lies would be tied in the House of Delegates, 67, 67. These are nice calculations, how ever, and a close contest. The Enquirer then dashes the members of Con- Fed. Whigs. Wm. C. Goggin. Job u Taliaferro. John M. Botts. Culhbert Powell Richard W. Barton Alex. H. H. Stuart Geo. IV. Summers 7 greBS thus : Slate Regkts Anti-Bank Republicans. Francis Mallory. George B. Gary. John W. Jones. Wm. O. Goode, Edmund W. Hubard. Walter Coles. Robt. M. T. Hunter. Thomas W. Gilmer. Linn Banks. TV. A. Harris. George W. Hopkins. Samuel Hays. Lewis Stceurod 13. (HENRY A. WISE,) (A Bank man, only under certain qualifica-tions-AiUi-Dhstriuution, Anti-Tariff; &c.) The Family Reporter Is the talc of a new weekly paper just issued at Washington, D. C. We have received the first number, and are well i, leased with its design, ap pearance and execution. It certainly deserves sup port, but we Tear that the whig cry of " hard times " will prove its dire enemy. Wi h great deference to the judgment of its talented young publisher, we would suggest a shortening of what we take to he his Editoi ials ; (the absence of the Editorial scabboard "avi-. us in doubt,) for it is a well istabl.shed fact that'the publ.e generally, and the mechanical portion of it, esptcuby, will but t-kmi over a k.n aiticle, and thus neiihrr sati&fy themselves or do justice to the views of the Wiiter. In a weekly paper of the des cription just mentioned, our remarks apply with full foice. TIE NiOlTM CAROIINIAW. The Post Office formerly called Smith's Store, Montgomery county, N. C. s now named Albe marle, Daniel Freeman, Postmaster. The Observer thinks the present an inauspicious tone to propose a National Bank ! Well, we should thmk it was, taking the late disclosures, and Mr B.ddle's lamt letter, into consideration. If thev have not sickened the people of the idea of a United States Bank, we are wide of the mark. ICF-The Washington Whig, printed at Wash inston in this S ate, we notioe again among our exchange?. w " JV "oio by St Paul the icork goes bravely on?" Gales and Seaton of the National Intelligencer have come out declaring they will send no'paper, (after the fir3t of July next) to uny one who is more than two years in arrears. Now, gentlemen of the Press, the example has been set at head -quarters ; -follow on! Let e.cry editor in the country study his own interest, and not l t the sinking from his list a few names, frighten him from carrying out this principle, for it is certain that 12 months will find him a gainer by it ; and if after days dont find the American Press "redeemed regenerated and disenthralled'" we are no prophets. The Progress of Crime. Every paper we take hold cf is filled with details of robberies, forgeries, swindling, s wartwoulin r, &c., &c, ad to their eternal disgrace be it said, Bank officers appear to be the principal perpetrators. The public Press teems with accounts! Never before has so much rascality been known to pervade this country ; and yet and yet, becauso we lately proposed to the public to have "all the Banks " in- by th :Ob server. of C-ieris'iin r hoslilitv and enmitv t.. vestigated, we are assailed thn piaco as cheris! these institutions. Y ill the people of this country 1 1 -itf ? i lu.unl .Minain men wlio ni.tue such charges u3 these against the Democratic Prc!s, for doing its -Jufv f-r awakening the public to a sense of thHr 3angcr for trying to promote the cause of honesty for trying to have the rogue singled from the honest men, that he may receive the punishment he deserves ? Heaven forfend! In a Hukut. The Raleigh Register publishes the marriage, in Mecklenburg county, N. C. of Mr Wm. W. Amleison, to Miss Jane Capps, after an acquaintance and courtship of only twelve hours. American Prisoners Albany Argus well remarks : Cotton Market. New York, April 28. Sales moderate, prices unchanged. Uplands 9 a ll ; Mobile and New Orleans, 10 a 12. Mobile, April 27. Market dull. No advance cf price. New Orleans, April 28. Market dull. Buyers holding off in expectation of the news from Europe. Prices from 0? to 11. Proscription. Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun. Philadelphia, May 1, 1S41. Sweeping of the Custom House and Post Office. There has been a most extensive business here this week in the way of guillo tining. The custom house and the post of fice stream with the blood of innumerable victims and yet not one-twentieth of the le gion that are clamouring for place are satis fied. Fifteen of the post office clerks were backtd out most unceremoniously last night, and forty one of the inspectors and watchmen from the custom house had notice to quit. Last night ended their month, and they are thrown off without an hour's notice, and many of them without a dollar that they can call their own. Congress would do not only a service to the Treasury, but to the officers themselves, if it would so far reduce the emoluments as to render the offices no inducements for per sons to seek them in preference to any other business. A few years since, when a distinguished A 1 1 . i - . - . .vupporier oi me last administration made a re mark m the legislature of New York, during the heat ot a political debate, that " to the vie tors belong the spoils," it was taken up by the then opponents and condemned with most unsparing bitterness. It was reprobated as a proposition ol the most unparalleled atroci ty ; and was denounced as a flagrant violation of all social ties. Indeed one would have sup posed that it was an indication of cruelty and inhumanity, which the then complainants could under no circumstances reconcile them selves to tolerate ; but no sooner are these men, by an unexpected change in politics, placed in power, than they commence the same practice in the most ruthless manner. Every man who thinks and acts differenlly with lhemsfdvri-c ii iu'O rvi -a 1 . 1 -1 . . - - J -1 ' the most indecent haste, and one ot their own peculiar way of thinking placed in his stead. I do not particularly object to this but men tion it as proving the insincerity of the profes sions of the powers that be, and as an illustra tion of how frequently the poisoned chalice prepared for the stomachs of others are return ed to our own lips. Do " the spoils belong to the victors?" Who answers? Four negroes, captured some time since by Major Childs, were brought uo in this boat. We learn, by this arrival, that numerous Indian fires were discovered along the coast. Maj. M'Clintock, Lieutenants Fields, and Rankin, 3d A rtil.. also came nasseno-ers in the Gaston. We regret to sav that th hpnlth of Lieut. Rankin, who so nobly distinguish ed himself in the late expeditions of the Ever glades, is very feeble. Ibid. Another one of the family provided for. Israel W. Kelley, brother-in -law of Daniel Webster, has been appointed Marshal of New Hampshire. We have heard that the salary of "Forwarder of Despatches," in this city now at $600, is to be raised to $1200 and given to Mr D. Webster, jr. The office is a perfect sinecure. If the rumor proves true, we shall have some remarks to make on the subject. .V. Y. Planet. another flagrant breach of trust somewhere we know not exactly. The whole age is rot ten and corrupt with crime; virtue is discharg ed; honor bereft cf charm; character a play; m oralify a farce, and poverty a crime ! We hope that investigation will be put on foot iu every bank in mis city. The innocent owe it to themselves, and the guilty owe it to the public. Let us have an exposition from the State Bank and the Bauk of Louisiana. Give the public the amounts of the over-drafts, and the names of all scoundrels. Let us know if possible who in the city is honest, if we wish to remain a decent community. Cre scent City. Xew York and Virginia. We published a few days ago the vote in the Senate of New York upon the proposition of Mr Paige asserting the constitutional obliga tion of New York to surrender fugitives from labor, and the sense of the Senate' of N. York that stealing a slave within the jurisdiction and against the laws of Virginia is a crime within the meaning of the second section of the 4th Aiticle of the Constitution of the Uni ted States, and that therefore the reasons as signed by the Governor of New York for his refusal to surrender the said alleged fugitives from justice, upon the demand ot the Execu tive of Virginia, were not in the opinion of the Senate of New York sufficient to justify such refusal. The last motion in the Senate was to make the resolution of Mr Paige the special order for an adjourned meeting of that body, and the mover stated distinctly that he should re gard the negative of his motion as tantamount to a rejection of the resolution. The motion was lost, as stated in a former number, by a vote of 11 to 1 3. Since then we have received the reply of Gov. Seward to the letter of the Hon. John M. Patton, the acting Governor of Virginia at that time, which we publish to day. It will be seeu that Gov. Seward obstinately adheres to his heretofore expressed opinions, and is detet mined not to comply with the demand of Virginia. The controversy increases in interest and importance as it advances, and we regard the position assumed by the Governor of N. York and which is indirectly sustained by the Le cislat ure of that State, as one calculated, if sustained by the people of the "Empire State J' to weaken and ultimately to sunder the bonds of the Federal Union. Norfolk Beacon. fcj' North Carolinians, do not forget that the WHIG PARTY SUPPORT GOV. SEWARD in the above affair, An Invisible Life Preserver has been in vented by some person in Providence, which j is so made as to be sewed to the vest, so that the person has it always ready for use. Bait. Sun. The Albany Argus well remarks : " While the public sympathy has been demanded for McLeod, is it due to humanity that the American prisoners, enaed in the Canada incursions in 1838, and now suffering imprisonment at Van Pieman's Land, should be altogether overlooked 7" The following letter is published in the Argus, as ftom one of the p-isoners, and as giving an idea cf tin ir condition and sufferings. The whole num ber is supposed to be about 150. The names of a portion is published in the Argus : " Van Diema.n's Land, Feb. 18, 1840. " We have arrived safe at the place of our destination, and were landed on the 15th day of this month, and were conveyed to one of the convict stations, called Sandy Bay, about two miles from Ilobart Town. Our employ ment is working on the roads from half past six in the morning, until near sundown. - Our fare is of the hardest. "We have three-fourths of a pound of beef or mutton, one and three-fourths pounds of bread, one pint of water gruel for breakfast, and the same for supper, and our flour and bread is of the poorest kind. Our t........ ;. r.f thf mendinr roads. We 1CIUWI J CJ have no teams of any kind, and have to do r-r-,1 ' I a.. T ill the catting ourselves. nis letter j gui JOHN G1L31AIN. More Awful Disclosures ! Bank of the Unit ed States Seven Millions lost in Election eering the Orphan made to pay the" Piper" the Widow made to pay for " Yarn." It is now ascertained, says the Philadelphia Spirit of the Times, beyond a doubt, and it may be found in nine folio pages of the led ger o f the Bank, that out of twenty-one mil lions of " suspended debt," seven millions have been squandered for electioneering pur poses ! WTe state upon good authority, that thisbro ken Bank has been in the constant habit of loaninir its moneys, as long as it had any, to promiuetit Federal Whig politicians, and, for the nresent, annex a few of their name3, who nnrtook of the seven millions of dollars, viz : To Col. Kickapoo, To Daniel, the Godlike, To Riddle, To Ewing, $250,000! ! ! 110,000 ! ! ! 100,000 ! ! ! 200,000 ! '. ! 300,000 ! ! : Xaval. The Philadelphia Chronicle of the 29th ult. avs: We learn by a friend iust arrived from the Mediterranean squadron, that the ship of the line Ohio, Com. Hull, and the frigate Brandywine, were at Mahon in the early part of March, and all were well on board both vessels. The sloop of war Preble had not then arrived. The Ohio it was expected would sail for the United States in June or July, by which time it was supposed that the Delaware, under Commodore Morris, would be there to relieve her. The U. S. frigate Constitution, Com. laxton, was at Talcahuana, Feb. 12, to sail for the United States in July. The U. S. sloop of war St. Louis, Com. Forrest, sailed from Callao 15th January for the Islands. The U. S. schr. Shatk. 1st Com. Bigelow, V ority of a Boa Constrictor. A was at Coquimba. 29th January. Norfolk singulainstance of the voracity and power 1 r r l -."f . Beacon. ol app13 OI inis repine occurred a tew days since one zoological liardens in the Ke- gent's Ik. Two fine tiger Boa Constric- written.. The Washington Globe. This paper has decidedly improved since the Presidential tltt.-tion. The following compliment from the Charleston Mercury, we think is well mer ited, and Mr Blair should feel proud of it, coming from that paper, whose editor is certainly the most accomplished scholar and gentleman we know of, the head of any press in the southern country : The Washington Globe. The correspoudentof the New Yoik Her- To General St. John, To Tyson a large sum ! ! ! Say in all, to these, 1,COO,000 ! ! ! The balance, six millions, was squandered in the same way to politicians, chiefly in 1S39 arifl lfiin. to fil.rt Harusou and 1 vler. vJ the 110.010 to the godlike," 28,000 is fo overdrafts ! This proves clearly, that the nnital stock was not lost in cotton peculation and fancy stocks, but in these two vils and in electioneering. What a com ment upon the letters of Biddlc and the doings of the committee both suppress imports acts, that honesty calls loudly for a lull and clear exposure of, that the people may know where the money ot the widow and orpnau has gone to. From the Athens Banner of 33d ulto. Atrocious Murder. The following letter which was received by the Post Master at this place a few days since, details one of the most coid blooded murders which has ever been perpetrated in Geor gia. . Centerville, Talbot county, Ga. April 15th 1841. ) Dear Sir. There was found on yesterday morning, about one mile from Gorden's ferry, on Flint river, near the residence of Mr Courley, a man who was murdered, evidently with a hand hatchet, by being struck three blows on the head, and then having his throat cut on the left side with a knife. The circum stances are these, as near as can be ascer tained: there were two men travelling togeth er, whose names are Hammond, which is the name of the murdered man, and the other who seems to be a New Yorker, that is, by his appearance, and says his name is Bartlet W. Murdock ; he is now under arrest, with strong suspicions of being the perpetrator of the deed. He says that he came from your town, and fell in with this man. Hammond had a grey horse ; and Murdock was travel ing in an open top buggy, and drove a bay horse. I think Murdock is a fair skin man, with light, very light hair, and about 23 or 24 years of age. The man murdered, seems to be about 35 years old, heavy beard and dark hair, would weigh perhaps 165 or 170 pounds. There was found on Murdock's person a bowie knife engravecLon the handle J. J. H. I have thus given you the particulars as I learned them on the spot from the officers. It may be, that Hammond . may have some friends in your town or county. If so, give them some information soon as you can. As to Bartlet W.- Murdoch, (as his papers show him to be of that name) there can be but little doubt of his guilt. If he has any friends, they ought to know it. It may be, the horse and carriage he has, and which he claims, may not be his, but belong to some of your citizens. He had with him in the buggy some tools for a Mr Knovvlton, perhaps for merly of your town. If you have any know ledge of the above persons, let me know as soon as you can. Direct your letter to Tal- IOuia Obi;. CHARLES A. BROWN. Waking up! It is said that the excitement in Philadelphia is so great, in consequence of the startling disclosures of the condition of the National Bank, that he who would now advocate the chartering of such another mon ster, would almost stand in danger of a coat of tar and feather." The Philadelphians have ever been the strong advocates of a Na tional Bank, but corruption has stalked so boldly among them, and ruined so many good and honest business men, and helpless wid ows and orphans, that they now turu their backs with loathing upon such an institution. Will not the whole country follow their ex ample. JMecklen burg Jeff ersonian. The Hundred Weight. It is not long ago since the Americans reduced the hun dred weight from 1 12 to 100 pounds. The old 12 bothered them in their calculations, and was observed not to be of the smallest use in any respect ; so having resolved to cut down the" hundred weight to what it ought to be, namely, one hundred pounds, they im mediately, and without any fuss, executed their resolution. This is a small matter, but it is the characteristic of the country in which it took place. We question whether the Brit ish could manage to take the odd twelve pounds from the hundred weight without a twenty years' talk. It does not signify that nobody can explain how or when the pdd twelve originated. "There it is that .is sufficient it must not b6 meddled with -would you ruin the country with your preten ded improvements? Let the hundred weight alone wc have become a great people with it as it is, and with that let us be content." Chambers. Commander in Chief of Florida. We learn that Gen. Gaines' command has been extended so as to include Florida. Genl Gaines during the short period he before ac ted in our Territory, rendered essential ser vice, and gives us reason to believe the War will be rigorously carried on, or brought to a speedy close under his direction. He is an officer possessing activity and enterprise, and is well acquainted with the Iudian character, which will render him particularly useful at this time in concluding a treaty of peace, should the Indians be willing to emigrate. Tallahassee Star, 21st inst. Proposals have been made for carrying the great Commercial Mail, from New York to Boston, in a manner that it will arrive at Bos ton twelve hours sooner than it now does. U. S. Gas. 3f It will not rain the next fair day. TPhalians, Attention! The members of the Thalian Association are re quested to meet at the Engine House, No. 2, thia evening at 8 o'clock. It is necessary that every mem ber should be present, as some business must be acted on that requires the attention of the Society. By order,; : "Ifor Pay. liment from the British A TWO STORY Frame House, con- It will be recollected that x3JL taining four rooms, passage and Kitchen ago four of our packet ships "'uatedon Hay Mount, and as a SUMMER RE- Just Compliment from Government. some lomtis ago iour oi our packet snips saved qacn tne crew of a British vessel in distress They wore the Rhone, Capt. Wal ton ; Stephen Whitney, Capt. Thompson ; Vyoiumtus, apt. Cropper; aud bhendan, Capt. Ie Peyster. Yesterday. ( savs the Jour nal of Commerce,) Mr Buchanan, the British Consul,addressed to these commanders the following extract of a letter "I am directed FOR RENT. SIDENCE, misht be so imoroved. as not t h surpjurcea oy any m tne neighborhood. TERMS wiil be made known nn n-.l;.nf; Mrs WATTS, on the premises, or at the Seminary. Cattle, Hogs, Mules, Timber Wagons, &c. riTlHE subscriber offers for sale, on the premises Li i iv 1 1 mi i no .niiTn vm in . m. i. i I,.. T nrrlPnl 4. J. . . .7...,. T TT "X' V"" "1 e BIOCK uy uuiuiamraaiuu 10 uesire you to express OI '-', nogs, mules, l imber wn?ons. &c . be to the Cimmauders of these vessels the thanks of her lajesty's Government for their praise worthy :onduct, and for the assistance which they redered on the same occasions ; and you wil state to these commanders that her Majests Government intends to show its sense ctheir services by sending to each of them a jld medal so soon as the die, which is nowi preparation, shall be finished." Ionojns to the late firm of HVHi Barksdale. A credit of 6 months will be given to purcnascrs, on tftcir giving bond with approved se curity. The sale will take place on Satnrdnv th. ICtl. -fjf . " J' R. MELVIN, G. T. BARKSDALE. Executors of Stephen Hollingsicorth. u. KAKJrvaLAL,K, G. T. BARKSDALE, Surviving partners. BOARDING HOUSE. TTir OtTLD Repectfuliy inform the f'tib'ie, and V V espiciauyheVfrienJs in the djwnms coun r 'rcmunn and Robeson. .bat. sb Lira ui Will lake boarders by tba day, ween, month or year, transient or permanent. Tcr'lhose who know her, ehe hopea v..c nn r-ommendation. and to others she wilt ojy say, her exertions hall be to i ve satisfaction. & , "- Her residence iYon GilleFpie street, at the. Muro ford House. The stages arrive and depart, imme diately opposite her door. F'ayettevd.'e, May 8, 1841. 115-t? , The Observer will eppy the above one week, and ?end the account to this office. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ( Samp$on County, S Superior Court of Law, and Equity. Spring Term. B'ackman Lee. and Wife. v. A. Monk, Executor of Susannah Bluckraan, Ann Crawford, John Liboens, Thaddeus McKenne, Sarah Ann Al.cH.enne, carnii bus Fcliow McKinne, Austin Susannah McKiVn", Infants, and Wm. K. McKinne, and Stephen Mat thews an J fe t-lizatietn , - fBill for account and for distributive share and call- intr unon trie uei-na;nis. jjidir:uuons iu schedules of their advancements as Distributors, and next of kin of Susannah Blackman, late of Sampson county, North Carolina, dec'd.J " . The fo'lowin? interlocutory decree was made in this case, viz : H appearing to tne raiisraciion oi ino Court, that Ann Crawford, one of tba Defendant in this cause, is a resident cf the Slate of . Tennessee, and that William R.McKinnie, Stephen Matthews., and "Wife Elizabeth C, John Libbins, Thaddeua McKinnie, Sarah Ann MtKinnie, Barnabua FcHow McKinnie, Austin Snsannnh McKinnie, other de fendants in this cause, are inhabitants of the State of Mississippi, .and if also, appearing fo ihe satisfac tion of the Court, that the said John Libbins, Thad deH3 McKinnie, Sarah Ann McKinnie, Barnabua" Fellow Mclvmnie, and Austin fcusannnn ivicivin- nie are infants, and that their father, John iYlcrvin-; nie, of the Slate of Mississippi, has been appointed,. guardian of his said minor children. It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for. six weeks in the Norlh Carolinian, printed in the Town of Fayetteville, Noith Carolina, notifying the said non-resident defendants, ami the guardian of. said minors to be and appear before tire Honorable. Judge of said Court at the next term of this Court, to be ho'den at the Court House in Clinton, Samp son Countv. North Carolina, on the fifth Monday. after the fourth Monday in September next, and then and there, plead, answer, or demur to complainants, said bill of complaint, or the same wi'l be t iken pro-cpnfesso, and heard ex-part. ; Witness, Patrick Murphy, Clerk and Master of said Court, at office, in Clinton, the 5lh Monday after the fourth Monday in March, A. D. 1841. ... P. ML'KfliY, Uik. ann Master in inquiry. May 8, 1812. 1 f5-fit-Adv. $5 25 Arrivals St Dcpartiorifts of llic AfAlljS. Post Office, Fayetteville, TX, ii.' The NORTHERN MAIL arrives daily by S o'clock in the morning, is closed at 3, and departs daily at 4 o'clock in the evaning. . Ihe SOUTHERN MAIL arrives daily by 3 o'clock in the" afternoon, is closed at 8, and departs daily at 9 o' the morning. The ClIARLLSTOK MAIL arrives at 5 o'clock SundHV. W i nady -J Prtaay morning, M cfoaod. and departs at .2 o'clock, Monday, Wednesday an"a Fridav afternoons'. . The CARTHAGE & SALISBURY MAIL ar rives at 1 2 o'clock on Mondays and Thursdays is closed and departs atT o'clock, on Mondays and' Thursdays. ... The ELIZA3ETHTOWN MAIL arrires by a o'clock on Sunday Wednesday, ar.d Friday morn ings, is closed and departs .at 10 o'e.oclt, on Mon day, Wednesday and Friday morning. . The WILMINGTON AND CHARLESTON MAIL, via. CLINTON aftd TVJARSAW, arrivas arrives Qn Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and ' Muuuajr, j. uesuay ana laursday, at 9 o'clock, p. m. The LAURENCEVILLE MAIL arrives by 5 o'clock on Saturday evening, is closed and departs at 6 o'clock on Wednesday morn in". The MAIL by McNEl LL'S FERR, BLACK'S STORE and DRAUGHAN-'S STORE, arrive , 9 o'clock Monday nirht. i closed o'clock on Friday morning. PRICES CURRENT. Corrected weekly for the JVVrA Cmrolinimn. Commercial Record. McCleod. A report is again current in New York, that McLeod is about to be de livered uo to the British authorities. We Hnn't helieve a word of it. Baltimore Sun. FAYETTEVILLE. ARRIVED, May 1, 1841, Steamer Ma rietta, Rush, with Sprino- Goods for Hnll fe tors webrought over by Captain Redman, Jonnson, T, Haigh, C. J. & R. M. Or- rell, Joseph Baker, E. Fuller. .1 T. Wi!li,m. Boon & Breece, C, P. Mallett. T. S. J..rftrh! op, boe. iVicJMeill, S. W. TilKagbast, B: Rose, A Kimball, E. W. WHIfeir. R CJ X I. .--. . oirauge, uonn rnsiow, r. H. Byrne & Co., F. Lain, W. Mclntvre. J. Ma Shaw, and P. Taylor, of this Dlace : and for . jiuiifiui, u. r. jiroy, anel v Sr h m H 1 1 . . . . I V T ?l T-v -rw . J ' pears imaae a gorge ot his more weakly iU""g -oaney, ur. Harrison, J . H, Mc i t". i . . IT) ir o'ii i from tiutta, and presented by him to the menage on the 4th ot beptember last. They were actively II teet and 9 leet in length, and hacved in harmony together in their cage ui last week, when the smaller one, being sly, would not eat at the usual time offeedL T. he larger one had just eaten a rabnud three guinea pigs, when - it ap aid, judiciously remarks the great superiority of writing in the Globe, over the forcible fee bleness of the Intelligencer' and the Madison- Woohinnrtnll. There is spirit, point, power, life in the Globe; M Lmilky twaddle ia the Intelligencer, ... a niirlrt r SlOP t J rt tn- mua ana iiijuu st ot there Globe A . :j Mi;jnninn the dullest iu tne sii;piu jiiuui.... dull papers. The writer says that the a reg ter 1 1 ouments of the Globe have much weight with , m..:..;.,..,!. ,-onsider their presses tne Auum..! -. . , ..iu, nr( Annate lo comeuu 't he Richmond Whig man will not r "1 ..J incnlpnt i .i . f mnrn Hir VWT a iiuu.w... inn inaiivt Z Lin, .he Globe, was .he M. iimony of spile towards merit; it is a paper liniuuy .. , -.4(K. .-..nnnrl nf the its claims iu mc ouff"'- daily increasing country. Charleston Mercury. -ru. tt nhnrt Stranse has been appointed Solictor for tins Disliitt, and a most judicious aP l omtment it ic- Rkware of Counterfeits'. We have seen a 25 cent piece, several of which are in circulation here, which is so accurately coun-tprft-.ited that minute inspection will alone de- tt iho r.honf I'hp niftrtp. is stamped with the American Arms, and purport to be of the Compaq, which was proved by the sudden Rorie, Young & Gill, S. & N. B. Hrll, W. COlUao-e OI ISOS. jrewrsu-ui .iMiciiig wi- uurr.T.v- . iiivi, uu inuic I . " J . XU. iVIOCK, cer. News toy 31 ails. FROM FLORIDA. The Indian Wau not ended. The fol lowing extract of a letter from an authentic intimates that there is as vet, no auui.) .... . TT prospect of a termination of our Indian difficulties: Tampa Bat, (E. F.) April 12, 1841. Cosa-Tustenuggee has just started out after Haleck-Tustenuggee. He says if he rvmnot brins him in, the game is up. The i- f thU month will test it. Coa coo-chee ICIOW wa . nlso to report progress about the same time If he backs out, a new operation will com- mr,P. So stands the affair; and no per ,nn can iudse until the time arrives. I only believe things when I see them." l? r, the South. The steamer Wm fiacr,n. Capt. Griffin, arrived here on Wed nesday last from Southern Posts, bringing - v,r.v Tf ' 3d artillery under command of Lieut. Boyd, and shortly after proceeded up the North River. They are intended for the nhHshineofa post, about eighteen miles Noith of this city. From the Charleston Courier. NEW-ORLEANS, April 27. llnr.r. Crime Bank of Louisiana More Defalcation Two Clerks Ab sconded. The recent appalling overdrafts have raly arrived at New York, all con of the State Bank have excited an investiga- cur in tstatements of the immense islands tiou at the Bank of Louisiana, by which it of ice n were encountered in their last bulkly 3 of the former, which exceeded 3 H. C. Hamilton & Co., J. H. Thorno'son ieei lu meier in me greatest proportion ot . xuarsn, Stockton & Hugging, his bod So singular a case of (he carni- Worth & Thomas, Salem Manufacturing verouswer and propensity of this reptile Company, E Belo, J. Lineback, D. McDiar- is not bcord. Ice riiE Atlantic Vessels which is found that about 880,000 some say 160,000 are found missing. The search was first in duced by the Cashier, Mr Leverich, when it was found that Mi lollson, who is said to have been overdrawn $20,000 at the State Bank, was the Discount Clerk at the Bank of Louisiana. We are not able to say if any discrepancy occurs In Mr C's books, but it is certain that he and the receiving teller ot thf B)ink of Louisiana have absconded. The trips ac the Atlantic ; also, that gales of extraorry seventy were experienced on the voy CnifiF the word Schooner. "Be 1 d ri ing ai tester, oept. S, 179U, 1 was in formed committed it towntin") that the kind ofels called schooners, derived their name ffhis circumstance, viz: Mr An drew Ikon, of that place, having: con- latter has pocketed it is stated, about 580,000 structejflssel which he masted and rigged received m two deposites on r riaay ana sat- m tne wnanner as scnooners are at tnis urday last. One gentleman on b riday depos- day ; Agoing on the stocks and passing ited S30.00U, and on Saturday a wen Known firm here deposited $50,000, neither of which sums appear on the " scratcher, ot the re ceivin teller, and which alone marks his re soonsibilities for the day. These sums, as a matter ot course were enterea into me DanK books of the two depositors, but appeared on ly in the teller, whose name we learu is Dau nois Hopes are entertained of their being t,irn hut wft do not learn on what LU - , " ' rrrrmnrls. A rtapn mme has been playing for a long ot hias to Europe or America, seen time on some of the banks down town, and am ofnessels prior to Robinson's con- we hear that efforts are making to smother J struct into thr, a by-stander cried out, Oh, how sjjon." Robinson instantly re plied, ifyoner let her be. From which time, f thus masted and rigged have gone bjiame of schooners, before which vesself t description were not known in Europjfe.merica. "Tlunt was confirmed to me by a great r of persons in Gloucester. I made lar inquiry of an aged sea cap- lain, firmed me that he had not, in any : i r -r - - miu, a. uenon, d. c d. McMillan, J. Cameron, W. G. McGary, J. McMillan, and W.J. Plumer, of the interior. DEPARTED, Mav4. Stea Rush, with Cotton, Tobacco. &c, for Hah and Johnson, T. S. Lutterloh, Geo. McNeill, Geo. B. Atkins. T. C. Blake. C. P. Mallett, D. Johnson, H. L. Myrover, C. T. Haigh, J. D. Williams, A. W. Steel, J. Dodd, and J. Marline. PORT OF WILMIXGTOJT. ARRIVED SINCE 28th ulto. April 29. Schr. Afmer Patton, Thompson, Philadelphia. Schr. W arsaw, McGrath, Boston. May 3. Brig, Aurora, Sanford, Mobile. 4. Schr. Regulus, Marston, N. York. CLEJIRED. April 28. BrigWm. E. Tollman, Hunt, Georgetown, (D. C.) Schr. Rosario, Taylor, N. York. 29. Brig Majestic, Dyer, Porto Rico. Brig Premium, Foster, Surinam. Schr. Kenduekeag, Mitchell, Boston. 30- Brig Belle, Purnell, N. York. . payettevillb; Brandy, peach, " apple, Bacon, Beeswax, Butter, Bale Rope, Cotton ifarn, Coffee, Cotton, Cotton Bain2, Corn, Copperas, Cundlcs, F. F. Flaxseed, Flour, Feathers, Hides, Ereon, drv Iron, bar. .Lead, bar, Lime, Lard, Molaase.1, Nails, cut, Oats, Oil, Linseed, per eallon. Powder, ke, Kags, per 100 lbs. Salt.per bushel, back, Sagar, brown, " ' lump, loaf, Tallow, Tin, per bbr. Tobacco, lea' Wheat, Whiskey-, Wool, . 50 a jgOO C3 00 45 a 00 50 00 7 a 00 '8 00 25 a 00 20 12 je 00 8 a 00 JO 98 a 25 00 121 a 00 131 00 7 a Ott 16 00 25 a Ot) 20 55 a . 31 4 00 17 a 00 75 a 80 5 a 6 00 34 a tto 371 O0 4 a 00 .5 00 12j a 00 14 5 a 1 7 a 8 3i a 2 8 a 81 30 . Gj a 7 95 a SO 85 a 80 61 21 75 a 1 90 a t 8 a 00 12 IG a 00 00 13 a Oi) 20 10 a 11 13J 3 a 5 35 15 20 WILMINGTON. Bacon, Butter, Beeswax, Rale Rope, dull, Brandy, apple, Corn, per bushel, Coffee, Cotton, per 100 lbs. Cotton Bagging, dall. Flour, per bbl. Gin, American, Lime, bbl., Molasses, Pitch, at (he Stills, Rice, per ICO lbs. Ram, N. E. - Pagar, brown. Turpentine, oft, per bbl. - Turpentine, hard Tar, per bbl. Pitch ; An ' Rosin', do . El . t. J - Schr. C. M. Thompson. Lvntnire. PhIK-1 -w;- s ji 0 - f - " w W 5X M , 1 :otton Tufti'Histor, Col. delphia. May i. Br. schr. Roseway, Walt, St. Tbo- nia.?. 4 BriS Hc!en, Cnism, for Berlin. Country, Contract. do ' 00 S a 800 8 17 22 26 a JS 6 a 8 T 42 a 40 49 a 53 II 13 9 00 a gi 00 20 a 6 56 a 6 40 a 35 f 10 a I CO 22 24 1 75 2 '.;, 12 a 3 (0 30 a 32 7J a 9 2 05 halfprice 1 16 a 1 75 a 2 Cf. 1 2S 2 50 8 25 a 8 50 6 oO a 6 50 1 75 2 00 3 00 4 00

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