tf t t. : I j . ! ;! ! tions wh cate the to an invitation . : ADDUKSH OF TH II DEMOCRATIC hu iilBER3 OF THE ;"NEV YORK ' 'V. The: democrats 'ofthe' Seae and As-P? " MiaUy, in closing their o-beial term, teel constrained, by whse of duty to tlieir con sttttwnts, to call their at tenti.m to tfce pro wcress of misgovern nnt in llii State, nd;tle dangers which tfiroaien thai ascen dency of constitutional law. the peaeeof the country, and the' integrity: of the Union.- . ,.t . .. ' .- The Vatji.)'p t-,lt ecR n,am 'f'ttel 1 Ihe'p .luteal initj irity I'.xardi the . State conititut.T Im characterized its ac tion Weven a Greater d?grce towards the uittaiiMWd srcs7T?y hire in- a scries of; resolutions a looted by both' holies, dciMed jhe binding obligation. . :i i, .-;.ioa? of tti-j Supreme Court of -theTp-ied Sia'fW'ad. In 'an act which -pas-; ; ' ' Koi "th rritlgli ojio- houc, and only failed in-" JtJ'.otbr Dr want of time , ...have assumea . " ' n nullify fliat provision of theeonrfitutiou -which ra.vurcs the (rendition of fugitive ravo.. DertV which,; if earned out. would subvert all authority. cnPuVe ai once dissertation of ibo Union, and Jcad to civil ' war between the States, were openly avow- 'ed bV the feaders of the majority, and - the tpakY of the Iloao in advocating theso " -uc-H '-di-iiJ'ice to; the -fjderar authorityv ' declared upon tho.flf l:IIou?c 1 ;. ';''"'"' I recognise" no power utider Heaven that ! c-trt make a roan a'slate..; recognise', no (;nt5Mifion na law; tliat can deprive a . man of his personal rights and liberty ;.and I. a citrzo of New York; aw ready to ited towards thj.XrI-C H"1' V this amendment is adopted and the act which have recemd the favor or me oo n- J l,f -t. ini,U; inflvitnVJv '-follow rtv become - laws, and nejesotu- uiui. u. .r.A ich thef s I.av. pa3sc 4 tfrp wwa, -.-3 - . - ,.7. . lifi pdrpose cf the iStoteV they amoac , or.t .. 7 j ta escape to th'uf ; State, to U fotecteU here asainst thexi?claciatioa of-fhierowft- iotere&tia : lii-.taialnj th-Cx,..itia.i .3 -cs it- now stands in nil hi foreo. No' State woul! u5ef so tnuch from the civil cotn- th hMitis k t&tion to restore gopd fovern- 1 ment ttf lite "Ste, .; to ; protect , tbiKown Constitmiod against infringement, and to preserve the ' Constitution of the United States,- tv hich fac'tloff atsatls aad trould break down, ffi rderhal It Jiiay -iiitadi the domain of State j rights', aisid - trample upon the sovereignity . of the- 5 associated Stales of th'e cdrifederatlohX- ? anil of interest inswre s -comnnxnitT than those which now call ppcsn the people of this State, to emancipate themselves From the misrule uudr which ioff.' aud to install in its atead democratic, economic and coistitutional policy of gov-i ernuient. - 1 ' . Daniel KT Sickles, f Nathaniel Uoe William Kelly 'Tbnas Charlock, Jamea Wads worth., &-,Vi Glover. JG&BTigtn & TJIL.l,irir,'PPOpMeters. rs, if need be, by armed power to be in corporated into the mass of voters, ana io ta the- militia, to enter into tb orgaoiaa tion of juries, and eligible to all the offices and functions ofinagwtracywUhin the State ' i , , .-- their warfare against tha - cpnstUutiat aad its danaWe bafcf iisi and Sgalnst the Indleiarr of the Uhftccf 'States whose de cisions it a a parfy assumes, a right to defy.'- ' ,; - v JJefore tbiaraendinentcan become a part of the constitution "it must be approved by vour votes but before reaching you, ' it has again to be passea upon oy mo penaie urge the Coriventidn : to assembly, and upon .them . he necessity, of attendance. There is " mucV depending,- cn our; action ujmu mat occasion, ana u is necessary mai we have a full delegation present. Lei everv0DC20 that can's andr all v will be fwcTt; TCESDAYiapRKIS G,TM A 1 9, 1857. f i, call VOUr aiieosion w meueessuv vi ug- T , - : t-,i 1''"R;11: m Ji -Jir:.-.? John fevers, - James F. KeiUy, . LRichard Kynnaey, James S. Sloyter, Frank Townsend, N..W. Mooney, tfre next ig umure, "--- Jbhu Millar. . ' . Robert B. Bradford. vacy against wa peace vvnw, - Wftren Diuim?ckf Arthur Woods, chSeVrM-, e'; "t CN: Campbell. Samuel T. Roberts, The decfsion of the Supreme Jlench of xvXnr I T(, --p n;tr n r" v t .-4 t5, - i. :. i .t r- G DeWltf Clinton, James K. Dickson, the United States, winch has elicited lth! z. lA au.. yet dmo puDiisoea py DayiJ Whillog, . David Rl F Jones, form, : and the opposition manifested to it TT . . . . ; I :l,K.., JAvi--.wr;;ii.. John-Hanford, . Darms Allen, phiz the Stato of New York in - that atti tude. 'Suppose - New York takes that (rround what tlient ! Soi'iw'talk of revo- liition a ir ih it w3re to l '( flu driaJed re rulL Sir. I 'he r 1. U'hn this, preat Sfit.r. Itj"- ;'.; 'nlllioiM and upward of MsmtnX M that position, then I know'th it a f atli bl .v is : struck ar . gainst African 'shy jryv ; t wnul 1 p-rf pcr niit a fugitive from )t ho SouW to be taken fiom our limits. Whai thon ? What pow er can compvl us to jcpiiecc ? Will James Buohanan inarch troops into New 'York to . eoeice us "uiti siLinission ? '.We', know that no attempt f I 'niad e thus to coerce this 8tate. wlieu i? t;tkoi this position! It v;as U'-h :'i.lirii?nt3:as fhso, ." anima- (Tng the in ij'-'yrVy. " tf at Indncei. them to ih- itiatc an amcu l.m.'Ut to the' State 'constitu tion , w!rscV:;rss:id IbjtTr; hou !.' allowing' rtegMt's t ) ''-;;m i jhout the'Iifuirations up - on the V i'Fi t vCn'u'h that class of our population 'v tiuj c-tcd . CVric.H .': r.Mit; ri?.f oljt irius- proposing anicnd 'i(iouts to iIhv c 'K!in'iou ,'-, : : .;. '..iff I ' Y-iiMiMy concur) That siction tir-r f Jir;iid? 'i'oiid of- t'ha 'consti tution of thii State bj nl:erol or -:. amended by striUing Tcnt all of aid -ti'n after but no mnp; of' so that the prop erty nalilicat: -.i tin1:- in roq :ired sliall be abolished. t . V ; Tli at. said n'skui Istj u i said 'section be rc "frr?d to b onr?:V:Af. the next general, el c 1 iof S'ti:i!o:. that pu-siant to ' taction t-rt of 'article 'thirteenth of the 'con- !'!: u? 11 iho HMn'o Li published for three -9 ui'viuhs previous to ttie time of such clec- . 'Tire coyitlt'iition:al clause thus proposed to be expni-jjatod requires a three years cit i.Anhip and a freehold of two hundred mid lift v dollars, us a.;qualifi?ation for a 'j'.ian of co'oi' to vote. Th' ri'icMion involved in this prcposed ' iTiM-fcriieut I urit nojv for the first before th'e pooph1. Tt wps settled in the oonstitu tlon of lS'-it; after full and -.elaborate dis- cn?sion; Tho agitation to extend the suf fwc to this ' ela'sij wa.? revived on the birth 'of t!io abolmon party; but with so little effect rhs.t William II . i Seward, in the canvass which eleeted him to! the ofSce of Governor! wli't h Icterrogtifed bv.a coniuiittee cousist- ihe-of Joliu J:tY and Gefr'jt". Smith, as fo - Ms tiews on this suhj 3ct, replied under date cf.'Anburp'.'VOettiber' 22, 133S, as fol? liws: - --j -.'' ;;. , , . .' " ir lwlicvo, that .all iniii may hoeonje coni pVS'fcl t th-.? n.'snon.ibiliti'es ot-self-govern- . !'.(:;. I '.thioV, also, that nations and s Mce.s -may become debased by ignorqn'-e, ) as to. bo destitute ouie intelltgencr- iiia hhMrrr charaeTeriidbTar-m'ucrinde- i?nn' n"ro. cency of haste as intern peraooootlangaage &1ni -1 -1.1- -... F .nnaa Kr. is known that it limitsthe power of Con- -UI" V,Ju' cress, discerns and respectfthe restrictions Abomas K.tTl b. of State sovereignty j jnd in this carries Andrew Sheehan. out the principles of the eonstitutiorr, as it " uu ' " follewi in its spirit the view's of its. foun- Jhn J. -Reuly, . . .. 1 . 1 't ' . .4 ' - George G." Scott, . Tobias Bouck, W. II. Crowe, A. G. -Thompson , K. G. Sutherland. ders and the-precedents' and decisions set jiebtIMG OR THK STATE KDUCA- by the several States, in their early legis- TIONAL ASSOC! ATfON lation, and ever since, nnintaioed.- f0 all the friends o Education i a Korth As we nhderstand it, it places no re- Carolina.' ; :' :''':' strictions upon tho power of .he State to At tlie Educational CoiHreution held in bestow upon the negro class of population Salisbury in October last, consisting of any .political franchises or to elevate the'm. a,out one hundred and thirty delegates, tetany degree of honor or political position; an j representing some -thirty counties, the but decides only that these privileges can- f0n0wjDg Resolutions weo woaniinously not be carried beyond the boundaries of parsed,-to'-wit : ' the State granting them., under any pre- Jiesolbed, ThaV this Convention form tence of citizenship of the United States, itself into a pormanentocj Siety for the The court which has pronounced this de-" advancement ot general Education, and cision has long enjoyed the confidence of that it be called he Educational Associa- the American people; and it will not for- tio3 0f North Carolina r ; fcit it by a decision which is in accordance Jiesohed, That the officers of this Asso with the usage of the several departments dation, for the present consist of an Exec- of government, with the practice ct Lon- utive Co'xniittee ofJve. who shall hold gress,' and in Jiarmony with the repeated their 035ce J1Dt jj tj aoption 0f a Consti Rxnrcssions of noDulnr sentiment in the .:;. n t.o, l. I .1.1? ' i 11 ' l-.t.-ll? .1 . - ' non-siavenoiaing as wen as siaveuoiuiu States. .'; The party which has professed such zeal for the- negro population of these States, and. which proposes to incorporate them into the constituency, has, in all its past history, opposed, and endeavored to prevent the extension of suffrage to the masses of the wl ite popalation of the State, and is at this moment engaged in common' alliance in nearly every State in the Uni on to exclude from the fight ; of suffrage and from the enjoyment of eoual civil and religious rights the immigrants who eeek j to attend as delegates at the next anuual on our snores a; rcruge irom. oppression, meeting of. this Association. ; ! and a home for themselves and their pos- The undersigned were appointed, lirider teriry. It is imponsible to .concede to 'a ti,e sec0nd Resolution, an Executive Com- politieai faction which perverts its instincts mittee, with power-to determine the time in order to discriminate against kindred anc pjace of the next meeting of this Asso- racos in behalf of that is as much es- c;ati0n ; and they defined the time for tranged by its character as it is distinctly Tuesday evening the 80th day of June segregated by its physical peculiarities, nextt and Warrenton as tlie place! The any of the. sentiments of liberalism to which time. it is hopedwill be generally conven- it lays claims, Or to concede to it any mo- ient to Professors in Colleges and toteach- tive except a factious desire to array the ers : and the place is one of tho most idea- ' h. Tb Pioneer establishment baving 1een trans terred to 11 haad of new proprietors, it is very important that all old account should be settled: as-speediiy as possiW. Those,- therefore. who are indebted ta the1 oifice fdtr subscription, fd vertiuagOr job wk are fearnesUy requested to come forward and -make settlement withent de laj -vnii--?i s't'-T- . f ' jGr AWarinohneemenrs of - candidates for office-f mnst be raid Tn advance. T 'Our terms are sojuu xr We are an thotized to announce JAlIi!S VT. HINTONEsq'.; as a candidate 'forfeclcc- tion tofcV office 6f pQuntj4 CoirV Clerk for Pas qnetank Cottntjr,l!. r, ; o ?wiM'? i. ,t ffr We are authorized to punounce WM. 'E. if ANN, Esq., as: aeBdiaat ftr the office of Clerk ofthe ConirtV Conrt of Pasquotank coin ty. . . - - -j ?. j, i' " - ., . . . ; j&m We are anthorized to anhoance WIL LIAM Ai' II AltNEY", E5q aa a candidate for the pEce of County. Court Clerk ot Pasquotank comity. Resdecd, That this Association shall meet annually at such time and. place as hall be desiguated by the Executive Com mittee, -j ...;, :( ' , l j ' 22es(jfo-cdi That a Committee of seven be appointed by the Chairman of this Asso ciation to draft a Constitution and. By-Laws fjr the government of this Association, and report the same at the next annual meeting of this body." .: . Resolved, That all officers and tfaehers in Schools, and all' persons interested in the cause of general Education, be invite! sant and healthy towns in the State and accessible to a i sections. The citizens of Warrcnton,.; through the under&igned, tender the' free hospitalities of the place to all who attend this meeting; and the various- railroads of the State will Northern against theSouthern States in a dangerous sectional warfare! The Democratic faifl$lountenances none of these distinctions, 'and animates no such unpatriotic purposes as these. It recogni zes the constitution as the supreme power ofthe land, and awards to each Separate pas3 11 delegates at half their usual rates department of tje federal government, the of fare. v executive, the legislative and the judicial. . All officers of schools, of all descriptions,; its separate, ana inaepenaem junctions;' all teachers and friends of the cause ot ed while it clings to the doctrine of;Stat,e ucation 'will be considered mis legates, rights as the foundation o.f the liberties of and to all such an earnest invitation is virtue rtjisite for tho'-'disehargb "i the people. The sovereignty of the sov- herebv civen to attend. The Convention rfponsibiTitio. Tlie conkitAioi.i..ifemsio end Stages, except when limited by the 0f last Fall was a great succe!s, inaugura- 'itt.wc ::d..ptvl -Uiose principles by 'intpoing j express terms ot the constitution, is the ting a new era in the educational history of . ; -iiTestriction on the ngfct of suffrage pn th nuiaamentai law oi us creca. "oivu ana Carolina, and if the movement then eo pMt of tho colored population, instead ef religious liberty is the boon Wtiich it se- happily begun be properly followed up,' it thesr total exclusion. In this view the con- cures to all trie citizens ot tna common- cannot but redound to the interest of, the Flit'itional' restriction in fjnestion ie'searce- wealth. Under its benign influence, the State, and to the profit of teachers. The lv to be regarded as a distinction founded bdundaries of the confederation have been first meetincr was " not : onlv Profitable. a dcly on complexion, bnt should rathcrbe extended to the .j Pacific ocean, and new but pleasant to all who participated in its lings; ana rror all over the Sti rsef oratherinir responsibilities of freeman and those who .nes. have been added to the Union. But ing sure also that all will, leave it as the do not. Objectionable as a property miaM w'hi!c we have thus increased our freo do-' delegates left Salisbiirv. with an anxious ideation is for such a test.! am not prepar- minion we have not weakened it nor lessen-I desire to be nresent on the next occasion of oJ to say, in - view the actual con- ea tnc devotion oi .tne peopio to it. jsor the kind,. io iv of that raco,-that". Uo test onrht to I have we on the othef hand,, endanger-od J A Constitution and By-laws for the gov-rxist.- The constitution of nthis State was thj liberties of the people by clothing the I ernment of this Association will have to be but lvcently established Its distribution rcntral authority with inordinate powers, adopted at the meeting in Juneja good ofthe rigfit of suffrage was the act of the The secret of this-happy combination cl a deaf of other important business is to be people thenselres. and was adopted with powerful nation and a free people, is to' be transacted, while lectures, addresses and We are auihorized to announce JAJTES K. LOXG, as a candidate for the olflce' ofSiipe- for Pasquotank County. rlor Court Clerk We 'are requested to announce WM. E. VAUGHAN, as acanlidate for the offica of Su perior Court Clerk for Pa3quotank County. T3r.We are authorized to announce Capt WILLIAM A MULLEN as a candidate for the j - office of Superior Court Clerk of Pasquotank County.; - We are authorized to announce Wilson G. Lamb, Esq , as a candidate'for tlie oiSce of Superior Court Clerk, tor Pasquotank County. ;We are authorized to announce JM? RTI1ERIDGE, Esq.j as a candidate for Superior Court Clerk for the county of Pasquotank. --4-.- - --.-w- PERQUIMANS COUNTY. JpSF" We are autlprized to announce' Joseph R. Wood, Esq., as a candidate for the office of County Court Clerk of Perquimans couaty. We are authorized to announce Jas. L. Bill,' Esq as a candidate for the office of Su perior Court Clerk of Perquimans. J4T We publish to-day the -address of the Democratic. members ofthe Nw York Legi.dature, to the people of New York, in reference to the action the Black Re publican majority of thoLegislature in ex tending the uniqualified right of suffrage to njgroes, and the vote of the House upon the resolutions, denouncing die Supreme C-jurt for their decision in the Dred Scott ,ase and commuting" tho St Ue to measures of resistance tq the Constitution! Read it, you that have doubted the soundness of Northern Democracy and have ever-been ready to imptign their motives aid their conduct. It speaks volumes fpr their con servatism and their devotion to the institu tions of th e countrv. There is no dodging or equivccatioti ; no mincing terms, no buffiing or double dealings but throughout the address is vindication of a bold, open, -and manly the Supreme Judiciary, and a withering, den unfiation ofthe reckless and unprincipled fanatics that have had the control of Jtho Legislature, and in their mad zeal forced through a bill conferring upon negroes privileges of equality with the whites, thereby fixing adanmiag stain upon, the character of the State, and in stead of elevajing the black would brieg themselves down to his own level. , TlIJu CoVLiiU. : ' ;.r. .; For the rioJieejr, As this is the .last ! issue' of our prtFUiOV,TANl3APTIST AS30CTATIQN. tliawill;:rea ',f irnvliljR This venerable X 3j has t PS 4 ? tnctConna; jdstclod i 51st annual f vision ! jit con tio;. v.we most c ill C . antionfdelegs; wia cliorch atijolerailf, 'e7- to ihe let, that He Sth-TL ira'H tie county; ?Tuesday;tha12th fnVt-abd of tle.riesenl wont tk.oljcn i.'-.n.'!.... IDECIDEDLY iJAlfGIlXBKl ! The Sentiael oeSattrrday fillies to our ficiiiand for''8ubsta1bt&t:riG4.o. bis haviug 'Mold tfaestrutlfc' aftothis fashion: Oar-friend 'of the' Pfoneer sa vsiS the aboTp 'Vwe are more fortunate thaft Our .neighbor.'' In reply we assure the Editor of the iAertcetliat lireijuirf s noj fcrtm catc's fromu to provcthai wedjave 'itold the truth. : :V-e gaTo our. Authority apd if U is flbt good ecougb, jr the Pioneer ivc buve nothing to- d irthe 'matter,-" oriU' J sue u auiuoriiy is picnty goou ami.rcputaDie enough for us- American? Editors ueed no certificates to provu to tlte public that they 1I ilil A.t.'J ;i Vf-Vl "5 I'- -. i-V generally 4-fu me irumout we are; ciao. that our frendnhas Win fortunate' enough in getting the reuwiteproof tliat he has, in this iA&taoee, t.told Xhe truthV' Cool, tbat I We have only to say" with urns, i ' : 0 wad soma Power the giftiegie us s To see oursels as oth rs see us.' - ' introdactqrygerroon was pteached by El der T. II - Blitchard, pastor of- the church at; 'Her tforFubject,r Special Proyt-1 Mtxcf flO-i',- 30.; This duty bad been assign d to Elder Trotman, or to El- JdejLearya aijrj4ai42b beW ing seutK Jiaceoun of severe-sickness, a 44 tjb.clatt on accpuut ofb'artness over kh H4 tbe; Juty,; of course, fell psome one cjge. , It was, how ever, d i$clj i oaxialff and J m p rcssive Vc'wellrfrjf rry'tdbear onlie sick-'i-ch of fed I fr&auli but. -iwere made glajjn th jrtdourorrOflfto b arn thaherev,issbme ground of iliOpe for lus WecoVeryn'Sminglrng'v tvitb The large crowd thatijlseiubk'd'fiom dar. and especially itaktnga;seat;fo the Associa- trbu'roonj cf ou?d jaot'buCjl- the ab' senee of tlW tvtncrablo Elder, who has ; la- liejf5a9y-tyeaxr,Qi! iv in ujf wasier;8 causes uis absence S3T We have been , repeatedly ques tioned by the Sentinel ic re'ation to the action ofthe Democratic party' upon the subject of the Clerk's election. Now we have ne doubt that the Editor of the Sen tinel is considerably exercised iu reference to the clerkship, -and may pass many sleep less nights in cogitating upon bis ohanccs of an election, . but his anxiety does cot concern us in the least, and we shall not therefore trouble ourself a'bout . Ins ques tions. We do not recognize lis right to catechise us as fo what course the Demo cratic party intend to pursue. Their poli cy, as developed, is a -fair 'subject for .his prolific pen, but wc beg to be excused front consulting either his Wishes or his wants. We feel perfectly indifferent as to what irl ference he maydraw from. our " sik-pec',". and give him free permission to exercise himself in any way that may satisfy .his own feelings. . r yTIIE YACHT AMERICA. A? handsome little pleasure craft bearing the , above titlethe- property of F. S. Proctor, Esq."; has been cruising iii our waters for the lact week, exciting the ad miration of all who had beheld her. She is about thirty feet Jong, seven or eight feat beam, draws three feet water, and Is a perfect model of beauty symmetry, and grace, She skims the water like, a sea bird; and made with a moderate ;breeze, ten knots in fifty minutes. The 'America is fitted up'with all the conveniences for a pleasure-boat, and is faultless ia her build and trim. . , was was grcatly 'jfuit and deeply depd or ed.. Tbe "buijaeis Jof ,tlie Association conducted iH a most harmonious and cliris- the ppeaker;iiiaintained thai christian cour tesy toward e'acli ojther,which should ever oiracteriz. ihose filling their stations This made ! fia entire session most barmo- niOUS..-;''.--;', ; .. .s j'',-' :'- ";'.. Com nittes were raised on Various 6b-. jects of chrfian benevolence, who propa ed and read re6rts alike-characteristic of in-elligenee-injl christian piiilanthropy. And then Jiesensiblc, well timed and el oquent remri:-whicb the reading of these reports woisldf elicit from various members, of the Asjrlation wore truly "edifying. When" was' submitted on Wake Fw'lpt College we learned that the present tbcf of the tni?tees is to raise an endowmerijfund" of S0,0K3, and that the prosp.ctvfr;accn)plisbihg this object is most ;"fftfefin..: 32,000 has beer: raised in -llkfirtf, sir rnnifl)s 'jind. K.-Vi.r:il .schdlaV3hif;3'fare been donated' to inoreasc A tire rndoiljeilt fund-s-so that tlie prospects arc fair S)nJbe; speedy raising of an endow- mect cfaU;nt 870,000 -Tbs will make I tiro succeajof the College no longer prob lematical.;'tlf it has lwed witliout aii. en r here are 'bine 15 students at College who . lave m .viffvlthsacred work of the gospel Avjiat waa then believed to bo a just, re- found in the principle of popular local discussions on various topies will add to the gard to tliepetiuity.of all cfMsses ofcltfeeris sovereignty, whieh lies at the foundation interest of the occasion. 'We bobe that no and the g neral jvclfare. Organic chan- of it. By it every State, every commuoi- crle will" wait for special invitation; and gos in s-cicty -ought not tobe rashly made ty, is enabled to measure its owii wants" that all' the friends ofthe great cause at.' and such changes.. btrgh-t not, aud indeed and provide for them. The'responsibility stake will endeavoV to attend and aid in ffifnnotoe mach herc-nil decwid and cl6r-jf misrgovemment lies upon those whom its the good work by their presence an ly expounded by the will of the majority of i evils will fall; and as no institutions can bit sel. ' I ' ; r and coun- - C. II. WILEY, W. N. II. SMITH, J.H.'FOOTE. E. W. OfJBURN,, J. T. WHITE, , vEx. Com. ' the people However: .'extensive and irl adopted except by the consent of those who creasing" may be tbe interest felt ou the are to live under them, (he allegiance of snbject among our fellow-citizens it. cer- the people and their obedience to the laws laiuly cannot? be assumed that their views have, their surest safeguards in the free Klive undergone such a change, tbat they will ofthe citizens. are prepared for so great an alteration in , Ibis principle has been extended t6 ths tho constitution. ;' I dismiss the in- government .f the Territories so far as FREMONT AGAIN IN THE FIELD terrowtory, theretore, with the simple neg- compatible with the constitution of the The New York Herald, of Apr it 13th, utivel foel.mysclf constained to give. United States ; j and to its onefatibn we baa. at the head of. its editorial colnmna. , This language was used eighteen years may look for the final adjustment of all an earnest appeal tothe political suppor after the adoption of the - constitution; the questions growing but oi the, domestic ters of John C. Fremont to form, as soon which it was proposed ,to;unsett la to admit institutions of a portion of the 5n and as possible, ending, committees and dubs this attempted rerorm, cmce men me tne extension ot the national domain. ; 1 ta every town, precinct, district, city or vrnostion has been passed upon by a new : We congratulate thepeonle of this State countu ofthe Umted Slate- and thus nre constitutional convention, and re-adopted that the principles. of 4he democratic party pare the way to'enter the field for the Pre uy ue pwj.iw pan. ui lyo urgaum wr, uvc uiuuqjauu iU me recent election Qveri staency in loou. l ne iieraiisays that i l r i : i . i i it &i . . . . - m - ana mo uecisioa, maue oj an ; overwuei- r an me cotnomauons oi sectional and sec- unless the friends of Fremont begin at irnn nrertonucrance bT-tho popular vote, is tarian fanaticism. In-tbe flRtinn nf . T I i r t i i r-- - i m v au vui vuj uv una - s U VrT still fresh ana recent. J he result ot the liuchanan to the fresidential office we ters (honestand virtuous 'soulsl)- will be papular vote on -theeonstntution of 1846 have secured a chief magistrate cxperienc- heated by the corrupt politicians' (!) who proved that the majority against an exten- ed,: versed in public affairs, wi, dispas- are bo seeking the management aid con- ?iou of suffrage fo, negroes was greater than sionate- and patriotic, who harno. mbfive trol of the blac repubiicao masses throuH- the. majciiy in favor of' the constitution, except to. fulfill, with inteeritv and ability, oui th onnrW . - ' No motive of self interest can be ass:i ned for this voluntary appeal to the people in behalf of the Constitution and the Union ; no object of perspnal adVancorcent or ag grandisement can be laid to their cftargc for the act. Had they bave consulted the future in vio.v of their own well-being-they must have pursued a course diamet-' ric'ally opposite. At a. time, when the popular current is sweeping-with resistless force in one direction, the time serving, the slavish, dnd the mercenary are the first to throw themselves .-within " its influ ence, and float. to power and place. They watch each varying breeze and turn, their sales to Catch its faintest breath. Self is the God they! worship, and thty bow with sipple knee at its unbply shrine. Not so with men whose patriotism-1 rises superior to personal considerations. They dre to do right, tholugh immolation may follow,' add thus wd j-egard the conduct of those noble Democrats, who .have boldly jcorae forward in opposition to the prevailing sentiment of the New Yorkjublic to throw themselves 'in the breach, .to-breast thefury of the mad ind' savage bodes who ari rushing headlong to the wo?: of deslrnc-tion-. It is well oou that New5 York gave an 'iaptecedented : majority for Ftcmbn'; and Blaek Republicanism, that the popular (tide sets strdagly in favor of SOUTHERN MOXITOll. -The prospectus of a new Democratic pa per, bcariag the above title, to be published in Philadelphia, will beiound in our col umn to-day.' The Monitor will be devoted to Southern' rightsand Southern interests, and will wage an uncompromising war up on tho demagogues and hypocrites that are seeking under the guise of philanthropy, to sever the bonds that holds the Union together. Itls a good sign .to see able," conservative journals springing up in tjbe North, and we trust foreshadows a returti tf a healthy public sontim nt. The Editor bs our best wishes, for the success of his enterprise. dowuiehtf will surely flourish with one. Tbi t ministry . H We. . learned also that prospects' were never mofeffiattci ing than-they arc at pres ent with -tij5i Chowan "Female Collegiate Institute;, ftind bow can i be-otherwise b:st Female There a) 1 when it is-rio of, tho very Cjllges iii.all the ccuntfv none tolet it, and few if any io equal it W i Hx'lap present able ficulty, gentle' maii!y aiK j-aC'-'Oniinolating steward, and the ypqnji4lics all pleased, the Institute is bound'ti flourish. Dr. Hooper is , still prrneip;vlji" During the past associational year tlier?;werc nearly 1000 arddel to the cluirches the Asociation 'by lap'i.m. Tlie lcttep from the cliurce.? shoived that they are.iwake to;the , various olj '.Cts of cb rist iatt'.jepe voleri ce' now cnjaging;.' the. attention. ; ptj.the entire uenomination. Large con tributions were made during .Hie pastyeafAj jthe 3Iission cause, both home and foreifi ,tc the Bible cause, to the cbuse ox etijicaiion, xc.. x.c. vuc enuren contribute fe's nruch as 19,000, to these variows ploets. The:nc-pession-of ibe Association will be held Aitlj the shurblv at Great Fork, Nanem6f cou(nty, . v a. Elder J; J. Lansdell : -iD preach the introductory ser mon." t; ''''". '': - AlUio3gbUo Sabbath . wag embraced in tho ses.-ie -( the Association, there .was no perc-ep cble. abatement of interest. 1 his v.arapprjlicavled bv.somc, but they cm now lay ifide t'-cir apprehei s ons. It is a NATIONALITY OP T cytheqnlyS, .r;iTNl0N.: T'-r Pm T-e moans rlty' wcurity tothe'somn?ih has been fn nmA : .! J 7 na ii i W-WTiS' aw.:-?!-.1'1 i ! 'its' T.r-nMiu-4 1 andJes3..dangerou.i days! r was esteemed sacrerj a J ? -S the issues, in f elections, 1 jjj j Federal, were always! ;it matters of policy for the public 1 pixt appealing io the passion, : Y vie aeuiiouui me conkj. I another,' and j without arrTi r -sl against r au-aosoroing qucgij is negro slavery. The non-slavcbolding altogether thereat! measar ment, upon wuicU alone politil canbe legitimately organized' j gle point WToperatior,,; ;t,po8l are all united, with; the except bid band of indoraitab'o DemJ-i t'o our domestic jinstitationHJ their host ej fanatical South, by inun-lreds. nUk' thousands.' In the late pC tion they met us openly and L with a force that induceJ 5?n.i the most loyal, conservative aJ to. counsel urj vuu.CHipsieu Witt). a sadn io mai .wiiii which a' d.i-approvi dence must loot duvii upon faM DiscxIon is a word not-ropotrt.T,l political nomcticlature of the t me republic. ; J5nt it is'J BEAUTtFUL PICTUlllS. ' AVe were .shown several bandsome pho-: tographic likenesses of old familiar faces, takeu by ttiat. accomplished, artist,; Mr. J.: Birth, at his rooms in ttls place. They have a strong resemblance to fine steel en gravings, and are decidedly the most beau tiful specimens of picture-taking that wc have seen; Anexaraination of "theTaces',; to be found at the door leading to his rooms will sustain all that we have said of them. : mncb more familiar thkn tl . :- .iJi ii i ., uiiiiuiuics lueuicau'i oy thao good men, whose virtues taWl tnej spirii or. iiDerty was an bm ari: the same sou'rcij. to which the Ci ligion'owes its existence tlie on- for the temporal, the o herlfor v happihesVfcf mankind f; AnJ V virtues taught then) (to be tjrue, dom enabled them to euibot) v aaj their crAntry. . T j 1 1)0 CONSTITrJTIOS' ill usi ratesl? its only practical light. An 1 j the principles it pro3lannP, tl;; whi-h .it, demands f ir the feu, H ineht, and -those which U 4f,--.iaft States, wjere ackn'o w knigl1 aa-i by all parties and ail. smHty.'i.v . i -1 ' -.1' -' ! w s.s. n-vcreu us Ut9 nar v s t Bat siofe the sovereisnfy of the assailed, the interests bf tho JAon gered, and our system of gwera:. tcaed .-with a prostitution of tlie i and powers of liberty, to ty ', and outrage, upen fifteen so vc;H of this" confederacy, tho b:uUli.r when they talk of a "dissoluf" Union, arc? advocallng '.an nJ those pritiqiples upsn whieji rr merit was organized, and jiiianff simc s-'p'ri't which brompt'cllfhc'l of independence. . As 'yet I In- tact, an 1 fafo for four years, at 1: threat! of the traitor.; who mvi one section to uie envv, aiiiibit j p"crisy ofthe oh-r, can u'evrr s a disruption of tlie iconfcdt ncv. a!)ti-sdavery pnty psst.s liio j-' .1'. i ?cure ttieni. un.anu.!i.uti-s:ic4 enact'laws fors tho ! protcc'io.! slaves, and send renrcsntaitiv'i,Ui to preach tho icaor. w(i!ic!k t'n ii; practicing: the ambition press ; the-Souib and 'the institution ol1 allYaukeed'm may resour.11 wii! tor treedom. but the niwu w until the I'eileral . goverrMMf'iit l unIer the control of-men who iv; aufhbrityl' by denying t'io of the State, or, otherwise.- fo efficacy Tor i:s intended ends', the interests of iie ection Ootli or indirectly Hubserly lent yauni casions have already nvisori riu South has made serious saciiie tliose ns. tlie tho rati - NEW PAPERS.. . ..j: The RcTiiERFprjDEMOCRAT is the title of a new nd sprightly Democratic sheet, just started in Rutherfordton, N. C, by Messrs. Gowan Tumbro.' The De mocrat promises to be a. valuable champi on ia the good cause, and we wish it a rich harvest of pecuniary blessings. Web ave received a copy of the South, een Statesman, published 0 Va., by Francis piEsq ; andchber fully place it upon our cxchangelist. - The -atcsaian is a hanasomo sheet; Democrat ic m its creed, and its editorials give evl-J dence of energy and ability. Succoss at tend it. ' . " : ' . :- ' " ' ' .': fact thaClbd Chowau Association U not dpondctjl ti a Sunday to elicit feulfiejciH interest lQ 1 sustained. . No s5s ion, need be.bettef?tutained than this was. 'Tho houses ajVt hearts not only cf Baptists, but of the citiris who were not Baptists, were open ;fi)f?ti,e reception of cornpany. ' And as to )C(?i5i tnere werei cnougn every day." . Tlj sjdate and the gay, the mei j chant andithe farmer, the professional gen tle manaaTll he mechanic, the old and the young, aiTormed apleasinq apd jnstr ctive variety.- IfTiie niost novel sight however, was to FHdies smoking cigars in a pub lic crowl I : . " ' .- The bv iiiiess and bustle of the Associa tion b'ein oiver,' we left Coleraine much pleased .iiSfih our visit,, feeling warm at tachmefntf of fricndsliip for. the good, peo ple fthcrejka h.d a desire to repeat the visit whcncvefcircumstances may favor. . - YIATOy; sake of the Union. And wet c almost as alaV filing ii'ien of abolitionism now. nremonitorv svmototns of ladv with which we aren; Ksave the viral orgjjns j of pur g from its i!e-truelive touch!, Compromises: between tlie ? ooum, can no longer recctre even of the tnost-temporizingniK have always i been liijudic oas. tim6 ha come whfti tha government must'cithor irwcif. ber. en;; Thev apr roved or denounced the North have j declare 1 ftf quarter, upon our institution?, j mg nreDranos ana. tnc. uiry pi a., are rallying their routed forrcsf and the Southto stand against: must meet them in compact e they are, beaten, we may cjr".! uity. :": -r Ut" ii ",!;;;; The South, if ' ,'rt . nlon(J fh: an un'.odovtbould tedr BuiJth.rCit Mi ENGEir LADIES K.LXTIONEER- Tiie canvassed showed r - . ' For ucw con3titutfon; . Agaicsbit,- ' r Majirity for,' ' r For acgro suffrage, agiiost tf,.i.a ! 221,528 f)2t436 85,800 228,830 ' T ) ii I U2.530 ; Maiority against, - It 15' lmposairjie 19 uiscouucuii una iuivo ni1t; by which the decision of. the ' people is sought; tobe reversed, from-the other measure initiated aadarried -through the Xilatixro; and tb' menacing, tone exbtb- the high trust reposed in bin, and whose oigbeat 'ambition he-halrdeclafed to' beT to restore peace to the brotherhood Of States and good feeling to sections of lbs popala tion alienated- and .exasperated against each other; by thWaertbtfr-arts- of dema gogues, ift is'oet duty to sxrstin bihr in his high, task-, and we invoke the energies of tbedemocfatie prtof tKe' fret State of New York to Ui- support. The. people of this State are democratic in; principle. true ro the government, loval 'end pati vttic. No State has a greater stake in the linion apdjls'peaee aad prosperity; -or a.- larger This'is a prompt movement and atho rough plaq'.. Tts; success. breyer, is rcn- dere3 problemVical by the- fact, assumed by the Herald, that " the Corrupt pbliti cians'C of the Black Republican party are opposed to Fremont" . Jndging" from the ;Congressional, political and-niofal devel opments j of Black , Itepublitaniirif , L we should '.ppreheTid, that the . corrupt ppli ttelaHs"'' of ibat coaccriv are . in an over, whelming majority, .iind ."that;; if such be their dsire, rhey cau outwit.' outvote.TaPd, .annihilate the immaculate J'reutont with great &.JicAmon& Viutch!t free-soilism, of polrev. th yet regardless of the dictates Iosq men. Vojrardless of their I " - ' - o . .- . - own personal preferment, regardless ot the bitfer and 'vindictive, denuneiatisns that will be poured out iri unstinted torrents upon caeh and all ot them come, foward, a-nd with self sacrificing devotjoh make an earnest and feeling appeal to their fellow citizens in behalf of the Constitution and the Union." Sucb'isDemocraey' North, S9upd-.c patriolic.V conservative;- warring upon the enemies of the South and defend-J ing the citadel from the Vandals thatrfould oyertbrow.Uj''he address. speaks-for it self.;' ict airTCjrfiiJ1. . ,; " FIRST OF THE SEASON ! ;; Mr. LcSe, thc'prcprielor of the " Leigh House," regaled his guests yesterday with strawberries and cream--thb first of the form article that we have seen this sea son., : Lee. is an indefatigable caterer. " r. -Horned Magazi ne for June has been received, and we take plea sure iu.endorsing its claims toyublic favor an The other dy a Jew was uiz2?nt Irishman. andkeptt hinr-untiUhe was somewhat aggravated, whenturning round he tartlv-remarked: - - ; ;Yea dom yer sowl.'if it had'nYbeen for the hkes of yees, the Saviour would a bin .aiivc now.-aiirl a (loin - well.' INT. . . The ondori T'tmW says thnt an influ cnce thafSe,y contributed to Lord John Wusse -4. tcturn wa3 iu2 admiration ttd by .'Kg jappearanco at the hustings, and 1 ;ljve irst, taken in h is wife. L.ady Jn liu?sell , apfi&ared ,in the city .with -Dill- lpbHdrc'n,'-lvifed" .the" 'different jjymug oiua, uau a.jtiiMie ana a courtesy ready fo4 eVcry voter, and completely won then caris bf the multitude, who ; here as elsewhejl lihe to sec a strong "display, of uom?stTiu xim knottier candidate wife in the C4bjitry carried matters even'firrtocr than-dHJiad'y John; RasseL ; Lady Mil dred Uc$pf the 1 daughter of the Marquis d stope Parlies earned - -w..'--fi ir- ' J - . - the etee4.pr4 ror her husband. She did not exacliy P4vas3 for bimV.but all through the releiifrt she wasVcpnstantly.'driyitng aboc t -i i'ej: - town' ; Jhe alsp ; ,waf most active aiUfie , nomination:; and during.; the polUhg;Qind at the close, np able to restrain herself j!ny longer, -she threw up the wttf dow ,ofle:r hotel and addressed the mob. in a s peeep which cyciybody agreed was bet ter thar'her husband' ' delivered immedi ately afterward from -tbc sa mc? place. - r- 01 oaisfpry.-vana wire ot mr. Uoresfor "uI,e-i 'P,as jus g;un or Maid Vy VMfr; 'ms:iivm OI ail. 'tIi at once.- torv of the enemv there is Democracy ready to masc a t of every pas3.. The rtaf Zonal De the North, are patri't-taroc?, ' tory and prosperity will well Whether in defeat or victory, to be marked by the Sontli;- gotten by the nation, ia Larie, as in Pciid- gal!ant;defendcrofi!i'i0Df: . have bech and aW, ft ill l"1 irwlf rwiinil whh l-il t!)C;1 insf itn.ti-n fren if thr v can corporal's guar 1, doserve to J liV.rrtV 111 luun W Other counlrv. " I i On the issui of slavery W dy and staunch a3 when p?rt : drawn upon ether and kss fions. It is true, there are our old allies in thf North, erled to! the anti-flUef? who remain nnderthe pf-'. still am t4 'pillars ,ct t;u -, .-.virlf ilW in safety . i ' " r ; vii!" . Thia iis; a nraotical demoMtraiinn of Womaifs JRight?,'' such as we could have hardly.iixpected inHglasid, and' which; even in ttMs country w"herewe hesr so mucho''Womans Rights,' would " scarce ly be tojera'tcd".' - . : 1 - - , ' iticfaiib'nd Disjxitch. '- -1 - ' Anticipating unity the .succes?s otheNorthernDemf- :hdlds Oaf t tai n ing ttner ground , .Hope of the Union. Oflr r J 'their principles, and ti.e.r. fate. 1 f the local ami f " . . ) ( 'indices tn thn (treat re? uU 1 J . o: .1 . are "significant ! signs some of our prizes, irtheTangiurdof racy. at .the North cau f forward to win at ly ta 'keep BIrfcher bac third . candiqato - ro:" South. r "i - 1 ' J -V the t-4S 3 V Tr TT