- .--;:-. : . . : - I'm . Ai f ; . ;f ! . . ftV "ACNES' SJ4& "H- j i -i ' I :; f ; 1 CqCILiLt Publisher- TRUTH, JU-TIG iV-lTT TIE CffNSTITU'TI ON-.' f VOL. 7- ELIZABETH N.Dv; TUESDAY M 0 R N I N (i r t MAI 19, ;1 85 7 . .-v'.; ;ji7:?i .-.T:a , ; t,.i.;.".,.,.,." ; '-'v'vi ."r.-i. - .;--:-, "' . & - 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ' . . r . C 1 I 'rvflT cosmrsstoir son- KORfOUE, T4 all. tlic Conrts tf Gtfmi, .Ifert f, thovraH, I'trquiiuxiiu and Posqpo 1-1 in citber of Ibe aboTt couaUes fuC -ISJbgk granbeut. MTf ANI COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ' Yif; removed "to Currituck (Jonntr, will r j i the Courts of Pcrquimana, I'.-w- v C",en an Currituck Couatits. All tf iiited -io . his bunds will receire fjflrnjuin. -,v..' ; 7 - ; .' . :j -.' (fic t Currituck Cort-hoti3e. -i?rkll Aft If f.ILLIAM. ' AND CO UNSELL OR A TLA tf ' i wnraRD, reiwjaiMANS co.T m. c. 'IL attend the Courts of 7'crqmtuqst V Uowatt ivn.! rAsquotank conatto. A. GWALTNE Y 8c CO., L fuim'tarc. aiul Piano Forte- Driver, , XOJU'OI'K, VA. irrii roiistantlvon'liitiJd A' large nssort- ( furniture l.na nno runes, rrcuai, Lvancl Aiiicrican; l'laiis . Mirrors, t oriran 1 .. ... - - - E. P. TABB & CO., onfi.K, Va., IVIT n-iiirtved tneir .stock -of. IIARP- lYARE. CVTLEll Cl'XS, CaA TM, i-i..,,mrr : rr i i ft.' ' 'I' I.' r-f v vii v - 7V6'S ic. ic, to tho store formerly oc- bvMwsH, I'iiui, retrain io., Mia rc- ,vk;rs. II'.uiaii & to., hast corner or iJiiaar.and Miun street, where .they 'will id's iheir oia incn.n ana customers . ji.M-vvuil ut?i'nt to "ountry niercunnt.s iifuts!'!iiclirilliiOtfiiil to be nppreciut- J. II. WIIITEHUKST S jentu iagi;k iiuKUT v pes. U A L.I. B tt 1 K 8 , tIU!tii:iwcSti-eet,"Biltiiuore. I Iiti h'ircitr ilit'lvinpnd, -V. iimife St rift,' I'ctersburs, A a.- " : ix i '.-vt, Lyiu liliurjj, a. (.Kvi Uif s tanfub-nutlly well in all ifi ' .1 ' -'. a lie J - V .HW . S 11 A 11 V K Y , Xl Til t!lt, V, .J r. !' V....f. It. -.. I n'f((n!;int!y (in liaiul aii r?tti!iji1i';f.'u:l4.'j Tin- froi extensive ds- Ollt t)JU 1C11- lth. M Y rnhci' "Aidses'; and Chi:J.ren"v ifTU.;..:;tW hick siiiic f.-.r PhuitnUtii; i Hi'ti'iieii: tliejjtiTpper stories for iioh.-' mw; Ui'.Uii'r. ' asid -.tiiv 'iSom aud .";'toe tow. I jf.jrr'i-ni:ir atunitoti iyt .to Ur-;i.M; t.iiifis i .iinumun; u.uns ana iiroaus. u rsetji . ! ' j Mil'' III ?rlW fJU'ohv.YG rSTADUSlf- lXS, llO&K CA lPS.. t'Jihr S'jMtrfl.Sinn of the Stlirt. itt-nl lit n tlie ntti'liiuin of utcrchants of Vihrin- ii ljXoi tli J.'iirolin.t to their larsre ud link ! of IIvf!iWAKK. imiiorttd dircctiv le, i ml iiiirchiiscd from the most ex- aaiiuf.ctiirers n this country, upon as Ti- ti-i iiu tw fiuiilar. poitd ciin'he pu.-- Thoc' the or I he oil or Kastern cities, and ij'tfdto the : vvuiitir of themnthern nul- Kcutii : iiu Xoilolk, Sept 23. r the i BELL, . HHll FLK, IMSTO St'ORTlSia ArPARATIS '; au FINK CLTLKUV, btth Citif , N. C. '-ly, Action op copartner. j yl;'i ship. ,. nrrnershiii heretofore existing between rihers under the firm uf W. T. ii J. M. is td day dissolved i bv mutual r'on- he "rtusiness.r the firvi: will ,be settled Id Stand, t.v V. T. 1IINTOX. WM. T.lllNTOX; JQ11X M. H1NTUN. ii, 18.-)T;. PARTXERSIIIP NOTICE. hTiigned havw this d;ty furmed a Co- Vn under the firm of JllN'roX k DA 1 and will eo itinue the. DRV GOODS' it the bid stand. - ' wm.t. nixTox; ' LiiTH Eii c. dash iell: :- March 2, 1857.' , i NOTICE. nSCRI BKR WOU LD RESPECTFUL- lorm his friends.-and the r ublic cen- Mhp his, taken the favorably located !r Hotel in Portsmou'h.. Known as f.MAfOX IlOuSfl situated bri the ''rrer vf North m Mid.ilo streets, I'Wttlhrp hundred and fitt'v vards from ;lrdnd Roanoke RailnVad Depot and !?of die Baltimore Steamers. "I'o tlie House is a snlendid Billiard HO ipaciou? j 15a thing Houses- where ttiioy the luxury ;of Salt atcr nzilifcsoaaorij . ; ' . l.wth City: Staie leave3 this House lni'ii, except Sundays. Frjwr pledgcp lumseltto keep the Mar f f A first elasi llnll n nd will idprvA fU'Vir-jrlnia sind Tnrth f!rjdinn. stvl aVtUjs.80 popular with the travel- PKAXK IIOLLADY. : .1 i Protirietor. . STRAW- rTTrnprT la-BCREVT PROPELLER fctraw V; Trice $.10'. Cut Straw, Shucks, 'wantf all kind vf feed fr stock. iu Straw ICnttiTs. with : I Iniff ifi-and-rnt Wit t tn.i..r ft.At f I5aw hida Gutter, South' ' Virginia, , T 1 I i U '? Diiuel'i Patent, do factory prices. J n Corn Fans', all eiipa end l in.: ; RORUM-i' MCLEAN, , i Paruitr's Head Quarters. No,. 11, Main Et.,1 Norfolk, Va. C'oopeirs Isi-nglaw, Shred Gil r iavpnug fi'xtritcts at , DR. SPEED'S. . rvea a eunerwir ti f 1 sba 1 dr.rVk. speed. ved Etheiiat Oil- Rl fctlGUlGE W. IMPORTER ASD MANUFACTURER OCX; KIFLE8, TISTOW, IPOOTITff XPrARATCf .V. 1KB FfXB CPTUEWT.' de lO ly , j ; v; y. . " " CAR VET. OIIj-CLOTH. CURTAIN AD PAPEH-HANGING WAKE-irOOMS, KO, O, M AI 8TRKKT. SO-OLK, VA. THE-suhficriber reiectiully inrites theattcn tior of the public, to his ' large and hand- some assortment of VELVET, TAPESTRY, THREE PLY T v -- - ' . IXGRA IN AXfi " r 4 ' COMMON CARPE TS, h'UUVA TS, RUGS, . v POOR MATSM . ' FVRXPrpRE AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. - ALSO-J..'"" Satin Pe Laincs, Wcrsttd, Damask, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Col'd. TclVet j Common Window Kh,ad3, (Jilt Cornices. Cunain Uauds, Tassels, Loops. See. :- All of which, tosethenvhh a complete assort ment of Gilts, Vvlvet, -Satin an'd "Commoiv Papers-, Herders, Fire Screens and Curtain Papers, he offers at the Lowest ju ices., t" 1 WM. A. WALTERS,. I fpholsterer and Paper Hanger, doc 2 . ' Xo. 2U. Main street. P. S. IVrvons living out f the city, can have their Carpets cutiuul made to tit, ljTfurnlshiM; us .-.villi ii fihit "oflheir rooms - j ' V. A. W. fJLOWS Al farmers who study their: in- terest, know theistportance ot fi."'od plowin. To enable them to : . - aeeoinplish this 'necessary. Vork, I PL(J1S lake pleasure in imparting tlie in "'.'; formation that I have recently ad ded to my very lare stock ofshj ws 18. entirely new patterns, for one, PLOWS, two and three horse?, all of which . 1 warrant to woi k to the entire sa- v tisfaction -'of,: all who wiJJ pive them n trial, and 1 further pUaran PL0"V3, ee that the castings will wear twice as long iis those in ordinary (, t se. Thj;. largest stock of Plows, ' -us tings, Harrows, Cultivators, PLOWS". Devi is. Stutter le.. on hand to V be found in any one house in the . United States. ' -Order remit't the needful, or PLOWS. Natistketory city, acceptance, w mcct with prompt attention. ' jfc 10 , , ' S. MAUCil, grlblk. Va. : W.'CA R PET W A II BIlOaMS, NO. 20,' MAIS PTttKKT, NORFOLK, VA. rBil E' suhsrriber. takes this mode of inforrjjir.p- JL ins ok; intjnaa and customers and the nub ic generally, tiiat in addition to Ins former bur jim ss; of I pholsterer and Paper Hanger, he ha opvtied a largc-and splendid stock CI Velvet Tapestry, Three Ply, Tapestry IugrAin. t.d.mnion Ingrain, and Veuetiau Carpeting,' at all prices, from 18 cenfs to'52.per yaid. - . . :-".- ' : ALSO, . ' , ; Rugs and Mats,. Druggets of all widths, from. 4-4 to 16-4 Avide. - 1 . Door .iat4 of every description, Stair Linen. And a. new article of Oil Cloth for Stairs, whu-a ?uj.ereedes the lise of Crash or Stair Linen, tuot u.iiiie and does nk) ;xqiiirc w.-ishing. OIL CLOTHS oi n widths and at all prices, for Ertries, Hills, Passages, Stairways and Dining' Roonis; Li mIOLS TER Y ANl CUR TA IX GOODS of every rVescription, such as Silk and "Wwrsted Da-ma.sks, Satin DeLanc, Moreen, Turkey lied. A-c., Avith Cornices. Uiinds and Loons. Giuin and Oalootis, Lords and Tassels, At., with a stock of Lace and Muslin Curtains that cauuot be sur passed if equalled in this city, Y The undersiifned wbu'i also address a. few words to all whom it may concern, about PAP Ell HANGINGS or Wall Paper, and leav to inform them that his siock was never larger, better Or more .vavied in rsgard to. Colors, J'attern.. ir quality, and as to jirices he is detfriuiued th?t they shall be satisfactory, for he has nutde tip his iniud to" sell at all hazards, if purchaser can be found at anypiwe. , W.A.WALTERS, . oe lit No..2fi Main st.. Norfolk Vn. 73 liKWARt). I WILL GIVE THE AP.OVE reward of 7. for the tvpprehen sion and delivery to nej or the (outHietncnt in an v Jail so I tret - hitnai;aiu, of mv Negro Mov, Piil- Priinus is toleralily well grown lo his age, he is a light mulatto, has a bunchy head 6t hair; he has a keen blai k eye ; he is from 14 to 15 vearg of age. He left me about the loth of, August, 1S."G. All persons are-hereby warned not to har bor or employ aaid negro under the penalty of law. W.A.MEBAXE. Perquimans Co., X. C.,'ov. 25. ' . FOR SALE, Tlie, subscriber, offers for salevJ privately, on very accomuiodat jng" terms, the s.taunch and strong raZZSaSm schooner SARAH AN'V. no in .ti cellent sailing order. ; Apply to Henry Calpefc per, or tq the subscriber oh board. . ' ' JEROME SIMMONS. Eliz. City Feb 3,183a j .. . . J NOTICE. Tlie Subscribers hare in Store ahd for sale. . 10 llhds prime muscovado molasses. 25 Biirfels Crushed Clarified k Porto Rico Su gr. ! . ' " ..-,:,;-50 Barrels Rye Whiskey. 10 barrels Country Gin. "" 5 Biirrels of Boston Rum. . ' 40 Kegs Nails k Brads. . 40 Boxes Brown Soap. . ' . 12 Dok. Pat tened Buckets. 12 D02- Corn Brooms. And many other articles such as Gill, Twine, Cotton, Rope, Spades,' Hoes. Chains, 4c. - ! T! - , VIHTE & LAVERTV. Cornerof Wide Water & Main StrecC: v ; " j Opposite the Market E. City, N. C. Ap 14th, 18St.6t. ;--' BERRY'S CITY HOTEL, I KLIZ ABETII CITY, JS C. , EDWIN BEKRY, Pboprietor. THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD : RE ppectfully inform his friends and patrons, and the public generally, that he has leased for a term of years the Hotel formerly kept by Geo. A. Williams, Esq., and is now prepnred to ac commodate all who may favor him .'with their patronage. ' , . His f aide wiR always be " furnished wifh'tbe very b st edibles nlfordrd ny our ra- rket, and his sertants Will be found polita and atteniive. The travelling public are requested to give him a -alI. Every possible exertion will ,b made foi give5 ira tire satisfaction to those who may stop at tho '! CITY-HOTEL'. , .., : MS W. T. IHXTON. .." LCTHER C. PASniKLL; H IN TON D A S H I Ii LL'S N EW STOCK OP T ' "C ! DRY GOODS, HATS, SHOES, READY MADK CLOTJHNU, &c. Ac. milK SUBSCIUBERS RKSPECT- fully annoaece to their friends and the pnldic, that they hare just receiTed their new supply of V . ' ' ' . . ' -' SPRl 6 AND SUMMER GOODS consisting of, ia part, as foflows: l Aniw TtDLs!annriTi! L.XJ I (O UlklAJO VMJVJ IO. ). Rich eolored Plaid, Striped and Figared Silks, Plaid, Striped and Plain Black. Silks, Robe Silks, Silk Tissues, -Alpacas, plain and tigered Bareges, Barege Robes, ISaiege DeLaines, Clial lies, Monsseline Delaines, Organdies, Lawns, Lawn Robe. Brilliants, Ginghams and Calicos MANTILLAS AND SHAWLS.- ilack and colore Silk Mantillas, Plain and richly embroidered Crape Shawjs. - Caahmerc and Barege Shal3. !- ' ': HOOP SKIRTS. ' The celebrated Crinoline, corded and-whale lone Skirts; brass Hoops for Skirts,. Parasol s, pans, Gloves, Hosiery, Trinmings, Ribbons j Cord Bd Tassels,! Alofiair Braids, Belts, But tous, kc, Sic. - f ii . -v JVIIITE GOODS. ' J - French- werke4 collars and 'rtindcroleevcaj French worked Hemstitched and Thread Cam4 bric Hddks., Bands, .Inserting and- Edgings,: Jackonets, Swis3 Juslius, Tarletons, Bobinets.j embd. and dotted Swisses, Nainsooks, Mulls aud Victoria Lawns." Bounet cording, Linen and Cotton Diapeis, Irish Linens, liue bleach-: ings, &c. kc. ; 1 - - FOU GENTLEMEN S WEAR. 'They have alarge and well selected stock of Ready Made Llothing.such as black and colored "ClotU Coats, white, brow and fancy Linen Coats, black and fancy Cassiincre, chec cd, striued and plain Linen and Marseilles Pants, W hite Liuen, .Marseilles, checked tancy bilk, ic. lack satin Vests Also a great variety oi Shirts, collars, Cravats. Neck Ties, Stocks, Hdks., Hosiery, Kid & Lisle Gloves, besides an elegant assortment of . i 9 C LOTH S.-CA SSI MERES AND VESTINGS, Silk, wool and straw Hats, fine Calf Roots, calf ;vnd patent Shoes, Puaips, Slippers and Umbrel las. : TO FARMERS ANU OTHERS. Thev offer a large jstock of Domestic Goods, fnich as Cotton Ducks' Osnab-args, Str prs, ?. I and 4-4 Brown Cottons, Ifomespnus, Flannels. Uleacliea Uottons, lileacnea ana lirown ttieet inps, Curtain -tioods, Woolen Cariets, 4-4, 5-4 and 0-4 white and check straw ; Mattings, Wood- ware, tin-ware and Crockery, l otton Lopes and Curdings, besides numerous articles too tedious to mention all of which haye been selcoted with a great regard fcr the Wants of their customers, and will be offered at such prices as may not tail to please." They respectfully solicit a coutinu ance fthe patronage heretofore extended to the house, and invite ail who are hi want of any thing in iheir line to call and examine, their kgobds before purchasing elsewhere, feeling as sured they cannvt be better iaccommodatea at any other house in the city., j - Great pains Uken in tilling all orders sent us. . . ' IITNTOX i DASHIELL. - E. City, April 13rj7. - i . . NOTICE, . THE UNDERSIGNED takes this method of informing the, citizens of E. City aid vicin-ity- that he has taken the LAUGH WARE HOUSE formerly occupied, by Messrs. W. T. & J M. Hiuton, for stovviug away (300DS or PRODUCE, and will keep constantly on" hand for sale, WOOD, COAL. LI u E" find BRICKS. B. T. illLLLR, Agt. .March 31, 18'7. Acvf Watcli Making Kslal)Ii!imciil. f piIE UNDERSIGNED INTENDING. JL t i make Elisabeth City their perma nent residence, are prepared to repair Watches and Clocks of any description,; and will do every thing in their power to give satisfaction.' Work done with the greatest despatch and Avarraiited. Jkwely mended in a substantial, durable arfd elegant manner. Liidies aud gentlemen are re quested to give them a trial, A share of public patronage, will.be thankfully .received. Please to call at the store formerly occupied by Col Cook, dre'd. ' W. G EOR Q E S AR4X0RIITS k BR0. E. City, Oct. 1 1855. ; ' NEW GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBERS BEG, LEAVE TO RE . turn their, thanks to thei'r friends and the public generally for the liberal patronage here tofore extended to them and bes a continuance of the same. ' - ; ... We also beg leave to say tluit our Mr. White has just return , from the North' with his usual supply of all kinds of goods, for th Uidies. We deem it snperHuous to go into detail : all we ask is an 'early examination of the stook and we arc- satisfied we shall be able to please WHITE & LAVERTV. Opposite the Market, E. City N. C. 'April 11th, 1837. 6t. - BOOT AjSD SHOEoTe" AT THE WATER. THE subscriber h..s just opened at the store latel y occupied by W; B. Bursress esr;.. on water street, a larjre assortm-nt of Ladies', Gen mi tlemen s, Misses', BovS and Children's Boots, Shoes and aiters, of every description. Also, a large lot of Silk and Wool Hats, Buf falo Robes, Thuxks,: Cawet-Bags and Umbrel las. The public are invited to call and examine his stock. . ; T. D. KNOX. Oct. 21, 183C. 1 ' - - :' TO THE FISHERMEN AND SHIP BUILDERS OF NORTH CAROLINA. WE OFFER to the Fishermen a superior ar ticle bf (Seine Twine, Roira and Corks. Also to Ship Builders aud Owners of Vessels, Spikes, Oakum, Cordage, Anchors, Chains, Cot toi Duck, Paints and Oils, and are prepared to furnish estimatcrfor outfits of vessels, vhen the draught is furnished. ; DOYLE i' IRWIN; ' aug 19 ly v '" Norfolk, Va. Seutinel copy and send bill to this office. Elizabeth City Seminary. ibe Trustees of -this School takes pleasure in JL announcing, that they, h:te secured for the Spring session the services of Mr. J. D. Boufdiall and Miss Julia A. Morris as teachers. The sessltm will open on the first Monday in March, and close On Friday the 24th of Ju ly. :.' : . . . ; . ' Rates of Tuition. Sparing; Reading and Writing, First rudiments of Gram. Aridi. and Geo Advanced classes ' " " Philosophy, Astronomy, Rhet. nd Alg. Latin, Greek or French, 65,00 8,(0 10.00 12,00 15, CO Latin and Greek, 18,00 Pcllis work (extra) $4,00 Drawing ana ramting m water colors, ' .... R,0fr. Pastel Painting, . . . 10, 00 No additional charge for instruction in needle work. -'.. . . : '' u; . ', Those wishing to enter studvrits can do so by applying to the teachers in their appropiiate de partments. . w. - - 1 JOHN-POOL, Sec'y. - Feb.24, 185T? 5ms. J. B; GODWIN, . v DENTAL SURGEON, ' .. CONTINUES THE PRACTICE OF HIS PRf fession ax his rooms, over the store of C. f C. Green, Esq. "' - , r K. City, April 28, J857, r ... IJALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. 'U OOCTOR JOOTSTOsr, ffllTE founder of t lis CeJcbratei Institution, offers the most certain, snedyf and only effectual remedy ia the 'world for-Gleets, Stric tures, Seminal weakaees, Pains U the Loins, tJonstituJionai Deliility, Ifflpoterfar, Weakness of the Back and 'Limbs-- Afieett n f th Kid neys, Palpitation of tfce Hearti Hytpepsia, Ner tous IrritaWUty, Disease rf the lead, Throat, Note or Skin; and all thoerion3 and melan choly Disorders Arising from the detruetive ba- JjbitvntaiLoiJth, wfhich destroy bothi body and mindt Tbee secret aiid s.tarjfpraeQces are more fatal to their rklims than thi Bug of the Syrens to the nlartneTs Ulysses.blfhting t icir mo3t brilliant hopes of an tf rfpatirfn-f, rendering marriage: ke.9 impossitde. - '.:.'"-: YOUNG MEN " especially, wno Iwrel)tconthorietitBf tf Sol ihiry Yice that drittdfal an.il destructi re habit, which . annually sweep F6? an' untimely grave thbusands'of young menot the most exalted tal ents and brilliant intellects, who might other wise hare entraneta nsteninESenatiS with the thunders of loqcf &e or wakectloeesta- cjf tJae living lyre, may eau wits all conndencc. 1 ... .Martiage. :"t-.. 7. Married persons, or Vaung Mert confsBplating marrpige, being aware- of physical weakness, organic, debility,' deformities, c, r should ira mediately - consult Or. Johnston andtw restored to perfect health. " . lie who plaees himself under the care of Dr. Johnston, mty religionely confide i ia his honor os'a gentleman, ad confidently-rely upon.-his skill as 'a Physician ' ., Organic Weaknea r '"', immediately cured and full vigor resQrod. This disease is the penalty most frequently paid by tho;e who 'hate becoltie the yictiras ot improper indulee4cie3 Vnng persons are too apt to commit excesses from not bing aw are of the dreadful consequuncea that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny tRat fhc power of Procreation is lost sooner by those falling it, to imr roper ha bits ihan 4bv the prudent? Besides being de prived of the pleasure of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system -becomes de ranged; the physical and mental powers weak ened, nervous debility, dyspepsia, palpitatiryi ot the heart, indigestion, a wastintr of the frame. cough, .symptoms of Tonsumption, &c. Office -No. 7, South Frederick Street, Sev en Doors from Baltimore St., East side, up the steps. B particular iu obserririj the name and number, or. you -will mistake the place. A Cure Warranted, or no Charge Made, -til from Qjie to Tico Days. NO' MEIiCCRY- OR NAl'SEOL'S DKCriS USD. DR. JOHNSTON, Mem1er of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Graduate ffom one . of tLjc most eminent Colleges of the" United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, has "effected some of the most as tonishing cure's tfiat. were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at . nd den ?ouds,' and biis'tifulnea, with " freuuent blush'iig, attended, sometimes, with d(-fange-mentof mind, were Cured imiiiediattly. A' Certain Disease. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it toosofien happens that an, ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, di'ters him from apolying to those who from education and respectability, can alone befriend him, delaying till the constitutional symptom of this hon id disease make their appearance, such f.s ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sh;htr deafness, nodes on th shin bono3 and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremi ties, progressing with fright.ul rapidity, till at last the palate of. the mouth or the boiies of the nose fall in, and the victim of tins awful disease becomeim horrid object of commiseration, t 11 death puts a period to his dreadful Miffcrings, bj sending htm to 'that bourne from -whence no traveler returns. To such therefore Dr.. JoliRSton pledges hiraself to preserve the most inviolable secrecy, and from his extensive prac tice in' the first Hospitals of Europe andAmerica. he can confidently recommend a safe arid speody ;ure to the unfortunate victim ot this horrid disease. . - . ". It is a melancholy .fact., that thousands fall victims to this dreadful disease., owing to the unskillfulne.-s of igmrant pretenders, who, by the use of th.it dnadfiil poison, mercurv. ruin the constitution, and either send the unfortu nate su n'erer to an untimely grave, or else make the residue of his life miserable. Take Particutar Notice! Dr. J. addresses all those who have i.ijnred hemselvesby improper indulgences and solita ry habits whiehrruini both body. and mind, un littin'g'them for either Business, Study, Society or Marriage. ' Tlieso are some of the sad and melancholy ef fects produced by' early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the B.uk ahd Linibs, Pains iii tlie Head. Dimness of Sight,' Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritabilitj-, Derangement of the Diges tive Functions. General Debility', Symptoms of Consumption, &t . ' ' Mentally. The fearful effects upon' the mind are much to be. dreaded ; loss of memory. Confu sion of ideas, Depression of Spirits, FcrVbcdings of Evil, Aversion, of Soaiety, Self-Distrust,. J Love ot Solitude, Timidity, etc., are some 01 the evils produced. ' ' Thousands of persons of all ages can now judge what ii the cause of their declining health. Losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emaciated, Laving a singular appearance about the eves, cough and s.yinptojns of consumption. Dr. JohnstonV Invigorating Remedy for Organic; Weakness. By this great and important remedy, weak ness of the organs ari? speedily cured, and full v igor restored . Thousand! of the most nervous. and debili'atedj who hatf lost all hope, have been immediately relieved. All Impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualification, Nervous Irritability, Tremblings and Weakness, oj exhaustion of the most fearful kind, speedily 4 cured by Deetor Johnston. Young Men, Who 'have injured themselves by, a Certain Practice, indulged in when alone A habit tre quently learned from evil couipaniohs, oi at school the effects of which are nightly felt,, even when asleep, and if not cured renders mar- riage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a-pity that a youiig man,- the hope ef his couutry, and the darling of his parents, should be sr atched from all prospects and enjoy ments of life,.-by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a certain secre habit. S uch persons before con templating '-. - ' V . : - . Marriage, , should reflect that a sound mind and body a.re the most necessary requisites to promote connu bial happiness. Indeed, yvilhyut theae, the jour ney through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospects hourly darkens to the "view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and. tilled with the melancholy reflection . that the happi ness of another becomes blighted with-our own OrncE No. 7 South Fbkdkrjcktst. liaUimore. Aid. , ' . - A LL SURGICA L OPERATIONS PERFORM ED. N. B. -Let no false modesty prevent you, but apply immediately either personally or by letter. - jffirSkin diseases speedily cured. ' . ,1 '.. ; '-"-.-?-'-' To Strangers. V'- :- The fnany.thonsands cured at this institution within the last 16 years, and the numerous im portant Surgical operations performed by Dr. JM witnessed by the Reporters of the ppera and many other persons; notices of which' appeared again and again before the public, is a suflicient gvarjtntee tha't'the afflicted will find a skilful and hoaorable physician. , ' tte" . Da. JOHNSTON is the only .ejcular physi cian advertising to cure private fomplain'U. His remedies and treatment :f eatircly Jin known to others. . Prepared frvTu a lite scnt iu the irreat aospitala ot Europe" and the, first i this country, viz : Loglaad, t ?ti, tha cluck ley of Philadelphia, and a. mora extensive practice than any other Physician ia the world.' His many wonuerfiu tures and most important Surgical opcsaSioaa ara, a stifficiefit gaaraate to tha atmcted. r-Taoja rA frh-U, ua speedily and effecfually relieved, shoald shun the nume rous trifling irnpoitjfs, wuj only: xiun their health and ay to h'wa. ' ;-t - .-;.5f.Tfcte Notice.' ; j Thr"an? so" 'many lfrorturf ;and worthless Jaaeks .. advertirin jj theni5elrii a Phy-siciansiTuining' the health f the already, af fiicted, that Ir. Johnston) deems U necessary to say, esjwially to those un.'uquainted with, his rep uution, that liis credential or diplomat al ways hanr in his office. . 'i No letters received nWIessVpost-paid. and containing astauip to use tlie Teply. TWO VALUABLES ARSIS FOR 8ALE nE CNDERSIGNETrwlshin? fo aalti tlie business offers at privat? sale' tils "n( FABMa known a ttie " Sattoli ami Momce Farma,' on ''Turkey Ridge'.' ia Prqaimaus County, N. C. ; ' - :- L " ' 1 For beaut v nd rich lanS'lioth of the said Farms equal if not mr pass any in b Kastern J part of North.' Carolina. -The part of; the twal Farms under cnlnvation 13 yery rotlTc and nesiraoie yo me farmer, au pprmnuy oi purchasing Unlof $uch tztra quality s is seldom offered. The first tract contains nr'Tont 'SEVEN HUNDRED ACRES, the second FIVE HUN DRED, and over. Both of the said Farmf may be converted into one if required. They have on them two a ood tenements and out buil- A dings', and convenient to two Landings for JiY shipping. It lies in a compact body, bit may be easily divided mtoeveral tracts. All persons wishing to examine tlie land, arc respectfully invited to call and see for themselves. The undersigned will take pleasure in riding over and showing the land. J I will offer fox sale upon liberal terms of credit, provided such security as required be civen., . W. A. MEJiANE r Woodville. Nov. 25, 1856. - jfQTICE I RETURN MY THANKS TO THE citizens of E. City and "Vicinity for their for mer patronage, and solicit a liberal continua tion of the same," offering in return, my best endeavors to please. Having antatually . dis solved partnership, with Mr. Burgess, foruiwly firm of Birth & BufgesSy I am now prepared to take all kind of pictures; and as several per sons .has wished colored Photographs, I jim now prepared to take them, both in Oil "and Water colors. JAMES BIRTH, - ap 21 .Photographist. DR. R.-.K. SPEED. DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY,' AND DEALER IN Paints. Oils. Glass, Putty, , ' ' 1 Perfumery- . Fancy Articles. . , Fine. Cutlery; Smoking and -.. Chewing Tobacco, ' , Segarsmnd Superior . .. Wixkr and Liuoks for Medical purposes,' Road Stuf r.-EnzAnEfn City, N. C. DR. SPEED'S ofnee is abov- the Drug Store. All call promptly attended to. Physicians and Planter s orders promptly fill- ed with gciiuiue Medicines.and on as reasonable terms aa can be procured South of BaiUmoie.- I "',' ' " : 5 DOLLARS R E1YA BD. rilHKSUBSGIUlJKtt, JUltLG THE JL first week in Ftdmurv: on the road JL first week in FebriMry; on the road from G; tes to Hertford and '.'thence to Nathan Tucker's sale, and thence to E. City, lost-a BUNDLE OF PAPKItS, conUitiing, among oth ers, a note against J. K. Costen, for S220," due Febi 10, 1357 ; a note against E. Berry, for S 500 due July 27. 185G. A reward of 25 will be paid to any one returning said -bundle to me 1 ' WTLIE RIDDfCK". March 31-tf.;. " 1 NOTICE. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE "Leigh Housed' during the time it was conducted bylEdwin Berry, are requested to call on W. G. Riddick, the Clerk ot the House, and settle the' same. As the Hotel has been placed under the charge of James F. Lee. it is the desire that all old accounts should be set tled. WlLIE RIDDICK. Mar.c- 81 tf STATE OF NOlVni CAROLINA, rKHQUIMAXS COUNTY. , Court of Pleas And Quarter Sessions- February Term, A. Elizabeth C. Lay den, j vs. To the Coart Petition . for Dower. The heirs-at-law of Tho.v Lavden. dee'd. UPON the hearing of the above cause, it ap pearing to the urt that Josiah Lafayette aud Layden, heirs at Law of Thomas Lay den, dee'd are infants of.terider age, it is order ed that Thorn s Wilson be appointed Guardian, ad litem to defend the interest of said infants in this: cause. It also appearing to the court that John & Francis Layden are not residents of this State, it is o?dered by the Court that publi cation be made in the Democratic Pioneer, a newspaper published in fcHizabvth City, for six weeks consecutively, commanding then to be and appear at the next Term of this Court, then andvhere to plead, answeror demur to this peti tion,1 otherwise this cause- will be heard -ex parte as to thera.-- Witness, Thomas Wilson, Clerk of said Court at Hertford, this tha 10 lb day of March, A. 1). 1357. Test, T. WILSON, C. C. C. ' March 24,1 1857. Cw. ;, - . ." VAL.UAISL.E REAL. AND PtKSOAaL PROPERTY FOR SALE:, WILL iflt' SOLD AT PUBLIC AUt TION, Ion THesdav, the 28th day of April next, ;n the town of Columbia, Tyrrel county, N. C , by the undersigned, that well known and val uable real estate whfereon'is a large and valua ble STEAM'S A W AND GRIST JUILL. TWO D WELLING IlOUSm WITHMl THE NECESSAR Y OUT-BUILDINGS, AN OFFICE, $c. One of the dwelling houses and office are nerw, 1 Said Mill is sitaate in said Town of Columi'ia, directly on Scuppernong river, (a navigable stream,) five miles froni Albemarle Sound, in a section ot coaintrv where there are large quan tities of superior Milt timber, and convenient. It has two engiae3, one for the saw and the Trfber for the grist, and so situated tbat-orre En gineer can attend to both without the least m cvnvenieuce. ;The engiae that propels the saws is nearly new, and of capacity of 4S horse pow er carrvin" two gangs of saws. The saw mill is in goo'd repair ; aud tha grism-ll may with little expense be made a good flouring mill.-- I .r: 'hM.a anl . 1 There arc Urge auanuues raisexl m the neighborhood; besides itlsconvcn- ient to the ;wW Peruiuians,and Pasquotank, and the markets of Plymouth, Willianuton, Windsor; Gatesville; Edeuton, Hertford and Elizabeth City, by means eu a ihmarlft Sound and its tribataries, where large'quantities of flour at e yearly carried and j Sold. - -A I n.licr Wiatc aau-iu " " "J much if not all thelunber cnt at the Mill could L , At the same time will b sold a Horse, ITogs, and a variety of other personal property. - For farther particulars apply to the o ndersign ed at Elizabeth City, X. C. -. - STenns accommodating, and made known 1 on the day of sah. '-'-:' ''-. . v v . . - JOHN BLACK k CO. '. KUzabffh Cily5. C.ilirch 31st, I8". ' I!K1(II'R tTlll PinliKR u o n vv 1 hi ' jl. " niiiM 1 Kiii I CBLlgaEl IVEST TCSS.DAT M0RXIX8. ii t-:"" - ----.i - ;: '.:-:;';T J-$ R-n.31 S-.f-': ' , -Single copy, one year, - -T- -i S? SO .Five copies, on year, - . - 11 00 Tea copies, one year", -' 20 00 If f 5 Ii-VrJ5.Ur.i.JlilVJ6IlTiaiXU. Foy a sfiuar 0TI6 line? or lc3j .first in?ert;bf Jl every subsequent one. 25' cents. Annual arrangements mad on favorable terias. .: P A N TT. f.-ry :J JooVeaaU was one vbf - jtiti J ;. - n- t - , - niftst eccentric ot uaen, Uo waa ernriV-ivlM benevolent ahd juas..fe.t of airardent iinll (Pntliusiaic?emperainentr ami occasionsfSf ly indulged, whether against arnt fpiriff or nnvthtng else tbalT roncea' his Jmie'rj . . . , or hisj sense of the ridirul.Mis.'itr a licens ggw-iw; ! nti "'Hw, uiiauuga fo mueo- abud f ' ' 1' V , 1. -'''?a"T lt re a pn.s.mcrr aatf Jine.UlLl, m, ; 1.,- rifcpm,A-r, ;,.' 2IM hui or pur yliir-. -but was- -Lim". nnnvuuiii ur inw LAl L J LIMirtl self t of speech and humor not wholly in kex-rurJy" tho Ft r:j of loading cantmn to-tliM with his religious profession. .'.- ' '.Si,,it,,. Kh'"oJ'3s pI it t m, .t . - . . . v , vi-v.us bin thln r n Jcveti t'loustnd tieu In Ikstration of tliM q taintrfg, of c'inr-S ;,r ot n i, V i r ... . i- , , , ian-atLaltimoTo, un:J we have nopuchfirco; actenis often told, by his frcn; the ,fotiU my option is. t!.:it if uu tucU bp our lowing niKcdjte : ' ': j ?ih ' layout ears hack wo may thrvli lie had long bew. desirous to pure!a.o,'TOer,. ttivfeis.!.' we-cate'i lh.-i:t oujt of their c : i.i - ii . . . . i iroui a neignoor,. a s.nnu iract with a mill seat, or t-uitablu they liad never been ablo to satisfactory price. At lon-tli casioti. he propose 5e.I to 'hh. neighbor titiHr i;c?"' oi ,S!.i,J,. ffun-liarrels. Mrcrytlilotf'J :t, on';' a 'given' day tmiff11 " isejii-f. On boar 1 a twenty n, atout midwiv lele.'?f'u "P ,h:U w'' i-k I fjund thin sort of they should meet hour, at a1 favor their residence?, in. order, if tossib' bar2:,ii..-W'n. nra jiat'zum, to conciuao tuu ITIs neighbor assooliui;, thev met at the anno'tnted titne'and nl.-ie JudgQ was a atrict, Raptist, jiisi neighbor strict Methodist ; and the litter a I'dressedJf iwn Kic't i.Ue oMtu.jni. A '2ilh sbc4 i:t 'tho former thus : My - friend, we ;hWvei( 'sf'ch .is .'in-; v Air hinicajly; but inetsf.r.tbts purp'ope tit'.e.ntci-.aig into a mLr'tl1 !bras eaadlot cl; f r FTi-aliug, with a gar Iract, abeut this land.; . .Now," a . co'utrac&ff" of rus?v fvnront.iy nails 'makes us dw is a solemn thing, and tso one slmiijd otit-'rcC"'00-1. ad w iib- tlie cholic. into iti but wiili a clear conscience and clean bands. I therefore nropoe each of us. should knocl dowu and put up a little rraver to his llcavenlv - Father; I that, he may be guid.od by pttr lnctiv'csf and strict justice 111 the bargain ks aho-nj to make. 1 he moto'xbat Laying ncqni-' esced. the J udge knelt down in pn: i.-'u.- fuer of the" apartment, the Methodit i;i th;, other. : After mdecsnt inte'FYtd. t!ie Judj.' rosi and the Methodist following ' .uix: j ti,ej a.jncej towards oac'i ot'-tcr :r&4-i1'nn tv":25eors u-ifor 1 me 5n ,)e-luWajo of the-room i NowK'. r' il . j my fiend, s-iJ the Judir. ' w have madfff ',,l,:4--,sn,M'd j clJn breasts of it what will vou tak'.v nW!!,k' ml nHgent, ynUr land? ' Five hundred dollars' 5a.hlM . .Mi'i ',un - Vive linn.lrl .1 .I iV t!e f-a" 1, e b-A-ft In t'o the Methodist. ' rive Hundred 'd-,llarT.' claimed the .Tudcb 4 .You ( ami.M .1111" - ... ni have nothing to do ..r-. -.- vour and be forthwith tionart-ed m n :ir . a - - . 1 'A 1 ml frr-nn ' ' . uuugeoii. . -T 1 '. 1 -. """"' - A very similar incident o'ecurred', 'las$J" !a li,rs a h'-?hl" ''ated- and per sutumer, at "Saratoga Springs.. - A crlr1 W"M ' add pmefised in th pious Southern planter, and nolilo ppetiH "'i;I:c '"'"'i S,i l.,'vfinc'1 uv f 'm men of the dd school of Carolina gtrrtlf H:s :,! si ,s M. V-,k is -Vcrr wJl men. was discoursing very seriously wnh WHhlif'-f'V us and a yotiDg 'friend' in th piazza ..'"'If n l)'"3 l'"!'"' "".-' ht " vc"ption of ni Congress Hall, on the no'ssity and diify. !r.li'",u",s Mmt; of a kind h..e. .-ibd accooi-of:prepariug'-'in life." fir the hoiir of deanhV1''"1 L'f",,'lti:,f1 ' '.Si' l,9S an .--as the most important' human cncern.;-,it,h,?t" ."dr'f. -"d Mb in the .niOru-' when, on a turn in the- conversation, ihlP? a,! 1 ,,l' VVunn- prcstTvcs lhe-eubdned innior inpiilbpr nf r,nr trio hat.fiotiirur 'to ileilant'c..i,cne wll.harctcrle.t, juuior meiiibef of our trio hanponimr . to .ff l,'allt ,:,c,,ie say something ap dogetic ofSeft"at..r AV.V-li e,ttla'Iy: "'P.V M!?d-Y beward, of .Mew 1 ork, w pmns S'VriK r on the instant, utterly losing his rernnci;,. exclaimed, ' I bo d i ti'fornal scoutidre!. to the utter amazement of hjs laruly much edified bearers. ' 'V After our Ecclesiastes had retired, pur' youpg companion good huniorcdly re marked on the temporary . irreverence vf the good old gentleman, and w. e;f ih.e Courier, determined' to bottle up inci denfor future use Sotue time after, dining with our venerable, friend, at ,bii beautiful farm, near New York, in ' co . - nanv with two of his snns. our voiihv com - pardon : and a distinguished'' Sout hc riicr. we had the temerity fa narrate the two att qcdovS. as parallel Hustraf ions of cltarnc ter, .'ind they were taken in goul pait lv the hero of the modern orio. They ma v real- both' be regarded as lo-jtahccs, 1 . 1 1 in wineti leu set ne i of utireflecMDg and impulsive bene vol. -nee. to say. of poor LeFevre. when in formed e Ins almost uopwless extremity, jy O- u be shall not die'' Chas. Courier.' HOW MEX DIE. Some mendiaia ignorance, unconcern ?d,! id seeiniasW without fear far the future. and aecmiagly Others are sullen and ilent. 03 if de'er mined to urave 11 out at an uazarus. um-j imucuiuuuici.v . . . H ers are so weaneo; out oy long liiuess an.i continued pain hat the are eager for tlie cuangj, yeTgive no eviacnc 01 Dmg in a ; fit state to appear before God. Others i abound in professions of hopo ' and conC denee, yet leave impartial observers at "a V.a to conceive what basis there can t be for such assurance. Others, again, gW tbeir frjends every reason to think that they are read children of OoO, make tne dread passage with' littTe or no sensible comfort in not a few casesundor a'dark. and heavy cloud. The majority of consis tent Christians ba?e. tbeir last ndrf as it describe by he r?almUt, in a single' woflit 13 peace. A - few of tbem. bcaVen tLU .ido of tlie cold Jordan, and ibeir xapinj-a bri tbin '' to , fee tritaessad 111 order to xtj; noderstooa There is- a vary im'pbi rule for . the direc tion of any one who feels concerned about the manner in which h"is to meel tha last enemy. - Tb is is to live tabitoally-tiL communion "with God throuch J esus Christ. i Socb a life cannot end miserably. Ieatn must be .to 11 only toe crowning cai of its ; read fist coursfe, the .fioishing touch to its lofty, bWsloes4.'iku'tfnftc-Z2 ligenctr.' . ' '-;"':;'-- factitious hero,. Uncle Toby, in; a mKMH?' desire, f.r- of In'diau ; YANKEE FIQ lITi ViiC: . Tu? Memoirs of Ir. Xaarks Xapieri m published in England.otaik irunr passages interestiog to Awericaii select a coupJo orpaTaxaapiis t :- When at Rerumda. in . lSIStrUn jJ.Li ro.M ncut. Colonel ; Napier, ritWto hi liiolh.'r 8av! : 'Two naeV;- .1... t.-ar; thf j Lara not liien ti.h. n. fr t!,.v ; auKccH swai in Here; eud when a frfn! KS out to ."dslvtf thorn tJf.-bv J(,v take lit e I Yank cos ligljt vr-11. aii j. '.. . .1 .- . . . ar.T' cnueiiMin id iiietr mode orwaifara. 1) pitttr rtfuscU Carrjotrs ?wo.l, saying. -Sir yoti have fouhi with it so well, 'l should w asuaiuM to take It from v.u. '.TIio ajtnr(itl .Lv -ly the Tuieticrf, Feveuty olv, in ti Tlmrltfticito h? fnnr. Iivimr ni-kir MMuoM us we must tkke hiui. or W ara"n. - L'' - 'r - - "'cre gtis on tLe eoon.V: Tf ' ! Trom JJcnnn,!a -Charlei Sam LtitAT. Aoieiicu. :mi4 Invamu eoifaiTetl iu some- nt' '" !n1 frous fperatitts ear ;t U; n mn,t "'VY""8 ' fi .mi. nn.iri nil ivji i ii.? iiciir"! ill t'reifcJ a UojM,iip power. J'he bii-Ii meth"tl of .warfare struck him as cowanilr: atii ract of .lJ0?'550 ani sla p at ih ni vi'ih bavoiict.r for one 'Aix$S: : will not MatwK Hut thev- filjt un- 'agree on . nf ,irlj' ' ' J ,1TSC ! ees of iro Tmi 0110 -t'ti-tyfy fir,rr ff.devriiie.it. n .ih hrok. iron .aid eve- cen nbkcffu sr. a in 1 1 1 a n i 1 1 t n r . r si :i 1 1 v prr paii-.i. I his ,,n -M-" 'J l&'U to bo kilH-il accord -f and nr-t'itD! t'helil''IK:1,4t.-a",,'i,: -Cfrret ; but to b U .used -tii': arir'"i'niSt .a5 ru1f! ''" T1' ' "Totjsi. Wo don't IT ""- ' x". 7- -;Irs. . Mnrrav. an K.;'lish 'Vnun" wha Visited tho United State, in. 184,8, liatV.tb iiillowing i ib t,.. to 4 til! it. 4 re-cniivionce f ilt.-tiiii'iii-bed "Ar-verienn. ladies. Slid r I hive s;on thrcf rip7oiuled Kirsgg, and u 1 . . 1 t . ,iM-c? inaugurated 1 rest Jcitt . 1 aunnra U-I-csidtjiit-sitlie niosf. I have scn three 2iieeu.- an-! tlirc Iaili.s wh have shared lio.riot-y of the r-fo-idciii'j ; and truly if ng uic ijueons ii'r one -tiiu I coran.iro 1 iurs .u.-KJison. tua persnnacl of Mrs. lady-lue demean - W rT. ,, M... T 1:. ?. . .'i 1 au.11 in. .'jib. ini t were ie nni tlie f :i lx '!c"..ft in 1 13 teeth whiuh etiar : P ." ... y 1.. : 1 - " W ",, -"-, woum tc a vcrr ST 1 - . . m . . . . L y!l'0,,i(; w iij;.t.. iiir liarr is very black ., I' . ,.. ... ..... . .. . T 1.. it"' ,JCl "Sl l'.T -""Piu ffv uer 4 tomrli of t liw i.iiuisli .lames. These Aroei ' i!-'l,- f l,i "vl talent tor conversation ... . nf .r .ty and pre- . c r v - s 1 1 ; r posi t io n- admi ra bl v '- . 1 ! ' ..'. . . . Vt s levee, a ic-!itiei!::in ri'iarlcpd, Ofcdanrjqti have a ?eiy ironti-.ol asemldago" tn-Mgfit ,Siriv ited Mrs-, i'ljlk, with a Vi ry gxl humor rat y.-rV MgniGcantlv, '1 n ver have f-een it iiipi wi'.' Oae tnoi rdng I found her rca. '0t--- 'I have many books -H-cjjeatff-io m hy ti'C authors. ,s uJ fhe, 'and I trv to read ilbu all. at pre wiit that i impossible; but tsS's even ng .Hie .-iutlr;r f tuts book dines iih ihe I'reiir'int, and I would not '.be -f ' 'j.3ikiud r.s to i'Jppl'ar wh-rilly .ignorant and Knitiin, Jful of ii ir gift.' ' Flhk vv rfWTTVT f 'f i'ii r?"r I fin tteyar 1702, (ays IUr. .Ir. Ueek 'fi?l li t, iii 'iis ifiiers kiiiig .a'CoUiif. of th t 'vierie-w Tudians.) I was witocf-fl ton rc. ilark-ib'.o it.-ta7ii!o d' thy d'sDOsitioti dli .tfSfiswi. to indnige their ves. .Tlir; wa ? a sfrhnivio i-u I he laid. :n V; vsick woman exv cam. ijrT uuon.11 1 iiaviii ncara inar h t'.i'b-r in Lower Sandusky had a little, . sot . 'jm horst b 'ck for that place, one huudrcd, -tjlfsdtmt. and rcturuel vlta as .mucl"' ini a. tilied the crown of his hat, for.wbieU t i gavc his horse in- change, and camir ;nic on f ?ot, bringing his s'addlc tactc vritli 'bfni. ' .::-. - . . ."' " Orabdmolher.,' said a chiH oh leiurn" -.t? ;f . , . . - r ntzArom undav-scIiooI whs fine morwair 4r.v ,,;,, . . i I ! (Je rt a i n 1 v: ' re nlicd .Tlie " old la 2 v ' but tiy do you ask?' ..;' .' - . : jy.'..'-: r.y iJeeaus? it ay every hair of cur fV$ ,ifaumbcrtd, aud to I pulled out a ItsLd- " X to day and there' wasn't a numler xu icot cm. 4; . 7 .. . -, iinvhat heresy: 'jexcntimed tM 6ld lid r !)d;faintdr-;;'.r ' .J " '; w " t 1 i- i-wvyaun;?'. man w no was aesirous 01 mar. i ' - : 1 . ' 1 ''-' 0 . if. ting a' daughter of a welt known Bostpu ri Wchant after inairj- attempts to brdacli jl4e.6ul.ject tolhc jold gentleman, io a very ; .jittering mabper. aid-1 .;.." .w "' -7 O '"' -are" you wtllioz to le-le-- Ii I me bare-your danchterJape,. t!i'tvf'cpur.e I am,' gruffly and quickly r- 7 ii fed . t hie bid u m a 0 , 'and t wisb you wuu I g .t wow other likelr fellows to marry iha r rtHDi tbem. - ''f--.: .-;.--v 7 .... .- liJ io5UMEJr to - Lorttbk'T&s -Kiptf 1 !.i'v-' ',!' ' . 1 6( Ilia variawbo is a llomau Catholic, has aVihsrized the Protestant patdrs i - his wBt yhich is about Zo be 7 erected tdbt ''dftomry ..OlartitT Lythtjr; at 5Votmsr ' ; ; 1 ! r - " ' I 4 ;" X !' 1 ! 3 " .H I ! 'Si ! i ! t .H 71 .1 -. i -I .

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