f If ) VS. V AW,ft--e LATEST nio.M rxr.oFK. Uv tho Erie rckttWe hire Parvf:iursi h'e li,:a lQrt quit 5 paper u the 12.'. Ja. incite. -.rv4 Havre ef ikeC'iUt We inaht jAte-astftt it rasw arrears ho? . Wv itftKMiTLa T.scastia&4..;a - T.'.. - -I ....... 7 . 1- IHMl liUl in HI the Muw it raja vLI weatlxf" torauuAl, an4 aj sVh Tcrytjidreia tolhe rvxr ! The nffzlr of Grre Turk l . Te-nna ni tner were, arm luaaea We hve IrftnAui daiet ta lie lCh Jan. Ti ty f'.ro ua r-".l f tvitcU nrjHrtactP rU.l for tLeSUf JUith. iVtrt all patts dHstlseei; tnnit ilirc'sMng accents sje recrir- rvl of tl, eutiti cl tJ-e extrcrocfy ciU wratlu r, cLkh ccctlaued op ' to tl itc;t t!K. The mly al'tratian, rt a JLna- , 0 . . r i t!s s ne. mnv be a.d of. Pru?U: "net i anirt v irttnmir?, i rmce na I Snin, the cj.1t other tto cHiaj" efSaxnttj, and the I'riace f tries vvheie 'an w&acal ccBwa-J He? .!Un!ii.nr. ;: t ' ce offaciiiient taic!it Ls luAnl CtJ LeKr$ from Tan?!i snrnk rf a .y , -j;tkiM Tt:u ahciaiioa is nil ao'eir 1 K . UlCLAND. A let Jet ffVmLicrwk ef iLe ; KhS Jat. ajj a!! U exctfesyMU tht res jit cf tte f lectiott. ' O'Gray ia 0e popular rxikdk!te, . ilrxl i fa1-! gainni pn-nfivl." TL t- aa n titer JJ tWt SLiel will ct-r-tiialy ucceeJ o tbe rrprtK&uuoa : cf tle coor.ty cJ Li.si!i. . Tl Ffench pa pen fpeak f ener fclly well W tlie rrealicst'a Ue- , iaglLdagVltat io' wch'ltralo" ulpy a tbe LcnJaa f rei. Aa ; article ia the, Jorml de Dfbaie ' ' tn the 't;crt . cf lie ' Aaserkuul cialms, allaJeJ ia the if , '' worthy f tle?:on ttowa i!aat i hove ai cp,-,'o;;ua ppcr as J - tiiitlin?, ibiL'.tl!y, tKat tie kgiii rh.tcy of . tlrse el:j Kt bctct fcef ilvuej ty Frasr e; bat that tue ral qJC.tiani are, as ta the a - noti'it tlicreof, &5iastat!e claims Ffjince arson m cr.i r tL arilcTe oftlie L5ii:ar, treaty. ' - a K.a?l i!e. tt 4 - r fttr ecr.t. a ii-erised f b trnr-.mi r.f Frcnre, 'The .- . . i ; r. roau uaT air ci i. a icwf tragmrr.ts m vrtea aaap of ire carried to it by the esplusioa. Twa warehooscs wert ompJete!y destroyed, upwards tTITiy bes otiroofed aad shattereJ, tJ KJ e thcr booses base cot a pane t,f jlisj left. The Busier cf Circs lost ty this catastrophe is cnknoa, sis . , .. . , .i . . . : Ui auku ilia s-apji ri,ki- I'tea. re-I H ilivs preriaa aradocseii4 "V rose an4rejwtb r. wa tk rface a boar J tae Lae ' rf! 1!.-' " V . ,w Spencer, ef ."tett rcVX. rTe4 that itbonme, Joshua Ilethe'F. I l:ati!e ' si3 Silri NkLalass tl r Jredtfl, J. Goodman, T. 1. Starr -sWp,"'wV-6rr'"tas2r tesse! IBi,I Tn,nf nc rff cGcCs the mode ofcoii-Iurtir.jcciionsas Silulury. llcRspniin KtAh 1 ( srere ihw mp. '' Tle accoast beiW ? Su"lI .aB41 to rhicli wereU:f- h9 ft,tUlt lf 6Aa47alW,.SsmuclP. To.un ; dW not mecti.a the eaase cf' r! crr! rd, f?n,IrJ "!e,n'yS4! printed; "whi 'rroro'wn, after kas, Hemy D.lVrd. I t Mhls .eitrUt states.lgrifra?lr whabrtants ef Tariotis. , :riWgUnt a3.4fl t j the t . ' 1 'rankL, li. Fir Id, Jss. N. Lea ' 'Wkicf tras-daoe ta lie tew a Ijl1???? WnRi a Tvrf 0 torp-7trpar nh" ' . - " m . ... I tLe aVoution ct the tame, rnsila i! . !'. ,... The o.l furty to Mtnti are wccr i; P U commieI to the Commit ei. j tee u the wbo! Uause oothe state From Caftuj ewrfsr. JtSLp. Lo.Dps, Jaa. 15 The iacr- than's aodb"p cwoeri ntcr?:edj ii tbc trsic wiia tte new Aacrrfsa? v-i.-.w -:'-:".-. W''i - - - - - :sSv - i - . - itn, pointed at ifmcr ateeur j w ckj-j tos:.'rr, tnat Iftere Ijc printeu U the iidrr tlte be! mesa sf) forasia? eavtaiJ: report theemal numlfcr of e- essci.jJtoji t,wiicU ever the iarr - tXt f l.hcf trade ta' flwr abo!e cf ibe; ed a new Arncn Siates.socU beeomefth t ncpr .ir.rc tir.i . wuim , rsprxriii ci ihc nour fittrf, soz-J, iew aersey, lus, the, care ef the l rop-el Associ-f for the cottsUeratien of reports aud Delesrare, 1C27, !Iaine, 1C30, Ma atioif. It was ilec k!ed, howeterJcictinns. ; 4 rjrland.Tpdr'J, Connecticut, 1G35. that ihe trsile ef Mesico an.1 Co-1 The Spcal-r .laid before the Rhoile I.hnd, lfJiC,. Notlh Carols J imbt v aline appwited to carry the plan of the report intn tfc-t.S;rcttlt(r Pau. J-n. CO. Wc h-crn from .1 rert number of Cur- Ie 1 0 rorti of Aitmt; and been- co:cl a Carrot parts- of xUe - " - sc'in--.. A urga-mm j . -'".el t! Elnne. WSS ihe Ministry are'Car1 eCape Palo by the A! i any reuX JIT L4:1 a 1 e3t- . .. . 'Mr Jucpon says, x;jat sereri ycwig Princes cf Germany Lave ut i i retll fv!r the " throne of Prince id Padcr, ! actiIty la that jmrt Many Icl cttjilM tKstii wo alrea-iy at ana Uwrr aaifci orucr. Tin wa at!rtbutl the firgothtlons riih' the t r.y if lugy'pi tout lung an etpr!Itina ajrinst A'iers anJ netr di?posit!iiw for pfaclr.5 Trsr.re ia aa lai:osin positioii in Greece. x ' Senate, yestrruar, , pctf l:.metfriaI were prtseoteJ limri li, II k ruler, the two Cr tLs t.ju;':n?i:t ttt a timuftl- ; tl ILrce lo-1 tUczV tLe inlau i trade to Jleiktv ilr. ILiyur, from to t hirh ha.! bea referred so nrutb of L-e Fre-Irt.t i Mc$;a;e ai re-lr,, heii. called & t Ir tr I . ..I :M.. ..4 . a . rjr. The pslaciple rtof .the .'ayrns negatived f-y a was oer aed in the Iiriiiiu of- 07. Mr. fi Hit an Ibc amendment to te sener! Kip- intto the general n?- hilf rrrtetl by the a Finaace, for tr. L i pnrmauLJiiir rrrtetl by the voniuuire oa mxt tie prctij r the tit,ri ?i- rects tka rartbfthesppropfKia ta aba, ba ppRfti r the pay ..a - f m t aaeot of any print iujr ether thaa the ord-narj work eiecwtcd hy the pub He Printer, tt!es sanrtjuiwd hy a 7ecif e art fur that purpme. Oa this queition, hichailthated at rti Iceh, 5Iesr CI 4 ttlrrs, roof Jiuer, IJriazituM, and Saii'V of South Careloa, sepport ei, aai ilesr. TTMU aad ril Isry. opposed th amendment. .( . u Jv3tiV4 ie 3S Saving VHt ItftV r.-i.i l - n L , ' ,. , . . . tsrJi anj the 8ma.;:aer.t was Iot, iay. , Xi'Ci 4W. f al Fist Kosh.to whsh vera rc- naetaorpili Crpn inhabitants re7oetthrren: ahrchtemz read-1- r fTfe report Is a Jverse to sis- pernitnjthe tran.portat:oo of the aaa Js oa tbe SalhataJ . Y,-'--y Sir. (Xxtm movWI that 1 OOO copies thoreof be prihted foi the ue ef the members of the Ifrne. lit. Trj Ijt mored that" the re ',,'0-. ' - A divL-tioin ef the aiestioa en these mctifns nascaHed fcrby Jlr.J VctlJc; wben eT&.ai tpe'fetjaoat "t aise'l. 'j - r; - . - aS', - - "'" - - 'w, - - - if- : -u-. HI tie auresitATc.; ie..,,.The:se rarioes waUms crkst debate, 1,'u h continued oi! etpirTHnf f the hour allotted metit frU:e I'ost-U.hre routes on tthlrh tlie mnil i tr;m- ttrJ on SuutI ir, calVd f.r by thrllwu. eon the 21th f Fe!nt3ry ult-i vJi h let ier 4i:l stutciacut were hid oa the taUeiJ; ... v-'' V ' ' The House then oaia resolved itself -into - n - Cemmhtee-f the WtoSe, !Ir. Lark.ur ia the Chair. . . . . . , " Vti. Ltyal cenrhiiled bis aru-mc-r.t iu 4 jj jirt if Lis right t the scat. ' Mr. Xetcfon fullowcj in repfy, ainl frnihe until the u?ual, hmir of adjournment. iliea the Loiuant tee ioL; and the Uuue adjuurned. In tl Honra cf Representatives, the refJutioa cf Mr. I'Wio, fit the f riniin of ten thousand enj im of the report presented Ly Colum.1 JohtK'-i from the Committee oa tbftwt-'02ct-ftflil rawfteadairwjf the aect ef the -Sunday, mnils, was, nfter foroe obsenatierit from 3Ir. MiL'jrv, ia snppcrt of the pro toiiion, and call from Mr. lYk& life for the rretiotia cnesthiin. ear sufMect vbkh tis read, and ca wo T '"'a - - - , tlon of ?lr. Clillan an ejnal nutn her cf conies as ordered to be c .ratne letter repcrt ordered to be apjH rded f tlo C-r-f tper rtie. Jlie mujct tt the Ja dians Vat then taken up, the q Jc fiou bei upon tire mJtiii of Mt. Goodcnm to Ujvpnxt t!st ta!.!a the propcwitioTi to rerommit thereY"- mittea no Im'ian Affair. The tex c voe ef 111 to tK flotiseibutthe bfHir hrinr ex. the llrwrlut j4rcdt the dssct cf . ;: , j4rCtft tdjscofSHm was jrotn- ; fr,5irr tfTcn t(t!. - ,,;n for tie rc!icf,r Afr. Dera!r, -vn Wn ef MrAMon. deferred wntil this tan ard tJ.e House witt inti Ctmmittr f i li e Wlwle, Mr. P. P. Ihithetir iiuth Chair.Jcn the eor.totet! iri;inia rlection. "5Ir. Ifewtno cencbdrj bis rejnarhs in tindirr,ticn f his right to a r at ifi the !:cue. ; Aler a tutthrr and pn'UnurJ ilUcn iion, 5Ir. LotrII ftWLe ia reply, ati ttl after fur o'clock. Kr. " Fearce tasde an un? tcccsiful motion that ?h Committee t'm report pro Tresj, andoUa:n leave to sit ajin; bf, after some ohservsthin foni 5Ir. Alitoa, to i!e c-cttliat ia the cTti.t of the sitting jrta!er wih in li frj'.in to the reaiaikf of Mr. f jojall, lie shriM b- the lit per son to olfct t j jt; thi"tT'ticn was jrene'vreianil canted. The Com- f-irjertion et jir L.ianan, i t that the sittin j and tho ptftliAjr t raided.:- LWtha inr?miaa:ofL rr''"4' "0Iin ,Aver, member shnnli, together, s:'cfti HtfinULr, fhails 3ZcPonn!d. V and arranre the laws to he pr:rd, Omrr, Charles P. Moorman, in cotrpHancenUh the tc:s of &SorfJk UuirUttTllits.iiQi;i.nt tlw.se. ' A sVaihtngtoa" Crrrj ndnl ir.frmt at thstthf news fmni Jlex ico In if lotion to the reoiiUoii an nounced as hain iakon r.lace tltere, is not crrditcd at V'ahinr ton, Tho litnt intelllgerice recrir ed by the Mexican legation, as, well os thf . latest . froniotirhiS,aUQnT a r ltfToes ta.laxis'lloraa E uUtoU tensncc to th'f iiet. 'riIEL meniorara'a,- louna m the new A wrfie'fflrAtai-flsi krl1rf,tjta''Wa: settled in 1G07, V4ik, Id 4, Masiathnsett. 1CJ0, Ti'eV ll.inrr- thire, IGXt, .New Jersey, IC24, KicinJONP, 215.2 IVr wTrral J iv our ntv Leeti tliO rcoit vl a muititujc isi persons eflt)th scics, who ba eotae frcci diikrent tj-uirtcn .lajU tend t!i8 Method Ut i'ttuft-nnrr. The ... a nulmt has ucca t.lictl hi several ihmi uteri of much Iiticllo;i aud iuilu, ence in the Church--oiid from ear ly liht to a pretty ttdrafaed hour in . tho niht. The Conference commenced hn Wednesday the 17th inst, and was cyuclutled on Thursday the 2otU inst. We bare been favored niih the following aojutitmeiit of tho 1'rea chcr," (iiado during the Confer ence,) for the present year: Jax$;ltmr Dru7 Lewis S&t&aoiie, P. E. IlicAaekJ. t. Suot.l'tf . Ili'.l, .. Wr,). J. Ual!er; Trinity, V. A. Smith.' Jl'illiamurgt SaaiucI' llarrtll, DaU Wood. , . ' . . Uhuccsttri Geo. A. Kaia, Iloh- .ert J. Carsou. CurUi)ie Josdi. Lt J. . Da- er 'V "Ioun: Cfi.fHT, Robl. Daily, Wm. R Arnlmt, J. Boyd, 1 1, S. Try ton. Ca5ja,TiiBbeft Scmi, Kufus Lcdlcitcr. tupcmnmrar$. SUforri biftrict, Jon.i Ea rly, lynellttrgt BlartinP.Parks. IhTflitre, Urnmt T. Dloke. litJorJ, If. A Iley, J. Powers. Ctttyklli C. I. each, I. Suufc. Jluckixghcn, Ucnnctt T. ilatcy, A"rt C. Cartofi. frtrsci'k, W'tn. II. Etarf, An- i.."ri HJeiL'Ljilurt, J-ha X. t'l I ! I AV. Chills, Cwhiiid C ia. . ' i 1:as I lFZ?.kl: Ja '"A" Wm-!oh si. neiniorr.am. - m a i. invsa ink x'r!it, Joha V. Whtte, Ceo. , ti, 0:Bl (ijf f wUkit " Uerfrrii--Ifihcrn. - - U ilh wIu t aatkt, lie Street l, - T. 3Iocrman. .VeiAT, George JLlwxJ, Junes ll'Inahh Xtvt Dalrirt, Jos, Cxusoy, P. C KcitUrn, Leroy Lee. Jlditgk tVy, Ahrutn Pcnn. Jtahizh Cimrit, Win. Cotnf ton. Tr, A- Nor mm, D. Wattrs jr. Jkavfort, Jhn D. llohueai. ' i'traigkht I 'enry J. E ant, 7dii ii'ictr, Ja. W. IkU.'Juhn J. Carter. Tar jiiixr, Ileoiy Speck, Henry D. Weatheily. TnjtaiihLtt Isae Ilsynts. Ill Hint, J. Itcid, J. J. Ilkksw Suota llltt, Witiiain Anderson, Thomas S. Itsnson. YatllUVUtiuU M. does, P. E Yadkim-Ciraut, SrMiKwi-W.-l Head. 1 E. . ' X Svfvtl, Gecrge V. lly. . Pmtmcvth, A trn m hi r rell. x I2iftnlun, Thomas Ilarnum.v ,N erooti Ektide. , MurfraitHtTt, James Per. Gnh$anJ lfrriie Ja$. Mormon, ane tjletvpflu J. t Siffink, Irnin Athinnoii. ' ' Cunhha, J.i;ailifu W'iilismf. Fisher, jloanvh Dittrul. Pexj.. PcviicY. P. E. i . "v , TUvam-lr" Circuit, T, It. Crame, James Ji-rin. Cranttl'e, Vta. Holmes, Ceorre W. Pve. IVtiiJanzhm, Georje f. Gregory, V!imtru!h, Wi!.on Han liff. AlhrnmU St-und, Wiihaa XJ. -5 torttmuth andTOt'racoc!;. Rnv. mond R. Mhwr. i' tiiifird, JijHi;mi 31. Ibirncs, Jltijax, bt( hin U . Ju-, jr Uull, Cviiftrcace .'.lijiiona. ' WiiLusi IbrnfitU, rot returned fr ;.t 1m !:HiJ. ' , -lit C-I'tli, t4t"' ATJlf. The nest Conference f,cIJ ct Acrtleru.Fel. ICIi IKJI. ; T .. - Cx,)ujikr, rronU.fkii1hI!''j:fr. . From the Krport of Gwrti Gratiot, Chief of tho EniueT Corps' ta the St-crctary .f War, cti'5n arroMtit ,f tho progress of Works tinder hi Pcartmeut,': c eximtt the f..lhmin notices relative tu this State .. : - , , Ctrrt4'yr.i"-Tht prgr -.if eiavr lions on this work has ml I -- o grcut as Was rsprcted, tmiijr, as -the ujcrintrndin Enintt-r rtpre-. scats, la itiilicu'lie, th'uh htu arUcn in proeutiug a suCcient supjJy of bricks rf a swituUvtpudt f y nod t hi s be lnJhejbef u ; r.tta uci in the t'ii.tiin ti.'H, t..e waik has Icra ii-ce-aily rr thrilfd. It ii . Loped . I ha t ar re ncjuu til - w soon he madu to" oh w to tiry fr ther rrtihr'ttt'isTnjecTr'"'" riot lie tmt rtj sr. the . opsti stcjW- of this wot k hiss been r&nuttieJ in h SHtifactsry manner, aud a j?rrt coition of iu raasonryis uuw viti pleted. " Ocraral Mf,V. C The r at ions under the acts apt epritrt funds for the retnmul of ihtt sbmtht that obtract the cst?tioh cf this inlet, hue been as yH fo:fir ei t i the renstrcctioo and prepartit cf tho necessary rnaciiiuery. ,; Tbn ?Ljfc rictendii' Fngiuctr a Frt i Uncoil, ufcJ,r.-vl-4ciK-H- ihi rnri!iur1. trfin m t.t.l.. armtnt r f La diti,c free. .....?. . . m . tft anrtlif r tulirrr of Engfut r, by vt hum they ill be Cunuu iif d on the romr le'.icn f tha tcarhiney, whi b )vis been someahat ih bjcd hy the failure of Ceotractora. . , C?e-r Hirer, A. C To a voitf, if pi si Lie, trnpo',Mf rtw di ties on the b'ttpriihteifhii Ertn eer ct Ouk F'and, it am rt pr tjoseu to place W.o eprations lv la-prctirj tlie lias tatit a f tl. titer imdrrtbedirrctumeftheSta'e Authori'ieav tot the Ihwrdef In terns) Improveir.cntsofX4th-Cnr. ohna, hating requested that a dif ferei.t rocrse mj!t be fsurfwn,?, they w r r e afien ard ftxtn in charge to the store rnrfjbaed t (Ti ter, wlo has mtsde snitallc arnr tner.tt li t rarrvin? them nfi. TW - - . . . CT - " Jitfr.etr: ire season at w.n1 b.i wps put !n rharje, ntid ihe et hrs. thinr's t f the iirer horrs in i.n l!Mrmcr, hn prevented i he ecronc ir-timrnt cf reu'rh noik ptciitus- j Ki tho 30tU ej ten.hcf l.tl. 1 r 1 .1 fr. Cr WvV .vei fit peri in XI r U tot" ri h ; f ti ts in I he iuo. thwr and Arnhtc rtiaotur the raurts ' f the present stasias un of biiii.e, and ren;ral th prrssicn i f cortgii- ruhitral, mnnvif utwrii!, and t on men ltd rt urr rn. The optimiie presd, is supported by tloetat rr t . al-itb clraily UrnionMrsto I lie t or- rcttness of the pesiticn taken, hi. 1 cviurrs a desire on the pntt t f ihrf finttnitlee on c mnif rre, closely i investigate the suljctt, and to ilk tain a kno!ci!jfe cf oil lLo raut bf tUvtBHnrettiin'erf t--efil t count frrlludiQH (Hat, Ti mjtrarire in JVVej.wX,flF projwm.iiiit n Cnngrris hi pit i rt f. the illnrjhntirn of ardent spir'.'s n raidhij men in the Naiy, tlrtcrrrs univetnl favor, lensinee et f ht the youth belortgif to the si nit- in hate hmi aerored, tut foi as tf ; . Lsihle, frem the fs-rrsj tnt ton to rn cess whic rrrdiires ih-'grcd.ttK f. H vruUU- r; t Xutar y i. ' : - : ;": ' Y'.