V , Jf '$' i r 1 it JiftUlLLIN, Publisher. iljh. ' 1 MffiHEHT 3f . -ii-W,,.,: pi ; .L iT.Tt!0LS. SPOKTtXO ArTARATDS Union Street: Aorolc, Va: 1 n 12 n -I --, v- A'TIONEkY store. P7 AND RhlTA TT. RRIFFITII, having dissolved conr.t-l;t":ca jdth the. firm ofVicke wouljt rCij'tfnly4nAn ihc eitl W'&'pt)' ap'l of the surrounding A heh.'il.s ojK-Tji-a the. store lorruer- v tliti litfp Six. it U. liarelay, u ana ucsc, sivciz oj jjooizs ana j-tffckcr offered for sale in of Nor ft Ah.. : - .rjrttliu want3fttid tihe tastes' of tlie 5 'p;U establishment similar to in tli Urge Northern cities, where fMcril, iAsoi'jnieut of jDooks can be iti s;i!;seHbcr J has' been- induced, du enjTi'it to J'li 1 ! adel i.hia, New York .,jto iureh:i?e.from the principal pub Akt the great! "Trado Saks," su- fiisjca2j.. Laic, 3!c(h'cal,: T heoh lit'liq'yhis and Miscellaneous IS O O K S. ; 'ltawa cxAiivination. compare "with ..Lfi'llivt'ie Southern country. . k( Fore! in and American STATIONERY, and complete -j it has been selected ciV-o, RTid embraces every article re thb St:hJool nnd ('ountincr Room. '4 iQLE STOCK 1 ENTIRELY r1 iV e w, Rjoiielit giiuti the very best term mi 1 rtioi for eash, which gives nu a "lie enal brer all ot iier nouses in tun o- iuo tp Iscll my goods at pri- rrnor rates, i hi ibis and 'aid j'lcant Towns i.nnu i'.iantfe, will find it greatly to their examine my stock bctore troiliK ,boc' s and TeacheTS, will bc-sup- t Jiorn brkes. arri lUenu nts wi'h the fo-Ilowinj; 1 re eive, their new Books us they a the Pros?, iind will supply any ications at tlicir price-3 p'lt.iep'tt A; Co., Philadelphia. ii i;i:ickiston, do. a. H.f. lu.'iiiliiCo., do.- Jt : i-jtbers, New.' York, di.n St U ., ; ' I ao. , -,ji:-lfr & ihos.f " do t'CCS hc-r, do. do. f i k '-.Co:, ; Hosloil W.i & Co, d'i. ' -, :- ! ;. .1. " ' ' .. -As, iCo., 'i : do. .- ' jliir .-. tl i. ' - . I ' (jiu:tFV will mo..-t wi th nrorapl . . ' ' ,.; Notfo.lk, Va. UJ 1 tv -MC L E A N , pi:.w,r. Kami may of evert tl'Tlkx FORWARD UXGAND xruiuxG r ur p oses SAIL RODS, AND . WKOUGU im.fij r.?nl si'iicKS,- (to. I'Jn-kTJH OF ACIMCULTURAL KOUGUX pai:Mix(t: implements VX.lsi: RALLY, ThWgJdnn Jiich-incs. EtnnborovqlC hjrfiucd ) mint una Lorn li a!was on hand. ft GillUtEX AXD FIELD SEEDS. A! f.itj.liljriic-and Almanac isJpuhlish- ''acH ear, nnd may be had, (jratis u;i'n- ilt:;';-ul and Iron end Seed De- uUd.v:vU'r Street, Norfolk, .Va.- . iCir uiri:iiuHSTs- - .- Hv V A U L 1j U HE O L l 1 Jio. r i, l k n,i e a ii iore Street, Urtliimore. v'rk-t, .Richmond,' Vai . Norfolk, Va.i: f SUJeet, l'l-torsburp, Va. : ' " tivi-oir i.yntnimre, Va. - - se 3 .takenbatially well in au" all kntil G IV. HD AT Til 10 JJEE 1J1VE. of Mattinj 20 pieces 4-4, 15 'sVf, and 15 pieces of 6-4 which t : . . - ihi owninsr. ot Bcracro Robes. p and i Wautiful etvles. - !c-u i.:tnr;i!n. . !. 1'-;"f.,;'i'iers, ot all kinds, and a j1.' .-i.'fjtiiijs of goods in our line. 'reiipiJlain street. ' ' : T MT7Q OlfTTTT EWAllT & -GO. iNOW OFFER A WENT ASSORTMENT OF 11 F GO'O D S . TO:XCl-MpNT OF H LL TRADE . . : . 50,000 worth of S0I MERINOS - ' I PA8IIMERES, tyvm the recent large Wit. in Nfav vnnr THE USIJAL PRICE3. Wijnlar attention to our T7 - Tuning goods. ' 3 tLOTIlSj CASSLilERF'S AND VOTINGS. , ' ft t. i. u w A A wr COTTON GOODS. . ' nr own innorUtion. ' of all kinds. i.E and HANDKERCHIEFS .fS. BLANKETS. fApING SHAWLS AND BUltOAD RUGS.. - He ' - ) e liae l)eea Vtfr CAreful v-vv unrauie tabrics, such as are 5 ' Allium nl V,..n, A i: J. CSare uaiiorm and are at low Kersev. Bro and Orev Rat;. (T7t Je"lU3' Shceps- Grey, Full- taTHurfi Rrown SheeUngand ite Jni k,and Colored, Servants' T 3LHNKE TS : atiJ J . :lcie nsuaiiy kept in iatttioa of our BUck ? , nli. W STEWART & C0., -Miun. and IT nil! st . -. I rv Hn ST ipp i r. il 11 I I T rn . . HVir1-AKY D0- MACKINAW WCAN,i SERVANTS AND -HEPvTlI. CRIB AND CARPET, OIL-CLOTII, . CURTAIX AND PAPEU-IIASCIIfG AyAliE-HOOilS, . KO. 2;), MAIN STREKT, NORFOLKi TA. THE subscriber respectfunj inTitea be atten tion of the public, to his krgd and hand some assortment of . . . VELVET, - - TA1U1S TR F. -; '' ' -'V ' ; ' INGRAIN AND - S ' VOMMON QA RPE TS, RUGGET8,, - rugs: '." : - -- DOOR MATS. Sc.. , ... : FURNITURE AND ' FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. . ; , ALSOr- , ; ' Satin Dc Lainc3, Worsted, Damask, Iace and Muslin Curtains, CoTd. Velvet and Common Window Shadss, Gilt Cornices, Curtain Bands, Tassels, Loops, Ac. - " '.. : AH of wh1ehvloetlrwFthrji cmpUte assort ment of Gilts, Velvet, Satin and, Common Pa pers, B6rder3rFire Screens and Curtain Tapers, he olfers at the lowest prices. . WM. A. WALTERS, ' , ' ' . Upholsterer and Fapec Hanger, - dec 2 ; : No. 2S, Main street. P. S. Persons living out of the city, can have their Carpets cut and made. toi fit, by furnishing us with a plat of th&ir rooms, j W. A. W, SCOTT'S LITTLE GIANT PATENT CORN AND COIJ MIL.I,, PATENTED MA Y 10 TIT, 1854. nnilE attention of Planters, Farmers, and JL Stock-feeders in general, i3 respectfully call ed to this Mill as the niostimportantarticle of the kind now in use; not only ; wcll adapted for fa-hiding Cob Meal for Stock, but Grits for the table, and especially Breatl Meal from corn not fully ripe or dry in the fall. In setting this Hill, no mechanic or frame work is waited, only requiring to be listened to a floor or platform. Easily adjusted and used by aiyhody, even by achild. The LITTLE GIANT has received the tirsl premiums at, the late' Agricultural Fair of Mij souri, Kentucky, Maryland, Vlrgi.iia, and thei States; and that in the most compliment; manner; as well as the most ready commenda tious , from the thousands ; witnessing its per formance. :' '. ! . - 1 'vnese Mills ure puaTanteed in the most posi live manner; ahd So. 2 Warranted to grind. 10 bushels of feed er hour with one horse and oi ferfd at the low price "of $4.4-, all com-dete, rea dy for attaching ike team, No. 4 atGG grind? 20 'bushels per hour. with 2 horses. - Sole Agents .in Norfolk, Va. BORUMi McCL'SAK', . Farmers' Head Quarter, No. 11, Wide Water St nov 14. . ' .' . . ,. v TUK DEi'OT OF - - WON, A (JEWEL TUHAL IMPLEMENTS, 7TS now being filled with all kind3 of G00J3 in JL this Hue, st-lectcd recently by one ot the pro prietors from the largest establishments Aorth and East.' - , . i .' ... Of IRON, our stock comprises all kinds and sizes suited to the wants of Coaehmakers, Black smiths, Ship-Builders, and for farm work gene- rfillv. 'lhe quality of it we warrant cood. Nails, Si ikes, .'Carr in cre3 Sorincrs and Axles. Jolts, &e. ' OF IlIPLEMENTSi our stock exceeds any thing1 ever se6n in Virgin ia, and equals many ht the North. We intend to keep everything m the hue useful to farmers, and we think that the wants of all can b sui- piied at short ' notice. Our arraegement3 for manufacturing more extensively a.xe nearly com pleted, hud we sliall be able to : furnish a I .arg majority of Implements of our own make, (va ranted ot tlie best materials) at satisuictory pn All new raalunes worthy of notice will be ' ceived at the Ik-pot by "the EXPRESS LINE, and we desire that the farmers of Virginia and North Carolina snail make the. Depot their Head quarters when visiting tke-rcity. We ask an ex amination of our stock, whether in want or not. jpjj" e are agents tor, tae 'American Far mer, published in Baltimore, and will receive subscribers to that -viruable Agricultural Jour nal, issued monthly, at ONE DOLLAR per an- BOilUM & MclilSAJN, Hanufacturers and Dealers,, j No.-1 1 Widewater Street, ang 39 i Norfolk, Va notice. ; ;,.;-:' 6 ilOll SALE by auction on Monday, JsL August 3rd., near the north point of New Inlet, the carg of the behr.. Mary, of isewberne, consisting of 40 bbls. Whis key, 3 bl!s Pork, and 1 Pianoforte, for the benefit of all concerned tliereiQ. Sold by Sol. A. Uaum. Oomnnssioner of Wrecks by order bf the Captain. Frederick Hew late master. The sa! e VUl commence at 11 ovclock, on the abbve day.. -July 2$, 1857; V ' E '. - - S. A. BAU Simmons'. . .. to. b. siMJiom D. D. SIMMONS & BRO., GENERAL COMMISSION .r FOR WARDING MERCHANTS, KOKFOLK, VA. CHARLES E. LOWTHKR. A TTORNEV AND CO UNSELLGR A TLA Xt j'CATKSVILLE, N. C. .. WILL attend all- the Courts ef Gates, nert ford,- Chowan, Perquimans and Pasquo tmk bounties. . Business in cither of the above counties punc tually attended to; . " jan 24 co toy R. I A' OKI. SU R V EYOR, OFFERS HIS SERVICES TO CITIZENS in terested. Orders left with Messrs, Frank PASQCOTASX COUNTY, V. C. Vaughan &Br , will meet with prompt atten- UMay 2G3ns i ? -v I - CARD. - TG. VAUGIIA RESPjTOTFULLY 0F- fers his services as an auctioneer and solicits the patronage of the public. Any con signments to him will be punctually, ajttonded. to, and due returns made after slo. 1 TH0S. G. VAUCUAN. (Jatesville, N. Q. June 3, 1837. TO THE PUBLIC. , B; T. MILLER has purchased the righ manufacture Wilkenson's Lone ana Diarrhoea mixture for North Carolina, and will hereafter manufacture the 'same in E. City, j It will be genuine and can be depended on for allalfections of the stomach and bowels. : ; , I ' : W. W. GREGORY, M. D. ; I FAN MILLS. TfTIARMERS ARE YOU IN WANT OF FAN JU Mill that will separate from your Wheat all impurities, say Cockle, Garlic, Cheat, '&C, and make it perfectly clean for marke t, or for Seed ? If so, send an order to Farmers' Head Quarters, and procure one of Montgoraery'3 Rockaway Fans, said by those who have' tried them to be the best in ase Price $31 . We have also on hand Bamborough's Fan3, (have taken 54 Pre- miuns.) Sinclair's Fans, Grant's eo.,i vun ton s do., ranging in price trom looa.. fan ho suited in Drice and quality. All , - No, 11, Water street J FOR RENT. , . , TWO new dwelling houses, nearly op posite tho residence of O. C Ureeri, Jq. Possession given inimcdiatoly. ? . T K, II T II , J TJ ELIZABETH CITY, N. C, GEORGE W. DELL", ;D3Ata,iK: ' . SUiS, til PI3TOI.S,' StORTIXCf APPABATC3 j AND FINE CUTLERY-, " Rvd Street', Elizabeth City, N. U. march IT ly' GODWIN r dMONTLNUES THE PRACTICE OF UIS PRO J fession ri his rooms, over the store of C. C. Green, Eq. - . WAITTOR THE WAGOJf!" ' NO GO, NO PA T. IIXAVE TAKEN THIS METHOD TO inform my friends, as well as the public cen trally, that 1 have taken the office belonging to Jos. II. Pool, Esq., one door east of the Court house, tor the purpose of repairing , .. - ; Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry. t or every clock or watcn of gFmset ordinary good quality, that ians to penorm ana run wen, fcfsssfs (after a sufficient trial has .been given) I will refund the. money. You shall either have time or the money refunded. 33- Give me a trial, entire satisfaction. J. M. POOL. E. City, Dec. 23, 185G. FOR SALE, TJJ LTE SUBSCniBEll OFFERS FOR -3- sale his House ajid Lot at Nag's Head. For . particulars and terms npply to him at Eden ton. A. DIXON. May 1, 1857 tf ' HOUSE CARPENTERS. AL.L.YJV, ROSE & CAPPS, HAVE just received a sample lot of very su perior full size Planes, from a new maker celebrated for their superiority of finish as well as size and weight. Ci3a3isting of the fol lowing: " -Bench Planes,.rBox W900I d,o Match do., Hollows and Rounds do., Double Box Wood Smooth do. With many other patterns of Planes, and a large variety ot ueucral iisuse Carpenters Hardware. . ' Call and see nS. dec 18 Sign of the Circular Saw. ALLYN, ROSE & CAFFS HEAD OF MARKET SQUARE. ARE OPENING their importation, Birmlntj- ham mamifacture, a beautifnl as-sortment of House Keeping Articles, such as Coffee arid 'fea Pots, Octagon style, " . fatent ConeePots with Steamers, Chafing Dish ' cs, Waiter3insets and dozens, Sauce ran3, rorceiain lined rlanishcd Uovcrs, Old English style Gridirons, fluted-iiara, Ail lirass renders, J.'olishea oleci pnovei an Tongs," in setts or pairs, Tin lined Copper Tea-Kettles. HEAVY GOODS. Trace, Log and Back Band Chains, ... Ehyell's AVeeding, Hilling and Grubbing noes Spades, Shovels and Forks, Cut, "Wrought and - Horse biioe Nails, ; . . Anvils, Vice3, Bellows, Mill, Circular Saws Cross Cut Saws, .. V" Stocks and Dies, Ilitmmers, Screw Plates. STRAW CUTTERS. . : INCLAIE?S SCREW PROPELLER Straw Cutters. Price $30. Cut Straw, Shucks, Fodder, Oats and all kinds of feed far stock, in the best manner. ..!. Also'bur new Straw Cutters, with 1 knife very simple, and cuts all kind of food. Harvey's Raw hide Cutter Smith's Virginia 00. . -;-'' ! Boston cheap " " Daniel's Patent do ail lor sale at Factory prices, i Wheat and Corn Fans, all, sizes and kinis, and prices to suit. . B0RUM & MCLEAN, ' Farmer's Head' Quarters, aug 1 No. 11 Main St.. Norfolk, Va. DR. WM. G. HANCOCK, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY EDEN TON, N. C. DEALER IN Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, : , Perfumery, . Fancy Articles, 1 j Smoking aud . ! - Chewing Tobaceo, ; . Scgars and superior . ... -Wines and Liquors for mcdieinal purposes. The orders of Phy3ician3 arid Planters prompt ly filled with pure Medicines and on as moderate terms as can ne had south of .Mason's and Dix On's line. ! 3SDr. Hancock's office is at the Drug Store, where be can always foe found except when pro- lessioiiauy engageu. - June 9, 1857-8ms . , -j - PKOE. C. DE GRATII'S ELECTRIC oil. -yy.:--. The greatest remedy ever discovered for pains. Acts like a charm : Relieves in an instant. It was discovered by PROF. CHAS DE GRxVT II while travelling in South America, lately been brought out by urgent solicitations and has eured mor cases of Rheumatism, ', Deafness, G out, Neuralgia, Lutnbago Sciatica, Spinal and uronchial complaints, Tic Doloreux, Head ache, Cramps.Croup, Piles, Felons,. Sprains and 1 Bruises, Cuts and V ounds. Swelled Glands, Stiff Joints, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Sore Nipples, Swelled Breast, . "Womb Dis orders, Salt Rheum, Canker in mouth and stomach, Palpitation, Eruptions, Cakod Breast, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Palsy, Plett risy, Ulcers, Lock Jaw, Heart Burn, Tooth and Ear-ache, Nervousness, Costiveness, Burns, Sore Gums of teething infants, &c, than all and every other medicine. I Just received and for gala at Speed's Drugstore. '' ; V : March 24th, 1857. - HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AN 'aVSM 1 WnOLESALS AND ETA1 . FALL 1855 : -- AL.LYN, ROSE & CAPPS U TAKE PLEASURE in calling;the attention bf their Virginia and North Carolina friends, (especially tlie Mercantile class,) te their extensive assortmentof GENERAL HARD WARE, a large portion of which was impor ted with a special view to the .Fall and Winter wholesale trade, and the Merchant, Mechanic and Farmer, will bear in mind, that under the ircumstahces of our not being able , to make r 113119 1 fall sales our assortment of Hardware. can be purchased on wholesale terms, at greatly n-duced nrices. Ciau aua eiwuu ;v- - - - - 9 -UXXJF dec 4 S T I C E A N D T II h-6 0 TUESDAY -MORNING,- S E FTEFBlRlfi'.: 1 86 7. DEMOCRATIC PIONEER. Mi GODWIN; & O U LL L I N . . PRO PR I ETORSi PUBTsnao EVIEY TtJESDAT' Monyisa. Single copy, ono' yWr, - - - -live copies, one year, , Ten.copica,-: ono vear, .. v 1 RATES 09:' ADVERTISrXG S2 50 11 00 20 00 .- r For a square cf Iff lines or )oi fir f nc.t: 1 every subsequent one, 25 cents. Annual irrangemcnta made on favorable term3. - jpsr Oi FiCK corner of Main and Road Street POETRY. i: From Harper's Weekly. NOTniNG TO WEAR. AH EPISODE OP CITY LIFE. : . '. ConcludA.) : . Of scorn and . amazement. She madi no reniT. But gave a slight turn to the end of her nose, . mat pure Urccian feature,) as much as to say,. . ' ' " How absurd that any satie man should" sup-. . pose r - f.;; . : . , ;;. That a lady vrould.go to a ball in the clothes, 7 Ho matter how fine, that she wears every day!"' So I ventured again "Wear your crimson brd- . . cade," - . . I ; -. . . (Second turn npof nose) "That's too dark by a shade." . . "Your blue silk, That's too heavy;" ..." Your pink," " That's too light." Wear tulle over "satin" 4 I can't endure ' white," ' '; ' Your rose colored, then,' the best of the batch' ' " I haven' t a thread of point lace to- match' ' like a Quaker;" - . - K Tl,o non.l plagney dress maker lias had it a week' ' " Then that exquisite lilac, In wbch you would melt the heart of a shylock.' ' (Here the nose took again the same elevation) u I wouldn't wear that for the whole of crea tion" . i " Why not? It's my fancy, there's nothing could strike it, : As more eommeil fauts, " Yes, but dear me, that lean f ; ' , h Sophronia Stuckup has got one just like it, And I won't appear dressed like a chit of. six- " Then taat splendid purple, that isweet Maza- That superb goint tfuiguaillc, that' imperial That zephyr-like tarleton, tfurt ricli grchailviXt " Not one of all which is fit to be seen," Said the lady, becoming excited and pushed. , " Then wear," I exclaimed, in a tone wkk'A quite crushed " ... Opposition, "that gorgeous ioihttc which you sported ' In Paris last Spring, at the grand presentation, When you quite turned the head of the head of . ' the nation, ;. ' j. And by all he grand court was so very much courted." - , The erfd of the hose wa3 pprtentiohsly tipped .- up, -. i-; ;': (';'.-'.'. And both the bright eyes shot forth indignation As she burst upon me with, the fierce exclama- ' - tioti, ' ' . iCl have worn it three time3 at the least calcu lation, , . . . f And that an d the most of my dresse3 are ripped Here I ripped out something, perhaps rather rash Quite innoceht, though :, but, to use an ex pression, -' ; 1 More striking than classic, it'settled raj basil,' And proved very soon the last act of our ses- : sion. i "Fiddlesticks, is it, sir? I wonder the ceil- ' lag ' - . : Doesn't fall down and crush you oh, you men k have no feeling, You selfish, unnatursl, illiberal creatures, Who set yourselves up as" patterns and preach- '.'' ers, '-' ' , ':. "'- Your silly, pretence why what a mere gnees It Pray, what do you knoXv of a woman's nccessi ties? flv ; : ; - ; t har6 told yon and shown you I've nothing to wear';: - . ..', . And its perfey plain yo-i not only don't care Butfu do not believe me, here the nose went . still higher, ) 4 . t suppose if yon dared you would call me a liar, Oar engagement is ended, sir yes, on the spot; Von'ra a brute, and a monster, and I don'1 know what." ; I mildly suggested the words Hottentot, Pickpocket, and cannibal, Tartar, and thief, As gentle expletives which might give relief ; But this"only proved a spark to the powder, And the storm I had raised came faster and lou . der, It blew and it rained, thundered, lightened, and hailed . - ' InterjecUoas, verbs, pronouns, till, language quite failed To express the abusive, and. then its arrears Were brought up all at once by a torrent of tears. -V.-' And my last, faintj despairing attempt at an obs : , ; .! v..; ; ' -. Ervation wa3 iost in a tempest of sobs. Well, I felt for the lady, and felt for my hat, too, Improvised on the crown of the latter a tattoo, In lieu of expressing the feelings which lay Quite too deep for, words, as Wordsworth would : say; .- . ., ;.! . .; , , Then, without going through the Igrnj of a Iowj Found myself in the entry I hardly knew hjw On door step and sidewalk, past lamp-post and square, At home and Hp stairs, in my own easy chair; Poked my feet into slippers, my ' fire into blaze, . . . And said to myself, as I lit my cigar, - , Supposing a man had the wealth of the Czar, OftheRusaias to boot, for the rest of hi3 days, On the- whole, do you think he would have ' much to spare " If he married a woman with nothing to wear? Since that night, taking pains that it should . not be bruited - " . . " N'S TITUT f 0 N . Abrpad in society, I've instilated . . ' - A cojurse ofinquiry, extensive anJ thorough, Oritiis vital subject, and find, to my horror, That the fa: r Flora's case is by . no means sar- prisingj ;"' "i J' ; ' :- :.': :, .' r . Bsi that there exists the greatest distress ; In our female community, solely arising . From thi3 unsupplied destitution of dreas, i r Whose unfortuhate victims are filling the air ; WItli, the pitiful yaU of 1 nothing to .wear .1"? - Reseaa che3 in some of the " Upper Ten" districts Reveal the most painful and startling statistics Of which let me mention only a few : , 1 '. ' In oae single house, on the Fifth Avenne, ; : Three young ladies were found, "all below twen--' ty-two, ! iS, itT 'i : ITlio hflyBheen thrgsirhoic weekaglihoat any- . ' thing new , In the way of flounced silks, and thus left in the lurch, -. '--'', !- ! : Are unable to go to ball, concert or church. In another large mansion .near the same place, Was found a deplorable, heart-rending case Ofentife destitution of Brussel's point lace. In a neighboring, block there was found, in "iree. halls, ' Total" want; lon continued, of camel's hair . . ' .shawls, , . -'; '"'. '"' And a suffering family, whose case exhibits . The most pressing need of real ermine tippets ; One deserving young lady almost unable ' To survive for the want of a new Russian sable; Another confined jto the house, when it3 windier Than usual, because her shawl isn't India. Still another, w hose tortures have been most - terrific ( . Ever since the sad loss of the steamer Pacific, la- which were engulphed, not friend or relation, (For whose fate she perhaps might have found consolation,' ' 1 - Or borne itat.least, with serene resignation,) But the choicest assortment of French sleeves . and collars, . . Ever sent out ot Paris, worth thousands of dpl- . lars ; ' , And all as to style most recherche and rare, . .The want of which leaves her with nothing to wear, And renders her life so drear and dyspeptic, That she's quite a recluse, and almost a skeptic,' For she touchingly Bays this sort of grief. Cannot Iind in Religion the slightest relief, And Philosophy has not a maxim to spare . For the victims of such overwhelming despair. But the saddest by far of all these sad features I? the cruelty practiced on the poer creatures By husbands and fathers, real Bluebeards and Timons, " -' ' Who resist the mcst touching appeals made fer diamonds By their wives and their daughters, and leave them for days Unsupplkd with new jewelry, fans, pr bouquet Even Jaugb at thtir miaexiiwnen 'cy---i-- chance, " , . j One case of a bride was brought to my view, Too sad for'belief, but, alas ! 'twas too -true, Whose husband reused, as savage as Charon, To nermit her. to take more than ten trunks ' to 4 . Sharon. . - The consequence was, that when she got there, At the end of thrcc.wceks she had nothing to wear. And when she proposed to finish the season At Newport, the monster refused out and out, For his infamous conduct alleging as reason, Except that the wat-rs were good for his gout ; Such treatment as this was too shocking, of course, And proceedings are now going on fr divorce But why harrow the feelings by lifting Jthe cur- . tain . From these scenes of wo ? Enough, it, is certain Has beftn here disclosed to stir up the pity. Of every benevolent heart in the city. And spur up humility into a canter To rust and relieve these sad caes instanter, Won't somebody, moved by this touching de- scrixjtion, : ' ? Come forward to-morrow and head a subscrip tion? " ' V'.:-:-!' Won't some kind philanthropist, seeing that .- aid is ; ... So needed at once by these indigent ladies, Take charge of the matter? or won't Peter Coo - .-y y . '- . The corner stone lay of some splendid super- Structurelike that which to-day links his name In the Union unending of honor and fame , An found a new charity just for the care Of these unhappy women with nothing to wear, Which, ii view ot the cash which would dally be claimed. The Layiag-wut ndspital well might be named ? Won't Stewart, or some of our dry goods im porters, Take a contract for clothing our wives and oar daughters? Or, to furnish the cash to supply their distresses, And life's pathway strew with shawLs, polWo, . and dresses, Ere the want of them makes it much rougher .and thornier ! . . , v . ' Won't some one discover a new California? Oh ladies, dear ladies, the next sunny day Please trundle your hoops just out of Broadway, From its whirl aud its bustle, its lashion and i tiride. And the temples of trade which tower on each side, To the alleys and lanes where Misfortune and ; - Guilt " ; , - , ' Their children have gathered, their city have . built ; . : . ji ' . . Where Hunger and Vice, like twin beasts of prey.'. -'V '.-'"''. Have hunted their victims to gloom and despair; Raise the rich, dainty dress, and the fine broi- dered skirt, ' ; ' - Pick your delicate way through the dampness ; . and dirij , : . Gi'Ope through the dark dn, climb the rickety . ' stair - ; ...,,., To the garret, wbcie wretches, the: young and ' -v';. the old , Half starved and half naked, lie crpucbedfroni . . ' the cold. : -' .. -. See tliose skeleton limb3, those frostbitten feet, All bleeding and bruised by the stones in the street; ' : - 'Hear tKe sharp" cry of childhood, the deep - - groans that swell . ; f ., From the poor dying creature who writhes oh -the floor, -" v ' ' .; Hear the cufse3 that sound like the echoes of : HeU, As you sicken and eh udder and fly from .the door; ., - - - . . - , s,-- , : ! l " " r ' Then home to your war drobeS and say, if you Sini!ed children ot Fashion you've Nothing to M i ' wear j 'j "yJ - 4C '"?: ' And oh, if perchance there should be a sphere Where alt is made right which' so puzzle U3 ... bere ";: v 'v. , '' v . ' ; Where the glare and the' glitter, the tinsel of ... . Time ' ' , .-;.' Eade and die in tie lip.t of thatjregton sublime, Where the soul, dUenchutcd of II ;h and of sensei Unscreened hy its trapplugs,' and shows, and . .pretence, r....:. : li-?-Must be lothed for the" life andtbe seivie above. .With tihAflrutnIaith, :tKt9kmSsrwir )ve: OH, daughter? of- Earth I foolish virgins beware! Le3t in that upper realm you have nothing to wear i - j. ... Til E G EO S T II A I S E R:. A CAPITAL STOItY. '.. My uncle Beagly, who commenced his commercial career early in the present cen tury, tells his single ghost story as fol lows t . - ... . 'One fine autumn evening, about forty years ago, 1 was traveling on horse-back from Shrcwsbcrry to Chester. I felt tclo- ly tired, and was begining U look out for some snug way-side, Inn, where I might pass the night when a sudden and violent tlninder storni came on. My horse terri fied by the lightning, fairly took tho ibri-' ble between bis teeth, and started 4ff with me at full gallop, through the lanes arid cross roads juntibdt length I managed to pull bim up just near tha door of a ncftt looking Inn. ' jf, VeH,' th'otig'hti 'there, was wit in your madness, old boy, since it brought ua to this comfortable refuge.' ; ' j And alighting I gave hiin in charge to thestouj, farmer's boy. who acted as host iler. The Inn kitchen, whith was "also the guest-room, was large, clean, neatvand comfortable vc ry like tha pleasant ' host elry described by Izaak alton. There were several travelers already in tlie room. j probably like myself driven there for shelter and they were all themselves by the blazing fire while waiting for supper. I joined the party., Presently being sum moned by the hestess, wo all sat; down, twelve in number, to a smoking repast of bacon and egjjs, corned Locf and carets, and-pc-r iiare;, , '.x '-:- ,. , " The" conversation rmiurally turned on the -mishap's-'' oceasioued by the' storm, of of which every one appeared to have: his full share.. One had been thrown off his horse ; another driving in a gig, had been up set' in a. iuuddy dyke; all had got a good wetting, and agreed unanimously, that it was. dreadful weather regular witches .sabbath. - , ',-...-. -. ; '' ' . 'Witches, and ghos's prefer for their sabbath a fine moonlight, to such weather as this,!' tr ,., .. . - - ' These words were uttered in a solemn tone, and with strange emphasis, by one of the company. ' He was a tall dark look ing man. and I had set jhim down in." my mind as a traveling, merchant and pedler. My next neighbor was gay, well looking fashionably dressed ' young man, - who bursting into a peal of laughter said : .You must know the ihanaers andr cus toms of ghosts pretty we'll, to be able to tell that they dislike getting wet or mud- dy.' .5. : ' v The first speaker giving htm a dark fierce look, said ; ? Young man, speak not so lis htly of things above your comprehension. ' 'Do you mean. to imply ihafc there fare such things as ghosts?' t . : . ;. ;.' 'Perhaps there are' if you had courage to look at them.'. , v ... ' The young maq stood up, flushed with anger. ,lut presently, resuming his seat he said calmly' .. . r: ; 'Jhat taunt slwuid,cost;iyou dear, if it were not such a foolish one.' 1 ; ' . A foolish one !' exclaimed the merchtnt throwing ' o'n tho table a heavy leathern purse,. ;Th.ero.aro fifty guineas. I jam content to I03C them, if before the hour is ended, I do,n6t succeed in showing you, who are so.obstinately prejudiced, the form of any of your deceased friends,, andi if,' after you have recognized him, you will allow bim to .kiss your lips.'. 2 - We oil lkcJ at tfauli viUv-, but my young neighbor,, still In the same, moclt-ing manner, replied: , . You will do that will you ? i Yes,' said the other. 'I will stake these, fifty guineas, on condition that you "will, pay a similar sum if you lose.'- ;v After a pause, the" young man said gai ly -v. ':. v. . . ,.'-.-'-.'..': l Fifty guineas, my worthy gorcerrer; are more than a poor collego sizar ever posses cd; but there are five, which, if you are satisfied, I shall be most willing to wager.' The other took up his purse, saying in a contemptuous tona : . . . 'TouDg gentleman you want to draw i back. . ; . ... ; -; .,..;' -l I dfaw back V exclaimed the student. 'Weil if I had fifty guineas, you should see, whether I wish to draw back.'; l ' 'Here said I,' are four guinea which I will stake orJ your wagcfl J . No sooner had I made this" proposition than the resi of the company, attracted by tho siDgnlarity of the affair, xame forward tri lav down the money, and in a minute or two the fifty guineas were subscribed. The merchant abpeared so sure of winning that he placed all the money i the tn- dent s hands and prepared far the experi ment.- 'We selected for tho purpose, a small summer house in the garden, per fectly isolated, and having no means of exit but a window and a door wnicn we care fallv fastened, after rjlaeingheyfiung man within. We put writing materials on a small table in the summer house; and took away the candles. Wo remained6utsidc, with the pedlar among us. .in a low, solemn voice, he began to chant the following lines : . ....... 111 . . 1 vHii,i;ii!uiiB.t;"t;.-.: ' . - ' J. ;J.!B. GODWIN,-Editor. NO.. 7. C hit riseth from the ocean caves,'1 ' j And tbe stormy surf? ; -'--:'. e phantom set3 hia blackened foot - ; On the fresh greeii turf. ''--. raising ' his voice solemnly "hi MYoii asVcd to soo vour tnnnA Vtri winters wtio was drowned three veaVa jsing near the window : but it has n 10m ; it b iiko an unocrtain cloud.' V sWe-thc Fpectatorf remained silent. Jpre ycufraii? asked the merchant in is, Wam.:epKea.Ae:atudcntfim After &fof momenta silence ; the' p?d lyt 8Uraped three times on the ground and fe-: ,H '- - . tl',phii4tom whoso clay cold face "iV ' ,o,V"vo,ai mir, v , , ; . , jflped with hta shroud hia clinging Veat ,?tjl And his sea tossed hair, "K yjyou asked to Bee revealed the myster- of the tomb what do you see now ?' ' The prudent answered in a calm , voio tut: like, thatfdf a nan tlcscribhii? things njjjthey passedibefore him: v iQt1 see-, the 1 cloud taking the form of,a lintom ; its head is covered with a long eil it stands still.- - . 'A re; .you afraid ?' " : ' . - j: 'I:am not.' j :". ;.''..' ' . , . ( ;.v , :iWo bioked each other in horrcr struck fence ( while he merchant, raising his at ps above his?head,; chauntel in a scpul- tl voice : : And the phantom said, as ose from the wave, iL f He shtil know me in sooth 1 IjfttfH SO to t:iy friend, gay, smiling aad fond, "I i ': p Ui" Juul", . v . VlTlo v.n'il ' .t l. 'hH sod the phiutom: advance, he lifts hhv Vs 11 'tis Franc& VllliersI 'tis his S'rna vc t v, I .. . . p?Arc you afraid?' ; ' ".: .' . fearful moment of silence ensued ; then f Lfdudent replied but iu an altered voice : , , I ain not.' , ' . : ( MYith strange and antic gestures the racr- C' mt then saug I nd tlie )han toSi said to the mocking sneer . VJ!' 1 cnme-irom thefcouth: JPut thy hand onujy hand; - thjr lrt to my k heart, Thy. fciouth to .my mouth,' ?piat do you hee T . . , ' 'fllO crimes appoaches me ho pur slmel Ilelp il helpl save tnel' r ATe you afraid now ?' the merchay t ak c4ii a niockingvbice.'' tjA 'piercing cry 'then a stifled- groan, vTre the Anly reply to this terriblo qucy - HeipiLiit rasu,;youtn : saia tho mer ciii't bitterly. ,' have, I think, wV-n tho wser ; but it is sufficient for . me to bavu gfieii . bim, a lessojb Let Litn ( keep L h ln-mcy.and be wise for the future.' Te walked rapidly, away. We cp noJ t;vj dyor of the summer hou?R, and fuiuid Ostudontin convulsions. A ptpcr, f-ign-rabeis fVilliert,' was on the table. -r Vlsoon is. Uhe' student') senses wuru rrored he asked vehemently, where was tvHrle soccrer who bad subjecttd 'him to sfjfbk-a .horrible ordeal he would kid. him! IFsougfit. -him Muoughout the Inn in.' vfl? with tho;. speed of a, madmah. bo d-hed biT across the fields in pursuit ol hi- and we neVer Eaw either of tliam 1 ag.-tttiV, . Ibat, chilflren, is my gaost fo. TMh , ;; .' . . ' --, :Andhow is is it uncle, that after tht, ytl fdon't. believe-n ghosts T- said I, tba fi,imo I heard it- . . ;.ecausc, my boy' replied my -aricle 'H fthet the studentliior merchant ever re trAfjd y and the forty-five guineas, b-jlong-iiff Hfo me and th other travelers, contin uil.eqaally invisible. Those two swind le I carried them offaftcr having acted a ffj which we ')iSe; ninniesj believed" to IThat which thou ast to do,' do it with', ithy n-ight,' said clergyman to bi.i son oite niorning. . rfSol did this nionaSgj' replied Bill, with a( lentbtisiasff'c gleam? in his eye. - Ahl what is it. darling? and the'father fibers, ran through his oSVpring's cutIs.'I : : lyfe I walloppadilack Edwards,' saiu ttong hopeful, iriil he yelled; Yon sbwd mst har him hollow, dad. if he father loi-kcd Ahnhappy, . while, he e,plained that the preqvptdid not -apply"! o at-Oct like that, and concluded mildly . ' If XUU 6UOU1U UUfr Ha MUUB UJiil, lUf llrhen he'd wallopped me. replied the Jitg hopeful, ; IJJetter, said tho f?ir, 'for you to hart 0 fled from the wrath to come. i!3;es but,' replied thelbopeful, by way ofjnal clincher, 'Jack an run , twice e fo4Jts;I ca'n ; ', -. I' - ;-.'-;' -p: "Tho cood man siehe L went to Lw study t&b'fciBp a pen, and endoitercd to compoEf. himself,: p. - r C: llfii Yotr Like it. How many , knaves i kon sjippose live in this street beside rjrself ? - '." ' -' ' -. Resides myself! Why, sir, do you nofian to insult me? : Well, then, how many do you reckon, handing yourself? - oiBTying tbe'gdod luck of the man who BteKmarry ner caxrcniia. , ifCoinPEirai---Wiio,n. Bkat ITWhy ile life of an editor, i like the book cf EiVektions. ; ' ' t . Itliecauso it is full of 'types and shadows aUa a mighty toico; like the tound ot rean, wStejs is saying unto him Write ! r' . if?..- i- mot on ioq coast o: Bout h America ; What f Usec rerlied the sttidentia wbifa : lin-Tifs tyXirMbralists maytalk as much asto'eyr pilaie of tho sin. of envy but for the Hfo fCrti I can never sen a Drcttv maid with- ' jTSrAn old lady in Pennsiylvaiila ; hadi; ctti it iq any form,. Till of late,' said -she ,: $lMf haigot to; making it into wb.i4.cy,-J aj& I can, now and then, worry dywu ' litUo : - . .'" -. 1 i i h 'I-:1'' Norfolk, Va. E. City May 12th. sclvu. "ft 1 JtA-mrttt - (1

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