J ' " ' I 2 - ' lit , I AnnvAL of the Atlantic FOUR DA73 LATER TROM CPKOPC. No change in the! Eastern Question Embarkation of EngUsKTroops-The Sarkiti--A slight decllnr-ln Cotton Breadstuff Advancing, &c. . , New York, March 7. 12 o'clock, ?. M.-Steamer Atlantic hs arrived off o.-A., WnAk whne she i ashore but will ,nd City of Glasgow wiarooMt "j. Sal at" U,vrjoo on the night of lihl. V 9 V . ' " the CzV leltexfrom Sr.PJersburr, in reply to Napoleon's epistle ; retc.hed :5?aiff oVtb'e 18th; Nicholas declfnes to accepf 1 the proposed arrangement sub. SStted I to him. The Paris Moniteur the oGdial organ; says tliii put I an end .to ali:hope-of peace.; h? J - : ! Troops were embarking on the IZd rrom;LSveipooltDublin am) Southamp ton tor the seat of war. X j X-,X'X!yM Vi "Ships were fitting .out. rapidly, at . all I the ports for the Baltic fleet, I 1 French .roops afe embarking from Af ricafox Turkey, i ; , ;" ! Nothing new had transpired n on the f Danube, .Oraer Paha wa trengthen iiiKaJafat; U reserves were advan cing. to.Widdin and AlUviza. The camp i afShumla waa broken up. -yXX-' Vnrtifieations were zowz ort at Con- tantfri'ople. The health' of Ihe Turkish armyXatid of the allied fleets Was excel- "lent.JT-.1 V'-"" "H : X r- X . Six thousand meji and twenty-four nhips left on the 7th under the escort of ' tiEnglishteamer. . ; ? y jRwa reported. that .when the French and English troopsj arrive, a mtaure wiff be 'proposed 1 byf the ' Sultan ' to the Dtvari, to give Christians and Moslems equal civil rights; '"'. ' A v.3An important debate had taken place in the, English Parliament on the .-Turkish question, and the! army and navy sup plies had been voted. The Queen had Issued a proclamation forbidding the ex portation of arms and amuniuon anu ma- were seen riii engines fTfA dreadful colliery; explosion had oc eured at Ince Hallfl sYVigan. One hun dred men .were killed.; - . The Queen and j Lord Chamberlain have notified Ir. Buchanan that he may appear ' at. Court id any costume he chooses to-wear. " j '"i , The King of Naples was attempting to form a general Italian league. - i f i The war is very popular in Russia. Joseph Slarge and; a deputation ! still at St. Petersburg, but had not the Czar. , 1 -j -Xl : -. LATEST. "' " A:. U Liverpool, Feb. 22 Three thousand troops embarked here to-day. ,. The Greek Insurrection again had as- .v6umedta formidable J'a-pect, .Six thou I sand were in arms in Macedonia and i jfhessaly. l ' X X ' ;; Telegraphic' n;po:ts state that the Rus ! eians weie boinbariling Ruthdiuk. An-improhable rumor was current that the Russiam had taken 7 Turkish ships of war. ' This finds no believers... -. The utmost enthusiasm prevailed in England in favor of war, V " "The English funds! were. languid and Hid declined..., Consols closed",. at 90a 00 1 for account and 9UJa91 for money.. - It'ia r-trpnted that if Austria- does not immediately declare herself unequivo cally, France will .-end an army of 100, dOOmeiito the Italian frontier, and the same force upon the phinish frontier. . ; markets. ;"; ;( :t . j ' Liverpool1. Feb.22.-4Cotton was flat j at l-16d, deciine. ' Sales of the three .days 19,000 bales, of which 1000 were to exporters, and 2000 to speculators. -iBrown &. Shipley nwote fair New Or- -leaps Gf l. Middling 6d, fair Uplans 6Jd, iMiddliiur f)l- Thre are extreme rates. Breadstuirs continmed torise. ..Wheal po hostile that the Russian ; sbidierr are! forbidden to go more than a; mile from the camp. MrrBentincfc in, the Hisft .of Com motis called !be attention of the Govern ment lb a paragraph which had apreared in aborning paper, (the Times,) upon which he wished toask a question, Line paragraph ran thus: "The circular for warded to the diplomatic agents of Aus tria is in the following sense: 4 Austria considers the -armed-invention -of the VVVstern Powers in Turkey extremely dangerous.- Austria ha lull-ronfidence in the loyalty and rectitude ff 4he Em peror Nicholas, and will take' (B neces sary measures' for securfng her own fron tier' In referehee 16 this he wished to know whether the Goverment had ' re ceived, or were in a position to give, any information upon'the subject, - . s; r Lord J; Russell; In answering .the question I can onl say , ; that this ia one of those reportsconyeyed by. elec tric telegraph, which are often seen.; in the daily papers, and to which no ; cred it Whatever is due. The Hon gentle man'cannot suppose thatnlhran ianwer for all the reports that may come by telegraph.- Laughter.j Sometimes they have a portion of truth,' at omers mey are wholly false. 5 ,; ' LATEST BY TI1E ATLANTIC.' London Feb, 22. Authentic: advi ces from St. Petersburg state thatanotUx er warlike manifesto had been issued, levying nine men per thousand till A pril 15th. " ' - :. r Marskilles, Feb. 19.The last ac counts from Constantinople state that the Russian fleet baj bombarded. Ba toum, but withdrew 'without effectuig much.i ' WP'- . ' K ':tW- ;! The, Russian bpmbarded Raschtschuk (a fortified tpwh on the Danube, oppo site Giurgevo.) pnUhe lOth.'i The I Turks were taken by surprise," and had oae of their steamers much damaged, and six small vessels rendered unserviceable. This affair gave rise to the report of the destruction of six J urkish ships ot war. Paris, Feb. 20) P. M.-i-The crowd on the Bourse to day was immense, and the funds of all kinds gave way. The Three's declined 2fr. "5 centimes, and the Four's and Halves 2fr. 45c. Carroll Spence, U. S.1 Minister, ar rived at Constantinople ori? the 2d., in same evening the emagrantsi gave Saranac and Le the Saranac. On the Hungarian and Italian him a serenade. The vant were shortly to. go on a cruise in the Black Sea, for which the Sultan had already granted a firman. : Intelligence Was received in London that two Russian frigates were cruising off Madeira.' - All the Turkish Consuls in Russia have been obliged to give up the exe quater granted to them. Turkish sub jects had been placed under the protec tion of Austrian agents. v A letter from Paris states that the re ply ot the Czar to Napoleon's letter, was long and argumentive, but at. the same time cowched in such' personally ! offen sive terms to Napoleon, that it has been decided not to publish it. : ; Letters from Constantinople state that a legion of Jews had been formed and placed at the disposal of the Czar. COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE London Money Market.- The En glish Funds were languid, but without any actuallepression; "Gonads, closed on the 21st for account at 90a90j, and for money 90ja91. ! . , London Produce- Markets -21s t DEMOCRATIC PIONEERv - - DEMOCRACY! iKZi TUESDAY aiORNING March t4 ;;rJCf We are indebted to the Hon. G. Ay Grow; ' of Penn; for a' copy of hs speech on the Homestead Bill. " 1 - r The Hon. HXM. Sha wX will -accept our thanks for a neatly, bound copy of the Statistics of the U niled States , X I $$Vte have received the March Nu. of the People's Journal.' It is illustrated with sixty-one engravings subscription Sl.OO-per annum. iri- .f-Hi-i: ... . ; ' OThe vote on the Nebraska Bill in the'U. S; Senate evidences very clearly the position .which the two parties of the North occupy upon the question of slavery. - ,.i...v.':X,.. .j.';': :V .-;:;.- .:;-X4.X- X We know that it will be contended. that the vote was not a test upon-this point, but of that there cannot be any doubt,' when .we recollect the terrible onslaught made upon it by the abolition fanatics, the denunciations lavished upon the bill and its author.by these proftssed negro-loving white skins, and the ad missions and assertions of the free soil leaders fin the Senate. The was one of vital interest to the South, for upon its passage depended the final stoppage of the "slavery agitation, and MR:VKERR'S SPEECH. .who know nothing, of it it he wouiajsioaoi our .uevouon w ine greai uerao-, the ;neerh of thWW Jrave read the speech ot . this gen- J.: .i..t.St-1.V"'.'fl' thouirh thwarted for a t m we arnr w n u 3ucii:ca. uviii iu win". . " :o".--- - i-- tfemeh, delivered in the House of Rep resentativps, on the 16th February, on the Nebraska question r and though we were not 'impressed iwith any unusual polificatacumen and ability . which it displayed, yet on" account of its frue 1 Southern senfimmfs, w e arose from its pesaLwitlKa feeling : almost amounting to aIpanvrclion.'(as Gen. Scott was wont to sayj that it was good enough to have (eanted fYoirt areallSimon pure Dem ocrat. Mr Kerr takes' the jvery grouud all along occupied by the Democracy of Lthis Staled the ground so bitterly op posed by the Whig?. He uses lan guage now, which " was denounced as treason in Democrats. . He absolutely, avows himself a disunionut if he cannot get justice and equality from the Nrth. The Democrats have all along said this but the Whigs denounced them - as hot headed disunionists. , Did not Col. Out law doit? Did not; they all do it ? What then, shall be done with the late Whig candidate for the office of Gover nor, who dares to come forth and stand upon Pomocratic ground To show that Mr. Kerr has, with pat riotic ardor, given in his adnesion to the much-denounced position o( the Democ racy on the slavery question, we ; make a few extracts from his speech : X We want to have equal 'rights with our -northern brethren, under the Consti tution of the Government which our father- established. As a southern man, I insist on this equality of rights. As a southern man, neper will submit to less than equality. ' X T am, a my colleagues well know, at home considered one of the; most ardent of Union men.' I have always been de voted to this Union. - ,1 regard it as the "greatest blessing I Heaven; ever vouch safed to a' sinning nation. L regard it as must come up and present with us an undivided front tp the North and to the whole world whdn tbey.endeavof to as sail this,; our cheiished intitUttoW- X- 3tt. Da?iS, it wilf be seen, acted a conspicuous part-i n the Br u n w ic . mee ting, and paid a deserved tribute to the worth arid character uf our candidate for Governor, the Hon. Alfred Dcckefy: Th is i s as it sh ould be ! If every" Rtpub Ucan throughout the State will emulate the spirit which will actuate' our' talent ed townsman throughout ' the. coming canvass, we shall have no fears for the reuiWilming(6nIIeraif No doubt of it, but unfortunately for Gen; Dockery the" Republicans" through-' out the State prefer doing something else viz: to vote for the Democratic Free Suffrage non shifting candidate, which fact Mr. Herald we opine will have a tendancy to arouse your "fears for the result." ' . " . : . ; . . .. 1 the. greatest ecunty of human liberty pie in - lerriioridi u-gduianuu. " that has ever existed oni earth. I point .to be settled was whether the gard it as the best means fof diffusing South and the North should have equal the blessings of republicani'sm through- ind unrestricted privileges in territory: ont the world ; as the best and suret . . .I i i-i ,S' means of elevating our species at home belonging to the General Government . . - . n.. ii... l.U u- " and abroad. But thus reverencing it, or whether one portion snouiu oe per as j do, loving it with fervent mitted to enjoy rights from which the; thnsias'tic affection, the moment I dis other must be debarred. Party lines cover that it is to be made u-eof by a dom- at the South were immediately obhtera 'nant majority to oppress that section of . . . v I i the counti y in which mv distiny.m God iH (l linn tli a iccno tvou liirlv mniia lint I . . i J' v" f,,,V '"v 1 .V TU providence, has been cast, 1 trnmpl auu Mir im?,. niiu uuc m-uwu, " ' 1 i if. ?7i Tie uusi i join any man, or any found standi ug shoulder to shoulde if joc. to pull it down, asserting and pro- with' their democratic brethren, and claiming to. the last, " liberty and equal hVbtin manfullv for the bill. OnW "y. 0-(Jeal- twoBonthern men-one democrat and First rale Democratic doctrine, every one whig were found voting in the neg-' wortl of il : Aain ative of the question, and for those two " Now sir, I beg to slate that while I honpfWri is in p-w- a lash mad, bave the utmost respect even for a fa- r ' , . r. . natic.when he is sincere, yet I wish to from the honest execrations of a oetrav- . . : :.A 1 1 i o oe unnersioou as a souinein man; l aa! nAArila w il K -u It ir h I ro cr a lu mai'J . . . . I .1 .' j ? .. .... . .. o.n,9. ...d, I care noi wnere ino inajoriiy are. we be scourged from one poftidn of their re- J must plant ourselves upon the Constitu- spective States to the other. X " . upon our legal rights, or we never .tk.wn'nv whiao fm th horlh vl shal1 be ab e lo make a successful resis, J ' I lanr infn iinilpr Ihp inflnonpa nf fL ie ior inS Dii, ininK you K.nu reaaerr naticism whie,lhey h,lvej a diaboliral iiyui.1 ju iuv-.fc iv, Hint., otiiwuu ihuncqq io a i ! a i il , a il (i Ano, soiiar iromre- whole number in the Senate not one garding plighted"laith,jso far from adhe re- to the fclave, he must identify himself in pared to battle for it "with renewed.ener- feeling's ahd in action with : us, Xand fie4gy"and lntreased zealhav?ng an abided uiin in me ultimate uiumpn oi rignt ana justice btef error and wrong.XX X i ;.- Resolved, That the . dminrstrtfjon of the affairs of the State of North CarofMa by his Excellency David S. Reidk Jias shed new lustre upon the escutcheon" of the State, and rcballenged- the benedic tion from his party of A'WeirdoneXgobd and faithful; Servant." ;ln his retire merit; fie will carry, with ; him from the cares of office the ardent sympathies rof his parly for thepeace, happiness;-and prosperity of , his after life. 4 tr.w . ..t ..Vr? .';; ; Viider the first resolution the 'folfow hg gentlemen Wer6 named as delegates to thexState: Conyentibn jWft J.?Bf Etberidge; J. Df StokelyJvy.Richardr son,,WilHamW. Elisha Gray,. Baily Jackson, (Griffin S. Jennings, Davsi. Whitehurstprandj Harri!, L: D. Starkee R. G. Holmes, Henry Culpepper,'- W m F. Martin, VV. A. H arney, 6. J. Johnson, Dr. J B. Godwin, .Robert Simpson," Jas. S cot t , Bi M . S t a n t on; J oh n J a mea,X Dr.f A..WUIia;Wiyia Williams, X Jesse, Simpsonr-fDureut VB. Owens, John Tatum, Joseph Jennings. Thos. J. Grand v, James Rogers, ',Benj. Millar, AllT. Wood ley, A. H, .Borcher J. B. Dye Benj. Tatum,;Jasper Klc Har ney , D r. R. H . M c I rrt os h. A.. L. Pendle ton, S. ,1).. Cartwright, Samuel Cart wright, John Small, Ro. P. SroalIr tW. Henington, . Ephraim. Overman,,. Ro: Morgan. John Kenyon, -Elisha; Harris, C. L. Stokely, David Spence, - Jonathan Bright; Major Bell, George Jackson, Jas. Cartwright, Jains. Newby, James Mor gan. A. McPherson and , B. F.;. White hurst; and, on. motion the chairman and secretary were added to'the delegation.: L., D. Starke. Eq.. submitted the fol lowing resolution, which was unanimous-, ly adopted : .-.. ; -X: :'X , : ' iiotW.That thir meeting, express its undeminisheri confidence, in the ad ministration of Franklin, Pierce,, whose antecedents and whose present course ch&llenge our Warmest . admiralion -l-lustrate the wisdom of the people in se lecting their Chief Magistrate, and afford a sure guaranty that hi him we have . a safe depository of the publ c weal. , "Eloquent and thrilling speeches! were then delivered by W. F. Martin and L. J. Johnson, Esqrs., in response, to calls made upon them respectively. The finest feeling prevailed throughout, and. these speeches were received , with en thusiasm by the meeting. Ordered, that these proceeding be signed, by. the Chairman and Secretary, and published in'the .'Democratic. l'io neer'.' anil Kulpigh "Stamlard." On motion the meeting then adjourn ed. :,: V M. S. DANCE, Chm'n. W. Geo. Granbery, Sec'y. to-day are. well ma'rkftd r - j - nil pi i- afford sdrfie ideaof the V.;.'; of the accident. A na tunajelt escaped with but B. fC hurn but: was thrown aKnif l'i C' The Whig press are protesting against Gen. Dockery's waiting for the nomination of bs opponent before he undertakes to canvass the State. This disposition to take every unfair advan tage is not to be waiideredat, when we consider tlie cause that the Whig nomi nee has to defend. These gentlemen know too well the untenable ground which they stand upon, to wish to see their candidate in the hands of any who' will.not hesitate to unmask him. The same thing was attempted by Mr. Kerr, who without waiting for the convention ot Demociali to assemble, posted off to the Eastern portion of the State to avoid no doubt the expose! which he would have been obliged to undergo upon the Free Suffrage and Convention question. Gen. Dockery, we suppose will do the same thing. could be found assisting their soulAern Feb. (By Telegraph ) At the Wool political allies not one to recognize sales which were principally of low de- the nghts of the south as set forth in the scnpticns, the biddings were not so good Nebraska biH. Such is ,he f(tct Evprv whig from the north without one re- ring to contracts or compacts, openly proclaim the -principle of Aighfir law and defy all government and 'all aulhori. it y when the come in conflict with the attainment of their unhallowed purpo ses." "V ;,f-;x- Good enough to have been for this quality as for the betler grades , prices were somewhat irregular, but not lower. Sugar -West India active at6d. advance, but little doing in foreign. Coffee quiet, unchanged . in priced Tea in less demand and common Congcu sales at full prices. . Tallow firm! with .Z' a ffood demand. ; Iron Scotch nig quo- the, south in the face of anti-slavery borrowed deeming exception went against the bill How was it on the other side ? Four from a Democratic newspaper ! democrats only Iiom the non-siavehold-1 But, after all, what bur northern ing States. opposed the bill upon its pas- Ifi lends tell us is, that our only security Will they insist upon leiiiir soutnern men that fltAii l'lrrltt ovif K t? I a - j . l rm . rv-ir v I o . i. i . 11 . tn- .. . . . . . ' ,,v " " 1 - ........... j r. i-, Ifvc .,. PO at isn 1. ni . v nnp prn 1 a r :f-.-1 a I m a at mm o it rl ann ilinn o ivl homno ..nn. I . n . . . . . , i . .. had advanced 2d, and Flour 6d. Corn V7 ' X ''X r" X " Uentemm ( It that was mnr ar.tivR al fiirn.ir rate.- Cana . t r, . . :x"?" ,""l-,uv' "5 " ;isso, me huuuerwe pari company. I tie w- - - - - i nmn nnrr i-c n n amrTniirr - r rm i , - - Flour 41su41-. 6d. Philadelnhia. .Bal-!:.. " rD..... ' ned triumphantly through. Does not oeuer. urace, sir, is or the utmost im . , . ' i .1 ii N . m ara 1 1 1 1 11 111 i . r rs 1 1 1 i .a i ttmore , and Uhio 41 Wheat 12s. 8d. Red White Corn 48s. Yellow " "" McIIenry quotes i . I. 1 ' , n f It I "" x o vs-, a !.'- I'll ' n nem.na ma minniv. npfi ana roiK . j al- r i .r - " . . ana jwo 4isonazs; uanaairn .isa.s; He is not to be caught with a Democratic nominee at his heels j down here. Such a being would prove" rather a troublesome customer, and he would much rather perambulate the Slate by himself, but we think he will perhaps have Ihe pleasure, of meeting some good fellow on the stump before he gets through, as we in this region are particularly fond of adding as much to the enjoyment of stran ers as possible, and we -think it would be unkind to al low him to pass without giving him a friendly greeting. v . i Wmi E, Mann.'q.. (whig) ha announced himself as an . independent canddale for Ihe House of Commons, and J. Pool,' Esq., (w big) has done the ame thing: What this family quarrel is, we-know not, but we suppo.-e both of the gentlemen have good grounds for their course. From what we can learn we think the former'i-5 pitted for the campaign as we know him loo well to believe there is any hack out in hi.m. Mi. -Pool is very emphatic in his decla lalions to run, and as he cannot yield now with credit to hi nself we think w can safely say it is. Mann vs Pool for the next Legislature. ' coat to-day cicffte(lwith0oX drop whiclr was his ownl! ' '! : AmbUg; ihe passengers l M car was a little blind "boC lx i with a few cuts and bru.Re, a fright was truly pi table; to K i 1 infirmity preventing;-him. fr'S standing the nature of the L;? S Hanover.fPit,) Savings' Bant-'i of the passengers in the tsecond 1 suffered pretty extensivfcrtfi fci der blade i dislnratp LIj r" . . . - , u On. also considerably .bruiUil ' ...irimaui,, iiiaueria i .T iurrtt,h stove having, chi back Of his head, uhiUthe S verely. bruised.. His s,onM. are paralysed,' leading f0 aYear ,t. spinal vertebrae is injured Yorfr: with sevpr. i.:.i.: VJ hisshoidder dislnrnik. ti J "VUrJ, Alphe'us Michael and U ;0 J ver. were 'hntK , 1 ' ? A t Jacob-iNunemacher of ' .iviw iiumi.i 4.1-VIU Ul WTM-I VUl 1 , . , - - ,i f ..... ' . .. A I a i, .J- aJ I La .f I ' s. bda4's; , While ,pv & nn n,;,.hMf ;d,4nr ,1 o. I this fact speak volumes ? does it not tell 7' oi nis llsa124. 2d t?i X?r nn j - T . i .! ,u i- i i 7 i f highest hope, his eternal hapn mess. ii.di. F nnr KC Hnrn ra hr mnro An n or hut whn at the north are reliable 7 which or . . .. ?. 47a47s 6d 7 " 7 T " b . , " T - ; - - - jjut it l and me peop e who sent me P. . i uuv-iiaiicu. . . ; ireioo names on ine oiner sioe oi ivia- l hre are tn ret an nnr liitri ';-,' i k. aeon about equal dr iiai,jj. pk;u,!o1i.Io Ti,,t.mrtr. ' 1 . . . . . lere.are io retain our liberty, it inutbe U jui .! w. crtn lltYnn h lin A av n rnnnff.ri nnnn Ihi t Ho rYtbra rt f in A A I it. - : - : . i'.-- i - ft u nu v j y i ur in moderate demand. Tallow dull.-. Sour 363a37si. White wheat 12sal2s8d; Jn the. hrtur f need tjuinseea aKerrn uierise. ivosmin gooa j extreme nricf 12s 2d. White In- athrmative answef4rom the lips or every -r. at' v,-fc "Ul 's ,ia dlK ecur- demand. (Turpentine dull. A n T' x l" -Q-pn ,,' J6 0 l , , , . . , J , r f ed. not by the strong power of the Con, At Man.h,r ,roVt. , i,i! n"rn 48s yellow 47sa37s 6d: mixed unprejudiced man who may read; the fol- ylllution Jnot bv thfrCe nf renn r,., X ' lowing result of the vole upon the pas- by the impregnable fortress of truth . I o tt ioiaul nil ntrnm I " . : ''.It-' i V- ' " """ hage of the Bill in the Senate which we but by the grace and favor of the em people. KlUmon rntlrirlol w .ay. ... y . v u.' At Manchester trade wasi quiet and I acs. a i f.j ' "X .' ; Liverpool . . . gar active 6d advance. Wira Ofliva al lull rsla. Tr, II,,,,, -m I ... I I. V , I ' ' , aid pork, very FURTHER BY THE ATLANTIC . wi. tttuvq ui iuii raies. lanow nrm. : m,..4Mi- nr moderate transactions. Cheese scarce. Lard less active. Tallow dulll ' Clover f- v '7T? ; 1 I seed .unchano-ed. Linseed cake On the JY.ipoleon s Letter ta JheCzarJIuitary rise. , Preparations tn Russia Debate m Liverpool Produce Market. -Noth 4 kj, f..... Tk . r...t C. I a - w ' .... a - . ",-. ,"e iiuoc jHC a.iiw virK;, :. ing ooing in uarK. American Kosin in . New York, March 8. The mails bv regular demand at 6s 6dal2s. Turpen- it .1. it . A: j i . . " . : - m . . ; . !.,,?.. ine aiiamit uhi npi I reacn. ine . cuy in une inactive. t time this morning 10 be sent South; VoR THE BILL. Southern Whigs. fi i. FOR THE BILL Southern Democrats. Adams, of Miss. X Badger, of N. C. Alch'on,1 of Mo. i Benjamin, of. La.. Bayard, of Del.. Dawson, of Ga. Brown, of Miss. " .. Dixon, of Ky. ' Butler, of S. C. Geyer, of Mo. Clay, of Ala. X F; Jones,, of Tenn. Evans, of S. C. Morton, of Flai Fitzpatrick, of Ala. Pratt, of Md. Hunter, of Va. Thompson, of Kv - . it The letter of Napoleon, to the Csiar I ' 1 'i,: ' r a ir-.i. r..'-u... 7 .has been printed in, the form of a placard, ' ., , Vi kt .i . i Johnson, of Ark. , read nublkl v in all the barracks of France th citizen; whom the . North , Carolina Mason) of Va. f I :t. ' I 1 P . t I 4.: -. m . : " and profusely distributed throughout all! w,g8 navB nominaiea ior governor, me Kuslc, ol lexas, The cbmrhhhes In !the depart ment'sl Itl Wilmington Journal Xsays the name Sebastian, of Ark. Slidell, of La 14. FOR THE BILL. Northern Democrats. Brodhead of Penn. Cass, of Mich. . Dodge, of Iowa, Douglass, of H. . " also posted in large characters 'atXtlleVhy'iJes.'to, no known i subance; save 1 "corners of everv street in ParUJ "; ' : . ' '. ' ;- , '- (.lT it e at v i ' . . ! ..r . anu ezcepi crocKery. as tnus: - :m;iitrV Ir.narot;Aj n Thy went te Raleih they smashed the croc- ...... j i v auuiicr bi. gwa&g vii i leery ' t' -f Russia on an immense scale, and w ith They throw'd themselves away on General Doc the greatest activity ':-( kery." : , .v'X:,-- v.-jr7X"X A despatch received in Pans from There is ceitainlv one Other rhvme for erVn 8t,e8 !hat real exasperation was the general, for after the olection the ?wln- ofr?aK .ijijouuteu ai iiib raiace oi-oi. reiersourg on the receipt of Nepoleon's letter, . ' ft is stated, authoritatively that, no more Cuiiard. steamers will be taken by the English goverment to transport troops.-- . -j. ' X; -! XrBesides the jMeamers , before reported , n as navi g Deei chartered by the gover : FOR THE BILL. A orthern Whigs. Va 0000 ! whiffs will find that Going to Raleigh to put up General Dockery n as noinmg Dai a nominating inocsery. Jones, of Iowa. Norris, of N. H. ' J Pettit, of Ind. Shields, of III. Stuart, of Mich.; Thompson. of N. J. A learned-contemporary gives in his hToucevXof ConnX auusiMii .u iiuuiau s xi"ui3. rfcc Mivsiweller nr i:al hereafter men ana women must i travel ment to transport troops, forty or fifty nereaYer men ana women musi lira merchant ships; it' is reported, have aU alone the men on one side, the won o'beeh'faken tip. and it is said that the n pother,, of the great aall-waytn north- r' "No, sir, whether Softs or Hards, Whigs or Democrats, or by whatever term you designate parties "when ydu stand up to me principles upon wiucn our liovern- ment is based, I, for one, will recognize you as brothers of the same national fami ly.4 Hut whenever you establish that, un- j ' 1 1. ' .:u. i ' .it . uer.iiic uuiisuiuuon, ine ooum is noi io enjoy an equality of privilege ! with the iNoiin, ana wniie 'ou exercise in your q own section of country the attributes' of sovriKiguiy, anu ueny inei same, io me South, if isitpti to part company. If we continue in suctra 'state or contest, il is lime that we dissolve, .and that, we should establish a Government for our selves?." ! Once more : In conclusion, sir, I ai)i glad, on one account, that these measures have "oriffi- hated at the time they have. We have always heretofore been divided into two gr'eat political parties at the South. VVe have.been contending abojut men, and contending about measures, until we have become about as much divided up on, this question ot slayeryi as upon .any : m. I '' -" T I 1 '-'iT . -'-' omer -question. . i manic uouthat, in his providencea state of things exists which has brought all southern men to gelher-i a state of things in which ire know neither slavery; men, nor anti WilliamsofN H 14 Women I ' i AG Al Wst THP Hit.t.. ir.'tiiur rue urn lilavurw mn"Knt in n'KlokfirariV m.n . I T " - " -.-a- - a- a. . " " I vaa... I k , V, I I. w ai . .T 'track Southern Democrats. " Southern Whisrs. liudirpd flmnlv bv his flrfplitt. in M-. t-mrl goverment have in coniemplation to char- of Jjf?' l,;at not go together, Sam Houston of Tex. John Bell, ofTenn. of hi birth. If he is ready to bear arms ter the steamship Creat Britain also. as formerly, like cups andsnucersor like against the m-L against the bill, for the interests of bis couiitrj- if he is Every effort is beins:" made to recruit lKnivs naJ0KSa ,neox . , , A otfiern Democrats, Northern Whig, i ready to perish in thd defence of lin a.r..ic .jty, uuu an navai pensioners nave I , vwgr, ui hi.. - been , re-enrolled,' and enlistments are No wbmai o'jghl.to .be permilted to Hamlin, of Me. going on with spirit at all the poits. It enter' upon the duties of: connubialityJ lanves, of It I. 8USSfMcd thar XaHXprivate without.bein- able to: make a'shir. mend yachts1, from' the Queen's downward ttr ' f !h trx' A . tm f a L ? a L I : L J I. . a. "X 7 . M: Mfoat of bread, roast a surlron: bro;I fMcrewa aeni into tne navy. r h v it'i. u:..- j 2..ia.a.i - The first instalment of' the- fleet de; tl iwnJ . " " signed for the Baltic already at iSpH- fr 1IU responsibilities. : ; ,now can 1 come toknow myself ? piaiion i Dy; f acuonvoniy. and vou wilLlUnAtV: vAnr The WalUcian easantry had become value. - ' r 0 head,",''''" 'i '1 . '' a - p v ,f;r: . ,v.'.CH,tt' . ' ? . ,:'..? ti .'. ... nvciNo political impbrtshce ienttiched to - "owfan 1 ilstlis recent'slisht'chtnge iti the Turkish I?ot.P cnt.empl (c'ibiacl:- c r,;V511 ' Do your:duly;' an. II . 1 . ' a S ' 1 Walker, of Wi?: Fressenden. of Me Fish, of N Y. loot, of Vt. $ -Seward, of N. Y. Smith, of Conn.; . r. r. Wade nf Ohio. ' AGAINST THE BILL. - Aholiiionuls. '' Chase, of Ohio. : . .- ' , .: Sumner, of Massachusetts . , . . 1 ine XaUiier is, opn oo t--we won't say tho: we keep a mighty thinking- - - v ' jrT - family, and his family altars, then he is a true, southerner; but if he i .ready;; to yieiti one, inch upon this great question, then we can no longer acknowledge him s one of us, However, sine ere he m ay be, however honest, his opinions are such lt - a ' ! a.- ' as win justiiy anu uemandl or him . lha l i i .ni:. i.''m ;i- . u suau aiuiiaie wun anoiner class o men. (If he would live in our country and under. the bright , sun under . which we exist, , if , he would enjoy : the peace the,quie;rhe comfort which arjse , from that institution which i ao much de nouaced. by northern, men and foreigners fllOuldpr an,t . Mrs. BarlhoM, !of : RlijVXtr JabruiSed, b,t .VSJfy to Baltimore yestey r.jj Hiram' VV alter,, bf Artam.V Express, was uit ri.:Jr. naving exposea nunsp f m . I mediately on the upsetting of the L Ho Ka IK face is 'badly cdtaf -.'. X-Xi- . Samuel Sidesif Shrcirf had his thigh baIJy injured,, and Shaw, of Hopewell,) has! j,is tn arm badly? sprained; Jacob (irm Hanover. Pa., is also eiibiudvilJ T L T" -i. r . ! ' ' : 1. ': "n jonn oargeii, oi nanovcr lias hi, cut. M r. Ray noil, from Seven f , has his' head cut,.-' 'XX '-Jr.i .',) i'X Ca pt. Rat c I iff? was i n the first 1 1 . . " .- . -. . j ; 1 1 .. ii I.I: . I ll ot tjn paf, : enibanktiiicnt. aminiing the tickets and went down the escaped with same br'uUes on: Li DEMOCRATIC MEETING IN PAS. QUOTA NIv COUNTY. Pursuant to previous notice, a. meeting of a portion ol the Democracy of Pasquu- snk county was held at the Court House in Elizabeth City, on Tuesday, 7th in.-t. t Was organised by calling M. S. Dance, Zsq., to the chair, and the appointment of V. (leorge Granbery as Secretary. Ll J. Johnson, Esq. I explained the object of the meeting to .be. the apj)oint- ment of delegates toi . .'represent . the county in the Democratic State Con vention to be held in Ralcish on the .... " I9th of April, and moved the appoint ment of a committee of five, to, prepare and report businessfor the action of the ineetins. The motion prevaileiL anf L D. Starke, L. J. Johnson, Mark S. Savvyer E. M. Stanton and W. George Granbery were named as the commit tee. .' . i : ' - : ..-XiX'... Duiing the retirement of the Commit- tee, the meeting was entertained, by . - - - .. a . . , . f - P. Jordan, Esq., in an eloquent and enthuiastic-speech.;: At the conclusion of .which, the committee having return ed, submitted the follo-wing preamble and resolutions, which were ; unauimously adopted : r ' : ' r Whereas it has been recommended that a Democratic Stale Convention ,be held at Raleigh on the 19th of April en suing, tor the purpose of nominating, a candidate for the office oF Governor of the State of North Carolina ; and where as we approve said recoinmendatioh and desire to be represented in ihe Conven tion : therefore, . i . , ' : .Resolved, That the Chairman of this meeting appoint fifty delegates to rep resent the county of Pasquotank in said bta'e Convention. , t , :, ; Resolved, That we reiterate our" firm adherence and undying attachment ,to Ihose great cardinal., principles .. which have ever constituted the political land marks of the Democratic: party ; that we recognize, with unaffected pleasure.1 the beautiful workings of those principles as exemplified m the present admirable ,Sub Treasury and Revenue Sys-em j that we avow our unalterable opposition to air those Federal: heresies - which, have been again and again submitted, to the test of experience, and again and agiin proved deleterious (o the public, and re pudiated by the people ; and we do most emphilically put the seal of our cohdemi nation upon that only surviving princi ple of Federalism Distribution ; being utterly opposed to the distribution of the proceeds of the public lands.! or of . the lands themselves, among the , several States, as well upon the score of its im policy as its unconstitutionality; , ! ; .J Resolved,. That we r,ene w the exnres- R A I LRO AD ACCfDE NT. Frightful Descent Down an Embankment Large, J umber of Passengers Injured, S'c. . '' We published yesterday a brief dis patch' anno'uncingJhat a serious acci dent had occurred on thv ''previous even ing, on the Baltimore and Susquehanna kail road, resulting in the serious injury of a number of paseners. flavin" ile.spatched a special reporter to tlte scene of" the accident, ve ;ire enabled this morning to lay befjie' our readers full and reliable letaiJ. . I he train, con-istin of a barfii2:e c.ir and three passenger cars with about- eighty passengers, left York at half past thiee o'clock on Monday afternoon, in charge of Captain Ratclitle, one, of the most careful yfiicers on the road, and all anticipated a pleasant and' agreeable journey.'-" They had scarcely get out of sight ol York, however, (the scene ofthe accident being but two miles from the i in it 4 cf the borough,) when in turning a curye the wtiole trasn,-with the excep lion ofthe locomotive and tender, fle.w the track, and was precipitated down an embankment, about. 25 feet high.; The burthen car retained its position: on the .-ide of the embankment, just, clear of the track, on its side, but almost on end, lying length ways down the embankment. 1 1 he fir.it passenger car now lies in the meadow, about fifty feet from the track, oil its-nde, ; The second car came to a stand about sixty feet from the track,' on its side also, and the third remained On the side ofthe embankment, 'almost on end; the rear just clearing the track. 1 he first car was almost exclusively occupied by men, and although in the cou'.se of its descent it rolled over three times, we believe that they all escaped . i L I '. 1 1 . wun noming more man Druises anil cuts, except those who were injured by the sioves, and burnt by the hot' coals that escaped. from them. - n:- o '- X ' ' The second passenger car also- made three rapid revolutions in its descent down the e'ftibankment, which; gave it an impetus that threw it but in the mea dow, coming to a stand full sixty feet from the track, oh its side, the trunks of all three cais remaining in. their pla- -Ces.j . -. -- ... r. - --. .... ""f XiThe scene in the interior ofi these cars is described as having been .of the mo.-t a vv ful and a ppajling character, so. muq h so iat each passenger, expected to find his neighbor seriously if not .mortally wou iwl ed. Men worn en and ,c hi Id re n, were thiown together, alternately, from floor-to ceiling.. a the cars turned ,o ver. The stoves of course broke from ' their places, and were dashed about the; cars, whilst ihe j-hot ; coals were scattered among,, the ' paetvenger.-: inflicting bad burns oh some, pnd burning the clothing of;others. Several ladies had their dres ses on fire, ajid ould doubtless, have. been seriously buint but for the ; prompt a a . assistance rendered, them by the gentle men. the large t stone, spittoons were also a formidable .weapon w hich were brought t, a bear t on the ; person s ,of, the passengers, whilst & number. of the seaH broke from their placet, nd added still greater terrors to the catastrophe. The hot coals tel fire to the cushions, of the cars, filling them with smoke, and ' the windows being-closed, with iron jailings, w hilst the doors, w ercj. so jam m e4 n t h a t they could no.t be openedrthi alspf a f ter the cars ceased to move, fort a. few moments, added to the fears of Ihe pas sengers. - j. . , A . ' ., ; , . . ; In both these cars thete; was scarcely a passenger who escaped without' injury; an dwhen the revolutions ceased.theblood wa flawing freely from cut beads and ruised noses. Hie, laterioiolliie cars anil shoulder..' ti ' -1 i i. ; i . i ue vduse ui iue rm ciuent. M I j matter o f u n c e r t a i n t y . It hav a,J -I-' '- IV'-jJ.!;- i;i leuuu a suori ; vurve, . ine supn,. : . . . . ,i. 1 i . -. .'ii was iiiat iiie rail nau turned Iroi pressure of the train but Itliei oeing oi ine-staunches! character the rails in good order, it i- tua'i, o have been caused by the fey one: of the breakblocks on tn tiS t Ii u s -throw ing the W heel ff a-ut c the accident A man wa walking o:i ft- .. track at the time of. the7en iieaiing tuv trasu oijine imnmz iil, he flew dovnajiieinbaiUrjJ wed by 'the ; cars, harnf."ly ascj tail Io with his life Th'e ' passengers'; were fefacjlt; Yprk about 6 o'clock inTtTIp'eveniii' some of them proceeded jtatillr j residences of Iriendsj whijlf Vtp ped at different liciteismost Jwf 4 Welsh's.' The nfi vsir?a rtf'i'fS- were promptly .'on'- ,lhe spot, ' the'eitizeni i, ttVieact other. tending every hospitality to he i most -of whom wei e j ablef to, hiiv Iheii homes yesterdajy.--. E i IX X Rolu rt S. HoljinsJ Esqi. Secieh the Lo'ii.panv,'. vesleruay. visiln! wounded at York, ami iraveUlirr that every com tort jould be vl to 1 h m at I he expense ofthe cfin and' that if they di-isired 'any Ih'iti' could be sent them rom i ithe cfrty forwarded iti and it i it would be promptly They Were all doing wtdl able will be able to leave for thfiji in a few day .-Baltimore V merM NORFOLK MARKE SATURDAY, MARCH tl, 1; BACON Virginia ajtd N.C.1& new 9 aflc: Hams ! CORN White 7h7S $ Yielloi hi:' .. I r'A-irA ' ' ; WH E AT tied J$ J rK w bite, $t FLOUK $8 to S8i v FLAXSEED $ I Jotf ': PJRK Me.ss. ' Prime. S15 a f( STAVESV p.aPin $57 i' 5. .Wa,0. -Hlrd.l $44. ; ., , j RXOKbdj $36 a$50.; j..- W.O Ileading $6o. , .: ,. Rough W, O.jbbl. $18. TAR Black, $2 50 . COTTON 9 a 10 cents. LARD-tlOJ cents. PEAS -B. . $1 10ns. from BALTIMORE.XMARKET-Mart. ;! a Flour Howard street andtj .. The iMipply of wheat if hghM ta a, S a? r UlJliril 1 I'ilCl vlll; ."'""' white at k L3a i.JR.lJ no nAbout;32,006 buMtels of -cot anu partly; soul ai;7iaipcn y- MARINE JtEPOj ui - JELIZAUETH CITY. ,N.C, IV.rcb H ;: - ! For, the weefce'hking (erf i 3 i ;'! ' : '' ' i ' ; :' :! - '-.;:: '.!, i -1, "J. U4.r ... a--.3, . :. ; . Sth t) Marnm; Hea't n;!from NirfK Lizzie G Russell,' Owen, V John Hardy,' foyner, : j: John i;., Ballance, H GporgiahnaXDowdy,; j ' . KoUr B rot he r s, H u uson , M John " r.anp: ' ; 1 I'. ""lT..R. Cobb, Davis; , - ' EacleV Douzfas,! j I. " ixeorge ila jymooii '? i Independence,, Hmphini i .M A. CJartwriffhtXRbgersH Ti m Hu n er B J ou n t , j 7; Worth atate, I'urtiy, J. lAjones,! Cooper, :;k';;5SvX'iuii0xi . .-'i.T. J.i,,..,t 11 ; .... . -i o -t. ryi: L-ilT ..ia.1 Ci rtrt.f, a Catharide Jane.aVorth.Uo- j -A' Augustus Holley! Edmiiasoy -'A: J. O; Ebringhaus;ofdf.( ;f.MA.Reid;.ShannonhoU6 . -A. R Elliott. Brothers, iV Mary Elizaj. Hariris, h " jyV. Sessoms, Lyon, irlfdCarolina, Palin. H"4 rci Empire, Gillighim,,; f i ;C4 "M-.vfeix'W".;' v