w.i iiiirt);iimnim' A nrasir I'DTATonS, , received per Schr. Orra Maria, ii fiT Sale, by -.i. V." i j ':r v ....... ;t't ; : SAMUEIv'jFOWLFR. 1 Dec, r2. , ' rr- y tf 50. - Ctiinnivr' in'Tirr to .4ixjjt.s iv a .Ak-acu?,...-. AND EVERT OTHER KtXD OF ar m Ffitied undsoU ct flit OJIrt. .az.rr."ryr-r:t.::. . '. ' (I1 i- - ' , , ...... ' ' V ' ' '. ' ",- ''""jp-"