VOL. XXVI..... JSo. 12. IIDI-NTOX, N. C. SATURDAY MORNING, 3IAKCII 20, 1813. VaiOLENo. 1212.: roa tub rsorxiEToc - 'rewsaTtj nuiirt 1 1 pt jail la a.Jee. fcfa Jcr w Jl to toajs'a oa . gsd ctn;Acrtrl liable far pjrMKxst T as ia4aa period, ' m ia U AirrtitrateTt warned al a'ty enrta fr fcjrxre fcrf tbe rt, t tuTt r tt for every trqt Urnrtis. h'-e?4 wines to 4Lcanr4 kotvs 4, iJ- ' Lsuan 10 ft Ciiifjr, bm Ve fMt QPJ. "MI" "-' -' ?!!Si.,",M ."I II! i; Trom t Ttrsta Ewpariwaa. ' TUX MUOAUC.rJT ADtCMCU.' . -TLlwer ' Tbr teaK" ;:tf M Start, Aad mi At a rtiaend cwr. That. ti4 trawd the ti'vper'a bwr. suffice. Thegreeo botirht were Ifcact!y seen w Itb the fj!l-L!owo far tekar.pjareJ tie L!ue arch cf hovca ta which the cJ'e of the was sibhio, wheu a rta f prar from the bushes, an J, ttistaijj iuto the water, cuiU WdoftLe stroma ! lady. . Willi the tn!-Lt ci des ptrallou, Ledrcw Ler to the shire tie sweet UiseoieJii 'iriesy" iJe Ee feJTKe;aiSl tcTrlescribe-e'sj" s.i cT " LcarJiLeicfitJarf clLitiIiu:isBjia a sfrasge country ucil aw$?e' muc II stfpprJ Ckeae-i a nav of the e&ct .. this oiurrsmtc .. Ears.i :.ca larwarc pl hupetJ, fc unpos&ose. ictJ to! L&xJ to LI Lr.LaJ as if ia deeplclose U U hhfc; Lut he resetted hua-" ihocjHLi aa J acce raore cast a sot- jself a letter shortlr. cfter. innrminjr hint ofiL. ' Oh! my Gtfcf, to describe I 'u appearance on reading it. Oh! Charter , ev d3;Iirr erirl u Crever ta Ksrtei, casun krr ejes up at ; linJ, maie a Ut uereme eu:tiire jbeirx a fciaaV itl tlieo-a30tiersaiJ tet nrjr first actl cr.Iy e tp, nutans cull to te?3. Let tLej j I-Jte.' ibe a ta u.e arms of axthrr IIe of Ccse" seceded to test. The! La in ia Lit ea-erncss, disecja star were aIo seea ia iLe Iistance, j cd ber from ibe gra tbe ccs- row eye to aria tie tLteJ- anJaaCie lovers were razing ia J potuiiu IIuailarJ. Tie ean JcatiTaa lwt IiakJ a few iTirs! voruler catLi msz'.e set tie. Lcui-riian. Lclnr tLtu !ran srer i below LLa. a&l Kse iarw vcxrae ai tuj!;c, aJ i.Lifrifttl to her at-f edJ, a Le a to rire tesixnl tljt he sa.v umctMn!eao!it otoe Lraectelr whldt Lu eL Uaric; wi:!i da tie ses5e pss tJLuT. , act! ait!i Kie an a-' Wtl ws kept altne r.artr, as!Ua girl 'fte tby&irr taJ bow jurat iox Ilcwetcr.it at!i oi, j re-tin for a uiotueiit, La ct l.-striUcotar&Il llrwig! Leaveaisa (lies cacrs fisnr, and ccthing ! fiial anJ ei tauMcJ, rrit Lt d .'! i beIf ere u t!ie raji! az J f I ki gba nere vrz$ rcsrair r it, a ground- X't the t' f Lli'rts cfrrLuuss, waeatLe puxsced )r !ciJJK.3ie Ijt te eoe arctea Uvt Lc fui.tLka strrtcLcJ ttce tL war- 7 ' Ll, ? th? jrrs wU.kb cnrl ' au of h; heart wa not to rm.? rirllTtLeBame ofLli. r.i"-. vrt i he tx.t iio fffitn. bOt IJ'.Urr i-reu; ... " . . 7 in.anamrKrsBivi W a ' ' t rii . W I t'lm V I :T lfTn wkw KiT X 7 9 ' aw T ... .... . ..... m m. j 81 fiotntheatjr cf rtula!r!;Lia. The j cnxas caerchast ta4 drprte J Tram Lif residence " with the Lriitttt iropecU of ecrtM iuppirteis, and tu iLe- h- Olil mj f.4iir bas . reined ine fr eier lie spoLe firaB'JralJy mi ev try scene iLxt occcretl ttneen iLeCi. . I' remonstrated wiUi Lim, saj iu. Lad sl-e ln ed h:S3 she; wc.bM. cot icarrj another; Lut Le ,;!, . by aotuber Urpareuu as wci! as aaw a ram re n t liearrirtdat tho diieflip of Li f.ilr nr. tfc rrenir rti rttl:n tU Ly oa whkhia.ttato Leaail ny. It had been a (4eas&t diy ia proceeded tone ofthe raot eni-w wt tfccrc. lc wgs b(liF J Jiw, a a tie Irid -e waa pa - t.te muiit Uiti adrectarer uere?,j,e2;ltc Li, ., U4ej lie crt tLera a U.ey lrettL!ea, UUchr to the tcft m;l , so KjtXal, Lut w hat w ere Lli fl S3 h aUd tarrowa? odr, tsd oercr jrhaf did a Lu-fit;, ooitiatbe was there lie lihimtlded as thy jaAsed ir c.iatrca.t fesf crcaier '" looted wuf a tLet-lAmijdiI,t- Vst ts rr1' J"5" aaa aiitdg wabt-a eiij-waB-wcrt -ttB nf . my oaribBff-tfir-&- ttrethiaa those two Uinrs td MhaJ seta thccTko ?av tud Up .Jrta IX--UtJ, raivr s eaUa and e-lj0 pfcujr5fh.ie1.trT, w:-t t-ec tif c$ tl fcia rt&r: is-Losa' arcr 'X caamatmllttroat-1 oe? b- es; tlse raocait-L:; ?ie eoce v. hit b ca? .'e were s woild.!saId Le, ii cow a LZaaL--.ua. oie. It awdd Le imposu!de for; tae ta adtf rt to a!! his detracted ex-lres-ioas. l,Vfcen, full be, wl?l . f see ht? Oh neTer aaia." hcanr- ml write - full; I am now wrtlf a nav i.iitrni- I.i Lla CtIor at.. i. Br.ael"ailed with it, ud ! fast - wL-c,tkei:.i zrx t gi e yo s he cut .. Li Th: IahaJet of ereoins ttole oa. the fcar- ? T f ir.u: ' Leo leca Li zz! 11.1 na rorpea 1T coe were Tallin Leseai 1 rrtb slJ ! Ilcvr Li tkfl I. the af- The Ky ca opcr his Ilia full a,a ahkh a dljir d. nd afur Ut McfCsceurthclcmLkh ysjLrea fc!ad a loch U tfcy l.,,t. r,n, .t.:: x .rwltettxe 11 fc cf L ri 1 x3 ..r.,. Le-rj. aWt-ets-erta'laahovk Le-jladj lair, seste n,Ied ahflut t viroard the beat little riUa-e ef ; -aia, Use-.Urd raoied ,iU iJ-; ,ner. hi tunes W BlEth ikt treu.tB ta rrccr.s rtk ia a let Let. !.kh, befr, ' I a rlU the Wt prl calt!e -Tft 11 W v!"r ;-f thrir wrr1ors Imt instead u!1 La aaJrxrwt itto, I eerer raw tz!a Iw'nu I ct Cut ha aru,llamhard itmti f-r ..h'er t r ' J h,2 tU Mr, itU aheiUwU. Tie fuiMa.poar ticua to otchaagi.g U-e i. 1. thcbaolicfthe .treats wlkii ll fir I !r. -CwcI tkrc.tr, of tiuiUrd, ilej rlher ieerea-!1' LocUdai trned from Lu Mte Looe. AI,. tnread.iuiaa tmHUe or rJ 5 Uah'1 1 r'nrc Ufthtt ti- r:-f, a he tl wi-at tf i.erltVtJcts4 P"1- T,cr Lli er. wwu!J t 4 tha arper ead of the tlta; " he- P!ati:? s;.6,irtH.!c whea U f: tA tha,tad iafcifSLiiswordto,4re r, Lad Le Lla .gaia. liiS; the trca votarifi rf Cu;!, J-Ji. J f ,Lcf -tSiJ tW U-jWyjcraks, Tie f tLetnu tr..faTj f eatU fcosota recve4 aawwnai - Vft - - : -::; WM IM"l r:7ar.Tr.-" 1 rr -m .1 " " .-r. ' . UiCUBIB Will 11 Vl l'l .w ( - , - - 1 ' - . . . ... wreae which wa no rreseated tMnUUlsJc IXA t fat nL i?e UoJ wi ;il ,a iJLtr l.ff f: a'! tba tiew. TU Utan tf tie r- " tie .ath?ttUh wouud la buuif X f-tr-ta-jCgLt it ts droed t ,crait, re tI3 inraClcd tr a IteezrJ ?TLe sctce, B1y goA.. ad I Shrwb the LuLra of tht Uh-ofjM A the Ma of that Kaal totLat Lirh fpnacttcia i IIM1 fprraJ oat hit a airror, re-jteuUi ta it ctar,w rouiau d ; Ul Le tou!d see Luraaa;1" . f ? trK? 'J atTcctWts. .ol ai.de vpea it; an.! the water, ! thk, w:thoat Uij -.barueJ. uj Uca f..riacd jcrtlr lj if1'?' f,:i CH, if:- 1 wc br,heo ia their e, Ttr P.ra " -JUL! Sir. ,rr rff tLv tU Ji al?J -.f l fe.? 7fr 1 .1 ... ...ti.uk 1. .t 1 i I t,iM Hour cLara'p " whi-f . - 3ufihe dreaia was the torstf a red wtea toe Kal Caid ran acsrcelf 1 the rtream, tob!ta .tl f iJi.c. ,ow ':ate Iiamlard threw LiaiMl! . . . . . . f. .. , I t,.H.i!Urfii. -1.. n.iiJtM?airtrrdTcath.Sta!.r ,r .1- j J. ilmttaarsr ewlr U ulo.ieapa$s;euochiL L-J haJ ritca tha oane cf the -rocatrsaXM a rr;a l Male of I&k." The two trsa-ipttaiv-e." Icrer La J emtrrcd .viTt "the ah v Ah rt bit res 1 U c of the r pcrsca be saw, sp- A waaiy: wa o a . f K Le li u 1 t 1 . it. t 1 t fm iuta a fllcf tcarif f,t Xoee- ed In-UeUkcdM at the . Lo '? ta 'lh.V 1 . . . to.-. . ... . . . . i-jit- ini u? nisxTrvr: im bj us: iik i 4itarcaleiaa!.iratiei'aocwsk.i-jtJ, l.csi-a, artj, Ueu tartur : raja tvrre ijtrt t tm? their- ..t t . r at'ca at t!e fuut ot the rrrra laui uti ahtcb they were stand "Audbow lardy, tald bard, Md thoa r hiiurra at'eear loohinr out frota the Utile abrtt . fjl tilers vi !.t ir i.e te rvt,arai routed by 1 he -anatrie tears 1 -1 urvia Heir t It rt rrecn a:.d ta t u;jr ; Lira Lad fut soaie time bea Luli- ? , re tHnft, here of thojc f ittei-i wen- While ia tliis Uic he ll-'4 " tih'e, me ue-rd tc!l ocr readers;, tsdila' aar- ry of the that spreads a!on that side cf the j epos tier rdtrt gwn a;.d ta tluirnLirh Lad iwt oo!. , - ' - JnoobLght ihhs. IJjt there U;cd,aed Ves," rej'.'d KcsaU, U C wer which raar Et U.Utli tojtaUftby a cue. wLkb iud that bridge wbirh farms aa aieh- 'he j-JareJ n tl-e I tea: of oo? Ihe way erer the waterfall -thas howr I Jute, a.J a! theie rrrls he th ith.hiee from 4-e m t be .gse1 tssoe, a- aut aCaoe- ah all aiice-d tn ards ; era asaus f Irsli whtcli the - KNtads tavttathxeat fcr a oea Imw tji EV!ja "ptmm" Jia a7 ' - toTEamB st terse: . A foet erestilcfltaav aeo&sia el fthe cUi- ai, AiTOed an ; Ltdr, ia Li el ia the Lark rroanJ -with thercei?t the lxit ta rrsrfa a rose i)rrecd d. Hut eVr Xc Led rMoe C.ihtia laurctllte ackhhrhocid little !! ncs,';aJ two l.gU hearted betasto rotnplite the fie tan, would raa . drawiiij, which would gratify the rtf peoi4e rlacu Lxicd ot.t ucai asut repose : at any srw the aaic was LioLrd It rrrw w kb Ida y owth, acd was re ta as crcra iriu!rs, U't ikh iiuz and liumuard Ull rnsrit -lc'- aral Lete"3 Lnr:t ana hts rerotcrcd frota the swooa lluicd. TLe;ousz ladr Lad no i bed Lis eyes, tbet .-11 ea a l-jauttae Lwt a tsewt f refoseslKg brio pasir alorr the bsfhrt; 1 irsate azd a.LJL uipoi;Ia, he a very pretty fia wu--re Le wis. t ilaacc eras. As Le I suppose ir l;t,ar.l!!:e se lut cw ocrtcrojar.d n heart tf you ci-led. : A shriek frota Louisa, as the ( male i ex- ( Lut ejr ' Le eotdd tae "a seroij j i.e wzsaa But think yea net, Miss K3a-;cliisjrd, "lly Cl, wht tare X jjfhicce, th araraocc tdtau.-b.jccdctfvjde, I, that a Tittle boatoa the U;Wta Id 'net" I'uf t tunaulr Lew as 1:3-12.' Hear'rrfwajelow sWrs," IbeTle cti!ei rouLl bare a good Jarqia:ctcd with the art cf ani. neciallr, if frota it a i oirr, aod ia Iis fright, Le thour' t n"t cfiia the I4t;c poucr wbn i raijLl yet bare l-cca excited. Xle was liohJn to the trpjier jKirt of the boat h It co- pi red to. he a hat had be faro tcca dfiiomuijt ed, the bcttosu, ani, O, oilscryl Le saw lh,e nasi! cfhcrwboca helov- e J, ff,&'inj ot the calia sorfdee of aid, cftho water wouL! bare anfcaiaoce, ei h!u3 eye should am;Ie orer tfw dear stream There is nothing wantiri'to make this like the land of fktion, sarc saca a bcia a joor elf, fhbti orer jho aratcr by taoonlight, ia a little fkiiTwhirb Should bare you t maoace it, teturncJ the lady, "ia otdcr to tcake the sp pcaraoec truly iaijrrcs tite.M TIm-b' ta ous . iRotr,ent ..ta id 4IRUrii Vwe wiUlarc the reali It .resented bef,ire ms." - At ahTJt Irt banded Uri iirt a a boat ahkha at AtMeaed ta the hank, aad gitio; a r lijlit--twerjr wit Ir the- ocrs,- they - were oa the" gentle Lotont of the lake.- lliere was a tloodl or two . anecnding in the west, bat t:nnrtio ed by the !ibteyrs Itcamin in meJj ctEl of, aa ,a- , trsTsesiahhe t52h poor. cctScoiaa tad Lut tao teas went toward the f dare Iroeiwlikhiajad tw oawghlcrs the two laicr thejr case, hut to Li sarprtse, fonud carried, a few rustics who were, at tL2Lecr?iLe sihje ca eeatarsiaa, SiWtt cf tils ralcXJ car&iire. .f the mht eopactd ta tsha:;;wzs the etdes Us the father and Grvm his fAkx? if they - Lad ? lraricf of bk swa attathfit. be seeo a.youas wooiaa b was toU i iadactd aae, a 1 was tsy ess taas-l teat they Lad seta' soacr- rora eoa-jter, ta arCO'-xpaaj lis sea ta the la- irj ipt? b aloogtbe path tn the cp-1 oes. Ta cecrile lis trzctLxi HK.te side ofthe i-lr. aad as they juf aist4 atUrur Creed &ess the i beardthe rrv t f do-lrv&s, thnr jlI ikdtfLIlEjriLeLcriri2;aiia- a T a a a - thewratets. JLmitsa bd san?s--4iUt i supjxed th rjtri Lad sated the c4 ths.a drscrlLel iry ae. I&hal jct at that tairci.t she rose, aad I youns la ly fro i Ura nirjc. Aacser-.!y siy e set si!; oa oc de lltiaXari. mstitz KiMfe-fHittfJita fii?s,i!i,j?er;s . fa- fxt.f3cht h?T. hf llje .anaa. iajhe.: bri3.)hear' wa2oviIiaLuir iTictiHhXll iiija. i pacr?r to the wcaia ihand.'whkh. wat!rj;irrrenca ..of thw vosajr zaaa ta-. tm Ife ira.s arat the shtr, Lut the wajoo. the h? ofUt ieam crty jd-s.5.r,v.;II kr't t'r e-n atry aad l m r j t4t ro uwt j twit u - w ; as arr fjaiti ajuiijioc rtnl en the Wttom, and tt amar ; ed that both taut sir tcrt rrare. Ilaml appear ; Ins eepps irsrwoo. love, and coming to 'the. elr ofijotinr nvio tuld wilungly bare the tilaad. Ilumbard pansrda ro-JjiTrftLularffe lortnae lr a puns men to gaze oa tNcuraora.whu Tbei.Lrr-S whea Le tntref.ced Lsr mtt . j - 1 2 k iiito a wa-jniao boded biei'KHue rltflawc a-jehe waso.b!y ta Le secata be ad liard eiicj fjr i bow the upper end of the little is-1 sliced, aad this a trr Lrt Cose aiUncr, bot few ofthe sithtera' laod; and, Uddiaj: them gJ iefsuxie with the world. A Colo- arrest irrin at this Lour; and thcjnkLr, the 300th, aita. - swruJ rrl ofraak esl ber at a lisiL C?3io strps bent his way towards the ; lose aith Ler. proposed tW ber to dwelfinff of LnTintendt'd father-io-jber U:Lerh'e reatow'sU'aiice'ia- Uw. At eery Lrrath Le a!ed Maced her la atrejt Of so advacta shlnuth the aky was bttiiijiic.-: tores a proposal V Ther were Bat the heautitul p-jLKat!wy eouw tiare uniieu t. lithe biiihrs ttresrnt- ithe slKre. lie was nnw lostnj Ins ia laia ever prospered in the worhl wlihont the ectisent ami eo ojerMioa cf Lis tfc. let Lira le ev er so fru cril, indaarioos, cr success-, fj ; aiI k avails auiLlr.g if she,, is atLitlUttl to tLb trui4 or profosely thnse sects wtich tod and apt.ltca- ... S. I T" . I .. ... - t; au.ru. mi II UtUtea IK IV 1 teal etuhearcars, cr rewards IU la butr with aa ei'cVaring smile, Uh iat eoiJire will Leresvrt eiiher to fcr esrchaiItsrorfarx? Cy oer lardi? ssi! open the sea? am i diS nr Iu!Vllfnl:lff rAmirM if I Lsows thit jt b act jpecdip j l is ftrtth ra rain, Lot that Li U- locr ul Le rewarded I t the saects cf Louse? How tltHghiful it is ta Lair a itrfx.d to cheer, arid a cr as pacioa to sothe t'je sclitarr Lcss polctaiect tuter iuto the Litorr tf aaj nVan's Hfe, aad he U tut half provided for bis o-age who finds, bat aa associate for happy hour wh'de iW rcocttj .of darkness, "tin s-jatpaihiiln partner i$ pre)oredI rVodeaee aul foresight ea rtl ihcr wardtfthe stroke of tHienw, cor prevent the calaaiUies ticU are ctdai-ed tyheavca. Adutuce caosatfurcLa.se rth'ase frora palij, ccr tctmcss cool a &ver in tha LInod; a Leart ready ta sjmjiailJbe uih trtider drop of coffirsaion; asj a t;:e tuat is ahscA.nty Innind piatl?; aed astofntoseju derives t-Ji;ai uorn fiat.CfpiTliV, f f " --' !"- " persons iiidtttrd n this Oi!tce, Cr nlwrnptioa or Jitt Work, are repertAIIy requvsted c'sH'oa 3rZ JVii.' Crimii aiiil rh.e;e " their accoucu, at he i fully tnihoii zedta receive j aNuicfet ar.I ; jrtf.lifWllta ch xvrau 1 czxe V -V A"