VOL.- XXVI... .. Xo. : I i. EDEXTON, KC, ATilUIUXOllNINGMAIiCIPlWO. WHOLE No i 2 t t I - rf ". a rt2 rui ji ia.v Sa- & " jp- ihmwt' aa-mrS H I j fee ; a fj tmt &r. ami tv-if it tit xostu cAtotm cArr.ioa," ; HlsCK CtAHfc- l Lis at mrdof the funoas Elack EearJ, 'ie uuied freebooter, who, acrcrI- tscfaaey tU c. Mt r a.i rr"S ai ear; .1 ca tbtisnrao K-i-e case s . veci. TL tra" tit .iik man. sa facRi&i in tie I WWlar ac?t. Uloi h :oa j3r4 mej. were LkM., or .I- . ... . mm! the action, were txrra in ir i . -1 ti. .iitr"t'vrf5 of tini, II iijca Il3Rt!, !eSretry fSeCoSoay. .t!, aTeelei, tW ed i-nWw, Lo to arejircU UirJ. akle fcerersecvlLH ,r4C.ei, ic4 ta retire w t as , tf Ue l';Oe ratr, la Carols .MciUiL. in,rtt.C. retire tct ,rp.,. ..'n-rr:-1-1 ; ssu-a'aer ufii fiea t:e I irss, ia ia jrr tVria parlwa t all pra:e. '' arrea.If tiess..:. ia atmiteJ i!ta-. U ma: cf , r f-i .. .,. 11.1.1 'ii I I I I I II I ill I 1 cJ to be ht taot etrI; frcViiV. U ;x f PiT,;i'1; -G-nr ir pprehensie tWtotraeft!; h traiu;ffareele t WUfcfthcitmo8yT caused a UeLveJttrkscfI-j-: c.uuny a ai fdjrect- the town. lr..nt to '1 rent - ,tt with cf t! iskifas IreTrotei to the endure of H4n1; -r, whub m lauded by Muddy WW dl swt 5t U is!wr aUe prcstanptiao wtUt cas-, ami rart ,Quers. ttreet, and faWHtemtfcsirol&ef. T. . a Jtt 5dV0.r 5! t- ! -" i; 1:4, - ,exb-r of tie O. w;LKB';hi iIiBOCCarc" &r testi- der w ereisurd to the CcU. bj of r. 1 , r . ; n.ri, icu a lew uays tiore w o4I C rtt I Ut-ta a con- . , 1 Lis Jea.sarrcredemiil;: lrr rcffrcJ a the Gereoe cf VCf!i?5i W;. and too!i tk cola ef :!eriiwe. ! His ajsodite . - les, ami wwse tf ttareai wet-t to tujlu Itdt Trati s aa iatrs rrate rasa, .asu Lai Lu;t beca ia the h j'alts f illeaess. , la a sJirrt titne bis Rt?oey was eiprnicX Tt.se tre-tfwrt wtre cf B ce t lurt, whkh tuttr credul 'j', frw to bt'jCTC a wra!rtfI story. Las rweJ K acr,a5. Tte rata. wn J-e .uamu . -itU M-TOi-Mii-fceWl-ty taTt r Carolina ies ' Wlelrotsdr ckctacT iaee J," f mny ouf rea- . j .nrrV L,a cur nsf jdcts.". It is carious tosee Daw very ' lUiA 1 eac-f. tefrxZmt; JcwTy work .f . jutercal in.provc- Limsclfoa .W.wLeate fcft-otfiat Jtane iatLiStatc. Tic x trulxiat wLtrtfvt La resoiidto ' ri?k Li Lfe: bjr retamiry t Lis pi- i t arii'."" r.rt!: rrwet fee fitted j vut a sl.n, ec!5tcd a fecper rrrw, ! , at J cleared as corataoa trader, fyr the IrUaJof t.Tfcwis. Af Xett ft;' wecLV he rc:crael t! Cah4 caj as ! LrwU with Uia a ; F re u k sL-p, Udea ski scjrar, eof-1 fee, aod ctU'3- lie tr.a ie eaia ,...iIa.iirii-kt.tlii.L ; fill.JrtiJ .,. H- 1 . -LT fVti4e.-:.;lIe-ItW LKfr3 'rcier CKsdv va&.I 'hve .d-awa: Iwa lis alvi4p, t pu-e' L-r a cicaa bottom, rut tbe paca " tit is f3ow cled - Tench's l! le, wklta CJcraepke Ia lrt. Kni'kt, who was a lVt!rtor ;;f tlicCwsra,, Lve-1 e-a Famlica . river, a few miV bc!owr tle'jrt cd" llath. Teath Lai La at las t..ti .!iri-j l;etranttin' fnt he ttred twcutv larrtls of sor. 3iid ikiii'bCcts-iAJLti Lko4 WLiUver t!ie Governor or Lis Sec refary.may baTe ificugtt of.f,n old pirate, who alleged that he found a tifc fctij, with,, a" valiiabic " eatgQ Jierted ut s3, other people wete deposed ta view it as, a piratical adrrtture. The 'As? cm ly of Vir ginia oZ re& a reward of one hun dred pounds foe Tench, and ten pcaad fur each of his associates. There were two (.hint of war then at tleir mooring, a Hampton Koa.h. Jlaynard, a lieutenant in j oeetef the ships, tahiii with htm j two snrall coasters, and a sufEcient ' ttmoet of men. sailed u quest cl i b 3h . l)at . cbW , l7 ineo . : he loogtt ikc a des- t ttent were executed, after they hsd It Ucd. e. ..rarj Htad tLat herreUry Kn.Lt 7 . '"T cf taca ' cianii u'i-iJiS wa " ,vl I Kwn.wrrtcd by the ! eUT Kioa w sour .rSro nr. , ' sr . . . . I ; penwo, w C(i wis rcoJvc.i to escape f r ujo. lie iai MUifk in . liif v t jjawwa nme c sms pith, iigui trr.f !a tbe (kof nnor )! ArirlTl Litr ilnu-n in krint r.irri i v tn urarunl - . 1 uTin. I tKA C!o(irt fcf Atlxr.iraltV. i t; f l' in-r af ' nn.l t lrp:i ton! . n Jl .1.. t" .1 ..Jl l. .i ! isHi- Cet -j we"f cca?erane I. e oU do tit rZr ?n. t!e i..;ury in a fair character, Ih4 ; mere was otur evuence, mare 10 ( U? tntsteJ ttan Sarb Ktths. Uv I tin eveJeace Knight's chaiarfi 'T ; - .iaot escape susrtcioo. A ktter a . ifiou Kai'bt Mas found ia Tcach' " irrtoocirr, ami a clear uitimntKHi uf the' Governor's respect- There at.: mho a. sih er enji f'nd ii Lttrly roIJbed a ioatmaa'on the liv r, below Knigtt hfiuse. ; . dRTIcJUo.I.VA, The f4!owin extrarts frum the weood volnsne f Jndre Xlaitiu s Ckhftot an ! llarluw's Creek Ca oat however, has been completed siace Jade Iartin rtte his His tory ; hut it has cot been done upon a scale adequate to the oiitjinal de sii ; tt shp n3ijjatii from 'euse Uiver to lk3uKrt Harbor is still o desideratttta to the commerce and convenience f the Slate. - Tb first, distinct projoition of the great Lrieand Hudson Canal wii:. lOSy I . forty.; years lielbre '..': m I IriJ I. 1 I f,TaV-Jes.LicraiC;Pi.inr. rtcauojr, especially in the western parts of tba province, were author ixd to celebrate the rites of "mat rimony. The trustees of the New born Academy iverc incorporated, This W the "first instance of this kind of legislative patronage, which ttilti in the BtatUttT IJt)0!i. r , lite ! nasbation of the river Neue appear i..iaiUlk.attc bardro, on nccouit of the small depth of water, through the cwah, leading from Ocracotk bar into the Sound, tut! tlio Intel of Old Topsail bciug rcry afo and iiavigalle, for vcs-Uofgreai burdeu leading to a safe , a nil commodious harbor, an :ittemjt wai made to cut a canal from Clubfoot, to Ilarlowe creek. h hereby the navigation of Reuse river tf Old Topsail lulet mitit be j joined ; and an act was passed ap- pointing commissioners to receive subscriptions' oitii cut the cunat. The fanlitj of aUainiiig the desired object, if proper means were Adut4 thoajh several laws - have store 'flLlssedi 'o rtd fonie t looble di a Leo to aecoroplib it, after a period of nearly half a century, tb meas ure hanot yct ripnu d into eflect. ,A charter wu grantrd to the ouii, autborUjni; ttietn'.tn. Hnoie a representative in the lovverllouse, n measure Licit u kait to-lwv been takcu to -eute vest fnr Kd WWtrt fyffwfaggWtfWffgy3f dui irc, m h his already been men tioned m ihKM-hapter una ho a a preat partisan of ibe GfArrnor, and extremely obnoxious to tie re ulatora;and these people wxro to jreatly exasperated by this rircum- tauce, that thy spoke of coining and sorae of ilioe n i ar river to bold , them-telves in readiuejs to mart-b on the firi-t news of the ap proach of the re;litors, cud op pose their jwx5sae ; C'f!uutd Leech, of the county of Craven, was di rected, to order his regiment into town, for the nrotcction of the Lc- ndstafe.' IW. I - 5TaTrj;cM a BtJiUa iit. alLunl uA ia in!- Mander U a truth l.urtf 1 to .1 bote upoa hoa it falls. A tif tractor is not a o;ariui, t ut a sue and entkius man, u hoe ..di-courfes please only thosi who are like h'111. If Uh r-rtl sUouldbe Vatiwd froa envioas- prn, sl-tiidiT would le froia society. . SU-u h.steM to slan der w i;h . enjernes and pleasui e, KTaii&e it bumbles others in the jiuMic iciou and pecs ait enemy less in tLegrcJit hmti w ho is attack ed, or whom pervrrityr . endeavors m''tIexiyTrifa'"nVTraH only Ub .words it is because he is tra great a coward to, do it with 0 - A - ... - - 1 . actious.-. J detractor is a vain and proud man, who, discovering the infirmi ties and frailties of other, witJ.es to persuade as, that be alone is sound and without ihetn.-' Moreover, he praises hiin If, being only a hyj ocrito who flVcts virtuous tenti mentsand aHectionsi false in ieality; far they arc not accompanied with kindness, iudidence Mid humanity. Adttrai lnroiiphl to be regarded as a public enemy to Koricty; bnt not aithstandiqgywe Jisjenjioliiirinnd. ac;rcanay."li"Itu''l certii'nty . that inc'nman'y to Lave Wy tctwtrl of shaking ill of othersii-5 To enre men of their envy and jealousy 'which so much torments them, as also as l gander ana., ca lumny, it is necessary to make them see ihat all , l!eir cfToVts are use loss again'l merit 'and virtue. Slundcr is in vain employed against a gooiLinaju Jvit Hot. well kpon, that no mortal iipu earth is exempt I Xr qui defects? An iiicaious' critic utraeii:cj liUR-u mine aiirmpt, m. r. . a a. . - r x i . can oiake the productions of talent rontemptible? - J -it tiot- very er ! tain also, that talents are unequal, and" jubject to irregularities and er rors.. Jiome small faults hate per chance caused to fall in oblivion ur.aay worlds of the human mind? Can calamny ever blacken probity? Sooner or later iniquity is discover ed and confounded ; the envious person bo slanders often makes innocence appear more amiable and interesting. . . ' To undeceive tliose persons who i listen to blander and fiml pleasure in it, we oughtJoaMjbcinjynojiii ill at tlJs sa rue - pet son w hose bade discourses tbey iitcn to with cag criiess and with whose aaterie . and cruel satires they are pleased, ; will Kuon'amuse, at tLcii eip?nse otber peRooii equally disposed and 'ready toliear the slanderer. r, ' fjjjallyViq,dw trncmr himself who delights in in juring, we say to lit that the evil j.ait wbicu he acts m-ke-h.m ta le fi art d, and never to be bel .ied and an.biiioos ot being regarded aa an U)(am0usoiaofls aay-ih'Sce more tile and base than that of a public dttrac tor - Is it not to make one's self an acp'omplico' to listen to - him tilth nTftMsur? -;-r-v-!- ,. "t- And is it not to dislmnor one': self, to bestow bis fri-udsliip and confidence on a public detractor? Is there aoy more detestable pleas nie, than that hub arises from running from citizens, divulging the facts which can be pn judicial to them; and diminishing their reputa riarrim J rrepxr-nrw itljgorTrty'prgtlr to society. The detracttr will tell us pcrbaps.'lhat it is necessary that truth should be known, aud the public nfeds ; to know men as they aie, adding moreover that he does iat tlander the wise and good. : Out we answer, that such truth is useful to the public when it treats of criincs, and not of iiifirroitieg, ana couceaka atl.cts.- A - s'as- drer, is a', cowardly,! inaqrderer, when he ; divtilges ; truth capable of destrovipe tlie eood oniikn of cooKcg the benevolence, and inju ring the well being of his ftdlou cyn. Finally e can say to him, that sociubla being owes even to nnknovvu and 1 lutlilfereut persons, his, respect and consideration, and violating the obligation, he gives oecaidon for bis ou character to be bli kened, and his secret faults to be divulged. A$ u6 man con uatter hiaielC with hauag uo . fulu, and as man i willing, that his fault? should lie- divulged, it is very easily inferred, that ought not to "pro claim those of every other person." : Slucdet uodtT aoy ! aspect in Hhirh it is contemplated, ought to be condemned on account of t..e winch it continually produces. Thi j is a cause of many evils, but of no good;-and the -detractor r is always baUd although slander pleases. Slander is the' daughter of eavv, and the handmaid' of idleness, It ought not to flatter itself for so con temptible an origin. Nothing is more useful than to know how to be sileivt. Loquacity U the greatest pbgue of society.'.'., .Quidajif.: ELEGANT EXTRACT. ; It cannot be that earth is man's only abiding plai.-;4t caunot be - - ss ' ' Ji ft 5 i , lMarimC44iUl.&..UU rtfnt llnnn af aairt sus.l ,! V dlrkncss i andbifigueisEtiHe why is it Uiatthe-hifh and glori ous aspirations, r.hich lea Jik tf an gels from the temples of our hearts, are forever wandering abroad un satisfied?' Why .is it, that the rain bow and the cloud come over us with a beauty that is noLof earth, and then pass off and leave its to ve upon 'liheir fudedI'eVtaes? Why ii it that tie starSj, w bivh 'hold ilivk C-itivafi! aruuud tie usiduikt throne," are set above t!e gra-j it our limited ficultie forever tnotl. iug us . w'th their unapproacluit.lo glwryl And finally, hy is it that bright forms of humau beauty are presented to our view, and then ta ken frvn ;u leaving the tLou- sand streams of our affections to Cow back in an Alpine torrent up-, on our hearts? ; JVe re bom Cr a higher destiny than that, cf earth." There is a realm where the rainbow never fides where, the star will ' be spread out before us y like the Ij. lands that plumber on t he ocean,'- Mti4 aa l.i.ra tfiO I.nuittJiil t.ntrv which here, pass before us like vi- ioiis, tvill remain tu our -ircseuco forev er , - - - - - - - ; THE CLOil.NG SCLSE. Of all the periods and events ef lifv, the concluding scene is one f the f deepest interest to ibe pervon Various are the ways in which it comes, and various the aspects .it presents; but hi all ' it is tiblenin.' proacn tt ttnt iiiomeiit," i hiTh; to the dying trian, is th- Um.c'ary ttweenr:trinajeSfruitvii-hMi concludes the one and coninjeis die other; which termioaic all bis interests, in this world, and xrs his condition for a never ending exist, ence inlhe world unknown : What can be more so than tliose moments of silent and indescribable anxietv, wttca the last sands of the numfter cd hour, are runnio; when the Utr&t os me uean uccontcs too lunguid to be felt at the t extremities of the fraaie; wbcis-thehand Iretoras'" pot: llis tri' nil.? i.nccur. . m t... .L. V . t-. P , nutu uic UII1U, lie uu Huq motionless ben the tv is fixed, and the "ear tarns no more towards : the -volce of - consoling ki ndness; a hen the treat h, be fore oppresjiiro and laborious, becomes feebler and feebler till it dies sloa ly away and to tle listening ear tloro is no sound amidst the breathles si lenee, nor to the arrested eye, that watches with the unmoring look cf thrilling solicitude for the last iyc"i toai f remaining life, is motion longer perceptible Un surround ing friends continue to speak iii whispers, and to step tlirrmgh the chamber on the tiptoe of cautious ness, as if still fearful of disturbing , him-?-ihofn the noise of a tlion?ard thunders could wot now startle who has falltn on that last sleeps from which nothing skull rouse Lut ttlie voice of the arthaugct, and tba trump of God. irardLta. - Wit Feet. We are often asked to sj)cak a w ord of remonstrance t , our ladies; w ho, in thp present con dition of the 'streets, xueither sea nor good dry land,' are secnperaia bulating in prunelle shoes, in des pite both of the Jounml of Health an sujrcrstions 0 taste 'c do hot bke" to take the nlacc of papa or me uocior; our vre ran say that this enormous sacrifice to. vaii ity docs not even answer its end. There is , nothing agiceabhj, sng ffcated to the 'iinaginationhr wet snoes ana soiiea lioc, nor Ly bee-" i ing a fairy foot tripping ii daintily ia a kenntl. Halt. Amtr. y ' . r;- VANiTTr; ' A man w tio is proud of his prop crtvV wit! sometimes call hiipsr If poor, that yoir may soothe bis f.I- cy by coittriilfSctunr him. A great Dcaatyv TkRCvvtse, will pretend to be- nev:thaishewiitiatet- Crixeaiance, anti 1 '-'rn--ho'--"f6nfrat?iHfitn-A- wtll say, JlethinKs I look mmt ' horribly to day. Thr most t iT.-c-,,,a) W to mortify such persons. U to pretend to believe theiia, and tn acknowledge thfit there is some trotliNiii the assertion. Sly dear Tonrsai.rohl S he ri uan. one day to bis son,. ! wh you nonld take a wife." I Laie tio ij-"'' jectioti, sir said Tom, w hostrwifar" sliail I laic- .'y :"'y

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