7'f Aft r;n :itv ii 7: - .1 V f T It TJ Tit j vj s ,T I C fi , A W b Tn E Co NSTITUTlON.v VOLUME IX: Ji3 ' J! fv- J ftVV oil : 1 1 i - " I 8 L 3. GODWIN; Editors !). GOD W IN & II o p m ITT O R s . - . ' t CBLlSHi:i fiVKBT TUESDAY ilORKIira. T E It M $ Vele cwpy, cue year, t T i"'H K ' -I A . AW Jt i Ve copies, -t)rt year, -----! II 00 jn corics,; one year - - - 1 20 Q0 , RATK8 Qt, AlVRTISINQ.- t ., gquari of 16 lines or lps3 first insertion rery sulj:qu nt one, 25 cents: Annual Vmsti'8 made on favorable terms. ' no? corner of Main and Road Streets ' oUW1X M. V. GILBERT. JNO. X, PALMER TrrTTTi T Y H OT E L . ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. WIN BEKRY, Proprietor. ' 4 SUBSCRIBER. WOULD RE- bctfi'Hy inform uis -"ua nu ! and tie public generally, that leaed for a term of years the bnnerlr kept by George A J ns, K.-, d s now. prepared to ac il Lte all whd may favor hini With their 'aide will always be furnislied with the ste-djJjk'S afforded by our mfxket, and vants will be found polite and attentive travftfinr public are requested to give Vail. ETery possible exertion will b! (o eive t-ntire satidfjtctron t those why op at the "CITy JJOyGL." II 28, 1857 ly i LEIGH HOUSE, IZADETIl CITY, if. C. . tup: subscribers, having leas- ed for a term of years Ihis enacious and Iromfortable hotel, would announce their' jess to. accommodate the traveling public, ju a jii.iuutj, lucj uvjiCj iva 10 meex wiiu ro Rat ion. ... . . . .;, . louse ii known to be one of the larcpat in the Stateita ROOMS well luraished. tad fomfcrtabie, and to the Cleanliness of esppciar attention will be paid;i Add to TABLE Well slironHeA with all the mar. fords atter tire servants ; and landlord-s nil do all in their . rower to nlpasi n nrl iomfortable their puests ; . and the public 'in tear of having their wants and! comfort and attcntivily admipiatered to. . 1 - IILVTOlV & LEE, Proprietor. IS"' . - . JV'-f- rin 1 For r.Learj;qUat.yourplay;(f.P And Ihe questjpn that perjrlfxgd ,ne :; jiavu faoifiitq quite away .f . :i'i',e. Cnl' cbulcl cootroue' her studies. anH ner; - "-. .TTM V R a wiri :t v -" . . l!. . TT- 77 r, ; Laps, through. Lis1 'inflgence 4 lead k fl? V Uv "V Almt en he war. wideawake, which a. J - ie on the eastern windows r l hn look toward th'fl " here tfiotiffhts are eingirg -a wallows." Aa tue oroolcs ormormosr ru. 5 . la your Hearts are the birds and ; the Bun .' . shine, : IV your oughts the brooklets flow ; V Bat in minq is the wind of Autumn - And the first fall of the snow. ' ,'. Ah! what, would the "world be to us If the children were no more? We should dread the desert behind us ; Worse han the dark before. . What the leaves are -.to. the forest, , With li.rlif onrl ol- i " Ere their sweet and tend Hate been hardened into wood That to the world are children; v ! 1 brouffh these it feels the clow Of a bright and sunnier climate Than reaches the trunks below. Come to me. 0 ye children i , And whisper sin my ear - . What the birds and the winds are In your sunny atmosphere. finding A. OA 11 D. rrnnn xtst rrnrtfr: . j OATESVILLE,N. C. . i pccom mcJda Ie,- from 3 to 400 persons in ji-st style; also I have one of the j largest n the State, .and mule lots attached,' for iri.'iiodntion' i of the public generally; f arid goe mt. ' " 1 &J838. - T. G.TAUGnN. DFESSrONAL C A l 'DS piiAULEs j:. LOWTII KtlJ ' UNE Y AND CO UtfSELL GK A TL'A W I ' CtATKS-YlLLK, N. CT : '-.- pi atttrtd al;the Courts of Gates!; Hert faril, t'howan, d'erquinmns and Pasqup- ess in either of the above counties punc ttondfil to, ' . v - ian 24 - .1 ( IS V. I 1 1 ' H ; f A II T I,' If. T- p-r 4-; co unchll o n a t law, .MUKFKKKSBOUOJJOII, N. C. ; , A Aj pmctice in ' tlie County Courts of Uertlbrd., :. Iiartio. Ndrthamotoni. Wnd tminties. Particular attention paid lo ws. and flll twiress entrusted tot ray ii n.eet with ready attention and scru- ITie best -of retTcrences can be. given n. A H..7 - lv. - . s IV:. GOD WIN I IIFA'T A T. SiTnnrnv ' VUACTICE oVflls lpnO- Qr tii. " rooms, over the store of C. 5 April 23. 187. For what are all our contrivings, And tbe wisdom. of our books, When compared with your caresses, And the gladness of your looks? Ye are better tian ali the billads That ever were sung or said: For ye are Hying poems, And all the rest are dead. .r ri J Ii. fflAlMpXS. & 11 HO., MA h COMMISSION f 'OiJ. K hAMlJlNG MEIW HANTS, I 3. 1 1 . VVIIITKH II RSTT'S t; T. Ii U ;Ji A (JU..E RRE O T V P ES ' - A , I, E : II IKS . ' I tBra'orc Street, Baltimore, f MaitvStrwt, Rrclimond, Va." t - .-7 - " " - 7 T iiore Strctt, Petersburg, Ya. itore Street. Lvnchbur-r. Va .iK't nesse s : taken equally well ih all auar 6 pEOKiXJ W. BEliL, I iLKS, PISTOLS, SPOUTINQ ArrARATCS I A?J EIXB CUTLKRV, i . f fwt, Mizoleth City', X. C. ICIERS.IIIP -Itie UPdersiffned r ui s day , forined, a Co-partnership,. Mtyle and firm bf PELK' & LINDSEY prose f conducting a Gknerae Com PKESS' Ff .W8t respectfHUy Bollctt pnagej pledging ourselves to prompt f aten!v?atQ;ftU V"EiD confided to i businks pareu to grant the usual fkcilitW I Va a , Currituck C. N. C. U S Aus. lath. - i atch "NBERsiONED INTENDING W EHabeth City his permaL s oj any idescnptjofi; and will do ever i iw , tire eaiumtuon. Work 1 the creates Au.'.t j . VnaniiLi " v""i'a'M1 uu warramea; Cner iHtliU, durable mid o Sp h; ad,P a,nd Kemen -are rej 6treet oue door South .V4 GEORGE. 5? XrirnmrTo I THE CALICO CLOAK. MTave vcu seen the new Bfthnlar V .dr ed Mary La;rk,a girl of twelve or fourteen years, as . soe ran to meet a group of schoo mates who were comm? towards" Kp school house : 'she cuts the most rnml! looking flgbre you ever saw. Her cloak Is made out or calico, rand her shoes are bro gansv suchls flien and bovs wear, i:i ' Oh yes, IVe secn"her,;. replied Lucy Brooks ;' &le .5s the' new washerwoman's dauffhter. V I shonlJn't hnvn thrlnhf Isrown would have taken lmr intA fbo acajlcniy ; but I suppose he likes the money uiai comesjiarouga. puas as well as anv It Is cleaner of course.' ; ! And' the air rang with the loud lauh of the girls. '.Cf)me; let; us gcrio and examine her'' continued iMiry, as thev ascendnd fh stops of the school house : 'T am thi'r.Trino- she will make'some fun for us.' - ?: Tlie cirls went into the dressing mom where they,, round the new scholar: She was fca mild, intelligent looking vhild. but very pooriy; rncuirt) nqiiy clad,., The girls went' around her, whispering and laughing' with each other, while she stood trembling ann blushing in one corner of the room, witltmit yenfuring to raise her eyes from the floor. ' .- : .:'-: : : "When, they entered" school, thev found the little ipirl far' inadvance of those of her. age in her studies and was placed in elissv?s with those two or three years rer" snirtr. This seemed, on '.the whole, to make those who were disposed to treat her uhfcindlj she; beings of a retinnghrdif position ; ; thro'igb their influence ; had no friends, but ' went and returned from sch qoI alone. 7. ' 'Arid so you' really think said Iart Lark, as she went up to the little girl . a few weeks after she entered school; nhat you aref going, to get the medal f It will correspond nicely with your, cloak I ' : And she caught hold of the" cape and held it .out from ; her.' : while the girls arnun joined in lier Joud laush J Calico-cloak ret the' .'medal ? I guoss she. will ! ;4 shmild liki'tcseeiMr Brown gi v i nfy i t toh er V saidtKVther girl 'as slie caught hold of her arm, . .and peeped undtir the child's bonnet. : ". " ; ; - ; ' The little' girl struggled to releaselier self, and when she was free, ran home as' fast as she could go. -.v;-? rP ' ''. " ' Oh;(mother,' she savd, as she entered her mother's humble kitchen; 'do answer uncle William letter, and; tell hini we wiir come to Now York. to live I don't like to live in Bridgevliie The !. girls 'call mo ''Calico Cloak.V an'd' 'BroganS,' and you don t know, mother, how unkindly they ireai me. . ,: :-.,fii- .; ... . '.: Lizzie, : tny dear.f , said ber " mother, 'you must expect to meet with some ' wbo will treat you 1 unkindly 0'n ' account of your poverty :' but vou miit not n A i Do right, mv child, and you : will 'eventu- Although Mrs , ' Lee' tried, to encourage ner cniia, yet sue knw that she , had to . r r.'. Jfi-'P f " "wcuuc,5 iea'i a nap lS.lj, ".?f "tho end" of he'lerm sbe)eft IJndgeville' and removed1 to ' New York; Aiwougu lizzie bad been a- member of Hie scnopt Dut one term, yet she gained the medal', and ii was worn ' from the Acadcmy.beneatb. the despised varment ..."Iee '1monts, an'4 years glided-away from" ih cfii;l.nn .e TJ:.i i' ' ' mi ? ".''y ";jfiMis,uv uriygevme Academy uu iub nine -uanco uioak" was forffoi- ten. Those who were a schdolwitb Jler hadJ t".ft tn nfo''i,ik!',Jui" 1' , m ---!- v vi"" uuvu nie uusiuess life, . . vf f .-. v';; - v.c juaia ucruiurs. . jjce and her daughter Jefttown, J Mr : . Maynard; a yvuug,ciergyman; -came lnto.Uridgeville, and was settled as "the pastor of the village i wa repuriea ac toe eowinsr A?l ti '.J.ll r if. ;iut) nccB, iuuuwiug oraination, that it was . expected; that he would. briftg his bride . into town in ,a few .weeks. There was a great curiosity tp see her, and es pecially atter it , was , rpnnrtiH oka noo' . talented young authoress ? xx lew. weens aner, ,iur., Maynard grati fied their curiosity, by walking into church "with, big youns wife leaning nn hts arm She was; a lady of i?reat intrllppfnol noon y ml CI UVUU ty,. and everybody (as they always' are at nrst; was deeply interested in the young minister and his wife. , " , i The ' followinzx week, the UA tp see her, and she promised-to-meek rhr at the" jneit gathering of the sewin cir cle. - , The dai arrived, and. althnntrh ik woe quite( stormy, Mrs. Deaoon;Brown's parlor was 'filled with smiling faces. The dea con si carnase was sent in tho after Mrs. Mavriarirl arid ; iino'iim. : arrived,! brimriacr the ladv wither' - Tho shaking of hands that followed her arrival can i only be imagined by those who have been present on such ari occasion. ' " MIow, are you pleased with Iage? ' jisked V Mrs. Britton, ,4 after: the opening exercises were over rs'iiKa ikcAr o sea beside Mrs. Maynard. V ' fs appearance very much; it certainly has improved wdnderfnllv within tt;o last twelve years.' : ' j' TVere Vou ever in Bridgevi He before?' asked another lady, as those around look ed eomt;wht surprised.. , 'I was Jiere a few months, when a diild,: replied " Jtff- .'Maynard. v : Their curiosity wa? excited: - Hate you friends? bere ?' asked a third after a moment's silence. '- ' gen- I. bav'e hot .1 ' I resided with.'vmTmo'tb- er,Cthe Widow; Lee;: AVe i j ved in a! little cottsgi which 6t6bd upon the Knot now oc cupied : by ' a 1 a rge s tore Ion t he corn er of Pine "street.; ' 'Ms: , '.'Tti Iwido'w ;. Lee ?'fepeated f : jfe.; Brit ton : 'I wgll femember th'ecoltaW. but T uu uui reconect nejiame, -. VI think: I attended school ; with :you at the , acaemy,' ' " replied BlrsJ Mavnafd j 'jon F,e' Ms Mary! 'Lark were' yo ' -'That was mV name.', renlied the fade': as a smile passed' over her features at pe- mg recognized ; but I am really quite asuaraea; mac my memory has proved so recreaniJ L ; was known , in the. academy as the uailCO UWaK ''J'firhs.n von an remember me by that name.' :: ' The. smile faded from. Mrs. "Rritton's iace. L ana a deep blush iOversnread hoi- . . ." . ',uio.j,(u . c v. -muiHcu. a ;jiiier, was seen; deepening upon the; faces of oth ers present .There was a silence for'.some ;rninnf when Mrs. Maynard looked nnj she"- found she had I caused considerable disturbance among the ladies of;her own -agej by mak- mg, nerseit.Knowo .xu v --i .v.-ii O I remember very ' well i when the little 'Calico Cloak went to fhe aendpmv Vaid an old lady, as she looked over her and l tbinKi'if my memory serves , some or the ladies1 present- will Maynard an apology.'1 - Mc,"-! I hadl fio intention whatever. ladies;' replied' Mrs: -MayUafd, h'to 'reprove 'any one present bv' makinsr.raVself known "but as it may seem to some that such was my intentionj I;- will add a; few- wl)rds.r Most bf thd vounfref' ladies Wesent will rern'fm ber the little 'Calico Cloak r'mik no on p but the" Wearer knows -howri deep! r each unkind word nierced th HttleV hpArt that beat- beneath . it: i4nd! s Torn Kpi the old ' aeadem'Sf1 bell finrt-' if, brinrrs WarrW fresli to my mind the sorrows of childhood.. But let no lady misthk "rne, by'sup'tiosinff T !.'. 1.1. ' .' ),-. -t : ,. rV.:-. . cuensu an unKind leering towards any one.' ii I know thah' whatever the ' rnstfmnv lave been youare now my friendsi .BiiV. 'adifsj I let me; add, Sf youliare childrerr learn a- lesson ffAm-s n npr? nry y tmT teach -them to treat kirtdlf 71hel poor and d. i .- i ' t i' - r glasse me right owe Mrs meet with, severe trials forgone myonns.' ''" Bul6ther;! they 'are all unkind K mtt replied Lizzie i there f isVt one '."Un Iovps m ' Attdrthetci 'face in her bands, and sobbed aTbti-';-."''--''1 ' In Bridgeville Academy v; there were; a few selfish.unprinGipled girls j and the others joined them in teasing the" littfe "Calico Cloak' as they called her from thoughttessnesB. and frbni a lovg sport . But tbey "kn'iir pnt itioxt deeply each - spofi tives 'word pierced the; beartPbf theMittl? stranger, and how many bitter" tears she ahed iri secret over their unkindnessf -'i5 5 i:Mrs.t learmbgyt still continued; their urjnstftreafmen W wards JrTiildUeso!ve poo man , . in3 becbm4fVember'otsi)i family ubpirr; despised. A .: . . - . . , . 1 heart asarm tWimetiorj 5abd as l?eni. nvd to iBotrbw as Onethat beats behe'atb i . ; '' . . . . a velvet ?verinffiJSWnenevef -tou meet despise ico earry its bwn moral with '.That, is th shcrtesfr biit th .JSfest -;(f. mon I jeve Iieardj sajd.fhe o ladj in ,as she putrneV hanercnief underfier a vei yet (joveritig c Whenever you rae a child that shows a disposition to despis tbevfJo3rJ telV it Ihatory f the Cali( Cloak ; it will earry jtg bwn mOraF wit it.f. .-i . 'r :-,vto vc:-: ; I he meteonc shower that ' fell on "the night, of the 13th of NoVeinber,1 1833, ex hibited r scene long to. be- remembered by all" who witnessed itj . To the' enlightened ana weu-intormea it was gra,nd; awful, sublime: but to the ignorant and Isupersti- nouj, oyerwneiming and .terrine. 1 ' . Such a cduntless number of meteor nov. er fell from, the empyrean in so short a space of time before - or' since, the1 itheories pi um;Dpidtand Captain Twining to the contrary notwithstanding. ; ' A few weeks after this grand display of fire-works.1 .Tim PranHIn' m. TTnnin t: 89. he .was most cenerall v- nallprf hobbling on crutches, hia lower extremities covered with a superabundance of red flan nel Jims early educational., adyaatafes had been very limited. His learning from DOORS and. SChOOl Was Contracted tn a four months, by a mind not at all incliued to Study. But he had nrosnered in thrt wnrU and by raising cotton in the flatwbods of Ainerc, where he lived, had accumulated a snug fortune. ' He was a general favorite in his rieighborhood, and bur for a! slight habit; of indulging sometimes too much in the 4ardent,' might be termed an unlearn ed, snrewd, exemplary man. Jim was ' sittin? with 0 v nemen in the Jetersbnrc Tnn bfa faa nicely adiasted in another chair w?fh b;a " m - - I II IH ft. i J qrutches across his lan ' when om Ano quired why he was working himself in snaiDsr ; ' Whereupon he exelaimpdr Vnn Wn,. had at our house,' the other night, a small sprinkle of. what we took to be the 'day of juugment: it turned out we were islicrht- Iy mistaken: but I assure von f Hm judge of small matters, it was a right good counterreit ot that great day, when they say there is to be a-ffeneral Bmnshnn Many a one of us, for a while, fhouht it was the genewine coin, and as the masons would say, 'conducted ourselves accord ingly.' I tuck the wronjr shute at the start. Now they say, 'man purposes, and God exposes;' this may or may not be rood scriptur; at the latter end of my spdrience I would call it good sense. I was suddenly awakened Ollt rf n isnnnfl sleep; not by Gabriel's horn, but aj noise mighty high as loud, if not hearn si fur; Wife, children:: and infers wr a in nod hollerin, 'the day of judgment was come, ana stars. were '.all falhn. tha world was burning up!' - I sprung un; looid t the heavens; never seed sich precedencies Ur f . rnu l r mai uciuru: mere j Deing no mountains and rocks convenient to call on to hido mo I tuck a beoiline with ajerage ingine speed for the well, which'! would sa two feet deep in the clear. It s the deep est hole in the ground I know anything about. When I got thar I found Boo and Sam , two of 'my nigger boys, on a quan d ary , which of the two elements to ch u se . Bob; a brig at mblatter, was for water; Sam, an onmixed African, was for tjurn ing Sallymandy, nd facin the music. Says T, boys clear the track, and take hold of that winlass, and let me down into the bowels of the yeth as soon as the nature of the case will admit of; the outside is get ting unwholesome, sure!'. IVieh, without hat, coat,; pants vest; stocking's, or shoes, I got in fhe bucket and started; they hadn't turned 4he windlass twice round when I hollered to 'em to slip the britchin and! let me slide, Ar No sooner said than done, wten I- whirled curslosh nigh unto .three freefc in the water. uNo roan could have made the NUMBER! 6. man should be when 'ha bandit ttf cle sjiut wake j'him Hp at midnight outen a deep sleep, make the racket aronnd hm which were turned loose about meahd let nim see all them stars a-falling - If.be will $et ; tq cyphering out;causes. 'and forget consequences, he is Jno kin to mel Now mere is franklin, and vBoIomon, and the other apostles the scriptures speak of 'war emart in tneir day, but they would be no W.har with our people and thar. fixens! I was at Augusta t'other day, and seed - a railroad encine and train come rlaohini in Suppose old Solomon had seen the like of that Am ft nA.!n'n j 1 . 1 ' . .v wmc ouuimg, tearing, luunaermg Dy him, what do yob think would be his per formances? " The way. he'd mri into his temple, and slam the door. 1av: low nrA say nothing, would be a cautlatf to.bis bie taiiiuj., ixuw, irrauKiin .mout snve, it thunder, as he delt in the article; but Sol omon not haying .the whar with, would make himself scace. The old gentleman never thought of sich things Now John on Patterson Island, dreamed of sich'. or something like into them. If -Solomons dreams had tuck that direction, it would have turned bislprorcrfa into revelations, and might have confused the scrintnres ' , Some gentleman here asked Jim where r-atterson s Island .'was? 'It's'none of my look out, I kalkilate it's a " fine place for uruamiug, wnetner good tor cotton I don t know, but I would advise its "".owners to keep it hid out, lest the Angtd-Sfaxon spe cie mout take a !i Ifintr tn t ' and nl7fn . " O . " - vlllj 1U, in working up to; their clear and manifest destiny.' Here a voice from without infnrmpd 'Tim his buoforv was r'pnrlw . Wkftn !t Wa".-: of his shafts, he worked himself out bf the room, amidst the heart v bhp prs and frr- well of his friends. . The Apmiral; ate, bad shaped Vincent, and s Dream. Admiral Sir Henry Digby, in the command of a frig- jhis course for Cape St. was running to the south ward in the latitude of Cape Finisterre. He rang his bell kit 11 o'clock for the offi cer of the watch and asked. him ' How are we standing ?' South-south-west, sir.' What sort of weather ?' ' The same, sir, as when vbu left ths deck ; fine strong breeze ; starlight niht,' i ne same sail r ' Yes, the same : double reefed tonanils ana roresau." ' Has there ben anybody in my cab ic?y try. I believe not, EXTRAVAGANCE OF TH d'AV ?y some surewd things. wbich go.directly to the heart of thepopulart fol lies of the day.. Ha has nqxdltettadea of the presnt system of domestic, education as.tending .to frugality or reomy. : He says in one of ,his Mrmonst . . - a "In the town of Soriiewherives 'iMr. Manygirls. ..He .is a joilsomPV; merchant bis ,wife a hardworking housekeeper Yur. "i P? now tlttr. are ruin- sir; I shall ask the sen- ' Sentry,', asked the officer of the watch . 'has there been anybody in the captain's cabin !' . i : . ' No, sir said 'the sentry ; 'nobody. ' Very odd !' reioined the. cantain : T - . j was perfectly convinced I had been spoken to.v . . J : :,. 1 At two o'clock the bell was again run?. the same questions repeated and the same answers given, j Most extraordmarv thin? !.' fsairl Van. . -j 0 f tain Digfey; every time I dronned asleen I heard somebody shotting in my ear. Digby ! SDisrby ! so to the northward f Digby ADigby ! go .to the northward ! Dibv f Ttlornv ! i rrn tn tha nni-tlmoi.il f c J !fe uui ( u (i ai u T lt . . t t m . i snari certainly do so Talce another reef in your topsails,' he continued to the haul your wind and 1 daylight, and then call e middle watch did ac ously rich. Thev harn sr? whom they train. up in? . utter iidleueai. They are all doing, nothing tv speH ranch mnnnv Lit nAf ' - vuv;, nut iu. nui a! ill UUfliaril" ty. not even in elegant accoiVpisbmei.ts, in painting, dancing, music kU,. the lilrA so paying in spiritual beauty w iauhoy'lhike sing; tbey arc know nothings, rjd, only in bhvt, aa U3C1CS3 as a PI )Sf, . jtriM aa .. ...... '(-j' r Kignorant as the block on wbih their ion nets are made. Vf ; i Now, these seven "hdilk." nlK, newspapers call the poor thioi L so Ttoo- rhnt nnA l.Tl . ... . ? 1 '...' . r ' - uu ucijiiesM, are nni 01 4t idle. can earn nothing, but they coqse much. hat a load of finery is on thfr shoul je'rs and heads and necks. Mr Manygirls r; t .7 "au olMJ ' wumetv jiiq waifo on ...a uu-utters mieness, and titoe- servants are drawn from tlurproductivrk ofthe suopor rarra, and set to the i)Rprodnetive work of-nursing these sever ' grown1 up uauius. f ! "On tlie other aide of tllP TCartlia TT bit. iuanysons has sevensons,' wbo ard the exact rnatdhr for the merchantl'dauirhter.s: rich, idle, some of thpm. UooAL. I, i ' I. . . .'",'. '.,."- J uaucoery coming before their beard; all uiu, earniQg nptlung, STAuJmij ,nmb ahd wasting more. Their bn'Vlabor'is to .... wiuc, auu iu uTIer tu;y e derate from pond to pond:- from lair tn Urn having a fishing line, with a.,jybrm atone end, and a fool at the other. jV These arq fast families in Somewhere; theVidlenes is counted pleasure. Six bf the sons will marry, . and five, nerhlns. Mvrld daushters. i anl wh fmrK& -th .:n -"' ' " " Vrf! "rJ ' Will found, to live on. the of their grandfather's bones, until a commercial crGfs,. and the wear and tear of time. dissinaUl th pir-fnr. t,une, and they, are foreed reluctantly to toil! . -it J "Besides, there is an ennrna-ii nf food, fuel, clothinfir. of arc the least economical civilized "people on earth. Of course, the noor jp . everywhere, they do not kn )w how to ecoQomise,.and they have , not t.hVs means. mey must live trom hand to jwouth. and viuju va tut vt uttu . taok every hour ti me. The officer of th . . ' f , 1 -m. yj 1 buc ujiuuiu vvdlUU UIU au trip sooner, ceptin, he had fallen ia . and A'.nrr . wno a i, neM.had to tucka. far start at that. Heved t four elock, his successor was About' the time the water settled rnnnd -tn;asA Li l. u me, and I was ktvered all but niy head j I wind, and asked the meaning of it. ieit nre-proor, ana calculated they'd have 'Meaning, indeed,' said the other; 'the tc bnru low to crit me! Now thev caw i 1 n u man in a deep well, in, the day time, cin told his story, at which thev laughed sstars. . I allow them is fixed stars heartily. . , , Tie ones I saw from that well that niffht TU bnwltrpn 'nntMnif tn An w . . - - - - " . .r.T . Tl .' - , " "'cX was travelers, ; certain. , ; Besides, if there was fixed stars- that night, I never seed em. Some said they watched the mornin' stars, and as long as that stuck they had hope. ' -;. j : . .;, I made - the boys draw me up se times. to: see how things were cominsr on: obey the orders, and the ship was tacked at four, at six. at seven. She had rust come round .for the last time, as the day was' breaking, when the look-out- man cried out, Large ship on the ' weather bow !' A musket was fired to brinff her to, and she proved a Spanish vessel laden jrlasfipW i anrl "T -drt ftrtt Kp1?pW-fk6'nAiiot effect will he lost urjonUnt of uVr' vAuU ?The j pld jlady 4a)ihMi Thtrjatoryr iia jf iu ,u Luu ulUsracauBiuy. as iiiai yerv fi time. &'f little bov Was ntfendin tr school there, whose mother' was struggling7 with hejr needlg to giro, him v an education i The; boys often pado.sportvrqf hisj patched: c wi y j- vi ' tuu vaiitu . v uau j UUCU tf lit; scholars , the. Ii ttle: t)oy (fop Ire ; wat n atuT- ally ,a nobleTheatj&OLi cuiiobecame. yefy, popular , in . the,s school. ; and he.cJiildren,' from that time,' were 'ery.Tcind tq Xittle Pa-fdheyranclhi'alwyi tAUV Tiri ' if! . .rti ji'1'i.rt. . s ". ueorijjirsj iu.eynra tteara-tnetorv'ttr tyiitff Pt&eyJb i4tabea3fwe)t tf P; on jaitjlf hsad;flredi'ri cbjldJiptH" IjC'--Ui V . " o ! r - -"""ct I tu, auu wuc pruvcu o oauisu vessel laucu but when. one of them big blazio roeturs with dollars and a rfch carsro.' which eave wnnld dart towards trip- T nnnl1 nlilrl i.U fi i J J l-- c down to me lengtn or. my canie. I soon the great fortune which he amassed m the round! had gone beyond what was com- naval service. The story was told to my fnrtnVlp; T rint. irar nfi rvl Tn r Knl .fmrr t-i J '? tL. !. C: TU1. Tt f left the water,, and felt like taking the. firej, by him repeated to me ; the high character no matter in what form! . I'll just say. rite of both him and! Sir Henry Digby for nere,v:,tapy man auouia nave nydratony bidding the possibility of fabrication agui urc, auu win pui iiimBuu turousu my Seta I in tt. performances m that well- and aint cured. "' . his disease w too deep-for hydropathy. I' ' Who thr Docb Was It? Brown tells put on dry clothes, tuck a stew of whiskey us a Vermcn t story which, he says, ' is as .Ait nAxwAOT l-v,,t tiu l.t. . .t tz" ' ii i j. irfnLi T.i" '-'aV-",' w 'su j. p u iw, ia ic me ruuiiiiics auineniiCTis ioe uesi 01 me irost anecaores. ha3 ne,;, So.in eing agin fire .I-" got and certainly rjothing more can be required. I waxnt,the only man excited on that ocr ty, many years ago had an ambition tofep asion by a long' jump. . My ueiffbbor., resent his town in the State Leeislature.' - y V m n f mvr axed.; nia bow we- stood :the-(racket , H4 way able enoughj forhe, office' he sOughtt in Lad never been a house of prayer be h , in fact; the most town; Going to man who happen heIaid his case uence, saying ithout rjaviner - ..... I I . 1 J 3 l. 1 I. t' ' J 1.. J . J . 1 I 1. - : I J argument ainijitjui up, auu usual an- tor ic, ana uecianug iuav 11 ue tuuiu gei other .word to.say.jif the ? day. of 'judgment; X.'s influence he Was sure t& far elieeted. UA a.-i ii4.n tj .i pi. : to...! : u: I 4 :-..'. t' luu-uuiuc. Miiauu i.uiu&iu? 1 u cuntuui xuv 'ouuire - uui 111 ui iwsi juiiius lur better if J'd relied on faith and nra'ver in- 1 his man. but when the baHot-bor was turn stead of sich work as 1 did" In:tbj9 eniQiotY tlie comnanr concurred. and Ian rlipd-' Inner and Irmil "afr hia nimliaa sWhen J,he noise oftheir? mirtb bad ceased, ; ' . "jl t? . :e i . i. s 1. . . Buiue uue reiuarteu' 10 cJiio u ue uao-Deen half of what i3 put into the hii id 'perishes .before it reaches. the mouth. 'H'lJtkeA isp are tha rioh wtcfvil -n4 : J money, almost never such as -hfive .earned it. ihe great mass of t-he pLVnlsi are not economical, but wasteful. It iHhe habit of the whole country.'' ' ' -1 IfoQcocics.A Correspond int of. tlv? Knickerbocker perpetrates the flowing j I was recojerjng from sickt,es. latidy, and needed something to tenipiiy ppptit. I thought woodcock, well cookbnd serv ed would move my dormant Vj4fg, fMv Irish servant was told to go dow and pur chase a pair. Mrs. B- said to him: 'I suppose you know what they ar tboe birds with very looff bills.' 4Yiu iiim. T do.' Then, turning to the cook bbe gave uiicvhuus iuf. lueir preparanon ir ine s ia blev After the lapse of an hourthe man returned with the change; Wll, Jim, did' you get the woodcock?' 'I YiL men. ' 'But how is this? how muoh change have you brought -what did they cOsf !'. 'Six teen cents, mem 'Wbai! siiten cents, for the jpairl 'Yes, mem.' 'Vfey, that is extremely cheap o He stood la hesita ting way for a moment, and (neb asked Mrs B if she would notfyp down arid see them. She walked do ?n to the kitchen, and Jim stepped up to the table, took a small package, which he'. unfolded, and handed out a couple of thelfnget kind of wooden fauretsf 'Why, ble'you. man. these are not woodcocks! Didrrt you hear me give directions about cooking tlicinV 'I did, mem. 'But doa't voiced 'that I could not coofc on&of 'th&xpl T Waht bml- them in the pot for a whole botir nd tbey would not . bo cooked.' I see;,fniem: I made a mistake. Shall I take ""em back. . , HUNISTS-ARE TIIKi J FANATICSQRKNAVES?" Sometime - we Itre " beep i;9poaW bellve that jhe miss 0f abolition isKgit be sincore-thatey Wftre .f$n f 8 ,Un knaves - Bat if fheir hrt9,ilitvM, why do they object to th. diffusion and ! di uimn of slavery over new territory bf which the condition of that race woUld ion to their number? Ayairi', jf'tbef ore the si ive. ,d apek trfft faj: they .ohct to the acqpisiti of Cuba u one of the United 9 V the slave tr-de- 'H hanging, thos partioipatfo in tvV.S? a. pirate wuuld u.P!A i1".11- ral?C '.Ii... i .V 11 rnfT .low wuy a v i-iey OD? V rpnnish "-MI iftherloy. th.,W , "l"ane aria meroiful teep- him in nhWrt! A' , . - '! urmff mm ier the patriarchal control of Angler J. ons, prot,s.,t,g rhe'protestant relion .ni practhinor its hol -prpeept. 1 Th?v!!i that th. s,ave !X UVJJ?S& on ,n heir own vessels, comm.idTad Wed by their own penpU, in"S tioj with r-e.dlySp,nUU: and the gr.yd de t of raude and outlaws.-is the Island of Cu ba, fhpy know that the Cuban .uthnri ie. .w.,.k at the unholy trafSc, an4 paWaSi of its profits-and that this brribrtrade h .beeu earned nn for years p.8t, ,J with tmpiinirv. and will t'.-,. , -... Vuw ir.rrims ot Ararice die during their transportation. p w when landed ,0 Cuba'. ; they ar'e pu't 6 plantations, boin r'tauf ht nothing bit bow to bbor. treated Hke hn.fn. , -.t i.- f7. condition but little ahn '.uil. . W know that our slaves are kindly.j,sed an5 taught almost everrknin- . i-li V . , J"'"p. "mWH we Know oursel ves; and as a general rule are treated .v. w.m, rnan our chtiareD,iarVd are much bet er cared for tU the ehildrV J poor people, or poor people themselves, in many sections of the free States. They know all iht. ftnd ,.. . . . J Ye ,?eIf.ri2htou. Pharisees ove the Uvph inorfl ) tk.n ll ould'VR rwiNPi- ho.V a ipni rrom ri'iiiuii .1 . . ...... .1, l t .11 11 v nnn . then, and hru,s them bndpr n. eif.il yoke ,,t iKindage.. p0 von, nni at tlie boi rm-s of flip Affi'no -i. . . 'a AV Ka a. J own ..n.-wiu, nr'acVffiffi your countrymen who embark now lo safely.m this nefiriou trade. Prove' thus thayo..f iopP(Witibii;fo 8UTerT is, pbilaq. throp.c -a love for ttfe stave ; add not pb- htiCil a lust for dominion. . Whether ffiP acquisition of Cuba is 0 rs nM. an obj,?Pt to be deair'ed, surely the Black Rcp.ihlicans ought to desire it, it they arc not as a party the most arrant hypocrites and knaves 00 the faoe ofthe earth. Wo bolieve in' our -onla theV coiiYe TfndP,- this oategory-and no other. nVUmr hostility tri Cuban .acqte' with the ream agsigned 'by thpn? , for this hostility, places them without th' .fjale of honest and truth-loving mexi.-RaJetrk Do : ye' others? Snatch mem I , O - , - " - f , ; P . " " forej jut it they .didn't; make .uprjlos folks hate hiui.Rd-was time, h .wast nojudgepf Uigwus exercises tfnfjbpular: -maa -in jthe j He said he and bisWwd prayed nigh pnta Squire X., an influential dur'Upursi iihey. Jjearn toe s clock strike ed to pe friendly to him,. threej times fwhiieibey were or their koeesij before him,- anrjccf bis infl lie said, the fact was. thev -exhausted the that, he didrf exnect help' wi 1 ed another man was declared elected. . The disappointed candidate called out to know how, the, votes stood, and learned that he had got just three votes ! But 1 dou't understand it." said he.' turning 'SiSuTre. aa-smarf ana-hne3oph5aI as one of bis with a chop fallen countenance -"Nor. I would not have been at - til eimer, - sam iue oqujre ; .-; 1. put iu my - . 1 : . i.u.-i t... !.-. .1.- j 1 litit vr (jy tin? 1- snnaotnra 'Via UliAnkir . r..' .n).mi ; tt f vote . von nut in another-. havehearn of him before; said Jim; . 'be Puf in the -ttlird is m?re ta, I,,cflQ imag ws the fellow-who' .'oouldr era rout, when jyouvn.t osi. t dart(Rrflomn Alnnr?"wppp snrcnntf'' h 'ti'tiII i:u.: j., -r...i.t I ,t n,T iK. njr L.kt.' nt:iiuuig:puh ut4fsaiupio - ntf uieHS. yoa; ; i u.i pvt mi? iMor nuu .; n$i r . vwm and carry tba,keetfes& borne. arM.grierinieTit ways,' exclaimed sJthe , boy t ibrawing' the . THINGS LOST FOBKVRJl. ;.' Lo3t weahh m'a'j' b'e reslp'reofjy in'duS try; the wreck of health regained j by temV perance; forgotten knowledge ,-sstored by etudy. ; alienated friendship smoothed Into forgetf ulness ; even ; forfeited f putation won by patience and virtue y bUwboeyer looked upon his vanished hour iiecaTled his slighted yearsf stamped them-with. wis dom, effaced -from IIeav.e'Q's rejordj the tearful blot of wasted ; time. f be foot print on the sand is, washed m'tiy 'the ocean wave; aod; easier roightl ei;wben years are fled, find that foot print? ibanre- . II 1 .1 " 'i ' '. , , can iosi nouTS.! .a "Good mornrdg, , bovdtyotTfeel? asked J enkins bf obe "pf bur bacr defeated democratic candidates,' as be mebJjim near tlio.liead i of State street, just ait n break fast, yesterday morning. ,.Feelf replied rery 4 feelinerl v: 'feel ! W a vl I feel ---j,-. o j '. - - 7- .". just as I suppose LazafuS did wfyjo lie was nekea Dy tne aog.'ZJOifon I'au? 3?" A centleman. sneakinsrof)lhe' mar- nage of Lord D. and Miss K. fxatiated on tbe lady's beauty and elegant hnrt, and praised as liberally, the qood na ri of bis jordshipr. .'Then,' saidlButler i Dan vers the w,ori tmug the couW do wsro rtar- ry. it will tpou tbe shapt. ol tb qney and tire temper 01 rue otoer. . t rebresentatiTe tbe: Hon. Burtoi : Orifire. having just returned from Tenf ess'ee is w uumo ivuaiug remarhauij, well. While Mr. Craice p.niova thp pr.ti1?dnp nf - . O J J - v. his political friends in tbe KighQsff 'degree. Sai-ary or Judges Tho Wilmington4 Journal, very properly suggests that lb' salary; bf the Judges of the Suneriof Corfrts be s raised to- $i,M)0 cr 83.000.-i The Journal say's : ." ' s I" A thej salary now is, no lawver in ' good practice, with a family to support, cau afford to be a judge long. The sacr' fice'is too jgreat ; tbe compensatiou is too" inadequate. This is not rirrht im-tna : nor is it good eoonomv. We am . fm4 of economy as most folks, but not fuch ecouomy as terras out the charge of our lives,' our fortunes, or our oharrAr. tri the lowest bidder. ' The .Superior Court Jodm hnl.'t 'th receive no leni ebrt twenty tfve haodred: uuiiar' -we wouur preter three , thoofand dollars a year. Tbe services of anV geri-7 tlciuau fit for the position are worth tha?; and the State ought neither to cheat tbe projier niaiii out the proper compensation. nor accept the Improper one on any terms - We think the salary should be raisea by I ho next legislature, even at the risk? of affording omo capital for derasgogues to tio again Ht the democratic party at suceeefitelcctiodS Char. Democrat: y 4:k- ' j-. ' '; s The Si5dstdne or NoRTH-CiRpLiK A.-i The old North jSlato. has long been known to be rich in her niirwrils; bat the develop roent; of thowi natural resources is due, in a grbat' oieaaure, to jhe exemplary efforrs of Prbfesof Ktumonii, thb talented Stata geoK ogist aud jiiineialmt. At the late Fair 10, Haleigh, the utility of the NorlhJarolW 8aud8toufr far ; arcbjtfcctutaL purposes w'aaj fiighfy recomujendtd, and tbueffict of its us in bnild'ing' we are pleased to see, haV been well illustrate by WiHiain PercivaVj. Esq., a Kicbmoud architect of - talent and education; who i becoming welUlrnowa' and appreciated in our Southern States. We have long 'since adveeated the taking advantage of the fact that tb'e?e' 'more in , Virginia and North Carolina Vartb; thao is drearnpt of ttr our! 'fogy') worbTi pbi-T losopby. ywiTnonrf Enquirer , h doctoT full of nrofcssional nomrvMtiVr says a latefIInglisb paper, was called trpmi Dy.s saiior patient tq nara a 'raging tooth' extrictd;pWell jnariner. said tbe docf tbrilookracr verr learned', and epeakinff virvr 'lv slowly, which tooth do yon wish' to bav extracted? Is it the molar or tbe inciaor?" i Jack replied sbbri and sbart:v. Ifa'thiJ' upper tier, jfTbpard side: , bear hand, 56' swab. fof It nSMng niy jawIilte1 a bipod admirioivan esteern .of all.iso The doctor grinned', and clSppeddH't Banner. ?rwr1 : i'-,' I, forceps: ' - " - - - ......... -- . i-. : ; '.-. -, ' .--lM:', - t - ' . .;..-.:; . -i -