s I ' i i 4 ' l-'v- -'- ': -'"-'.;v:-- ' r. mcaixc Jjimtm". Tonnaco of Canidfiil fbiUittiD fr3C, aS U -J t y mnagc 4 -fractions,) t Editor. 4 of i the country upon aiplan that B1 tifafte a estimated savirigof nearly balf.atn i reasurv... lu rcr annum to the- public ocretary in pakihg .lte; , 7etretat lisj thrown; the Districts ui this State into a very a wk wnrd shapeTas ; we finjj tbem mapped off iqt lie folio wing cx- ;traati&ml"t1i. bnfVcrffaamnijrjli'e Col- 4 to tdli: W W ' -T( Vre stated that W m; F. CTho Senate on motion of Mr. Lane took n i.-L thin this orWajh.Tflif yieIdc(1 -16 ? wlicila uruthd bill extend the ehartev.of Uh Lrtftrfeflf cniif srro "and. aTi2ati:! f;r?year il ifthe niebfc of the 22: J in tttK hA4. i sh 1 K I'':1! I ticeess n The ainnDjen(arifdobted-4 -4 to; 16 Mr V$rf? mnifTrl n?tf rJIr&urtn t all afffflrif savin 'awnriLni 'fr7M4 ? ! IhcWclananV insert theijill ' to1iitteVSffevo!e4ft ' ' 'T"-" I ihlMnrtt H ' T tA 4 1m ef rvv fr.V fhAW n; lift a i l T? t il VT JU' n..Al:J - Tonnage ot u asnmgwn .Wff: sball-hftn Ir.3IajioQatJ61on44roaubed intathe House by Mr. Ransom., Ty.Vi ile is fully. cualiSedTtnr' the iaaJc. which the j The aneation then recurred on iusertine -:.T 1,U2 to onend alU go and bear for yourSctrcs. te affirmative 35 to 0. -b Makinr-lbW8noag6f ihi strict f ;ThVdre8 - wiU fba ; deli yereJff-rA von The revenue bill passed its ""isecontf rei- 10S2 tonsmoro than that of Washington. Tn fact the tonnage of the District of Carn Hail e THE JDKNf ON- EXPRESS AND MR. BAD HAM The eMvalrous editor of tho Edeton Ex- pmtsfrats . in iisii a ttf last irf rto d taolisKlsC :tunl! anilsjmi !taneOMslr,5bott '3e Ei laabe it Cit t PJwccf and foe: Mur- Cneesbprb Jitizcn"tix I ho inidvettenV crime ttfraWt4plicaca to its eiit, ana saperflaous attack- upon the Delegate from Chowan coanty The main point, howerer, of cveitoar in studied and brief j defence of Mr". Radham, ar"tilterlyC D'eglected in the lato savage; nfc L Mr, - Dozit hty&iodly,1 diB3' Avete of 3113 without uiate- i ffent.!eniaTJ itendcsrthr one?tiDti1rrvrjbed iiejofiitio. thioitlMllrfalS thrni and" jntrSdlcel . tMcMHoVftffan t..:. . rV&ilo'" J Canal a 30passcd it .second. reaiiDgj alisf5.tUatIr? JUdhayoted; ia3q theI feff 4? Moreover; IbeDistrlelCaafe .CS41?H 6 llEPKlPnCPtLKC trate by theCTeafDtsm eVnderfeTandtWt 7m.Jus 8ubmU the Sounds of the State hasiass . .i.. ' r-VtVfl nhliantirvn . -ntri-r.ii i :i -Jw 4 Ui-T, 1 tankiindreYauimanswut also acceDrouf rvcas Sol' navs o. r . :..:.E.,;,i.L . I-abonkiutArtainl - jfiefeAatki txr-wtavw AtMftmr iUr IBU l:UJi;MIvi T'i kuu.i vwivu.." IUIUU District I -C l : TL1 '.i-.l'AOftl t.....-' I , . -. .... -r - - j r " J J UCI&liU;). una a lykui vcn. anu uviiuta iuuov.i -r r . .. j, v:, , j "1 V'iif 5cippiwMH,iirf Kanamncicr -tne propoecj. aTrangemaniM hiebifho would giadiy 'dispose of. 5 faoi3 f t"?? .""WHSj tha vi tTiinffton .I ournai. uv & abiuusi 01 i rn '.'Wa-nF tk atin t- .: i'mi. T ::-t .tii.... r. . . t t . .-rr."" ..''. if f lluv a 1UDO v -.Vj? "DOW TSJppUgvai. iue. JaeiKu 'iiuuso , ubso. f" "The 'hill fnl amnnJ "iKo I nliaVFor nf VOTTepoM.7 r - ' vn the other, .yistricts. 11 fne iisjnoc 01 4 ws lt can call &nd -select Such- asr mny Cit Passed "T; 'T. .V, ra fW''YV3er 9: hCamden Is-Id be-iioasolidatedi ii iboiildl4 tfenfth'ey.' :Url CUfMnslsfotallf Win d. ' " The bill to .'rovide'for sWanff7re t-7rrZAtrir;rrtmrc was.road' the ?Btate!Cl Nortb; Carolina rand to the ,sayl,. idea of sending .'masters ot yissseis, ana,im 'district 4 oowVi8ta!a?hetf;bslaw;7 porters, away;rom Elizabeth QityaQ Wash half be Mhj&tm 0Mnim iogton tonter; to clear.to -renew or change ihe dislrirt frt Camden., ni Hie said4; State.1 6 , , . . .,-- 1 -v !4' :v!ii.:!lt be useless urdet: .si aii tiaiL 1 - - . r - t - .7 . . r ftlieWdistflcat :not woth thq expendita "be' appointed- to- 1?f3aWa-sjperfornr Jniitt tain i' 'C, tics, n't a compensation' of 3ix huhdred.an.d l 5 r V' ' '. ' . ' '" ' livery fir-tlie-'said 'Mr-trrct.Hml aPeputy ?3ctforV'swhv ' shitTaW; het InspefAt; weiglier, gjuger. and measurPTaFScom-; ensaion bf?Gve-h6d 1 De.Jorm' the dntjcf;i 'nSrt7:-'V32"i!''' 32h4i- i',-: , Nretcran'rsthre.vo'u iri the? face Jrooi'almost r Se ,0V' iMstncr TraToer Tottywosnait revery ,pag0-oJ tbesq, mongreLiournalSi and 'if a ii--us:TllEUWHIG PARTY: t - ? It is -a ; Tare thing in '4atteVKjg''fo. pict' tipa ttnovv-nothing sheet and not find a pararaphor a long, artcefupoi,the re-. suscitation of ths r! od .Wlug par ty;r- Moving nexedndlbVfh-ihaart ttejvdf.fie ,:dts- the' idea tbat WsimVfdjird Ifad 'been that the statement Tcsnectincr th Conclu sions there' ai rived fit is correct, certainly Uoiner of lho Express; and inview ofre- occpibn jfocjsqme surprise. It hjs T pcatlng its origioarallegationVagainst that vcry gcnernlff asserted, and so far as that it was airrted" Bv the wise men in coun- QSBSftlti geineatf or acuon pueypppsjiiqni jtneiiepuDucan organization masybe the basis upon which a party .-ijitjr-qcted ""and the chief or leadjuplevfuohtbiei in the next lidenttatainpaign A With; -all d'erBce,to the' indcrment of hrleSenaTte. iinderaken" thus at!y X&if QumeJ wbVk tbf.the OpVasi- dPB wo arB compenoa to express rufethaay,ine of'them homing THETdPPOSiO PARTY IN 1SGII "trS8tani(ng7tbo long period Jet toehrprvbefore Ibts next lresidentialHq- tton ac Jve- poliUVans arol ready cf avals- f ature 1 dlitical. 6Eeratiohs. mA recent ccra-, !iultitic beld at AVashinstoni byirentiir ;iH2ppsed to i the rcpregntatives.'df oldonservative f Wihig party, and not I I . T. . t " "it t- I LI! ' 'J nuneno ranKca.TTiin laa lxepuuuuaus, nas been the subjeet of comment and assuming the en "l aeknoIcdgnients tor. Uommodore yuicesv : cjuum. ucaj g4yiriv wujiaak .taf .aciiwj. fyufrAp pparge Rredo4un,entS,S t tKlp bcbiro -aif $ ;pl frf Mr 4 .1 i !!!'-- r ' - - 7, , 1 . , chanres.wken iaken out of- the bounds. of -.Did. 3f r.-jJiadhraiB aefnaUu .-wtiA taatax.ih f barearecdiavprs fronj itfe Cn- cbty wJthroutving, tW: TIibToeds Sq thirauv:' fhm niir thanlra tnr fliV finmp . Die., j ri - j :.. ,.'f;.ji 1 rnl nnnn nft.Jnn hA.ircn wjm A nrnnl I theAp9srtii assflnitotho :old Whis of 1ftewntr"?-lWW?as-vFlltmore-.snd r4Hrfrit rtbisSta'tCrttteiiden lif Kentucky, imibtel?niiprrVf,il JV'fnihropUa' vvirerY'i .'x:l;fllerp, anii ineir as5i cia JS market:' It is theAjost co'oyenleirVan4ri criblo .District for Cohamercf-install th J State North' 'fVjnim!dgtpDfAnd;7 after all, instead of saving the roposed- union wnuncreaseeDiexpenauu ?4-n iEBi Ywt ..r-.liW 4- .'"C ; Craven : and Jonca. bf.CravenirsuDrortedIi)v he...Clerk -of tbat,.hod.inhfc iStatVI emsiotif suetr M.'wtriDuted.Tcrtwe late con- correct. He. puts down. the;ptesenEexpenrit We aricanej-ted-tto Mb : ih4:,.KhoRnBrf otr of 6-cttWrssiBda-lr ' are aware $ aud Jthe salaries .of jclergyoieiui pf9m1Sff W & ?PWl Shl?et y t.. ; . hthis document, which oar eoteranerarv; will a wwuinwwu wr-,ur?, io.-preseni ror ;ine Eliza-J Drobiblv allow, to be an authentic testimo- fnW y nyal onlho.rprpvision.iiithe Revenue c ne- BOl. taxing unnisters salaries; IbvBad- seebnd haji OTED;, ith eighty ninQj others, to r.ni to 11TC.' and tne rjenevoienc'r timfi. . . .; . stwtick rr nnr. . Tihj upis 4intL niswru tllMooubt'fitfdtbaby pieces in'&er fedl-J ItV.jbixllaw ' moyed t be r indefioitely J happily forhe jruthof jhisorywwere j;aken lnfin4n ttlAsto-: a - f1 - - ) ' .- ! nndllnAnaH ' Kainnfnrl vnnc f?fl nana ST I .mr. Ik il OCik f T-n I. 1,'. : 'T--i U.' -Mr. M.ivay opposed the bulas uacon-1 ry, the voto standing., Q0w-fctr.itow. jJ . IXk'JZt JiX'XJ - -A'iJ .. f I of tf ntJnnn I. ' ' " ": " . 1 unun Tllinu iru'crvn aits T u -va 1 ai ilu itkvj u lint h - . 'iiAn irrv t n iiiiu ik kimik 'ill nmk ajv (1 if By fa6ti0gbeye;ovef ouradveriismgl ; Mr. Whitaeld spoke id favor ofihe.bill.JBinuAii., to ll in favor .of retainin . columns, it will be Seen tliatoUTr old friend; The Supreme' Ccurt of "the XTnitptl 'States 1 proDosi'tioru Subseaicntly,,- four .ners . i; lit. t . ' J:i f AOKi 1. iU . boi worm ine expeuuuuro .i u uu. A.MjL' Matbewslias ebanhis nuaiiters.1 bnd:dAidfid "th& urero nnt Mn,; " r ' ; X A thZ JZtX thVimmi ootnum given up the - - old stand, and lie 'is4 now r " IJr. McKay .was as mucb , mjayorrof affirmative; leaving jthe vote as pffioiaJlyfQ'- f DCT a, moi herppositioir tactions pat tq iafely and oomfortably settled inliis'band-: TsiavcMhstitutions as ahv man.' buthe would t corded. 04 to Mo&euesdo"nJC ' "4yPM.'-l!? tof-aeknowlcdge jalle- uHH4pii Jef el1!?! . t0ecome pir and future vto ase0rtain pareenereot. na thus to- s Opposition convention. but' eotffiitbscrs1'lot the enunci;itihn of the- dpiftientyt to be successful inf the next"PfesdenjtiaJ?elceti9 'the Opposition rhusf b enitel jji n-: candidates, "(a Tory senssi Slor oiiTipert&T b 13) , -and further that the basis 6f sRcQrgnpization must be thrpjesefit Ref uWican party.4' - ' ' f It- U undoubtedly' trtte that the. Republi- tbe lcanS arF he nips6 powerful and numerous able terms in mlQmaaage as .to secuwS for:yce President, but w, the taenwJo would represa0 1 vative ranch of the 0ppo8;tir ariven o sucn political nece.. play second 6ddle to those wl.om !?' held in eoatempt in the "n'a.!- b?J't J Ware not averse to VitnossW test between the ereat' T)oi;;-iMi which shall embrace the entire blr' ters in the Union.' Our rerA '.7" parties, and the subdivision of J1 ganizations, is not such as t0 lea,j p courage such aVstate of things w"!1 ;i uosin;p - aro quite j therefore, thai the two parties sblli !h, the quw,i0li kl nationalism and fanaticism in a man 1 dicative of the views of t.! M now casting about .thWwith, a view! rirmining4 their- politieal associatiJ the l'utcre, there isVcho'ce bctweej! and disnripr. nrrr-vr.ir inn i r i ... -ej- uuu noun, tor the Presidential election - r 1 tion and anison with the": Domocrai. ) nd support of its candidates surrender to the fatal embrace o canisui. It. is for theratoraakekfl.1 I 'Wli Not ! .-KSt cjry, .litttKe t shortest notice :possibieand-f'-jKb,mt.J!","t upon fhemost reasonable terms; a to priies) AJalljind. see, the facts befbref , . Mr.rT."4t: Caldwell moved to amend by 1 a n imad versi ons Mrfrttsboro. U (i ach . VT-' a 'pt -striking out sell and insert ,'hirc. . Aaop-. . . ' . ...V , v "' zM r' MK-JihlUMi. MT.Vard opposed the bill :he would ". r i.. .W 1 PP4OSITIQ.N:,TQ ; - jlhjo opposition Convention which met in I not give taean white .men pqwerjtd jget a . t. -I na.B A . n I ... m Mn. . I VI IT I . m I1T1 fl .TT1 I II H f 1 III Jill 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 7 1 LK Hit 'I I I I- t.U TY tTf in ' rt fT ' A n f I l! m C A I I l 1 m I Mil . ' I ' . . -. . 1 . n ... . . ... . I viui ;i i il c I til rnu w 1 1, i ht.uji i ununiLiuitu i 1 1 u.u . - w a -" ' i' 1 i nc i it: uc ill uuijL. ail (i liil.ii rati. 1 1 iiii . i n rvn aw ti . I . ir : . v I . I T itiii I ui.'v ni S'tato N yC.,"anJto the satrfm&; as ff , ; - .V ... ; v . , , , i . -; -r;.,;, DQehitrtrr--J.etoher!aV rill - " r,.-V-, A-.;ti0 -,ir ' n;,',; ,WValbeTMla-fe !lif MrKeVr was for if The law imnris- U t i. nr na5nfl W. m rd A 1 a . tlAf a1, n v. M ,4 - iv I V I"" ' I 1 " lA.A.VrwriM .a)MvB -uvMH. i . w.MW-w-fB Bi ... I I . I 1 . . I I . . 1 I li 1 1 WV HIV1 IUWO. v . . . 11 A. Ull ..1MUlllrmU . tjiLbeTt.hus been aDDOin- z : - 1 1 .1 I ... - .... , . r. .. . . 0 surrender the ' , .".f'j.itvi . r . . 1 . t I .1 itA so, 8weepingTpuuw'PSI"0n a1n(1 cnaractcr wnicntney ave ujcMiorajury,H noi wisely mainrameu, and becdjtodfemed in' the orgnnizMion, wWieb.recorjjir II. Seward hs- its lnaerpMeleai, we surely -hve no cause to cdmplalrif each action, hojnroyer irri h'wey,may biasronished at !-hs:tngu-larhy of, ibeirpf'eferenos,. or pained to .wUnksiagreivttasarrender f former prin- cinies ann proresiions. lur we may jusiiy - v.- v., v ".uana this iy .wie.-iaentieai inutviatraiswbo, blirbci n'-p-wtHRdt.4ire-tde rfn perform 'K 4 . , , - ; UcTfrip4Avc,luatrd onlyfcw.7earsago. incFin feaWcqnt The fullowii.e !tull Kfp "for the. faid disrncV, ar which officers shall Reappointed to re?idBand perfqrm their, Tespectf re duties; at aunu il compensations as. toiiows : . lleautVi ;al.vt b'e aii jnspectweigVfeVgagerrarid jneasurrr. Vix, nunjireu anuf nrry..auiiqirs. nr ;.V?.,t . - jWr!aniinut nattpras, a Deputy Collector,'! augtr.,aitTJ measure r at. jthrec , bund red Jindl sixty dot2ars. i-of onw urn; .Qlraci)clc," a 2 )puiy'Colle4r, i.whj h ,als"o be '.n in ispcvitor, .weisrhor gaucpr. and n.oanurer. at scyen bundrVd andl.TGftvTollLv-i per annum lsn(3fifty ;' :yTi.nl be psIlfdlioJvfrs'ctof Ply mouth,' in Ihe. tato NorJhao1inn.,'f. aftd (V the a'ijj ,,qUincC .a? now'e'sUblishfd f y law, .therTjlill bi annrxSir. and forni part fTireof. .''thrt" -district:, of .Edonton, in said 3ate.V F!jmouth!bati be at fori of entry ; Tbrthe said ditricf. pen at.i an of, i x h n nTdftd daH aV s VaKd an Inppoetof, who'shall be' nu nirasurcr, ai. aFaiary ui of " its defunct eg rcass, puT)lrsTied to.tie 'world the astounding fintelligeBee ,ihat"it wa s rotten, corrupt, and had expired frotq .the enormity of its own wifekedness 'and iniquity, and" was"' ,unfit"'for ihd ubo'des l of living men . ' KojyibeHvree". is 5haa3gcd.T- An attempt is, being m?de' to exhume the . ; r . jKan-fl imm a it rt 1 tti a o n i 1 -i . . 1 1 rij a a e j 1 . i-ri 1 rciT" r nnu 1 infill tiimii-Ti- - f . . xricia oi jeauwn fwu uui atyau, iu ui iaiu so rpnenifv ubsitmw uv iuvsu xiut-bu-uujic4- .-..a? -om . 1 wv vji pi,uur . . . s TOwr f- -ei,rt,VTri r 1 .f i:f. li a1..a i 1 ejiprcss th surnrrise wnicu- rucb a course MttlSte P"'-'. S&IU o?'. 'o P- " V . . J... " ever .,apr,Co,l in ii, "; -r-V; s TT"; j ,00 ,ffgK yrJer , of ? Its .patript, jf ? J?" P In tKc imo banner. ; , ibydla iilogivl btraJe' frwtta'JteM.lhd le.jlMy o viTai Tmnflfr-ftflrf ftrt.V Gillian? -ne aBnttm .1 .t .t 5.. f . i . - .. . . . . . .r'v; . ; t . . . i. . - . r V ... - .''.- mon to wlwi jfniian '.te fffur -1 l i Ty: WiiiV wv.Tuii'nwtr- : Jjr. I'ntCliara tia4 mtroaucea IU& Dill. 1 a nnrnontfir paiurht bra. anil bfifora thev v ; t and had no idea of feeing, so much nogro j could be rescued, he and. his wife and six . VV ."V ......... . .:awk.m. w -. i ty-twd littlq cbfld feh:narrpwly Escaped a-. ?ynPai"y-..' ' 4c...?5tl1.. f1i 4-w9' das of put ofseVpri children were bur ut to ashes. yate'-gfye-fn1 the; harbor atRosWnJr- en;cmles;;fro5pes 'and Ibeir sympathi- ThisRodgeis and his wife, bad, Jt.. seems hoHeraWiof that city, has the following 8ers..;;tIIe".was hot pohvinccd; that there from the evidence : of-, the neighbors, for particulars pCtJieir 'esdape ? ; v Rf -;;f ' : as 'any cqnscitufipnal; objection to the 80mb time given themselves ; up to ; hard :.TW .WKT.AtW.y 'rb rtii'nte'ivAwV nrincinle of the wll.: If free neeroca will drinlrincr. and though he owned the nroner- causfed -thetlnck "ice ltd fcr'm va'roiind '' the 1 ndt'pay their debts; let them be made to ty on which he lived, yet so wortblcasbad he louse would pass f become that the family had been supported bv the neighbors out of chanty. . He and . . i' , .... " bf;therNewV Yqrk Central ;Ratlroad ': ' W hoped the bridge? antlf6n ffiTs at larwe rinmbci' of.chil- the bill.. . dren'bave'beenTn'thd habit of flavin ( not.- ''JlVhrril moved to postpopo the bill to Ibis Wife fienuently had quarrels, and P withstanding the 'viTance CofthpT 'railroad j tbor4th. of Jiily ; wbich was-; . "afterwards hrommon.had their quarrek and noises, be long buried corpse' of -Uais'o'mcvreat par- i'enipldyies4 and tbc'Dolfcet tt'OnPMonday.T'wlthdrawn. LooinQto the neighbors that but, little at- . 1 il . . -l. ..1 1 ' . Mhn ,.rf.ni('iA"AF lhAr'.hliAniiii hF II.. I tlll-ir .J1III W I II II 1 . II IKIIU1 illl .1 III I. II LI 111 t: II L. intlTinTI nllll III I.IIf?III. i mi tin "the provisions of thd bill fa debts f Scream's were heard by theneiffhbofs i . . " t . -. ' i- ' i " f - : ?i oca r . i "L if ft . ''. - ,' nrrp.r inn iunr nrn. ouw. i m hniiso ntnr t.ne nrs was a uenvflren nv 17 ikSX: . 4 ; ' ; hhem.butsupDOpiBethatihey weras uiual, I of their ;fbrnhostili 'Mr4. Norwood thought that fanaticism in bebasieried "by a,drunken nht, and as they and tie ieadersM tha; organization, and an on. YA&nkn to ,Wn Wn drnnk'all dav: bond tqr tOtUtC submission and ffOOil pe- been res hardly: heal by shout the culvert r monstrations mis innabitant ot tnc p 'AH their praises aro bestowed .upon yhigffcry, none (.upon modern .' A ism.-'. Great, rare 'the eacoiiuros witbihe tide, caWytpg-wuh.it ' .twenty-two I a.Tt Ta4 l 'am aibT v4 4 mi ri'no irtfrt ( m AAr nil - n n i s vBLn . i r rn n n i i vn n 1 - -m a ir a - - x a m m - m i,iii 1 1 i 1 1 1.11 i mi i' 1 1 1, 1 1 1 1 ii ii 111 11.1 iiilii i - - , .. . ... ...it-. . . r . - i- ; ...... - ,T - :Q . J. T : . ri l- - - I . .- - -. . . t ' edTrom theiintation producbd r" v,7? R?.ff1 .WarafS .r' - i 'ij. j v' iimainff the position tnev were m ihey 18 awuauy, ..iu ior uab penuu, as i i were seea . aus ii .was too.4w us ing paeans to the presiding deity of Ri-mVBfI.;-JVu. A?i;;i rirro'wasactuallv' 4 VIave forVtbat time, hbusband anil wife.- father and Wot fieri . . .... I - - " - .w.w n.wv "L.W V.4L ll'l. 11 1. 1 M tT, . , . ' . - . r . ; , . i" il- . . . ' . . . ' . . . . ' . ' ,-u.iouvw uviiwiqus iu lunrucMftrnntrvil hv - art i?fln nnfha -'ftm-' Af it Be ctuoi contracting oeoc is oi.smaii eje Bfirfi fionsumedin the nrst storv..wnue tae . . - - I ' J J uwyi i . i - . ; ' ; t. . . ... . - f ; i I .". V TV .. T .TJ . X ' . ijf " , - J of Favor atrtbeCmrag forth of Willianf Haslenr1 waV'foftuiiaiely out in a ! w.n Ho would, therefore, oppose the bill, I cries of poor innocent children , innocent vie- irtfnrftrFri . iioac: Tina seeinrr cne nt5mprflrA nniiiTiiin nr a i nuu nuav iiww huui i-uv iivu 1 xiuis 04 -u -iuici uai iiuo vuvuou uaiuui?t It.tifav be jfbi thfcse 'jen flymen tiav? coTiRacTiceinnejf ADtniy to naTionanze-tne. RepublieariVirfrly it may bo that they suppose it in tfij;po"wer. by entering' ac tivcly into-thb 'Jpj,osition niahagemedt for the future, to pftrnotho creed of that part y of it excfesceTic!S, and to' make: it' a party which shall havIyjtality aixl commend sup port inV all sections of the Union, flf sudh is their op? pioff Ve tell them frankly that they": are mistakfri, that they cither overes timate, their own strength, or underestimate that of the present managers of the Repub lican party, t! Aniagreement to co-operate with the' RcjpubfieaBs Is f simply a sui-render compC per ann a guager. and moasufer'," St ilhree huwdred dblbjrs prr .annuBN shall -be' appoinreu in reside uin TTiunn uicir res-i jpeptiveduties ataid jrt,' ,v tr"-.''.,',;.' .7 iTh'e followinsnali beiiofii of deliv for ihp saiilf di?tl ltlw1itebnlB'ee.ra;'' sh.ii $ptnfclf.. t) -ibf-Mj id -peiforpP'tbeii eryi 1 r repprcuve.ouucK, annua 1 i;umpeuHaii,ous, 4foiioxT!: , ;..:i--j ffidenion, a uepnty i-piioctqt, wno snail Uheffittle crowd pulled tothefrrassutance I negxpes had Iqft. He asked tbe-House io rwent'iup in bopeiess agony frbni'lHe second ciuit - es T .The ansa the old mint that rishd' frnrm thpii rififflhhlfv SWf An-fcia fwn'Yi'nif tW'Ao . f whiCff was reiecled.,. f ' ' , tonlv ne saved was a bov who cot-on .the own cruel andu'nngfateful -t.-j :i A:iti viir.'. . oar WVU Slli":1?luu!:lHc m; ,i;iSr:M yf Pamlico and Albamarle sounds: r r flash. "-J Alt that Tiumah aid could -"dol was atrpgant upstart who,, but yesterday, , was thf cr0Vdedtb tbe'oAhVtmclie- , Mr: Outlaw f moved f to jpostpOQQ to the done, but itoanie too latb. The two cities their honoic M;aod acknowledge i . . and neighborhood: are thrilled -with horror There are no stirring annells-to' the occurrence ' i;. ;t I. - .:. ! -?.. . .t.x i . -a .it-Ii'-i r.4-4 J h&1Sftt.UfAlVrnW't;.4"-vl f'XAi had beenf"arrndr fto'nsunifid About this mat- l '-Tbft.b'hiiaA stood b'r itself..' riY the'head ames street, Allegbenycity. . rHn nuiGHi v TifiHKT mi ft" 3i Ti ft Tnrniiiorni Biini ir ciii tuu.uiii .. -i - i . . j i siurv. m ue c iiiu iiivi uucaa uitiucs uau nrcaDl heeded lu4Aihihern tha slrohffbb flMrScWs coinciaed With. MrNorwood, led them with their Sbry ahd fatai; wreath lavished hide." hdwever? 1 and movd to lay the j bill on .the' tible."! Vefore bumaii i aid had reached Wem. rrndt V tQT7gceatest,cooaess ssnccesMi-y Onthe I xne diii t pen sseaTt-jeasoa, nays.oo, rcn.. , .,; v j ni . : . ,-. - r. flT II r II Qfllom i a nntwithctnriVitn r I J I1U Ulll IU reiHilllLL' USlllUH I LI IUU nilllVia 1 I IIH I1IIUH12 W aB AIT V a II LI UU1 uuu itvu a w v a.-. . a uciwiua i as. n i j nu 1 11 v i - . Tr r- ' m -7 . - ; - - ai?3 measU- t -! also be nnjn-pcetpr, jtirai! ter, at thh e hundred Monars p annnni; JYindsoisJan inn'etqr at or, e hand red: and afeoilars ?orM, . h .fSEC.-44 , Dis;jict pumb forty foSr.lhall WCalld IVie fyUrifct'. of Wilmtngfoni In the la fMjp a u it V t he -4ain e v State or North ' --4b6lindaric?s as, are now st-inlf-d 'byTaw, otl'fiesrii.fdistrlct'Wam bc! ' for th ft Sa id. dirtt rtctf -at or tli 1 a!rort .of entry shi cbty Broers b nJ f be .ppol ri t ed t o .reside. -aKd perfSf hi tnefrpettTedufrc. at in ' -nual compensation, as follows' : . t a AJol ipbtorat a" VhAusatid dollar por an- r : : - 'V i'v A'- iVi.': ' iif -'V-:? aaia, "-per annum,, an insnecrpr.i--woo sn allalso te a wci iherj s au sre r: antr m eas - urVfrat?Jhreeiuridrcd dpllars fper.antfaniT ' sWlb($ at rsdei?ery Tof tbeald ' dist rict ; andean inspector who lhalf Also.be1 a"J.lw4f d1n''jpfficlcr; at .atn-i : penea tioA of ion r h nn'd r eil and fifty dollars per annum, and two boatmen, it three bun Americanism : tuat aas naa us aay, aua is j kr s oijiyij( - -rz. - ? J VT- u r 7 j , , 1 . j - 1 : ; - i !f v. 1 breatbednthcM!i committee had bf J V V,' i;,r-.s -v down w tbe-wrters'edgc'nt'this tjoudi- ne .' - . . , . . fila41y.vrpuld.tb disciJefTof Saatorv, he hadseharVlnr?aV moved itbe Iaidibcable:' "Adcrea " TTrnfi' " V ; et ihatit jevcrt had anexistonceme bis r: . .f H3tVA 7 ijd(H8 teusiye totbealat Bfecf6tlel,i ImTtea 'W.' re3tlf the1 Chesipeakc and It i? rupored th cuc ore Know; Ax ,r4 . v - Jifif frethVal? iaf snle s5un6!aldiou ' Albemarle Canal bill was-, re-totfsfderea '-Nolbtngnleinbert the-L'egisWtureas Jr'.MrWtccaa be,4galn54QV . CTjgi 'jittifm vi?WV ; a'yfexti: j-TIip bill to njodifytbe'rfstrict- eral (important measyrps were Considered (cxated.' i rs Ui . rits j 'hM AOTH.ERWVi AUjfe ' toonvtheVtycste -Pnm. i,r h.K-lfeaa?4i: M M&lMF-ireJA I seeond reaMinwas oMeredto be nrintbd. fitet rtd?of. tW"6Alrfebf KnawNotbiniff.anll lwui'fi.-i.tA'j-'' i s Uii K?i-l.r F androade the sneciIV order-.for 'nifirht A- assume thafr of Whig. ta A-.r,ih?i& Kn wa3int;VuU-W' T,J.4;5? bill to send frev neffroes out of ;tbc State there is.a wi I there. is .;t i ufo - t i - Uft.!.-' &ieHfelfWwYoTkr i ai rejected; 73 to. 25;.The; bill X)h eae tn.ere r i JC3- The ,Conmtteer.-Bf Ke tSetakteln. vi-.5- xf.TJ X'lLl&'&i&Mit '-RaiisomVi tetebtef Aan1?ank i of "North thewav; , - - ' ; - v an li iiii :l nliitv n i i. iiinTi i ii tr in r i x ?- t " - i drcdtlollars ktach ; pex?Tihnutn,shalf be 'ap- pomiei ro rcsiae ana pcriorm their reBpec fffrff.itlrs'nt K9?d mriy WJl iTipis U vil be seen that the D;striet of amden 1 , tbodgb .separated r by t two other xismcis Tjriu.r in present -arranpament ahd by oae uoderhat proposed fvis tf rm?- irre Post offices, amotig the itemS-fdr tAefeisig3 erence to this, that jrdtt nslel; m e' telVit j Carolina was undar discussion last niht." tne revenues oi inc uepanmeni, propose 13 tFii.LMyyvi$t uut,ii iym mus- toe frbmwr roslhfprt JiRtTf ' u .j. I 5 - .Vr---- : inotber onttlio hlllSbf Yermonti'hording ilcge of r receWng f tber.;eSqJiangeS ;ftee. . tbeKgnt baifdi sBnslx'te' years -old, W' jsuppoteft barely .possrbU thaVarBteaff- with the lovebf the sbal" tAMas' she ure so utjastf and' oppreiraTa'ttdfsttffi- tdbd byho garilen ate bne""snnny' mor ctent ftvorlrejther5 branch 'of tJongressU tri hSaio Edvfardfeylteli tnetha ;V1t: tlronaK t& '"UnSon' 'greai tempktidnT of a 5eanlatfsvlifetis 'i!.,.' ; -11 ' exhibit wry Nearly ;the .eapac'tty of. the on hand; that you will f never dVfnk'. s6ulsofoertain Itrdividuals and their fitnejs And said' he--for 1iertbld iinei th storV - I gave? her the promise;; arid wbnt" the fbr the high places, which ,ffom some unaC- J countable "mistalce, they bave, reached. "Trrr sT .I?"a; aLT: ,f -!-" ' '' 'V raneanranEfflT)81SC0-theapet "f0ood Manj,of these congressional geatlemen.Qare H(ipe, tfoSh ofe! and the &outh'-I but littlevfar, the burdens hicb 4beya imi sawenV afr infor tyl yearsap i cypt pose upon" others, i Vrbilsi'lenjoyiTig ibeini . sa'slaff fiITeTtf he' sparging Kejijpr selvewTth the ; snug ' little1 sW tt;mtnr'd bxlh fgarden gate j jivJU?li J i!fsr2 -5iri' ' on the crreeU hfllside" pf V irmonrr did -1561 iiiuui'inii uuiiars net scbsiuu. . j. uia nrorrosi- i . . .w OQWgtoh iWwii.SJuiWveiogjuaic; and Edenton are to ' be consolidated 4nto' Cakfrdekv nod Vak'd it -epifation (,vr fbV'lJew ufonoYenTpleloYThe'disi trtqtV ot;41tBam w do-ftotf touctny 'poinandtlf ;sesVtd9 that iCrouid i6 fcxeieediogjlyinepnenbni V .voslelf belbngiif fTj'tbisifiicjgbborhQodto .''-1 be' required not onfy to seek Yporf of edtrr elsewVereVpiiVacIuall rfatic- Atid even ii-thi- disunited xua.ien is tp be 'effected' Irriklff-i? tKaVtWfcral of doing so snoniiPCTeversftn, m yflPRYiBpifig proof ofaed.tbing?i ifeonf fwtEo4fbW itiiltows a wImSoal radiferebee'td the tnl noiaWeevfdenee pr-tTiepowerfa rarest oi me-joarnaiism-oicine counirv, OT i tyuiu'i -xei- mai -was uoi uai. iiree ana i f- v , - - r--- --r my counting-toem-a youa sff man of forty tpigbbA.ftWc.to beltupttnderjk.taxieyied I Welt 'eatd herlaVbncetrotfribtunK Geriefally where. a way,ut-td:.this lnsurmoruntable' obstacles j n The people will never believe that Ihere is no sueli thlng as a' Kirbw Nd thfag -party; and.theircmnstjmce' f its oViettt arid of its Career have "been4 snob'- that RIBUTEOFEgPE0T. ' yi : they 'will 'iietet fcf thdjtWnBKjiftw AJt'a-callea,Weeti& of Southern, Star 'tba!e lr?!??S d.r'xr. m n : n.- . rs is-.rutnorea mat irr was eiermmea to of the deatb bf one of fits members, i com- W ft. ww Uee;wasippointed to;, draft resolutions mm iuitablcbtbe oceasion, - who. submitted tbe racparty. Veiry-we lir folfowing,wbicb were unanimslv adopted: - . VjS"4 tHS&ki fe WidttVtbererbVe;.fie:!t ' ' i" berVAii, Resolved, That thb Section "LVrf&tJ lfyS of the death of thisVother with "deep sori jWbf ffnougb toigflore i u.i ixt r. i t .ii.u:r jiJifLi.t. to irate two orffafls at Raleurh . and 5toaii nw t ; j i i .x iinrii - w vm aci w u n a .ANOTHER .BRITISH, OUfeJ jiurmny oj an: American vessel ish Steamer an the coast of The Nivy Department is official advices from the Coast announcing the visit, search, seiza uurumg ot an American .vessel l h cruiser. The toUowing correspos) iii3 me wnoie siory i ,! - , l i COM. TOTTEy TO TIIE SKCItKTA I1T Ot TIIFi U. S.t Ship ViNCRXNKS, Dec. 10 ij bin: I have the honor to forward' Navy Department the accomp inyinr-i hi reiaiv ;u 10 jno papu.re aqa aestrucii ire of the Kufus SonleJ a bricahfiaei Anieriean colofs,.vby'ner, Rritatitiic Ji ty s steamer ,: Viper, co Qr about Ihe IF 12th Uctobcr, 1S58.; As I am not to meet, with Fla?-0a Uonver belore the latter part oljFebmil and supposing it important tWtfie fJ as appearing in theso papers nbouVWt uiqnicfltea to the i uepfirfment as car' possible, I forward copies of a report 1 1 prepared tor -the Couinjauder-an-Chit this station. I trust that Toy : reasons' for commuiucatTrin will appear" suli ionorablo the becretary of tli lave.the honor o be. - V ery rcspec r; R. j.-ToTTKx, OommaoJ To tha Ildn. I.Teucey. Ibis eienU ,Navj HuUi VfiSel Tn- ! b a v ie r . J S u elf 'ft-s U r r e n d e r ' is ratber'more thaa we are prepared to expect; from beigh toried lournals like tbe National Iritctli2Ch Oer',! the Bdstbrjtburierrand nuimef pua oth - ers oi tneir class, anu, we ao notinow ami cipate any;su;RC ion bp tlieir part, or that of the large and respectable body of nation al men fwhdmRthey represent. ; We had supposed th at; f b e ad he si on at r ca3y y i 61 d ed by thoBbstbriaily-"Adfertiser; tbd New i Urti VUilliliui Plat auiinutvi.auu uiuui a "i their associate rjouroals to the Jlepnblicau organization:; had exhausted the! accessions from the paper, hitherto possessing bpiri ions o widely tt yariance from the . mod: !-'r:tt fsMimfeisltbat''dy'genetaIagrcemcnt' upon .an upposuion iickci must .rrsiwiu.1 -we harcr nredittttd above, in tlie absolute r tHimpbt'of somil leadiog Bepubican fttife poiuiqaiiug juYuf'U' f iti tberoolinenj tppsiuoi.iiw bppOsedto l&tttk m e, Bef .ubli caln ;.d6ct rineV; 'datctra'dei'twc " 'IiT TflBtflni WtVirrm " ni l v l.rvTnnrvi Uunjt underjta-id)4rry'c-tt ..OpposUion" Bartybf?Ni tfr1st ' against' Me;, Seward-?' EeVusfeiipeetf atato CQnte"rftldu;the will bb over wirif-S ed by.pnmbprs;Jor if by, the joint .'action dii vti. T-Jrrc-jrf-it.--1 -Tii ' r ? ;.Lt.:t A woonTeHi-aQs,iiue oewaro: iiienhwiu josyer yield he con trbl, of; the del ejja tiori I M, t isKfteW'pedbou of District (&enirbri tirce ?fa bpo'ofthc- delegates, :audhhuy4coo'trol the ihiriyrfiveotes.ofthe Sta. UTJIr. laVj- rWfathforr. or! Kx-GbyVrnor ST.vTKMEXT OF FETEIt CATjDTN V I shipped for the Amcrcan brig I Soule, .Captain Anderson, at JIat;inz .1 . 1 0. f 1 1. ll Tl t tie oin or j uiy, ana sanaa, as l, uncssr for Fernando J'o. Just;.sighb'd Ca: Verde Islands, and, the next I mdwc i was the African Coast, near to Bamlo 1 ooon aiterwarus wo saw a steamer ing towards us, aid she sent ai boat. captain of the steamer Vi pert and an; officer with him. Came-aboard ; then for papers, and .mustered . the crew, inestioned us all about whpre we be i .was.at .the. wheel. - and lizard the c 9 ft he Vincr tell Captain Anderson t j . a i - a would ?ive him. one hour to nnkel nund, and if he did not deliyr Jd?. be would' take her in tow and the t ret-ttrned on board' pf . his" own ing the other officer with us. hour the order Was given for the Kna open the batches then saw, forth' time, that our fU'i bad been hauliiH The: English officer then .w aired Vu kerchief to the. Viper, 5 and the cap!; the steamer came aboard. The M wi.ro opened,-and he. then oruere.luJ gi t our clothea reay to gO on bw steamer. Afterwards they brought the brier all her sails and smaU stores bri was set on fire about 7 o'clock evening, and was burning all nim the morning .several shots warn M before she went down. I I heard it H some of the crew of the Vipertliatw burnodebecause they had no men t away in her, and tha. they iad ow burn one out of every three vessels Wo got uridcr-wcigh m the Sftcrnw were landed on the beach at abcnt: the Vincehnes had. not come in ' knbw how we could have lived. Ijf English officcrthar I was aa Arncric waroner try zroe sarae un;aerraKing m.was. WcbusM J jlCbeir' 'elpfc oti &h t to con 1 Icr the m of 1 he nner' Bsu r . kh t to convince- the m of 1 he ntt qitf trirsuI hticfpiaUbiisf -"Banks "and hMreiftAe t ajnMli Af4hA oTorvufnA our order but a short tiroe7tnFbc?'WOfr brfr jride generally , over the' spoils ; beforelbey hem. -Standard. -iii-j;-.i.i5'.m:v 66nfideneet aQdesteenr and 'Whil Vb'febl getthett.-aai missivel ytand saVr i Not our 4 will; 'bb l '-' At Cambridire. Geri. Wasluristou 7 bad Iiord, bttt tBinebV-dee;n,!W ':r; iWV b'card that the colored soldiers 'were not. to itfstbeSsbape 6f posfafreupotffTb'eiex rotoyduir eseireerb-8bbfaibtte,fp cbriies'rbWof onntry papers not ond psseberf; tbeear;rarh" kicked Wasldet! ;W0,uld be left tossing, a reriujeni ,overithe " Lr J-- At7iL V-k f .i.-i-.t.Ki . J ? . , ahere!uBtil-TTiadlepttthe sleep-of mtoxi- graverof.the others,: fiavnd ftsM teilKf isked If tSfotb'er? the adorition of tha ietxit'titat -Sia 10 V. -'T i A sT 3n.siJUmm2 HkA ?ffrtiAi mtai zilLz? '' ? !li.A ifouHold-rae oT-ybiiry at Sfoi garden5 gate VSTHATHEr T,rIK X)?CHIM-. ;and tv day Xrithe,:nraster efone of the A: bjack republican: papeVtoalis;40 :&&&fti:if !3i" ! i NSVj'a it ask ywtoaaatid' see-me. p Hofw far OHWMd, for PsidU,., atiiiSeanaietibrd nd Kenneth Rayner, bf N.yC.2fof .Vice WiKio Wi:k;ii,iir r.S IbV'pTan ef doing Prbsidout i Capital -company that for Mr. moutl ''WG'6d -bi-thanked' for the ''il--tWt W'JUy, u- -. il ' Imlghty pOweWfiWglpWord ?V ' " ifoeZWtf, Tbat altbougb joung. yet wo be dependfioX Upon ; for sentries-" "So .one would extend lour sympathies to the rela night -when the password was 'Cambridge' tives ot the deceased in thrs their sad be-1 pe Wjent outside thecampr put on an. oyeri r44vefirlet.r'Bnd iWould "say that much' con-1 coattsnd tfieri 4pnr6ached a" eotdred serii solatibn is ty be derived from.- the fact of his tinel. ' Ifho there T-A. iifo?TWi$ comple of Tnaay' tbar teresijroStidn in bis last hours, and I and give ' (be feountorsiirn .said the colored bright Evidences whfebbe ' gave manrWa&bugtoQckme'Qt) and'said'B'ox-! all-Was' well.f; f 'f -. " -J " btxry Noj satriwaslbe fesppriae.-Medi otvedVTbit as :a token of respect for ford said VW asVinstdri.' f !Nd sart retbrried our "departed brother"; " we -wear the usual the colored soldier; Chftristan badge of raourhirigfor thirty days.; .y Ingtdri.' The colored mio Inimeiaiely' ei Resr&vedl'THt these resolutions be' pub- claimed'; tell ybdIassyVashiqgfoV-'1! lished ip the " Democratic Tioneer and nian go by bere 'out ha say ''Cambridge!" Spirit of theAfgeV.! and that obpy of thef 'tfaibingtoo'lsftld. 'Cambfidgel; and went same be sent to the family of the d.ecea5et(.! by, aqd the next da.y the oolored geptlemai r CnAS. Gt7isinrfty ? V 5 was'relieyed of alt further necessity .for at-' 4 K. R.: Cob's, Cdnimtttee: tending to that particular branch of milita- a J?W vGRANtf,-y '-' r- V"' ry dyty. ; 1 ' ' : 1 -.-I'-t. v iwui. 7 '-if. '' i-iii J'r .-l-H ; -'- i-v.-o. .a wSiHontobk'fortfekli ? ; ;C6nriec (mfaW8hir enHjivauia, iuicnigantj AUVQ01S ; 1,0 tact teVcrNohr SU tf WpnU present $ mm -t ilar stte pf tfuqgo'-K11 tionTf hllHnykrengtblwhicb ' the, few Southern IStates would be abie'to v bring, wpuld be weakness itself Icom pared' with the' overefuitng;pqwet pY;th'e ;ultra.'Re publiea UiMs.prbbabte indeed.' tbat the Republlc td foregthyrennulgatiorjbf a platform or izeo. This Rffttpmfm"as made on w Vincen tfas in presenpa of the office, COStTTQTTfjiTTd TkbCOMSAXM 1 . 1 1 1. 1. ..-..j . . . . . U. SuwVixcixxKjJ bia : L have-to ask tnat jon t tho;ftiVot to furnish, facts in relatnn capture and desruction by fire .H Rufds oule;on'the 1 lUi and I'AJ month," to the southward pf 'KH Mid T 3 iwAn1.11fl finiilTiJiiiIfff oclf II w ia im. i4, iuiwvuiatij V ' - " a . af on the folJewiri points; to ntj I ing when visited by your boat ? j , QiKJopT-T-zrere ner paper:' j . . Tnirdlf the American flag J flying whe her-batches were PpJ if not uttderiibAt eirumitances, m itmielCil ;l vj , JE isle ibmttoijs beewse lJ formation that the Rufus bouw y fured bv-theViDer.1;l' rOnf, ipctfully , ; r onr erjcaiens servi""i . -jaw " 1 1 t-. fer.vu.-r.. tr it M.sie .a 1 1.111: iiiiiiiiduuci .a a. per: r-r3m .5 ' 7 i REPLY OP TUB COMMANDER or tu ij .PaulDbI.oa ... . T JtsnA Ii a knnnr lO i' thje receipt of your' letter, dated Wi i . . it. oimi or uctooer. relative 10 iup -r . brigantine called the Rufus Soul tainrng' three categorioal qaostio' FintlUd the teasel i the J flag flying 'y the time she w H :thnhoat? Answer She haiV1l - .w - . , . . .J , flag flying; and from 1 .ipfortasP-J British Government, datfi &J1 2!2d of duly ; last, tbece cause to believe that ia U- lent use of the flag w,is that the vessel ; was rtga trade.' corisouuently she yf?.K V wert OfCMM li UCI j tf,-ri reci, some of tbera undauhteaif J 2Vin If the A'n?r,T visiN 1 . t.-i. questionabla whether . as a party they will hya aryi ifettied prlnelplci at sg cq.rly a aate-asthesnting of 18G0. ;"-';. '-- f f -Should e.. in ' con tern platlort to hold wd oonventopa, as did the Republicans aruj Americlitys ip this. State" last-faUr the caylf cap, lily be mor satisfaotorv ft iralghicapare digniu po8itiop, foy the cbnseryatjvS(qcnv to occupy, for their . hu-r ;infliafib.nWilid nt " bo so oomnlrto but it jcl.4r' favor- flyiig Vhc'nthn. .Ifff "Cf il--. 1