sSnT7"W he celebrated in " de,12n tne, "server to recora sucn Eggery, might ' " ' . their ancestors, sCenes verbatim, and, (as he calls it) "spel- 3Crid-tragieo v - , f 0hm" too. . . . iiis last two papers are iuii m mese re cords. They are extremely edifying and TM1E NOBTH - C AKOILINI AN . n..rliVro-COmiCO , ; tne :sbi they got drunk (as we are in- mir nonie m " L "like wake" of it "sic transit gloria P1 Tu : n aav. "Mr. Lj;" hiccup t one. ni- j t!,e Great Kejectea, is , u another. ;Ve ne'er shall look upon his liRe again, ied the first delegate. Thc nobics't blood of all this world ." ,ned his neighbor. Vet's taKe anumci u.uun 0 --- Lree'd, says No. 2 of the Delegation. I they kept their spirits up, by pouring spirits en-"light"-ning. You can't make some children say how much "six times six" is, without beginingat siv tlmps onp" and runnino- the srauntlet. It is like Corporal Trim, when called on to repeat the sixth commandment. He could not move a peg without beginning at number one. and savinir them all by heart up to the sixth. The Observer must thiuk its readers ihp- thp nornoral. or the schoolboy. It must be for this, that he gives them some dozen columns, (he is a capital printer,) of "light," on the dis-"oramzing" troubles at Wash- f down, , oii . -th ,,ran(ly oh! in2ton, and then, as usual, when he thinks rjriy13 ' . I u u ctV.o thincr that is nice." shouts m f Fpderal Whio-n-ery was made "c - uv""- The coffin of 1 ederat I t t. fAn nf-i voice. sit iux, et lux fuit." 1 miT itlT ir Q III I m. I' I r'down. The actual funeral is That is, he brags of his own smartness, by r T ,u ;,ip, of November next. charging the Standard anu ,mUU) w.u. hpomtea iu. not "rnvincr the people light." Mrs. Memlie's speii xo sptrcu UuC h'o- - the parting spirit was heard: r - 'rnm tlio flrwtimfinrs of Cnncreas. from newspapers, - a 1 - periodical!!, &c. intelligence with which the public mind is to be enlightened? You have heard Paul- dinjr. of "pigmies, rumasinc: the armory of a giant, and contending for the possession of weapons that they could not wieiuf" Observer1, (In a violent rage.) You need not be making quotations at me, fiom your pitiful sketch- w . . . - i i i book. That is a genuine loco-loco worK, ana nas grammatical errors in it too, and you, sir, Mr. Wash ington Irving, sir, let me tell you, sir, are as muui a Tory as Jackson and Van tsuren mere; in uui i find you all to be hateful Tories, and not of the The whole dossc of you arc a set of miserable levellers, agrarians, loco-foeos, mobocrats and Tories, and so I'll seek belter eompa ny. (Exit, enraged.) Omnes. Good evening to you Mr. fc,aitor. WHo. nntmcrreotTtM This is an instrument for impressing the precise colors and appearance of trees, hous es, landscapes, 8tc. on paper prepared in a particular manner, so that the bare retlec tion of the light of day, through glasses upon the paper, and the reflection being continu ed for a certain length of time, leaves a per fect painting of the object thus reflected. more distinct and complete to nature than to give to Gov. Pennington's delegates all that they or their political friends claimed for . ii r ."ii. i iJ. . fimo rt- j.n zn.4 ior iti iftEiviciuf lite ftiruac Llll,ffiuwt- . j j which had been unanimously adopted, and of y . i i j.. . n his own views oj tne mauer eumroinDj w the last session. This Mr. Adams, at a time when it was supposed the democratic cauui dates for congress in New Jersey would ob tain the certificates, and that their seat3 would be contested by their federal competitors, rose in his place towards the close of the last ses- . i r .1 "Resolved, Tnat every memoer oi uie xt..q TJpnrpsfiiitativRs of the United States ou"ht, before taking bis seat therein, to pro- UUO 1 . . ,-r- . . ' i . i ..f ViCin v.. j which ho claims his seat, and in all cases of . 1 1. I. J 7 f,- contested election, nomemver t u wo yc- ZU-A in nnte until thr House. 270)1 O reOOrf m( tv' " r.-..- - j - a X rom te standing Committee of Elections, or L.. ,.ntpa nt inf. mn.mrini or uie mraiuerj uy me 1 -j - , j j present, being a quorum of the House, shall K . i i' i t fit. j .i.'fi.I k.. A i Dnmain Fpw have an I J " ih iroliia ind ovtnnt nf the I f Communtcaleil.1 acquisition by our National Government of In Moore County,' on the 2jS1Hnf.MKS theqtitle to lands within our borders. SARAH McNEIli tllJT By a report made by Mr. Woodbury, in Th;8 OTinent)y pious toother in Israel, at the jbruary last, it appears .1 early age of fourteen, prof ssed to have obta'med a "Then haste thee, haste thee, to be gone, Earth flits fast and imi faD thv "asp, and ?roan thy gioar. Tories X " . . ... ., , T . ...u. i;. ti. v,o hnml of thp nmnter could ever make it. wno are meys j-iei us sue wnai. anuo i . . , aooellation of Torv John M.Morehead of Guilford, Ve srive a more particular account of this miffht be said to set up, according to the editor of cf nhotojrenic painting as . u iKDMfra t cz t a tn wtm nrp Tories. The ru- I . .1 . . i 1 t j ,.a I - . I it is called, in tne exiraci ueiuw. nnwixl mid was answer- - r- i- , t-..i a jn,;n;cir. I ' -The wop.- " 1 " X - When will new discoveries cease? How h by one or i , .;,, . ,kp. H,lllr(,fi r all endless the in2emous inquiries of man s in- Lpmed to proceed trom tne very a-uj ou.w ia,. peine" "1 . ... .... r.;....l A .,1 w'wwvnr ilarcs to SUODort nituilifp. r L mortal strife. "It will not be," slie raut- tred to herself. "He cannot pass away with hiat on his mind. It tethers him here our political evils. Aud whoever dares to support quisitire, restless sprit? .. : I 1 . I 1. ll... t ' i n .rvor witVl iVie I T l Tl 1 "Heaven cannot abido it" Earth refuses to hide it." "I must open the door, fted the latch saying "Opn lock en 1 strife, Come death, and puss lit'- these measures, is branded by the Ohsrver with the name of Tory! Now we desire the whole people to he informed, that Mr.Morchcad the opposition can didate for the office of Governor, voted for Andrexo Jrckion in. 1824 voted for Andrew Jackson in nnl risin"-. she IS23. And a2aii, voted for Andrew Jackson 1 - ' 1 T- ns President, and Martin Van tSurcn as Vice pre sident in 1832. Now, let it be remembered, that Lord Byron speaks somewhere of "A machine To measure tha intensity of Blue,' February last, it appears . I early age of fourteen, prof ssnd to have obtained a l. xnattne quantity oi iauu awiuucu a mii5 ." " . ---- iio i9Q ii; rr connected herself with the Presbyterian Church, 419,429,445 acres. .... from which time to her dying-day, she lived in the 2. That the total cost in the acquisition fea. of tbe being filled with the fruit of and management of the public lands is $73,- righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto thn THROAT praise and glory of God." As she travelled on in , , . - , j ii - o life her christian gTaces became stronger and stton- 3. That the quantity of land sold is 73,- Jto, fcwc Jou-Mllinp,e rike , he pa th of the just, 480,733 acres. brighter and brighter, esteeming it her highest pnv- 4 That the receipts into the A reasuiyiiom iMge and greatest aeugnr, to recomraena oy pre- the sale of public lands amount to $97,900,- 37S 83.' the various relations of social hf", she was gencr- So that we have stiil remaining the very re- km(I and failhful. The of benevolence snectable patrimony of 355,948,663 acres, was , her heart, and the law rf kindness on her speciaoie yauiMvuj a A mill nit her trials in life she exhibited the which would give us at tne pa- - 0Tdi-nified composure, unrnffled tranquility and v $550,000,000. Really, Uncle Sam is quite Jd eW0ftness. In the death of this devoted T .nlr AVtn Km. i,i., .u,i. and christian friends feel that they ; have suffered a great loss; but grace has completed i . . . . tj: ai.ut i one iuuro present, being a quorum of the House, shall United Slates and Pnssta.'The t rank- .U just made perfect." Bright as she r J J 7 , j, . I si mi-io ie Attn ;. I r.i T.,-rai tVint TVTr. vvheaton. asent I BJ,,r"- . . . . kar livht was dim and to the contested seal." to the United States of America at the Con- obgcorej comparcd to that which now J"7f go "... . , . . ...i .u e .u- r-i r.,uima .TTnirtn. has w;i,fnlrl manv things for tne satisticiion oi This was presented at a time when the gres3 of the German Customs Union, nas vve might add many "e deem ,0,4 and his political friends believed that Len more successful in his m ssion than Dr. Uie numerous fZii -that undis- 4u vc'isiou ot tne democratic niemueia uum Dowrmg, naviug - ovcre(j country, irom wnwt uuu...- " TVTW Tf-sev would certainly give tnem me considerable reauctton in uio luipunuu,. Uirn8" ,n me mumpns .,. -s - fonTrol ofthe H. oTR. But "unexpectedly one of .he principal productions of his coun- 1? overthrown oi the opposition in some of try (Cotton, we suppose.) Among the mo- ed spirit has entered upon j . , .v tne overuiruwu uir, ai tua wtinns rPn.i9n Oovemnlent for srant- J their supposed strong J ;"T"hnt "KT-TrS United State,, was the this year,: lias ; -7 Jer- uchaiie of oroducts which has of late Corrected weekly for the Xorlh. Carolinian. his year, has made it necessary not onl that ing this favor to the United plates, was me PRTrFS CURRENT thedemocratic members elect from New Jer- large exchange of products whtch has of late WHOLESALE PRICLb LLKKl 1 ?. k ,A. but that the five sham taken place between Prussia and North Ame- - . t ,,. reseutatives of Gov. xennington should be rica which latter takes a JgJJ admitted to eke out a federal majority. Hence WOol, glass, &c.,from the Prussran btates. no doubt this Mr. Adams does not hesitate . ' ' . ., . , i .;nht nf his .. 7, rrtn-im. -the XNationai iu- now. to throw tne uuueservcu v-. - -- Wm t character and in.luence in ' . r Esauires, as Jersev pretenders, and so iar as uc ureuiu . . - f uersey prcici , claims QDi rP Tlrs. Susan Decatur, widow of nnwpr TO COnier on lUem, uciuiu uivii i wuuaiiii .v.. , power, to touici "U , .,Kor n -inm StPnhpn Decatur, moved have been nassed upon, wnai uu uibhic vuin..iuv , - S l,Rtinnahlehi8tWetoaseatcan die Court for a mandamus to issue directed Peace be tVhigJjery'. uii to To measure tha intensity of Blue," have been passed upon, wiiai uu 1 uibmwu T r T :a. directed ,d for ,h Sake of ,he rhJme, we suppose, h-, g claim uuacr me luro o ofvt Lu tv m,ar,Hmr h m to nay certain auun. ; l- c( Ann mis unuei i" uie x-uyt, o - . m mo .u t- tf. I.enalritn ltlrS. i n ., iu ,mcni!ih r miiDDiei l sums oi iiioiiey uiui , , .. . ' J r . . . J. ,i .u hut I ti .,.. K n imnt resolution Ot CyOU nemoerca, mai nn mpanl. hv ti.;s ,neosurc- Uhev are not lnteresiea m - j- T -r UVIUll iw J - ...w -7 , I - . t J 1 H.tfn l TtlO -n 111 1 V I T1 L I. J iwts . General Jackson vetoed the b 11 to re-charter Uie u. ,n s.mnW n lamina- that their constituents alone are, grC, " - 'rarVT which 0...,r!!,.iir fi.r, the election in 1332 when JMr. j r- .' - - x Well miffht the democratic memucis i" less cauao uf""" " ", , the shades of Federal X,'h,-al was one of the eat jury cf the people, tion (by means of the aforesaid "machine ) most 0trBgeoU8 usurpation on the part ot motion was allowed, and tne ..-.v- - l ....... I . - - , ' . . .. kl rre I . ! i . 1 rt - lit nrl SPrVKll IIUU11 lliJ lwv PAYETTEA'IMjE" Brandv. peach, 9 u apple, Bacon, Beeswax, Butter, Bale Rope, Co! ton Yarn, CoflVe, Cotton, Ootton Bagging, Corn, "Ii 1 kimwn Thou wert so valient and cuir.inz of Iff. I'd se.n the dam'd . re I l:adchal:cng--d t:iee. Wp were, bv no means aware of the man ner of man we had to deal with when we en- deserted him? whose verdict approved that veto! Arenrdi-.v- to the O'js rrve-'s notions of what con stitutes a mati a Tory, wonl I not these votes of Mr. Morohead entitle lii n to that appellation, as much as the other fri n ls of the OU Hero who have never el tered the lists against the editor of the Obser ver of this town. If we had known that he was so much of a crack representative of "all the decency" and all the consistency in his party, we might have paused, and weighed well the matter before we had dared to mea sure lances with such a knight. We are led to these remarks immediately, bv the critical accumen exhibited in the Ob server of this week, in the sublime art of nn- nlvino- some of the plainest rules in Murray's English Grammer, to some sentences quoted from Mr. Brown's address at Chapel Hill. The obiect of the editor no doubt, was to show a suitable prldo in the preservation of the literarv character of the fctate; It is to tnis end alone, that the editor's morceau of criti Um is Dublished, adding its modicum of merrit to the published literary labors of the old North," while it supplies an omission in the professors at the University, who have the immediate supervision of such matters occur ring at their own doors. No doubt the pro fessor of rhetoric will be suitably thankful for tljfj editor's aid. A the same time, that the learned must be gratified at this specimen of skill in gram mar, Mr. Brown must be proportionally dis tressed. But that worthy gentleman must harge his profound mortification (?) at such a ''id's assaults upon his address, to the ac count .f the public convenience; and so, salve over the u;,jry to his pride, by the reflection, that, "it is beer for an individual to suffer an injury (by the crcim") than that the public should suffer an incongruence, (by not hav ing such precious scraps O" learning present ed to them in print.) The Observer can have no political mo Vive to gratify in the criticism he makes, oh! lint trv::i7 them lv the same, rule, how would e Ohs-rver's friend, and favorite candidate fot the Vic? P-esiJcncv, Mr. Talhnadge stand, who weni till fcrihsr than Mr. Morehead, and voted for the ,.v1!i.1"iirreso'!itions." How would Mr. Rives ..1 Viriiiiiatand? How woul l Judge White stand? Are n it all these gentlemen, as much Tories, by the O'.i server's test, as the other fist friends of Gen. J.ickson, who approved his measures, and to-day hold fast with entire consistency to Mr. anli.iren, who only carries oat the measures coainicncea oy General Jackson? .? ..ham i .ii ! i-iri onfi served uuoii uie ucuo ns to how blue her ladyship's stockings were- the chair. lt cau hua justincauou " ,u'c Cihe qih of January next, .earned women, in all ages you know, - ' ing been designated as -mte-stocKings - m asgumption of This of course, would be a ticklish kind ot nrer02atives of the house, which alone can Inc;dent at the Battle of Saclelt's Har- measurement, and none but a poet's lancy . of ,he qalificatious of its own mem- torAt me battle of Sackett s Harbor, oap- would ever think of it. Measureing the de- rberB. As such it will no doubt receive me tein Gray an accomplisned geniiemcu uu - ree of a lady's wisdom by the blueness of lld condemnation oi cauuiu SSi her stockings! And then, to do it too by a l - Qe wag advanciIlg at the head From Hie Old Dominion. ofacolumu to storm one of the barracks. tv... i..-i n.Mof Great Britain. 1 mux-. v.r. was an American, had served " , I iu,s UUJ " '' - ' .:i .1 The following calculation is from a Lon- jn the kitchen ot Uaptain .xray umii me Candles, F.'F." Flaxseed,' Flour, Feathers, Lard, Salt, per bushel. Sack, Tobacco, leaf Bale Rope, Wheat, Whiskey, Wool, Iron, bar, Molasses, Nails, cut, SiraT, brown, " lump, loaf. 00 40 00 11 00 3 17 00 8 18 00 12 00 9 00 16 55 00 18 1 00 a a a a a 00 45 12 80 2 7 a a a a a a. a a a a 5 a. 8 a 80 a 00 17 a 51 a 00 36 a 00 07 a CO 03 a 00 16 a 00 18 a 000 50 00 45 00 12 00 25 22 00 12 22 00 13 oq yo 00 iO 60 00 20 1 20 5 50 00 00 00 0 300 6 12 00 40 so 6 CO 40 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 20 kind of machinery, who but Byron would ever think of such a thing? It would be quite as easy to make a ma chine to measure her beauty wiunsGTos. SOO 10 The to owin" calculation is num i m me kuuku " --j Aiicn. n .,,..1 ;r.,r nresent r hostilities, when he returned ine to measure her beauty. don paper, now mug w u. n 1 f-.ol he nnnroached his . . i r JninuitOUS bankin"1 SVSiem cunuuun nome. -viici J -rr- . 1 This fancy of Byron's is pretty much of a , ' Jim,. Wore the people rr mnster when in the last agonies of ... P narin' na,,oweu e,,t,""v l a' lQH , T A lUol Via hnd fihnt him. The piece, witn tne iore ngunna nC this country will stagger uuu deaul BDa OWueu ui uv . nf this country about the rail-road locomotive. But they equaUy enormous . i (Urmva him. and took ually enormous.' , ; upingeuWu,, -b- .. . :lvPOIl 1 " i . r 4krt rWoliAnol I IPDT. Ill I Ui tmm Ills nOCKcl aUU uauviu .v w - i .. . . i t t. . n i ii' i. mk i i ir; A.ati-'iiu 7 1 iiin w aiv. - 1 . But we give this matter too serious a castas , both, hard IJ come up '"" " ZnU lo 14,033,47, pounds, or 6282 him5 in mese words: "My brave Ltd. fellow the Observer's calling every uoinocrai. ... maenme ui uie r -"s- 1 - 0 ars j3 lbs. in silver 10 Q . . . . 1 . ,f vii ft I . . . . 1 I tons f cvi. m tc !' rk nre . 1 ua. 1 ix 1 mrmi iih vrr iitmr, v vii Carolina, a Tory, was "hkely to take off one vote wh;ch we haye -ust spoken. 666 666 pOUnd"s, or 199,047 tons 12 cwt. Such an officer, whether he be friend or foe, from the majority of Mr. Van Buren's friends in the when this photogenic manufactory of j ' 14' tons. To transport this debt across canrjot but elicit the strongest feeling ot syrn- State. We only request yo- who io not rc , j sale, shall become the Seas, in gold, it would require a neet o athy from every generous . s.r r ;t and sec for vour- painting ny tne wnoie "'e, lne stdl! . - o-n hrihpn each. j:i,Kr, fhp. author of the history of the uoa-rvur, 11. S . - r..ol,: A m'.ntPr: ma v t wentV-nve Sllips ui -jv, - utf..l selves the appellation s;v . you common, our t y .V. " the whole debt by land, it wouia jast warj most truly says: ii is ueiigimu. . are a Democratic Republ.can, by uus lemperaie thr0vv away i;ie impieinuina require lii,3o one iiursc oru, ei cart ue- rcttd euch traits even in an enemy." u-ii a inff loaded with hall a ton 01 goiu. a iicc man deserves to lall in a Deuer cause iu uie would extend, m one unDroKen line, i- cause Dt freedom hv soldiers, and every uiic. j- .. . . , . 1 . . ... .,nrr,r ins. weisrnt. in ma KIMUon ror soeawn soldier were w , armtf of - lat 2nd 3rd 4th knapsack, n wouiu j-mw.. --- ' . . 1 1 j :ii,nii2 nf! t tur T.oi rTi 1 115 113 231,769 men. Jignt nunorcu rSVJi iY ni and 5 cry out "Othello's occupation's 1 : : .1.1 1 : . - ....... - MB.ju.Tnr riT m.s iit:i " iiuu. o i . jouma:, wm.;u. iv.-,.vk. - an, - - 1 political opinions,. 1 o-one. It will convert yon pi obabiy into an oppos. ion - g , Jid paintinTS of all lhe mountains, man It will soften down your political asperities, plenuia paini ng man' 1 . . J ...... 1- -r;t. in Lntraets. lakes, bays, cities, capes, Stc. will mo'.ify the c:u.le numors 01 j.m .....u j -1 ' - 1 ' politics, and make you long- to be of the same party be as common as Yankee clocks, when they with t'.ie Uoserver, vuc ptn.u -- bring tne an 10 111c jkhcluuu ." i pink, and "par excellence" prince ot "tne enure , decency." . Now the other opposition editors of the State, end f,l, TTr.;.,n too. havi not foun'd out the art of mak- ,g converts to their party, as the Ubaerver nas. Lses. The Daguerreotype. We have been gratified through the po nf Mr. Ooiirnnd. with a view of his I 1 1 i-V, 11V.OO I i - r 1 : K.r 111 miprrpnfvnp. "f " .. .. .. ..., ui,,', that the free citizens of couecnon u. y this free country, who diff r then in politics, 231,10a wen. S . p m 1 102 sovereigns, piled one upon anotner, ur u- - n ed into one close column, would extend nu p w Pit.ken8 D. 5 miles If this column were commenced at p. H. Lewis, D. 3 the L'izard, or extreme point of Cornwall R-M-Tja-f-"-! and continued northward, 11 wuuiu .u -- - l ten miles beyond Jotin o-urouis """i "l 09 11 5 5 110 1 103 7 6 5 101 77 8 14 29 5th 7t 22 4 6 49 68 4 10 Globe 6lh 30 21 1 4 79 63 It 11 are to be fcicfcei into compliance with their sublime fan. ies in State policy. It is reserved for the siga- . v. . -vi U tUa 11 nf c':tv an J amiablencss i.t tne .joservur, ujr - the term Tori, as a name for those opposed to mm, to persuade them of the error of their ways, and con vcit them to the ranks of the Federal opposition. We have diverted ourselves, with immagining an introduction between the editor of the OLserver, and ,m.,nnv as G -neral Jackson, Mr. Van Bu- ren, Mr. Paulding, Mr. li ving, Mr. Bryar.t the poet, Mr. B-mcroft ll.e historian, Air. SedgwicK, l " n were yet living,) Dr. Chaning of Boston, and Mr Fnmrt tiii 1 rn fedian. Presidents u'..i1;ini hnnil.4 With the tWO I . . l ... 1.1 i. trireh and OI course not. It is oiuy iu picci v - ,m;,rin . .... n. .. ,,mn! hut with the other Democratic luminaries, . .. hterature in its purity, 'lne UOserver never - , of lhe whole lano we warm ; - n "h 1 1 lt- AT "I? irvurn nnt tip! 1 0 ... 1 r,l.- rM-.rtrTr'ci rrirrlinl 1 cuiictuuu vi vioi,.. j o"- , . mo nn;nt ot Scotland. ine same and we are truly at a loss to express our ,a d flat, in a straight astonishment and wonder at the power and umber o l severe , capabilities of the art. Its depth ol tone me and ouch seh o time3 rounJ .d effect surpass our expectauon ney are hundred mil,ions of one as plain and pa.pame as cou.u , - - d Bank of England notes, sewed toge wished, and are so truly beautiful that the Pndad c0ver0a lurBpike road 40 feet presence of colors is never needed. A ho- ther, wo , i f fr0m Land's 'ever has been to Paris, and regaled himself w le a nd 1 " nnd with the numberless fine views of the pala- Em to M'io U , .. ,i mnnunipnis. the sd enclid perspective vvajr u- "o- . , . , ,t , ofiUgans and boulevards, and that great together end to em, they woum i -ju-. ... - Hunter. ke ived 119 feature of Paris, its river ami bridges, win " shteen'times rounJ the moon.- votes on the eleventh balloting. The President s have all his feelings revived by these pro- rl'; Q ,ation of the WOrld is esti- Messagehad not bee., received on Tuesday evening, ductions, which bring the objects Close to hi, J sand of souls. An The House were engaged on that day, with the view again, as it were ,n a mirror. - distribution of the National Debt would difficu,tv of the New Jersey contested seats, and wonderful combination of fine general effect equal distri m woman not Hkelv to agree. and extreme and marvellous J i d: or four rounds to every family on This latter .eature aiu.t - , - Wgre E land to Bacon, Butter, ... Beeswax, scarce, Bale Rope, dull, Brandy, apple, Corn, per bushel, Coffee, Cotton, per 100 lbs. . Cotton Bagging, dull, Flour, per bhl. Gin, American, Lime, cask, Molasses, Pitch, at the Stills, Rice, per 100 lbs. Rum, N;E. Rosin, ... scarce,' Sniar, brown, Turpentine, soft, per bbl Turpentine, hard Tar, per bbl. Pitch do Rosin, do Flooring boards, m. Wide do do Scantling &0 Timber, "river rafts, W. O.hhd. rough, Do do drawn, W. O. bbl. R. O. hhds. rough', .' Do do dressed Shingles. Country, Contract. 25 23 6 62 60 11 8 20 6 . 55 1 25 30 2 00 a 800 111 75 40 50 8 a 30 4 8 70 70 13 9 1-8 1 75 3i S 25 4 00 45 00 a a 2 20 half price , -, a 1 00 2 00 a S 25 a 1 56 9 00 a 6 00 k 5 00 5 50 M. do do do do do do 4 50 a 12 50 a 28 00 a 12 OOfo 14 00 a 16 00 a 1 50 a 3 00 a 16 00 30 16 CO On 00 2 00 4 00 By the Globe received th s morning, dated Tues- C reCUlY CU 111 a uiuims i Hum wwww.-, nst we find the opposition have sue- in this place early in the ensmn sl . h., nrss is omn-enced for our and genuine of the whole land, we warm A in3gnifying glass takes the place the lace o . nttheidea.ofihe Observer's cordial , tP,nne. but with a very enlarged field conquer all iMirope and levy i ii it- u fiamnn if ih town. . i i ut-nA omil r n nd crracious, not I r ti,o m!ps nf houses are each 1 tax to pay F i 11 ij a i v.uv.11 ' S iaK.I:lu Ul llic; un'j i Ji it vv - - - TT T,l U 1 Tlie Subscriber. Double Entry a. with their separate characteristics, and show even their interiors . h-- 2o, '8s. 2 3-4d ceive very plainly ,n the l ui. eruu field conquer all Europe, y T AT in Doub mvTonav oft her present eui, nn -if Hesired. to carry sties have from every man, woman.and child 51. S?J7 th-Ugh & t t a.irl or rom every lamuy uiuuguv-ut , . h manner, uy navm- ...- no. - - . vwii".. , r...-wl thrnno-h then 1U1 Supposing course, ana m suu. .x....-., -j---,- tW r 3 her actually open and carry iora u v.- - - . i - . i i ; otc i .1 ruuiAa. im-v ceive vci.v pa....j ... i- mnment such a thing possime, as m ; nnaiauju."- "- ;i;,,t the Journal the a chamber is disclosed with Us furniture, 1.- moment sue, - 1 mineg sil- in? two different fo , 4 1 couui pruc in c . pntr;e9 ot whicn emorace me - ary and pictures. . sufficient quantity to pay off the debt, fjnaHzinir, that the c'ass can hardpr fail to ac- rr-u r ,otor. ; li-..lir Drr.iiiitp- the I VCT "I oum-- 1 ' , ill JOUrn - . riJ p. ,,f the subiect. i lie client, vji u.jr v-.vj.. , rp tn iirui'T lt to rL.iiijiaiiu, " ,,;r a thorouH" pracuca. ; . vessels ndf a, ..r.qu-y. , a n d - --Hm'p: o'tons each. To car- 1 jInSS bridges, with the deptn 01 snaue u..uCl thp ank- of England in one horse m ""' " 2 , o tnowbe definitely stated, arches, are all beautiful. The details also, ry it to the tQU of &il ver it 'Xe which will com- Manas, app.e wo- , - T. ranored in One " on the evening of 30th IJecemoer, Proi , u . -ii r...A ..Kor-r;ntion Daoers at tlie p s pprsons win iin duow. , . . Obs'er and Carolinian offices, or at the Fema.e 43-U .., i o Tlnwrnt and an ..!,Amissii! hend of tha body. He would be admirer of the Emperor Napoleon, heard a in company, no way disparagiu? even to his sense Federalist verv clamorously ahuse the ..... . u,i hv the - What would De ine social v-un. - j great Corsican as a tyrant, aespoi, &.c. 0t)Server auJ wllh Ulc ou-w. in such a circle? instead of rrellinrr into a nawion and quar- T , .n,iVe something of it. - o I - ... n:... v, TT.It.r;,! .n,lv nhont his n,,l Jackson. (To the Observer, not Knowing 1 (.Mill'' lrYlV.ll Hit. v . ' 1 " ' . 1 " ' , T , . " . ... js -..:.! .;. r!iie.1 I am -lad. Mr. Hale, that the Indc- abuse, the oia 4:; P. " ' . ,ik(, bB d iato a .,,: ,l,;tr,P (vrrrr n.wlihlv to 1 he pendent Tl asurs Bill, is l lA.-iy io y auu. 111 a imi. " J - . . ' -,i j i nh mnnh irnnd. ., nrlnnc 1 hi neilt marcaniUi auuic " - - . - , x . ;' ka la- uw"'" J " ,... " " :.ii ' - ; wnnld take mence n r..v,prl many oystanaers; remarxeu: y menu, observer. Yon are an old Tory, sir; ana so . men, chestnut roasters, uooksuib, i - hroken line would exlend 67b miles; or c'ass ol iu snau G.SPENCER. toi cn I rt i fA t rrn tmahsp? it. wiiuiu I . . ir t thcrn thn KrinftR ill ui tco. 1 mnrra zed ill 111c a ivci oui i T 1 -wifhiin o. iimtrss ui i ... i i , mai man van uu.c - , , " . r fr ra m.prre's from mantis - , , make Bona narte verv sorrv, if it should get ji,r. Van Buren.-My wormy ineno, au expression u. . T.n o'firoat's house. 11 carnea uy met., r " " .u-t. i.;n t the horseshoe. ;r.oPw.ra nf statimrv. Taintin?s, porceidiu, - . . 4.. t.: iv.. In him." Jackson loilM in ic iv"v"") . - , . " ' " , ,nh mded Willi w j II As the a UDserver and iteflrister, wueiicvci wnnld not can tne venerumo -- - - - - a , .hloa.olhei.pomioal capUal U- U,,. . ,,. H bLr enWwment and di.cover no G and ,e Mr. 0 3 abuse of such men as Mr. Brown and mr. observer.- . nn Ac,ft. This on the contrary, the Daguerreotype, aimc . t'0". wa8.urr,nCT occasioned by the s.. w th.m verv sorry." vetoed Mr. Biddle's BanK, ana f inaie . y "-""".-.m!r d;3Cov- No. 57 Broadway. They are not copie, v,- '- - As it is not ?r?. .i.o. m. ,,, flH crev headed wretca is an ar,..i ,.;, uuu,. u Fv,.,v..- . . . (U ;jon. r. .l - nhr-nnirlr. ' I sn1,r mnrs rHniltieS. e are uiciratu UUb "t jtvih lAC rr ti.Mti.i5fcvit , , i anu eu ic j" ixt- .i t ; .nrtli while to inflict upon T T U u UU. ( 1 1 1 1 1 1, .i. v.u.. .. . i . l. j....:i r i k. ;...niilar nnfl nip."race- ovir reauers ine uti'iinrsiii v.. . - , i ful proceedings that marked the secona we :. m un Hall ot the .National tiouse oi i.cpresrju.i. "11 This course of the temperate and sensioie editor of the Chronicle, convicts him ot keep in? lirht from the people, accord the notions of the Observer of this week Amend your ways friend Brown, or expect 1S TO STLK GROWERS. r ' - - - rrr .., :i -m loKalf r.f nn association Ol M. gentlemen interested in the propa?aUon ot the Chinese Mulberry, anu .in me vw . GIVE ffOTlUK,' That they have procured an approved Reel from the North, for the reeling and making sewing silk from the cocoon, and will set the same in operaUon . . i .1. .. . summer. 1 lie in this place eariy in ure i:.,u... - Dvisiness ia cjuiii c.iv. 1T tion, but we intend buying such cocoons as may be brought to us, or ----- JAMES BAKER, I. WETMORE. Executive Committee. Favetteville, Dec. 21 , 1839. 43 tl. "MULBERRY TREES. THE subscriber ffcrs for sale SOOO Morus JMu'ticaul s Trees, warranted to be of the gen uine sti ck. They were grown in una u-".. Ursnmmer, are dl rioted, and vary m height fri,m two tosev,n leer, xney u ... to suit purchasers, o.l accommoit"i, , moderate puces. . KR . Fayetteville, Dec. 21, 1838. 43-tlm. keeD- Ur ii f,,i acree perfectly with them in From the Albany Argus. I thread or line. It cannot be other- "ngTo STJi'K-.i-.y .... STESXrKSS?"5S jarJaS- .. ligh. u . h NEW GOODS. L- r5--D l."- - r:vi7rse7,nT.WedVoceediDg5 creator "-2 2, A nSS?BS?f 5SSS .. i.m. .(M.. Lt ,ct of the temporary colors. It a W""' ... .,. i&. MI..IW w. g' "J ,P 111 ST 111 Wy - -1 i of Friday, that the first act of the temporary colors Ul i liu j, , . mt. mistake abonlll, l m ' 1 "u"f .:' . . , i l.W mo nifvinor riower apuueu t t,,e of yo bother the ObScrver, for t,,-.7;d;;, . I . - l ihir.h. nus I live ucuv-m",," - - - not Chromatins; the rowdy speeches and iVfPayetteville, State of North Carolina, and dhouse JroZ ifucornmencernent of fection seen, which is the reverse m a rj r1o!no.a f th nnrtizan bullies in the orp-ani- Rav. thev are odious Tories. ,.', m.rl! nuesiiori of order, and I . i- - . , , . ,i fl, , man jr eitl "lo i- zation of the House of Representatives. I Jtfr. m.-mis is sira.., . ar. . r w .ni nr rshinr,ahle Silks. Muslin Delains, Shally and Pophns. fine onoea nu o.iP hv Just Received, and For Sale by GEO. McIkEiLL FayeUeville,Nov. 9, 1839: 37tf MORUS MULTICACLIS 3000 MorUS MuUicouli . Trees are of fered to the public, ot fifty cents per tree, warranto J crenume, and in a good siaie " F'"t . , Sre nnely branched, from 2 to 6 feet high, and were rovvn on a poor, sandy soil, consequently well ma tured Send your orders soon, a th proper sea son fr planting commences nbo" 1st ry. Address at Fayelt.vdle N. C , y JONATHAN EVANS, Jr. Dec. 21, lf33. 43tf' COCOONS WANTED. rfMHE Subscriber has about two thousand very ' II ' . , ,nniTi M1TI TIC ATTI .IS TREES vet for sa'e, from 5 t'. 8 feet high, one-half of which he is willing t i se i payau -i next summer; the oteer ha.f cash. . Persons wishing to make contracts will please make their applicaUons soon, as the season for plan tine, according to his experience, begins ear.y 'in February. Sf Worm Eesrs from a very healthy stock of Worms, can a'so be had. wr,TRrn - 1. ii u nxvi Fayetteville, Dec. 21, 1839. 43-tf NOTICE. ' -r-TKTILX. be hired out on Saturday the 4thf J "'trV uary next in this place, fox twelve months, slaves JERRY and BETSEY", belonging to the JSLtl of W Grice, dcd. Terms ma4o known on lay- PATRICK MUBPMY. MM tm C rv. 14th, 183?.r 1 1 I 1 It 'til ii i' k 7'

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